Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,464 replies, has 835 voices, and was last updated by  Neilithicman 10 hours, 1 minute ago.

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  • Hi all from a warm Kaiteriteri.

    What a lovely post Merry, I remember starting posting on this thread the same time as you, many years ago now, and we have both dropped out at times for different reasons and although you have managed to hit your target weight, I am sadly still not there! But, good news on the horizon, the scales showed me 67.5kg this morning so well happy at how I’m losing at the moment. My next goal is 67 so should be there soon, but I don’t want to jinx it.

    Welcome Ayame, you will find this forum so helpful, non-judgemental and supportive, it will become your forum ‘home’ in no time. Excellent loss for your first week, keep up the good work.

    I also harbour an horrendously fierce Hunger Dragon, which I have to say, over time, I think I have tamed. I never eat before noon, often 1pm and very rarely feel like eating before then, but I know that if I do, that’s it for the day. I am also in the LOVE beetroot camp, any how too, raw, grated, sauteed, cooked and cold, with vinegar, oil, mayo, you name it. It is also one of the root vegetables I have bee introducing into my diet gradually and particularly this week and am having no gains from it. I seem to be OK with carrot, avocado and kumara too, but don’t mention the bread. Not game to try it either as I’m on a roll.

    Best be off to do some outside jobs before the rain sets in, forecast for all day again tomorrow as well, another 20-40mm! Ugh!

    Stay well everyone, sorry I haven’t spoken with you all, but I do lurk daily,

    Hi Ayame,
    Agree with Merry, it does get easier the longer you do this, in my first try on 5:2 I dropped 30kg in 18 months, but then fell off because of a cold winter. I then found I could only do this lifestyle in the warmer months, and struggled to maintain in winter.
    This time, and I am coming up eight years in November, I am trying 4:3.
    It is much more challenging, so lucky to have OH on the journey with me.
    How I am working it out, Mondays FD, clears what I went up over the weekend, then Wednesday and Friday are the days that I pull some weight off.
    Thanks to Thin, I have learnt this time to never give up on a fast day, I have one small meal in the evening, and drink hot water when OH has coffee throughout the day.
    Yesterday the hunger dragon popped his head up at 3pm, so I had a banana and then took those calories off my evening meal. By the time it came to dinner I wasn’t hungry, so got through and recorded 300g loss.
    Remember, this is a lifestyle, be kind to yourself, and with all that’s going on at present, you may sometimes need to eat just over 500 calories, but just remember when you wake each morning, it’s a new day, and don’t stress about what is done.
    Have a great day!

    Good afternoon everyone.

    CharlieG, bananas (under ripe for the resistant starch) are my go to on a FD afternoon too. They will get me through when I’m tempted to eat dinner at 3pm!

    Turn, despite not being at your goal, you are doing very well to keep your weight moving down.

    Ayame, yes it does get easier. In part that’s because we have a bit of a mental shift about the role of FDs and stop seeing treating it as deprivation or punishment. We also need time to tinker with the various approaches to FDs to find what works for us. (It took me a while to learn that I need to keep most FD calories for dinner time and delay eating for as long as possible.) I agree with the other advice – if you are struggling with your FDs on 5:2 then adding a third at this time is not a good idea. Also, losing 2kg in a week is a huge loss on 5:2 so I would keep the extra FD as an option for when your weight loss stalls. I also agree with the advice to not go below 500 calories until you are comfortable with 5:2. I also get through the day with cups of tea with milk and I have a lot more than 2 cups for the 100 calories that I allocate to it.
    I don’t post every day now as I’ve been at this for a few years, but I did in the early months – sometimes several times a day if I was struggling. I have also found it can help me deal with a difficult eating issue. For example, when trying to stop myself overeating on NFDs, for a time I posted photographs of everything I was about to consume in a day. That brought me face to face with my behaviour in a very confronting way. It helped.

    Neil, excellent that your weight is on the way down again – yes out bodies do keep us guessing.

    Anzac, I hope your back has improved. I guess physio appointments are not allowed in your current lockdown, but perhaps you could get Mr A to gently massage the affected area. Even if it doesn’t help the injury, it can help to stop the natural tendency to tense up and spread the problem to surrounding muscles.

    FD for me and I have just had a banana. A bit early, but I couldn’t wait until dinner to take my anti-inflammatory, which has to be taken with food. I have a small serve of Thin’s chicken and bacon casserole set aside with some mixed cooked greens for dinner. I have an infusion tomorrow, so important that I do a FD today.

    Hello to everyone else who’s reading. I hope you are coping with whatever life is currently lobbing in your direction.

    Ayame, sorry to read that you find the FDs deeply unpleasant – but what a reward of a 2kg loss. That is a huge loss for one week. I lost half a kg per week. Try to embrace the hunger with the knowledge that it’s doing your body so much good. Hunger comes and goes in waves and can be satiated with activity – even in lock-down.

    Turn, that was fast. It wasn’t that long ago that you wanted to see the 60s. Now you’re well and truly in them.

    CharlieG, you’re also doing so well. I, too, like to keep a small banana in reserve for a FD. I can handle daytime hunger but there’s nothing worse than going to bed hungry with nothing to distract you but your rumbling stomach. If I can do without it, even better because at my weight my FD cals should be closer to 350. This is the cruel irony of successful weight loss!

    CharlieG, to answer your question, we sold our home and everything we had in Perth so this is our only home for now. We originally planned to buy a boat, cruise for a season and then sell it and explore Europe but, with covid, everything changed. Not welcome back in Australia, we continued to float around and we’ve now taken to the lifestyle. Fortunately, Britain gave my OH a spousal visa for 30 months so this is our base for now. We book into a different marina Dec-Feb inclusive and hope to spend this winter in Spain if safe to travel. Last winter, our plans for the Canary Isles were scuppered and we had to stay in the marina. It’s now getting dark at 9pm and we don’t relish the short winter days.

    Cinque, everyone loves beetroot but me, Anzac and LJ.

    P.S. Neil, yay, down a dress size, ha ha!

