Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,464 replies, has 835 voices, and was last updated by  Neilithicman 5 hours, 2 minutes ago.

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  • Good morning everyone.

    I thought I’d been doing ok, with 2 strict FDs and fairly controlled NFDs. The scales said otherwise this morning. My clothes were definitely looser, so I was expecting a good number. Hopefully the scales give me better news by the end of the month. Like CG, I have found insulting the scales doesn’t help either.

    Neil, I had the same reaction as Cinque to your bazlama bread. I think yoghurt in a flatbread makes the best dough.

    Anzac, what a wonderful adventure and memories you’ll have forever of that very special experience.

    Thin, it says something that I am no longer surprised by your youthful risk taking – there’s probably a very good reason that you have never met anyone else that hitch-hiked that route through central Africa. Enjoy planning that trip to Rwanda with your daughter – it’s nice to think that someone as well traveled as you can still be inspired to find new adventures.

    CG, sorry to hear you have arthritis in your spine. It can take some adjusting to, when your body puts limits on what you can now do. It does sound like you have founds new ways to be happy and enjoy life, regardless of the physical restrictions of an arthritic spine.
    I have RA and also some damage to my lower spine. It does get frustrating when I want to do things that my body is no longer capable of safely doing – doesn’t mean I don’t push the limits sometimes.

    Cinque, just when you thought you were on a roll the ME reminded you of it’s unwelcome presence. Do you find that with a chronic illness it’s a constant tug of war over who’s in charge? I think you have a better attitude about this than I do.
    Here’s hoping today is a better well hydrated day.

    Intesha, lovely to hear from you and nice to get a catchup on what has been happening in your life. I remember how worried you were about having to find a new rental property, but I think this one is an improvement on the last – despite the steep driveway. As others have said, I too wish you could find a little more time for yourself.

    My exercise has been very erratic this month, mostly because I just didn’t want to venture out when it was hot or humid – usually I can force myself to do it, but not this month. This last week has had milder weather so I’m getting back into a better routine by doing 6-8000 steps a day. Last week was good as I was able to push myself to go for a walk, even on the days I didn’t feel like it. Yesterday I went to Marino Conservation Park with a friend, for a walk up to the old lighthouse and back along the cliff. The vegetation was very dry, but the views were lovely: https://imgur.com/a/492Hws7 It was a steeper walk than I am used to these days, but good for the leg muscles.

    Hello to everyone else who is reading. Hope you are all having a great weekend.

    Morning everyone , LJ swearing at the scales might not help, but it certainly makes me feel better. My fasts seem fine, but the scales disagree so if they don’t want to play the game I curse them😂😂all to no end admittedly 😂😂still no movement there, but tell myself to hang in, keep going, it’s gotta be doing me some good. Clothes definitely looser, but it’s not muscle weight, I don’t exercise due to being in constant pain. My med do cause weight gain as a side effect, so I’m not gaining and not losing. My garden is therapeutic with tunnel vision, I keep going, but golly, know about it for the next few days, I can’t move, yet I keep smiling, proud of the achievements in it. I can’t do things by halves, so just keep going, no way can I do a little bit each day ☺️
    What a brilliant time with the gorillas, I am so envious, I adore animals and anyone who can get so close in the wild is blessed, congratulations and what wonderful memories you made.
    Reading of all your travels lets me know how much of a home body I am. I guess if I had a partner willing enough in the early years, the bug would have bitten, but I love where I live, the country is Gods own yard, undulating hills, forever changing colour with our seasons, I am content.
    Have a lovely day one and all, back to fasting tomorrow and see if I can convince my scales I am not giving up, so they better get their act together🌻CG

    LJ, that view looks well worth the effort. I like seeing photos of Oz, everything looks so different, it’s easy to forget. I think my knees will be grateful to get away from all these mediterranean steps.

    CG, it would be marvellous to feel so content. I’m sadly a chronic malcontent.

    FD is here again and I’m making chicken paprika for dinner.

    Where’s everyone else gone?

    Hi Thin, I wondered the same thing. I know some post on other threads, but was thinking maybe everyone was enjoying their weekend, it is very quiet. Good luck with your fast, mine is tomorrow 🌻CG

    Thanks for posting the photo’s Thin. I don’t know what’s going on with Imgur, it wants me to sign up and needs my mobile number to send a code to. I never get the code so I can’t sign up. Gah!

    The concert was great, just very hot. We had to sit out in the sun and despite lathering sun cream I missed a few bits and got very burnt. Thin, we were going to hollow out some turkish bread and put two hip flasks with Gin and Tonic in and put in some lettuce to stick out of the sides making it look like a sandwich. But then decided to do the right thing and we took nothing. Just our food and 10 bottles of frozen water – which were a Godsend in the heat

    I ended up putting on 100 grams last week due to a bad weekend so my scales copped a swearing too. Anyway, it’s a new week and the only way is down

    CG, where you live sounds so beautiful. I would love to live in the country. My parents were born and bred in the country and we spent many of our school holidays visiting their friends in far west NSW. I wouldn’t live inland as I love the beach too much but my dream is to retire somewhere down the South coast of NSW near the beach. However due to our endless travel bug I have to keep working to fund our trips.

