Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,464 replies, has 835 voices, and was last updated by  Neilithicman 12 hours, 48 minutes ago.

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  • Hi all, quick post as I have to head into town in a moment. Great news, I completed the work experience component of my studies this week and finalised the 128 page assignment, sent it in for marking and yay…….I passed. So I am now officially qualified in Certificate III in Fitness as a Gym Instructor. Now onto the Cert IV which will qualify me as a Personal Trainer. I should finish my Cert IV in Nutrition and Weight Management in about 3 months if all goes to plan and with that qualification I will be able to legally practice.

    Thoughts are with those in lockdown…..yet again unfortunately.

    Interesting reading the comments on MM’s new Keto book, here’s my thoughts. Yes he is out to make money, but aren’t we all? But I don’t think that is his sole purpose in the various books he’s published to date. While 5:2 works for many, it doesn’t work for all so I’d say he is covering all spectrums of weight loss tactics for all types of people. The Fast 800, The 8 Week Blood Sugar Diet, The Clever Guts Diet etc and now Keto. Take me for example, 5:2 worked for me for several years, then it stopped working and now it is keeping to a fairly strict Keto diet that works for me. I was a bit sceptical about his meal replacement shakes too, but when I read more about them, MM states they are not the best option, however for those who are unable to eat full meals or have no time for breakfast etc, then they are a good replacement because compared to many other shakes on the market, his are minimal or no sugar.

    Oh and everyone will be pleased to hear that I had my first Covid vaccination a few days ago, still have a sore arm, feel a bit lethargic but all okay. You may remember some time back I was a bit sceptical because of the short pre-release testing time on the vaccine, but the new Delta strain has certainly moved the goal posts on those thoughts, plus Mr Gday is in the high risk category for the infection so I really had to re-think the pro’s and con’s.

    No time to comment on other posts, Mr GDay is waiting for me to get going.

    Good evening everyone.

    After a week where I overate on almost all of my NFDs I decided I needed a revamp and some satisfying low cal meals for lunch and dinner on my NFDs.
    Inspired by Thin’s comments on her FD recipes I hunted down the Hairy Bikers low cal recipes online: https://www.hairybikers.com/recipes?dish-type=hairy-dieters
    I’m inspired by how yummy most of their low cal recipes sound. I’ll need to make sure that I have veggie side dishes prepared so I stay away from grains and bread as accompaniments. While the weather is still cold I think the casseroles and curries will be very appealing and filling. I’m hoping having a hearty and satisfying lunch on NFDs will help me avoid the afternoon munchies that have had me in their grip this past week. I can avoid it on FDs because I have choice, but on NFDs no amount of self-talk has been helping.
    I can also use the same meals on FDs, although just for dinner of course, not lunch too.

    Ayame, welcome. I hope you are finding it easy to slip back into 5:2. I can’t face the whole day on zero calories but, like you I do find that once I start eating it triggers my appetite. I get around this on FDs by only eating dinner and just having cups of tea throughout the day.

    GDSA, well done on the progress with your studies and qualifications. Also pleased that you have been able to access a suitable vaccine. The number of outbreaks recently in rural locations has probably jolted a lot of country people out of the sense of security they had felt being away from the cities.

    Charlie, I’m glad the scales have decided to be friendly again.
    That cafe does sound very disappointing. I really struggle to incorporate cafe/restaurant meals into a healthy day.

    Neil, scales can be annoying little sods. Hopefully they will be kinder next week. I did see the news of your lockdown due to the Auckland case. Hopefully it will be controlled quickly.

    Hello to everyone else, I hope you are doing well and coping with lockdown restrictions if they affect you. Take care.

    CharlieG, love your comment: “We don’t do dressings either, good food doesn’t need it.” I couldn’t agree more. I agree with LJ, it’s so hard to find good, healthy menu items when dining out. Carbs, carbs and more carbs and everything swimming in something.

    Cinque, your no snacks comment was very amusing. Had to re-read yours and LJ’s posts to confirm their respective authors as I wasn’t expecting the words, ‘sods’ or ‘d*ckheads’ from either of you. He he.

    Neil, keep at it. You WILL succeed as you have before. Oh dear, one covid case and back into lockdown.

    GDSA, congrats on your studies.

    LJ, let me know how those HB recipes work for you. I’m only using them so often because I’m boring and lazy with my FD meals. But they are tasty.

    Ayame, welcome. I hope you can embrace the ‘no excuses’ mantra and wish you all success. How much simpler a FD would be were it a true fast. We wouldn’t need any excuses about not being prepared. I like the idea very much in theory but I don’t think I’m strong enough. It took me years to be able to wait until 5pm for my first feeding.

    Anzac, are you out there? I think you said recently that you didn’t want to jinx me about falling in the canal. Well, it’s happened! I went to step on the boat and it was no longer there. I am now a true boater – although OH said it didn’t really count as I only went in up to my hips. It wasn’t cold at all and I didn’t come into contact with anything sharp or rusty but there was a lot of silty stuff. A hot shower and a half of stout at the nearest pub and all was well (except my pride).

    Good morning everyone!

    I did my first FD yesterday and feel incredibly pleased with myself!

    LJoyce and thinatlast your comments are so helpful – I thought it was just my lack of discipline that made it feel harder to fast for the rest of the day if I ate something earlier, no matter how small. Total fasting proved to be effective but non-sustainable in long term so I am trying the idea of a splash of milk in tea in morning then nothing until dinner.

    Thank you for the Hairy Bikers link – it’s great!

    GdayfromSA congratulations on your cert III and good luck with cert IV. I recently completed an online Pilates cert IV – not sure how much I’ll use it until covid situation changes but content was SO interesting. Your point about different approaches for different people is spot on (I was going to say “horses for courses” but my children tell me I’m the only person left in the entire world that still says that). My husband read/listened to Dr Peter Brukner’s book “A Fat Lot of Good”. He’s a well known sports doctor from Melbourne who is now working on diabetes control. Anyway my husband, who did NOT get on with 5:2, has lost SO much weight. He refuses to disclose exact amount but it’s 2 dress sizes.

    Thank you for the support and have a wonderful weekend everyone!

    Morning all

    Well I’ve settled back into working from home. We’ll find out this afternoon if we’re going to be moving out of lockdown. But with the number of cases and places of interest that are stacking up, it looks like that is getting less and less likely. I don’t mind too much. With nothing to drop my kids to and no travel to and from work, it means I’ll have time to get stuff done around home. And with the PM clarifying that we don’t need to wear masks if we’re doing strenuous exercise, it’s a good time to get reacquainted with my bike.

    Ayame, welcome aboard. I must ask, your husband wears dresses? You said he had dropped 2 dress sizes 😉

    Thin, thanks for the encouragement as always. It will be tricky now that we’re in lockdown again because the cupboards and fridge keep singing their siren song, but I shall overcome.