    Thin, surely our intense loathing of beetroot is equivalent to several “likes”.
    I have finally made the last of my planned Hairy Bikers low cal recipes.
    I made many changes to their cottage pie recipe and turned it into 6 rather than 8 serves as that sits at a better calorie level for me (370 instead of 250). This is what the final ramekins and tubs for the freezer look like: https://imgur.com/a/1Q3m4Cg I discovered the mince I had in the freezer weighed just 220g, well under what was required, so I padded the mixture out with 500g minced portabello mushrooms and 2 minced zucchini. It had the added bonus of not increasing the calories but it upped the volume of mixture considerably. I used low GI potatoes for the topping, and as they have over 1/3 less calories than normal potatoes I was able to include some carrots and cauliflower in the mash – which increased both the flavour and volume without upping total calories. I also chose to not add any yoghurt or creme fraiche, but used the calories for grated parmesan instead – a bigger flavour hit.
    In case you are wondering why my tubs for the freezer have been made upside down, it’s so that I can tip the frozen contents out into a ramekin and it comes out right-way-up and ready for baking. I think mash topped pies taste much better freshly baked when tops are all crispy, so I always freeze them before this step. Luckily baking a single ramekin is an easy exercise in my airfryer. Not sure I’d do it this way if I had to use the oven every time.
    The cottage pies look so tempting I wish I was having it for dinner, but it’s chicken and bacon casserole tonight. I have to wait another day to try a freshly baked cottage pie.
    I’ve just done a trawl through the remaining HB recipes to see what I want to tackle next. I’ll get the ingredients for the cauliflower fried rice tomorrow, so I can intersperse it with the cottage pie meals over the weekend. I’m still trying to decide between the beef goulash and the lamb hotpot for next week. I think I’ll make the kale and bean soup too. I’m quite impressed that there are so many things I have been tempted to make from the HB low cal recipes. I think it helps that their recipes are mostly the type of hearty fare I crave in cold weather – not sure it would be quite so appealing in hotter weather.

    Quite hungry this afternoon but distracting myself by writing here while I wait for a pot of tea to brew. I spent much of the afternoon cleaning – it’s funny how the imminent arrival of the nurse tomorrow sends me into a flurry of tidying and cleaning – happens every time.

    Hello everyone,
    Thin you are right, beetroot lovers are winning. Woot woot.
    LJ you can’t cancel me out!
    (Cooking some beetroot and pasta sauce as we speak, using up the beetroot from my kvass making).)

    Short of time again, but just wanted to add to the wonderful responses to Ayame, that it is a bit of a process to make 5:2 easy and sustainable, but that is what is has to be to be able to do it long enough to lose the excess weight and than maintain the healthy weight.
    4:3 might give you a lovely boost, if it means losing some serious weight quickly. And then when you go back to 5:2, 5:2 will be a breeze.

    PS really interested that the Catalyst show said two glasses of water drink before a meal can aid digestion. Amazeballs! I looked it up and it seems it might.

    Good morning all,

    Thank you all for the birthday wishes. Thankfully the birthday dinner at the Indian Restaurant didn’t impact on my weight loss, but I was conservative and had 2 courses instead of the usual 3 and only one small bite of the garlic bread Mr and Miss Gday shared. Still losing each week and am now just under 8kg weight loss since 28th June – another 9kg to go to reach goal weight. Surprisingly, my body measurements have decreased, but not as much as I expected with the amount of weight lost, however clothes fit and how I look in the mirror shows my weight has definitely reduced. Because I’m doing a lot of cardio and strength exercise I’m building muscle so I’m sure that explains my body measurements.

    Oh my goodness Thin all of those locks to go through. I was thinking of you while watching an episode of Rick Stein in France last night as he was cruising down the canals going through locks on a huge barge/narrowboat.

    Lindsay those last few kg’s of weight are always the most frustrating to lose. I’ve read all of the great responses to your post so will just add that maybe up your exercise a bit, a little more intense exercise if you can and try to keep your carb intake for the earlier part of the day so the body has time to work off the calories etc before you settle down at the end of the day.

    I’ve also enjoyed watching Doctor at the Door, quite interesting to get an insight into peoples lives.

    Can’t recall who asked now but I’ve had the Pfizer vaccine, Mr Gday has had the AZ. We didn’t get the choice but was allotted the vaccine type as determined by our age. If I was only offered the AZ, I honestly don’t think I would have gone ahead so I was very relieved to be able to get the Pfizer.

    The last week has been very cold with some near minus temps in the mornings. Coming up this week we have day temps in the mid 30’s. Roll on summer, I am totally over the cold weather.

    Must go, time to wake up Miss Gday to get ready for school. Happy Friday everyone.

    Afternoon all. Well I was down another 200g this morning to sit on 100kg exactly. I had a bit of sugar today in the form of a couple of chocolate chip biscuits so it will be interesting to see how that affects my weight tomorrow.

    More good news this afternoon too. We’re dropping an alert level, so next week I should be able to get into work for some of the days at least.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

    Good afternoon everyone.

    I’ve had my infusion and the nurse has gone, all went well, as it usually does.

    Neil, you are doing well, you’ll be back in double digits very soon.

    GDSA, glad to hear your weight loss continues. I’m not surprised that your weight loss is impacted by building muscle. I remember losing a lot of weight in my 20s and then really increasing the weights at the gym. I dropped a full dress size but my weight actually increased by 5kg.
    I’m looking forward to spring, summer not so much.

    I have been trolling through calorie counted recipes to finish my meal plan for next week. I have settled on 2 mains and a hearty soup. From the Hairy Bikers diet collection: Kale, Bean & Chorizo Soup and also Lamb Hotpot. I’m also making Ras-el-hanout chicken & veg traybake (from the BBC site). These will provide enough for most lunches and dinner with the occasional addition of something from the freezer – so it doesn’t get too repetitive.

    While looking for recipes I found a few handy links on the BBC site which some of you might also find useful. These recipes all come from BBC programs – most are from cooking shows and some from medical docos that focus on weight or health.