    LJ, my exercise is more than erratic at the moment, it is almost non-existent. I am still fatigued easily from the pesky Covid (or whatever I had) so even a short walk is about the limit. I just did a gentle 30 minutes on the exercise bike while the Mr Anzac walked Maxx in the pouring rain and I feel better for it. Mr Anzac is still wheezy, tired and very down about it all. I fear he has long Covid.

    Hi to everyone else, hope you are having a great week

    Good morning all.

    Anzac, I hope you enjoyed the concert – despite the unrelenting sun.
    Yet another person swearing at their scales – I personally think they immune to all forms of abuse.
    I had trouble with imgur a couple of months ago and it seemed to be wanting me to create a login too. After a few failed attempts I saw an option on the screen to return to the previous imgur format and selected that – it has taken me back to the way imgur used to work. I only use imgur on my laptop – because I haven’t figured out how to use it on my phone! So it might be different when used on devices.
    Fabulous photos, thank you Thin & Anzac.

    CG, sometimes life gets in the road and this thread gets quiet for a day or too. Not good when you are needing to chat, but I’m a prime culprit for going silent when I’m busy or tired.
    I absolutely understand you pushing yourself with the gardening, despite your body telling you it’s a very bad idea. I do this too and yes it’s nice to stand back and admire the results.

    My FDs and NFDs are both going well at the moment. Fingers crossed it continues.

    Take care everyone.

    Testing testing


    Thanks LJ! I hunted around and found a Skip option.

    Hi all,

    Have been reading posts but too busy to post myself. I have one assignment and my work experience at the gym left to do and then I’ve completed my Cert IV in Fitness, hence why I’ve been silent, too busy with study.

    Just a few comments from posts I can remember. Dire Straits concert, yes I also went to the Brothers in Arms concert in Adelaide and in fact, a few weeks ago I unpacked my huge box of concert tshirts that was in the shed and found the Dire Straits one in amongst them all. It was on the 12th Feb 1986 at Footy Park, I would have been 18.

    My first 20 years of adult life revolved around music and going to concerts so I have a huge collection of tshirts and concert books. In fact when I looked through the tshirts I’d actually forgotten that I had seen many of them. The most memorable for me was Paul McCartney and Wings (absolutely brilliant) and Bob Dylan (absolute worst – he was awful and in fact he fell off stage – a bit under the influence of something I suspect) but I couldn’t tell if he was drunk or not because his singing was so awful. My all time favourite though is Queen, although I didn’t get to see them with Freddie Mercury, I have seen them twice with Adam Lambert – he has got to be the closest thing to Freddie on the planet – absolutely awesome band and they have been my favourite band since the mid 70’s.

    Intesha lovely to hear from you and glad you have settled into your new abode.

    LJoyce sincere condolences on the family bereavement and what a lovely and fitting poem.

    Thin, still enjoying reading your travel tales and every time I see Rick Stein on the TV where he travels through France on a barge I think of you.

    Anzac glad you enjoyed the concert. Can’t recall who commented that they kissed Doc Neeson (Anzac or Thin?) but I had a good laugh because I too managed to get a snog from him in the 80’s or perhaps early 90’s when I was at front of stage at one of the numerous Angels concerts I went too. Reminded me of the bands that I have seen live at least 5 times each, back in the days when Aussie Rock played in local Pubs all the time – Angels, Dragon, Uncanny X Men, Divinys, Hoodoo Gurus, Jimmy Barnes, Rose Tattoo the list goes on.

    My weight is still tracking downwards and I’m getting very close to reaching my second goal weight of 59.9kg. Last night I started a 72 hour fast as I haven’t done one for a little while, have done a few 36 hour fasts though. It’s Miss GDay’s 14th birthday in a few days so I will make her a chocolate cake and she’s requested homemade pizzas for tea so just to be polite I will have a slither of cake (I’m not fond of chocolate cake anyway) and my pizza base will be made from buckwheat flour.

    The garden is producing an abundance of fruit, vegies and herbs and we have just picked our first apples and pomegranates of the season – absolutely delicious.

    Hello to everyone I haven’t commented on – hope everyone is travelling well.

    Wordle, got it in two and in about ten seconds. Lucky first guess.

    Anzac, I laughed about the hip flasks in turkish bread. I loved the gorilla photos thank you, also the really nice one of you and Mr Anzac. I’m assuming those huts were where you stayed. Such an adventure. Cute photo of Maxx.

    CGal, hope your fast delivered good results.