    Ljoyce, I can’t imagine the hairy bikers doing anything low calorie. Pretty much every programme I’ve seen them on they’ve been cooking stodgy comfort food.

    Gday, well done on getting the vaccine, remember that the current info is that you get the best immunity response if you wait around 8 weeks in between dose 1 and 2.

    Charlie, well done on dropping below 110. Onwards and downwards to your next milestone.

    Well better get back to it. I found a load of dried chick peas in the cupboard last night that I soaked, so I’m currently making a batch of hummus and falafel for the fridge/freezer

    Have a great day everyone.

    Hello again all and welcome Ayame. One of my aims when I finish my Cert IV is to become qualified as a Pilates instructor as a Cert IV add on course. When I have the Cert IV I only have to do a shorter Pilates course to be qualified plus as a PT I will be required to do at least one ‘add on course’ per year to remain qualified.

    Neil, when I booked my first vaccine appointment using the online booking system the second part of the booking was to make the second vaccine appointment and it would only allow me to book times within the specified timeframes so all good.

    I forget to mention in my haste yesterday that it is also taking regular extended fasts (approx 72 hours) that is aiding my weight loss.

    I do like watching the Hairy Bikers on tv but the only recipe of theirs I have ever cooked is the Cornish pasty pastry. I’ve been using this pastry recipe for years for my homemade pasties (not Cornish pasties – peas do not belong in pasties !). I have borrowed a couple of their cookbooks from the local library but again not much of theirs that I would cook. I follow them on social media and was very disappointed to see they are a promoter for a chip company (crisps for our overseas readers). Don’t know why I was disappointed as a lot of the celebrity chefs are now taking payment to promote processed foods – Poh Ling Yeow, Manu Fiedel etc.

    It will be a food blow out day today, it’s my birthday so Mr Gday and Miss Gday are taking me to our favourite Indian restaurant for dinner tonight. I have some non-alcoholic wine chilling in the fridge to take as Mr Gday inquired when he booked if they sold NA wine which they don’t, but they were more than happy for us to bring our own for a $5 corkage fee which I thought was extremely reasonable. We never walk out of the restaurant without having the 3 full courses plus authentic Chia tea (my favourite), at least they put the sugar on the side so I can skip that. So needless to say the rest of the weekend will be an extended fast for me.

    Must go and do some chores and get a few hours study in before Miss Gday gets home from school. Happy Friday everyone.

    Hello my brothers and sisters, I came to you with a magical and safe solution to lose weight, in addition to the great sales it achieved.

    Good afternoon everyone.

    I stuck to my resolve this morning and walked to the shops to get what I needed to create a few of the hairy bikers low cal recipes. I have just finished putting together a moussaka (to be baked tomorrow) and am soaking the chickpeas to make their chickpea & harissa soup tomorrow. I also have plans to make their cottage pie and also Thin’s chicken and bacon casserole. That should provide both plenty of variety this week and also a stash of serves in the freezer so I can cook a little less in the coming weeks. I was very tempted to make some of their curries, but I still have several serves of frozen veggie curries and dal to use up, so I’ll use those first before making more curries. I am on the second of B2B FDs just to get a proper reset before I start my new eating plan. I actually feel better for it already.

    Yesterday it was a family birthday and I’d normally do a cake, but my youngest great niece actually likes biscuits much more than cake and she especially loves my shortbread. So I made some shortbread and decorated them with mini smarties, milk chocolate and little flowers made from royal icing (no I didn’t make those flowers I bought them). https://imgur.com/a/ydDBmWp
    She was very happy with them and has given the other members of her family strict instructions not to eat them. As I was on a FD I was unable to do any tasting, which was a good thing. I was quite proud of myself for scraping the leftover melted chocolate into the bin and not eating it.

    GDSA, happy birthday. I hope you have a lovely dinner out tonight, enjoy. I’m sure you will get back onto your eating plan tomorrow.

    Neil, yum yum, hummus and falafel. I too am soaking chickpeas, but most of mine are destined for a spicy veg soup, although I’m sure I can keep a few back for hummus. Thanks for that idea Neil.

    Ayame, I’m afraid I had the same image in my head as Neil when it came to the drop in dress sizes for your husband. I was picturing him in a flowery number!
    I think there are a few of us here that find our appetite is stimulated by eating and choose not to eat early in the day. Even of NFDs I rarely eat breakfast and try to last until lunchtime or close to it before eating.

    News on the covid cases continues to get more alarming. I continue to hope for reduced infection rates for those states that are currently suffering.

    Hello to everyone else. I hope you are all ok.

    LJ, the HB cottage pie with the leeky mash is so delicious, I would never make it any other way now. I used to make it in winter when OH was fasting with me. Portions for FDs are miniscule so best eaten with a teaspoon savouring every bite! Looking at my master list of 100+ FD recipes, the other recipe of theirs that I had before inheriting these two books was the Thai Chicken & Coconut Curry, 283 cals. I use that one frequently on non-FDs.

    Neil, it would be interesting to see if the Hairy Bikers kept the weight off. I’m not a fan of cooking shows but they always reminded me of The Two Fat Ladies. Ha ha, re Mr Ayame’s two dress sizes, very brave to ask.

    Thin, oh dear sorry to hear you ended up in the canal. It could have been worse, at least it happened in summer.
    I always fiddle with recipes to bulk them out with extra veg. (I’ve been doing that for so long I can’t help myself.) I do plan on padding out the volume of cottage pie with extra veg that I would normally include in a cottage pie. Minced mushrooms and zucchini in the filling and carrots and cauliflower added to the mash. That should create a better sized portion without upping the calories by much. I’ll be interested to see what it’s like with leek in the mash – not something I’d considered doing before. If the portion still looks a bit miserly I’m happy to keep this recipe for NFDs as they are my biggest concern at present and I usually think of 400 calories as my goal for a modest meal on a NFD.
    What do you normally eat with the chicken and bacon casserole? I was thinking some mash would go well with it on a NFD and perhaps some cooked greens on a NFD.

    Saturday morning,
    Awful covid news for Vic (but at least the sun is out).

    Charlie, Good scales!
    I’ll be keen to hear how your fast day went.

    Gday, Happy Birthday for yesterday! https://www.floraqueen.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/shutterstock_211550653.jpg
    I hope you had a wonderful meal last night.

    Good points about Dr Mosley. (‘Media tart’ is quite an insult, but I do mean it in a friendly way. ) He is always very respectful of science done well, and that is the main thing.

    Woot woot you certified Gym Instructor you! And a big step on the way to finishing your studies.

    Congratulations on your first vacc, yes, very healthy to keep reconsidering pros and cons as the goal posts move.

    And how impressive to be managing 3 day fasts along with everything else.

