Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,461 replies, has 835 voices, and was last updated by  Anzac65 2 hours, 12 minutes ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 26,451 through 26,500 (of 28,564 total)

  • Turn, great to hear from you. It seems the entire country was heading to that concert so, as a hitch-hiker, I reversed my cardboard sign reading, ‘HARMLESS’ and wrote, ‘DIRE STRAITS’. Both raised lots of smiles. Those were the days!

    Have fun at your house sit. Ha ha, yes we must be careful not to trip over the teeny doggos. It’s warmed up to 24C, hurray. I removed my thermals yesterday.

    Wordle required five attempts today as the fifth letter was pure guesswork and I guessed incorrectly.

    Merry, welcome back. Sorry to hear about your relapse dragging on. Is it harder for you to shed the extra weight when that’s going on? Hope Mr M. is now fully recovered.

    FD for me. I’ve tried to have two FDs per week but relapsed to 6:1 this week. A lot of moving about is my poor excuse but my next one will be Sunday so I’m back into 5:2.

    Good evening all.

    The Aussie Open tennis was great. Yes, Cinque, I saw it out till the end, around 1:20 a.m. finish, I think. The game went for 5 hrs and 24 minutes according to the court clock!
    So, thin, that answers your question. The game went really late. Like Cinque, I thought Nadal was gone after being two sets down, but the second set was a tiebreak so I thought I’d persevere with the third set, which Nadal won. Well, I had to watch the fourth set then, didn’t I? And Nadal won that as well, so I was committed to the fifth set. They got to 5 all, then Nadal won the next two games, and the match. I think he could hardly believe it, and Medvedev looked shell-shocked. Nadal was so tired afterwards that for the presentation speeches, etc., they gave him a chair so he could sit. He was literally swaying on his feet.

    So sorry for the loss of your dearly loved cousin, LJoyce.

    Merryme, good to see your post.

    Anzac65, like your Maxx, my Wilbur doesn’t appreciate it too hot and will stretch out on the cool (hard!) tiles to sleep at night. Great progress on the CSIRO program.

    Okay, it’s start time again for me. I’ll weigh in on Saturday morning, and then re-start in earnest. I think I might give FD800 a go for a few weeks, just to kick-start the weight loss and get me past that 84-85 kg sticking weight before reverting to a “proper” 5:2 (which hasn’t been happening for ages either). I also need to return to more regular exercising. No more excuses šŸ™‚

    Goodnight and stay well.

    Morning all

    Thin, Sounds like a great time. I have many fond memories of the area. The school my father worked at owns an outdoor lodge in Glenorchy so we spent most of our holidays there up in the mountains or round the lakes. The whole lakes district is one of my happy places. I don’t know how old you think I am, but if you’re talking about the Dire Straits in the 80s then I was definitely walking the face of the planet by then šŸ˜‰

    Betsy, it’s one of my goals (when I’m rich and famous and when covid is a distant memory) to do a sports tour of the world, and the Aussie open is definitely one of the events, along with a boxing day test, Wimbledon, Rugby test match at Twickenham, etc. I’m not a fan of Nadal, but after seeing the brattish way Medvedev was acting and his hero-worship of Djokovic during the tournament, Nadal was definitely the lesser of two evils.

    Merry, great to hear from you again, holding steady is definitely better than going up.

    Turn, yes I feel sorry for the west coasters too, I heard that one river rose by 7 meters with the rain, and they had like 550mm of rain in one day. I did have to giggle at one old codger on the news last night though. He said that the weather guys told them that the storm they had 6 months ago was a 1-in-100 years storm, after they had another 1-in-100 year storm he had to go and find his birth certificate to check how old he was.

    Non fast day yesterday and I had a bit too much sugar/carbs. It was basically using up stuff we had lying around the house. We had lots of old bananas so I made a banoffee pie, and we had a glut of courgettes at the moment and some sour cream and parmesan at home so I made a carbonara style pasta with bacon, courgette, garlic, sour cream, parmesan and pasta water. Today I’m definitely ready for a fast day, I feel so bloated.

    Well have a good one everyone.

    Betsy, that sounds like a very exciting game indeed.

    Neil, I loved that area too, especially a little place called Arrowtown. Actually, I’ve never been anywhere in NZ, north or south, that didn’t have spectacular scenery around every bend. Our hosts have flown to Scotland for a rugby game (match?)!

    They were kind enough to secure tickets to an intimate little jazz club for us last night. I hadn’t mentioned anything about it being a FD. I wouldn’t risk even one drink while driving, let alone in strange environs with a rental car, so it wasn’t really an issue but it would have been fun to order the cheese plate. I ordered a glass of red wine which I later switched with OH’s empty glass. The music was fabulous, Enric Peidro on sax, and the gratis snacks looked delish.

    Down to 59.1kg, not great but another FD on Sunday might see me below 59kg.

    Off to tackle the wordle.

    Good evening everyone

    Where are you all? Very few posts since I last posted on the 3rd. Oh well, I hope it’s just that you’ve been busy, and not that there is anything wrong.

    Neilithicman, I understand the feeling of being bloated. I indulged recently in 7 custard-filled donuts over two days. I’m still feeling the effects a couple of days later, but – no more! It will be a quiet eating day tomorrow, and I start in earnest on Monday. That is settled.
    If I could do a “sports tour”, Wimbledon would be at the top of my list. Rugby, not so much.

    Thin, sounds like you were very restrained in avoiding the cheese. I’d have found that difficult, but would happily give the wine a miss. What is your “goal range” for weight? Are you back in it now? I remember you said recently that you were at the upper limit and needed to be more careful (maybe going back to 5:2 instead of 6:1?).

    Hope everyone else is fine.

    Morning all

    Still under 100kg, so I’m happy about that. I haven’t been out for a ride for a few days because our delightful summer weather has been rain and 11 degrees. Yesterday the sun made an appearance so I got out for over 2 hours, rode 46 kilometers and climbed over 1000 vertical meters. I was completely knackered but feeling great.

    Thin, that sounds great. I never drink anything if I’m going to drive anywhere either, something that causes conflict when I’m round at my in-laws’ house. She drinks a lot and seems to take it personally if you turn down alcohol or food. I’ve been with my wife for 20 years now, you’d think she’d know by now that I’ll turn down alcohol when I’m at dinner at her house.

    Oh well, have a great one everyone.

    Hello everyone,
    Fast day.

    Drinking my coffee, and I have some good soup for one or two bowlfuls to get me through the day.

    Way back to the tennis, Thin, yes I figured the men’s final would be a long one, and I was right.
    Hooray for easy little dogs and a night of jazz.

    LJoyce, a good month done!

    Neil, that used mask was a very weird request!
    Hooray for keeping below 100kg.
    Sad that your mother in law can’t celebrate that you are keeping everyone safe by not drinking, but oh those hospitality norms are hard to shift!
    (That creamy zucchini pasta sounds so delicious).

    Turn, I do love your scenic catch ups.

    Merry, hooray for holding steady, and good luck with that long climb out of an ME/CFS crash.