    GDSA, so cool that you went to the Dire Straits’ concert on the same tour, although it would have been many months later because, by January 1986, I was just leaving Oz after hitching all over for six months. The America’s Cup was held in Perth. It shows the length of time bands spend on road/world tours, it must be exhausting. You were 18, I was 29. Ah, Queen. Sounds like your garden is productive, how nice to have a supply of pomegranates. Good job with your weight.

    LJ, glad things are heading in the right direction with your weight. Wish I could say the same. We took the tram to Benidorm yesterday just to see it. It was everything I imagined and more. Stereotypical mass tourism, overweight lobster-red Brits and Germans. It’s the first time we’ve seen the mobility scooter brigade since being in peninsula Spain and it was like being at the dodgems. Double-wide and tandem style mobility scooters are now a thing.

    Cinque, Neil, Betsy, everyone else, good morning.

    Hi everyone. Fell totally off the wagon the last few days, just bad (yummy) choices, being cross with myself doesn’t help, I need to act on it. The rest of the week will be very strict, I KNOW I can do this. I had my bloods done, which according to my Dr was all normal. Cholesterol low 😃and everything else as it should be. He thinks the weariness is after effects of Covid, and to just rest. What a joke! I do nothing BUT rest, I could sleep on a barbed wire fence. I guess it’s a day by day thing, and have to see it through . I wake up ravenous , so choices aren’t the best, but will nip that in the bud.
    Gee all the talk of concerts brings back so many memories, my daughter was a huge Angels fan, and like you all, met Doc quite a few times. I’m a Freddie fan, adored his voice, and agree Adam Lambert is fabulous, but to this day have problems accepting stand ins, or aged rockers looking for their youth. Paul was my favourite Beatle, I saw them when they came to Melbourne, but don’t like listening to his strained voice now. Let it Be Paul…….Let it Be! So, fasting tomorrow 800 Thursday and fasting Frida, just gotta Get Back to TWL 😂, enjoy the evening 🌻CG

    Anzac what beautiful pics, those babies are gorgeous, oh how I’d love a cuddle, they all look so very relaxed 💖

    Good evening all.

    It’s been a busy-ish several days, but it’s great to read all your posts. Had a minor food “lashout” and regained 1.2 kg, but have now reined that in, so I expect to have a reasonable weight loss for February. However, I managed to finish writing a second draft of my introduction and submit it to my supervisors. It’s still way too short, but we’ll discuss that next Monday when we meet together via Zoom.

    Good news re the garden – my friend came and removed the trunk/roots of the peach tree so I’ve been able to plant a callistemon there. He also helped me remove a Sydney rock orchid from my front yard. It was HUGE! Needed a saw to cut it into smaller pieces. Two pieces are in two different places at the back (where they can grow to their heart’s content), one piece went to my friend, and the last piece to another friend’s brother, who’s creating a small fernery-type space and appreciated receiving it. I also shifted two rose bushes to the front, so nearly all my roses are there now, and planted yet another callistemon at the back. That’s to attract the birds, once they grow.

    Cinque, much as I’d like to wear my smaller clothes, I’ll have to lose another 6-8 kgs first, so another couple of months at least. Oh well, I’m getting there. I always have to buy pants with elastic waists, though, as my hips are much bigger than my waist. Sounds like your CFS is a bit up and down, but really, you manage your symptoms very well.

    G’DayfromSA, thin, Anzac65, you and your band exploits! I have to confess – I didn’t even recognise most of the band names 🙁
    Well done on nearly finishing your Cert IV in Fitness, G’DayfromSA.

    Anzac65, so sorry you and OH are still suffering from the effects of Covid. I hope gradually, gradually, you’ll see improvement. Glad you enjoyed the concert. Your photos from Rwanda of the gorillas are awesome.
    Thin, hope you and DD are able to travel there sometime.

    LJoyce, good that your FDs and NFDs are under control at the moment.

    Countrygal1, I did quite a bit of travelling when I was younger, living for various lengths of time in a few different countries, but I think I’ve come to your position – I like living/ being where I am now, and really don’t think I want to travel again. But, who knows, I guess that could change once my studies are finished. Of course, there’s also the question of money…. 🙂 .

    Neil, glad things are settling down with your weight. Your bread sounds yummy.

    Intesha, lovely to read your posts, and to echo what others have already said – you need to look after yourself, too, so you can continue to support your dad, so do plan to have a break.

    Catch you all next time.

    Morning all

    I’ve been absent recently because we’re a bit stressed out over here. My wife’s surgery date is coming soon, it’s going to happen on the 3rd March and we’re trying to organise transport, accommodation, family to look after our boys/cat, etc all while trying not to think too much about the surgery itself and trying not to catch Covid. The cases in our city are starting to take off and you need a negative Covid test before the surgeons will operate. Fasts haven’t happened this week and stress eating has seen me gain a kilo.

