Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,464 replies, has 835 voices, and was last updated by  Neilithicman 7 hours, 51 minutes ago.

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  • Dear friends

    My wonderful soulmate Mr Anzac has had some devastating health news last night. We won’t know the extent until more tests are done so please pray for us

    Meanwhile please take care and cherish every day

    Oh Anzac, how awful for you, when will you know more? Waiting is always the hardest. Thoughts and prayers coming over the ditch to you.

    Sorry to hear that Anzac, looks like it is a bad year for partners of people on this thread. I’ll keep you in my prayers, when do you find out? Hoping you’ll get some positive news.

    An update on my wife. The surgery was done yesterday, was supposed to take 6 hours but took over 10. She’s still pretty spaced out on the pain killers but apparently the surgery was successful. She has lost the feeling in one side of her face, but the surgeon said that is normal for this surgery as there will be some swelling that will go down over this week and the feeling in her face will return.

    Hoping to get home next weekend.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Dear Anzac, I’m so sorry to hear your news about Mr Anzac , wondering if his fatigue was a warning sign? Please try to stay positive, I know that will be difficult but he will need it from you more than he knows , my prayers go out to you both😘
    Neil, at least your news sounds positive and the worry is now behind you.
    I know there is someone watching over us and will not let us carry any more than we can bear. Stay safe, my positive cyber vibes to you all.🌻CG

    Anzac, sending you a big hug and all my hopes for better news.

    Neil, so very pleased and grateful that your wife’s surgery was successful. I bet that was a very long 10 hours that you waited for news of the surgery outcome. I hope the feeling returns to her face and she recovers well from the surgery and is able to be home with you and the boys soon.

    Good morning friends,

    I’d enjoyed the posts I read last time I logged on but have only now had time to return to reply. And the first thing I saw was Anzac’s awful news. I am so sorry Anzac. Awaiting your update and please look after yourself in the meantime.

    Neil, I’d previously read your post about your not being allowed in the hospital. It’s good that you have your bike with you as there’d be nothing worse than hanging around a hotel room waiting for news. But the news turned out to be good although, wow, ten hours of surgery sounds a lot more complicated than I’d imagined given its non-urgent status months ago.

    I haven’t been back to read those other posts as Anzac’s news is overshadowing all my thoughts. We are back in cold, overcast England but it is an absolute delight to be back on the canal. I had forgotten the utter silence and blackness at night. It is so lush and green compared to Spain. Boater friends are travelling in tandem with us for the weekend and then we will meet some other boater friends next week. Best of all, DD will come and spend next weekend with us. I already feel so much healthier after cooking my routine fare for three days.

    Anzac, I’m sending positive thoughts and prayers for you and Mr. Anzac. I hope the tests show that good treatments are possible. Please let us know when you have news. I wish we all lived within driving distance of each other.

    Neil, I’m glad your wife’s surgery is over. 10 hours must have been nerve wracking for you. That’s a very long wait. It must be difficult to not be able to be there at the hospital with her because of the Covid rules. I hope she is back home next weekend.

    My OH’s condition, some type of dementia, has not improved and in many ways has gotten worse. He’s fully ambulatory but his short term memory is sometimes less than a minute so he has to be watched constantly. I don’t know what I would do without my DS who lives here with us. He is on a medication now that was prescribed when he was in the hospital in September that allows him to sleep through the night and remain calm during the day. We were finally able to get an appointment with a neurologist for the middle of next month. (We’ve been trying for 7 months.) There is such a shortage of them in this area. For a country that spends so much money on health care it is a bad situation.

    Lindsay, I hope your OH is doing better with his treatments. This certainly is a terrible year for spouses of members of this forum.

    Good morning everyone, fasting today, not having much success this time around even with healthy eating🥴 After reading the last couple of post, weight loss is so unimportant when we see what’s happening with others in such a small group. If that’s an average of the rest of the world there is so much sadness around us, time again to count our blessings.
    CalDreamer, it must me so difficult for you, of course a big fear of him wondering and he’s 24hr care. To see a loved one deteriorate from the person your knew is heartbreaking 😢my heart goes out to anyone in that position. I worked in age care for many years, going into homes, like yours. and saw so much of what people have to deal with.
    With the floods here in Australia, and everything happening in Ukraine, health issues everyone is dealing with, you really have to wonder? Time to enjoy the smallest of pleasures, flowers opening, the birds and their beautiful songs, we still have a lot to be happy about ❤️ CG🌻

    Good morning,

    Neil, I was so glad to hear the operation (finally) get done, and I am hanging out to hear how Mrs Neil is recovering. Sending millions of good wishes

    Anzac, more wishes coming from me. Please pass them on to Mr Anzac.

    Cali, so glad to hear from you, and that Mr Cali has medication that helps him keep calm and sleep well. What a rotten wait for a neurologist appointment, I am glad you have one now at least, and fingers crossed it is really useful.

    I had my trip to Bendigo, and it was precious (and in some cases ‘interesting’) to see family and friends and spend time with my daughter and the two girls. The weather was difficult, hot and humid, the night was terrible (Ms 7) and the drive was wearing. This meant I at least did have a Friday fast day as I was too nauseous to eat anything until I got home and had a lovely bowl of chicken soup. Just what I needed.
    Beginning to recover. Eating well. Some more dresses, and a pair of trousers, have migrated to the wardrobe in my room, including a dress that was hiding under a coat and is very loose on me. I think I will wear it today.

    Ciao friends, look after each other today.

    Afternoon everyone

    My wife is making fabulous progress. She is already able to get up and walk around in short bursts (although as she puts it, walking like a toddler) she can sit up in a chair, shower, go to the toilet and feed herself without assistance. Her face is still paralysed on one side so she’s still on pureed food. She’s getting the dressing off her head tomorrow and they’re talking about possibly letting her out of hospital on Wednesday. We’ll probably have to stay in Christchurch for a couple of days in case she relapses, but at least I’ll be able to see her in person.

    I continue to hit the pavement and ride the hills around Christchurch and my eating has been pretty good, my weight has dropped back down to 99 kilos.

    countrygal, you’re right, weight loss does seem unimportant with other things going on, but I think it is important to try to look after myself now to make sure I’m in the best of health to look after my wife and boys.

    Cali, keep us updated, hopefully when you meet with the neurologist they can at least give him some treatment that can alleviate the symptoms.

    Thin, I hope you have fun back on the canal, getting back into a routine is such a good feeling sometimes.

    Ljoyce, thanks for the thoughts. I hope things with you and your other half are going ok at the moment.

    I hope everyone has a great day and I’ll probably check in after my Wednesday weigh-in.