    Betsy, all power to you with this all out go. Have you decided to do the Fast800?

    Cheers all x

    Cinque, joining you for a Sunday FD. Enjoy the soup. It’s a travel day so that makes it easy. Last night I made Creamy Tuscan Chicken with the idea to leave two portions for the owners for their dinner tonight along with some tagliatele. We’ll walk the pooches and head down to Alicante this afternoon. It’ll be a relief to return the rental car.

    Betsy, how did you come to have seven custard-filled donuts in your house? My wiggle room is 58-60kgs. I prefer to be in the 57s but, for months, I’ve been nudging 60kg. I’ve been back on 5:2 for several weeks but not doing well on NFDs so the FDs get me back to 59kg and then I repeat the cycle.

    OH exploits the slightest weakness I show and then I’m back craving sugar again. Alcohol is another issue. Perfectly drinkable vino tinto available at ā‚¬2.50 a bottle, cheaper than water. We can even buy Aus and NZ wine cheaper than in Perth. My pants are fitting better but that’s only because I’ve finally been able to discard the thermals! Hoping to do better.

    Neil, interesting isn’t it how other people attempt to control what we put in our mouths. At least you have the law on your side when arguing against drink driving. I’ve never associated food with love, it just wasn’t a thing in our family. For me, cooking is just another chore. Good job staying in the double digits.

    hello everyone

    I had a pfizer booster Thursday evening and was a bit shocked by the reaction – have not felt good for the last couple of days. Today is a big improvement. Given that my only side effect on previous vaccine doses was a sore arm, I was not expecting anything else to happen. Happy to have the booster on board though, with so much covid in the community.

    Trying to fit in enough FDs has proved tricky so I ended doing on Friday and another today – too close together for my liking, but it’s a challenging fortnight. This week will get quite busy with several medical appointments, rheumatoid treatment, helping to settle my aunt back into her home after she leaves hospital and my cousin’s funeral. Too much for one week, but there’s nothing I can sensibly move.

    Neil, managing your weight while away on holiday is quite an achievement, well done.

    Thin and Betsy, I too am amazed you avoided the cheese. Sitting next to a cheese platter is always my downfall!

    Turn and Merry, very glad to hear you are both going ok. Turn, enjoy the time out of the van while you housesit.

    Neil & Betsy, the sports tour does sound inviting. I used to be adamant I wanted to go to both a summer and winter olympics, but after watching the skateboarding and BMX at the olympics and the snowboarding at the winter olympics, I’m thinking X-Games might be a whole lot more fun. It’s funny, I have never been one for participating in death defying sports, but I seem to love watching them – sometimes from the thin gaps between my fingers when I think it’s all going to end very badly. When they land those tricks it’s just spectacular.

    I did christen my new bread baker on Wednesday. The texture of the loaf is very good, but the ends got a overcooked and dark. I think the suggested 240C temperature might need to come down a bit in my oven – clearly a bit too much. I had to quickly slice and freeze most of it as it’s too much of a temptation on the kitchen bench. Once frozen I can manage my consumption a lot more sensibly as toast – it’s fresh bread that tests my restraint.

    Hello to everyone else who is reading. Hope you are having a good weekend.

    Hi everyone, hope you donā€™t mind me coming on board. Iā€™m returning to 5;2 after a few years and find support of a forum essential for accountability even to yourself. I initially lost 35K in 6 months with 5:2, the weight just fell off, but going back to healthy eating really made the difference. I lost 5K in the beginning by counting calories then saw the program on telly with Michael and joined a forum. As a novice, there was so much to learn. With quite a lot of health issues, especially all forms of arthritis in my spine, it was time to do something to help myself. Carrying so much extra weight was not helpingā€¦ā€¦.Being on a farm at the time was physical and exhausting, yet Iā€™d gained that weight from emotional eating after leaving an abusive marriage and rewarding myself for doing so. I lived my dream on the farm, but age (71) and hard yakka took itā€™s toll, so now in a local country town, and loving the community. Very close knit of people looking out for each otherā¤ļøand made a lot of personal friends who are a blessing in times of ill health after numerous surgeries but also a lot of love and funšŸ’. Anyway, enough of an introduction of myself. I started back last week, I found fasting easier than I anticipated, we can talk ourselves into anything, and I was doubting myself, stupidly,as it was just so easy. I lost half a kilo the first week, which should be 2K per month, no complaints there. So with your help, and 5;2 I should lose the 10-15K of unwanted fat I regained!!!

    Good morning,
    Day after fast day, lovely morning.
    (except, where did it go? it is nearly noon)

    CountryGal, lovely to have you here! I remember your name from years ago when I first joined this forum.
    Isn’t it wicked how the kilos creep back on as soon as we get distracted. And in spite of having much better eating habits! I put on 7kg while I wasn’t looking, and while I hope I have lost a couple of them already (clothes fitting more easily) I am losing them more slowly this time around.
    Wouldn’t I love to lose 2kg a month, but chronic illness keeps me sedentary and I will just be happy with the weight going down instead of up šŸ™‚

    Thin, Hooray for another fast day nicely done and your pants fitting even more nicely.
    Isn’t it nice that you just cut out those OH wicked temptations (Hmm I haven’t got that excuse, it is my own wicked temptations) and the hunger cravings pretty well go away.

    I had to look up Alicante, I hope you have a lovely time there, it does look interesting.

    LJoyce, how annoying to have such a reaction to the booster and then an overloaded week to contend with. Sending you lots of good wishes that each of those precious and important things go really well.
    I bet you perfect the bread with the oven just a few degrees lower. (mind you, I love my crusts a bit burnty).

    Sending best wishes to everyone, cheers to anyone fasting today,

    Hi Cinque, I remember your name, and some of the others too from years back, haha, almost like coming homešŸ˜ƒLike you I have noticed already clothes are getting loose, in fact Iā€™m sewing today taking things in, nice feelingā˜ŗļøMy scales donā€™t move much, but the inches došŸ˜Œand yes it will be slower this time around, yet we know how to do it now, the older we get that seems to happen that way, the body is almost saying, ā€œoh not this againā€šŸ˜‚but determination and mind set will see it happen . Thank you for the welcome, Iā€™m fasting today, so far so goodā€¦ā€¦

    Hi everyone.
    Another hot day here in Adelaide, where I’m loathe to venture out until much later. It does makes for days where I’m really not getting enough exercise.

    Countrygal welcome back. I too lost weight and then maintained for quite a while. It worked well until covid when some kilos crept back on and have been hard to shake permanently. We also have another farmer who pops into the forum from time to time – Charle G (I think she’s in Alpine Victoria). Like you and Cinque, I have found the weight shifts more slowly as I age.

    Cinque, I will slowly figure out the bread baker. It makes a very large loaf (holds a dough made from 1kg flour), so I will probably only use it monthly – at that rate it may take some time to perfect the baking. I like my bread crusty but not burnt, so I’ll need to experiment. That was my problem with using the dutch oven, the base of it burnt on the hot cast iron – the top crust was good though.
    Thanks again for the Nerdle link. I got it in 2 today for the first time – as much good luck as logic if I’m honest.

