Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,464 replies, has 835 voices, and was last updated by  Neilithicman 11 hours, 8 minutes ago.

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  • A very quick post.
    Just needed to say hi to Lindsay. Pleased that your husband has a treatment he can tolerate and better scan results. Finding a specialist who will help him to recover his speech is also a blessing for someone who loved to talk.

    My family has had more bad news. My aunt developed pneumonia a few days ago and passed away this morning.

    I’ll talk more later.

    LJ, so sorry for your loss. Your uncle, cousin and now your aunt all passing so close together.

    CG, lovely to have that special time with your daughter. I never had a good relationship with my mother and resolved to do better with my own daughter. I feel very fortunate to have a close relationship with her. Having a child of my own made me even more puzzled about my own parents’ approach to parenting.

    Neil, a mixed blessing to receive the cooked meals but not necessarily the food you’d choose. I’m always looking up and ahead when cruising, hoping to see an owl on a branch or the flash of a kingfisher.

    Cinque, glad to hear your eyes are in good health.

    FD tomorrow, Thursday, and then back into Sunday/Wednesday.

    Hi Thin, yep, fasting tomorrow too, today went out the window🥴like you my relationship with my Mum wasn’t the best, I stayed loyal to her, but gee she made my life hard, yet with my daughter, it’s so precious to feel that love and closeness ❤️I know we raise kids (my daughter is 50) differently to the way we were raised, “to be seen and not heard” but I still think it boils down to personal attitude. My weight, even though zigzagging is staying the same😵‍💫wondering if I started back on a plateau, and my meals are all pretty similar to each other….especially calorie wise, so I don’t really get the benefit of fasting…….
    Ljoyce, I’m sorry to hear about your loss, it sad no matter the age or person, it’s always a shock. She is in a better place💖
    Have a positive evening everyone, 🌻CG

    CG, “seen and not heard” made me laugh. My dad’s mantra. It seems parenting has gone to the other extreme – so many over-indulged children given no boundaries. At least we were taught how to behave in a restaurant (if and when we were lucky enough to be taken) and how to be considerate of others.

    I hope your FD is going well as I embark on mine. I’m painting the gunwales today so I won’t have my mind on food hopefully. It’s a beautiful sunny morning after ten hours of heavy rain yesterday.

    Morning all. Home safe and sound from our break – and it is lovely to be home. Rosy is still at the kennel ….they rang me yesteray with concerns that she’s lost weight…such a picky eater. They resorted to hand feeding her, but she tosses that glorious red head back as if to say, ‘you eat it if it’s so good.’ It isn’t that she’s pining. She loves it there and has the best of times. Just a difficult eater, as some setters are.

    I got on the scales this morning, and oh my! Holidays! With the best of intentions, we ate too much of food we wouldn’t usually eat. Restaurant food is like that, and although I cooked some meals in the apartments, we were limited in Palm Cove. So, back on the horse today.

    It isn’t exactly botox Mr L is having ….but a botox-like substance that swells one vocal chord so it moves closer to the other, to generate sound. Save the botox for me! I’ve sure aged since he got sick.

    Countrygal, Cinque and Thin (and others, of course), how precious time with our childen is. I am so lucky that our two, after living interstate and overseas, have settled back in Brisbane, a stone’s throw from where we are. They have been such a tremendous support, and I to them, I hope.

    Beautiful pics Thin.

    Neil, glad all is going well with Mrs Neil

    OK off to put on the washing (such a grounding thing to do), before we go and get the tornado.

    Lovely day all.

    LJ I saw your post after I’d hit send.
    Thank you for the welcome back.
    I am very sorry to hear your sad news. Too many losses for you, recently. Hope you are okay. Sending hugs.

    Saturday morning,

    Hello everyone,
    LJoyce, so many heartfelt wishes, you must feel worn out from grieving for family who have been so important in your life.

    Lindsay, welcome home. I must say a ‘botox like substance’ sounds a bit better than my image of a huge Ab Fab style botox needle poking at Mr Lindsay’s vocal chords.
    Hooray for kids living nearby <3 <3

    CG, I grew up with the ‘seen and not heard’ comments too (mostly the older relatives) and also a tricky relationship with my mum. She did her best with 7 kids, no money, bad health and an abusive husband though, so I mostly thank her for all she did manage to do.

    I did need a couple of days of recovery from the optometrist and decided that I’ll stick with seeing the specialist near by as she is so quick and efficient (and nearby), while at the College of Optometry I get a slow student doing every possible test they can think of, followed by the supervisor repeating them all to check.

    I picked my spaghetti squash (only 4 from 4 plants, but still). And cut back the pumpkin in the hope it will put all its energy into developing the two biggest pumpkins left on. (I picked two cricket ball sized ones which I will slice and cook with plenty of garlic and chili 🙂 )

    Sending good wishes to everyone. Fast day tomorrow.

    Good afternoon from yet another soggy day in Sydney

    LJ, I am so very sorry to hear you have another sad loss in your family. My heart goes out to you

    It was wonderful to hear from you Lindsay and I’m glad Mr Lindsay is doing ok. Don’t worry about holiday pounds, they will melt away once you are back in your routine. We used to love Palm Cove in the days before they over-developed it. Such a shame

    My weight is currently hovering at around 91.5, down from just over 95. Mr Anzac is tired a lot and so doing two different meals just isn’t feasible right now. I’m trying to keep portion sizes low and I refuse to let food comfort me through this. Work is crazy and I need to get ahead (thus working this weekend) for the time when I can’t work and need to look after hubby. So I am doing little or no exercise but I hope to get back into my walking next week

    Cinque, Mr Anzac loves his garden as much as you do and almost every day now proudly comes in with something delicious that he has grown. Our spinach has gone crazy so are having green drinks every day with spinach, some type of fruit and water. Not my favourite (it’s green right?) but I bravely down it as I know it is so good for me. I do hope your pumpkins develop nicely

    A big hi to everyone else, must get back to writing test cases. I said to Mr Anzac just before “If they really wanted to punish prisoners in jail, they should make them write endless test cases”. SO. VERY. BORING! But a necessity. Sigh – no more distractions Anzac!

    Cinque, I enjoyed reading about the spaghetti squash yield. If they’re as dense with spaghetti as I remember, that will still give you many meals. I laughed about the slow students. I once wanted to support students learning to take PAP smears (everyone has to learn) until I read that the percentages of false negatives was about as high as in one’s GP surgery – the reason I’d gone to the clinic in the first place.