    Good morning, anxiously awaiting Anzac’s news.

    Neil, that’s wonderful to learn of your wife’s fast recovery and hoping the facial paralysis subsides soon.

    Cinque, how nice to spend time with Rose and the littlies. I hope you recover quickly.

    Cali, good to hear from you but distressing about your OH’s deterioration and the long wait for a neurologist. I hope you and your DS can get some help that enables the two of you to do something together away from the house.

    CG, sorry your weight loss isn’t going as fast as you hoped. I’m struggling a bit too but will stick with two FDs until I get back to 58kg. After yesterday’s FD, I am nudging 60kg so it’s not good. I already feel better though – just little things like not being able to find muesli that wasn’t sugar-loaded in Spain. Two months of that sort of thing creeps up.

    I tend to feel differently from you about the importance of focussing on weight loss though. I feel that being the ideal weight puts me in a position of strength both physically and mentally. I know I can’t control all the nasties that might come my way but I can (and have) definitely reduce or eliminate my risk of diabetes, stroke, etc. And being a healthy weight would help those who might have to care for me physically at some point. Being a good weight makes me feel confident and strong. Most important for me is never again feeling the ongoing obsession and depression about being overweight that plagued me for decades.

    I do agree with focussing on life’s amazing little pleasures. Yesterday, I woke to find a grey heron poised on the edge of the towpath patiently awaiting his breakfast opportunity. And two newborn lambs came skipping down a hill in an adjacent field. Daffodils are blooming. We came down the Foxton Locks flight yesterday and each time the next lock gates were opened, it revealed a new scene. And then, finally, the sun appeared.

    A lot of people write about stress-eating. But we all came here for a reason. Stay healthy and stay strong friends. You owe it to yourself.

    Good afternoon everyone.

    Happy birthday CaliD
    Happy birthday Turn

    Anzac, hope you are closer to getting those test results. Thinking of you and hoping for the very best.

    Neil, Excellent news that your wife is recovering so quickly. Wonderful, that after so many months of worry, the news continues to be positive.

    Cali, Such a terribly long wait for a neurologist appointment. I hope the coming appointment does offer answers and other treatment options. I too am glad that you have your sister’s support. Such a challenging time for you all.

    Cinque, glad you had the family time in Bendigo, despite the impact it had on your health. I hope a few more days gets you back to normal – more restorative chicken soup needed.

    Thin, I’m sure the English chill has been a bit of a shock, but you’ll be back to springtime boating in no time (is boating the right word for narrow boats?)

    CountryGal, I hope your eating routine has settled back into what you wanted after the Melbourne trip. It doesn’t take much to upset out food choices and a trip away will certainly do that. It was good though, that the skin cancers could be dealt with by freeing and were not more serious – it sounds like you’ve had enough surgeries and skin grafts already.

    My weight is showing the disastrous impact of birthday celebrations. I ate 4 meals out over 6 days and gained almost 5 kg as a result. While I know it includes a lot of water weight, it was still very shocking. I have returned to very strict Fast800 as I can’t let this get any worse and need to get my weight down to a level that stops me panicking.

    Take care all.

    LJ, well done for remembering/knowing the birthdays – what a coincidence that CalifD and Turn share one. Happy Birthday to you both, CalifD and Turn. Yes, it has been sooo cold. But, tomorrow will be 10C and then it gets to a dizzying 13C for the rest of the week meaning I can shed one of my two sets of thermals. It’s fine when you’re out walking but it’s miserable on the back of the boat cruising when it’s 5C. We take one hour shifts. Thankfully, we’re almost at the place where the dental appointments have been booked after which, we won’t move much until it warms up. There are many jobs to keep us busy, replacing the toilet, painting the gunwales and doing an engine service to name a few urgent ones. Yes, boating is what we do. I feel your pain about the 5kg but believe it will come off quickly if you get onto it right away (whilst I struggle to lose 1.9kg).

    Tuesday morning,
    Happy International Women’s Day!

    Neil, wonderful news. Cheers for Mrs Neil. May her excellent recovery continue. It will be so lovely to have her out of hospital. Sympathy for the pureed food, I hope it isn’t too long before she can eat textures again.
    Cheers for you too, doing a good job to keep as healthy as you possibly can so you are best able to look after that precious family.

    Anzac, good wishes keep coming your way. Hello and best wishes to Mr Anzac.

    CountryGal, I have been thinking about you saying how different it is with 5:2 this time. I have found the same. Success does not come as easily.
    But I do think it is still important, for the reasons Neil and Thin have outlined.

    Health and activity… and vanity taking up the tail end.

    For a long time, I needed to focus simply on the fact that I wasn’t putting on weight, and how good that was. Because I just didn’t lose steadily.

    I have had to realise that every little bit extra I eat, my single-minded body works very hard to not let any of it go to waste, so it goes to waist.
    So while fast days make a great difference, this time round I have had to be more aware of any comfort/binge eating and try to work out strategies for that, and really set up non fast day eating so it is ingrained habit.
    Especially because on days when my health is bad, I am not able to fast (that has changed, I used to be able to).

    I am touching wood like mad, but at the moment I am on a good run where non fast days don’t have snacks or many carbs but good nutrition and lots of spaces between eating, and it is finally feeling normal. I don’t count calories, but it can’t be much over a thousand cals a day (I am small and inactive, so that is probably what my normal day should look like).
    Such a long way from when I thought 2000 plus feasts and treats was normal!

    And I did love what you wrote about appreciating the beauty around us, and the peace we have, when such horrors are filling our news, and so many people are having such dreadful struggles. Each day is so precious.

    Thin, I just loved your post.
    here it is all the scent of Autumn coming. The light is already less harsh, leaves are turning, the garden is thick with big growing leaves (mostly squash and pumpkin, and warrigal greens going crazy).
    I’m recovering (more touching wood 😉 ) and this morning my sister is going to visit. I must get ready!

    LJoyce, Hmm, an extra 5kg wasn’t the birthday present you wanted!
    But what a celebration you had! And hopefully it will fade away before you check again.

    Cali and Turn
    Happy Birthday wishes for yesterday!

    Also https://www.happybirthdaymsg.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Copy-of-happy-belated-birthday-funny-5.jpg


    Cinque, lovely images of autumn trying to get a look in. What a relief after all that humidity. Today we have sunshine and a heatwave of 11C.

    My return to twice weekly FDs have definitely illustrated how my portions had crept up over a couple of years. I think addressing this along with (mostly) eliminating alcohol will get me back on track. It’s easier now that every time I eat, I am using the same size bowl or plate and ingredients that I recognise. And encouraging OH to take the long walks we used to enjoy now that his surgery is well and truly behind him and his strength regained.