    LJoyce, what a lovely Hairy Bikers adventure you are having.

    I’ve a few recipes of theirs waiting for me to try. I really enjoy watching their shows (although the Route 66 one was super stodgy). I have a special soft spot for Dave. His episode of “A Cook Abroad” in Egypt is my favourite.

    Gday, the main recipe of theirs I use is also a pastry, their ‘potato pastry’ that I top my veggie pies with. (Sigh, I think they all make so much more money doing an ad, more than their tv series and cookbooks).

    I really want SBS to show the dieting series, I’ve missed it if it has been on here.

    Thin, You fell in the water!
    And didn’t you pass that long-boat initiation with flair. Shallow, not-too-cold water. Magnificent.

    Haha I nearly put * in dickhead, but decided it is everywhere these days.

    Anzac, I am missing you too!

    And Lindsay!

    Hi Ayame,
    for the first couple of years on 5:2 I was much better hanging out, with cuppas through the day, for an evening meal (my famous miso soup). That is my fasty fast day.
    But more often now I also need something in the early afternoon and so have a bowl of low carb veggies, simply cooked and dressed with lemon and a tiny drizzle of olive oil. Still a good fast day 🙂

    I knew what you meant re 2 sizes down! 😀

    I hadn’t heard of Dr Brukner, even though La Trobe Uni is just up the road from me. I see he has a podcast, I will check it out.

    Neil, fingers crossed the outbreak can get stamped on, you must be glad to be on the South Island.
    Ooh yum chickpea recipes.

    Also LJoyce (I got sidetracked by the Hairy Bikers) gorgeous biscuits. Hooray for not eating the leftover chocolate (so hard to ‘waste’ – even though it isn’t really waste).

    Time to go out and sit in the sun.
    Best wishes to all
    My next fast day… tomorrow!

    I started this post at least 5 days days ago ….but stuff got in the way, so I will plough on. And thank you for the call-out Cinque. A motivation for me to get on with it.

    I am envious too Helen Kate. A fragrant garden is an ongoing pleasure. I am watching our gardenias getting ready to bloom. Gardening Australia said it was time to give them a gentle prune, but I can see buds forming so maybe I’ve left my run too late. Summer to me is late night swims, with the heady scent from the gardenias in the air (and a bbq somewhere, of course).

    Thin, you are an inspiration. Cinque, you too. You are both poster women for this wol.

    I have a question – LJ you always seem to be able to shed light on queries. My friend (and I) were wondering if the gut friendly diet we are on is actually working against our weight loss, at this, the sharp end of our program. For example, we are told to eat pulses, beans, yoghurt, full-fat milk products, red vegetables etc., many of which are high carb. Of course there are other vegetables to replace carrots, beetroot, sweet potato etc. but I have been trying to step up the other stuff. We are both struggling to lose the final few kilos, and knowing my weight will zoom up by up to 3 kilos when I finally stop, I’m nervous.

    Congratulations, Gday, on finishing your study. Great achievement, and so nice to read about your plans for the future.

    Neil, sorry about the lockdown, but a good opportunity as you say to polish
    things off around the house. ​Do you do your shopping online now?

    Charlie, you really seem to be away and motivated. Great to reach a goal.

    I am going to finish here for the moment, and go back and reread. More later.

    I started this post at least 5 days days ago ….but stuff got in the way, so I will plough on. And now it doesn’t seem to want to post, so apologies if you get it multiple times.

    Thank you for the call-out Cinque. A motivation for me to get on with it.

    I am envious too Helen Kate. A fragrant garden is an ongoing pleasure. I am watching our gardenias getting ready to bloom. Gardening Australia said it was time to give them a gentle prune, but I can see buds forming so maybe I’ve left my run too late. Summer to me is late night swims, with the heady scent from the gardenias in the air (and a bbq somewhere, of course).

    Thin, you are an inspiration. Cinque, you too. You are both poster women for this wol.

    I have a question – LJ you always seem to be able to shed light on queries. My friend (and I) were wondering if the gut friendly diet we are on is actually working against our weight loss, at this, the sharp end of our program. For example, we are told to eat pulses, beans, yoghurt, full-fat milk products, red vegetables etc., many of which are high carb. Of course there are other vegetables to replace carrots, beetroot, sweet potato etc. but I have been trying to step up the other stuff. We are both struggling to lose the final few kilos, and knowing my weight will zoom up by up to 3 kilos when I finally stop, I’m nervous.

    Congratulations, Gday, on finishing your study. Great achievement, and so nice to read about your plans for the future.

    Neil, sorry about the lockdown, but a good opportunity as you say to polish
    things off around the house. ​Do you do your shopping online now?

    Charlie, you really seem to be away and motivated. Great to reach a goal.

    Thin, sorry you took a turn in the drink – inevitable, I guess, with spending so much time on the water, but can’t have been pleasant.

    Good afternoon all.
    I did finish making the harissa & chickpea soup https://imgur.com/a/W2fg74e and had a bowl of it for lunch. I overdid the chilli but apart from that it’s good. It would be improved by the addition of coconut milk or coconut cream, but it would certainly not remain a low calorie soup if I did that. I think the final result of this soup will vary a lot depending on which brand of harissa you use and also which greens you add. I used a harissa spice blend instead of the specified paste and my greens were a mixed bag of shredded cabbage, kale, kohlrabi and brussel sprouts.

    Cinque, I do actually get to eat one of the birthday biscuits this afternoon. A couple of them were a bit messy when I finished the decoration so I kept them here. I’m walking with a friend this afternoon so we can have one each with a cuppa once we’ve finished our walk. I think having to wait a couple of days to actually eat this biscuit will make it even more enjoyable.
    Enjoy the sunshine while you have it, we have some here temporarily too – rain forecast later.

    Lindsay, I’m no expert on gut health, but the basic principle I’ve picked up from what I’ve read is “use it or lose it”. The many species of gut bugs seem to be quite specific in what they like to be fed and the more you eat of a particular food, the more of the relevant gut microbes you will have – the converse also holds true. The way I approach it is that I can vary what I eat as long as I keep each species alive, even if the population diminishes a bit – it gives me something to build from later. I have proved to myself many times that they will repopulate if you feed them up – I take a lot of antibiotics an often need to rebuild my healthy gut bugs.
    So, if the higher carb choices are slowing your weight loss then you can certainly reduce the amount of those foods you mentioned until you get to a weight you are happy with. As long as you are still consuming some of those foods you will keep a smaller population of those gut bugs alive and you can build it up later once you are at your preferred weight. Just eat enough to keep them alive and perhaps replace some of the higher carb veg with other veg that have lower calories and carb.
    For some people weight loss is not very sensitive to carb content and for other people it matters enormously. If you think it’s stopping your weight loss then absolutely feel free to make some changes. My thought would be that you reduce those gut friendly carby foods rather than eliminating them entirely. Replace some some of those red vegetables with some leafy greens. You might also consider swapping yoghurt for kefir for a little while. I have about 100ml of kefir each day and if I’m trying to get my weight down I keep the kefir but cut right back on my yoghurt and cheese consumption (although for me it’s more about the calories rather than the carbs). The kefir has half the calories and a third of the carbs compared to my favourite Jalna vanilla yoghurt and because it’s a probiotic, it does even more for my dairy loving gut bugs than yoghurt. (If you can find it, “Milk Thief” brand of kefir is my firm favourite. Available mostly in IGA supermarkets and health food stores.)
    I hope that helps Lindsay.

