Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,464 replies, has 835 voices, and was last updated by  Neilithicman 2 hours, 26 minutes ago.

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  • Oh Anzac, I hear you! It (Covid)really has so many after effects, and different in each person. My Vet and his wife were like you, but tested negative with the Rat test. They were on call all weekend for their clinic, both feeling retchard , Sunday morning, he went into the clinic and retested with another RAT test, which again showed negative…they soldiered on all weekend, for emergency calls. Monday they went to the hospital for a test, and yes, both positive! I don’t trust those RAT tests. And I think with you feeling so crook, have it retested. Apparently it stays in the system for weeks, as your Dr said, so a very slow process.I was told by my Dr initially to treat it as the flu, with cold and flu tabs over the counter, and they do really help the symptoms, but that underlying tiredness just wont go😿Be kind to yourself if working, it would be awful for you . I don’t know how you can do the different meals or think enough ahead just preparing yours, do take care🌻

    Hello everyone,
    I’ve been trying to write. (Especially to tell you my ‘instant mashed potato’ story) Yay I am doing it.

    I’m going well. Good fast day on Wednesday. Went through my wardrobe in detail and put anything that is too small for me in the wardrobe in the spare room.
    Good for my soul to have my wardrobe containing things I can wear!
    And good for my accountability (given I haven’t got scales) to keep an eye on how I am fitting in clothes.
    Glad to say most things fit!

    Countrygal, you are so right about how precious homecare is, even if mine wears her mask under her nose and talks extraordinary bullshit. 😀 😀 (Her tales are my fortnightly entertainment, and I concentrate on keeping my home well ventilated and my own mask on properly).

    Hello to your King Charles Spaniels and especially their silky ears.

    Interesting to balance out the eternal vigilance it takes to stay healthy and slim (yes, medals for Thin!) and the importance to make it easy and sustainable.
    Maybe it takes eternal vigilance to keep it easy and sustainable…

    Here is the link to the word game. Enjoy! https://www.nytimes.com/games/wordle/index.html

    PS Don’t judge your fast day on what those evil, contradictory, delinquent scales say! Just keep going. 😀 (as you said!)

    The changes Dr Mosley made were that it does help some people to start off with a sprint, so he recommends anything from a couple of weeks to a couple of months on 800calories a day.
    Then when you have done enough of that, he says to move to 5:2, but still at 800 calories maximum, because that still works and more people can manage it.
    Also, to follow the Mediterranean Diet Guidelines, and try to have that longer fast at night, not necessarily 16:8, but at least half the day without eating seems to be very good for us.
    And maintenance is Mediterranean Diet Guidelines, a long time overnight of not eating, and back to 6:1, 5:2, or a week or so of 800 a day when weight starts sneaking back on. Depending on what suits you.

    (I managed to put on that 7kg back on while still doing 5:2, but less rigorously, so I will need to consider my maintenance when I get close to it!)

    Thin, packet mashed potato is excellent for making finger paint for preschoolers!

    We had a school friend stay with our family for several months while his parents travelled overseas (back in the 70’s). One of our first meals with him had mashed potato as a side and he explained he didn’t like it. My mum gave him just a small serve and he politely took a mouthful and exclaimed “This is delicious! What brand is it?”
    We all screamed with laughter.

    Ooh, true words. We will never be this young again. Trying to enjoy every minute!

    LJoyce, I hope the funeral went really well and was a fitting farewell to a precious life. I am glad your aunt had loved ones around her, especially you. How are you going?

    Neil, nice shape changing. I was thinking that not only do muscles weigh more, but as you are building them up they hold a lot more water. You must be past that stage now. Lovely.

    Lucky Tonga, if they are getting some of your home made jam. Well, a little bit of luckiness in among the hard times, anyway. Wonderful that the school and community are helping out.

    Fingers crossed the covid virus doesn’t take off.

    Lilymartin, hello! I remember your name. How are you going?

    Betsy, big medals for all that tree work!
    I knew what you meant re the 6-8kg, haha.
    I hope that precious feeling of lightness comes soon.
    I hope you find a good way to study in a heatwave (I’d say have a holiday from it, but that is NOT a very productive suggestion!)

    I’ve got my portable air conditioner! My daughter brought it over and set it up. I just need to wait for it to get so hot I want to try it out.

    Anzac, oh dear that medication mix up. I hope you both can keep resting and not pushing through, and your brains get nicely back to their previous sharpness.

    Cheers for getting down under 93! You are doing it. It is worth all the work. Your health is THE most important thing.
    I wonder if that planning and prep might become second nature (in the easiest possible form) so that you can do maintenance nicely. Especially if there is a way to make it Mr Anzac friendly (otherwise his contrary tastes will just undermine everything again, you can’t have that. Come on Mr Anzac! stir fries and meat salads are yum!)
    I definitely manage food better when I can plan and bulk cook.

    Okay, well, thanks public accountability! I managed the watermelon well. An enjoyable big slice every day, and no more. No bad consequences. Now I have a little bircher muesli pot thawing.

    Sending best wishes to everyone

    Good morning Cinque, and Rocky and Bobby (Dazzler) say hi too 🐶woof! Thank you for all the info, I started the 800 yesterday and fasting 16hrs, believe it or not, up .5 …😵‍💫one day at a time. I used to refuse to weigh in daily because of the zig zag of daily eating, could be food in transit, extra fluid on board etc, so found the weekly weigh in not as disappointing. But I’m a curious female, haha, and need to know. I didn’t find the 800 hard at all, it’s summer eating at the moment and I love the variety of salads I make. Protein is usually chicken or fish, not much of a red meat eater, hard boiled egg in the salad, so all very easy. I’m keeping a diary, as well as MFP keeping check, so something has to give🤔I checked out the word game and thought too much brain needed here 🙄yet do sudoku and scrabble daily, so enough for this old brain🥴you said move to 5:2 but still 800 do you mean 800 on fasting days only? Silly, after all these years to still have questions. The 30 odd K’s I lost initially was basic 5:2 and had no issues. I’ll stick out the 800 for two weeks and if results are favourable will stay with it. Enjoy your day, hi everyone 🌻CG

    Good afternoon everyone. I still need to catch up on some posts. The last few days have been busy with medical appointments, funeral and my monthly infusion.

    Thankyou all for your kind words. The funeral went very well. As requested by my cousin, everyone wore bright colour and we did our best to be happy. Although most of us did our share of crying too. My cousin adored gardening – they had almost an acre of gardens in the Adelaide Hills – the property used to belong to our grandparents. The garden was her creation, her joy and place of calmness. There was a poem read at her funeral that really fitted her so well:

    Think of me always in a garden, dappled with shadow and light.
    And in the freedom of wild birds, circling in endless flight.
    Hear me in softly falling leaves and the gentle spaying of mighty trees.
    Remember me in all that grows from the smallest flower to the most glorious rose.
    As every petal and leaf unfurls, know that I am still part of your world.