    I have a blip today as boating friends we made last year arrive to stay in a nearby hotel and have a restaurant Nepali dinner with us. There will be a G&T on the boat (strictly one for me) and I’m making hummus with crunchy vegetables. Tomorrow will be a FD coinciding with our dental cleanings. Off to get a much needed haircut this morning.

    Hello dear friends. I just wrote a long screed to everyone, and the computer ate it. AAgh! To summarise –
    Happy belated birthday to Turn and CalifD,

    Sorry to read of Anzac65’s DH’s news, please keep us informed. Will be praying.

    Thin, good for you to be back into routine that you can control. Enjoy your boating, cleaning, etc. Hope the dental visits went well, with no fillings needed

    LJoyce, glad you had some enjoyable socialising, and you’ll lose that 5 kg quickly

    Cinque, good that you had an enjoyable trip to Bendigo, and now you’ll just rest up a bit to recover. Great that more clothes fit.

    Neilithicman, 10 hours! Very long op., so glad your wife is recovering so well. Disappointing that you couldn’t be in the hospital with her.

    CalifDreamer, good that a neurologist appointment is finally happening for Mr Cali, and that the current meds help his sleep. Does he wear a medi-alert bracelet with his name and your phone number, in case he gets lost?

    Countrygal1, yes, the small joys of birds and garden are so calming.

    Sleep well.

    Morning all

    Well my wife is getting out of hospital today. I’m so pleased about that because I felt so helpless sitting around waiting. She sent down some dirty clothes to reception yesterday for me to wash and bring back and requested some strawberry milk. That was great because I felt like I was actually doing something useful.

    I sabotaged my weigh-in yesterday. I don’t know why but I had an overwhelming urge to eat sugar and I ended up eating a whole bag of lollies. My weight was 99.5. It’s down 1.7kg from my last weigh-in but up a few hundred grams from where I was yesterday morning.

    Well I’d better go and tidy up and get ready to pick up my babes.

    Have a great week everyone.

    Hello, just a quick note as I need to get ready for home help.

    But Neil, such good news that Mrs Neil is out from the hospital today! I am sure you will have PLENTY to do from now on, and use up all that lolly energy.
    Best wishes to Mrs Neil

    My ‘touch wood’ failed, and so yesterdays evening meal did not fit into my nice run of sensible fast days. Sigh. Not my worst fail though, and a new day today.

    Thin, don’t those portion sizes creep up! Sigh. But have a lovely Nepali dinner with friends. And a lovely haircut. Precious times.

    Betsy, grr hate it when the internet does that! But good to hear from you and I hope you are enjoying that garden in this lovely Autumn weather.

    Good wishes all x

    Good morning everyone, sunny crisp morning here, summer doesn’t last long these days, long winters and early autumns makes growing veggies a gamble🤔my tomatoes are starting to colour up, extremely late, but will still be yummy. Fasting going okay, haven’t had an argument with my scales as I’ve chosen to stay away for a while. Getting my act back together with 5;2 is taking longer, other issues get in the way, but hey, life goes on and is precious. Neil I’m happy for you that your wife is coming home today, you will be busy caring for her, no doubt enjoying it being chief cook and bottle wash👏
    Preying for those affected by the misery in Ukraine such inhumane happenings should be a thing of the past, lessons have been learnt by most, but there is always one who will want power and greed at any cost 😥
    Enjoy your day, thoughts with Mr Anzac too ❤️

    Betsy, commiserations, so annoying.

    CG, stay vigilant, it takes some effort to get into the rhythm of it but then it becomes so easy (I say hopefully).

    Neil, hurray, all the worry is behind you at last. Best wishes to Mrs N for continued recovery.

    Cinque, new day, renewed effort. The Nepali meal was great thanks (our third time there) and it was so cool to see our boater mates. They drove three hours to see us. We had a G&T on the boat earlier and then OH and I each had half a pint of beer with dinner while the others shared a bottle of wine. I’ve never set out to drink that much even when not grappling with weight. Back to the boat for coffee exchanging more long (in both senses) boating tales before they ordered a taxi back to their hotel.

    Haircut was not the best ever but it’s ‘boat hair, don’t care’. Dental cleaning is today and I hope they’ll fit me in for inspection of a cracked tooth. On the phone, the earliest appt. was May. I’m looking into Budapest dental tourism just in case it becomes problematic to get seen here.

    Good evening all.

    Thin, sorry, got the days wrong re dentist. Sure hope they’re willing to help with the cracked tooth. Sounds like you had a great time with your boating friends. Now back to 5:2! 🙂

    Neil, great that Mrs Neil was released from hospital yesterday (if I haven’t mixed the days again). So good that you can begin to feel that you can do something for her again.

    Cinque, yes enjoying the autumn weather. My roses are showing a beautiful autumn bloom of colour.
    Hope you’re able to settle back into routine quickly with your eating.

    Countrygal1, wouldn’t it be great if there are enough warm days left for your tomatoes to ripen before winter. Yum for fresh home-grown produce.

    Anzac65, anxiously waiting for more news re My Anzac. Still praying.

    Stay safe and well everyone!

    Aargh! Mr Anzac, of course.

    Hi Betsylee, are you in Australia? I’m not sure where anyone lives, just when you mentioned autumn, we are just into it now, my favourite season, still (usually) nice days then cool nights and mornings. Plants are going to sleep, showing glorious colours in their leaves, and like you my roses are giving a beautiful “last” show before I prune in winter. I ate a few cherry tomatoes tonight when walking my boys🐶🐶 inthe garden for their last play of the day, I usually deadhead or pull a weed or two (and hope it doesn’t transpire into a few hours as the garden has a habit of doing)😂anyway, what I was getting at is the tomatoes are not as sweet as they normally are. I know much is mass produced and hybrids invented so often, I just wish our old fashioned fruits and veg were still around. Nothing in the supermarket has any flavour, yuck, and now homegrown is changing too, possibly due to our weather too, have you noticed that?
    Thin just wondering if you have an emergency dentist available, we have them here, but you often need to mortgage your home to pay the bill😂😂 I hope that tooth isn’t too troublesome.
    P.S…..Oh, I’m sticking with 5;2, I certainly wont give up, just getting impatient I guess, and KNOW I need to be stricter🥴
    Goodnight from country Victoria 🌻CG

    CG, Betsy, thanks for asking. I’ve been given an appointment for Monday but I had to lie and say I was in pain. This will only be to tell me what I already know, that I’ve cracked the tooth and it’s hanging on by a filling at the back. It might be a matter of weeks before I can get actual treatment but they do have a robust last minute cancellations system (we received 31 opportunities via text while in Spain). Not sure about emergency dentistry. I think everyone got very behind during covid when they couldn’t see their patients.