    I hope everyone is fine, I might get a chance to look back over the posts later. Have a great day everyone.

    Good morning, Neil positive thoughts for your wife and her surgery. I don’t know what it is for, but medical abilities are brilliant theses days and very safe. It’s daunting of course for you both, but I’m sure God will guide the hands of her surgeons 😘 Anxious eating is to be expected and nothing you wont be able to back track once your wife has the all clear❤️
    I’m fasting today, full of determination and vowing to stay on the straight and narrow.
    Have a lovely day everyone🌻CG

    Neil, wishing the very best outcome for your wife. Your stress is very understandable, don’t be hard on yourself.
    Will be thinking of you next Thursday and hoping for a very good result.

    Neil, all the very best for your wife’s surgery. It’s been such a long wait and it will be great to finally to get it behind you. I bet the surgery will yield a fantastic result, and that your friends and extended family will help get all your ducks in a row to make it happen. Don’t forget to look after your own health though, you can handle these things better from a position of strength.

    Betsy, I remember you told us that you’ve lived in China which is exciting enough – where else? I have to admit that travel has definitely lost its gloss in recent decades. Not just the nonsense we’ve been put through to get anywhere by those who with a desire to kill us but the fact that, more and more, places are losing their identity, everyone and everything is becoming the same. The only diversity that’s celebrated is that which occurs in your own country. Even the most remote camping spot in WA finds its way onto someone’s facebook page with a pouty lipstick face in front of it the second it’s discovered.

    And then there’s covid. Finally behind us in England – all remaining restrictions lifted as of tomorrow. Well, there is one thing they’ve conveniently omitted to remove, that of the passenger locator form. Funny that.

    CG, fasting with you today. I laughed at what you wrote about the ageing rockers – ‘Let It Be’.

    Hi everyone.

    Quick post tonight, as I’m not feeling great, bit of a tummy upset. It will be better tomorrow.

    Thin, to answer your question, I also lived in Hong Kong for nearly six months, Auckland NZ for 3 months, I had two stints in Hawaii, one for 3 months and the other for 6, and I spent 6 months in Cambodia in the early ’80s, about 18 months after the Vietnamese had ousted the Pol Pot regime. It was a very sad time there. I was working in the newly opened National Children’s Hospital, running the lab with local co-workers. I didn’t meet a single person who hadn’t lost at least some family members during the time of Pol Pot, and some had almost no remaining family.

    China, of course, was for 11 years, about 91/2 in the actual country, with about 6 months home with my knee injury and another time, 1 year to renew my eligibility for Medicare. Lots of interesting experiences, but I think I may have finally planted my feet deeply into home soil now. Maybe?

    Catch you all again next time, when I feel a bit better.

    BL what a wonderful life and adventure you have had. I hope you kept a journal to reflect back on in your “old age”😂

    Thin fast finished now, light salad for dinner, just enough for my milky coffee left😃hope yours went well too. Now, to see if my scales stay in the ensuite or go out the window in the morning…..night all 🌻CG

    Countrygal1, at 72, heading for 73 later this year, I suspect “old age” may have crept up on me (ha, ha!) 🙂

    Haha, BL, we are only a year apart, you can only go by how the body feels, right! Not the amount of candles on the cake. trouble with age comes memory loss, so writing things down is a must, if you can remember where you wrote it down🥴…..🌻CG

    Betsy, or BL is it now, thanks for the info. I bet you had many interesting times in all those diverse places (along with the sad ones). I think you were very courageous to live in China all those years, although I am basing that on an assumption which could be wrong, that you were single at the time. Cambodia and Philippines are the only two in SE Asia I’ve not yet seen. Still not the same as living/working in a place as you were.

    CG, ha ha re: pesky scales. Fast meal was delicious leftovers from Sunday’s chicken paprika. I had only eaten half an orange until that point and was ravenous. I’m also hoping for better things on the scales but OH is already making noises about tomorrow’s potential restaurant fare. At least you only have yourself to grapple with! One more week of this hopeless advancing and retreat to the trigger weight and then back into a proper routine.

    I’ve had a hard week after my lovely social day on Sunday. Almost recovered!
    I had an anti-fast day yesterday unfortunately. It involved walnuts and a potato mostly. (That’s the carbiest things I had on hand.)
    Today is looking a lot better.

    So much catching up to do, but I fear that by the time I read things I will be resting again.
    With my illness (ME/CFS) I need to keep within my ‘energy envelope’ if I want to function with few symptoms and have good days. Exert myself too much and I get ‘payback’ in lots of symptoms and a shrunken ‘energy envelope’. That is what this week has been. Yes, LJoyce, it is a tug of war. As soon as I step outside my bounds I am no longer in charge. Sigh.

