Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,459 replies, has 835 voices, and was last updated by  thinatlast 2 days, 10 hours ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 26,201 through 26,250 (of 28,562 total)

  • Morning all

    I’m down half a kilo this week to 102kg. I’m feeling a lot better though. Going to the gym in the mornings is a great start to the day and my strength is definitely increasing.

    Charlie, happy birthday. I hope you win the war with the birds. We have a sentry guarding our raspberries. One of our cat’s favourite places to sit when it’s hot is in the raspberry patch. Often we go to pick raspberries and find a pile of feathers where she’s managed to ambush a little raspberry thief.

    Oh, and I have a job interview next week. It’s a similar job to the one I do now but it pays $10,000+ more per year than my current job. I’m hoping less stress as well.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Good morning all

    A long time between posts but I have been keeping up with everyone. Good luck with the job interview Neil, I am truly and utterly over my job and will look for another one in the new year if things continue as they are

    So three weeks of walking 5-6km every day around our hilly suburb, watching carbs, counting calories and some fasting and I’ve lost the grand total of 1.1 kilos. I kid you not. It is so incredibly frustrating but I all I can do is soldier on. However I no longer have time to lose any significant amount of weight so I will be going on our lovely holidays looking like a bloated piggy 🙁

    Sorry the weather is turning dreary Thin, are you going to the Canary Islands?

    Charlie G, you are doing so well! I remember the wonderful feeling of clothes getting baggy when I lost the weight in 2019. I hope to be there again in a few months. I am not a gardener by any stretch of the imagination but Mr Anzac really is and I love being able to go outside and pick fresh herbs and veges

    We are not big into Christmas although it is a bit nicer now there are two littlies to watch opening presents and running around excitedly. Also, being a contractor in Banking IT projects means I always have a 2-3 week stand-down period over Christmas where I have to take unpaid leave so that’s when we travel. We are often away somewhere for Christmas day – the same this year as we will be on Lord Howe Island. So the whole family (10 adults and 2 toddlers) are coming here in early December for a big lunch to celebrate the November/December birthdays and Christmas.

    My lovely Nephew and his new wife arrived home last week and they are having their ‘Aussie’ wedding in April. Mr Anzac and I are catching up with them on Friday for lunch and I can’t wait to see them. It took so long for them to finally get home from the UK due to Covid

    Cinque/G’day, I agree wholeheartedly about the body changing as we age. If I ate and exercised like this 10 years ago I would be a skinny thing in a couple of months. Grrrrrrr!!!

    Hi to everyone else, have an awesome day

    Good afternoon lovelies,

    Birthday wishes Charlie! https://asset.holidaycardsapp.com/assets/card/bl_b_day16-d3ef3085740e27cb74d0189f47066b88bcbead2e22791c1d4feca93a2b27ee5f.png
    Hooray for those baggy trousers!

    I was delighted by half a dozen spaghetti squash seeds that all popped up into seedlings together yesterday morning. I disentangled them and spread them out and they survived the process and got the best watering this morning (thanks rain). They all look happy and strong.

    I hope you can protect your precious raspberries, Charlie, you need Neil’s cat! I am especially envious of those homegrown savoy cabbages.

    Neil, great work with your exercise and your cat 🙂 and best of luck with your job application. I do hope you get it, and that it really is less stress too.

    Anzac, hello friend! You must be getting wonderfully toned with that great walking, you will be in fine shape soon.
    A big hooray from me that you are looking for a new job. This one has not been good for your health. You deserve better.

    I’m having slightly better days and doing all the good things for my health. planning a fast day tomorrow.

    Cheers all

    Hi all –have enjoyed reading everyone’s updates. Haven’t commented as I’ve had a busy time recently. DD birthday party took plenty of time and energy – we are in the early years where a party is still a big deal for our two. They talk about it for half the year leading up – and because we have a lot of family around they have lots of cousins coming too and a couple of friends. So plenty of food and cake to make, etc! I kept with the plan and have continued fasting successfully throughout and are now down to 73.5kg (down from 77.3kg) – so feeling positive about the changes. I particularly liked that I was able to wear a top at the party that previously clung and made me feel like a sausage in its casing!!! Hahaha – yeah for clothing giving good feedback.

    Neil – yeah for going down half a kilo this week. Always nice to see things moving in the right direction! All the best with the job interview next week – more $$ are always welcome right! And if it’s a win-win in terms of stress levels too then that will be fantastic! The frisbee golf course sounds like a fun project. Are your boys interested in it too?

    Charlie – oh your tale of the chickens is sweet! I had a couple of chicken when I was growing up in Fiji. Sadly one neighbour didn’t like one chicken who ventured into its garden and it ended up being killed by that neighbour. The other one disappeared one day and we suspected another neighbour had chicken for dinner that night. Oh dear! Thin – I don’t have family there any more as all have moved back to NZ. Fiji is a wonderful place for a holiday but I wouldn’t necessarily recommend living there 😉 Anywho…Charlie – how is the no sugar, no carbs and limited low fructose fruit going?

    Cinque – I had to google what a beancurd skin roll was. What do you use as filling?

    Gday – wow from 82.3 to 68.1!!! That’s incredible. I enjoyed reading what you wrote about carbs …especially in fruit. I laughed when you mentioned that you bought another fridge/freezer. You would not survive at my place – we have one typical size fridge/freezer and a little wee under counter freezer in the laundry.

    LJoyce – how did the third covid vaccine go? I had my second one yesterday and have been feeling quite blah since – sore arm and fluey/tired.

    Thin – are you back on your boat? It sounds like you are well suited to life on the water.

    Anzac – you’ll be more toned and trim than you were 3 weeks ago. Still so frustrating to put in all the effort and do all the right things and not see the results you were hoping for. Our bodies aren’t always the most cooperative eh!

    Fasting today as tomorrow is a teacher only day for DD & DS, then Friday is the North Canterbury Anniversary Day – so a long weekend. Will be needing an early night and hoping to feel a lot better tomorrow.

    Great, several Christmas Grinches here. CharlieG, couldn’t agree more on the hot x buns. To punish ‘them’ for trying to push them on me in January, I boycotted them altogether several years ago. We’ve had many discussions on this thread about it.

    Anzac, I just wanted to say that a 1.1 kg loss over three weeks isn’t so bad, is it?. I consistently lost half a kg a week when I started 5:2. Don’t lose heart over it. I do hope you find a less stressful job. That’s doing nothing for your good health. I hope you have a great time on Lord Howe. Is your Fiji trip going ahead? Glad your rellies made it back. Did they pay a ‘normal’ fare back to Oz?