    Time for a walk very soon, the sun is out. Looking forward to it.

    Have a lovely day everyone.

    Greetings Everyone,
    Scales were very comforting this morning, down 400g to 109.5, so down 3.2 kg in less than four weeks of fasting. I struggled a bit yesterday, so I channeled my inner “Thin” about never giving up on a FD, and made it through although I had a thumping headache. The results on the scales made it all worth while.
    OH also had a great weigh in this morning as well, now down 1.7kg in three weeks, so we both had a great start to the day.
    Spent the beautiful sunny day working in our garden, pruning our fruit trees, great cardio workout sawing off large limbs by hand, came in tonight to see we are back in lockdown until September 2nd.
    Rather sad as we have elderly friends that we prune for, and this year it will be a very late prune, with more lockdown, but totally agree this needs to be got under control.
    Thin, sorry you fell in the canal, but I think that is better than being “man overboard” off a racing yacht. Not the greatest feeling treading water, while they turn around to pick you up. It used to be our idea for a holiday, southern Victoria racing with friends when we could get away.
    Lindsay, beetroot has less calories than the other red veggies, we steam ours. A definite favourite in this house, and I can eat it and loose weight quite easily, but eat cooked carrot and I hardly loose anything.
    Ayame, hope your FD went well, and that we get an update from you soon.
    GDSA, well done on your studies, my physio also does physio Pilates, which keeps me moving. All the best with the studies to come. I found study and fasting is good for the brain, as fasting helps improve the memory, and yes it has been scientifically proven.
    Neil, I hope your country can do a better job of controlling COVID than we are doing here, I cannot believe the behaviour of people here, we are going to be locked down for a long time to come, just as well I have a farm to move around each day.
    Have a great week everyone, I will pop in from time to time, but as spring is springing, I will be outside every fine day. To anyone that I missed, keep up the good work!

    Evening all

    Great day today. I got a whole lot of gardening done, got out for my first outside bike ride since May, and cooked up my falafel for dinner.

    The weather is looking good tomorrow so hopefully I can get some more garden stuff done.

    Have a great day everyone

    Dear all

    So many messages, and lots of good news! I’ve read it all with interest but can’t respond right now because I am so hungry and it’s time to go and make my supper of tuna and cannellini beans and brown rice.

    It’s been a good fast day, and I especially wanted to report that this morning I went to a friend’s son’s brunch, to see his new house and his very pregnant partner, and just had a big cup of strong coffee, while others ate eggs and tomatoes and toast and cake, and it was fine. I had thought before-hand it might be simpler just not to make a fuss and eat a moderate serve, but then I remembered Thin and how she never skips a FD, and so I was resolved and there was no fuss and it didn’t worry anyone. In fact the lovely pregnant partner said, ooh yes, that’s great, there’s such good science behind fasting.

    So that was really good.

    What is not so good is the evening after-dinner snacking that I’ve been doing on NFDs. An old habit and one that I find surprisingly hard to break. Any tips welcome!

    Off to enjoy my supper now.

    Good wishes to all, especially those in lock-down.

    Helen Kate

    HK, late night snacking is a hard habit to kick, isn’t it? You live alone though, right? So perhaps you could control it in the supermarket instead. Buy some healthy snacky things like nuts, maybe? Regarding the FD at the brunch, congratulations on finding it so easy and no-fuss. Just wanted to clarify, never missing a FD doesn’t mean you can’t swap them around when you know you have a social engagement. Personally, I prefer to get one ‘in the bank’ but occasionally it’s necessary to be in arrears as I was a couple of weeks ago when a friend suggested collecting us last minute the day after DD was leaving.

    CharlieG, yeah, no big deal falling waist high in a slimy canal when compared to falling off a yacht at high seas. The UK canals have no sharks or crocodiles (other than our own croc, Ursula). Kudos to you and your great progress so far, that’s a fast rate (pun intended). Sadly, I am yet to see many benefits to my memory from all this time fasting. I keep hoping. I lose words. On the other hand, maybe it would have been worse had I not bene fasting.

    Lindsay, I’m only half up to date with your gut flora comments but, if kefir is a substitute for what you’re currently doing, I highly recommend the real thing, not the supermarket version. This is my go to site: https://www.yemoos.com/collections/cultures-milk-kefir-grains but I’m sure you are resourceful enough to find the real grains in Australia.

    LJ, I don’t have anything with the chicken and bacon casserole but serve mash and extra veg to OH so you’re spot on. I’ve had that recipe so long that I can’t recall if that’s an HB one or not.

    Cinque, I hope you’re feeling well and it’s nice to see you posting when you can. How is the family settling in to their new home?

    Let’s hope all these selfish gits protesting against lockdown come to their senses. As I remarked at the beginning of this pandemic, it’s not at all like ‘the war’ when everyone pulled together for the common good. So many self-absorbed people unable to think beyond themselves. I wish they’d put their energy into something useful for the good of the country. As for protesting against vaccinations that aren’t even mandatory, they might as well be protesting against coffee shops.

    P.S. Sorry LJ, I didn’t intend to negate all that your wrote about your kefir choices for Lindsay. That’s way better than not having it at all for sure and the thousands-year-old grains can be hard to come by. I was so lucky that Charlie’sMum from this thread gave me mine. Since being here, I was again very fortunate when someone we did some pet-sitting for gave me some grains. You can sometimes find them in the community section on gumtree.

    Dear all

    Thin, thank you for your words about the late night snacking. I was cheered that you say it is a hard habit to kick. I am hoping that FD practice will gradually transfer itself to all the days – not that it will happen by magic I know, but just that I’ll learn I don’t have to follow that impulse to finish off some leftovers or eat a few biscuits with cheese. Last night I had a cup of mint tea and just read for a while. Hooray!

    And yes I am open to swapping FDs around and would normally have switched my FD from Saturday to Sunday, but this evening we are having a family gathering to celebrate a batch of Leo birthdays that have just happened, mine included, and I wanted to be able to indulge. And then on Monday my ‘girls’ goals group’ – me, my sister, my sister-in-law, my cousin – are having one of our lunch meetings where we talk about the goals we set at the start of the year and how we are going with them – always a lot of laughter and lot of mutual encouragement. So I did need to bite the FD bullet yesterday.