    About locations, Betsy is in Victoria with you and Cinque. LJ and GDSA are in SA. Neil lives in Dunedin and Turn is English but has lived in NZ for ages and is now touring the country. Anzac and Intesha are in NSW. Lindsay lives in Qld. CalifD is, as you might expect, in California. I’m here in England (I started my 5:2 life in Perth, the Aussie one). Who’d I miss?

    Haha, oh wow Thin, what a memory, I do remember you, or your name from years back when I first did 5;2, and the name at the top would suggest mainly Aussies, but with all the travel talk, I was wondering 😃glad you got your dentist sorted 🌻

    Thank you everyone, the power of positive thinking and prayer have worked. The cancer has not spread (it is ‘stage 2’) so it is treatable. He starts radiation therapy next week and has to have a major operation in about 3 weeks. I won’t go into detail but a lot needs to be removed and reconstructed so it is going to be a rough time for him. But he is going to be ok and I can’t tell you how relieved we are. Still in shock and very scared but the fact that it hasn’t spread is a major win.

    So glad Mrs Neil is doing well and coming home

    Cali, I’m sorry to read about your OH, sending hugs and positive thoughts your way. Happy belated birthday

    Happy belated birthday to you too Turn

    Anzac what fabulous news for you both, still a long path ahead, but a rewarding one. I feel your relief in your words😘stay positive, it makes a world of difference🌻CG.

    Anzac, that’s a relief to hear some positive news for you both. All the best for the tough treatment and surgery ahead. Eat well, stay healthy, look after yourself, OK?

    Good evening all.

    Anzac, what a relief that the cancer is treatable. It sounds like a long treatment journey, but you are clearly strong people and will deal with this – and if you need someone to lean on, come and chat to us.

    Thin, I hope a proper dental solution to the cracked tooth is available sooner than you fear. You are rather good at seeking out dental tourism options, so I have no doubt you will flit off to Budapest if needed.
    The Nepalese dinner and catching up with friends sounds lovely. I understand the worry before a meal eaten out, but it’s worth remembering that the reason we do 5:2 is so that we can enjoy these things without unchecked weight gain. You will deal with any consequences – you always do.

    Cinque, It does sound like you are managing health and energy but only just. I really do hope that improves for you.
    As I drink my 2 litres of water a day I’m reminded of your wise advice about staying hydrated. I have reduced my endless cups of tea down to a maximum of 6 and have replaced the difference with water. Oddly, with the extra water I don’t miss the extra cups of tea I used to drink.
    Are you already planning some healthy creations with the pumpkin, squash and warrigal greens? Are warrigal greens interchangeable for any spinach and chard recipes? There is a (West African?) veggie stew I’ve made with pumpkin, spinach and chickpeas that I like very much – probably because it contains a generous amount of peanut butter. This is the original recipe – https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/peanut_stew_42525 – I usually use pumpkin instead of sweet potato and I use a lot more spinach than specified. I also reduce the ground coriander to 2tsp and add 1/2 tsp cinnamon. I also usually add the peanut butter closer to the end of the cooking time as I’m afraid it will stick to the pan if I thicken the stew too early. I can’t seem to help myself when it comes to tinkering with recipes.

    Neil, by now you should have your wife out of hospital and with you. I hope her recovery continues to exceed expectations. She sounds very determined and that will serve her well as she regains her health.

    Betsy, commiserations on disappearing posts – well done on sticking around to post something, I usually have to walk away from my laptop until my temper cools a bit.
    Enjoy those roses – worth all the thorns.

    CG, I am the same when I wander through the garden – see a weed and I’m still there half an hour later getting mucky hands when I really should have gotten some gardening gloves first. Enjoy the garden and your lovely dogs.

    I was right about the 5kg gain likely being mostly water weight. I’m 3 days into Fast800 and down 3kg. I expect that rapid loss to come to a screeching halt shortly. As soon as it comes to losing actual body fat it’s definitely the slow road. That’s ok as I plan to stick with Fast800 until I’m back in the 70s again. I’m fed up with how I feel with my weight bouncing around in the 80s – more joint pain, more inflammation and higher blood pressure and I intend to deal with it now, enough.

    Goodnight all, take care.

    Good evening all.

    Anzac65, so glad the news re Mr Anzac, though bad, is not as devastating as it could have been.
    Do be aware with radiation treatment, that over time, the person having it tends to get increasingly fatigued, and it’s a kind of fatigue that all the rest in the world doesn’t help. But, the good thing is that the fatigue will gradually clear in the first 2-3 weeks after the treatment is finished.
    I was warned about that when I had radiation treatment. The first 1-2 weeks were fine, but then I got more and more tired, and then it quickly cleared after the treatment regime finished. Just don’t expect a good sleep to lift the fatigue, because it usually doesn’t. You and Mr A will have to be very kind and gentle to him/ himself.

    LJoyce, so glad the weight is moving so quickly down again. What a relief! I hear you re the increased joint pain, inflammation and blood pressure, though I’ve gotten that under better control with more exercise. I, too, am looking forward to being back in the 70s.

    Countrygal1, thin got nearly all the current post-ers. A couple of other folk who used to post, occasionally post: Penguin, a retired gentleman from England, not sure if he’s okay or not; Klondikequeen (Klondi) from Melbourne, took a break at the end of 2019 and hasn’t returned. She’s from Melbourne.
    Merryme posts occasionally, but I’m not sure where she’s based, and another Kiwi, a keen cyclist, appeared last year but seems to have dropped out again – can you remember his name, Neil?
    You’re in country Victoria, aren’t you? I seem to recall in the north-east.

    Thin, good that your broken tooth is in the process of being dealt with. Hopefully no trips to Budapest needed 🙂 .

    The ice-cream indulgence hasn’t done much damage, I’m glad to say. I went up 0.2 kg, and that will disappear again. It helped that I had a couple of high exercise days. Oh, and I think that was in the post I lost – I ate a whole tub (440 ml) of ice-cream that “somehow” got into my freezer, two evenings ago. Oops. 🙁 Basically I’m back where I was at the start of March, and have 3 more weeks in March for the weight to move downwards. Yes!