    Neil, you too. Hope you get the job and hurray for a loss this week.

    Hannah, good to get your update. Once I had a waist again, I found it quite hard to find clothes that weren’t all baggy and designed to hide everything. Funny because, when I was fat, the clothes I liked all seemed to be for thinner people. I am really noticing dramatic changes in the population. It is quite alarming how being overweight – no, that’s too kind, ‘fat’ is the only way to describe it – is now the norm. Funny about the chickens. Not for them.

    Yes, we got the boat back on Monday and were both very happy to be back on board. It is quite cold but also very quiet at last so it feels a real privilege to be on the canal. We watched them lower the boat back into the water so could see the work they’d done on the hull. We hope to get to the Canaries in Jan/Feb and I have my eye on other places for a shorter trip in December.

    Cinque, great news that you feel better and hurray for the healthy seeds. I was so sorry to read the other day that you had gained 7kgs in recent times. I didn’t know.

    I’m thinking of returning to 5:2 while we’re in the marina where foraging for food is less uncertain. I am too close to my trigger weight for comfort and, listening carefully to all the personal stories here (Cinque, GDSA, Anzac, Neil, LJ, CalifD, Betsy, Lindsay) I do know that I wouldn’t cope well with a big gain to tackle. I must deal with it right now before it gets out of hand. Starting with no more alcohol or meals out until I’m back in the 57s (this is day three of that).

    While pet-sitting, I took these photos of the contents of our host’s fridge. Horrified that people consume so much non-food. The door shelving and entire top shelf were given over to sticky drinks and things that food manufacturers have convinced us we need to put on our actual food. And skimmed milk as if that will help! The vegetable crisper was crammed full of potatoes. Even the dog had a rubbish diet. Yep, I am judgmental – how does your fridge rate? Photos please!

    Thin, that’s a lot of condiments….actually, come to think of it, we have quite a lot as well, but ours are mostly home-made. I have some beetroot chutney, quince kuchla, tamarind chutney, plum sauce, chili sauce, then the bog standard tomato sauce and bbq sauce.

    Hannah, my younger boy was interested when he was younger, but that has fallen by the wayside now that he’s older and into online games. I’m hoping to get them out with me now and then though. Congrats on the weight loss, It’s amazing how much difference dropping just a few kilos makes to the fitting of clothes and how you feel. Keep up the good work.

    Cinque, hooray for the spaghetti squash seedlings. Have you grown them before? Do you know how long they take to grow? I’ve seen them in the supermarket and my wife is always looking for new things to grow.

    Anzac, I agree with Thin, 1.1kg is still a decent loss in 3 weeks, that’s a pound a week in the old money. And it’s definitely better than gaining 1.1 kilos 😉 We have a big family gathering but we don’t go too nuts on presents. We buy them for all the kids, but the adults all just put our names in a virtual hat and do a “secret santa” thing where we just buy a present for one person. It makes it a lot more manageable than buying presents for everyone.

    Well I’d better get back to work now, I hope you all have a great day

    Friday morning,
    and lovely morning-after-fast-day for me.

    Hannah hello! What a fab party for DD, and hooray! clothing does give the best feedback!

    I did a lot of googling before I made my beancurd rolls and discovered they mostly have a tasty pork mince filling, but since I had to use things on hand I just thought ‘spring roll filling’ and had cabbage, grated carrot and dried mushrooms and I can’t even remember what else. Oh yes, I’d bought sliced bamboo shoots for the first time, so added them in, and I even put slices of basa fillet in, which was fine but I couldn’t really taste it. They were tasty, but I am excited to do better next time and fill them fatter. This is the recipe I mostly followed (but completely missed the cutting them in half bit!) https://www.seriouseats.com/chinese-bean-curd-rolls-pork-dim-sum-recipe

    I’ve bought two different types of beancurd skin now (both different from the sort I used last time) and am just waiting to feel I can make them again. Maybe on the weekend.

    Enjoy your long weekend!

    Thin, lovely to know you are happily back on your boat, and how nice to be planning holidays.
    I found out about that ‘nearly 7kgs’ a year ago when I had my appt at the hospital. Previous years I’d thought it was just a bad day, or heavy shoes or something, as it crept up. I must have another appointment soon so I will see what the scales say then, but my clothes say I haven’t lost much. On a good run now though, I hope.

    Have a great, powerful time getting back into the 57’s!

    As for that photo of the people’s fridge https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c0/32/df/c032df3ffb0eb654497fd5a29345ade0.jpg

    And I won’t take a photo of my fridge, which currently has 7 litres of milk in it! (I accidentally bought 3 litres of milk two days in a row because I have old-lady-brain).
    Maybe I can make some ricotta/paneer.

    Neil, I haven’t grown spaghetti squash before, so it is all excitement. I gather they grow like butternut, but they are more in the marrow family. They certainly taste most like zucchini, but yellow and strings.

    They are so handy though! I will use them in those beancurd skins, in sushi rolls, in my miso soup, and so satisfying to have instead of pasta or noodles with a tasty stirfry or spaghetti sauce when I want less carbs.

    So many things I want to make. But what I did make was urad dal! Ma Ki Dal.
    I have been loving ‘India Unplated’ a local show about Indian food. Rather awkward, I think they pulled one of the hosts in because he is well known and his mum is Indian, but he has never been to India and the other two are so knowledgeable and authentic. However they are all wonderfully good willed and supportive and the food is exciting.

    Just after seeing them do Ma Ki Dal I was in an Indian grocery and couldn’t resist buying the necessary. https://www.sbs.com.au/food/recipes/ma-ki-dal
    I had to laugh at myself because (you’ll remember) I have bought urad dal several times and never enjoyed it. But yay! I love this. It was good for me as this recipe does have some channa dal and red kidney beans in too so it is a halfway dal. But it might be my breakthrough dish for urad dal.
    Neil, do you eat them much? (Sorry if you have said before, my memory 🙁 )

    Okay, the morning is disappearing, must go and see if I can be productive.
    Cheers all

    L <3

    Hi everyone

    Cinque, sounds good, let us know how the spaghetti squash gets on. We eat a lot of dal, but I usually just make it with green lentils rather than black lentils and channa (chickpeas).