    Lindsay, your post sounded upbeat and positive, happy for you. I can imagine your OH’s weak voice being socially isolating as I know how my OH feels in a crowded room with his deafness. Can I suggest he be given a large spoon to hold up when he wants to speak?

    Anzac, hmm not sure how I feel about the green drinks but I know spinach cooks down to nothing so i like to add it to soups. My OH commented the other day that my FD meals take longer to cook and taste the best. Something to think about if elimination of one style of meal is required due to Mr A’s fatique. You wouldn’t be hampered like me with no freezer. OH seems happy with my endless ‘chicken somethings’ loaded up with carbs. I decided never to return to Port Douglas for similar reasons when I heard it had been developed. I’ll remember it forever as a sleepy fishing village.

    Still nudging 60kg (from below). No mystery though, my NFDs are still not under control. Yesterday I spent three hours crouched over painting 57 feet of gunwales followed by a three hour r/t walk through fields to hear a jazz band. Utterly knackered when we got back and a 100g gain on the scales proving that I can’t rely on exercise for weight loss.

    Evening all. A big day for us at a dog show, but a successful one. That championship is getting much closer. It is nice to be out with such good people, and OH can just take himself away for a snooze in the car when he gets tired.

    I know what you mean Thin about fishing villages and overdevelopment. we’ve been going to Port Douglas now for a very long time, and actualy I think they’ve held the development there in check, pretty much. I didn’t know Palm Cove beforehand Anzac, and although there are a lot of big hotels/resorts there, the main street was very pretty and quiet and tree lined. Compared to Stradbroke though, they are very resorty.

    Anzac, you are doing so well to have shed those kilos. It will be a bit hard as OH goes through his treatment. Well, it was for me. OH didn’t want me to cook two separate meals (and he had to really up his calories and protein intake particularly) but he also wanted to go out more for coffee and cake. Happy to oblige, although I used to try to order a black coffee and a slice of sourdough. But I did find meals quite hard to get the balance right.

    Thin I love the spoon idea. My OH is very quick, and has that wonderful sharp Glasgow humour. My kids too. But OH’s quick ripostes tend to get lost in the back and forth. Fingers crossed for his AB Fab treatment (nice image, Cinque 🙂

    I had my first FD in a while yesterday (down .8) and although I hadn’t planned one today, because we were out much longr than I expected I didn’t have food, so another FD is has turned out to be (although 200 calories are from Lindt chocolate, which I am sure the good Doctor M would say isn’t the plan).

    And now it’s time to make a chicken salad for dinner, and to give Mr L a quick poke in the ribs because it is Saturday night, which means it is Gin and Tonic (low cal of course) time ….and I have a newly picked lemon to go with it.

    I’m thinking of you LJ. Too much loss, too much sadness. Hope you are okay.

    Good evening everyone, been a busy week, yet when I try to reflect, I have no idea where the time has gone🥴either I’m getting slower, or try to fit too much in….. I saw my Dr Tuesday and asked about more pain meds for this chronic back issue. he said I’m on as high as he wants me now (or I’ll be flying without wings) ! I asked for the flu shot, so we went into the treatment room, only to find they didn’t have any😳so he said he’d give me the Shingles injection as I qualify with age (or they are $250 per injection😧) so sometimes getting old (er)) 😂 has an advantage , plus he started me on a course of vitamin B injections at my request in the hope my energy will start to return. So, a shot for each arm and still no flu shot😂 my big new is I have bought the most beautiful cat, he is a 12 month old Ragdoll, don’t know how to post pics here, but take my word for it. He is just so handsome. The owner has taken very ill, so the daughter needed to find a home for him, not free, quite expensive, but after losing my Maggie age 19 a few months back, I have a huge empty void to fill. I am naming him Monty, it just sooo suits him, still not sure what they called him due to language issues🤔my weight is steadily the same😂….I’m doing very low cal days, lots of water, all to no avail, but know I’m healthy so will soldier on feeling positive with life. Too much sadness about to allow it to control my thoughts, but I have nipped weight gain in the bud by eating consciously and not just nibbling😃 Have a lovely weekend one and all, happiness is a choice that no body can take from you 🌻CG

    Good morning,
    I am fasting today instead of yesterday.
    I’m soaking things for my miso soup.

    Hi Thin, hooray for fast day meals that taste the best. Interesting point about them taking longer. I think there is something in that. 🙂

    That is such a lot of painting, especially bent over. I imagine it might have caused some inflammation and your clever body has held onto that extra 100g of water it needs for healing.

    Lindsay, Go Rosy!

    Isn’t it terrible how any disruption seems to up-end good eating practices. What an indictment on our food culture that it is so hard to eat well in hard times.

    CountryGal, doesn’t time behave oddly!
    So glad to think of you protected from shingles. (I must chase up my flu injection too.) And I do hope those vitamin B injections work their magic.

    My son-in-law brought home a most gorgeous black and white ragdoll kitten several years ago. Oh he was the most beautiful cat. He was called Max.
    What is yours called? I am sure he will be a wonderful addition to your household.

    How frustrating that your weight is not shifting. Well done keeping steadfast, it will still be so good for your health, and surely you will notice your clothes getting looser soon.

    Sending special wishes to the Anzac’s, the Cali’s, and the Neil’s, I hope today is a good day. <3
    Miso the cat is on my knee sending best wishes too (so long as I rub her head).

    Best wishes everyone.

    Good morning Cinque, good morning fasters😃 fasting intently today, no slip ups or excuses😂 Cinque I’m naming him Montugue….Monty, from his pics it suits him beautifully….not sure of his name at the moment, the owner is Persian and after asking twice, still not sure what she said. I’m just going up to get him a collar and harness so we can walk in the garden, he will be an indoor boy, but it would feel cruel to me to not let him feel grass under his paws, and let him sniff around the garden, do I sound excited, I feel like a kid waiting for Xmas……enjoy your day everyone, stay positive and if fasting, think of the good it’s doing you 🌻CG

    P.s., thinking of our sickies, and wishing you all a comfortable and speedy recovery 😘CG

    Good afternoon everyone.