    I turn 60 at the end of this month and the gifts have started arriving. Good reasons for me to be happy about turning 60:
    – According to the letter that arrived today, my bank will stop charging account fees.
    – Once I apply for a seniors card, public transport becomes free and there are discounts available at lots of restaurants.
    – The biggest gift comes from the Tax Office -how often do we get to say that?
    As my income is a superannuation pension, the tax rates change drastically when I turn 60, saving me thousands in income tax each year. That was meant to be my travel money – eventually, hopefully. This year I’ll spend it on the house and back garden.
    The only thing I won’t be able to do is celebrate with family as I don’t want to go to a restaurant with so much covid in the community – not comfortable removing my mask in public places indoors. Instead of a dinner, I’m thinking of having a brunch or lunch at the strawberry farm at Nairne. They have a nice cafe during the strawberry season and all their seating is outdoors – lots of berry based treats.
    It’s funny that I hated the idea of 50, but 60 doesn’t bother me.

    I had FDs Friday and yesterday and there were a bit of a struggle – too close together. I spent all evening talking myself out of eating anything. I kept saying – you can have it tomorrow – thinking I wouldn’t feel like it. Unfortunately I have felt like some of those things today, but not too much thankfully.

    Have everyone is ok. Take care.

    LJ, great to be turning 60 then! I’ll be getting my English bus pass in April. I was just months away from it last year too when it was postponed until age 66. It will make a big difference as public transport is very expensive in England. I wish I could get a train pass. We do love our franking credits. I had a very sore arm for days after the pfizer booster but no other effects.

    Countrygirl, welcome back. I didn’t recognise your name so went back to see how far back you were here and noticed you’d been posting on the Aussie Determination thread which I’d never read but believe Cinque followed a few threads at the time.

    Cinque, day after fasting, yeah! I’ll try not to go overboard. I’m back to 59.1kg. The rental car has been returned so there will be even more walking than usual. The Alicante apt is spacious and right on the ocean but a little dated. Funny how photos can be so deceptive.

    Wordle, I’d been wondering whether a letter could appear in a word more than once. Yesterday I found out. If you correctly chose one of two letters the same, it will only respond to one. If it’s in one of the correct spaces, it will show you that one first. I think it has a design flaw where you have four correct letters and the fifth could be any of a number of letters that have to be guessed.

    Thankyou Ljoyce and thinā€¦.your right thin, I started Aussie Determination but itā€™s petered out, every so often someone posts, but it hasnā€™t been in full swing for ages. I need consistency and support going back into this so came across to youšŸ˜ƒ Itā€™s just after 6:00pm here in Australia and my fast has gone really well, Iā€™m having cold chicken and salad for dinner, love Summer eating, and then a coffee. Iā€™m surprised how easy going back into fasting has been.
    Iā€™m with you LJ, turning 60 didnā€™t have the same impact as turning 50 did, I think 50/was waving goodbye to our youth.
    Thin I would never envisage being 59kā€™s these days, low 70ā€™s high 60ā€™s will be comfortable enough for me. Okay, on with dinnerā€¦ā€¦

    Good evening everyone.

    Great to read all the posts.

    Hi Countrygal1, good to see your posts. I’ve been on this forum since late 2018, so a relative newcomer, and unfortunately in that time I have successfully yo-yoed down then up then down and more recently up again. Lost 16 (so only half your 35), gained 13, lost another 17, and have now regained it all. I blame that on all the Covid lockdowns in Melbourne last year. Sigh! It happens. Now working on going down again. Having a supportive group is certainly helpful.

    LJoyce, sorry to read of your reaction to the Pfizer booster. I’d wanted Moderna, but my doctor had Pfizer – ended with a sore, red upper arm, and severe fatigue for a couple of days which then wore off. If there’s a suggestion of a fourth dose, I’ll definitely go for Moderna.
    Hope your bread-making expertise improves by leaps and bounds.
    Here in Melbourne, even with a “Senior’s card”, you still have to pay for public transport, just at a discounted rate. Maybe I should move to Adelaide? šŸ™‚

    Neilithicman, frustrating interactions with your MIL. Would it help for you to buy and take a no-alcohol wine and just drink that?
    Good that the weather improved enough for you to get in a good cycle.

    Cinque, good to read your chat. At least the kilos are coming off again, albeit a bit more slowly than you’d like.

    Thin, the donuts were self-inflicted. I was so cross with myself for losing 3 kg early in January and then regaining 2 kg while spending a lot of time sitting and watching the Aussie Open tennis, that I went out and bought them and gorged myself – typical self-destructive behaviour which sent me back to the original higher weight. However, I’ve reigned that in now and am back to one kg down. As I’ve started a more serious eating pattern from today, I am hoping to move past that “sticking” weight I keep getting caught at, and keep going down. I really don’t like the way I feel at the moment, with the extra weight, and am determined that this time the weight will continue to move downwards. I’ll do a mix of FD800s and CDs.

    Okay, enough, sleep well all.

    Hi Betsylee, with what you say about your yo-yo weight really shows that we are what we eat. I know when I first started, and then saw the kā€™s going down so quickly, my mind set was on alert constantly. Be it when shopping or socialising etc, I really thought twice about what I put in my mouth.šŸ˜‚Iā€™m in country Vic, and like you, through that rotten heatwave and humidity watched the tennisā€¦ā€¦.in the coolā€¦ā€¦and nibbled! So damned easy to do! And to do without thought. So hoping, we can both get that mind set working for us again and see resultsšŸ˜ƒThis is why I think support from these forums are so important, you feel accountable unconsciously almost, I mean nobody is going to come down with a big stickā€¦..although I wish they would at timesšŸ˜‚but itā€™s a responsibility you feel, self inflicted but so worthwhile. My fast is long over, with no side effects, certainly not hungry, so hope to see a result no matter how small, good luck to you toošŸŒ»

    Oh and what is CD, so many new abbreviations?

    Morning all, wow lots of activity the last couple of days.

    Welcome Countrygal, You and I are in similar positions. I lost around 45kg on fast 800/5:2 and then gained 18kg back. I’ve dropped 5kg of it but still have another 13kg to get back to where I want to be. CD is control day, a day where you try to stick to around your BMR (basal metabolic rate) calories.

    Betsy, good luck with the sticking weight. Plateaux are the worst aren’t they. You feel like you’re not doing anything different but the scales just refuse to move.

    Thin, I have just had my booster yesterday too, and the only side effect I’ve had has been the sore arm, although I’m suffering from lack of sleep because I kept waking up when I rolled onto my shoulder

    Ljoyce, I hope you have a good time at the Strawberry farm with your family. The meal isn’t the important part in the celebrations, it’s the company. I hope you have a blast.