    The weather here is pretty warm for what we usually get at this time of year. It hit 25 degrees today and it’s humid along with it. Unfortunately it’s supposed to be raining tomorrow when I want to get more work done in the community gardens. Oh well, I’ll have to see what it’s like tomorrow.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

    Greetings Everyone,
    Cinque, thank you so much for the birthday wishes, such a lovely thought.
    Hannah, you asked how low carb, low fructose was going, my answer is great, this morning’s weigh in has me at 103.7kg, that’s 9kg since the end of July. Now I find sweet things are not very nice, we had some friends call in for one night on their way back to southern Victoria from Queensland, and they left some mangoes, once upon a time I would have had one a day until their were all gone, nope far too sweet now.
    The only thing I have missed is pasta, as we make our own, but this time I spiraled a carrot, and it was really nice. OH has now lost 6kg as well, he only has 7 to go.
    Thin, not entering into the fridge photo, our fridge is only two months old, so only has things in it that we eat now. Never was one for fizzy drinks, chocolate is gone, now only for OH, and he only likes dark anyway.
    Neil, I hope the weather is kind to you this weekend, we have just had 71mm of rain in 36 hours. Our veggie patch is raised beds that have 250mm edges and the water was flowing into them last night when I locked the hens up just on dark. Luckily our catchment was dry, so no damage to our rivers.
    Must fly, just made jam drops to take to older friends for afternoon tea, none for me though.
    Have a great week everyone, I will check back in next weekend, loving reading all your tales.
    Cheers for now,

    Greetings Everyone,
    Cinque thank you for my birthday wishes, very pretty.
    Thin glad you are back on your boat, hope you can find somewhere warmer for your upcoming winter.
    Hannah, you asked how I am going with low carb, low sugars, well this mornings weigh in was 103.7kg, down 9kg since the end of July.
    Finding sweet food very unpleasant these days, given five mangoes that would normally be eaten at one a day, nope not this time, going to have to freeze them for later on.
    Neil, hope the weather is better than predicted this weekend, we have just had 71mm in 36 hours, no damage around the area, but last night there was 200 mm of water on the paths in our terraced veggie garden when I went to lock the hens in.
    OH is doing well too, he is down 6kg as well.
    Thin, no photos of our fridge, it is only two months old, so had a good clean out then, but we have never been ones for fizzy drinks, worst you will find in our fridge is homegrown fruit, preserved in water.
    Well must fly, jam drops have just come out of the oven to take to visit elderly friends for afternoon tea.
    None for me though!
    Hope everyone is doing well, love all your tales, I will check back in next weekend.
    Sending positive thoughts to everyone,

    Cinque, I like the bean curd stories, haven’t seen any here. Lovely to read that you’re on a healthy run now. Oh dear, your nearly 7kg weight gain sneaking up unnoticed doesn’t hold much water (or maybe it does) for those in the non-weighing camp. 🙂 I’ll stick to my daily obsession. In fact, I hit my trigger weight yesterday so invoked an emergency FD. It did the trick and eliminated 900g but I want to be at the bottom end of my wiggle room (57kg), not the top (60kg) so I am concerned. It’s amazing the effect this is having on my mood. 🙁 I’m 7 years older and 23kg lighter than when I started this WOL so I just double-checked my TDEE for FDs which is quite firmly no more than 350cals.

    Morning all

    Bit of a grey miserable weekend. After a week of beautiful sunny weather, it absolutely hosed down on Saturday and then Sunday was grey and showery all day. I had plans to do more work in the community garden, go for a bike ride, and play some frisbee golf but I didn’t get to do any of it. Instead I mooched around home chopping up some branches that I’d cleared from the frisbee golf course the previous week, playing some games and watching some movies with the family.

    Thin, “emergency fast day” for some reason that just made me picture a hospital scene with a doctor yelling out “Nurse! I need a fast day in here STAT” 900g is a great result from one day of fasting. You must have been carrying a bit of water weight.

    Charlie, well done on breaking the sugar cravings. I wish I could get through them but the persistent little buggers keep popping up in the afternoon. The depressing thing is I haven’t been wearing my work clothes since before the lockdown, and I don’t think I can squeeze into them any more so I’m going to have to go any buy a new pair the next size up for my job interview on Wednesday.

    Well hopefully this week will be a good one. Our work has given everyone a “wellness day” to take off before Christmas time so I have taken the whole day off the day of my interview. I’m going riding with Johnny’s group in the morning and then have my interview in the afternoon.

    Have a great one everyone.

    Ha Thin,
    I think I might have managed okay without regular weighing (or more regularly than once a year 😉 ) if I had kept up regular waist measuring, or at least paid proper attention to what my clothes were telling me.

    And I had got so excited about wearing fitted clothes that I bought some that fit too tightly. I am taking them to the opshop today, and then concentrating on getting back into the ones that will fit nicely once my waist measurement is under 30 inches.

    Good Emergency Fasting!
    I had a good fast day yesterday, and am off to keep myself busy for a couple of hours doing that opshop drop off and as much browsing as I can.

    Charlie, cool to read how your tastes have changed. Hooray. You will enjoy the mangoes more over a longer period of time. Big congrats on the 9kg gone!

    Neil, I hope you find a nice suit. All is looking well for Interview Day, I hope you ace it.
    May those afternoon cravings give themselves up soon. Keep drinking water!

    Cheers and best wishes to every single one of you.

    CharlieG, you and your OH are doing so well. Birthday celebrations smashed as well. Twice weekly fasting is excellent in changing our long-held habits like portion control, food desires and the need to snack. It happens without our even noticing.

    Cinque, have fun at the op shop. I’ve enjoyed op shopping here where there are often several on the high street in the market towns. The items are creatively presented and there isn’t that musty smell. I really only look for quirky size 10 pants and WASGIJ puzzles so I’m in and out in short order.

    I’m down another 200g so in the 58s – just.

    Neil, good luck with the interview. I hope you don’t have to buy a whole new suit in your transient size? Does the current employer know that you’re going for another job? Great that you’re going for a ride with Jono first. That will put you in a good frame of mind for the interview.

    Hope all the lurkers are happy and well. Have a good week all.

    Hi all,

    Just lurking at present, currently in Christchurch, trying not to get blown away!!!

    Thought I’d pop in to say Good Luck with the interview tomorrow Neil I’m sure you’ll smash it, an extra 10k a year will certainly help with the motivation? How long have you been at the Council?

    Great to catch up on all the posts, will post in full soon, just seem to keep running out of time……off to the Botanic Gardens today, just so gorgeous there in late Spring, and my favourite cafe of course!!


    Afternoon all

    Enjoy the gardens Turn, 10k is certainly a good motivation, especially with my wife having to give up her job due to her health. I’ve been at the council for around 17 years now so it’s been a fair haul.

    Thin, yeah I’m always more relaxed and in a good head space when I’ve been out for a good ride. Hopefully the weather holds. I didn’t have to buy a suit, I don’t wear a full suit anyway, just dress trousers and shirts. My shirts still fit, I just needed to go up one size for trousers. I seem to put all my weight on my thighs, butt and handles.