    It makes me a home body too, CountryGal. There is a precious side to having those roots we put down, get so deep. (But still envious of the world travellers)

    Thin, I have been doing lots of wordle, quordle, and now I have discovered octordle, haha.

    Anzac, I am glad you were able to enjoy the concert in spite of the heat, and I hope you have had some nice rest afterwards. Such a beautiful picture of Maxx, he looks such a picture of health!

    Gday, happy birthday to Ms14! I hope she has a wonderful day, at the end of your wonderful fast.
    Well done with the study! (And the fruit trees).

    Betsy, another set of well done re the study (hopefully they are impressed with your lack of padding things out?) and your trees (and orchid).

    Neil, what an anxious time for all of you. So many good wishes for Mrs Neil, I do so hope covid doesn’t complicate it all.
    It is a time to get over rough ground as lightly as you can, and then you can all pick yourselves up and recover.
    So many heartfelt good wishes to you all.


    Hi Neil, sending healing thoughts across the ditch for your wife’s operation next week. I can only imagine the stress and anxiety. Please let us know how everything goes

    Wordle spoiler alert:
    Cinque, I wrote three whole words before getting a single included letter in wordle today. Then it was easy because there was nothing much left! They cheated using two of the letters twice. As for quordle, gosh, so many unlikely letters in all four words. I’m not sure I’m good enough for octordle!

    Hoping you can live within your energy means, and that your energy supply ultimately increases. Just think, when little Miss 5 and her big sister get just a bit older, they can run circles looking after all your needs.

    Good evening all.

    Well, I have managed to lose 0.7 kg of the 1.2 that jumped on, so I’m hopeful that I’ll get it off again by the end of February. I still have so much to lose that it’s not too difficult to shake lose a couple of kgs once I get past my sticking weight.

    Thin, living in China was fairly easy as I was an ESL (well, in China, an EFL) teacher in various universities, so their international offices are responsible for the care of their teachers. As well as a (relatively small) wage, room and board were provided. The only thing I had to pay for was my phones (landline and mobile), and whatever food and traveling around I did. For foreigners, it was fairly safe at that time. And every year they paid for a return ticket home during their longer academic holiday over the summer. Financially, basically, all I managed to save during the academic year, I spent on my 6 or so weeks home in Australia, so I never managed to save anything, but it was a great experience. Loved the students, loved the food. Much fewer “indulgences”, so my weight was lower than it is now (sigh!).

    Cinque, good to read your update. Seems like you need to ease off a little on your activities, if at all possible. My other friends with ME/CFS are the same in needing to carefully pace themselves.

    Neilithicman, I do hope your wife came through her surgery okay, and is or will be home again quickly.

    Countrygal1, good point re remembering. I have to make myself pay attention to things I’ve done, especially routine daily tasks. Otherwise I think – yes, I remember doing that, but was it today or yesterday? 🙂

    Thin, I think I prefer the Betsy, though provided I recognise to whom the remarks are being directed I guess it doesn’t really matter.

    Anzac65, hope you and OH are doing better with the energy.

    LJoyce, hope your FDs and NFDs are continuing to go well.

    Good night everyone.

    Evening everyone, very late post, couldn’t nod of (very strange for me) so put the news on, very sad to think it has come to this, those poor innocent people caught up in it all. Betsy sorry about using initials, the site I used to be on only ever used them, as most of our names were so long, that’s why I sign off CG, just habit I guess.
    My good news is my scales are doing the right thing for a change, the 1.5K I managed to put back on has now gone, unfortunately it’s put me back to where I started, but my body is now used to eating correctly again, and fasting isn’t causing issues. Next week I’m hoping to see better improvements 😃
    Cinque I looked up your illness, you poor girl, I don’t know how you manage. The fatigue I am battling since Covid showed nothing in my blood tests, yet even if it did show, guess there’s not much can be done. I actually slept through my alarm this morning and missed an appointment with my Vet to have my “baby” Xrayed. I then fell asleep for 2 hrs after a light lunch, there is no stopping it, I just shut down! I am just hoping it soon passes and I can get back to normal. I think Mr Anzac was having the same problem.
    I’m fasting again tomorrow with the hope of starting the week off lower than I began, Good night everyone 🌻CG

    Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend. The scales were kind this morning, creeping me another 0.3 kg closer to the low point I reached earlier in the month. Hoping that by Monday, I’ll be 2.5 kg down for the month (hope, hope!)

    Sorry, have to go out very soon so can’t write more. Very sorry to hear, Countrygal1, that you’re still fighting that awful post-Covid fatigue, like Anzac65 and her OH. It sounds most unpleasant!

    Onward and downwards 🙂

    Sunday morning, nearly noon.

    Aagh it is a strange fast day as I have had a small bowl of (good) food already, I can make it if I can wait for my evening soup. Ooh maybe a boiled egg to see me through might work. (Yes, I forgot it was Sunday when I had something to eat!)