    Re your fall into the canal, Thin, it made me remember being in Venice 45 years ago and seeing a poor dog swimming helplessly in a canal with high steep sides and rather recklessly jumping in to rescue it. Luckily, as was the case for you, the water only came up to my armpits and some nice men helped me and the dog out and said they would take it to a shelter. I hope they did. They said that people often tossed unwanted dogs into the canals – the kind of thing that can make you feel despondent about human beings.

    On a cheerier note I have just received a picture from my sister of her husband tickling Paddy the lagotto’s tummy, with the newspaper lying discarded beside him on the bed. She says that it is very pleasant to hear him murmuring sweet nothings to the puppy instead of muttering angrily over the news!

    I hope everyone and their dogs and cats are doing well. It’s a lovely day here in Adelaide and I shall soon set out for a walk.

    Warm wishes to all

    Good morning,

    Windy, sunny, Sunday here.

    Well worth waiting 5 days for a post from you.
    Ooh gardenias. I love love love them.

    What an interesting question about those gut healthy foods.
    (Pushes LJoyce aside to get her say 😉 )
    (No no, not at all, just adding my thoughts…)
    LJoyce makes the excellent point about keeping the good colonies going, even on small amounts of food.

    Re the veggies, I’d argue that all vegetables are great for gut health, but it is true that red ones have special benefits. I’m thinking purple carrots instead of orange ones (big plus is that they are also not as sweet – although I bet the developers are working on that).
    Don’t forget to swap green cabbage for red cabbage every now and then.
    Go for berries rather than the sweeter tropical fruits.

    But ‘eating a rainbow’ is still the basic thing for veggies. Leafy greens are incredibly important too. If you are following ‘the healthy plate’ proportions it should be easy to get a bit of red most days.

    Oh, and ofcourse, beetroot kvass is the bomb 😉 😉 😉

    On the milk products,I just ‘don’t cut milk products out of your diet completely’ and ‘when you have milk, have full fat’.
    When I can use yoghurt instead of cream, that is a bonus (dressings, dips, sauces, accompanying dishes) replacement rather than trying to add anything more in.

    And re my lovely pulses: beans and lentils are high carb, but also a great source of fibre and protein. I’ve gone from thinking ‘beans and rice’ to letting the beans be the carb of the meal, and maybe the main protein too. So beans and vegetables. Dal with greens and cauliflower. That sort of thing.

    LJoyce, I bet that biscuit was such a delicious treat.
    Yay for the soup. It looks wonderful. Harissa is one I haven’t bothered making (why not just throw in some chili and coriander) but that Shane Delia show has inspired me a bit. I will wait until summer when all the ingredients are at their best.

    Charlie, woot, you are having a lovely run. Hooray for the ‘inner Thin’ haha.
    And hooray for someone else who likes beetroot!
    So sorry we in Melbourne weren’t able to keep the regions safe for you, I’ve just seen today’s numbers, sigh, and poor Shepparton.
    So lovely to have the fruit trees ready for new growth. I wonder if your neighbours pruning comes under the compassionate reason to leave home. They wouldn’t even need to come out of the house.

    Hello Neil! no doubt you are out getting things done. I hope it is a great day at your place.

    HelenKate, what a wonderful experience of managing a social function of a fast day. Woot! Hooray for friends who can just accept what other people need to do (or not do).

    Oh dear the after dinner snacking. I have been battling it for decades. I am a lot better! So don’t give up. Here are a list of things I have tried or considered trying:

    Bargaining: Make a cut off time: 8pm? no more food tonight but you can eat WHATEVER YOU WANT first thing tomorrow morning . (Doesn’t work day before fast day, but it used to work really well for me years ago, because in the morning turns out I don’t fancy a packet of timtams).

    Also a kind of bargaining: cut off time, then spend evening working out what delicious thing you are going to make to eat for meals tomorrow.

    Mindfulness: sit and think about your body and how it feels. Where is the hunger? What are the different parts of your body feeling? How do you describe the feelings? What do you connect them to? What is some non food thing you really need?

    Hydration: tell yourself you have to drink two big glasses of water before you eat anything else. Drink them as slowly as possible. Oh look! it’s bedtime. You made it through.

    Distraction: bath, ironing, craft, trying on your favourite clothes to note their fit.

    Re-education: get put off ultra processed food by listening to this podcast: https://shows.acast.com/a-thorough-examination-with-drs-chris-and-xand

    I hope you do find something that works. Bargaining, hydration and distraction are my tools, but I really did feel my brain change after listening to that podcast too.

    Thin, my daughter is having such fun licking her home into shape. She needs to be very clever with storage because it is so small, but she has been able to buy shelves etc that work really well, but that is about her favourite thing. After this I will ring her and see how she is going. They have just closed kinder again so everyone at home all the time.

    You’ll be waking up to your fast day soon, I’ll be half way through mine 🙂

    Best wishes everyone

    PS Just saw your new post HK Ciao!

    Good morning (just) – will be afternoon by the time I finish writing!

    Thin I do agree that home made kefir would be better but I don’t know anyone with grains and I am happy to continue with making my own kombucha and buying kefir, as long as I can get the Milk Theif” brand – I don’t trust most of the others to be as beneficial.
    I was a bit late stating cooking this morning so my NFD lunch of your chicken bacon casserole has only just gone into the oven. It’s going to be a late lunch so I’m distracting myself from snacking by reading and replying to posts. I realised once I started chopping veg that I’d forgotten to buy a capsicum, so I put some celery and an extra carrot in. I also took the liberty to add some fresh sprigs of thyme as I love it with the chicken, bacon, mushroom combination of flavours. As I put the ingredients together I realised it looks like a french casserole that would have been liberally doused with cream at the end – no I don’t plan on doing that.

    Lindsay, something I should have added to my earlier comments are that when testing a change in diet give it a tie period to test whether it works. I’d suggest 2 weeks would be reasonable and try not to change other things – so keep to the came calorie limits that you’ve set and a similar amount of exercise. Then you’ll know whether the changes to what you eat make a difference to your weight loss.

    Cinque, yes I aim for the rainbow when it comes to fruit & veg too – not that I always achieve it, but I do try. Finding the purple is a challenge for me as I can’t find purple potatoes, sweet potatoes or carrots locally. They are specialty items and not sold in this part of town. I can get potatoes with purple skin, but they are white inside so I make sure I boil them unpeeled and use as jacket potatoes . I do use red onions and class them as purple – they look more purple than red to me (they certainly leave purple stains on my fingers when I chop them).
    Sounds like your daughter is an organiser – a never ending task with 2 small children. Luckily we live in an era where storage solutions are easy to find at an affordable price.
    Yes the biscuit was delicious, I ate it slowly. Because my great-niece loves vanilla I replace some of the flour with vanilla custard powder and also added vanilla paste. Even with the chocolate decoration you clearly taste the vanilla in the biscuit.