    The weather is looking pretty good today and my son is at camp this week so I’m hoping to get some work done at the community gardens after work today.

    Have a great day everyone

    Quick pop in,
    Best wishes for the interview tomorrow Neil, we know you will smash it, have a great day.
    Cheers, Charlie.

    Good luck for the interview tomorrow Neil.

    Hi all,

    All the best for the interview Neil.

    We’ve had an extremely cold week, with more rainfall than what we usually have for the entire year. So I haven’t been out walking and have eased up on exercising, just been concentrating on my studies as I will be in the city for 3 days next week and again for 5 days the following week so trying to get ahead as much as I can.

    Last night I submitted one assignment which was 132 pages long – OMG. Geez they certainly make us jump through hoops for this weight management course. One bonus is that they finally, after 3 months of back and forth with documents, phone interviews and endless items of proof to show I am competent, they have finally recognised RPL for one of the units which is Exercise and Weight Management. You would think that providing my qualification in Cert III in Fitness and the Outcome Transcript would be enough to prove I know what I’m taking about in regards to fitness and exercise, but not with this mob. But at least now that is one full unit I don’t have to do.

    I really shouldn’t be here typing now……..study, study, study.

    Neil, good luck on your job interview tomorrow. Is it at the same place or somewhere new? When will you find out about whether you got it?

    I have been reading a lot of the posts here but also have a lot to catch up on I’m sorry I have been away so much but we’re going through a rough time here. OH’s memory took a serious turn for the worse about 3 months ago and while some days things seem improved, lately they aren’t. Several different meds have been prescribed and one that he is on now helps him to sleep all night but there are lots of potential side effects so trying to taper off to the lowest effective dose. It’s all very frightening, not knowing what the future will bring. I’m finishing 3 weeks of radiation this week. Only 3 days to go. That has been quick and uneventful and leaves little chance of anything coming back in the future.

    I just wanted you all to know that I haven’t left our little group here, just trying to take care of health issues. I miss all of you.

    Evening all

    I think my interview went well. The guy interviewing me was a friend of my old boss who is my main referee, so that should help me. They’ll let me know within 2 weeks and they’re set for a January start date.

    I made good use of my wellness day. I got some quality time with my wife because one boy was at school and the other was at school. Went for a big ride and coffee with Johnny’s riding group, had my Job interview, then finished it off with a couple of rounds of frisbee golf where the guy I was playing with hit a wonderful hole-in-one with much celebration.

    Unfortunately it’s back to work tomorrow, but I only have two days to go until the weekend now.

    Have a great one everyone.

    Thursday morning,

    Cali, I am SO sorry to hear how hard things are for you and Mr Cali at the moment.
    I’m sending so many good wishes https://newsmeter.in/h-upload/2021/01/19/291251-beautiful-sakura.webp
    I do hope Mr Cali, and doctors, can find a good balance with that medication. I can’t even really imagine haw hard it is for you all, but I do hope there are lovely times together amid the stress.
    And I didn’t realise you needed radiation therapy after your operation. What a time it must have been. Hooray to have the end in sight (touch wood) for that particular scare.

    We’ve been missing you too, but knew there must be stuff happening. Loads of best wishes every day. I have enough for you and for Lindsay too <3 <3 <3

    Neil, a lovely day yesterday! Hooray for an interview that felt good. Hooray for a wellness day.

    Gday, oh so much sympathy for all those assignments! Excellent to have one subject recognised. Come on some warm days.

    Hi Charlie and LJoyce! And Thin, it is always a good thing when opshops don’t smell musty!

    My life has been a bit too busy and will be again for a few more days, so I need to just buckle down and make it as CFS friendly as I can. All nice things luckily, and still eating sensibly!

    Best wishes to you all

    Afternoon everyone

    It’s pretty quiet here again

    It’s a stunning day here today but again I’m stuck at work. I’m hoping it holds off so I can get out and do some outdoor stuff this evening after work.

    Well have a great weekend everyone and I’ll hopefully check back in with everyone on Monday.

    CalifD, so sorry to read about your OH’s distressing medical events. I had no idea that your surgery was something so serious that it would require radiation. Thinking of you.

    Cinque, hope your busy life remains CFS-friendly.

    Neil, fingers crossed for your job. It sounds like the interview went well.

    I’m still in the 59s but at the lower end so my alcohol-free efforts are slowly paying off. Unfortunately, we’ve been forced into eating some meals out as OH is about to undergo surgery that has required us to take some long train/bus trips back to where we registered with a GP a year ago. Things that are so easy when you have a conventional life with a base and a car become more complicated when you’re floating about with no postcode. Today the toilet has packed in which couldn’t be worse timing. I’m just commenting, not complaining, these are challenges of our own making so we just have to ‘get on with it’.

    Greetings Everyone,
    Just grabbing 5 minutes to check in with you all.
    What a week, been very busy with cattle work, and now it will extend on for a while. Rejoining girls that calved late and didn’t get in calf when they should have. Giving them one cycle of Artificial Insemination, then one cycle with the bull, so far one third are done.(gives us an extra chance to use semen from all over the world without having to own the bulls).
    This next week is going to be hard, working with friend who is a Cottage Industry biscuit maker, she has huge orders going into the silly season, she makes delightful little Italian treats, as that is her heritage, but I can’t get over the sugar content, I will not be tasting, we have four full on 14 hour days ahead of us, and I will be inseminating any cows that come on before and after work.
    My weight this week has been steady, and at the end of the week down a bit, which I am happy about, as we often just grabbed something to eat when we had time.
    Sending healing thoughts to all, especially CaliD, Mr CaliD, and Mr & Mrs Lindsay.
    Great to see everyone is doing so well, Neil, hope you got a chance to do some work on Community plot, or at least got some time for frisbee golf, it sounds really interesting, love to know how it is played. Hope that you get your new job, we all deserve recognition for the work we do, and I am sure the extra pay would be useful. Thin, hope all goes well with OH and his operation,
    Well must fly, more washing to peg, both here and from the bnb,
    Thanks Everyone, have a great week, onwards and downwards, Charlie.

    Hello all from a very wet, cold miserable Sydney

    Thin I’m sorry to hear that your OH needs an operation, I hope he is ok. Also sorry about the loo packing it in.