    After my rapid water loss in the first week, my second week weight loss has been painstakingly slow. Not helped by a birthday lunch at a smorgasbord restaurant yesterday. I stuck with chicken and veg dishes and had one small plate (and skipped dinner), but I still gained half a kilo yesterday. Which wiped out any loss this week. It was probably due to the salt in the meal as I would not have been over my TDEE for the day. I’m drinking lots of water today to try and flush it out. I’m straight back on my Fast800 routine. By staying away from high carb foods yesterday it makes it much easier to get back onto my low cal regime. As usual I made a cake for the birthday boy (my eldest great nephew who was turning 26). https://imgur.com/a/CXcjx1O He has become predictable in his cake requests – red velvet cake again. I never cease to be horrified by the volume of red food colour required to make that cake red (I use 1 1/2 tblsps for a 2 tier cake, and that’s half of what most recipes call for.) I hate adding things that can’t possibly be healthy and contribute nothing to the flavour of the cake. For me baking is always about flavour & texture and not appearance.

    CG, how wonderful that you have a new addition to the family. We’d love a pic of Monty. The rest of us do this using Imgur https://imgur.com/upload Just get the photo into imgur by any of the methods mentioned (I use my laptop and the “choose photo” option, which takes me to my Windows Explorer folder where I can select from my photo files. However if you are on a phone or tablet it’s probably easier to use the “drag” option.) Once the photo(s) is on imgur, you just copy the https link at the top of the screen and paste it into your post on the 5:2 site.
    How frustrating that the weight isn’t shifting, despite low cal days – mine hasn’t shifted this week either, but it should eventually.

    Cinque, Hope you had an excellent FD, I’m sure it was healthier than my restaurant meal. I’m keeping an eye on my GPs website too, as they will be opening fluvax bookings soon.

    Lindsay, your Rosy is making quite a name for herself in the dog ring.
    I’m sure Dr M would be understanding of the Lindt chocolate indiscretion – I seem to remember that he confessed to a chocolate addiction in one of his many tv shows.
    Hope Mr Ls treatment goes well and he is fine voice again soon.

    Thin, I agree with Cinque on the impact of all that painting. Sounds like you will be in need of a physio (or at least a good massage) after that.

    Anzac, sounds like you are awfully busy as usual. How lovely that Ms A is still getting such joy from the garden. Not sure I’d cope with daily green smoothies though.

    I spent last Friday with my late-cousin’s daughter at my late-aunt’s house. We had to find photo’s and her favourite music for the funeral. It took a while, but we got it sorted in the end. I’ve been asked to speak at the funeral, so I’m still pondering what to say, I have time to work it out as the funeral is not until this Friday.

    I’ve had fun lately trying to put together a collection of indoor plants. Every time I go near the shops I seem to come with one or two. This morning it was three! After a lot of hunting, I found a very narrow but tall shelving unit that fits perfectly in the lounge room. (That took a while as I needed to be able to water the highest plants without climbing a ladder.) This new unit gives me the space to finally display family photos that have remained packed since I moved house 3 years ago and also to add more indoor plants. I probably have enough plants now, although I’m still searching for more nice pots to put them in – for the moment I’m making do with what I had on hand. Finding new pots is taking a while, as I don’t want the pots to match – just to coordinate nicely with each other. This is the work in progress so far, while I hunt for 4 more pots: https://imgur.com/a/TdoS9lN

    Funny how I can write my meal plan for the week, but as soon as it approaches I’ll feel quite unmotivated to do the amount of shopping and cooking required. That was this morning’s revelation. So the planned cauliflower fried rice and laksa meals that had been panned for the first few days of this week were ditched this morning for simple warm salads. I bought bags of pre-shredded salad veg and small lamb, beef and chicken steaks. I just need to mix the veg together and divide between 3 bowls then cook a steak each night to go with it – very easy with lots of low carb veg.

    Hope you are all having a good day.

    Hi LJoyce, I downloaded the app, so will try to show you Monty. Golly, what a beautiful cake you did, are/were you a professional or is it a hobby, absolutely beautiful ❤️ https://imgur.com/user/glenleameadows02718 Don’t know what I did 😂😂hope it’s not a naked pic of me 😂😂lets see if it works 🌻CG

    Haha, yay, I checked, that’s my new baby Monty ❤️❤️❤️don’t know how to enlarge it but you can see him 😃

    CG, all I see there is the naked photo of you, I can’t find Monty in it at all.

    Haha 😂😂😂 😘

    LJ, it’s nice to read of your adding house plants. It was one of those funny things we noticed when we first moved to Australia but that later just became normal – people don’t seem to have indoor plants. In the USA, it was very common.

    LJ and Cinque, thanks for the input on the crouched position painting. This morning, we’re going into the basin for pump-out, turning the boat around and I’ll be repeating the exercise on the port side. I didn’t really want to turn around yet as we have a beautiful view of the basin but the waste tank indicator looks desperate and we’re not keen to find out what happens if it’s over-capacity. Three days until my dental appointment so that’ll give me time to scrape rust, treat it and get the gunwale painting completed.

    Cinque, good observation about why we turn to food in difficult times. And in which decade that might have begun. I never heard my parents comment that they were ‘so stressed out’ that they’d ‘eaten a loaf of bread’. I can identify with comfort eating on one level. When I was obsessed and unhappy with my weight, I would just throw my hands up and eat. But now that I am a healthy weight, I don’t allow major setbacks to derail me – when I was selling our family home (supposedly one of the most stressful things in life), I went the other way and lost several more kgs. I suppose it’s all about using food as control. Yet I never understood that either – I always felt I had lost control when I overate.

    FD moderately successful but I think I must give up the milk in tea and coffee and go back to being more strict about it. And of course, a lot more attention to NFDs. I’d hoped by now I’d be back on 6:1 but that’s not happening any time soon.

    CG, seriously, I don’t see Monty either though … did you copy and post the URL shown to the upper right of the actual photo?

    What URL? I can see him on this posting……I’m quite lost now..😢

    I found tapping on that https above opened to the pic 🤔

    Yep, you’ve got it now. I’m not a cat person but he is gorgeous.

    CG, what a gorgeous cat. Glad you worked out imgur for phone/tablet.
    No I have never been a professional baker. I love baking as a hobby, but seriously dislike decorating the results. That why I rely on simple things like fresh berries and bought chocolates to do the hard work for me. My family know that my cakes will be rustic. They don’t complain – probably worried about being cut off from the cake supply if they do. I have a 19yo great nephew who also likes baking, but is more interested in the decorating phase – we should probably team up.