    Calorie counted dinner recipes under 500cals per serve. While the actual calories vary, most are in the 400s – probably designed for people following a 1200cal daily diet plan. Clearly 500 is too many calories for a FD dinner (unless you are on 800cal FDs), but these are good recipes for managing eating on NFDs and even on a FD a half serve with extra side veg is a good option to get a filling meal that fits into a FD. https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/collections/500-calorie_dinners

    I noticed that Justine Patterson always includes the calorie count for her recipes – most helpful. She also had quite a few dishes that were very appealing to me. https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/chefs/justine_pattison

    For those of you following a Mediterranean diet: https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/collections/flavours_of_the_mediterranean

    I have trolled through all of these links and copied quite a lot of recipes to a file. I might need to revisit this when the weather warms up as I can see by my choices how focused I still am on winter fare.

    Cinque, I’m glad someone loves beetroot. I love parsnip, does that count?
    Yes I noticed that comment about the water before meals. It also has the added benefit of filling you up so you don’t overeat.

    Hope everyone is well.

    LJ, ha ha, yes I agree. Non-fussy eaters like us being unable to swallow beetr**t does cancel out Cinque’s repeated use of the word in one paragraph. Loved reading how much you’re enjoying the HBs’ recipes and what a great idea to freeze the cottage pie upside down. I’ve tried the goulash, it’s delish.

    Neil, double digits tomorrow I bet.

    GDSA, good work on the 8kg lost, nearly halfway there.

    Cinque, two glasses of water before a meal. I drink so much coffee in the morning that I forget to drink water until dinner time – but I always drink it after dinner. I am already trying to drink more water as a possible solution to agonising leg cramps that I keep getting lately so I will try this technique and maybe kill two birds with one stone (what a horrid expression).

    Good morning,
    I am planning to do a catch up with all the posts I missed responding to, at the same time as skipping through because there are too many to respond to as I would like.

    Merry, sending good wishes. It is tricky having so many people in the house with special needs. But hooray that it is an understanding house that keeps everyone safe and included. I hope you are able to look after yourself well among the family chaos, and being looked after.

    I did that ‘make a veggie face’ with my Arfidy Autistic darling yesterday and it was lovely. We will make veggie animals next, maybe after doing something different next week.).
    Here is her self portrait on the right, and a ‘fully grown man’ on the left. https://imgur.com/a/lerKZQB

    Ayame, one more addition to me writing about making fast days easy and sustainable.

    Everyone is so different with what suits them. Dr Mosley wrote his Fast800 book partly to cater for people who needed to lose a good amount of weight quickly, so they feel they are rally achieving something (several weeks of 800 calories a day).
    Then back to 5:2 with a higher amount of calories on fast days (800 a day instead of the original 500 or 600) for the people who find 500 or 600 unbearable. He finds that it is just about as effective, and if it makes it easy and sustainable then that is the way to go.

    Some people are best with no food, one meal, etc. Some people are best with liquids all day (including soups). Some need lots of lean protein, others stick to low carb veggies. And then some people choose busy days, some people choose the weekend, some change days each week, other carve them in stone.

    The only common factor is that we are all trying to work out what makes it easy and sustainable.

    I love that the friend who encouraged me to start said “It is just one day! You can do anything for just one day”. That is still the most useful saying for me, because if I do make it through that ‘just one day’ I feel so wonderful the next morning.

    Gday I hope those good choices you made at the Indian Restaurant made you feel wonderful. Woot woot for the happy mirror and fitting clothes.

    So true that the last kilos are the hardest ones to lose.

    Neil, great work!

    LJoyce, glad to hear the infusion is done and dusted.
    Yay Parsnips (I like them better than beetroots!). I just wish they hadn’t become so expensive.

    Ooh what a fab recipe hunt you have been on. Won’t you have a lovely freezer full.

    Thin, maybe I could help with your beetroot phobia by dropping the word in every post or so to help desensitise you 😉 😉

    I’m off to have a drink of water right now.

    Ooh and time to get ready for a family zoom (sisters, niece and my daughter too).

    Have a good day everyone!

    Greetings one and all.
    What a great week it has been, this morning I weighed in at 108.7. So one month to the day that I started back on this journey and I have lost 4kg!
    Amazing, i did not think it possible, thanks mainly to all of you for your wonderful support, also OH for coming with me on the journey.
    OH this week put a bit back on, but he will get there, his body is still learning how to cope with this fasting regime.
    Will post again later when I have more time to answer all your lovely posts, we are off to get a load of firewood from the back paddock, as woodshed is nearly empty, and October is still a month away, that’s when we can be sure we no longer need fires to keep warm at night.
    Have a great day everyone.

    Cinque, what a card you are. It won’t work, I just feel sick every time you mention the B word. Loved those veggie and fruit faces. Does the ‘it’s just one day’ friend still practice IF? The person who introduced me to it couldn’t stick with it, sadly.

    CharlieG, tremendous effort.

    Good evening all.
    NFD for me and FD tomorrow.

    Charlie, what a wonderful month, excellent work. Collecting and stacking firewood will burn a few calories.

    Cinque, what fabulous veggie faces, I love the purple hat/hair and eyelashes. That child has real attention to detail.
    I agree about the outrageous price of parsnips. I tried to grow parsnips last winter without success as they mostly didn’t germinate. Once I have the new raised veggie beds in place (hopefully in time to plant summer veg) I will try again next autumn. I’m hoping the lovely soil that I put into new beds and the warmer temperate of raised beds will help seeds germinate.

    Thin, I agree about the B word.
    Those leeks in the topping for the HB shepherd’s pie are an excellent addition. It’s not a veg I would ever have thought to add to a mash, but it really lifts the flavour.