    Also so very sorry to hear your OH isn’t doing so well Cali; I hope things improve quickly

    Thinking about you and your OH Lindsay, I’m sure you are going through a terrible time right now but please know we are all thinking of you

    I’m still slowly losing and was down 2.2 kilos but then looked sideways at a piece of bread or two too many and 0.5 jumped on in one day. Gah! I must be toning from all the hilly walking as I did some dreaded clothes shopping today and I have dropped a dress size

    We had a hitch in our Fiji trip and I’m sure I have an unlucky streak somewhere. We booked an adults only resort but still had stress about how and when we could get the PCR test to come home and the resort wasn’t answering emails. Then they emailed to say they weren’t opening in December after all but instead pushing it to April. Double Gah! I was willing to leave it but Mr Anzac really really wanted to go so then we read that Castaway Island totally had its act together regarding Covid and their nurse was getting trained on the testing and they would send the swabs back to the mainland in good time for the guests’ flights. Super. Unfortunately we lost our advantage by booking pre official opening and now we have paid more per night for a kid friendly resort (NOOOOOOOOO!!!) in their lowest level accommodation than the adults only top bure with it’s own plunge pool on the original booking. Oh well.

    Your life sounds so interesting and busy Charlie G – and well done leaving the biscuits. No need for all that sugar for sure

    I reckon you will romp that job home Neil and I’m sorry to read that your wife had to give up work for health reasons. Fingers, toes and paws (Maxx) crossed for you

    I hope your busy times settle down soon Cinque and you don’t exhaust yourself. We need you here!

    132 pages for an assignment G’day? I don’t know how you do it along with everything else. I’m sure you will do really well with your results

    I’m getting nudged on the elbow by a very bored dog so I must go and play with him else he will start crying soon. Not spoilt, nope, not one bit 🙂

    Take care all

    That’s quite a sorry tale about you Fiji holiday, I hope it turns out better than the booking process.
    What are you doing with the spoilt fur baby while you are travelling?
    Have a great week, Charlie.

    Morning all

    Thin, I hope your OHs surgery went well and you managed to fix your toilet issues. A backed up toilet causes enough problems in a house, let alone on a boat. 🙁

    Charlie, sounds like you’re pretty full on at the moment. Frisbee golf is played a lot like regular golf, throw the frisbee into a tree, swear, go searching for your frisbee, repeat 😉 I’m kidding of course. It is like regular golf though, instead of clubs and balls you throw a frisbee, instead of a hole there is a basket with chains hanging down to catch the frisbee. There is a little 40 second video of people playing on a course near me on this site https://www.queenstownicearena.co.nz/frisbee-golf I agree many Christmas treats are very sugary, I just made our Christmas cake over the weekend, a 5 kilo monstrosity that is likely to last weeks after Christmas. I still have over a kilo of icing to add before Christmas day.

    Anzac, sorry to hear about your trip. We were lucky when we went in December 2019 before the whole covid thing kicked off. We stayed on South Seas Island for a day, which was really nice, but the rest of the time we were based on the mainland in Nadi and then the Suva area where my wife has family.

    Cali, I missed your post. I’m sorry to hear things aren’t going well health-wise, I hope things improve

    My weekend went ok, I went to visit my parents and ended up working as my father did his asking-for-help-without-asking-for-help trick. He had just cut the hedge and said “I’m buggered now…and I still have to pick up the clippings…(hopeful look)” I got some stuff done in the community garden and played some frisbee golf on Sunday. I also tried making some high protein, gluten-free wraps. It’s made with chick pea flour and corn flour, you make a really thin crepe type batter by adding water and egg and then cook it the same as a crepe. It turned out pretty well.

    Well back to work now, have a great day everyone

    Good morning,
    It is day after fast day for me.
    A good day yesterday but I think too many cuppas with milk. I hope I can do a nice fasty fast day next time. I have some lovely clothes I want to get into.

    But goodness me aren’t we having a run of health scares, operations and treatments.
    And Thin, you’ve got public transport added in to the tension. That is wearying. I do hope it all goes easily. xxx
    Here are lots of good wishes for everyone

    Cali, I hope your treatment is done and dusted and you are not too tired. Best wishes to Mr Cali. xxx

    Lindsay, thinking of you and wondering how things are going, but just keep putting your energy into making each day work, and get a big rush of our love and good wishes if you do manage to read. xxx

    Charlie, wow, what a busy week. Best wishes that all goes really well.

    Oh dear Anzac, what a frustrating run with sorting out that holiday. Well, they are always luck as much as planning, so I hope luck falls your way when you get there and you have an absolutely brilliant time.

    Haha Neil I know that asking-for-help-without-asking-for-help trick very well from relatives.
    I am trying not to do it myself, but after asking my daughter a couple of times to help me get google maps on my phone (I know! But I am generally at home, so I never saw the need, and I think I have to change some things) we had a sister’s get together in Lancefield (place most in the centre of where each of us lives) and now my Melways has fallen to pieces I had to ring my daughter twice to navigate me.
    So she might consider that a passive aggressive hint to get me sorted. 😀

    Well, it’s Monday. Off I go to see if I can do anything!

    Cheers all

    Hi Neil,
    Thanks for the link, that looks like heaps of fun, and by the way, your area looks amazing.
    Happy Days, Charlie

    Cinque, so funny about the navigation. DD was rolling her eyes because I had to ask her how to get the cursor onto a specific word of (incorrectly) auto-corrected text in whatsapp. Then neither OH or I could turn off the 6.30am alarms on our respective phones that we’d set in preparation for the trip to hospital (originally told 2pm but then a confirmation letter came in the mail at DD’s house on Saturday giving the time as 7.30am. With no one answering the phone, we made up our own pre-op fasting rules and thought we’d better opt for the earlier time.

    Thanks everyone for the good wishes. A common but unpleasant procedure for men of a certain age and hopefully will be life-changing for OH. He’s in surgery now.

    Neil, OH did get the toilet fixed before we left the boat. I can’t see any updates about your job – when did they say they’d contact you?

    Anzac, your poor thing. Commiserations on being stuck with a child-friendly resort. Ear plugs are ‘no go’ travel equipment for us.

    CharlieG, I was interested in your AI tales.

    FD for me – Monday! I’m all over the place with all this moving about. But I’m still doing it and now in the (high) 58s.

    I’m not one for focussing on ill-health or pain but I am going to have a whinge about my Pfizer booster vaccine. Ouch compared to AZ! Three days later, arm swollen, red, hard, weak, sore and itchy. Ok I’m done!

    Morning all

    Thin, they said that they would need to do all the HR stuff and would let us know in around 2 weeks, so I should find out by the middle of next week whether or not I have the position. I hope the surgery goes well.