    Just to punctuate this message, in the days between her death and the funeral my crab apple bust into blossom. After making a poor original decision about the tree for the front yard, my cousin recommended I remove it and plant a crab apple instead, so I followed her sage advice. It seems rather apt that the tree chose this week to flower.
    https://imgur.com/a/ZoH3gp1 (I’ve included the photo taken soon after planting in winter as well as a photo of the new blossom taken today.)

    Aside from a few busy days, the only thing I have accomplished this week is a second trial with the new bread baker. I made a much smaller batch of dough this time and experimented with a lower oven temperature. As I was busy I made a slow rise recipe using minimal yeast – it’s easier to do the hands on parts of the process when you can fit them in with this method. This loaf was 100% wholemeal and with the tiny amount of yeast it was going to take ages to rise for baking, so I found a warm place for it on the window sill of my bedroom – which faces east. https://imgur.com/a/PS9ablx The photos also show it before and after baking. I’m much happier with this second attempt, although a little more tweaking is still required.

    I’m doing a FD today. Necessary as I’ve eaten out a little too much this week and have not made ideal choices for meals at home. I should have more time at home next week, which will be welcome.

    Hope you are all going well. I’ll catch up properly later – promise.

    I caught up with the posts over coffee. Nice photos LJ, lovely poem.

    CGal, I’m an obsessive daily weigher. Like the expression, ‘take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves’, I do the same with my weight. The scales are my constant guide to how I need to eat (or not) that day. Were I to postpone that by a week, I could be quite far down the slippery slope. I’d rather nip it in the bud at 500g, than tackle 5kg. The scales are my buddy and I don’t leave home without them.

    Cinque’s mention of Med. diet reminded me of something I keep forgetting to say. Since being in Spain, we’ve noticed that the general population is not overweight. Whilst we do see some obese people and some podgy people, the vast majority are a healthy weight. I’ve not seen any obese children. Stark contrast to England where the opposite is true. Below our window at the beach, there are several community exercise machines and they’re in constant use from before daylight until after dusk. Go Mediterranean Diet!

    Oh I agree Thin, my curiosity wouldn’t/couldn’t wait a week anyway😂in fact I just changed and weighed again! .5K down since this morning, now I’m wondering if I shiuld eat dinner😂😂I will, couldn’t go 24hrs! Do you live in Spain, or holidaying? I believe it’s beautiful, and living here in Australia sound quite romantic, we are so far from everything. I think I eat Mediterranean more than anything, it’s portion control I need to watch.
    LJ, what a beautiful poem, I hope you had a nice catch up with family after the funeral, it’s often the only time we see each sadly .

    CGal, we sold our home of 26 years in Perth in 2019 with the intention of crossing ‘narrow boating in England’ off our bucket list. We thought we might do it for one cruising season and also investigate the possibility of buying a small bolthole in Spain for winters. The day we cruised out of the marina, Boris announced the lockdown. Australia wouldn’t allow us back anyway so we just kept floating around and took to the lifestyle.

    It turned out the ideal situation for lockdown – naturally self-isolating with a change of scenery whenever the mood took us. England has since given my OH a home but things are complicated with Brexit in terms of us living in Spain so we haven’t pursued it and have since concluded we’d probably prefer not to be locked into returning to one place year after year. We’re in Spain for the sunshine and to try to improve our Spanish.

    All a bit mental for our time in life (65 and 75) but the worst that can happen is that we come to fully appreciate how good life was in Australia. We did love Perth but it is so flipping far from everything as you say. So many of our friends were getting diagnosed with things they weren’t going to recover from and we just thought, “if not now, when?”. No idea where we’ll end up at this stage but we’re both looking forward to another year on the canals.

    Sorry, that was the long answer. I’m a verbal rambler as well as a physical one.

    You are never too old to make memories Thin, and what a fabulous adventure you must be having. No plans are the way to freedom, and I enjoyed your reply ❤️

    CGal, no STUFF offers another path to freedom! 😂 You’ll know all about that. Besides downsizing myself, I also spent 8 years downsizing our clutter. What’s left is costing a small fortune in a Perth storage locker.

    😂😂 always someone ready to take your money, better to sell it at a loss and replace it if/when you get back…..precious things can’t be replaced of course, think about that another time , enjoy your experience now Thin 😘

    I know CGal, I used to laugh at people who used self-storage facilities. We’d previously shipped the contents of OH’s mother’s house from California along with our own and it literally took me years to go through it all. I couldn’t just give it away as I knew there were some valuable heirloom items – for example, I sold a religious book for USD10k that had been in various sheds for decades. I sold the Perth house myself in a very bad market and it all happened so quickly that storage became the only option if we were actually going to leave the country. It’s only 3sm so I’d done quite well by then. Still a burden financially and logistically. But yeah, that’s ‘the cost of doing business’. No regrets!

    Hi all from a cloudy but now calm Alexandra.

    Hi Country Gal, I am sure I remember your name from previous years, I have been bouncing around on here a few years now, but this time I do seem to be doing better. Sorry to hear you had contracted the awful Covid virus, and do so hope you get to feeling better soon, I can only sympathise on how you must feel with tiredness every afternoon, I am sure those dogs will be enjoying the extra cuddle time though?

    After having read your post Thin, I can’t quite believe how similar our lives are right now! Quite ironic really. We sold the business after 23 years with the same feeling of, if not now, then when! We had the intention of travelling for twelve months, probably two years, then we would find somewhere we liked and settle down, then of course Covid hit and the cost of houses, old & new, and bare land has gone through the roof so it looks like we’ll stay in the caravan for a long time yet. Not that I mind, we both love the lifestyle, but I would love to have a veggie garden sometimes. We do keep heading back to Central Otago, where we lived for all those years, so it looks as though we would base ourselves around here somewhere again, if at all. That said, we are here in Alexandra, because we have a storage facility we had to dip into! We had personal stuff to store, plus business records for 7 years so we had to have something, so we kept most of everything and we’ll sort it when the next chapter begins, whenever that maybe?

    Sounded like a moving but colourful funeral LJ, lovely poem, and uncanny with the blossom. Take care and rest up, emotion plays havoc with our health and it has been a very emotional time for you recently. The crab apple flowers look beautiful also the bread.