    HK, I agree with Cinque’s advice on snacking after dinner. I will even tell myself while preparing dinner that I’d better eat properly as once dinner’s done that’s it for food for the day. I often need repeated reminding again after dinner, but this approach often works for me.
    The girls goals lunch sounds wonderful, have fun. What an incentive to stick to a FD.

    CharlieG, well done on the continued weight loss. Enjoy your spring days out on the farm – I know it’s hard work but also sounds like a lovely place to be rather than surrounded by the built-up environment that most of us face when trying to get some fresh air.

    Time to check on that casserole, I’m half an hour closer to eating it and it’s starting to smell wonderful.

    Have a lovely Sunday everyone.

    Morning Cinque and LJ, taking over the FD baton, or joining you at least. 6am and getting psyched up for the Caen Hill locks in reverse, having done seven of them, we await the opening at 8am (to conserve water) to go up the other 22. I’m looking forward to it – really! Great FD activity as I won’t have time for food.

    LJ, hope the casserole was delish.

    HK, to add to Cinque’s list of ideas on snacking (with the cut-off time being excellent in my view and ironing being a highly unappealing alternative Cinque, 🙂), another technique I use is brushing and flossing my teeth. It’s a sort of signal that that’s it for the day. I remember discovering, without having been conscious of it, that I had stopped snacking after dinner – I think it was all part of the shaping of habits thanks to long-term 5:2. I’m afraid I’m back in the habit now with a little ritual of a few grapes or nuts in the evenings. I try to eat smaller dinner portions to compensate.

    I was also thinking that, between us, we could come up with a list of ‘acceptable’ snack foods. My suggestion is nuts – nutritious, satiating, flavoursome and crunchy. It’s truly amazing how six almonds can fill you up.

    HK, it’s surprisingly hard to climb out of these canals. I wouldn’t have got out without OH and another man hauling me out. I read with sadness about the cruelty shown to animals. Here, there’s a Bill being proposed to make all animals sentient beings.

    Dear all

    Thank you Cinque for those tips. Some of these things I do try – if I can pause long enough to do so! – but it’s good to get your angle on them. And I really like the idea of bargaining!

    And thank you everyone who’s weighed in about rainbow foods and keffir and beans and so on.

    LJoyce, hope you enjoy that casserole as much as I did. I plan to make up another batch next week. And I liked your idea of saying to yourself as you cook dinner that you’d better enjoy it as that will be it.

    Thin, good luck with doing those amazing locks in reverse.

    Cheers to all

    Thin, I would put forward celery/carrot sticks with a bit of home-made hummus as an acceptable snack. The shop bought hummus tends to be quite high in salt/oil but with home-made you can make it to your own taste. I like a bit more lemon in mine and I usually add some fresh coriander.

    Good day again today. I got a lot more garden stuff done and took the boys out for an hour walk through Fraser’s Gully. I made a big pot of leek and potato soup for dinner and there’s plenty of leftovers for lunch tomorrow. I’ve also got a bit of leftover uncooked falafel mix I can fry up and chuck in the soup to bulk it out and make it last another day or two.

    We’ll have a great day everyone.

    It’s so good to see so many posts here, and sorry I haven’t been posting so often. It’s been a rough couple of weeks here with worries about Covid and a big bush fire that is within about 40km of here. The winds, which have been relatively calm in the last few days seem to be blowing it in the other direction but it’s close to 85,000 acres now with 0 containment.

    The good news is that I’ve managed to stick to my 5:2 since the beginning of the month and have lost about 2.1 kg so far. DS is doing it as well which makes it easier. I’ve been eating a lot of Vegimite and miso which probably makes me retain more water, a blood test confirmed my sodium levels are back within the normal range. Amazingly, it hasn’t had much impact on my BP although I’ve been taking meds for that for a long time.

    I’m sorry to see the Covid numbers going up in Aus and NZ. But happy to see everyone getting their vaccines. Good on you, GDSA. I’m glad you decided to get yours. Sorry to hear about all the lockdowns, but that’s the one thing, along with vaccines that seems to work. I think our numbers would be a lot lower here if we had more lockdowns, but that isn’t politically popular these days. I have to have an outpatient surgery on Tuesday and I’m very uneasy about going to a hospital, even though I’m vaccinated and I’ll only be there for a few hours.

    LJ those biscuits look great! You always do such a beautiful job of decorating. I agree with you and thin about homemade kefir having more of the good probiotics, but when I was making my own I always seemed to have too much because it takes only 24 hours or less to ferment and unless you drink it every day you end up with a lot.

    I have so many posts I want to comment on here, but it’s late and I need some sleep. Take care all.

    Morning all. Up at 6 to take the little girls to school. Week 2 of DD’s early starts, and I’ll be as pleased as she is when they are over. The days seem to go so quickly…by the time we get back it’s past 9, then we get ready to collect them at 2.30. The positive is that we get an early walk around to her house, then another back to the school in the afternoon.

    Thanks Cinque for the advice – an interesting read, and some really good suggestions. I must get some red cabbage. My multi-coloured chard is starting to grow too …some coloured stalks from that will help. And LJ, I like your thoughts on this. My lunch has settled into a pattern of Greek yoghurt with berries, almonds and a teaspoon of my honey. I have started having the honey because ‘experts’ say a teaspoon of honey harvested in the area where it is eaten will reduce allegies. At this time of the year I often get a cough/running nose from something environmental, so I am eating the honey to see if it works. I will try the kefir….I have some grains in the fridge from my SIL. Thanks Thin for the site, if my SIL’s grains don’t come back to life.

    It is such a struggle getting down to where I want to be. It seems my body went into ‘settle’ mode when I had my loose July, and no matter what I do, goes back to the higher point. So, instead of just a couple of kilos left to lose, I have 4, and they are sticking like glue.

    Another positive – I bought a jacket online which was $199 when I tried it on in the shop, but I waited for the sale, and got it for $56. The 16 was a perfect fit back at the start of summer. I ordered it in 14, but I had to return it for a 12, and think actually the 10 would have been even better. Time will tell, as I have ordered it in another colour in the smaller size.

    Charlie I love beetroot – one of the higher carb veges, true, but delicious and gut friendly. Another to put on my shopping list. thanks for the suggestion. Great work on your progress.