    Cinque, Ha! I resisted getting a phone until a few months ago, let alone getting google maps on it. Being a typical guy I prefer to drive around aimlessly in the general direction of where I’m heading rather than seeking directions anyway 🙂

    I had fun playing with a blowtorch last night. We’re treating the Macrocarpa sleepers for the tee pads for our frisbee golf course by scorching them. Apparently it’s a Japanese technique where you apply heat to the wood, it draws the sap out to the surface which burns and seals the wood, making it more resistant to rot. It’s quite a cool (or hot) process. The wood browns, blackens, then when it gets up to temperature a ring of pretty orange flame comes out, then the wood goes a silvery tone and it’s done.

    Well, have a great day everyone, I’ll check in with you tomorrow for my weekly weigh-in.

    Good afternoon all. I have a rare treasured quiet day at home today. Finally a chance to catch up on recent posts (and the washing, cleaning…)

    Cali, I am so sorry to hear that the anxiety over your husbands treatment has continued. I had hoped after the issues with the previous medication were resolved that things might improve. Glad to hear that you are nearly through your treatment. I remember you weren’t overly keen to undertake it, but having the reassurance of reduced risk for the future is a good thing. I will keep everything crossed that the new year brings better health for you and your loved ones.

    Thin, sorry to hear your OH is in surgery. I hope it goes very well and that his recovery is easy. Will you go back to the boat to recover or stay with your daughter?

    Neil, excellent to hear that the interview went well. I hope you get good news very soon.
    I’ve seen the Japanese blackened timber used in a few home building tv shows in recent years. Personally I think much of the attraction is an excuse for people to go nuts with a blow torch – a fun adult toy.
    Thanks for the link. I think with scenery like that I’d keep getting distracted from the game by the lovely view.

    Anzac, what a palaver to go through with the Fiji holiday. You might just have to find area to explore that the kids aren’t so keen on.

    Charlie, what a busy time you are having. Just don’t get so tired that you forget which task you are on and start inseminating the biscuits!

    Cinque, glad you finally made it to your family event. I missed my old street directory when switching to the map app on the phone but you do get used to it.

    GDSA, well done on getting through your study assignments. Also excellent that they have recognised prior learning.

    Lindsay, thinking of you and hope your OHs treatment is helping.

    I finally got to have a dietitian appointment last week – it had been rescheduled due to a lung infection. It was useful having a chat about the impact on my eating of all the periods of self-isolation I’ve been doing with every lung infection. It has not helped my weight and I’m still in the low 80s. I even got so tired I couldn’t face FDs for a couple of weeks, which also did no favours to my waistline. I’m finally back in the saddle though and have done a couple of good FDs and been quite controlled on the NFDs. The many pre-Christmas social events have already started and are a concern. But I think I just need to face them one at a time and make the best choice I can from the menu. Then get straight back to careful eating at home.

    Hello to everyone I’ve missed. My visits here will continue to be adhoc as despite my best efforts my weeks keep getting busier. Take care.

    Morning all

    Weigh in went horribly, I was up over 2 kilos to again hit a new high weight of 104.9. I am going to try something drastic and do the 3 day fast that Michael Mosley did when he was first working on his 5:2 fasting regime. He did it with just 3 cups of miso soup (50 calories each) per day. Hopefully that will kickstart things and get me back into the swing of things.

    Ljoyce, Yes I must admit that it was fun playing with the blowtorch, but it was quite a meditative process to watch the wood changing colour through brown, black then silver. The couple of hours I was working through it flew by. We’re supposed to be installing the tee pads on Saturday but the forecast is for rain and 9 degrees, so not ideal for digging out tee pads and laying pavers. Hopefully both of us can get back on the wagon with our eating soon.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Oh goody, to top it off I just got the call to say that I didn’t get the job I was going for. This has started off as a pretty sucky day 🙁

    Oh Neil,
    Feeling for you, all the best with the three day fast. Something to consider, things happen for a reason, so there could well be something much better around the corner.
    Take care,

    Day one in the books. I just had three cups of Miso soup, despite my wife trying to tempt me.

    We had a meal round at her mothers for our niece’s 17th birthday and they asked if I wanted anything to eat. I told them I was fasting that day, her mother looked insulted. When we got home my wife had brought some of the birthday cake back and she asked “Are you going to have any cake?” after a difficult fast day I gave a rather sarcastic answer “Oh yes, no better way to round off a fast day than with a huge slice of cake!”

    It’s weird how the hunger comes in waves. Last night I was so hungry I was eyeing up the tube of toothpaste as I was brushing my teeth, this morning I woke up and just didn’t feel like eating.

    If I can make it another 2 days then I’ll switch to fast800 for a couple of weeks and see if I can finally get on top of this rising weight.

    Have a great one everyone

    Hi everyone,

    I had my fast day on Tuesday, because I felt like it.

    Neil, what a rotten day yesterday, well done making it through. Sympathy re the job. Their loss! I hope another opportunity comes soon.

    It is hard when there are social pressures to eat. Oops Mrs Neil! No stopping Neil’s Fast!

    Aren’t the hunger waves weird, especially when they are just about intolerable while happening…. and then gone!

    Best wishes on your fast.

    Cheers Charlie,

    LJoyce, SO good to hear from you. I suppose you will be busy until Christmas. Sending lots of good wishes for managing all the festive food.

    Thin, I hope Mr Thin is recovering nicely. And that DD helped you with those alarms!
    (I had a chat with my DD and am downloading the maps app at home where my ph can access my wifi, and then whenever I am going on a trip (once a year maybe) I will just add $5 to top up my credit and hopefully it will be enough to run the app.)

    Lindsays, Calia, lots of love, and more love to everyone else.

    My family event and a day with Ms5 has been a bit much for me, I’m doing lots of resting so I can mind Ms7 on Saturday. Then I’d better have a week of nothing (but fasting 😉 ).

    Good wishes all.

    Hi all,

    Back home after 3 days in the city with Mr GDay having surgery to correct a heart issue. He’s not feeling the best at the moment and will have to take it easy for 4 weeks.

    I had a terrible time with food while away and so missed my normal eating routine. Vietnamese the first night and I was very disappointed in the dishes, one was bland, tasteless and looked like it had been sitting in a warmer for 6 hours and the other dish was so rich and spicy a few mouthfuls was enough. The second nights meal was another disaster, the mixed entree platter made no mention on the menu of everything being deep fried. I probably ate a quarter if it, the smell and the taste of the greasy, fatty food made me feel quite ill indeed.

    So tonight when we got home I cooked some mixed veg for tea which I thoroughly enjoyed. Looking forward to my avocado smoothy in the morning after I donate blood, my first time and I’m not too keen on needles so wish me luck !