    Ahhh, so you CAN see it 😃 he turns 1 (one) today❤️The weekend wont come quick enough, just hanging fir my first of many cuddles💝
    Thin I thought you were having a lend of me😂 NO IDEA how I did it, my app looks different to the demo on you tube, but at least you can see him.
    LJoyce it’s funny how our likes and dislikes differ from others to be in our favour . I have tops etc like that, compliments from others yet I hate it on me🥴
    Well, fasting went okay, not as strict as I’d hoped, but better being conscious about what I eat, rather than thinking I deserve it😉
    Sleep well, 🌻CG

    CG, I genuinely couldn’t see it with your first link, got it with the second.
    LG, I think you’re being too modest about your cake baking and decorating. I agree about the red stuff, but, as you said before you don’t have to like it, their wish is your command, you’re not judging! I can usually take or leave cake but DD did bring OH a particualrly delish one from Waitrose and I did succumb.

    Haha, 😂Thin I was confused cause I didn’t know how to do it, probably forget by next time🥴bloody age……. all’s good, glad you think he’s a handsome boy 💝

    Good evening everyone.

    It’s really quite late to post, but it took ages to catch up on all the news. Shows how long it’s been since I last posted – oops!

    Anzac65, Good that Mr Anzac is starting treatment. Stand firm against your project manager. Sounds like he’s being quite unreasonable given the circumstances.

    Countrygal1, great picture of Monty – saw him in the second imgur, first imgur had nothing. He looks a lovely cat for you to enjoy.

    LJoyce, my sympathies re the loss of your aunt. I’m sure you’ll speak well at the funeral. Lovely cake. I think the decoration is lovely. I certainly wouldn’t complain to be given a cake like that for my birthday!

    LindsayL, good that the immunotherapy seems to be working well. I do hope the procedure on Friday gives Mr L back some voice. I agree with the second doctor. Fancy thinking waiting a year was okay! Yay Rosy!

    Thin, lovely photos of the buzzard. Sure hope he survived. Great that OH has been able to fix the toilet – hope it stays fixed. Also hope the painting of the other side of the boat gets done efficiently and well, and that a dental cancellation comes up while you’re still moored at your current site.

    Neilithicman, how lovely of all your neighbours and friends to prepare the house so beautifully for Mrs Neil’s return. Good that she has family to look in on her each day. I’m sure you’ll work out a way to exercise as the cooler weather approaches. You managed last year.

    Cinque, glad the eye exam went well, but what a marathon. Yes, I’d stick with the specialist if you can afford to.
    Re Dr M’s program, I remember now that links to the first two weeks were posted on another forum, and that’s how I was able to see them. There was no link to the final week, so I’m looking forward to seeing the end results this week.

    For me? Busy. I’ve now bought and set up a new Dell laptop to use for my studies. I really don’t know how long my Toshiba will last. I’ll keep using it for “personal” things, but not for the study. It has this constant hum when on so I think there’s a problem with the fan. Now I’ve another laptop, I might see if this one can be fixed.
    Weight? Okay. Not starring, but down about a kilo so far for the month so I’m happy with that. I keep doing CDs, 1000-1400 calories, instead of proper FDs. I manage FD800s better than FD500, but haven’t got there yet. It will come. As a friend of mine often says “Can’t rush these things” 🙂

    Bed is calling. I’ll try to be a little more diligent re posting. Goodnight all.

    Morning all

    Wow it’s been busy on this thread, I have to say sorry to hear about your Aunt LJoyce. You really have had a bad run recently.

    I’m working from home this week, which can have both positives and negatives. Negatives, I’m stationed at the kitchen table with food at easy access in the cupboards and fridge, The kitchen table is not ideal or overly comfortable to work at and the laptop I have to work at really is no replacement for my pc with two large monitors that I have in the office. Positives, it’s warmer at home, I have the option to go out for a ride or walk at lunchtime if the weather is good (today it’s not), I can be around my wife if she needs anything, I save money from the ridiculous petrol prices at the moment (over $3 a litre at times) and on coffee or food.

    We had someone from our Church drop around a meal to eat tonight. Luckily she knows that I try to limit starch so she made a big chicken casserole but gave the potatoes that she usually adds into the casserole in a separate container so I can add it to my boys food but leave it out of mine. So thoughtful of her.

    Our garden is continuing to impress and I now have a big stash of broccoli, celery and golden silverbeet to deal with over this week. I’m thinking of sauteing up some of the silverbeet with some onions and lentils to eat for lunch (another benefit of working from home is I can cook up some home veggies for lunch without having to prepare it the night before.) Since the casserole is there for dinner and I don’t have to cook tonight I’ll have time to bottle up the pears that we picked off our trees. I’ll have to hunt out some of my agee jars because we have a whole box of them this year. That will keep us going over the winter.

    Well have a great one everyone

    Morning all.
    FDs under my belt for the week. Not that I’m actually wearing a belt again…but you get the picture.

    Thin, I agree about LJ’s cake-making. Highly professional, from the pics we’ve seen over the years. Fabulous, in fact.

    LJ, here’s a question (probably ridiculous). Can you use beetroot instead of food colouring in the red velvet cake? If we can use carrot in cake, why not beetroot?

    CG, what a divine puss. Like Cinque, I couldn’t see the first post, but the second one was great. So very cuddly and fluffy.

    How are you going Anzac….and how is Mr Anzac’s treatment progressing?
    My OH has another immunotherapy today – apart from being a bit tired, he’s coping so so well with this treatment. Hope Mr A’s treatment is gentle too.

    Cinque, re good eating practices. I was really shocked by the restaurant food we had while we were away. Even food which I cook at home (eg poached eggs) was trissed up with extra calories. I mean, how can you ruin a poached egg? A lot of restaurants were closed, or with limited menus because of staff shortages. But many of the choices still on their menus were of the xxxx with chips variety. Not what I wanted at all.

    Love your plant/photo stand LJ. Lovely to be able to position your pics and plants where they can be seen so easily. I have been nurturing a maidenhair fern which doesn’t play ball ….survives, but doesn’t thrive. I popped it out in the garden while I was away (shaded, but under the sprinkler) and it has thrown up heaps of new shoots. How contrary. I am also growing a begonia in an exquisite green patterned pot my DD gave me ….and it decided to flower while I was away. Just a little white blossom, but so pretty.

    Nice to read your post Betsy. Good to have a backup computer. Oooh, the thought of losing any work to a hardware fail is scary. Good for a kilo down …one each month is 12 in a year, and who could be disappointed with that?

    OK off to the hospital – good day all.

    Lindsay, beetroot can’t be used in cake. Or anything else. 😃

    I’m just having a giggle about Thin’s comment. She’s as beetroot averse as I am.
    Lindsay, I have seen a red velvet cake recipe that contains beetroot, but admit I didn’t read it. The problem would be that it changes both flavour and texture. Red velvet is meant to be roughly the texture of a light Victoria Sponge with the flavour delicately balanced between chocolate and vanilla.
    Lindsay my mother had a flourishing maidenhair fern and she used to actually burn the fronds back (not sure how often) – it bounced back with renewed vigour each time.