    I had a good weekend, the weather was good so I got out for a couple of rides, then yesterday I attacked the gardens. I weeded out the top garden and put down some sawdust for mulch, mowed our lawns, mowed the lawns at the community garden, then went back and attacked the tree overgrown tree at the community garden which turned out to be a hazelnut tree. I was pretty brutal with it, cutting away years of suckers, thinning the crown and pruning back all the stuff that needed it. Hopefully it will start producing now that I’ve hacked it back. It’s a fast day today and the day after my Covid booster so I’m going to make it a quiet one. I’ll limit myself to riding my bike to and from work the direct route (just 4.8km each way)

    Have a good one everyone.

    Golly Neilithicam, you sound to have burnt quite a few cals yesterday with all that mowing and activity. Thankyou for the welcome, I fasted yesterday and down another K, fluid of course, but hey, I like seeing the lower number on the scalesšŸ˜ƒfrom past experience, the first few Kā€™s donā€™t take much to lose, itā€™s as you get closer to a goal thatā€™s hardest. Plateaus are an absolute pain! I sat on one for 6 months, just wouldnā€™t move. Someone from another post read my frustration and suggested maybe I wasnā€™t eating enough on my CD so upped my cals, and it worked. It gave the fast day itā€™s zig zag effect.Obviously I was eating too low which caused a sameness between my CD and FD. Worth a tryā˜ŗļøIā€™m yet to have my booster, I had Covid last month, yuck, and was told to hang off with the booster. But have seen the difference people are experiencing so if they work, have to accept it. Have a lovely day everyone, glorious weather here at the moment, yet the arvo gets too hot, so Iā€™m going out in the gardenšŸ˜ƒand will sew this arvo. Enjoy your day, itā€™ll never come againā¤ļø

    Good morning everyone,
    Day before fast day for me. I think a Wednesday fast day will work best this week.

    CountryGal, how nice to be taking clothes in already! Another kilo down is delicious.
    Yes, the forum was so much livelier when I first joined, I was participating in half a dozen active threads and welocoming new people most days too!
    It has became so much quieter since Dr Mosley brought out new books and started another website. Hooray that this thread is still going.

    LJoyce, oh the heat.
    (Hooray, my daughter is bringing me a portable a/c on Thursday so I can at least cool the living room).
    What a special birthday and such an excellent covid safe celebration you are planning. And very nice government gifts!
    Congratulations on getting through that tricky fast day after fast day. Good luck for the week ahead.
    (I tried nerdle and decided I am much more wordish šŸ˜€ )

    Thin, hmm I hope the apartment is a pleasure despite the deceptive photos. Do you check out the markets? Enjoy all the walking.
    You are right about that trick with wordle if there is a double letter. One more thing to keep in mind.

    Betsy sympathy re the doughnuts. It is very familiarly self destructive, but our poor brain doesn’t mean it to be self destructive. I know for myself it is a very deep longing to be stop being cruel to myself, never letting me have what I really want (horrible childhood leftover). I wish I could convince my brain that NOT eating is actually the kindness I need. Sigh.

    I’m at risk of undermining myself by making
    a) some bircher muesli (grated apple, rolled oats, a few currants and yoghut) I was making it for my granddaughters but then they haven’t been over.
    b) buying some watermelon (my absolute hot day favourite.

    I can have them in small amounts without setting off my munchies and also making me feel crook. So I have the bircher muesli in 5 small portions in the freezer, and I bought a small piece of watermelon and just need to concentrate on one slice a day. Let’s see how I go.

    The wonderful forum accountability, as Countrygal says, putting it out in the real world, in clear words, so I can’t play any cheeky mindgames with myself!)

    Neil, I was exactly the same with my sore arm waking me up. But only for one night. Hope it is the same for you.
    An impressive weekend, I hope it is a good day at work.

    Best wishes everyone

    Good morning all

    A huge welcome CountryGal to our lovely, supportive forum. What we lack in numbers we make up for in support and friendship

    My sorry tale: I started fasting in 2019 and lost 15 kilos and was 3/4 of the way to my goal. Then at the end of 2019 Mr Anzac and I went on a 7 week trip to Europe and came home just when Covid hit. So it all went back on during 2020 and I spent 2021 yo-yoing. I signed up for the CSIRO diet 2 weeks ago and that, in conjunction with some minor fasting, is going well so far. 1.5 kilos gone

    Sydney has had very strange weather for days and days where one second the sun is shining and the next it is pouring. Sometimes both have been happening together! It’s also quite cool, especially for February. The forecast is for sunshine and 30/31 tomorrow and Thursday so looking forward to that

    I have to jump into a work meeting but will come back to reply to the lovely recent posts

    Thankyou Anzac, what a lovely holiday you must have had, and perfect timing, could be a long time before that chance comes again. Covid took its toll on most of our diets or eating habitsšŸ„“although eating out was a no-no, but that didnā€™t stop the snacking! Our weather is the same, yet beautiful today, breezy, but itā€™s a long time since we had the summers of my childhood šŸ˜¢and of course itā€™s not climate change!šŸ˜‰
    Having the communication here and support is certainly the bolstering I think we all need. We have all tried going it alone and we know how that wentšŸ„“just in for a cool drink, now back to the weedingšŸŒ»

    Good afternoon everyone.

    Great to read the posts. My good news is that after one CD, I have dropped 700gm below my February starting weight (which means the 1 kg gain from the doughnuts has also disappeared).

    Anzac65, great that the CSIRO food plan is working so well for you.

    Countrygal1, unlike Neilithicman, I count a CD (controlled day) as 1200 calories, while to some people it can be 200 calories below their goal TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). My current TDEE is about 500 calories higher than my TDEE will be when I reach my goal weight, around 2000 cals rather than under 1500, so around 1200 calories kind-of fits both definitions I’ve heard of for a CD.
    Eating at my estimated TDEE I just call a TDEE day. I’m currently aiming daily for either CDs or FD800s.
    Sorry to read that you’d caught Covid. Are you over the effects of it now, no “long Covid”?

    Yay to the gardeners among us. On Sunday I pulled out a magnolia tree in my back lawn, about 2 metres tall. It was grown from seed, given to me by a friend as a seedling, and has never grown well. The plant nursery folk told me that grown from seed meant it possibly wouldn’t ever flower, either, so down it came. Then I chopped out the trunk about 6 cm below ground and have now planted a native plant called a Callistemon. It looks like a bottlebrush, and the wattlebirds love the three I have in my front yard so I’m hoping to encourage the birds out the back, too. Wattlebirds occasionally come to the birdbaths so I think they’ll appreciate more blossoms. Because it’s in the lawn, I’ve bought a supposedly “slim line” variety. We’ll see!

    The peach tree around the side is also going to go. That one makes me a bit sad as it’s a very healthy tree, though admittedly the birds and possums mainly get the fruit. The problem is that it’s in a raised garden bed and very difficult to get around to prune, plus it’s already grown so vigorously from a really hard prune last winter that it has (small) branches overhanging next door’s gutters. Last winter I cut it right back from overhanging anywhere next door. Okay, it’s manageable now, but I can foresee being unable to prune in some years’ time and then it could be a real problem. Better to remove it before it’s too big. I’ll plant another Callistemon there. They only grow to about 2-3 metres so shouldn’t be a problem.