    MrGday was in hospital for 14 hours and when he asked for some food and a coffee after the operation he was told that he didn’t qualify for anything to eat and they were too busy to make coffee. Times have certainly changed, not so long ago they wouldn’t let you leave after surgery until you ate and drank. I’m not sure what you need to do to ‘qualify’ to get fed at the hospital these days.

    I haven’t read posts this week so hope everyone is going okay. Gee I’m quite tired so might go make a cup of tea and head to bed for some reading.

    LJ, good to hear from you. Thanks for your good wishes for OH. His surgery has gone well and we are now in out-patients for follow-up testing which is an all day event. DD dropped us here early this morning as she’s in surgery all day so I am also spending the day at the hospital as we hope to get the train back to the boat this evening. I knew OH was doing well when he texted a blow-by-blow account of all the food he’d been fed after surgery! Sorry Mr GDSA didn’t receive any such level of care.

    Cinque, thank you also. Hurray for spontaneous Tuesday fasting and sorry you got a bit wiped out by grandie care.

    Neil, I’m sorry you didn’t get the job you went for. And even more sorry that you’re not getting support for your FDs. I totally empathise with this. I know you’re married into a culture where people get insulted if you don’t eat what’s on offer. A difficult balance but one I hope you win. Your health is everything.

    I’ve been sitting in a corner of the out patients’ waiting room near the ‘refreshment bar’ for over three hours now. The girth of the nurses and ancillary staff is alarming. So far, I have seen one nurse who’s not overweight. The elderly snack bar ladies are both slim. Their customers have been waddling in and out for all sorts of horrid looking things in packets that don’t belong in a hospital. The patients are mostly huge. I know this sounds judgmental but ‘obese’ is truly the new normal. When I worked in hospitals in California (30 years ago), we had a staff gym with showers in the basement and a running track with exercise equipment around the perimeter. And long enough lunch breaks to avail yourself of these facilities. Staff health and well-being were well supported with 10km running events and so on. What’s gone wrong for health care staff?

    Morning all

    Day 2 in the books, I had my 3 cups of miso during the day, but also slipped and had a nibble of salad while I was cooking dinner for my wife and kids, still under 200 calories for the day so basically a full fast. The waves of hunger are getting less frequent and less extreme so that is good. I was feeling a bit light headed yesterday, but this morning woke up without hunger and feeling good and I even got a quick gym session in, so it looks like my body has used up its glycogen and is starting to burn the fat (you always get a burst of energy once your body has switched) I was also peeing like a racehorse yesterday so I’m guessing most of my 2.2 kilo gain last week was water weight, which is promising for my weigh-in next week. One more day to go and then on to the fast 800.

    Thin, good to know that you OH came through the surgery fine. I saw one show with Hugh Fearnley-Wittingsall where they tried to get health workers to stop their unhealthy snacking during shifts. One of the stumbling blocks they ran into was patients who were happy with the treatment they received often popped back in later with chocolates/baking to say thanks and they ended up with a whole cupboard full of biscuits and sweets.

    Gday, Sorry to hear your OH is not feeling the best after his surgery, hopefully he can get on the road to recovery quickly. Good luck with your blood donation, I used to donate plasma once a month, but I started getting sick all the time so I stopped. I haven’t really been sick since I stopped so I’m guessing that probably was the cause. I might go back to donating full blood again though, that is only done every 3 months so it’s not as bad.

    Cinque, I hope you have fun minding your grandie on Saturday.

    Well back to work, looking forward to my cup of miso in a couple of hours, I’m starting to get hungry now.

    Good morning and quack from a very soggy Sydney

    The last two days were so humid it was incredible but another southerly has hit and swept the humidity away. Maxx is very relieved as he rarely left the cool tiles for the past two days

    I’m so very sorry about you not getting the job Neil, what a blow but keep looking as something will eventuate. I hope the three day fast really kick starts things for you. I really hear you about the frustrating lack of weight loss; I have been doing this regime for 5 weeks now and the scales should be avalanching down but instead it is an agonising crawl. I doubt I will meet my goal of getting back into the 80’s before we head to Lord Howe Island but I comfort myself that I am now able to power up the big hills without too much puffing. I look back 5 weeks and remember the struggle to get up the smallest of hills

    Charlie, Master Maxx will go to the local kennels while we are away. Yes he will be in a big pen for all but 3 hours per day, which isn’t ideal, but they will pair him up with another dog of similar size and nature and any time we drive there he is so excited he practically jumps through the car window to get inside. So I hope that means he has a great time. He is such a social dog I’m sure he loves it and they get 3 hours play time per day where they all romp together in a big yard. We made a grave mistake when we went to Europe in 2019. We decided that 7 weeks was too long to be mostly in a pen so we chose a free-range place out in Western Sydney. When we dropped him off he didn’t have an ounce of aggression but when we came home we quickly noticed he was getting quite snappy at some other dogs and we figured he may have been picked on and had to learn to defend himself. Perhaps there wasn’t enough supervision? We now have to be careful when we approach other dogs and determine how he is going to behave. He is always on a leash but that is the law anyway (except for certain parks where off-leash is allowed but we don’t like them as we find there tends to be feral owners with their feral dogs there too often). We have a little beach near the river that has only one exit and we let him off leash there every day so he can run and zoom and have a swim. Quite often other dogs come along and they have a great play but that is about the only time we can let him off the leash.

    Thanks to the NZ government our plans for the trip over there for the wedding have been scuppered. Well for me anyway as I am an Aussie so I’m not allowed in until April 2022. Mr Anzac is now has a very hard decision. If he goes he has to home-isolate for 7 days which means he cannot leave home for any reason. What home? He can stay with his friend and fiancé in their tiny flat in Wellington or go and stay with his sister at the other end of the North Island but at least she has a house and garden. This is a man who spends most of his waking hours outdoors so it will be very difficult. Last night he decided not to go but then his friend called him and was so upset that he is now thinking he should go. They have been best friends for 50 years and he is best man so I don’t envy him having to decide. There is so much palaver about getting these special (and expensive) tests leaving and coming home plus the flights to and from NZ (and the domestic one if he stays with his sister) are very expensive too. Then he has to hire a car to drive to where the wedding is being held. Ouch!

    Sorry to hear about Mr Gday having surgery G’day, I hope his recovery goes well and swiftly. I am gob-smacked that a patient doesn’t qualify for anything to eat and no-one could even get him coffee. When I was in hospital last December they couldn’t have been more helpful or kind and while the food wasn’t great it was at least something. I hope all went well with your blood donation

    I hope you are resting up Cinque as I can only imagine how tiring it must be to look after the littlies.