    Hi Betsylee, it’s nice knowing where people are from. I met a beautiful lass from Ireland years ago through my original thread here, and we are still very good friends. It’s nice to hear personal happenings from the other side of the world. I’m in Siuth Gippsland Betsylee, basically the bottom right on our map where the little point is😵‍💫it’s Gods own country, green undulating hills, dairy farms mostly, so cattle grazing, quite a few sheep, love watching lambs frolic in spring, and the people here are genuine, like I said in an earlier post, I’m very content 💖I too am looking forward to being back in the (low) 70’s and I KNOW it will happen☺️Take care and stay safe 🌻CG

    Betsy, just quickly, our beloved Penguin passed away. I think you must have been AWOL when Merry (NSW) confirmed what many of us feared. The other kiwi was Jony. Klond hasn’t posted for absolutely ages.

    It’s odd that you mentioned Penguin because I was thinking of him while out on a walk this afternoon. The sight of a robin reminds me of him. I was lamenting that we’d never meet in person (having met about nine people from this forum when I lived in Perth). Then I started wondering whether Merry would be willing to post a photo of him on imgur if Mrs P would consent.

    CG, that’s great that you also met someone from the forum. I used to regularly meet up for coffee/walks with other Perth users of this thread but they all seemed to give up on IF, sadly. Your part of the world sounds lovely (and oddly, similar to what I’m seeing here in rural Leicestershire at the moment). I’m hoping one day to be as content as you are.

    LJ, thanks for the encouragement. And I’m pleased to hear that you’re well on track too. I’m fasting today. Yes, the Nepalese restaurant as far as I’m concerned is all part of 5:2 – the feasting being as important as the fasting! I could have done without the G&T so soon after swearing off alcohol but I served home made hummus with crunchy veg to dip so I felt it was civilised and low-key.

    Betsy, oh the ice cream. I hope it was a particularly good quality one.

    FD for me today and I’m looking forward to chicken bhuna for dinner. One week back into it and things are already looking better on the scales. OH wants cherry chocolates and chocolate cake for his birthday this weekend. I won’t be tempted with either of those. Not a fan of cherry things and can take or leave cake. There’ll be another meal out but OH and I only only ever order the main meal, none of the starters, breads, desserts and bottles of wine that others seem to go for.

    We watched Dr M.’s “Who Made Britain Fat?” last night. There is a sugar tax in England which I hadn’t realised. It starts with a visit to a coffin maker. You wouldn’t believe the new standard measurements – and the frightening fact that traditional coffin shapes are changing because shoulders are no longer the widest part of a person’s body. The statistics are staggering. A paediatrician spoke of treating obese children as early as aged ONE. Then there’s the disgraceful practice of fast food sponsorship for sport, thereby linking the two. Since 1990, there have been nearly 300 government policies addressing obesity but nearly all simply tell people to eat less and exercise more. Dr M. made the statement that exercise, whilst having obvious merit, is virtually worthless as a weight loss tool. I came to that realisation after decades of shelling out for gym memberships with no result whatsoever.

    So, keep at it everyone, we are bucking a very alarming trend. Sorry, I think that’s three posts from me today. Don’t worry, tomorrow I’ll be busy applying for my bus pass!

    Thin don’t apologise your post are always interesting, I’d rather you post often than once a week or whatever, it’s reassuring we are not alone on this journey🌻CG

    Thank you CG – but what are you doing up at this hour? That’s four.

    My bladder woke me, then the urge for a coffee, so watching early news 😂😂MAD! Probably won’t go back to sleep but can feel an afternoon Nanny nap may be in order 😘

    Morning everyone

    Wow you guys have been active. It seems to be either a feast or a famine on this thread 😉

    I didn’t have time to read everything but I had a skim through.

    Yes Johnny is the other Dunedinite but he doesn’t often post. He keeps himself busy running his bike riding group. The other kiwi that was on here was crazy artist.
    She didn’t post often but she read the posts so I’m not sure if she’s still around. She painted me a wonderful painting of my favorite part of the country (Glenorchy) which still takes pride of place on my living room wall.

    Anzac, do glad to hear your OHs cancer is treatable, I had been keeping you in my prayers and will continue to pray for a successful treatment and speedy recovery.

    After a frustrating day on Wednesday my wife finally got discharged around 6:30pm. The nurses lost her clinical notes and they eventually had to bring in a doctor to sort everything out. She is making great progress, but apparently the face paralysis will take up to 6 months to clear up. She’s off pureed food but gets tired chewing so I’ve been cooking things like mince with pumpkin and courgette so the meat is easy to eat and the veg can be mashed with her fork if needed.

    We’re staying up here in Christchurch for one more night and then splitting the drive back over 2 days so she’s not sitting in the car too long. We’ll drive to Timaru tomorrow and then back to Dunedin on Sunday. It will be great to see our boys and cat again.

    Have a great day everyone

    It’s the weekend,
    My Arch Nemesis: Creeping Dehydration, caught up with me a couple of days ago. Hooray and thankyou LJoyce for mentioning water drinking. I finally got my arse into gear, a bit complicated by minding grandchildren yesterday morning while still feeling crook. But yesterday afternoon I drank copious amounts of water, and today is go.

    First the hoorays.

    What a wonderful relief to hear your news Anzac. I know it is still a hard diagnosis, and a tricky journey ahead, but so good to have modern medicine and a nice wallop of hope to get you safely through it all. Lots of good wishes to Mr Anzac. And to you, Anzac.

    Neil, thinking of you and Mrs Neil having that wonderful, gentle journey home to family.

    Thin, I have been noting Dr Mosley’s tweets about that program. (And he paid tribute to my twin Dr Van Tulleken for his program about UPF).
    This morning he tweeted one for Australians. This program https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/program/michael-mosleys-health-intervention began on SBS on Wednesday. I missed it, but just watched the first episode on SBS On Demand.
    It is very much the usual format and I didn’t notice any new info, but I was glad to watch it as it is a good reminder of the health reasons we are all doing 5:2, and the five participants give a variety of experiences and situations, and the health info is clear and strong.

    CountryGal, all power to you and a big cheer for your comment about Ukraine.

    Lovely to hear the comments about those end of summer gardens. Mine is giving me some headaches. The spaghetti squash plants have got powdery mildew, but they haven’t started dying back yet. The pumpkin plant doesn’t have powdery mildew but has only just set three pumpkins, after the recent rain. What is the point of keeping it going? (I will look up recipes for immature pumpkins. Again. ).
    Complain, complain 😀 😀 😀
    Hoping I might manage to get out and potter around in it today.

    CountryGal, it might be that they are breeding vegetables so much sweeter these days, that the older varieties taste sourer in comparison?

    Hello to your roses Betsylee.