    Okay, enough gardening. Blame Neilithicman for inspiring me šŸ™‚

    Cinque, it will be great if you can get a portable air-con to cool your living-room. They need a slightly open window as an outlet, don’t they? I’ve had to use mine more than I’d like in recent days, especially because of the humidity. My thought was also to try to buy a water cooler to use in my study, to cool the room down when I worked on my computer – none to be had anywhere, not surprisingly. They’re not as efficient in cooling things down, either, so getting the air-con is a much better plan for you.

    Also, hope the plans to manage the watermelon and muesli have been successful.

    Oh yes, Neilithicman, like Cinque, my upper arm was only really painful for one night. It swelled up and was hot and red for some days, but not particularly painful after that first 24 hours.

    LJoyce and thin, hope you’re both doing well, with walking and resting as needed.

    Have a great day all! I’m off to the bookstore (QBD) to collect a much-anticipated new J.D.Robb futuristic murder mystery.

    Countrygal, Australia is the land of acronyms! This site is no exception. Did you ever find it amusing that the word, ‘abbreviation’ is such a long one? Wow, you’d have to be unlucky to catch covid in Oz I’d have thought.

    Cinque, yes, it was very busy here at one time and we used to invest hours writing what we hoped was helpful advice to newbies. But they usually dropped off and it all became rather time-consuming. So now it’s easier to keep track of new people and hopefully keep them here. Especially as we’re not all here every day as we had been then. Interesting isn’t it that people felt the need to move on with Dr M. when everything was working so well.

    Betsy, have fun making those long-term gardening changes. Our front garden was all natives and didn’t require as much work as our back garden which was more tropical. Natives are so easy but I did find it scruffy looking. Sad to lose a nice peach tree but it makes sense. The people who bought our house ripped out absolutely everything we’d planted twenty years earlier in favour of a swimming pool. I don’t know what they’re doing for limes in their G&Ts but I’m grateful not to have to live next door.

    Neil, I hope your arm settles down. I had that problem as well as I toss and turn at night but couldn’t turn on to my left side after the booster.

    The sun came up again. We’re settled into our place. I do love an ocean view. It seems to be warming up daily. I’m sitting by the window trying to eavesdrop on Spanish conversations below. How do they speak so fast?

    Hi Anzac, LJ, Turn.

    Brief post – thin, we had a huge surge of Covid with the Omicron variant. Both Victoria and NSW were getting over 30,000 (higher?) daily positives around the end of 2021. The PCR testing system was overwhelmed and not a single Rapid Antigen Test to be had anywhere, so there could well have been a lot more unidentified positives. It’s settled down a lot now, but there’s still a lot of Covid around. Under 10,000 a day, but not always by much. In the past couple of weeks, there’s been another minor surge mainly among kids back at school and their teachers. The aged care sector has been hit badly again, too, and the ADF have been called in to bolster carer numbers in that sector. The good thing though is that hospitalisation and ICU numbers are coming down. A few weeks ago, they were saying that per 100,000 people, Australia had one of the highest rates of Covid in the world – but also one of the lowest death rates.
    All of which is to say – not so surprising that countrygal1 caught Covid recently. Actually, there was a thing being sent round by the anti-vaxxers in 2020 – does anyone actually know anyone who’s had Covid? Well, the answer now is – heaps!

    Okay, enough. Stay safe and well everyone.

    Oh – under 10,000 per day now in most states, not 10,000 only in the whole of the country. Note that WA’s numbers are still low, with their strictly closed border.

    Betsy and Thin I have no idea how I caught it. I was in Melbourne Xmas day, stayed that night came home boxing day in time for the cricket, and was fine. Four days later I shopped at our local IGA supermarket, only a few salad goods so not there long, then picked up a script all whilst being masked. The following day, dripping nose, constricted throat, then downhill from there. None of my family had it, so other than the influx of tourists we get each year here and passing through, no idea how or when I got it. Quite a few of my friends here had the same thing happen and we hadnā€™t seen each other since before Xmas. I was three days not caring if I lived or died, spoke to my Dr on the phone, he said treat it like the flu, take cold and flu tablets, and by day three, they had kicked in. Of course too sick to go out to get tested then, and wait in hour long queues, but phoned the local hospital who booked me in for a few days later for testingā€¦.after making sure I had symptoms because they wont test for any other reason. I was positive. My family were very worried but unable to come down to care for me being Covid, itā€™s so contagious . I must admit, I appreciated being on my own, other than my boys (dogs) I just needed rest and quiet. No appetite but forced a hard boiled egg down every so often, quick to prepare and easy to eat. Itā€™s left me lethargic , every arvo, my body seems to shut down, so I sleep an hour or two. Just gotta listen to the body, right. Iā€™m in my 70ā€™s and try to take heed of what itā€™s saying, if it says rest, I do. I asked what strain I had, but was told too many test coming through to test that, just over all Covid. Doesnā€™t seem to matter how cautious or clean you are, you can still pick it upā€¦..like any flu I guess

    Hello my little lovelies,

    Anzac, not a sorry tale at the moment. I’m very interested in how you are finding the CSIRO challenge. Is it a lot of extra work?

    Betsy woot for undoing those tricksy doughnuts. I bet you are enjoying that lovely feeling of lightness.

    I can imagine how hard the decision was to pull out a magnolia and a peach tree. Two of nature’s delights. But a good decision if one mightn’t flower and the other difficult to prune. And a brilliant, brilliant decision to make the garden gorgeous with bottle brush and a delight for the birds! And so much easier to look after.

    The portable airconditioner has a big hose thing that goes out the window, and then the window is blocked around it.
    I used to have a portable evaporative cooler (after 20 years the fan was very loud and didn’t do much so I chucked it). It was the one that needed a window a little bit open behind it, and another window a little bit open at the other end of the house, so there was air flowing through that could be cooled down. It took about 4 degrees off the temperature (unless it was too humid) so I did love it.
    But I will be very glad to cool the room right down to my (very narrow) comfort zone.

    So far so good with the watermelon (and muesli in the freezer). I will have today’s slice of watermelon after home help has finished. Won’t I enjoy it!

    Enjoy your book!

    Thin, hooray for the view of water out your window!

    CountryGal, how excellent to have those afternoon rests when you need it. I am such a strong believer in giving yourself time to completely recover before you start pushing things, since I have ME/CFS from not doing that.
    I hope the dogs are nicely mature so they are easy companions for someone battling a nasty virus?

    Okay, I have home help today and then plumbers coming through tomorrow morning. They are checking out the plumbing through the whole block of flats. I fear they might find there needs to be work done. I would LOVE the plumbing to be better, but I don’t want the hassle of making it so. Oh dear. Anyway, I want to make the place as tidy as possible (hooray home help!).

    Fast day today. I made a really good soup yesterday. Close your ears Thin, lots of beetroot (kvass byproduct), mung beans, red cabbage, a potato and some deliciously browned onion and bacon. Beef stock. I will have a small(ish) bowl this evening. And hopefully the coffee (already drunk) and the watermelon will get me through.
    I can grill slices of king oyster mushroom if I need something else.