    Well done for getting rid of the too big clothes Cinque, what a lovely feeling it is, I have recently done the same, however my spare wardrobe is the storage lockup, so once they are in there, that’s where they stay for at least a year, haha, non negotiable! I have never had a large wardrobe but now it is the smallest it has ever been and I love it. Picked up a lovely skirt at an Op shop the other day but now have to find a suitable top to go with it. It is quite amazing how many people on the road like us use potatoes out of a box, along with a whole load of other packaged ‘stuff’ (I couldn’t possibly call it food)I see the outer packaging in the provided bins and also on some of the FB pages about recipe ideas etc. And then people wonder why they have weight/obesity/mobility/health issues?

    I’ve caught up on all the posts I think, there seems to have been a rush of late, sorry to anyone I’ve missed here, off to get a walk in before it gets really windy again. There has been some horrific storm damage around the country with all ferry sailings cancelled, some flights, slips on major highways, bridges washed out, flooding and trees falling. Think we’re in one of the calmest & driest places right now.

    Right, off for a walk, got Wordle in two today, yay.


    Hi Turn, sometimes fate gives us opportunities we wouldn’t have dreamt of. My feet are made of cement, but if I had a partner I’d be heading down the road too. It’s a fabulous life for you both, and the experience will never come again. You sound to be enjoying it which is fabulous. It’s funny how little you can survive on. We had a caravan on site years ago, with an annex and would take the kids, and dog (I had a Samoyed in those days, Elka, the gentlest creature you could ever find, had her for 18 years) but could get through weeks with a side of lamb, fridge in the annex, so BBQ’s, electric fry pan was fabulous, and a microwave. Gone were the specific dishes for certain meals, , anything did😃and salads made up daily, and bread. Such an easy life style. You will arrive at your intended destination a very calm, relaxed person 🌻

    Good afternoon everyone. As promised I am catching up on all the posts I hadn’t read.

    Neil, you are doing so well with your weight loss – good to see the scales begrudgingly catching up with what your clothing is telling you.
    How nice that you are sending homemade jam – I suspect you are in the minority there.
    I hope you are able to deal with local covid outbreak. What we have seen here (even in W.A.) is that once there’s a case of the omicron variant it seems to be impossible to eliminate because it spreads before you find it, and the spread needs to be managed so hospitals can cope.

    Anzac, it does sound like the CSIRO plan does require a lot of planning – reminds me of being on weight watchers when I was in my 20s. I smiled at your use of a spreadsheet to mange it – that’s my go to tool as well. I still roughly plan my main meals a few days ahead in a spreadsheet.
    Sorry to hear you are still struggling with the after effects of covid – and yes I agree you probably did have it despite the test result.

    CountryGal, oh white peaches – yum. I grew up in the Riverland and our back was filled with every variety of fruit & nut that grew well in that climate. The best tree in the whole yard was a white clingstone peach. It bruised so easily – fingermark bruises on them just from picking it. But the flavour was absolute heaven. You do get spoiled with home grown fruit. I remember when I moved to Adelaide being shocked by the poor quality of fruit available in the shops. I rarely buy peaches as I’m tired of being disappointed.
    The issue of RAT tests not producing a positive result is probably related to not picking up the omicron variant – not all RATs do apparently. The Doherty institute is now testing every approved brand to ensure they are sensitive to all known variants. There is a published list which they add to as more brands are tested: https://www.tga.gov.au/post-market-review-antigen-and-rapid-antigen-tests
    Yes, I did have a good catch up with family, but I do see this part of my family very often anyway – when I lived in the hills we were all a few streets away from each other, so had lots of contact.

    Betsy, if you can’t find an affordable portable a/c for the study you could try to redirect cool air from one of the airconditioned rooms. I used to do this in my previous house, which had just one split system in the lounge. I used to carefully position 2 fans to drag the cool air around a corner, down the hallway and into my bedroom. You had to fiddle with the location a bit to get it to work well, but it did work. Not the easiest solution, but fans might be easier to find, and they are inexpensive. The first fan needs to be side-on to the source of cold air and facing in the direction you are trying to send it and the second fan needs to be in the doorway of the study facing into the room – hope that makes sense. Depending on how your house is laid out, you may even be able to accomplish this with one fan – I had to get the air around 2 corners.
    I hear you on the custard filled donuts. Filled with jam or chocolate I’m not tempted, but custard is my weakness.

    Cinque, I loved your mashed potato story. I remember when the packets of Deb instant mash appeared on grocery shelves, but I can say I’ve never tasted it. My working mother was grateful for some of the food shortcuts that became available in the 70s, but instant mash was a step too far for her. She wouldn’t have thought of using it as finger paint. Although I do remember her emergency paper glue was made from cornflour and water.

    Thin, it does sounds like a lovely spot to spend a northern winter. How much longer will you be in Spain?
    Also, how is your daughter – I seem to remember you telling us she had covid – or did I imagine that?

    I thankfully have a much less busy week ahead. Tomorrow I have morning tea at a neighbour’s house and medical appointments Thursday and that’s it. The first quiet week in a while and I’m really looking forward to a slower pace. I might even get caught up on housework at this rate. I decided to get a head start on that and get the grocery shopping done this morning. No excuses not to walk enough this week.

    Take care everyone.

    Turn, we’re nomad twins. Yes, we have very similar lifestyles. We’re essentially in a floating caravan. As always, I enjoyed your post. I had to look up Alexandra and was surprised to find it so close to Queenstown where I lived decades ago. A beautiful spot but then the whole country is spectacular.

    Cinque, I found the finger painting with packet mashed potato story yukky. Sounds like a lot of mess to clean up! What a lovely long post.

    LJ, how resourceful diverting air around the hallways! We will be in Spain until 2 March, the same day our winter mooring ends. We came over on a one way ticket but I’m glad we since booked the flight back because, with restrictions further eased, the fares have more than doubled (still cheap). Thanks for asking about DD, yes, she did have covid. She tested positive the day she returned from Prague, had the week off work and tested negative in time for her next excursion to Scotland. Forced relaxation. No lasting symptoms and described it as a mild cold. She is fine thank you, still loves her job but has been considering joining the British Army (although this might not be the best time with Europe on the verge of war).

    My brother has also just recovered from a mild case of covid. He had led a life of strict isolation for two years during covid while helping a school friend who owns an aged care facility. Exhausted, he recently quit that to return to his acting pursuits and social life. At his first costume fitting, he tested positive. In hindsight, he realised that he’d had a mild cough.

    LJ, well done with wordle, it took me three tries.

    Betsy/LJ, we’ve been enjoying the most delicious pink and white grapefruit and oranges ever. Our previous hosts said to help ourselves to as much as we wanted from their orchard so we took a large bagful. OH was just commenting on how disappointed we often were with the fruit and veg in Perth. Pithy oranges and inedible peaches.