    Sorry to hear your Pfizer booster was painful Thin and you are allowed to vent here – that’s what we are here for. I hope Mr Thin’s procedure went well and he is recovering quickly

    The pre-Christmas social events are haunting me too LJ. About half of my friends and family have birthdays between early November and early December (including me) so we need to help each other through the temptations.

    I think this post has ended up very long so I must give you a rest from it 🙂 Take care all

    Neil, great – things are going well for you. Rewards on the scales are coming your way I bet. I do remember the plates full of goodies brought in by grateful patients. I was a keen runner back then with youth on my side and could eat and drink anything. My slim best friend and co-worker at the time never touched any hospital snacks, repeating the mantra, “I don’t need this”. She had been hypnotised for over-eating. I tried that in later years but it didn’t work for me!

    Anzac, oh no. Poor Mr Anzac and now we have the new, improved virus emerging. You seem happy with Maxx’s care arrangements and he seems to like it as well but I just wanted to give you this link FYI: trustedhousesitters.com. Having strangers in your home isn’t for everyone, I understand that. We’ve done five pet-sits with them now and it works well from our perspective.

    Mr Thin is a new man. Full recovery takes several weeks but so far, so good. We are back on the boat and have almost got warmed up.

    Morning all

    Well I did it, 3 full fast days, having nothing but miso. I’m breaking my fast with a nice coffee from my birthday espresso machine but I won’t eat until lunchtime so I don’t overeat and go over my 800 calories limit.

    Thin, great to hear Mr Thin is recovering well.

    Have a great weekend everyone

    Neil, thank you and congratulations. Have you not been even slightly tempted to get on the scales? Enjoy that coffee.

    Morning all

    Thanks Thin, no I haven’t been tempted to weigh myself yet. I’ll wait until my normal weigh in day. My first fast800 day went well. Coffee in the morning, lunch was an haloumi salad with asparagus, capsicum and a bit of smoked mackerel. Dinner I made a lamb stew and had some of that (sans the mashed potato I gave the rest of the family). Total was around 880 calories. I even managed to avoid the temptation of the new fairy bread icecream the kids were tucking into and the snacks at our monthly cards night with our friends.

    Well I hope everyone else is happy and healthy. Have a good rest of your weekend weekend everyone.

    Hi all from a damp Ashburton.

    Yes, it is damp here this morning, or should I say soggy, we had a solid day of rain yesterday (Sat) and the temps plummeted, but almost fine again this morning, almost!

    So good to hear you managed the three day fast Neil, I’m thinking I might have to do the same as I’m going completely in the wrong direction here, easier said than done, but just need to get my head in the right space. Sorry to hear about the interview outcome, I agree with other statements, everything happens for a reason and there will be something else even better out there waiting just for you. Enjoy that coffee, be lost without our machine on board!

    Great to hear that you are attacking those hills Anzac, good feeling eh? We didn’t walk too far on our daily walks over winter but did a big hill walk the first week we arrived and found it tough, only to repeat the same walk by the end of the winter and found it a breeze, all through walking hills every day. Finding now we are back on the Canterbury plains the fitness levels are dropping again. It does make for easier cycling though, every cloud and all that!!! I agree with Thin re the house sitting, we have done several here too, and have another one booked for the 28th Dec in Wanaka, but it isn’t everyone’s first choice. When we had our dog, we would have probably used sitters but didn’t know the site existed, we felt us being away from him was enough turmoil for him as well as him being on strange turf. At least with house sitters the pet is in his/her usual environment.

    Glad to hear Mr Thin is recovering well Thin, no doubt he is back into those chocolate bars already? Have you experienced some of the bad stormy weather I’ve been reading about over there, haven’t caught up with Mum yet for her version? Bet it’s good to be back on the boat again, my OH is like you and can’t wait to get back to the van after a house sit!

    I hope Mr GDSA makes a full recovery and rests up well, I’m in no doubt you’ll be looking after him well with all that home grown/cooked food.

    You sound terribly busy Charlie, don’t forget to stop and smell the roses every now and again! Although I appreciate Spring is one of the busiest months on the farm, not to mention the B n B. Your vegie garden sounds wonderful, I’m so envious. We got our herb boxes re planted a week or so ago, on our arrival here, we placed them out on the A-frame of the van as usual, we were sitting outside reading, enjoying the evening sun, when I could suddenly smell mint, then I saw a couple of sheep out of the corner of my right eye!!! Yup, you guessed it, they had munched away on the parsley, pulling one plant completely out, the tops were chewed off the basil, not that there was much there to start with, garlic chives chewed on and the top off the mint. Pleased to report they are all making a great recovery now they are placed higher up, out of reach of two very hungry woolly girls!!

    All good here, both fit and well, albeit a little heavier than we would like to be, which is completely my fault as I became distracted from MM by a friend I made over the winter who was very much into Anthony Williams, the Medical Medium, not sure if anyone has heard of him, very big in the US and also the world over. She is completely vegan, dairy free, and grain free, which I found very difficult, but did manage to pull out some good bits. I have seriously reduced my animal proteins and fats, to the extent where I don’t miss them anymore, and have learnt to make grain free sourdough which is gorgeous, (even If I do say so myself). Now, though I have to get back on the MM horse to lose more weight and then start bringing in more of what else I have learnt. Hope this makes sense.

    Must go, time to fix the wi-fi………..again…….


    Hello peeps

    Fast day for me.
    I’m going extra fasty.

    Best wishes to Mr Gday, I do hope he is recovering well. And yay to being back to good food Gday.

    Thin, great news that Mr Thin is all the better for his surgery, and I hope you are snug now.

    Cali, I don’t know how I mangled your name so badly in my previous post, I hope you recognised yourself! Thinking of you and sending good wishes to Mr Cali.

    Lindsay and Mr Lindsay http://i.123g.us/c/gen_thinkingofyou/card/345734.gif

    Neil, a great fast for you. I’m tempted to see if I want to miso fast tomorrow after today, and then the next day. I would like to get to that experience where you have a burst of energy with keto. I’ll see.

    Anzac, hooray for the exhausting humidity being blown away. Well done for that increased fitness, that will help you make the most of your holidays! Good luck to Mr Anzac’s decision for his friend, but oh dear, the new variant does make it trickier I imagine.

    I hope you can work out a strategy for birthdays. The people are important, eating the food isn’t! Good luck.

    Best wishes everyone <3

    PS Hi Turn, your post came up after I wrote. Lovely to hear your news, good luck getting getting yourself in that right direction. Haha the sheep. x

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