    After an excellent lunch of my mostly veg version of the Hairy Bikers shepherds pie, I have just tried another of their low cal recipes for dinner. Cauliflower fried rice: https://imgur.com/a/lsNNhG5
    As usual I made some adjustments. Instead of starting with a cauliflower, I used 2 packs of Coles ready to microwave veggie rice. (I used one plain cauli rice and one mixed veg rice.) My mini food processor is not great at mincing evenly, so buying it ready made was the better option – it’s also packed in microwavable bags which gave me no fuss cooking. I also added a bag of chinese bean sprouts to the wok at the end as I remember them being in my favourite “real” fried rice (not that I’ve eaten that in recent years). I used 2 small 45g eggs instead of one 60g egg and I mixed a little fish sauce into the beaten egg. Although the Hairy Bikers said this recipe was 4 serves at 127 cals, I decided it would be 3 dinners with a higher (but still pretty modest) calorie count. I chose not to add soy or chill sauces as they suggested, but I sprinkled a teaspoon of sesame oil over the top as it adds a huge lift in the flavour for the extra 42 calories. It is a tasty and filling recipe and I’d definitely make this one again. It’s low enough in calories (even with my adjustments) to be a FD dinner tomorrow – all I need to do is reheat in the microwave. I love going into a FD knowing dinner is already sorted and I don’t have to think about food or cooking.

    A while ago someone asked for a photo of my new letterbox. I can’t remember if I posted one. So here it is: https://imgur.com/a/eDxPHYZ I have blanked out the name of my street as I don’t think it’s wise to post that on an open forum. It’s the same dark grey colour as the wood trim and roof of my house and I think it will really look like it belongs once I’ve finished the front garden – still haven’t sourced or planted those dwarf nandinas.

    Hope you are all enjoying your weekend. Take care.

    Can’t help myself, have to weigh in on the Beetroot debate (apologies Thin for mentioning the B word). I have never tried it and never will. Childhood memories of watching the purple colour ooze around the plate contaminating the other food, turning everything purple just about gave me nightmares and still does. Oddly enough, purple is my favourite colour, always has been. Go figure.

    Morning all

    I love beetroot. We have it roasted, boiled, pickled, in salads with feta cheese and olives, and I make a mean spiced beetroot chutney. I grew a white beetroot a couple of years back which was brilliant. It doesn’t stain your hands when you cook with it and the leaves are bred to be softer than regular beetroot leaves so you can use it like spinach.

    I made a post yesterday but it seems to have disappeared. I dropped 100g to dip into double digits yesterday (99.9 kilos), but today it spiked back up to 100.8 kilos. It’s quite interesting weighing every day and seeing the fluctuations.

    Well, have a great one everyone.

    Fast day Sunday,

    Hooray to come here and find good news like Charlie, woot! you didn’t need that 4kg and now it is gone. Hooray!
    OH will get there!

    And Neil, mmm yum that chutney! Plus I will keep an eye out for that white beetroot, although the kvass just wouldn’t be the same without its colour!

    Gday, don’t the textures and colours of childhood experience leave deep impressions.

    Ha Thin, well others are keeping up your desensitisation program so I can let it rest 🙂
    The girls worked really hard on their veggie faces and Ms7 had no problem with handling textures, but Ms 4 needed to wash her hands every 5 minutes, however she is a squisher.
    Sadly the friend who put me onto 5:2 is the one who has developed dementia and depends on her husband for all the cooking now. I did mention 5:2 as she has put on a lot of weight, but she isn’t interested now.

    LJoyce, such a pity your parsnip crop didn’t work last year. Good thinking re raised garden beds, and you can give them that soil they like. I am not even ready to try, but I am doing myself the favour of buying them more often.

    Congratulations, that fried rice looks so tasty.

    I accidentally used up all the bacon before I bought chicken! But on the exciting side I see the poultry shop has two small whole chickens at a good price and now I am having a go at cutting up chicken I can joint them, freeze them and then make all my chicken recipes as I choose. So chicken and bacon on the shopping list.

    What a smart, solid letter box. It will be so lovely as your garden grows around it.

    Neil, daily weighing are fascinating, don’t they reflect how complicated our body processes are.

    Well off I go to not eat anything
    Sending good wishes to everyone.


    Evening, fellow fasters. Another rare post from me here in Dunedin, in the Deep South of NZ. I guess you could say I’m an intermittent poster!

    As you’ll all know, NZ is locked down tightly at present after a helpful Aussie jetted across to Auckland and spread the dreaded Delta Covid around the north. Our Govt realised it had been bit slack with vaccinations and jumped into action, setting up outdoor jab centres around over the show and by coincidence I was due to have my first vaccination last week, so I got the jab lined up with hundreds of others. Boy, my nurse didn’t muck about. It was a case of drive into the vaccination tent with car window down and arm bared, “Hello, sir” then BAM, the needle’s in and out of the arm like lightning and the car’s rocking with the impact of the covid-taming injection. That was 9 days ago and I’ve felt OK so far.

    A level 4 lockdown in quite tough, as many of you will know. My wife is missing our 4 grandchildren terribly, as she usually sees at least two of them every weekend, while my main problem has been working out where I can go on my bike rides. All the Govt decreed is that we must exercise “locally”. In the end I decided that I could only go places where I could still see my house. My abode is on a big hill overlooking half the city and Ocean Beach (we sometimes see whales from the lounge!), so that gave me a large area in which to roam alone on my bike. So far in 12 days of lockdowns I’ve ridden 116km and as yet I haven’t heard those dreaded words, “Allo, allo, sir – where exactly do you live?” Of course my biking group, the Shark Bell Riders, are not allowed to gather, so that’s on hold. That’s why I posted a photo from a recent Shark Bell ride, heading up the spectacular Highcliff Rd on Otago Peninsula. We had 29 riders out that day!

    I see someone was being disparaging about the humble beetroot. Dad used to grow it in the farm garden and Mum would pickle and bottle it, to be served with cold meat, salad and spuds during summer. I grew to like it and now some times I chuck it into a meat and salad sammie, taking care to get rid of the juice, as it’s a terrible stainer.

    My intermittent fasting campaign is still stalled, as my weight seems to be stuck around 95-96kg after fast days. I’m blaming winter and that’s due to end this coming week, that’s exciting. Today I finish 48 weeks of inter fasting and I’m still more than 10kg lighter than I was at the start, so that’s an achievement, I guess. I have no problems leaving the beautiful, freshly home-made coffee sponge in the pantry on my two fast days, knowing I can have a thin slice tomorrow. And one day wifey said she was giving me corned beef for fast day dinner and I said “No, I can’t have that”. I had a diet dinner instead.