    HK great to take inspiration from Thin’s mantra, and terrific you had the control to just have the coffee, and without negativity from others. You ask about night time eating. It is the one aspect of my life I do have under control. I follow time restricted eating. When I was first losing, I used to do 16:8 and although I am not as rigid as that now, I always, without fail, leave at least 13 hours overnight before I break my fast. Mostly, it’s 14 or more. I find it, well, not easy, but definitely manageable, if my OH offers me something after dinner and my square of Lindt, to assess what that means in terms of waiting 14 odd hours for breakfast, and that’s enough to say no.

    Yum, Neil, for home made hummus with loads of garlic, eaten with celery sticks. Healthy, full of good oil and fibre, and so so tasty.

    Calif, the fires are such a worry … it seems to be what happens now in your part of the world, and ours, in summer. Great you are losing and back into the rhythm of 5:2. It makes it easier to have a companion on board, I think.

    OK, OH’s Zoom meeting is winding up ….it was meant to be face to face today, but U3A is cautious, and rightly so. It is now almost 16 hours since dinner last night …earlier than usual, because I had to drop my car to the panel beaters. (don’t ask! it was my fault …I hadn’t shut the back door and it flew open and hit the carport post….rushing to get out, but so so stupid).

    enjoy your day all.

    Lindsay, your latest post sounds upbeat despite your frustration at the stubborn 4kgs. Can you just leave it at that? If you’re a size 10, are you sure you need to lose more? I have a picture in my mind of your being a tall person – but maybe it’s all those shoes of yours that make me think that! I know you’re worried that your weight might go up if you stop doing what you’re doing but maybe you just need to accept this weight for now at least? You could nominate a trigger weight to prevent going higher. I’m going to take your advice and lengthen the non-eating time overnight. Does that include coffee in the morning (just asking!)? Glad to hear that you have some kefir grains.

    CalifD, well done for getting back on track with 5:2 despite the concerns with the nearby fires. Are the increased cases of covid among unvaccinated people? It’s going to remain hard to control the numbers with scores of migrants walking across the southern border and sent to live in communities throughout the US without covid testing. 48,000 families were accepted in June alone. If they’re not a health risk, I ask why then do we need quarantine for vaccinated citizens? This is the problem with politicians handling a pandemic. They make populist, illogical decisions. All the best with your surgery tomorrow.

    Neil, you reminded me that we have a jar of tahini to make some hommus. Great snack suggestion. So far, we have:
    celery/carrot sticks with home-made hummus

    We completed 22 locks yesterday. 16 of the 29 have to be done together but we were on a roll so we kept going through the remaining six. There were so many gongoozlers towards the end and I put three sets of interested young children to work on the gates which they loved. It’s great to see children keen to learn and enjoying the outdoors.

    Anzac, where are you?

    Hello friends, apologies for being an absent poster yet again. Thanks for asking about me and I’m fine, just so drattedly (new word) busy. Just a quick post until I can read all of your lovely messages more thoroughly

    Thin – NO! I am so sorry for jinxing you and allowing you to fall in the water. I’m glad you are ok and it’s only your pride that is hurt

    Welcome ayame and Charlie G (apologies if I’ve already said welcome….) this is such a wonderful forum.

    Happy belated birthday G’day. I hope the Indian was delicious

    Those bikkies look amazing LJ….drooling here as I love shortbread. I hope your great-niece really enjoyed them

    Cinque, the covid case numbers keep getting worse. I hope you are ok in lockdown

    Cali – please take care; I hope that bushfire stays away

    I remember reading about beetroot – I think Thin and LJ share my extreme dislike of it. If there is a bit on a plate and it even touches something else it becomes infected and I won’t eat it. UGH UGH UGH

    I had two great weeks after getting back on the horse for the 11 millionth time, 900 grams lost. The past week has been moderation but no loss as I have been snacking. It started with a lovely gift from the leadership team of the division I work for sending every staff member a pack from Harris Farm that contained cheese, crackers, Hummus, two pizzas, fruit and bread sticks. I love hummus and normally have it with carrot sticks but I got stuck into the crackers and bread sticks and it seemed to flip a switch in my silly head. Anyway, back on top now and all nasty lurking snacks have exited the building. We don’t eat store-bought pizzas so they are in the freezer for sometime in the future when I can give them to someone else.

    We have had gorgeous spring-like weather in Sydney; four days of 24-27 degrees which has been lovely. Mr Anzac even had a swim in the pool yesterday (it heated up to 22 degrees with the solar heating) but there is a big change coming tonight and the temp will drop to only 16 tomorrow and up to 80mm of rain. Australia is nothing if not extreme

    Lindsay, I echo Thin’s comment just before. Size 10 is perfect and perhaps you can forget about those last 4 kilos? Just a thought but it is totally all about how you feel and nothing else

    Must run, getting pinged on skype and it sounds urgent. Sigh. Take care all

    Hi all from a warm sunny Kaiteriteri.

    Well, at least it was before the sun went down, quite a spring like day here today, warm and sunny with some cloud but little winds, same forecast for tomorrow.

    We are still here, we hadn’t planned on leaving here yet, even if we were able to so nothing has really changed for us. Went supermarket shopping on Saturday with a mask on, single shopper, all OK. OH and I have both had both of our Pfizer jabs with no reactions so do feel a little safer.

    Lovely to read all the posts and catch up on what everyone is up to, you all sound so busy, makes my life feel quite mundane! I decided I had had enough of maintaining my weight and stepped up the anti the last few days. I think I was inspired by something you wrote Thin about snacking and there being no place for it. Needless to say I have gone ‘all or nothing’, and am only eating two meals a day, keeping the protein up, within about an eight hour window, and no evening treats. It seems to be so easy to justify those evening treats (in my mind) when that period of time is really no different to any other period of time throughout the day. I definitely don’t struggle eating my first meal of the day which is very rarely before 12 noon or 1pm, so why in the evening? I took your cue earlier today Cinque, frying a concoction of leafy veg, including red & green cabbage before cracking in a coupe of eggs and popping on the lid until they cooked…delicious. Dinner was a yummy chicken/prosciutto/avocado salad out of the blue book, followed by a small amount of yoghurt/blueberries & almonds. I have certainly had my seven a day today?

    Lets hope I see a drop on the scales in the morning, I would so love to be at 67kg!

    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone,

    Haha Thin – I think a size 10 is an abberation. I am more accurately a 12, I think. I could leave it …but I am a finisher, and I would feel I had cheated myself if I didn’t banish that extra 4 kilos. And because I am doing it with a friend, who is also struggling to get rid of her last couple of kilos to get to her trigger weight, we keep each other going. It doesn’t really matter how long it takes. BTW, that extra 4 kilos won’t see me at my lowest. I have been much slimmer in the past, but I feel it will be a good weight for me now, at my age. My BMI too is good, and my fasting blood sugar has gone from pre-diabetes to comfortably in the normal range, so it’s just those pesky few kilos.