    Thin, it did work that if I kept inside my ‘box’ (my little ME/CFS box) my health would improve. But it hasn’t been like that the last couple of years. I fear aging, and years of being so sedentary, are catching up with me. Still hoping I might be able to surprise myself.

    Love that wordle! Wo, 3 lines of nothing!

    Betsy you are doing great! Keep going!

    CG, it is so frustrating, but I do think sleeping a lot is a good sign your body is healing (unless you are not drinking enough water and that is making you a different sort of exhausted. Make sure you have litres of water!)
    I hope your fast day is going better than mine! 😀

    Hello to everyone. Special shout out to Cali, Lindsay and Intesha. Quacka, I would love to think you are still lurking too!

    Best wishes all

    Morning all, joining you on your FD, Cinque. My plans were thwarted though as the most enormous supermarket I’ve ever set foot in, didn’t have any asparagus last evening. Shops are closed on Sundays so , unless LJ appears to tell me how many green beans I can steam in place of 85g of asparagus, I will have to do some research (no kitchen scales here). Not that green beans will go nearly as well with smoked salmon and a poached egg. A cursory check tells me that I can have three. Oh boy.

    CG, your sleep description reminds me of a time many decades ago when I suffered the most awful jetlag ever and slept deeply almost non-stop for a week. I literally could not break out of it.

    Betsy, I’m hoping to join you with much better numbers on the scales when we return to our routine on the boat this coming week. I can’t believe how poorly I’ve done this past two months. I don’t like excuses but, if I have any defence, it’s that we are now in our tenth accommodation in two months. Constantly adjusting to different kitchens, improvising, buying unfamiliar Spanish food products – coupled with a lot of indefensible behaviours like failure to say no to sugary delights and vino tinto. When we get back on the boat this week, we have so much to do that I think my mind will be too busy to focus on food.

    Neil, it’s this Thursday for your wife’s surgery, I believe? Let us know how it all goes. All the best.

    Morning all

    I’ve been a bit absent recently for obvious reasons. Yes Thin, the surgery is on Thursday. We’re driving up tomorrow and she gets admitted on Wednesday. We’ve managed to avoid Covid so far, well I assume we have, we’ll find out when we get our test once she gets admitted. The things we’re worried about (other than the surgery itself) is there is a huge rise in covid cases which could mean that patients could be forced to leave hospital sooner than they should be, also there is a hospital workers strike scheduled for the day after the surgery. We’re really praying that everything goes well and there are no hold-ups now that we have everything organised.

    My eating was pretty bad the last 3 days. As always when I’m stressed my diet was really carb heavy. The weather was also pretty awful up until yesterday so I hadn’t been out riding since last Monday. Yesterday the sun was out and I managed to get out for a decent 2.5 hour ride racking up 52kms and climbing 1200m. I’m working from home today and the day is nice so I’m planning to go out for an hour during my lunch break. I wasn’t going to, but my wife has told me to bring my bike and frisbees with me so I can get out for some exercise while we’re up there. I’m guessing she will be spending a bit of time sleeping after the surgery so I might have some time to get out and unwind with some exercise.

    I haven’t read through the chat but I hope everyone else is good, and I’ll check back in once the surgery is over to let you know how it went.

    Have a great day everyone.

    I do believe it is our lovely friend LJ’s birthday today! If yes then I hope you are having a truly lovely day

    Just back home from our nice 4 days down the coast and have approximately 7 million things to put away and do before my Dad comes for dinner so just a quick post for the Birthday Girl and to say hi

    Happy Birthday LJ.

    Anzac, glad you had a nice trip. Enjoy your evening with your dad.

    Neil, I hadn’t realised you have to travel for the surgery – Chistchurch, maybe? Do you have to stay in a hotel? Interesting that the covid test isn’t administered until after admission. When my OH had his surgery last year, he had to present two days prior to admission to get the test in a tent outside. It added to our logistical complications as we also had to travel but made sense.

    Highly successful FD yesterday, down 1kg.

    Happy birthday LJ, have a great one.

    Thin, yes Christchurch is where the surgery is. There is only one neurosurgeon in Dunedin and he’s swamped. The Chch team apparently do hundreds of the surgeries my wife needs. Because we have to travel for it the government pays our travel costs, and accommodation costs up to $100 per day, so I only have to pay the hotel they’ve booked me into $10 per night.

    Wish us luck and I’ll check in when I’m back.

    Neil, that’s fantastic. It will be a cinch. Hard not to worry all the same. And how terrific it will be to have it all behind you at last.