    Our lockdown status will drop to level 3 on Tuesday night – all of NZ except for poor old Auckland and Northland, who stay at level 4. I commiserate with all those in NSW – you’ve had a terrible time and I hope you get over it very soon.

    Ka kite ano from NZ


    Greetings All,
    Neil, I share with you the multiple ways of dealing with beetroot, and well done for the double digits weigh in.
    LJoyce, this firewood collecting is very good for my cardio, while OH cuts with the chainsaw, I take the block splitter, and cut the rounds down to a size we can handle. The biggest problem is that the back paddock has no level ground, so my feet are often well below the wood I am cutting.
    Thin & LJ thanks for the words of encouragement.
    Other little task yesterday was to cut up all my ripe bananas and put them in my dehydrator. They were intended to be banana and blueberry muffins, however when cooking on Thursday, my oven decided to die.
    I love this recipe as it has no sweetening other than the banana and one on a NFD doesn’t push my weight up like other snacks do.
    Tonight they are done and dusted, as I cut them I counted how many made a whole banana, so that should the Hunger Dragon show his head in future, I have my banana.
    Lock down starting to suck, food is starting to run out, we can only travel 5km to get foods, our nearest supermarket is 26km away, and chemist is 60km plus we now needs parts for the farm, so time to make ourselves permits so we can travel for the things we need, lucky we are in the agriculture industry.
    Some police are not sympathetic to us being out on the roads, and we got news today that our lockdown will be extended.
    Have a great week people’s, have changed our FD’s this week, so I can cook special dinner Wednesday for our wedding anniversary.
    Happy days!

    Hello all

    I’ve just eaten a bowl of Thin’s chicken and bacon casserole. I was very hungry after a day of many cups of tea and very little food, and I absolutely relished it. Such a useful recipe.

    My regular FDs are Wednesday and Saturday, but last Wednesday I had a lunch that had been postponed, and then on Thursday I had my reading group (champagne, cheese, cake) so my FDs have ended up being Friday and Sunday. I’d rather have two or three days between FDs, but I thought of Thin and Cinque and the rest of you, and your resolve, and I did it.

    I don’t think I’ve lost much weight, but I feel better and the stomach is flatter and I feel more in control of my eating. I will weigh myself again when I next go to the chemist to have scrips filled. They have a big old-fashioned weighing machine where you put sixpence in the slot!

    So many people in lockdown, including my DD in Sydney.

    I am way behind with all the posts – I read them with interest when they appear. Right now I will just scan through them quickly from the most recent to the oldest and make some random comments. (But not on beetroot!)

    Charlie, that is pretty tough that you have to travel so far to get to supermarket or chemist. You and your husband clearly work hard on your land. I hope you have a great anniversary dinner on Wednesday. You’ve done so well with the weight loss.

    Jony, you do live in such a stunning part of the world. Imagine seeing whales from the lounge! Good that you can still do your bike rides and enjoy the country. And good that you have had your first jab – and it really was just a quick jab!

    LJoyce, that fried cauliflower rice recipe sounded tasty. And I really agree with you about how good it feels to go into an FD knowing that dinner is sorted. The thought of the casserole all ready and waiting at the end of the day helped me stay strong today. Thank you for the links to the BBC under-500-calories recipes. I’ve made a note of it and look forward to trying some of these recipes.

    Also LJoyce, the HairyBikers cottage pies that you made sound so good. And how brilliant to freeze them upside down!

    Cinque, loved your grand-daughter’s portraits in fruit and veg. Such a great idea. And I appreciated what you said about the many different ways of approaching IF, and how the thing is to find what works for yourself, what is easy and sustainable. For me the 5:2 and an allowance of 600 to 800 calories on FDs seems the best at this stage. Slow but steady and hopefully a learning experience.

    Anzac, I hope your back is better.

    And Thin, leg cramps can be horrible. Has it helped to be drinking more water?

    There is so much more to say but I’ve run out of time.

    I’ve enjoyed all the posts, am impressed by everyone’s efforts and successes.

    All the best

    HK, I’m so happy that you liked that casserole. I find it hard to believe that it’s a FD meal. From where do you get the sixpence for the weighing machine? Thanks for asking about the leg cramps – too early to tell but I think possibly, yes. On the other hand, I’ve had a diabolical week of eating with two pub meals, far too much alcohol and even ice cream – so it could have been any of that!

    We met some boating friends and travelled for a few days with them, eating our way through the countryside. I hold them accountable for the excess alcohol too. Fortunately, we covered a fair few locks as well and I was surprised to be roughly the usual weight for the start of today’s FD. Unfortunately, they had to head back today but we had some new travelling buddies for the (14) double locks today. They invited us to share their BBQ this evening so, in declining, I had to explain about FDs. I anticipate further discussion tomorrow.

    GDSA, ha! That’s four of us vs. B. I love the colour purple in food but not in clothes. Like you, this is a childhood thing where purple would have been considered a bit ‘tarty’ to wear (along with bra straps on show which I also dislike). I used to enjoy fooling friends by serving grated purple carrot in salad platters. They’d always think it was the other thing. And Neil, too bad it wasn’t the post of 12:16 am 29 Aug 21 that disappeared. Ha ha. Cinque, nope, your flooding technique isn’t working.

    Jony, loved hearing from you and reading your post. Sounds as if you’re doing well and making the most of lockdown. Hurray for the govt. finally waking up to herd immunity. And boo to the naughty Aussie that brought you covid.

    LJ, isn’t that leeky mash great? You seem to be having fun adjusting the recipes and making them your own. That cauliflower rice looks fabulous but doesn’t seem to be in either of my HB books. Was it Intesha who shared a cauliflower rice recipe before? I wonder if she’s still reading. The mailbox looks very nice.

    CharlieG, hope you don’t get too bogged down with lock-down. Happy Anniversary. How many years?