    Anzac, I’m a spreadsheet person too. I have recipes on a master spreadsheet sorted by main ingredients and by calories, all with hyperlinks to the recipe. I started one spreadsheet just for fun to record my downsizing because I wanted to record how much cash we could generate from unwanted ‘clutter’ around the house. Originally, I wanted $8k to cover DD’s high school music tour to Europe.

    The whole thing kicked off with a couple of blow up kayaks in the garage that we hadn’t taken camping for ages. Before we left Perth, I’d sold $100k worth of ‘stuff’ all on gumtree. I’m sure my neighbours thought I was a drug dealer, there was always someone pulling into the driveway, handing over cash and driving away with something. We met some very interesting new people by that means. I became so good at selling things, it ultimately gave me the idea to sell the house without agents. I sold it for $300k more than the RE agent told us it was worth and passed the agent’s fee equivalent on to our buyer.

    FD for me today. The shops close on Sundays here being a good catholic country so I had to buy my FD ingredients yesterday and move them to the new place this morning. We will miss this view but we’ll be right in Old Town which could be fun for a week and then we might come back here for the rest of our stay. Today’s apartment is opened via an app. on my phone, the same app that’s verified our passports. Who knows where our data is stored? The world is changing.

    Morning all

    I had a terrible weekend. It started on Friday. My fast day turned into a non fast day because I forgot I was supposed to be going out to dinner with my family and parents. I stuck to a light meal (nibbles and wedges) and shared a dessert with my wife, but then had a couple of whiskeys when I got home and some chips while watching a movie with my wife and kids. Then the weather in the weekend was cold, grey, wet and miserable. I ended up just sitting around the house eating and not doing anything. Consequently my weight went from 98.1 on Friday morning to 100.9 this morning. I’m going to have to have two emergency fast days today and tomorrow just to have a chance of being anywhere near where I was at last week’s weigh-in. I’m so disappointed and angry with myself. Weeks of hard work undone by a weekend of eating 🙁

    I hope everyone else did a lot better than I did.

    Hi Neil, don’t berate yourself too much, you’re just being human. I think sometimes the body screems for carbs, plus salt. I had a day yesterday where nothing hit the spot, so, , well over my cals too. But mate that’s the beauty of 5:2 just pick it up and start again, I am , main thing is we are aware of what we did😃 enjoy your day everyone 🌻it wont come again.

    Neil, it’s just a blip, your body will accommodate it as long as you revert to what were doing before. And you’ve learned from it, no food is really worth the pain.

    Things are slightly better for me, down 900g after yesterday’s strict FD.

    Good morning,
    I’m going to catch up in pieces! Maybe with rests between.

    I had a particularly good fast day on Wednesday, and my waist is down to 30inches which I am SO pleased about. But I have been struggling with CFS brainfog since, and I wonder if it is related to my fast day. I will try higher protein next one, and maybe up towards 800calories, and see if that makes a difference.

    Yes CG, 800calories on fast days (only) is Dr Mosley’s new thinking. Whether you are having a few weeks of them, or one or two a week.
    Ofcourse, that is the maximum, so those who prefer water only or the original 500 or 600cal are just fine.

    A game always takes extra brain power the first couple of times, doesn’t it.

    LJoyce,It sounds such a beautiful funeral. Even though heartbreaking to know she is gone.
    That poem will mean she is always remembered by her loved ones, when in the garden. And in your case every time you see the crab apple, especially when it is in its glorious blossom.

    So exciting to see a very nice loaf of bread, and hooray for slow rise, I love the extra flavour it brings. Those loaves are just going to get better and better!

    We had the same home made paste from cornflour and water when we were kids!

    I hope this week is just lovely with a social visit and just one appointment. Plenty of time to walk and center yourself and put on your favourite music to get some housework done.

    Afternoon all

    Cinque, I was about to comment on your brain fog there with the comment about your waist being 30cms, but I see you’ve spotted it and changed it to inches 😉

    After my fast day yesterday I am down 1.4 of the 2.7 kg I gained over the weekend dropping from 100.8 kg to 99.4 kg. It’s promising but annoying that my fast days had to be used to undo the damage I had done after a bad weekend rather than bringing me closer to my goal weight. Another fast day today so hopefully I’ll be back in the 98s for my weekly weigh-in tomorrow.

    Thin, yeah I know that in my head, but it’s still frustrating. Well done on your 900g drop.

    Countrygal, thanks for the support. I really needed some positivity after the weekend, both for the miserable weather and my lack of control with eating.

    Yesterday was pretty good, it was nice and sunny and I was working at home so I got a nice coffee from my espresso machine and got to go out for a ride at lunchtime. I took my boy to his swimming lesson and had a soak in the spa pool while I was there. We also ate the first rockmelon from our glasshouse yesterday and it was so sweet and juicy. It’s amazing what a difference one good day can make to your mental health.

    I took my bike this morning because the weather is still pretty good. I have to drop my boy to Parkour tonight so I’m hoping the weather holds and I can get out for an evening ride while he is at the gymnasium.

    Have a good one everyone

    Hooray for a country with less obesity, hooray for the Mediterranean Diet!
    (And hooray for downsizing and narrow boats)

    Yes finger painting is messy and can be extremely yucky! (Very good for moving gross motor control towards fine motor control though! 😉 )

    So true about getting rid of the too big clothes. Congratulations!
    But I must tell the truth. I had got rid of all my big clothes and had my wardrobe bursting with fresh new (opshop finds) when I first lost all my excess weight. But as my weight crept back up I am been wearing a smaller and smaller selection of them: the elastic waisted ones, the roomy tops…

    So last week’s job was going through and picking those that didn’t fit any more (too small) or were very tight, had bulging between the buttons, were a squeeze to zip up, or fit badly against my fatter figure.

    I’m planning to get back into them, so off they went to the spare room wardrobe.
    I also took the opportunity (since I have a ridiculous amount of clothes) to send any I was the slightest bit critical of, back to the op shop.

    More truth telling, since I said most things fit… there a 10 dresses in the spare wardrobe, waiting for me to lose a few more kilos! Good grief! (Oo they are so gorgeous, looking at them helps me fast).

    Good luck finding an absolutely lovely top to go with the skirt!

    Impressive wordling!

    Everyone is right about how you will recover from a weekend of overeating. But I completely agree with you about the speed with which we can input calories (especially packets of chips!) compared to the hard work and weeks it takes to get the weight off again.