    Best wishes all

    Hi all

    Weigh-in today, I was up 500g from my weigh-in last week, sitting on 99.3kg. Everything else is telling me that I’m dropping weight, more muscle definition in my legs, down a notch on my belt, etc, the scales are just being tardy showing all my good work at the moment. Oh well, all I can do is keep up with what I’m doing and hope that the scales will eventually catch up.

    Countrygal and Betsy, The Omicron variant seems to be far more infectious, but on the bright side it seems to be way less severe than Delta. Hopefully any future variants will continue to get less severe until it’s just like the common cold.

    Thin, sounds like you’re enjoying your break, my arm is way better today thanks, no issues at all.

    Cinque, I don’t have any issues with watermelon, as soon as we buy it my wife and youngest boy make it disappear

    Anzac, we’ve been the same with the weather. We had one afternoon of 33 degrees, followed by 2 days of rain and 11 degrees, then the long weekend got progressively better, then today it’s back to grey and 14 degrees. Summer has been all over the place this year.

    I got a nice ride on a mountain bike track last night, which made a fun change from my normal road cycling. I’m doing the February cycling challenge at the moment, I’m not pushing as hard as I did last year when I was training hard for the Alps to Ocean ride and I think I overdid the riding. But I’m still trying to do between 10km-25km a day (20 mins-1 hour a day) with an occasional longer ride in the weekend if I’m feeling like it.

    Have a great one everyone

    Good morning Cinque, how blessed are we to have homecare. The girls that come to me are like family. It makes living in your own home so much easier. My home is very big, only 10 years old, so itā€™s just my boys and me in it. A lot of rooms unused until family visit, but I needed space in the yard, and this was my only option, both for my boys, as well as me to garden. I landscaped it within months of moving in, basically getting over the depression of having to leave my little farm which had become too much on my body. And yes, my boys(dogs) are mature enough not only to be my companions but couch potatoes too šŸ˜‚ they are King Charles Spaniels, so arenā€™t the most energetic of dog. I adore them, and would be very lonely without them. Having the plumber in sounds expensive before they even check what needs doing. I hope it doesnā€™t add up to too much for you. Iā€™m fasting today with you, tomorrow is my coffee/breakfast group at 10:00 and gee itā€™s difficult to sit having a black coffee whilst they have a toastie or bacon and eggsā€¦ā€¦.with their cappuccino šŸ„“ isnā€™t that the beauty of the flexibility of 5:2 šŸ˜ƒ enjoy your day everyonešŸŒ»CG

    PS Thin, wordle warning: American spelling

    Cinque, I thought with your clue, I might get it in one, but no! It was not COLOR.

    Countrygal, that sounds brutal. Your poor thing. I hope your tiredness evaporates and you’re not left with long covid. Assuming, for that timing, it was the Omicron variant. Do you think that you had a bad case due to some underlying health factor or just unlucky? Yes, I agree, shuffle those FDs around to get the maximum feasting opportunities as well!

    Betsy, one reason the UK numbers were so alarming was the efficiency of the free testing system compared to the rest of the world. However, once Omicron arrived just before Christmas, that went out the window and the system could no longer cope and it became hard to find any LFTs for a while. I think the main issue is that the NHS is no longer overwhelmed (with covid anyway) so most of the restrictions have now been lifted and life is just about like normal. The last of the travel testing is being removed in two days. In Spain, they ask for a covid certificate to eat inside a restaurant. At one place only, they also asked us for ID to confirm that it was actually our certificate. Who knows what information is on those QR codes?

    Neil, my trusty travel scales never lie but I don’t like what I’m seeing one bit. Day after FD, I was down 900g. Day after that, I was back up 900g. I’m spinning wheels. Another FD today, smoked salmon, asparagus and a poached egg for dinner. Not sure what I can pair with that to bulk up OH’s dinner.

    Yesterday, I had a funny experience. I wanted to bulk up OH’s dinner and found some ‘potatoes’ in a packet in a cupboard. All in Spanish but I could understand what to do. I have never in my entire life used ‘food’ from a packet or a jar before and don’t even go down those aisles in the supermarkets. But it was a magic show. I emptied the packet of flaky stuff into the heated and then cooled milk and water, gave it a stir and it instantly turned into mashed potato. How funny that people actually cook like that. It must be so expensive compared to just peeling a potato.

    OH has gone for a bike ride along the promenade while I wait for a microwave to be delivered via Amazon. Life has been reduced to the same rituals the world over. I just casually mentioned to the owner that I thought one had been listed and he ordered a new one within minutes (I’d have spent a week looking for a deal!).

    We try not to use airbnb after our firsthand experience of how it can impact on a neighbourhood but, sometimes we have little choice and there can be handy perks like a couple of bikes and and instant microwave. We try instead to use local rental agencies with a shop front where possible and we can get good deals off-season much cheaper than the inflated on-line prices. And with the advantage that you can inspect them before paying.

    Hi Thin, yes it wasnā€™t pleasant but golly at my age we used to get the flu most years, before the vaccine came out, but the tiredness with this is so annoying, I plan things in my head of what will get done during the day, and waste it in zzz land on the couchšŸ˜”Iā€™m sure it will pass and just glad Iā€™m retired plus being off my farm means my time is pretty much mine if I do need to rest. Yet, Iā€™ve never been this age beforešŸ˜‚so donā€™t know if this is a habit Iā€™m startingā€¦ā€¦my fast has gone really good today, so hoping the scales show as much, yet they can be very inconsiderate at the best of times. I tried those instant mash potatoes years ago after having them in a take away meal I was talked into, mine ended up like water, like you, Iā€™d rather peel a spud! Chat tomorrow, enjoy your evenings everyone šŸŒ»CG

    Good evening everyone.

    CountryGal, it certainly sounds like you had a bad run with covid. Having naps to deal with the ongoing tiredness sounds like a sensible choice to me. Definitely one of the perks of retirement.
    I’m with you and Thin – I’d rather peel a potato too.
    Your dogs sound delightful – I have a definite soft spot for KC spaniels.

    Not surprised you were exposed to covid, I suspect the number of covid cases in the community were far greater than anyone suspected.
    There was sample testing done in the Gold Coast in January, by randomly door knocking 117 households. It turned out 1 in 6 people they tested had covid and 90% of infected people had no clue they had covid and had no symptoms at that stage (only 2 people had already had a test and knew they were positive). No wonder it spreads when most people don’t know they are infected. https://statements.qld.gov.au/statements/94380

    Thin, when you were describing your FD dinner and pondering how to bulk it out for your OH, I was thinking – it needs a baked potato. I wasn’t imagining instant mash.

    Cinque, luckily I read enough fiction published for the American market to be alert to American spelling. I got today’s word in 3 tries – when nothing spelt correctly seemed to fit I adopted Thin’s logic – drop the “u” from “ou” and rethink my options. American spelling is phonetically very sensible – and I imagine much easier for someone trying to learn English, but it still looks wrong to me and I want to take a red pen to it.
    So glad you found a portable air conditioner – perfect solution when you are renting. I had an evaporative one in the 1980s and you needed earplugs with it as it was so noisy.