    Betsy, Lindsay & Thin, As to the question of whether my baking is professional. When I was in my teens, my mother suggested I make a career of baking. I said that if I had to do it every day it would no longer be a joy, I’d grow to hate it.

    Betsy, your laptop purchase reminds me that I really need to get researching laptops so that I can replace my geriatric Dell laptop.

    Neil, what lovely friends who try to make life easier for you, very thoughtful. Also very glad that your employer is happy for you to work from home so you can support Mrs N. I wonder if our experiences over the covid period have brought many employers to a similar realisation, that the answer to such a request can be yes.

    I slipped easily back into Fast800 and the water weight from Sunday’s lunch disappeared after one 800cal day and lots of water. I’m keeping it simple at the moment with a large leafy salad and a small piece of grilled meat each night. It has made life easy as it takes so little preparation time.

    After letting ideas percolate in my head for a while, I finally managed to write my eulogy for the funeral. As there will be several speakers, I decided to keep it brief and focus on her greatest quality – generosity, especially with her time.

    Take care everyone.

    Thin. LJ. Really! Beetroot is a fabulous food. My son makes a beetroot, walnut and goat cheese salad (over green leaves) and it is heaven …and so so pretty.

    I have been off for some TLC for me today – I have been looking decidedly scruffy, with garden nails and shudder …a hair growing on my chin! I took the little ones to school this morning – We were sitting in the sunshine, and the 7 year old grabbed it thinking it was an eyelash. I don’t know which of us was more surprised. Enough to send me off for a manicure/pedicure and for the first time, a wax. (too much information Neil…and others?) Ah, the blessings of anonymity.

    My dear dear son decided that he didn’t get to talk to us with the children around all the time, so now comes every Wednesday night for dinner, after he and his wife put the little ones to bed. She likes it too because it gives her time to catch up on work, or shows that DS isn’t interested in. It’s such a nice ritual, but tonight we are meeting at the local Thai. It will be nice, although at 8pm past my mealtime. I still practise TRE, so my first meal tomorrow will be after noon. Worth it, though.

    No other news from this front – except I am being quite controlled in my eating, and it’s showing. I saw the doctor today – the woman this time. My man doctor is for knees down, and neck up. I feel tired, constantly, and it’s been a while since I had my thyroid checked (I don’t have a thyroid gland) She was pleased to note that I had lost 5 kilos since I last saw her, which was a couple of years ago now. Hopefully the thyroid is a little off, and that could account for some of the weight sliding back on.

    How are you Cinque? – not like you, not to post. it’s nice being back on the forum and checking to see what you are all up to.

    Not long now til your new pal arrives CountryGal.

    Good evening all.

    Still around a kilo down. I had a very heavy day yesterday, both chores at my place and then helping a friend by cleaning her garage – mainly the floor, but moving items, sweeping, then replacing them, etc. It was overall very tiring, and by the end of it, all I could think was that I needed to eat. Fortunately my friend fed me so I didn’t have to think about food preparation. Unfortunately, it included brown rice, a creamy chicken casserole with mushroom and bacon, followed by lemon delicious pudding. Yum, yum, yum! Kindly, the scales showed no increase this morning so I think I must be down around my next “plateau” weight. I did expend a lot of energy, too, so probably didn’t exceeds the TDEE for the day.

    LindsayL, how good that the current immunotherapy for Mr L isn’t proving too onerous for him to bear. Long may that continue!
    A hair on your chin? I just pluck any that dare show their faces 🙂 Still, it’s nice you had a day where you received some TLC just for you.
    Great to get a positive comment from the doctor. Did she order thyroid function tests just to check?

    Neilithicman, some good positives about working from home, provided the distractions are minimised, especially the benefits of being able to freshly cook vegetables for lunch.

    Thin and LJoyce – you don’t like beetroot?! Well, I’ll admit that I don’t like olives or coffee, so that almost makes us even 🙂

    LJoyce, re laptops, I looked on the Dell Australia website for laptop deals. The one I bought cost $1399 AUD reduced from around $2200. Of course, I also bought 4 years of servicing (down 40%) and a bluetooth mouse so overall it was around $1600. To me, though expensive, it was a really good deal. Certainly much cheaper than if I’d tried to buy the computer through a retail outlet.
    The laptop is 15.6″, has 16 GB of RAM and a 1 TB SSD. I’d been looking at one with a 512 GB SSD that was $200 cheaper, but decided to go for the bigger storage capacity. Because I have Office 365 now, all my files from my desktop were automatically transferred to the laptop, which makes life so much easier for my doctorate work.

    Okay, enough technicalities.

    Thin, I hope the painting of the second side of the boat is either complete or well on the way.

    Anzac65, hope Mr A is coping with his treatment. Has it actually started yet?

    Enough for now. Goodnight everyone. Stay safe and well.

    Hi Friends,
    I am hanging out to write a proper post and will soon, but right now I am hoping people might be online and can give some feedback about this idea I am going to pitch to a local community house.
    I am inspired by our group and how it is longterm, ongoing support that helps us get the good habits in place to maintain a healthy weight. That’s why your feedback would be good.

    Please read and let me know what you think. Also if you can think of a catchy name for the group!

    A one term pilot project to provide weekly support for community members who are working to lose excess weight, or maintain their weight. Hoping it will be successful and become ongoing.
    This group is for all people who could use community support, no matter what weight loss diet or technique they are using.

    Many people find it difficult to maintain a healthy weight and may blame themselves, or feel blamed by society because they are overweight or obese. They may face abuse and discrimination.
    Most diets work, but after the diet it can be hard to stop the weight from creeping back on. People who put weight back on after losing it, can feel demoralised and that they are failures.
    However, research shows that genes, time stress, sedentary lives, sleep problems, poverty, ultra processed foods, our old habits and the habits of those around us, all play a role in the rising obesity in the community.
    People need to know their excess weight is not their fault, and they deserve support as they make changes to their diet and lifestyle to help lose weight and/or maintain a healthy weight.

    Anyone who thinks the group would be useful. New people can join at any time, people are not expected to attend every meeting. If we get more than 15 regular participants we might need to consider whether to limit the group or start another one.

    One hour of moderated discussion as follows:
    Moderation is light but is there to keep people (mostly) on topic, keep everyone safe and included, and note issues that might be best sorted by a visit to a GP or a dietician.