    LJoyce, thankyou for that recipe. I will love it. And I think I would prefer it with pumpkin too.

    The warrigal greens take a bit more work as their leaves are small. I cut off long branches, to try to keep them in check. Then use scissors to cut off the leaves (discarding any that have holes or are browning etc). I am not sure how seriously to take the warning about their high oxalic acid, so to be on the safe side I boil them in plenty of water for a couple of minutes and then drain and cool them, and then treat them like any green. I add the blanched leaves to whatever other greens I have to hand, chard, dandelion leaves and herbs at the moment, slice them up and then give them a quick braise. Then I have a container in the fridge so it is easy to have a portion of greens with every meal.
    They do taste nice, just green’ taste 😀 no bitterness.
    I really want to make spanakopita, or my little layered vegetable ramekins, using some. Maybe this week!

    Betsy well done for it not being a 2 litre container of icecream 😉

    Cheers to you all for your good work.

    Hello to CrazyArtist, incase you are reading!


    Good evening all.

    I’m posting while listening to the Australia Alive appeal for the flood appeal. Over $12,000,000 donated so far, and the money is still pouring in. Good to see everyday Aussies and the corporations pitching in. Every dollar helps. All the money will be going to flood victims via the Red Cross.

    Countrygal1, south Gippsland, not north. Right area, but wrong direction. Sounds a beautiful part of Victoria.

    Thin, so sorry to read of our dear Penguin’s passing. I had rather suspected that might be the case, but yes, I was MIA for a while and missed it on the forum.

    Neil, glad that you and Mrs Neil are heading home again at last. An easy run home seems like the best way to go. Yes, I forgot Crazy Artist as another Kiwi. And it’s JonyKiwi. Couldn’t remember.

    Thin, yes the ice-cream was a Magnum brand, white chocolate with cookie chips, or something like that. Very nice. Overall, I’ve now lost 0.6 kg since the start of March, so it wasn’t a disaster, just a blip.

    Cinque, I wonder if the pumpkins will ripen. We’ll need a goodly number of warm autumn days, for that to happen. Things seem to be a bit out of whack, with all the rain we had. I’ve now got a second crop of flowers on my hoya plant. Most unusual.

    Re the “new” Michael Moseley program on SBS, I don’t know how, but when I watched the first episode, I realised that I’ve seen it before. I think it might have been on channel 9 some months ago(?). Doesn’t matter. It’s good motivation to persevere.

    Goodnight everyone.

    It’s quiet here so I’m filling in the silence.

    Monday fasting for me today, I did Thursday last week. It felt odd not to fast on Sunday.

    Betsy, good to hear that you’re doing so well despite the ice cream blip.

    Cinque, mixed success in your garden with the squash. The warrigal greens sound versatile. I’m trying to drink more water.

    Neil, I bet you had a lovely weekend with your wife’s surgery behind you and meeting up with your boys. Does Mrs N have to return to Christchurch to have staples removed?

    We had a lovely weekend with DD. We found a great country pub in a nearby village, packed full of locals and serving fantastic home made fare in enormous portions but including a healthy platter of four different vegetables. Today, I learn the fate of my tooth, or not so much that as the extent of the financial damage and waiting time. Not that we can go anywhere yet. Unfortunately, the toilet motor part that we’d waited for so long for had been mounted incorrectly so OH couldn’t fit it and we’re still without a reliable loo. There are boaters’ facilities here thankfully. Warming to a dizzying 15C so those toilet trips won’t be so nippy.

    Have a great week all.

    Hi everyone

    Autumn has arrived and there is a nip in the air already here in Sydney. I do feel rather ripped off about summer this year, but there is always next year to look forward to

    Mr Anzac has his first appointment with the Oncologist who is doing his radiation therapy today. I think it is just a consult rather than any treatment but we really aren’t sure. Everything is new and scary. He is getting increasingly tired but at least we know why now. Previously we put it down to lingering aspects of Covid

    Thin, 15 degrees is warm indeed but I do hope your loo is fixed soon. That country pub sounds lovely and glad you had a great weekend with DD

    That ice cream does sound awesome Betsy, and we are allowed treats now and then – else we won’t stick to healthy eating in the long term. Yay for the loss this month – which I just looked at the date in the corner of my laptop and gasped to see it is already the middle of March. Huh?

    Thanks for reminding me that I have stopped drinking enough water Cinque. It is so important but also so easy to lapse into forgetfulness. Large bottle of water now sitting beside me

    My work is saying all the right things about letting me work flexibly to ensure Mr Anzac is my first priority. However the deadlines don’t move and in fact I am so mad because our project manager sent out a new schedule yesterday and I see he has kindly brought my current deadline forward. I typed what I wanted to say, felt better, deleted it and sent a polite email (cc my boss) to say I can’t possibly meet that timeframe. He asked me to book a meeting to discuss which I have done and included my boss. The PM is a downright bully and I won’t have it. I am more than happy to quit if they push the envelope and quite frankly they don’t have anyone else who can do this large piece of work. I really want to tell him what those brave Ukrainian soldiers said to the Russian warship! But being a polite young lady I will keep those thoughts to myself. Ha ha

    Take care everyone and have a great day

    Morning all.

    Thin, Apparently everything from here can be done in Dunedin so that is a bonus. Hopefully you can get your loo fixed soon. It may not be overly chilly, but it’s certainly inconvenient to have to leave the boat for the conveniences. 😉

    Anzac, yes I feel you about being cheated by summer this year. We had a few days in February where we actually had our fire going because it was only 11 degrees. A lot of the time its been cool, grey and miserable. We have had patches of good weather, but not enough to make it feel like summer. I hope your appointment goes well. I doubt you would get treatment in your first visit, they’ll likely just be discussing the procedures, but good luck for it anyway.

    Betsy, I saw pictures of the flood, that was amazing. We have friends in Brisbane and they joined in the “mud army” a volunteer group that went in to help with the clean-up after the floods.

    Cinque, water is my issue a lot too. I have no issue at work because I fill up a big bottle and work through it during the day. But the weekend and when I’m away from work I always forget to drink.

    Well I’m back at work and back to routine. I need it because while I was good with eating and exercise while my wife was in hospital and I had nothing to do, when she was out, of course exercise was out because I wanted to spend all my time with her, and the two days I was driving I started loading up on sugar.

    We’re back in our support network now and people have been amazing. We came back to a spotless house, with the grounds cleared up and the paths all water-blasted. We’ve had people line up to offer to cook us meals, which is great because I’m the one that cooks and that will give me time to get in and sort out our veggie garden. We came back to copious amounts of cucumbers, tomatoes, corn, beans, broccoli, silverbeet, carrots, pumpkins, courgettes, blueberries, and more all ready at the same time. On top of that we had around 40 kilograms of potatoes ready that I dug up, bagged and stored under our house.