    Sending out special good wishes to Lindsay and Cali and Merry. And Intesha. Thinking of you and hoping there might be space in your lives to come and let us know how you are going, before too long. xxx

    Cheers all

    Morning everyone, Neil I adore fruit and most days have some. The watermelon is beautiful now, but the cantaloupe hit and miss, so envious of your homegrown effort, congratulations ❤️I also lost 1.4k yesterday in one fast after being piggy on Sunday 🥴now hoping the Fast800 helps to keep pushing it down further. Fast days I try for 500 or less, which I find easiest by just not eating 😂
    Moving clothes around is doing my homecare girls head in😂 It’s a constant ever since starting 5:2. I no longer give the smaller things away knowing-hoping to get back into them🥴but still keep the bigger things for comfort. I often think it’s the chlorine in our water that shrinks our clothes, or fluoride! I agree Cinque elastic waists are the way to go😃
    Have a beautiful day fasters, stay positive, we KNOW we CAN do this🌻

    Neil, I totally empathise. I’m doing just that – using two FDs a week to finance the calories of a lot of NFD food I wouldn’t normally consider. (It’s what I’ve been doing successfully for two years but now I’m nudging the trigger weight all the time). I did it yesterday with a menú del día. It comprised salad, a starter of lightly battered mixed fish, a salmon steak, dessert flan, glass of vino and bread. In theory, eating the Spanish way, main meal midday makes good dietary sense. Logistically, it’s the only way we can have a meal out because the restaurants close from 3-8pm making it too late for us to eat dinner. Unfortunately, OH can’t seem to let the evening meal go and requires that I cook something even if he isn’t hungry.

    Good evening all. Trying to write while listening to the Winter Olympics – excuse any errors, please.

    Some good news, some not so good. My weight is currently down 2.5 kg on the start of the month, and I’m inching painfully past my “sticking weight”. However, not holding my breath on that continuing. Don’t trust myself after last month’s down 3 kg, up 2 kg, and only losing 1 kg in January. Well, we’ll see.

    The not so good – sawed and cut up the rest of the tree branches for my green bin and then decided to try to attack the trunk, which is about 1 foot up from the ground. Here I was, chopping away at one of the roots sticking out, crouching not kneeling as my right knee doesn’t much appreciate being in a kneeling position, and the next thing I knew, I had crashed to the ground. Ouch. To be more precise, I mostly landed on a bush (poor bush!) but ended up with bruises. I was very thankful that I didn’t fall in a slightly different direction, as then I’d have fallen over the raised garden barrier and down onto concrete. Hmmm! At that point I made an executive decision to ask a church friend who helps me occasionally if he would remove the trunk/ roots for me 🙂 . Happily, he agreed to help, so it will happen, just not by my agency.

    So really, not so bad. Just a step too far for me. Grrr! I do like doing things for myself if I can!

    Cinque, I did sympathise with your sorting of clothes. I had disposed of the majority of my “fat” clothes, then regained too much weight. Some clothes I was able to retrieve from the bags as I’d not yet taken them to the op shop, so at least I’ve had something to wear, but many other smaller items of clothing are sitting sadly in my wardrobe awaiting my weight loss. And I’ve filled BOTH wardrobes.

    LJoyce, that was a lovely poem, and a lovely remembrance of your cousin. How lovely that the crab apple decided to flower.
    Well done with getting the bread maker to work. I’m sure you’ll work out an ideal bread mix and temperature.
    Good idea re the fan. I’d idly thought of that, so if we get any more really hot days I’ll give it a try.

    Countrygal1, you’re so right that fresh fruit is so much more tasty than that which is available in supermarkets.

    Neilithicman, I’m sure most of your weight “gain” was the result of salt and carbs (water retention). A couple of days of sensible eating would see that weight fall off again, so having a couple of FDs will hopefully get you even further down in weight.

    Thin, sounds like you’re enjoying the Spanish food. When are you booked to return to the UK? Yes, now is not the time for your DD to decide to join the British army.

    Anzac65, sounds like you need to try to be a bit kind to yourself. Yelp, re taking DH’s meds instead of yours.

    Turnabout, I noted the tropical storm heading NZ’s way. Glad you are in a relatively dry place. A friend of mine and her husband relocated recently from Brisbane to a small country town, intending to live in a caravan while renovating an old church as their new home. One week after they shifted, a major storm system hit Queensland and the caravan and both cars were flooded, needing full replacement. Now they’re “camping” in the church itself while waiting on the insurance people to sort out their claims. I think they have replacement cars now. Not the best introduction to a new place!

    Okay, time to close. Goodnight everyone.

    Morning all

    Well I dropped another kilo with my fast day yesterday so I weighed in at 98.4 kg. It’s down from my weigh-in last week, but still 300g more than I weighed at the start of the weekend. Let’s try not having another weekend like that again Neil!

    EDIT: I just went back over my fast diet tracker and the last time I was lighter than this at a Wednesday weigh-in was 23rd June last year. So I am definitely moving in the right direction. I shouldn’t get too caught up with a couple of slip-ups

    Thin, people can be so set in their ways. My parents always eat at the same time every day whether they’re hungry or not, and my father insists on meat with every dinner. He claims it’s not dinner if there isn’t meat in it. We try to alternate a meat day followed by a meat-free day and I’ve developed a good range of meals based on beans, eggs, couscous, eggplants, lentils, etc. But when my parents come round I’ll always make sure I’m cooking meat. It sounds like the food is pretty good in Spain.

    Betsy, Ouch! I have a lot of experience digging out stumps. I’ve been removing my hedge in sections over the last few years and it’s stump city there, since the hedge is like 40-50 years old. It’s a lot of work.

    Countrygal. I kept one work shirt and pair of trousers from when I weighed over 132 kilos as a reminder of how far I’ve come. My smaller clothes are in my drawer ready for when I drop this extra 10 kilos.

    Well I’m working from home today. I’ll take a rest from cycling today because I went for three rides yesterday, 13 kms on the way to work, 5 kms home from work, then I went for a nice 26 kms ride round the harbour and Port Chalmers last night while my boy was at his Parkour. So there wasn’t any really long rides, but I managed to amass 44 kms during the day. The weather is a bit grey and miserable again today so I’ve had a nice espresso machine coffee to help me start my day, I may have another one at lunchtime if the weather stays like this.

    Have a good one everyone

    Quick post to say hi

    Betsy, I am so very glad you didn’t end up on the concrete, please take care. 2.5 down is awesome and don’t even think about last month

    LJ the poem was just so beautiful and I firmly believe that when people pass they can sometimes visit in some special way. How lovely that your crab apple blossomed at that time. My mum was a very emotional woman, either super happy or very angry and at her funeral there was a large bee buzzing right around us, the family, in the front pew. It was uncanny as it didn’t move on to anywhere else, just hung around us for about 10 minutes.