    Brief overview of aims and how the meeting will work (as above)
    House rules:
    (These may change as needed)
    Keep it nice!
    Different things work for different people, respect the decisions others make for their health.
    Don’t try to sell diets or ideas, you can let us know what is working for you and answer questions if they are asked.

    Touch base:
    Go around with 1 – 2 min sharing of who you are, why you are here, how the last week has been.

    Weekly Topic:
    Introduce this topic (eg snacks, sleep, breakfast, social occasions, vegetables, shopping) as a springboard to talk about the many different issues around weight gain, loss and maintenance.
    Free ranging discussion, making sure everyone has a chance to contribute.
    It would be good to have a guest speaker for at least one session (Dietician from Community Health, perhaps) to assess how that goes.
    Participants can let the moderator know any suggestions for future topics

    Wind up:
    Feed back the main takeaways of the discussion.
    Who has (easy, sustainable) goals for the next week?
    Let participants know they can use the kitchen to get a cuppa and keep chatting if they wish.

    Good afternoon everyone.

    Betsy, thanks for the laptop info. I have been happy with my current Dell laptop so am quite open to getting another one from them. I am limited by the type of ports built into some of their new models – they don’t accommodate my trackball mouse or my kindle. My current laptop is still plodding along, so I do have the luxury of time to do some proper research.
    As to the food dislikes – I’m with you on the coffee and olives, I don’t like them either.
    Not surprised that your weight remained stable on your busy days. Being active all day burns so much more energy than an hour of exercise and then lots of sitting.

    Lindsay, my dislike of beetroot is very longstanding. The picked version featured in childhood and I thought it was awful – far too sweet. The sweetness in foods that I expected to be savoury was the problem, because I loved polski ogorki (dill pickles) and sour pickled onions, but hated sweet gherkins and sweet pickled onions. I’m afraid all of those food prejudices prevail to this day.
    Wonderful that you had a pampering day. Also wonderful that you are getting to spend quality time with your son.

    Cinque, what a thoughtful and special person you are, trying to come up with ways to help your community.
    Your starting point sounds great. Do you plan to be the moderator of the group, just get it started, or find other community members that want to do it?
    I do have some suggestions for your consideration. I can’t offer suggestions for a catchy name however – not my forte.
    – In the first session it’s important to have someone speak about keeping health issues monitored while losing weight – preferably a dietitian or GP. It can impact things like blood sugars and blood pressure and medication may need to be adjusted as people lose weight. Someone from the medical field probably needs to cover this.
    – While you need to initially have a list of weekly topics to address, this could eventually become something the group decides – perhaps as part of the wrap up session. That doesn’t mean you can’t nudge people toward a topic that has clearly been an issue for a number of people during recent group discussion.
    – Once the group has formed bonds they may want to consider also having an online forum like ours (a private facebook group perhaps). The trick with this is to not let it negate the need for face to face contact, which is why the group needs to establish strongly first. I’m suggesting online because it would enable people with family obligations, disabilities, health issues etc, that may make it difficult for them to come to the group regularly to still maintain contact and receive support from the group. It is also useful for those times when people need to talk more often than weekly. It is also a forum where they can organise other things – maybe a group walk, a trip to the fresh produce markets or a picnic day where they bring families. (I realise I’m getting a bit ahead of myself here, but I can see the long term potential of this group to provide support that is even boarder than diet.) This may also be a way of encouraging mature groups being more self-supporting, without the need for a weekly moderator, allowing the group moderator to start a new group.
    – One of the things that works well with our 5:2 forum is that we have members who are maintaining and others losing weight. We have people who have been her for years and others for less time who are supported by those with more experience. I think it’s one of the strengths of our group. It’s worth considering whether that will be part of the face to face groups – especially if they are closed to new members when they get too big.
    I’ll keep thinking about this, and if more ideas pop into my head I’ll let you know.

    My weight has finally jumped down again. Only by half a kilo but after losing nothing last week, it’s a welcome change and I can hope for more by the end of the week. Today for the first time I felt thinner. For me this is usually the sensation that my elbow is no longer hitting any body fat on the side of my torso when I walk, because that area feels lean and contoured again – when I’m standing up anyway, sitting is another story.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Thankyou so much LJoyce,
    Just the sort of feedback I need. I will make that statement about medical supervision as part of the start.
    Yes, I will run the group, but I hope, if it is successful, that we can draw up the structure and others can start up new ones maybe in the evening or for particular groups, and at different venues if there is enough interest.
    I think I could only do once a week.
    You are right about a facebook group. That would be part of the evaluation.
    It will be so interesting to see who comes. I spoke to the staff at the community house and they were very encouraging. There had been a couple of 12 step programs (overeaters anonymous, food addicts) run there over the years, but I think this would suit a wider number of people. And yes, I hope it is a diverse group.

    Cinque, I’m suggesting, ‘Altogether Healthy’. Eliminates the usual tired jargon of ‘support’, ‘community’, ‘diet’, etc. Also, important for Australians, has the acronym, ‘Ah!’ as in, ‘I got it!’ You’re such a wonderful and generous person – but please don’t forget yourself and your limits as you consider your role.

    Betsy, thanks for asking, yes I completed the painting on the port side a couple of days ago and had a whole day in the sunshine (18C) with no jobs yesterday. Your new laptop sounds great and I bet it’s not long before you make the leap to using it exclusive of the old one. Predictably, OH has been hanging on to his old laptop and iPad for two years (on a boat) ‘just in case’. He hasn’t opened either. I think it’s hard for our generation to just throw away such seemingly valuable items and to come to terms with them becoming obsolete in such a relatively short time. I hang on to my mobile phone until the provider tells me that ‘it’s no longer supported’. I grates on me to discard a perfectly decent phone due to corporate greed.

    LJ, Betsy and Lindsay, nice work on the downward trends. I think I’m getting there. FD yesterday but it seemed like such a lot of food when I finally ate my meal at 5pm. Instead of stopping, I carried on eating it and I’m only down 400g this morning.

    Dentist today and I hope to complete the treatment without an injection. The dentist has the personality of a plastic daffodil and I’m not looking forward to seeing her again. It will be great to finally get cruising now the weather is so fabulous – although there’s a massive tree down a little further north and the authorities are still working out the logistics. It’s Mothers’ Day here on Sunday and my wonderful DD will come and find us on the canal to spend the day. So I have to decide whether to do the next FD on Saturday or Monday.

    Anzac, Neil, CG, CalifD, good morning to you. And anyone I’ve missed.