    Betsy, they are very big garden changes, but as Cinque has said, the replacement plants will bring you much joy too.
    Bad luck on sourcing a portable aircon. Is installing a split system an option? The small one I installed at my previous house was not as expensive as I was expecting and made a big difference when it was hot for many day.

    Neil, if the clothing is getting looser then the scales are not really relevant – they will catch up eventually. I’m all admiration for your exercise regime – I’m struggling to do enough steps each day.

    I finally got to the physio today and my neck and back are certainly feeling better for it. I’d had to cancel my January appointment due to a lung infection, so this was very overdue.
    I also spent a couple of hours with my aunt, who returned home from hospital yesterday. I will need to go there again early tomorrow to help her dress for her daughter’s funeral, which is tomorrow morning. Luckily the family has found the organisation relatively easy as my cousin had already planned what she wanted.

    Time for an early night I think.
    Take care everyone.

    LJ, gosh that’s sad. I hadn’t realised that your recently deceased cousin had been young enough that her mother had survived her. Was she the daughter of the favourite uncle? Wonderful foresight to have taken care of one’s own funeral plans and something so few of us contemplate.

    Thanks for the idea of a baked potato – yes, it’s tonight’s FD meal that I needed ideas for. Microwave reliably delivered so we are free to leave. I’m going near the shops again anyway as I found a place to get a passport-style photo in readiness for my bus pass so thought I may as well get it done as I never know what’s ahead once we’re back on the canals.

    LJ, I agree with your sentiments on American spelling. It may well make phonetic sense but it just looks wrong (to me). SIX tries for me today, the last three were all guesses. Oh, I did also try Cinque’s Suguro (is that correct?) but promptly forgot about it. That did seem to have potential for getting tricky with a harder level.

    Countrygal, yes, I agree with LJ, just sleep if that’s what’s required. Ha ha, to never having been this old before. Sad but true. And even worse, we’re never going to be this young again.

    Haha, Thin, you finished my thoughts beautifully, no, we never will be this young againā€¦..what an awful thought! My daughter was 50 in November, and funnily it doesnā€™t seem that long ago it was mine. How the years do fly by. They mentioned something about the 70ā€™s the other day, I thought oh thatā€™s not that far backā€¦ā€¦.yeah!
    How sad to outlive your child LJ, with your Aunt just out of hospital, was it a related incident?
    You are getting me interested in the word game you are playing, I currently have 20 games of scrabble going (on line) with a girlfriend who lives the other side of Victoria, our friendship goes back over 50 years and sadly, we rarely see each other these days. This is one time Iā€™m grateful for modern communication.
    Anyway, 1:20am here, up for the call of nature, so back to bed šŸ˜“CG

    Morning all

    Well yesterday must have been a blip. I had a non fast day yesterday and I actually dropped 600g to sit on 98.7, that’s around what I’ve weighed for the last three weigh-ins now (98.7, 98.8, 98.7). My shape is changing but the scales are still being tardy.

    Thin, I thought it would be pretty obvious what to pair with that to bulk up your OH’s meal. You’ve got the ingredients for a nice eggs benedict there, so a bagel or English muffin or two would go well with smoked salmon and poached eggs šŸ˜‰

    Ljoyce, my thoughts are with you today for your cousin’s funeral. I hope she gets a good send-off

    Countrygal, I hope the scales were kind to you today after your fast. I have traumatic memories of those mashed potatoes. We used to use them when I was a boy scout on our tramping trips. Our meal would consist of some chopped up sausages, packet soup, dehydrated peas and dehydrated potatoes thrown in a pot and cooked together. The resulting mess was the consistency of wallpaper paste with chunks of sausages in it. I do not have fond memories of those meals.

    My sons’ school is having a food collection to send over to Tonga and every year level had to bring something different. My older boy needed to take tea/coffee and my younger boy jams/spreads. Luckily when we were away on holiday my wife and I both bought teabags from the supermarket without telling each other so we had a spare packet at home, and I thought it would be the perfect chance to use up some of our frozen fruit and made a batch of goose-berry jam.

    I hope everyone has a good day

    Hi everyone.
    Just dropping in from the monthly challenges started on another thread 6 years ago!!
    I was idly going through some of the names from 2016/17 and wondering where people were .
    It is good to see several here.
    Would love to know where some of the others are as the motivation and accountability I received from folk when I first started was very much appreciated.

    lilymartin, many of the people who were on this forum when I started (2014) moved across to the Maintenance Chatbox thread once they lost their weight and some are still there. Others have moved on from there to the Join JoJo thread.

    Neil, I wonder if I could get a bagel or English Muffin delivered on Amazon? šŸ™‚

    Afternoon everyone, Hi Thin, I think in the beginning when we all saw Michaels program, we got on board. Some stayed for the long haul, others only a short time, then others come and go when need be, as a help line to re startšŸ˜ƒ my fast yesterday was brilliant yet uselessā€¦.not a budge on my scales, yet I was hungry all day, head aching, nauseous the full gambit but held strong, all to no avail. But soldiering on and Iā€™m telling myself the health benefits outweigh what the scales sayšŸ„“ thinking of doing a CD tomorrow, might fast, see how it pans out. Itā€™s the marathon Iā€™m here for, but wanting to sprint for a while šŸ˜‚ hope you all had a good day šŸŒ»CG

    Thanks for the info thinatlast.šŸ™‚ Must appreciated.
    It is just good to see people going the distance.
    Gives me motivation to be serious about this WOL again. Cheers.

    Countrygal, when I have a day like that, I just think well it’s probably a lot better than if I hadn’t fasted. You have to consider the weight you might have gained had you eaten without constraint. If nothing else, a day of fasting helps break bad habits learned over decades and instills portion control. But yes, let’s assume it’s doing our bodies plenty of other good as well. I wonder if any of those symptoms are exacerbated because of your residual covid?

    lily, come back and join us. I remember your name from before. I have a feeling you were one of my fellow Western Australians?

    How much weight do you two ladies hope to lose?

    Thin Iā€™d like to lose the 10-15K I re gained, Iā€™m 81:6k so 10K less would be ideal, comfortable, Iā€™m not looking to be skinny as I was in my younger years, it looks awful on an older lady I think, I would be too scrawny šŸ˜‚so aiming for 5K increments šŸ˜ƒ are you at your goal weight now?

    Good evening all.

    I’ve spent nearly half and hour catching up with the chats, so not much time left to respond. My peach tree came out today. It was a lot of hard yakka, sawing, clipping etc., but now there’s just a short bottom piece of the trunk left in the ground. I filled my green bin (collection tomorrow) and have more waste waiting to be cut to size and discarded. It will probably fill my green bin to the top yet again, but it will be done. Now I have to dig out around the roots, saw or chop them away from the trunk below ground, and chop out the trunk – another fairly heavy job for me. The callistemon in the back lawn is going into the peach tree spot, as it can tolerate full sun and part shade, while I’ve bought a second callistemon that only likes full sun to go into the lawn. That one also grows higher, so better where I don’t have to prune its top.