    I hope your CFS brainfog disintegrates soon Cinque. I know my Covid brain fog is still hanging around (it comes and goes) and Mr Anzac is still so incredibly tired all the time. I’m worried about him but I just keep telling myself that we have to be patient with this

    I’ve had 3 social events in 3 weeks and each one derailed my weight loss plan to varying degrees. This Sunday Mr Anzac and I are going to an 80′ rock concert in the city (Cockatoo Island) where we are seeing some of our favourite 80’s bands. I am at a loss about what healthy food I can take that will keep in the heat. We’ll have a small cooler bag with some frozen ice packs but they will not stay frozen for long. Any suggestions?

    Morning/afternoon Anzac, just a suggestion what you could take, are carrot straws, celery straws and capsicum. Even watermelon cut to bite size pieces. I don’t know how big your cooler is, but they should snuggle into a smallish tupperwesr container or two😃. Enjoy the concert, sounds fabulous ….regarding Mr Anzac, I too am still awfully tired, I go like stink in the morning to get chores done, then collapse by 1:00-2:00 and sleep heavily for about two hours at least! I was wondering if I had chronic fatigue??? But glad to know I’m not alone…..🌻CG

    Hi all, long time since I posted but thank you Cinque for thinking of me. I still read the posts avidly. I am not fasting as such but I don’t eat between 6pm and 10 am. I try to watch what I eat and although I have put on 5 kilos over the past twelve months due to poor food choices I am now maintaining at this new weight.

    Things have not changed, I am a full time carer for my Dad and like Neilithicman he is very set in his ways. Breakfast 7am, morning tea 9.30, lunch 12, afternoon snack around 3,dinner at 5 and getting ready for bed 7pm. He sleeps in a chair in the lounge room which means no TV for me, thank goodness for my iPad. His mobility is slightly worse but touch wood has not had any falls for a few months. It’s very draining on me I am very isolated as I have to work everything around him as he can’t be left alone for more than a couple of hours. He is not allowed to walk on his own even though he has a walker. Someone has to follow him with the wheelchair in case he loses his balance. The carers come everyday to shower and dress him but that’s only an hour out of the day.

    I no longer go to the gym but I do get out into the garden as much as possible so I’m not totally without some excercise. It’s an Olympic sport just going up and down my driveway.

    I won’t mention everyone but I do enjoy catching up with what is happening with you all. Extremely jealous of Thin and her travels. I have not seen my daughter and family for 3 years. Unfortunately she is an anti vaxer so she won’t be coming out here anytime soon and it would be a major effort for me to travel when restrictions are eased enough.

    We’ll take care all, I’ll catch up again at some stage.

    Intesha, hello! Thanks for the snapshot into your life. Last time you posted (or the last time I read one of yours), you were looking for a new place to live after many years. Did you find something good? Your dad is a trooper – what, 95 now? It’s good that he finally qualified for some care help. Did your brother ever stump up to help with your dad’s care? So sorry that you haven’t seen your daughter & the children for all that time. My OH looked after his mother for years after she had a series of mild strokes. It was so hard on him as he was still working at the time and his brother travelled down to take over when OH flew away. The sisters were all useless, only showing up whenever their mum was hospitalised – exactly when my OH needed no help and finally had some time to himself, then have to entertain them! I’m sorry you’ve given up fasting after keeping it up for so many years but good that you have a new routine and stable weight. Didn’t know that Neil was set in his ways!

    Anzac, so exciting, which bands will you be seeing? Since they’re eighties bands, all I can think of for snacking in the heat is oranges injected with rum. I do hope Mr Anzac and CGirl are not suffering from long covid. That bee story was hilarious.

    Neil, you’re well on track. I laughed about your meat-eating family members. I have never offered my OH food and had a response other than ‘sure’. I don’t think he has ever turned anything down. I’ve never met anyone so food-motivated.

    Betsy, I bet the church friend is delighted to help out with the gardening. We have two more weeks in Spain. It’s now in the twenties here and about 14C and raining where our boat is moored.

    FD for me. The simple option of 50g smoked salmon, one poached egg, 10g yoghurt and 5 asparagus spears. OH will have a massive bowl of pasta and leftover bolognaise sauce.

    Thin, yes I did find a lovely rental only 10 mins from the old one. Very modern and open. So much easier for Dad to get around. Lovely views to the blue mountains as it is on a very high block https://i.imgur.com/mi3r6EX.jpg very steep driveway but I roar up it in my lovely new car https://imgur.com/a/owySZQa. Absolutely to die for kitchen so I am in heaven making my cakes and cookies.

    It wasn’t Neil set in his ways but his Dad. No my brother has still not stepped up. He and his wife arrive back tomorrow after a trip to Orlando and a cruise to Antartica. I am going to have a talk to him about me having a holiday. If I can come to the Uk later in the year I will but it will be a nightmare getting Dad to go into respite for 4-5 weeks. I need a holiday badly as I haven’t had one in over 2 years and since last February have hardly been further than 25ks from home. I’ve had my car since end of May last year and have only just turned over 2000km.

    I haven’t got the energy to fast and cook separate meals but I haven’t given up totally.

    Intesha, that all sounds rather good (except the brother part). I’m so pleased that you found a great place to live. Your Dad is going to have to do as he’s told. He’s so lucky to have you and part of that comes with a proviso that you get some respite. I know you don’t like me telling what you to do but you really do need time for yourself in order to provide the best care for your dad. And you must always have something to look forward to. We only get one shot at this life, it’s not a dress rehearsal. Get planning!

    Good morning,
    Ha yes Neil that was brainfog with my extremely slender 30cm waist! (I must be a dragonfly).
    My chugging along brain caught that one before the chance to edit left.
    But I also wrote Wednesday instead of Sunday for my last fast day, yikes!

    I should be fasting today, but I am recovering from a magnificent day with little Ms 5 who is still transitioning into 5 days of school each week. I will definitely eat sensibly but I don’t think I can do a proper fast day. We’ll see. I have to take it one hour at a time on days like this.

    Intesha so good to hear your news. Fab car, wonderful view.
    You are good at making the best of things. But with the worst covid years over (surely), I am hoping with all my heart that you can get travelling this year. I so hope you can figure our a way to do it. It’s imperative!

    Betsy, ow! How are your bruises today?
    Hooray for the good person helping you out. A good executive decision!

    I do hope you can sprint past your sticking point and start being able to enjoy those clothes in the spare room.
    I am taking advantage of my own vanity and looking at my collection each morning. Haha, it really works. I SO want to wear them, and I especially delight in wearing the ones that don’t have elastic waists. (CountryGal!)