    Good evening everyone.

    Cinque, lots of good ideas re the group. I also like LJoyce’s and thin’s additional suggestions, such as the acronym “AH!”. I have to admit that my only concern would be if you yourself, with your CFS, can keep it sustainable, with it being a regular weekly commitment you have to prepare for and moderate. You might need to look for a good 2-i-c in the group who can be ready to step in if your CFS flares. That’s just me expressing concern that you don’t take on something which becomes a physical stress to you. I guess you could work rest days around it, though. Overall, it’s a great idea. I love it being completely non-judgmental, very different to Weight Watchers.

    Thin, yay for finishing the painting. Hope the dental work went smoothly. It will be great when you can finally be off on your wanders through the canals again. Will you be trying any new directions?
    Oh, and before I forget, “Happy UK Mother’s Day” for Sunday.

    LJoyce, the laptop I chose has only USB-3 ports, but USB-2 devices work in them. The one I considered that was around $1200 had one dedicated USB-2 port plus 2 USB-3 ports.
    The overall cost for me (forgive my maths last time) was about $1680 once I added the servicing and mouse. None of the laptops these days have the place where you can insert CDs. I bought an external DVD(CD) drive when I bought my desktop computer and an external hard drive, so those will do for both new devices.

    Thin, I can understand how hard it is to give up older models that still work. I gave up my old desktop when it nearly burst into flames, and my Toshiba laptop has a strong hum from the fan which is getting worse, which is why I’ve reluctantly moved to newer devices. This evening, I turned my Toshiba on and it wouldn’t come on, nor turn off properly so I could try to re-start it. I finally had to remove the battery, wait a minute or two, then re-install the battery to get the computer to turn off, and then it turned on properly – so who knows how long it will actually keep working. It’s working now, but for how long?

    My computer-savvy friend was the one who told me about removing and re-installing the battery, which is apparently possible only with older computers. He also says it’s very difficult to remove all your information from a computer. A simple delete, or return to factory settings isn’t enough, apparently, if someone really wants to delve into your hard drive. For my desktop, I removed the hard drive, used a hammer to bash it (with considerable effort to make any dents), then used screwdrivers to bend what was left out of shape to make it unusable. I then felt safe to recycle the components. I’m saying this as a comment re your OH’s old computer, etc. if he ever decides to dispose of them. 🙂

    Oh dear, sorry. this is NOT a computer forum. My apologies. I get caught up in my enthusiasm.

    I do have a question – was it someone on this forum who mentioned cauliflower and broccoli soup? I would dearly love to have the recipe before the winter cold, if anyone has one.

    Oh, and I’ve now lost 1.4 kg this month. Very pleasing. Long may it continue. That’s nearly 5 kgs down from the start of the year.

    On that note – goodnight. Stay safe and well.

    Hello, it is catch up day!
    I’ll catch up with 5:2 chat and then get on to my program pitch.

    CountryGal, Hello Monty! Gorgeous name, gorgeous cat.

    Betsy, the new computer sounds great. Hooray.
    Nice weight loss. 🙂
    Note to self: watch that final Dr M episode!

    Neil, I hope the working-from-home pros beat the WFH cons for the week. Is Mrs Neil still recovering nicely? I do hope so. Please pass on my good wishes.

    Good wishes also to Mr Lindsay and Mr Cali and Mr Anzac.

    Lindsay, I’m just about here 😀 Lovely to read about your weekly evening with your son. Precious times.

    I used beetroot juice to colour icing and it made such a pretty pink! It wasn’t enough to taste beetrooty. The cake had some beetroot in it too 😀 Just enough to fleck it with colour. https://imgur.com/a/Ym0ighd

    (So glad I love coffee, olives and beetroot, just saying!)

    (LOVE the research that has just come out to say 3 coffees a day is beneficial 😉 )

    (Just saying…)

    I had a pub meal with my sister and BIL on Wednesday. I ate a few of the chips that filled half the enormous plate, the salad was okay, 1/4 plate and I’d say the chicken schnitzel had been pulled out of a big bag in the freezer and deep fried. Very disappointing. Not nutritious or delicious.

    And yes, when people are stressed they eat out, buy takeaway meals, or buy microwavable meals, and it is shockingly hard to find good, comforting, nutritious delicious ones.

    Beautiful elegant shelves LJoyce, and lovely to hear about your begonia too, Lindsay.

    I gave up on house plants, I just try to open windows and doors so I can see my outside plants. Although I am rehabilitating a spider plant for my daughter, who is enjoying having indoor plants (except for the spider plant that was doing nothing). It has three new leaves. (She tried giving it to me but this way I can happy it up and give it back).

    LJoyce, I am so glad you found the words to talk about your aunt’s generosity, especially generosity of time. Best legacy. I see the funeral is today. Sending you so many wishes from my heart.

    Thin, I agree with what you say about food as control, and over eating being out of control.
    I think the control in our family was all about saying no, we had to not talk in any but the approved way, not to move thoughtlessly, not to make mistakes, not to feel comfort and freedom… So saying yes to food was private and secret and I could say yes, yes, yes to that comfort and sweetness I got from food.

    Okay I am off for coffee.

    Back again, with coffee 😀

    Thin, I really like the ‘Altogether Healthy’. I love the way it embraces both takes on what ‘altogether’ can mean.
    But that does sound like the group is for anyone wanting to be healthy, whereas my focus is on people who have battled with being overweight or obese.
    So I was thinking about that, and how maybe I could get ‘weight’ in there somewhere, and thought of ‘Weight Mates’.
    But then I googled that and it has been thought of many times before.

    I have been wondering, could it be a support group for anyone? skinny people wanting to be healthy included?
    But what about people whose unhealthiness is not about weight but about other factors eg medical treatment, illness etc. That does need a different sort of group.

    But I do keep going back to wanting it being about dealing with life through and after weight loss, to try and make a difference to that feeling of failure when lost weight starts creeping back on.
    So I am keeping your suggestion in the mix, but still coming up with other things.
    My latest is ‘Wait Over’ or maybe even ‘Over Wait’. (no-one else seems to be using that).
    Or maybe “Creep Off” or “Keep Off”

    More on participants: I am not expecting many people to come to the group planning to lose weight for the first time, but rather people who have been yoyo-ing for years. They are likely to know a lot about calories and scales and different diets and fads. However, I am just guessing. Also not sure how many people might have diabetes 2, or pre diabetes, how many people might have had years dealing with obesity related health issues. It is a well-off neighbourhood, so most people will be well resourced, but again, you never know.