    Morning all.
    Like you, Turn and HK, I am a bit of a lurker lately, but do read all the posts.
    Beautifully sunny day, 27 forecast, as winter draws to a close. The 6 am starts won’t seem as bad soon.
    Weighing in on beetroot …oh how I love it. I made a spinach, beetroot, goat cheese and walnut salad for a family BBQ on the weekend. Oh my. If I listened hard enough I could just about hear my gut bugs cheering. I also made a lovely potato dish (from the recipe section on Saturday’s Australian magazine). Baby potatoes roasted with garlic, leeks and chickpeas and grated orange rind, with a sauce/dressing of blitzed almonds, sourdough, bottled capsicum, sweet paprika and olive oil, half stirred through the potatoes, the rest served as a sauce on the side. More good gut health.

    CharlieG you are living in difficult times – full marks, for tackling 5:2 at this time. It is so so motivating to see those scales go down. Hope you can get your essentials, without too many problems.

    Nice to hear from you John – I’d wondered where you’d gone. 10 kilos down, and saying no to fresh cake, can count as significant achievements.

    Oops before I’d really got into answering you all, the fence builder is calling at the gate. He’s fixing the side fence. Do you remember the cowboys who took down our neighbour’s trees? One of the branches must have fallen on the fence, and it wasn’t until Rosy escaped through the damaged panels that we noticed. The builder is going to put sleepers under the fence too (its like a pool fence). And that, friends, is where all our travel money for 2020/21 is going ….on damn fences!
    back later

    Dear all

    Thin, when I said sixpence I meant five cents -I was having a flashback to the remote past! Sounds as if you had a lot of fun with your boating friends. And nice that you have new companions for support in negotiating the locks. I’d welcome any pictures of your boat and your travels!

    Lindsay, how delicious that food sounds! Travel money going on fences – not so much fun! – but hope that the new fence is done quickly and works well. A good fence is a fine thing, especially when you have a dog.

    I’ve had a delicious breakfast this morning – spelt bread toasted and spread with butter and cumquat marmalade. The morning after FD is so good!

    Good wishes to all

    Sitting here anxiously waiting for OH to see the doctor later today. He saw his usual GP on Thursday about a lump in his neck. The GP thought it wasn’t anything to be concerned about, but sent him for an untrasound which OH had this morning. After a lot of consultation, they recommended OH see his GP asap. But then as we were driving away, they phoned to say that he must see a GP today. So, he has an appointment but not with his lovely usual doctor (who doesn’t work Mondays) at 3.45. I feel sick with worry.

    HK, oh I see, I thought it would be great if the pharmacy supplied the sixpences. I’m a bit loathe to post my boating blog URL here as, although I now have followers from all over the world, it was intended originally just for our close friends and family and there are plenty of identifying references and photos that I’d prefer not to have linked to this forum. If you’d be willing to temporarily paste an email address into your personal profile, I’ll send you the link and then you can quickly remove it.

    Lindsay, my thoughts are with you and OH. Try not to worry until you’re given something to worry about. Easier said than done I know.

    Lindsay, sending all my best wishes. <3

    Lindsay, just echoing the wise words and good wishes of Thin and Cinque.
    Thinking of you

    Lindsay, my thoughts and hopes are with you.

    I’m really sorry to hear that Lindsay. I’ll join in with the others and and wish you and your other half the best possible outcome.

    Please heed the wise of the others, and I hope by now you have answer, thinking of you both, sending you both virtual hugs.
    Helen Kate, toast yes, but not cumquat marmalade, I make a four fruit, orange, lemon, lime and tangelo. Beautiful colour and tastes amazing, just at present it’s not on the menu, leaving sugar off the menu until I get under 100kg.
    For those who asked, yes we did get to Wodonga today to get parts for the farm, refill the fridge with fruit and veg, and collect medication for OH and myself. Police cars everywhere, saw at least five of them, normally you see none. Hope they are keeping both Melbouriites and NSW people out of our area.
    Grateful to have both fridges and pantry restocked, we can now go another two weeks until we need to venture out again.
    Thin, on Wednesday, we clock up 37 years, as both of us lost a parent early, we make a fuss for everyone of our anniversaries, OH gave me a fright over three years ago with a heart attack, and had to be flown to Melbourne to have two stents fitted, so everyone of these milestones are very precious.
    John, sounds like you live in a beautiful area, I had hoped to get to NZ for my 60th last year, that was the plan before the pandemic, maybe in the future.
    Scales down another 200g this morning, starting to get some real energy back now, came home from town and started to attack the veg garden, after putting all the food away, Spring has definitely sprung here.
    Have a great week everyone!

    Hi Lindsay, sending loads of positive thoughts your way.

    Hang in there Lindsay! You’re not alone. Thinking of you both. Best wishes to you and OH. Xo

    Lindsay, sending positive thoughts and hugs to you and OH. I hope you find out soon that everything is ok.

    Just a quick post.
    Thinking of you Lindsay and hoping that things are working out as well as they can and that your OH is getting good care and advice.
    And Thin I have done as you suggested and look forward to following your adventures.
    All the best to everyone

    Good morning,
    I had a good fast day, and a good eating day yesterday.
    I started today with my ‘crispbread’ with a thin slice of cheese, kippers, roasted capsicum and freshly picked parsley. Yum.

    Jony, so good to see your post, great picture, great catch up. I’m glad 5:2 is keeping your weight stable and hopefully the warm weather and restrictions easing, will mean you get to lose a bit more excess weight.
    10kg gone is a great result woot! woot! Who needs to carry an extra 10kg around? Not us!

    Charlie, ooh yum dehydrated bananas. For a while they were my favourite treat. (Bought ones, I bet home made are even better).
    I’m glad you got to Wodonga for necessary food and services (allowed under our restrictions, so no fines for you!). Lovely to have your kitchen stocked up ready for the next couple of weeks.
    I am so glad Mr Charlie got through that heart attack. Hooray for treating every day as the precious 24 hours it is, and the people we know for the precious people they are.

    Helen Kate, a flatter tummy is the best sign your health is improving, and doesn’t it help make you feel good too! Cheers for managing the close together fast days so well. It will be really interesting to see what the chemists scales say next time you are there.
    Yay for slow and steady and lasting a lifetime.