    I was trying to remember which of you wrote that they needed to buy some smaller clothes, but then remembered (brainfog again 😉 ) it is my niece. She developed gestational diabetes with her last child and it didn’t go away. After a couple of years of faffing around she has been super strict low carb and her blood sugars are just about back to normal and she is so happy she has energy and shining skin and has lost her excess weight. I am so happy for her.

    Part 2.

    Anzac, I am so sorry to hear how you and Mr Anzac are still struggling with the aftermath of covid. Keep being as gentle with yourselves as you can.
    Enjoy those social times!
    I hope you can think of some good food to take.

    CG, best wishes to you too. That couple of hours sleep in the afternoon will be so good for you. (Remember how easy it is to get dehydrated: big glass of water before your nap and again when you wake up) (speaking from hard experience).

    Thin: quordle (my new love) 😀

    Morning all

    Intesha, great to hear from you again. I guess when you reach the age of 95 you’ve earned the right to be set in your ways 😉 I hope you do get a chance for a holiday.

    Thin, I miss the 20s, Our summer has been all over the place, either grey and miserable or stinking hot, today it’s slightly better but still only 18 degrees. I’ve never known a February like it. Usually February and March are the best months of the year and everyone complains that the school holidays should be pushed back to February because it always gets nice when the kids go back to school.

    Alright Anzac spill it! What are your favourite 80s bands? late 80s was when I discovered music as a kid but listened to earlier stuff too.

    Countrygal, definitely not alone, I have the issue that I’m at work all day and I list all the chores I want to do at home after work, but by the time I get to the end of the day I just crash and have to force myself to do anything

    Cinque, good luck with your eating today. Hopefully you can manage to get through the day unscathed

    I had a decent day yesterday, eating not too bad for a non fast day, although I did have a couple of slices of toast for lunch so was probably a bit heavy on carbs for the day. I had a rest from cycling, I’ve learned a bit of moderation in my exercise now. I took the bike this morning and did just under half an hour on the way to work (13km), I’ll add another 5km on the way home, which will also take me just under half an hour because it’s all up hill.

    I’m making fish curry for dinner tonight, I’ve discovered a recipe for a Turkish bread called Bazlama that my wife and kids absolutely love. They love it more than the naan bread I make, and that’s saying something. I’ll make up a batch of that for them, but I’ve already had my carb limit for the day so I’ll just stick with the curry.

    Have a great day everyone

    Intesha, how absolutely wonderful to hear from you 🙂 I’m glad your Dad is well but very sorry that your Brother is still not stumping up to help. Fight for that holiday!

    Thin, Neil, the lineup is: The Angels, Hunters and Collectors, Boom Crash Opera, The Baby Animals, Killing Heidi, James Reyne and The Living End. We are really looking forward to it but were disappointed to find out we are not allowed to sing or dance. Huh? How will they stop people? Well, we can boogie in our fold-up chairs. Bah.

    Thin, the oranges injected with Rum were one thing we thought about. I’ll let you know what tricks we get up to AFTER the weekend. I truly would have loved to have known you in your hey-days – you sound like a very interesting and adventurous youngster…..and still interesting and adventurous of course, just more sensible 🙂

    You mentioned earlier that you are 60 this year LJ. I was surprised as I thought we were the same age but you are three years ahead of me. I wonder if by the time I turn 60 in December 2025 whether the world will be back to normal?

    I hope your fatigue improves soon CountryGal

    Cinque, I attempt quordle, thank you. My guesses turned to red letters that couldn’t be entered. What have I done wrong? Too many guess lines? I’d solved two of the four words in what I thought was three tries – perhaps it’s counting attempts for all words simultaneously? Need more coffee. Great news about your niece’s health.

    Anzac, I was a bit on the wild side probably like Cinque I think. No drugs but definitely a risk-taker. Relieved that my DD is nothing like I was, other than the travel part. I had you and Neil pegged as being in your forties. I see those bands are performing at a winery in WA. Tricky to refrain from singing and dancing. Are you dressing punk? On two consecutive nights I went to two very different concerts, the four of us Uptown Girls singing every word and dancing in mini skirts for Billy Joel invited to go down on stage (my friends were too shy) and the very next night in C&W attire for Waylon & Willie. Such very different crowds.

    Neil, I’m hoping for a ‘not-too-bad’ NFD today. That Bazlama bread sounds great. No bread for me and, hopefully, no vino tinto.

    P.S. should read: “Cinque, I attempted quordle”. OK, got it eventually. Seven tries. Don’t know what the red letters mean though.

    Evening everyone, Intesha nice to meet you 😃for some unknown reason I didn’t get warning emails of the postings, so just caught up now, out of curiosity! Beautiful weather of late, a friend and I went to Inverloch beach today and had fish n chips🙄perfect place to have them, and oh so long since I last did. I felt quite the naughty girl, but enjoyed them immensely ❤️I took my boys (Rocky & Bobby) with us for a walk along the beach, it was lovely, windy, but tolerable. I compensated the extra cals by having a smoothie for dinner, and I really wasn’t hungry, so it was easy. Usually the hunger dragon would have kicked in once I’d eaten, looking for more, but hopefully, I’ve hit him on the head often enough he’s taken the hint! Fasting tomorrow, still trying to stay around 800 daily, and 500 or less on fasting days. Not seeing much movement on the zigzagging scales, but I’m not a quitter 😂yet found swearing at them doesn’t work either so will just preserve……Intesha caring for family is never easy, and being a parent harder due to the respect you have grown up with for them. They are not the person they were, but he will always be Dad to you. You can’t go on without a break, it’s inhuman for your siblings to expect you too. Respite care is something he will have to accept just for the sake of your own sanity. Get out with some people your own age, have a laugh, travel as you want, you get so stale in the situation you’re in and life is not yours. I worked in aged care and disability for many years, it is not easy physically or mentally so do it for yourself. Haha, words from a well meaning stranger, hope you don’t mind. Neil you sound very handy around the kitchen, lovely for your family.
    I had my booster yesterday, woke feeling awfully sore and brain fogged, then realised I hadn’t taken my meds last night, after a strenuous couple of hours fighting blackberries trying to take hold in my garden…..prior to going to my Dr for the injection. Oh, he has ordered a full blood test at my insistence to check this constant tiredness ……But my morning meds helped with my pain, even my sore arm muscle seemed easier. My meds are very strong, for the arthritis in my spine. Anyway, have a lovely evening, and take care, chat soon🌻CG

    Persevere haha, not preserve! 😂too late to edit,,,,,sorry

    Neil, the Kiwis are making mincemeat out of the South African’s in the cricket. Mr Anzac is watching avidly and with much enjoyment while preparing dinner

    Thin, no drugs here either but other than the travel bug where we have done some mildly adventurous trips (think trekking up the Virunga mountains in Rwanda to see the wild Mountain Gorillas) I have lived a pretty safe life. I can’t believe you danced on stage with Billy Joel…Go girl! I did get pulled up on stage at an Angels concert (one of my favourite 80’s bands) to sing Marseille with Doc Neeson (major crush back then – bad boys and all that) and we finished with a bit of a pash on stage! I’ll never forget it, I think I was 17. I think we were down in Jindabyne and there were a whole maybe 50 people in the pub watching them.