    LJoyce wishing you a lovely birthday, hope you make it a day to remember.
    Neil all the best for your wife’s surgery, stay positive, it’ll be behind you soon.
    I’m at my son’s at the moment, I have to go to Peter Mac, our main cancer hospital tomorrow, and I wont drive in the city these days, so he is taking me in. Just a check this time, phew….Lovely to have time with him, and my daughter who doesn’t live far away, called in after work to see me, it’s wonderful when we are all together. No 5;2 for the time I’m here being spoilt☺️Catch up soon 🌻CG

    Quick check-in just to say that I lost 2.4 kg over the month of February. Not as much as I was aiming for, but satisfactory all the same.

    Neilithicman, thinking of you and your wife as she faces the surgery. For some reason I thought it was on Thursday of last week. Silly me

    LJoyce, if thin and Anzac65 were right re your birthday – happy, happy birthday for the 28th and I hope your day was blessed.

    Goodnight everyone

    Betsy, there’s no pleasing some people! 2.4kg is not as much as you’d hoped for? Satisfactory?! Lower your expectations! Congratulations, that’s fantastic surely.

    Hello everyone,

    My Sunday fast day pretty much managed to be a fast day, and yesterday was good too. Tried on dresses from the ‘other wardrobe’ 😉 and a couple have gone into this wardrobe. Woot! And a few more are close.

    Neil, thanks for the update. Sending a steady stream of good wishes and I will have a candle alight on Thursday and be wishing the best in its steady light.
    Hooray for modern medicine and modern hospitals and that you are pretty much the best country in the world, covidwise, even though the current numbers are growing so fast locally.

    Anzac, hooray for four days away and dinner with your dad.
    Thinking so hard of people facing flooding emergencies at the moment <3 <3 <3

    CountryGal, high five to you in Melbourne, so close! I hope it is an easy friendly appt. Hooray for useful sons!

    Betsy, cheers! I go about 1kg down a month at my best, so I am super impressed at what you have managed.

    Haha Thin, exactly.

    Lots of good wishes to everyone. I am planning to fast tomorrow and then on Thursday I’m heading up to Bendigo (in the afternoon, so that candle will burn all morning), with my daughter and granddaughters for a memorial on Friday. I am glad to go but it is a big trip and I might need to hunker down to recover afterwards. See you on the other side. (Ofcourse, I might see you tomorrow!)


    Good afternoon everyone.

    Thankyou all for the birthday wishes, yes it was on 28th.
    There has been much birthday cheer here over recent days, so I’m having a much needed FD today. Tomorrow is yet another cafe lunch and an afternoon tea – this is the last for now. I decided against a big gathering and instead have been catching up with small groups in open air venues to reduce the risk. It’s been lovely, though bad for the waistline. I have actually enjoyed this much more than I would have a large party – as an introvert I am much more at home in small groups.

    Neil, Very pleased to hear that the Christchurch surgeons are very experienced with the surgery your wife needs – that’s reassuring. My hopes and wishes are with you for an excellent outcome.

    Betsy, I think 2.4kg is an excellent loss – especially as I gained 0.4 in Feb!

    Thin, sorry I didn’t get back to about the beans in time for your dinner. Good guess by the way – asparagus has roughly 3/4 of the calories of green beans and 85g of asparagus would be about 4 spears, so 3 large beans would be an appropriate trade. Do you like spinach or swiss chard? I think it makes a nice meal with poached eggs if you can’t get hold of asparagus. I pretend I’m having “eggs florentine” – without the bechamel.
    Thin I agreed with your frustration at wordle on the day when “vivid” was the answer – my third guess was “livid” – and I was!

    Cinque, I hope you enjoy the trip to Bendigo and that it doesn’t prove too exhausting.
    I have added your suggested Quordle to my list of daily games. Takes a bit of getting used to and I have only solved all 4 words once so far.

    CG, I hope the hospital checkup goes without incident. Spending time with family – what a lovely side benefit.

    Anzac, how lovely that you were able to get away for a few days. I’m sure you needed the break. Also wonderful that you are able to get back into the routine of having you Dad over for dinner on Mondays. I remember you doing that before covid, but it was more difficult with infection risk. Such a hard thing to balance isn’t it – the importance of family time and health risks.

    My aunt has had more serious health issues and was permanently admitted to aged care late last week. I am in the process of working out what clothing etc she wants and getting it labelled for her. (While her son handles most things for her, those tasks are a bit beyond his skill set.) I took as much as I could carry into her this morning and will do more on Friday. It is a very beautiful nursing home in the grounds of what was once a convent. The cost to enter permanently was really an horrific amount of money and my aunt’s house will need to be sold soon to pay for it. They do have a lot of services though, including an excellent coffee shop with attached shaded garden dining where we were able to have coffee this morning. At the moment visitors are not allowed up to the rooms, but we can meet in the coffee shop or garden for visits thankfully.

    Take care everyone, hope you are all doing well.