    Weight? This morning I was down 1.7 kg from the start of February (despite my blip up and then down with the doughnut splurge). I’m keeping to CDs mixed with FD800s and that seems to be working. However, Cinque, that “feeling of lightness” hasn’t struck yet. I need at least another 6-8 kgs for that.

    Cinque, LJoyce, Re air-cons, I actually have two in my unit, both split systems, a bigger one which covers the lounge and blows across to my eating area, and another smaller one just for my bedroom, but my back study doesn’t get any cooling from either of them, which is why I wondered about buying an evaporative cooler for that room. Sounds like it mightn’t be suitable, from your description Cinque. My desktop computer is in my study, so that’s where I write for my doctorate. The laptop’s on the dining table and I use it for most correspondence, etc.

    Neilithicman, seems like your weight is heading in the right direction. Remember yet again that muscle is heavier than fat, so that would explain the improvement in shape and clothes fit.

    Countrygal1, sorry that you’re not picking up as quickly as you’d like. I find it frustrating (as a 72-yr-old) to not be able to do as much as I used to, and if I do engage in a heavier activity (like cutting down a tree šŸ™‚ ), I need to allow a following quieter day for recovery. So part of it is age, but I’d say most of it is you still recovering from Covid. Be kind to yourself. BTW, King Charles spaniels are gorgeous. Lucky you!

    Hi Lilymartin, nice to see you dropping in over here. Maybe try to visit more often, once you’re not hosting February?

    Thin, definitely real potato, not the packet stuff. It just doesn’t taste the same. Adequate for emergencies or camping, as Neilithicman said, but otherwise, why bother?
    Glad you got the microwave so quickly. Sounds like you are in a lovely setting at the moment.

    Okay, bedtime. Goodnight all.

    Cinque – another 6-8 kgs off, is what I meant! Oops šŸ™‚

    Betsy, what a great job done. I missed Neil’s comment about the potatoes while camping as a boy scout until you mentioned it. This reminded me of boarding school powdered scrambled eggs. Eeew! They’d break one whole egg into the mess presumably so the bits of shell might fool us that they’d used real eggs.

    Betsy, our neighbours in Perth had evaporative cooling and had to leave the doors open for it to work. It was fine up to a point but could never cope with the really hot days. When our respective children were newborn babies, she’d bring hers over to cool down in our air-con.

    Countrygal, yes I’ve been maintaining my goal weight for about 7 years, mostly with 5:2 and several stints on 6:1. Maintenance on 5:2 allows me to eat and drink what I want five days a week. 6:1 means I have to be vigilant. Rather than make a lot of excuses, I’ll just admit that I’ve not been doing so well with vigilance lately, so reverted to 5:2. Still squeaking in below 60kg.

    Nope, ageing isn’t for the faint-hearted. I paid 5 euros for a horrid photo of an old woman in a photo booth yesterday only to discover that, when completing the bus pass application, you can submit one directly from your webcam. Oh well, there’s my next passport photo sorted.

    Haha, love your humour Thin, golly, below 60K I canā€™t remember being that low šŸ˜³ I often see an old lady haunting me in my bathroom mirror, and she turns up in my photos too! What resolve you have to maintain for 7 years, congratulations.
    You deserve a medal Betsy getting that tree out, itā€™s not an easy task, especially for a women, just pruning the bigger trees is hard. Itā€™s sad to lose the Peach, I bought a white one with me from the farm, delicious, but have to keep it in check, and as you said, they grow such long branches in the growing season .Callistemons are one of my favourites and wonderful fillers, Iā€™m sure you will be happy with yours I have a few here and actually got a iced green colour two weeks ago, still looking for a spot to fit itšŸ˜‚ How does the fast800 work with fasting, how many cals when you fast? Are you claiming a CD a NFD or fast800? Getting late, so doesnā€™t take much to confuse meā€¦.or at anytimeā€¦ā€¦good night ladiesšŸŒ»

    Morning everyone

    Looks like the scales might finally be starting to catch up with everything else. I did non-fast days both Wednesday and yesterday and dropped 600g both days. My weigh-in on Wednesday was 99.3 kg, yesterday was 98.7 kg and this morning was 98.1 kg. Today is a fast day so it’ll be interesting to see what happens on the scales tomorrow.

    Well it finally happened, Dunedin has it’s first Covid case since May 2020. Everyone will be keeping their eye on the places of interest. Hopefully since Dunedin has one of the highest vaccination rates in the country (over 94% first jab, over 92% second jab and over 70% boosted) We won’t get it too bad. We can just wait and hope, and of course keep scanning QR codes and wearing masks.

    Have a great weekend everyone

    Morning friends from a wild, wet, windy Sydney

    So sorry to read that Dunedin has it’s first Covid case for so long Neil. Hopefully it can be contained and not take off

    Countrygal I hear you re the Covid nightmare. Even though I tested negative when hubby tested positive I’m sure I had/have it. It’s been exactly three weeks since we had the test and we are both still coughing and our energy levels are appallingly low. I can’t do any more than the daily dog wander (I can’t call it a walk as it is so stop and start) and this is really slowing my weight loss. Mr Anzac still requires a twice daily dose of the puffer the doctor gave him as he is still wheezy – but he was much more sick than I was with it all. He had an phone appointment with a gastro specialist (another story) who said he has found most people take around 1 month to get over it.

    The brain fog is another symptom that caught us out this morning. Mr Anzac puts our various pills/supplements together each morning and handed me mine and I just automatically took them with my smoothie. He then came running it saying ‘dont take those pills – they’re mine!’ Too late. So I took one of his BP meds and now have massive head spins! My BP is always perfect so that would have dropped it of course. D’oh! Note to self, look at what you’re taking next time Anzac. It’s a similar shape and size to my Somac tablet that I take for reflux so that didn’t help

    That’s an impressive task Betsy! Removing trees are not for the faint hearted. Congrats on the 1.7kg. I slipped into the 92’s today which is a nice long way from the almost triple digits I was facing. Next goal – into the 80’s

    Thin I so love reading about your nomadic life over there. And your success with this WOL always brings motivation. Thank you

    I was so sad to read about your cousin and the funeral arrangements LJ. I just can’t fathom how hard that must have been for her. Sending lots of cyber hugs for your and her family’s grief

    Cinque YES this CSIRO diet involves so much planning and work. It is not a hardship for me as I love cooking and mulling over recipes etc but my busy job makes it a bit difficult. So the past two weekends (and future ones) I plan the entire week – breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks – into a spreadsheet then track using the CSIRO software. I can mix and match across different days and I do as much pre-prep as possible on the weekend. The hardest thing is Mr Anzac isn’t a fan of the types of dinners I am having (stir fries or warm meat salads) so having to cook his own or, when I’m really busy at work, having to cook two different meals is a bit of a struggle. But I am determined to do it

    Speaking of busy job, it is calling once again. Take care all

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