    I’m so sorry to read about your arthritis CountrGal, I’m glad you have meds for the pain. Our own dear LJ also suffers badly. What a lovely day you had with your friend and the pooches. Sometimes we have to have something we love and crave else we will never stick to this WOL

    I’ve started doing Wordle each day and it’s a bit addictive isn’t it? Out of the 5 times I’ve tried I had to give up twice. But that’s more for lack of time I guess

    PS: I am having trouble with Imgur, is there any other way to upload photos please?

    Anzac, we didn’t go on stage, my friends weren’t game. We were front row gallery. You sound like a bit of a wild child and I’d completely forgotten about your trip to Rwanda. That’s on my and DD’s bucket list.

    Weight up again after another menú del día yesterday. I must get to grips.

    Thin, please keep it on your bucket list. It was life changing for us – not just the gorillas but we spent 2 weeks driving around Rwanda with a driver/guide including a day at an amazing orphanage. If you do go I will give you more info. The guy that was in charge of the orphanage talked Nasa into building them a water purification system that ensured instead of being constantly sick from bad water, the kids were healthy.

    For the gorillas, you get to the place where everyone gathers beforehand and they put you into groups. There are (back then) 8 family groups of gorillas so they divide the tourists into 8 groups. The youngest/fittest are given the group that are highest up the mountain. Our group of 8 consisted of me (overweight – but so much less so than now), Mr Anzac with a back problem, a US guy who just had a knee operation and others in a similar boat. I spent months walking up hills preparing for this but it was tough and humid. But our gorilla family was only about 2 hours up the mountain and Dear God the experience was beyond words. When I figure out how to post pictures again I will show you some

    Our Driver lost his entire family in the genocide – parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins everyone. He and his three siblings survived somehow and, at a terribly young age, he had to take charge. He got into tourism because you could make money and he had to put his siblings through school and look after them. I wish I could help them all

    Anzac, yep, I’ll definitely get in touch when that becomes a reality. I wonder what’s going on with it all now as I know before covid that if you showed up with a sniffly nose they wouldn’t let you proceed. It’s probably all suspended to protect the gorillas’ health. Did any of the family come over and make close contact with you? How did you come to choose Rwanda over, say, Uganda? If you can’t make imgur work, you have my email address so please send me your best shot!

    The crazy thing is that I’ve been so close – forty years ago my uni friend and I spent several months in Isiro, Zaire (as it was then) and later hitch-hiked to Goma which is right there on the Zairoise/Rwanda border. I don’t think gorilla trekking was a thing or if it was, it was before Lonely Planet guides let alone internet and we’ve never met anyone else who’s hitch-hiked that route – either then or since.

    Gosh you are brave Thin! Then and now

    We chose Rwanda because our research showed the treks were shorter and there were a lot more families on the Rwandan side. A girl I worked with went to Uganda and after trekking for 6 hours she saw only the odd glimpse. Our family – there were 28 of them – were out amongst the forest just meters away and the gorgeous babies all came running straight towards us only to be shooed away by the trackers. There were two enormous silver backs, four grey backs (females), numerous juveniles and several babies. We were told to stay 7 meters away but the gorillas can’t measure and just wandered right near us, completely oblivious. Before the whole family appeared we saw one lone gorilla in a clearing and honestly the site of her took our breath away. Then we heard a loud noise behind us and the trackers grabbed Mr Anzac and another guy and pulled them out of the way. Seconds later two HUGE silverbacks came tumbling down the slope, having a play fight and would have knocked Mr Anzac and the other bloke right over

    I can’t believe that was 11 years ago, it feels like yesterday. I don’t know how safe it is these days, it was a bit scary back then. Our driver never left our side when we weren’t in our accommodation. One night he dropped us off at the B&B and we realised there wasn’t a restaurant. So we blithely headed out to find one. We were sitting upstairs on a balcony and noticed people on the street were spitting in our direction and giving us very nasty looks. Oh dear. They still blamed the white people for not coming to their rescue quickly enough during the genocide and who can blame them. We realised we were in trouble and had quite a walk back to the B&B so we waited until a patrol of soldiers came marching past and quickly got in behind them and scurried back. The owner of the B&B said our driver had been frantically looking everywhere for us and we realised we weren’t safe on our own.

    I’ll email some photos Thin if I can’t get Imgur working. Thanks!

    Good morning,

    I was pretty 5:2 smug on Thursday, even though I wasn’t doing a full fast. “Look at me eating small amounts, stopping as soon as I am not hungry… gold medal for Cinque”.
    But then fell in a heap yesterday (often the case with ME/CFS that an overactive day takes a couple of days to catch up) and was certainly eating when I wasn’t hungry. Also, while LOVING the cooler weather, went and stopped drinking as much as I really need to drink, and had to do some concentrated catching up.

    I am glad to say I have popped up feeling much better this morning, and even went to the shops nice and early.

    Thin. I didn’t know what you were talking about with quordle’s red letters, but then I found their ‘practice’ section so I could do more than one a day, and I discovered there that the letters go red if it isn’t a word in their dictionary. Your seven tries is brilliant!
    (Proud today that I got!)

    Aren’t they addictive, Anzac!
    (Also, I just loved reading about the gorillas).

    Neil, that bazlama bread had my mouth watering. A piece of that with fish curry would be sublime!

    Country Gal, I hope the side effects from your booster shot have gone now. And that you are feeling more energetic generally. Fingers crossed. Good idea to have those blood tests done.
    (Glad to say that I read ‘persevere’, my brain knew what you meant 🙂 )

    Best wishes all <3

    Anzac, what a fascinating and exciting adventure on several levels. I’ve read it twice and I’m forwarding it to DD. We’re not taking OH as he’s only luke warm on it so it’s not worth wasting the money.

    Cinque, good job. Thanks for explaining the red letters. I must invent words. I’m still working on the last word and wondering if it’s a word I know. I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s FD.

    Cinque, 7,6,2,5 but I took much longer.

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