    It is a bonus of it being a local group, that people can make friendships and keep in touch easily. I want to keep the group moderated so that there are no in-groups and everyone is watched out for. But hopefully good personal connections will be made for most people.

    It will be interesting how the time of day affects who can come. I don’t want an evening meeting if I can avoid it, so we will see.

    Thankyou so much for your concern Betsy. I am confident I can commit to the pilot program, and presuming it goes well I think it will be good for my health to be involved and useful. I do love running community groups, so this is familiar ground, which should also make it easier.
    It looks as if a staff member will join in, so that will be excellent back up.

    I have had a look around at other support groups. I am finding some I had never heard of, like “TOPS, which stands for Take Off Pounds Sensibly, is a no-frills, low-cost diet plan. Actually, it’s not a diet at all but rather a loosely knit support system for people trying to lose weight.”
    The more I read the more I see that what I am focusing on is changing longterm habits. All the things we keep going back to: snacks, water, portion sizes, including vegetables, night munchies, eating out, Christmas… Is it all habits, or is it a tool kit?

    Yikes I mightn’t have time to work it out, I want to send the email today.

    Thanks again. Would love more feedback if you have any.

    Cinque, I love your idea. How good would it be, to be able to sit and talk to people who are going through the same challenges. For that reason, I like the specific focus on people who’ve lost weight and are trying hard to sustain the loss, or are finding it sliding back on, for no appreciable reason. My friend is like that – we lost all that weight last year, and while I can see there’s been a reason for the gain I’ve had, I can’t with her. She is very disciplined, but still it creeps up. So I’m thinking how good it would be for her to be able to share that and look for solutions in a supportive, experienced group.

    What about Weight Over? A take on your suggestion, with the different spelling. Or has that been done?

    Oh good one Lindsay! (It hasn’t been done, that I can see).

    Cinque, you could invite the first wave of participants to decide on a name. The name itself is unlikely to attract exactly the target audience, it will be the marketing and literature that does that. Thank you for your comments about food control, or lack thereof.

    Betsy, I really laughed at your use of electronics until the bitter end. Towering inferno! Yes, we’re always advised to smash the hard drive into oblivion. Dentistry complete thank you. No injection. Dr. Congeniality slightly less plastic but, having chosen the most expensive product and elected to go private, on completion she advised that she doesn’t know how long it’s likely to last.

    A sad ending to our buzzard rescue. We cruised past its carcass in the canal yesterday – almost exactly where we’d last seen it fly to the towpath. Sometimes its hard to know whether our interventions cause more harm and now I wish we’d done more. It was one of the few times while narrow boating that we’d been under time pressure to get somewhere. I console myself with the fact that it faced certain drowning if OH hadn’t scooped it out of the canal. DD says there’s a lot of bird ‘flu around so perhaps that was its problem. It reminded me of NZ’s recently beached whales. We instinctively want to ‘help’ but are we really?

    Another sunny, 18C day to get out and enjoy.

    Good morning everyone,
    Thanks Thin,
    It is a good idea for the group to have a say in the name.

    So sorry to hear about the buzzard.

    LJoyce, I am thinking that your aunt had a wonderful funeral, but that today might be weird and sad. Sending you good wishes.

    Day before fast day for me. I am feeling pretty well and am planning on getting a lot done. Fingers crossed.

    Best wishes to everyone.

    Good morning everyone, been AWOL this week, been crook, just like the flu, felt totally off. Had a quick glance at a few posts but will read properly later. My Monty arrives tomorrow so that has brightened my spirits. I’m eating pretty low cal, more like 800 or thereabouts, but think the scales are Stuck! Glorious weather this weekend, very sunny, but golly it’s been icy, with wind chill. Have a lovely day and stay positive 🌻CG

    Lost my post, grrr.

    Betsy, thanks for the Mothers’ Day UK wishes. I’m fasting today as I like to have one in the bank rather than an IOU. We won’t eat out as I shun the commercial hype, crowds and inflated prices but we’ll enjoy each other’s company.

    Cinque, great to read that you’re feeling good. What’s for FD dinner?

    CQ, have fun with your new companion.

    Neil, Anzac, is everything going OK?

    Just a brief post (sorry) to touch base as it’s getting late.

    The funeral went well, no mishaps and everyone who spoke did a lovely job. The family is coping well as my aunt was 92 and had not gotten over losing her husband nearly 2 years ago. We certainly felt she had been ready to join him for a little while now. Loss is easier to accept when the person has had a long and full life and they are ready to leave.
    Through the week there were two family birthdays and we didn’t feel like celebrating just before the funeral, so today we went out to a cafe at Aldgate (the one in the Adelaide Hills not in the UK) for lunch. It was also one last chance to see my cousin’s eldest daughter who had flown in from NSW for 2 days for the funeral.
    Given that lunch included birthday cake and I had a tiny slice some exercise was needed. So I went to my best friend’s place after lunch and we walked a trail through Belair National Park. Picturesque but hilly and hard work. According to my fitbit the hike used 324 calories, which should more than cover the tiny piece of cake I ate.

    My weight continues to slowly move down so I don’t want to jeopardize that. On the way home I stocked up on veg and will do a veggie tray bake tomorrow that I can add something high in protein to each night for the next few dinners.

    Take care everyone.

    Monday, Monday,

    I had Gordon Ramsey’s slow carrot soup for my evening meal yesterday, although I used salted cumquat skin instead of orange juice and it was more bitter than I like.
    Still, an okay fast day. I wasn’t up to a fasty mcfast one.

    I hope you had a lovely Mothering Sunday, Thin.

    CountryGal, do you have Monty? I do hope you are feeling better too.

    LJoyce, glad to hear about the funeral and a life lived well and ended easily, with time done.
    Also glad to hear about that precious time with family you have had.
    Not to mention a gorgeous walk through a National Park.

    I did manage to do some good cooking over the weekend. A great batch of the Nigerian Beans, some spicy, roasted, yoghurt marinaded cauliflower (one cauliflower in 8 wedges), and red cabbage braised with the fermented apples I used to make kvass (successful!) With some beef stew I have pulled from the freezer I have some great mix and match meals for a few days.

    Next job, three lovely zucchinis from my sister’s garden to use.

    I watched the final of the Dr Mosley ‘people losing weight after putting on lockdown pounds’ show, and it was all about transitioning to maintaining the weight loss so that was interesting and timely. All the stuff we talk about all the time. 🙂

    Cheers all, best wishes for today xxx

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