    Thin, good news if the leg cramps are easing. I hope the locks all behaved themselves and that you had a lovely time with your fellow travelers.

    Lindsay, https://www.affirmations.com.au/assets/full/K267.jpg?20210318030948

    I overdid it yesterday, but plan to potter around today, getting the kitchen clean, video call the grandkids, and maybe, just maybe, start clearing my desk.

    I’ve got my food all organised (layered veggie ramekin for lunch and a big bowl of minestrone for my evening meal).

    Take care everyone

    Afternoon all

    Lindsay, let us know how you get on with the doctor’s visit. We’ve all got our fingers and toes crossed for you.

    Last few days have been pretty good. I’ve been hitting my steps goals for the day and I got out for a bigger ride yesterday. I managed 25km so I just need another 16km today to hit my weekly goal. Luckily it’s a beautiful sunny (but chilly) day so I should do that at lunchtime.

    I’ve continued with my gardening when I can and things are starting to take shape. My wife already has her seeds planted in punnets and starting to sprout.

    I weighed in down 700g this morning to dip into double digits again. Now 99.7kg so things look promising for my weekly weigh-in tomorrow. It seems silly having a weekly weigh in when I’m weighing every day, but although I’m weighing every day, I’m only recording on my regular weigh-in day

    Well have a great day everyone, and tomorrow I’ll be checking in from the office rather than home for the first time in two weeks!

    Hello all

    I am taking a little time out from “taking care of business” to send a quick message.

    Today I am tackling some big tasks that have been lurking at the back of my mind for a while, and getting bigger than they really are as they lurk. I need to do the annual report of the spending of the Disability Trust that we have for my youngest sister (the one with Aspergers/autism), and I need to do my tax, and I need to do some financial thinking and planning for the modest inheritance that will come through soon from my dear Dad who died earlier this year. I have no natural aptitude or liking for these tasks but they need to be done and I will feel so much better when they are.

    Cinque, what delicious food you make for yourself, so colourful and delicious-sounding.

    Neil, how active you are! and congratulations on going down into double digits. I like the sound of your plantings. I would much rather be out in the garden than here at my desk. Later!

    Warm wishes to all, especially to you Lindsay


    HK, just to say I have your email address if you want to remove it. Thanks.

    Neil, yippee for the double digits. So pleased for you. I’m a fan of constant weighing. It gives me a day to day guide of how I should behave food wise on a particular day. And weekly checks of how my weight compares with weeks passed. For example, today I note 100g gained every week for the past four which, although still well within my trigger weight, sends alarm bells to rein things in this week. Slippery slope.

    Hello all.What a lovely, kind bunch of friends you all are. My first thought when the news had settled yesterday was to write in this forum ….and so many kind and thoughtful words of support and encouragement. Thin, Cinque, HK, LJ, Neil, Charlie, Anzac, Merry, Calif. My OH was very touched and thanks you for your kindness. me too.

    So, on to the news. An appointment with the GP, followed by an anxious night in emergency, before they sent him home after many hours of tests…an MRI, ultrasound, scan, with dye to see what was what, and after having taken literally, 15 vials of blood. It appears he has, to quote the emergency doctor, ‘a significant mass’ in his neck, and a blood clot in his jugular vein. Back to his normal GP today for a scheduled health check (ironic, yes?) who discussed possibilities and prognosis. The vein has really swelled since he saw the GP last week – even in the past day or two. He is injecting anticoagulants twice a day to disperse the clot. They felt he would do better at home, as all they could really do for him was inject the anticoagulant. So, off to a thyroid/endocrinology surgeon tomorrow who’ll decide when and how to operate. He’ll also need to include an ENT specialist, and a vascular surgeon to round out the team. Both of us feel absolutely shattered, although OH maintains a stiff Scottish lip (is there such a thing?). I guess the bit I am shocked by is how I woke up yesterday morning to a perfectly normal day, and whammo! this.

    So that’s all for now. Hope you are all well and happy and whatever stage of lockdown exists in your world, isn’t too hard to manage.

    Cinque, such a pretty image, thank you.

    Lindsay, what an utterly anxious time for you both. Good that they identified what was wrong and started immediate treatment for the blood clot. I imagine you are both completely exhausted and hope you manage to actually rest tonight, missing a night’s sleep in hospital emergency just adds to the worry. Hope the surgeon you see tomorrow has a good plan for proceeding.
    Thank you for taking the time to let us know what the outcome was.

    Good evening all.

    HK, a tedious group of tasks if you don’t like dealing with those things. I’m sorry to hear of your father’s passing. I remember you mentioning him last year.

    Neil, excellent work, I hope you can cement those double digit number firming in place.

    Jon, as others have mentioned, you are lucky to live in such a scenic place.

    My walk today was along the esplanade and then out to the end of Brighton jetty. I noticed a lady creating artwork in the sand https://imgur.com/a/6o8VP01 I was amazed at how perfect those curves and circles were – mine would be a wobbly mess if I attempted something similar. Interesting that someone is willing to put a lot of time into creating something lovely, only to have the tide claim it a few hours later.

    I have temporarily altered my plan of having a main meal at lunch as the weather is warmer for a few days. I realised I just don’t fancy a big meal at lunch time when the weather is warmer. It will be cold and wet again by Friday so I’ll resume cooking hearty meals for lunch then.

    Take care all.

    Hello everyone

    Lindsay, thank you for letting us know what is happening with your OH. Thank goodness they are on to it. Scary stuff but you have experts working on it. What a traumatic 24 hours you have had. I hope you and your OH can get some decent sleep tonight and that tomorrow’s appointment with the surgeon goes well.

    All the best

    Thank you for taking the time to let us what is going on with OH, wishing you both the best outcome, and please know that we are thinking of you both.
    Funny how we get into a routine, and then when we change that routine it feels really strange. Today would normally be a NFD, and both of us fasting today felt really strange, here’s hoping we can get through this back to front week.
    LJ, what a great pic of the sand art, a great way for that lady to no doubt use the art perhaps as a form of meditation, and perhaps as a coping skill at present, and giving joys to others as well.
    Fellow fasters, how do you post your pics on here?
    Many thanks,

    Morning all from my office with my first proper coffee in 2 weeks.