    Well I hope you all have a good week and I’ll check in again later.

    Good morning,

    Neil, how nice to think of you back home, Mrs Neil comfortable in her own home with family, you back at work and off the ‘relief sugar’, your community so wonderfully backing you up, and all that garden produce!
    I hope now it is all straightforward recovery, drinks of water, and easy weight loss.

    Anzac, lots of good wishes for the appt today. I hope the oncologist is lovely, and a good communicator, but most of all that they are excellent at what they do! It is so hard to take everything in, write notes!
    Good attitude to your work. They need to be serious about letting you be flexible and back off with those deadlines!

    Yay for drinks of water.

    Thin, ha, keep cool in that 15C! I do hope they can get the toilet part sorted quickly. Fingers crossed for the tooth news.

    Betsy when you mentioned having seen the Mosley program I immediately thought that I might have seen it too, and forgotten it! My brain! But I don’t think so, and especially not if it was on Channel 9, I rarely go over there.

    Fingers crossed for my pumpkins, but I think I’d prefer to have normal Autumn weather. My warrigal greens are getting brown and worn in the centre, and still growing strongly at the periphery, a meter or more out. I think I will treat them as annuals. They will self sow. But it will be a big job to pull them out and cook up the leaves. One plant at a time is the way I will go! (I have four plants going!)

    I’m eating well, but my new regime of having just one grain serve a day is under stress, haha, because I made a lovely loaf of bread, a batch of sticky rice bowls and our family pasta bake that I took to my daughter’s last night, but somehow ended up with three serves here. So that must be a fortnight’s worth of grain serves! No more, hold back til it is all gone! Most is in the freezer and I will do a veggie shop tomorrow.

    Today it is an optometrist appt, coffee and peanut butter from the shop at the plaza, and I am working out if I need a new keyboard, as I spilt a drink on this one last night. I did my best to save it, but some keys were sticking this morning. They seem okay now, so maybe I will be ok.

    Best wishes all, I’m off to drink some water, be grateful for my life, cook some warrigal greens and get ready for my appointment. Chicken and veg for today’s main meal. It is all good eating at Cinque’s home today!

    Best wishes all

    Good afternoon all.

    I am happy (and slightly amazed) to report that after 8 days on Fast 800, the 5kg gain from the previous week is now gone. I am continuing with Fast 800 because it feels easy and I’m still in the 80s – I want to be securely in the 70s before I return to 5:2.
    My food day is pretty simple, with very minimal variation. Breakfast is a small pot of tea with milk. Lunch is a 150cal smoothie, but I vary the flavour from day to day. Afternoon tea is a 50-100cal snack (usually fresh fruit or a little yoghurt). Through the afternoon there are also another 2-4 cups of tea. Dinner is mostly low cal veg and roughly 300-400cal. In the evening I’ll have either a decaf tea or a hot drink made with almond-coconut milk (depending on how low cal I think my day has been.) I don’t weigh, measure or count the calories, but I have enough memory of the kilojoules in just about everything to feel confident with my approximations. I’m including some legumes in dinners, but no grains. Being low in carb means I have little appetite which is helping – as is the hot humid weather.
    I have also increased my water intake. Like Neil I find it easy to forget to drink enough water so I am trying to add it to other actions. When I make a pot of tea I make myself drink 1-2 large glasses of water – to remember I fill the glass at the same time as I fill the kettle. I’m also drinking a glass of water just before lunch and dinner. It does seem to be helping – it also has helped me to keep my cups of tea to 6 or less a day.

    Anzac, good for you standing up to the project manager. Stand your ground, otherwise the promised flexibility is meaningless.

    Cinque, I don’t envy you the carby foods that are tempting you. I was given some lovely sourdough and managed to get it into the freezer without eating any -unheard of usually. Enjoy your chicken and veg dinner – it will do you good and make you feel virtuous and strong for resisting the bread and sticky rice.

    Neil, how wonderful that you and Mrs N are home and your family is back together. I’m sure she’ll recover faster surrounded by loved ones.
    I am the same with the water. When I was working I kept a bottle on my desk and it was easier to drink it than go to the kitchen to make a cuppa. In my blurb above I have described how I’m trying to include more water in my day, some of it might help you work out a routine that helps you at home. I do find it needs to be a routine so that I build a habit that sticks.

    Thin, so glad you had a precious weekend with your daughter.
    Hope you get the toilet situation resolved quickly. I assume this means you need to stay moored alongside facilities for a while. Are you able to do that with the time limits on most moorings?

    Betsy, good to hear that you have your diet back on track after the magnum episode. Hopefully cooler weather will help to make the icecream less inviting – although I’m not sure I’d resist icecream in the freezer regardless of the weather.

    Hello to everyone else who reading. Hope you are all having a good day.

    The weather has become hot and humid here which means I become a bit of a hermit. Seriously, where is the nice mild autumn weather that lets me do some serious gardening – not happy!
    Luckily I had my physio completely revamp my exercise program (which I had been struggling with) and I now have one that includes only sitting and standing exercises and uses the basic equipment I have at home (4 dumbells, 2 ankle weights, a fitball and theraband). It takes 45 minutes and is a godsend on those days when the weather is not conducive to walking.

    Speaking of which, it’s too hot and humid for a walk today – time I did some exercises!

    What a lot of pleasing news after not much activity.

    On the issue of adequate water intake, the two things that helped me most were a fridge with an external chilled water dispenser and a superior coffee machine that enabled me to be satisfied after two very good cups of coffee. Before that, I’d have about eight cups of coffee a day and forget to drink water.

    Neil, that’s fabulous news all round. I feel your relief. Lovely friends and family for support. And I know it’s nothing you haven’t done/wouldn’t do for them.

    Anzac, all the very best for Mr A’s treatment. I agree with Cinque, take notes. Most of it will go over your head otherwise. And, yes, keep those bullies in line. Your sanity and the care of Mr A is far more important. Thinking of you.

    LJ, great result. Well done. Back in the saddle! Low key exercises. I have got out my theraband ….

    Cinque, you sound on an upward swing too. Eating well and keeping the carby things in check.

    OH spent the afternoon in the toilet after a phone call to the technician explaining why the brackets are now only sold on the ‘wrong’ side and how to overcome it. Result! Meanwhile, I was at the dentist having prepped myself for crowns, implants, who knows what. Utterly amazed that she suggested I do nothing! Especially after I’d lied and said I was in pain (at the receptionist’s urging). I asked how I was supposed to keep it clean behind the chip – which wiggles when I floss the tooth and feels weird when I eat. Convinced her to repair it and now await a cancellation.