    LJ, that aged care facility sounds fabulous. Our elderly, long-time Perth neighbour did something like that. It was a huge initial outlay requiring the sale of her home but the family would get it back upon her death – I suppose the capital being used by the company in the meantime. Pleased you had a lot of birthday celebrations, welcome to the sixties and all the perks you previously mentioned. On a long walk across town, we found a small convenience store open on Sunday selling asparagus so my FD meal was saved albeit at an alarming price. Thanks for the tips on chard/spinach which would have gone well. Green beans only considered because I already had some. I’ve managed to use almost everything food-wise in preparation for our departure tomorrow so very little food waste. One final meal out today and then back into a healthier routine. Laughed at LIVID.

    Cinque, happy days moving clothes from wardrobe 2 to wardrobe 1. And great about the two good eating days. Take it easy on the big trip.

    CG, best wishes for your follow up appointment and a lovely day with family.

    Off to enjoy our final full day in the sun on the terrace overlooking the Med.

    Good evening all.

    Thin, my comments were due to the fact that I had lost 2.5 kg only to regain 1.2 in a weekend blowout. I wanted to lose that extra 1.2 kg by the end of February. Well, I weighed in this morning 2.5 kg down, so I’m happy. Looking forward to more loss during March.
    Wow, back to your boat tomorrow. Time has flown so quickly. It will certainly be easier for you to get back into routine with your eating, though.

    Cinque, re weight, remember that I’m starting at a much higher point than you would be, so should be able to lose more per month – should, but even then, don’t always. I’ve decided to be kind to myself for March and lose more!
    Great that some clothes have moved back into the “wearable” wardrobe. I’m still waiting on that.

    LJoyce, sounds like you had a lovely program of birthday celebrations, and in as Covid-safe manner as possible. Only gaining 0.4kg shows what great self-restraint you showed in your eating!

    Neilithicman, praying for a successful outcome on Thursday for your wife’s surgery. Who’s looking after your boys?

    Hope everyone else is doing well.

    Quick hello,
    Fast Day!

    Good points Betsylee, and being a lot more active than me too, hopefully you can lose faster than me. I think the average is 2kg a month.

    Yes, again, I had already lost 15kg when I began 5:2 and then lost another 15 (in 15 months 😉 )

    LJoyce, that is the nicest sounding aged care place I have heard of. I do hope your aunt settles in nicely and you have many lovely cuppas with her in the cafe.

    Thin, I hope it was a lovely last full day in the sun, looking at the Mediterranean.

    Best wishes all x

    Hi all from a sunny calm Wanaka,

    Yes, we are back at the house sit for another three weeks, the same house we were at for new year, animals are all still the same, although the eggs are a little larger now the hens have got used to laying! The cat Sophie has been starved of human contact for a while and it is definitely showing, she is a mans cat, and OH has a new shadow.

    Just popped on to wish you well Neil, I am sure everything will go to plan and as others have said, it will soon be behind you. Just look after yourself, your wife will need you during recovery? Safe travels.

    Happy belated birthday LJ, I find it so strange that the month of Feb ends so suddenly, it is my birthday this coming Monday & it always creeps up on me. You would think I’d gotten used to it after 58 years wouldn’t you?

    Have to go, need to put washing out and some more in, safe journey back across the waters Thin, catch you all later, I’ll try and get some images of the pets up on Imgur,


    Morning everyone, quick shout out to all who are affected by the weather and floods up north. Horrendous news coming in daily showing the struggle to survive, my heart and prayers to you all🙏
    My hospital visit was good, I suffer from many skin cancers, Had quite a few burnt/frozen off yesterday,…..all due to being a sun lover all my life. I have had
    many skin grafts, often unable to weight bear for months depending on the site of the op, feet, lower shin, yet still love the sun but with more caution. It is hotter now, to extreme you can feel it searing your arms when putting the washing on the line. Don’t know if it’s just here in Australia, but unable to stay out in it for long, low 20’s are lovely but any hotter, no way.
    My diet went belly up whilst in Melbourne, but fasting today🥴I’m not getting the same loss I did when I first did 5;2 a few years back, might be age, meds, related, who knows, also maybe I stared back during a plateau? Anything is possible 😂but not being a quiter will soldier on😃
    Enjoy your day everyone, stay safe 🌻CG

    Afternoon all,

    We got some bad news. Due to Covid the hospital is not allowing any support people into the hospital at all. I have to dump my wife at the front door of the hospital at 6:30am tomorrow and then ai won’t see her for at least another week. It’s really distressing. We can talk on the phone when she’s in the general ward, but that’s not really the same.

    Well, better go. Have a good one everyone

    Oh Neil that’s awful, extra stress neither one of you need. At least she can hear your voice on the phone, try to stay positive 😘🌻CG

    Neil I am so sorry that you can’t go into the hospital with your wife. I can’t imagine how much more stressful and worrying that must be. Hang in there and look ahead to the time when she is home and better

    Sending positive thoughts across the ditch

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