    Weigh-in went well. I was down another 200g to sit on 99.5 I had 2 days where my weight spiked up, 2 days where it spiked down and three where it gradually declined. The overall result for the week was I went from 101.3 down to 99.5 a loss of 1.8 kilos. I’m happy with that. I’ll keep weighing myself every day for the next 2 weeks and see how I get on during those weeks.

    Charlie, you can’t post photos directly so most people put them on a photo sharing site like Flickr or Imgur and then post the link in the chat thread.

    Lindsay, thanks for keeping us posted, I hope his treatments go well

    Ljoyce, I am amazed at the ability for artists to visualise huge artworks like the sand art. The other one that amazes me is the guy that does 3d street art https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/absolutely-stunning-3d-street-art-paintings/

    Well happy first day of spring everyone, I hope it’s a good one for you.

    Oh my isn’t it true that a normal day can change so quickly. Thinking of you and Mr L this morning. The good wishes keep streaming your way.
    Thank goodness for modern medicine, how I hope it can work its magic.
    I’m so glad he has been able to come home after that long night in emergency.
    I hope that wonderful team of specialists can work out great treatment.

    LJoyce, that picture of the sand mandala just made my morning (a whisper of 120 cases here today. I’m hoping many of them are day 13 tests, but my heart has sunk).

    Helen Kate, I am so like you with those dreadful tasks. Do you break them down into ‘what is the one little thing I do next’ and promise yourself a cup of tea in 20 minutes?

    Neil, I hope the scales behaved themselves. (if todays reflected muscles holding extra water after your bike rides, maybe count yesterdays one instead).

    Thin, oops. Those nasty creeping 100gs. How very dare they!

    Charlie, I hope you rock your strange week.

    Day before fast day for me


    Good morning all,

    So sorry to hear of your world being instantly shaken upside down under such dire circumstances Lindsay and I do hope you are not feeling so anxious today. Along with everyone else on here, sending my best wishes across the ditch.

    Congrats on that coffee Neil and for being back in the double digits.

    Oh Thin, you ‘ate your way through the week’ I love it, I haven’t done that for so long! And you only increased your weight by such a small amount, well done you.

    Charlie your location and farm setting sounds quite idyllic but hard work. Good luck with the new eating schedule for this week.

    Looks like I missed out on the 67’s and have been sitting on all the 6’s now for three days! 66.6kg, I’ll take it, next goal is 65kg.

    Fabulous sunny spring day here today, enjoy your day everyone,


    A quick drop-in. thanks Turn, and all, for your thoughts. Nothing more to report except the mass seems to be developing quite quickly, and is very noticeable now. Or perhaps now I know it is there, I am seeing it more. My OH hasn’t stopped talking since he got the first test results on Monday – that’s always a good sign he’s worried. He has gone off to pick up his new glasses which is allowing me to wallow in the serenity (of sorts) and take some deep breaths. He’ll be back shortly and I’ll be happy to hear the gate.

    Well done Turn on your 66s. And Neil, breaking the triple digits so convincingly.

    My FDs are a bit haphazard and my weight is creeping up, but I’ll focus on one thing first, then bring myself back under control.

    HK we are all so different. I was quite envious of your financial tasks. I’m the planner in this family, and although I groan about having to do it, deep down managing money is fun for me. And like LJ, I’m a spreadsheet tragic (I think that is right, isn’t it LJ)

    OK, washing to put out, and a quick spin with the vac. I always feel better when the house is in order.

    best wishes friends

    Afternoon all, this day has gone by quickly, the novelty of being back in the office is working its magic

    I forgot to mention my goals from last week. I smashed my 6,000 steps per day goal last week so I’ve increased it to 6,500 per day. I only just hit my cycling goal by half a km so I’m keeping that one at 60 kms for now. My goal was to hit 100kg and I got that and another 500 grams so my goal for this week is to get to 98.5. Maybe a little ambitious, but we’ll see how we go.

    Lindsy, do keep us posted on the progress A problem shared is a problem halved as the saying go. Just the act of venting on the forum may help relieve a little of the stress.

    Good morning all

    LJ, I love the drawing in the sand. It reminds me of the Tibetan monks who spend days making a sand mandala and then sweep it up and tip the sands into flowing water.

    Beautiful sunny spring day in Adelaide today and I am taking any excuse to be outside – hanging out washing, poking about in the garden, anything!

    Neil, congrats on the continuing weight loss. And that 3D street art is amazing. On Instagram I have started to follow David Zinn who does tiny whimsical pictures as his street art. I love this one: https://www.instagram.com/p/CSJ1GqcBeD3/

    Turnabout, sounds as if you are doing very well! And nice to hear that the first day of spring is lovely for you all over there.

    Thin, I laughed at your eating your way through the week! On Monday I ate my way through the day – I was unwell with a cold and felt really debilitated. Took myself off for a covid test out of a sense of civic duty – it was negative as I had expected – and ate my way through bowls of carrot-parsnip-ginger-chilli soup and a tub of leftover fish curry, and treated myself to brandy and dry ginger. It all seems to have cured me and was very enjoyable medicine!

    Cinque, thank you for understanding so well the way those uncongenial tasks lurk about. Yes, I do employ those techniques of telling myself ‘just 15 minutes’ and often that is enough to get me into a better state of mind so that when the 15 minutes is up I find I can continue and get the job done.

    FD for me today. Soup for lunch and chicken for tea and plenty of cups of tea and glasses of water along the way.

    Lindsay, I do hope the morning’s consultations have gone well and that good planning has been done. Thinking of you. … Oh I’ve just seen your post. No consultations or plans yet, I gather. Nice that you were having a little moment of peace to build up your strength, but of course you’ll be glad to hear the gate. Domestic tasks can be quite comforting, can’t they. And how I wish I was a spreadsheet tragic!


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