    LJ, winter mooring rules apply until the end of March so we can safely stay on this 48 hour mooring for two weeks. We have plenty of jobs to keep us busy but I hope it doesn’t drag on beyond that. I can walk to the dentist in 45 mins so should be able to pounce on a cancellation.

    Yesterday, we watched a juvenile buzzard fly ahead of the boat and crash land in the water. As I cruised past, OH scooped it out of the water, drowning and face down, and I moored and we put it on a branch while considering what to do next. It’s remote countryside on that stretch but I was worried about feral cats and dogs off leash. We had to get to the dentist appt. so I decided to put it on the boat roof and continue cruising while it recovered. It was calm after we removed the towel but seemed stunned as if concussed. After half an hour, it flew back to the towpath – straight towards an off lead dog. As we rounded the next bend, the man was leashing the dog but also photographing the bird which gave his dog access to keep jumping up. I do hope he moved on quickly and the bird is safe.

    Betsy, and bird lovers, I thought you might like to see:

    I popped on to the forum just to say hello, and saw at the top of the page your worrying news Anzac. I am so so sorry. But reading on, it sounds like you have a good treatment plan, and although everyone says it, it truly is amazing the great strides recently with cancer treatment.

    Neil, wonderful to hear your wife’s operation was a success, and now she is beginning her recovery. Hugs to you both, and to your boys. And hurrah too for good neighbours….your family clearly means a lot to them.

    Thin, it was lovely to read my name on this forum and know you hadn’t forgotten me. Thank you.

    My news? Well, it’s not too bad. The oncologist stopped OH’s first cancer treatment because the side effects were horrendous, and has started him on fortnightly immunotherapy infusions which leave him a little tired, but with no other side effects. And the good news is that his first PET scan ater the first 3 months of treatment showed no more metastisis. So now, it’s just the cancer in his throat that is the focus. The oncologist was very pleased, and of course so are we. My OH has a paralysed vocal chord (nerve damage as an unavoidable consequence of the very tricky surgery), and after being told by one ENT that he should wait for 12 months in case the nerve regenerated, we saw another who was furious with that advice (so unusual for doctors to be critical of others – his face said it all). His comment? “I’d like anyone who tells you to wait a year to walk a day in your shoes.” There’s a treatment that involves the injection of a botox-like substance into the vocal chord to cause it to swell and move to the centre to connect with the other. It’s temporary, but can be done again if needed, as we wait for the nerve to decide if it is going to get over itself. OH can only talk in a whisper and it’s become very socially isolating for him, so if he can some of his voice back, it will be a bonus. So, that’s next Friday.

    Calif, what tough times you and your OH are going through. You are in my thoughts. Thank heavens for your DS nearby.

    Hope the optometrist went well Cinque ….did you have the glaucoma checked?

    OK friends all, I’m going to finish here. We are in North Queensland, having a wee holiday between treatments. Port Douglas for 5 days, and now Palm Cove for another 3. It is bucketing down, OH is reading, and I’m finally reporting back in.

    best wishes to you all.

    Lindsay, it was lovely to get that encouraging update, thank you. Of course we haven’t forgotten you. We understand that you need your space and those precious moments to be spent with Mr L. Enjoy the holiday.

    Evening everyone, we had a long weekend here, which means nothing to me being retired, they are all long weekends, but my wonderful daughter was able to come and stay the night🥰 and I loved it so much. We have always been close which is such a blessing when I see/hear how others are with their children It’s very sad. Our weather is so fickle, cool but awfully humid, making what to wear a pain in the “A” , then it turns hot enough for a shortsleeved top, than it rains……, strange Autumn, very tropical, yet not much sun.I’m eating very healthy low cal meals,and feel good in clothes, but scared to get on the scales🥴especially after my daughter’s visit😂so will fast tomorrow then see where I am.
    It’s good news with most having forward plans with health-carers. Neil how did your wife go when you went back at work? Does she have anyone calling in on her?
    LindsayL you and your OH have certainly been through the mills, but sound like a light at the endof that long tunnel is close💖
    Thin, living on the English canals sounds so quaint, very “pomey” movie theme👏You must see some lovely things, as well as saving bird life💝
    It sounds as though Putin is rattling cages for others to be involved. Casualties of the innocent are terrible, and a Childrens hospital…I ask you, what danger are they to anyone! Where IS 007when we need him?

    Morning all

    Weight was up a kilo this week, but I was expecting that with the sugar I ate on the drive back from Christchurch. It should come off pretty quick now that I’m back into my regular routine at work. Only issue will be exercise now. It’s getting a bit dark and cold to be doing a full ride before work, and soon it will be too dark in the evening to be going for a ride after work as well.

    Countrygal, yes, my wife had her sister and mother come round to bring some lunch and her aunt came round to bring some dinner in the evening. We certainly have no shortage of food in the house at the moment. She also had her OT and Physio come round for a check-up so she was certainly not short of visitors. Her family will probably come round every day to check up on her and she has a couple of friends coming round for a visit tomorrow. Great that you got to have your daughter round for a visit.

    Ljoyce, thanks for those tips. I’ll try to remember to drink a glass or two with each meal during the weekend. I might try to get a big water bottle to keep at home as well, hopefully that will get me to keep drinking enough during the weekend too.

    Cinque, I hope your optometrist appointment went well. I’ve been eating a bit too much grains/starch too. Travelling food is always sandwiches, scones, etc. It also didn’t help that the food that was dropped off for us was fettuccini pasta with basil pesto and a shepherd’s pie with a thick layer of potato. I’m hoping that now our garden is pumping out ripe veg I can start eating a lot more salads, soups, stews and just plain old beautiful fresh raw veg.

    Thin, awesome pics, birds of prey are so cool. I always look out for harrier hawks when driving, there are a lot of them in the lower South Island and they have learned that roads = road kill = an easy meal so you quite often see them circling above as you drive.

    Lindsay, great to hear from you and for your positive update. I hope everything goes well for the botox treatment.

    Well have a good one everyone.

    I got worn down quickly today (fine, just no energy) (eyes fine too). But just had to say hooray to hear from you Lindsay <3 and hear your news. Hoping that botox works and Mr Lindsay can be louder.

    Cheers to Mrs Neil,

    Yay LJoyce,

    Hooray for precious times with daughters Thin and CountryGal.

    Going fine here sensible food wise.

    PS Lovely bird pics Thin

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