    I love that you have an image of me as a tall woman. 164, or 165 cm if I stand very straight. One brother said to me years ago now that he’d only ever seen shorter legs on a duck. I do have a passion for heels, but mostly now I’m in boots (with no or lower heels) and flats, with my heels reserved for dinners when I am dropped at the door.

    Your question about coffee. No, my 14:10 or whatever doesn’t preclude coffee. I start my day with a killer black coffee, and then another, and then usually another with my mid-morning breakfast/brunch. But no sugar or milk, obviously, so all good.

    Yes Anzac, where are you? Lost in work?

    Cinque, I meant to say how lovely Rose is in her own new home and making such a happy place for her family.

    Gday glad to read you’ve had your first jab. I don’t know which one you got, but I was reading about AZ, and about how its development has been ongoing for a long time, to deal not specifically with Covid, but other similar viruses, and I found that reassuring. It’s terribly concerning how many young people are catching this Delta strain. And save us all from the d….heads (was thatyour word Cinque?) who gathered to protest about ‘freedoms’ at the weekend ….which invariably will extend the lockdowns.

    I also have mixed feelings about Dr M. Neil. I think he’s hit on a winning formula with his books, but I do have a little nagging feeling that perhaps he’s a little too motivated by the financial reward. Who knows though – I’m just grateful he came along.

    OK, off now to reheat the minestrone that I made last week (without pasta). OH looked a bit crestfallen when I said we were having it for dinner, but lovely man that he is, didn’t voice his disappointment.

    Good evening everyone.

    Thin, your chicken and bacon casserole was good on a NFD, but as a FD dinner it was a pure delight for tonight’s dinner. The fact that I still have 2 serves left has me smiling.
    As to snack suggestions, mine are mostly aimed at mid afternoon as thatis always more of an issue for me than evening. I also like nuts, but they are so highly calorific I can only indulge on a day when I can stick to a tiny amount. I often use fresh fruit as snacks and I also like to combine a piece of fresh fruit with either nut butter or dairy. Two favourites are an apple with 2-3tsp almond butter or a pear with a small wedge of firm fresh ricotta. I cut the fruit into wedges and put little dabs of the nut butter or ricotta on the fruit. It takes quite a while to eat. I find that adding a source of fat and protein to the fresh fruit is much more sustaining than fruit alone and as a mid-afternoon snack will get me through to a much later dinner time than I’d manage otherwise. It means I can eat at 7pm instead of feeling ravenous by 5pm.
    I also heartily support Neil’s hummus & veg suggestion – a favourite of mine too.

    HK, yes I did enjoy the casserole as much as you. Did your parsnip piece survive the hour in the oven? Mine quite literally dissolved into the casserole. I was a bit miffed actually, considering they cost $11 per kilo. I think I’ll add them later next time. I love parsnips and had been looking forward to finding a chunk of parsnip on my fork.

    Turn, it sounds like you have founds some extra determination to get your weight reducing again. I hope the new regime works for you.

    Anzac, glad to hear that you were just busy and not ill. Sometimes well intentioned gifts can be a problem can’t they.

    Lindsay, I quite enjoy minestrone for dinner, sorry to hear your husband doesn’t. Maybe he could have some grilled cheese topped toasts that are usually served with french onion soup floated on top of his soup – turns soup into a treat.
    Pouring kefir over your fruit will be much runnier than the yoghurt. You could consider teaming the fruit, kefir and honey with plenty of ice cubes and low cal almond milk and blitzing it into a large smoothie. I can only face these for lunch in warmer weather, but they are very filling (I usually add a teaspoon of psyllium to it as well as it keeps me full for longer).

    Cali, I hope they get those fires managed soon. Will be thinking of you on Tuesday, hope the surgery goes very well.

    The last two NFDs went really well. I have already worked out that I do best with the heartiest meal at lunch time and am then happy with a small serve or a soup for dinner. This is the moussaka and chicken and bacon casserole that I made over the last 2 days and thoroughly enjoyed both of them. https://imgur.com/a/xcUJbfU I am finding I need to be more organised to get a hot meal on the table for lunch – or make it the day before and just reheat. I’m used to putting little time and effort into lunch so it required a rethink. I am still look for a snack by 4:30 but so far I’ve been fine with either fresh fruit or carrot sticks and hummus – and it’s better than being hungry by 2pm as was happening before. Despite eating heartier meals I have snacked much less and overall have eaten less food and a better balance of food choices. Today was a FD so I didn’t get mu hearty lunch as I really did miss it. The joy of leftovers – I have another serve of the moussaka to look forward to for lunch tomorrow an the chickpea soup for dinner.

    Take care all.

    Morning All,
    Really good FD yesterday, not reflected on the scales, but yes, new size 18 jeans fit perfect this morning.
    Can’t remember the last time I was in this size, most likely more than 30 years ago, feels so good.
    To prove my determination this time, I am removing the larger clothes as I go down a size, so having just a few things in the wardrobe until I reach my goal.
    Thank you to everyone for your posts, I am not good at reply’s but it looks to me that everyone is doing really well.
    Thanks for the positive vibes, helps me deal with each day with a smile on my face, something I haven’t done in a long time.
    Have a great week, and keep up the good work!

    Well done Charlie G! Well done!
    And a good clothes strategy:)


    Good morning all.

    Charlie, there is nothing like being able to easily pull up and do up a pair of jeans that were once too tight. Jeans are mostly quite unforgiving and I think they are a better indication of weight than the bathroom scales. Excellent work.

    Hi Merry, hope you are going well to.

    A new series started on the ABC last week called “Doctor at the Door”. The second episode is tonight so this morning, I actually took the time to watch the first episode that I’d recorded last week. It was excellent. The doctor worked with a whole family that was obese and had a multitude of other issues (high blood pressure, high blood sugar, binge drinking, PCOS, autism). I thought of Cinque, as the family’s son was autistic and they had real success in improving his range of fruit & veg consumed. (Given you raised this issue quite recently.) The doctor also talked through the usual strategies that don’t work with autistic children who are fussy eaters. I liked the way the doctor worked through a whole range of issues over 6 weeks. There is a limit to what they can show in a 60 min program, but they covered a lot of ground. There were strategies that I remember my dietitian discussing with me. (Having that reminder was good.) Each episode is a new family that they stay with for 6 weeks. Worth the time to watch I think as I suspect the range of issues and barriers that are impacting the obesity will differ each time.

    After saying yesterday that I needed to be more organised to get lunch cooked, I gave it no thought until 11:30am. I had planned to thaw a serve of chilli con carne (this is mostly minced veg, azuki beans and just a little beef). This was to be served over a jacket potato that I boiled and chilled a few days ago. I forgot to remove the chilli from the freezer! So I am now having a serve of the harissa soup for lunch. I might need to add a little chicken breast to it as it is so low calorie that I found myself very hungry mid-afternoon last time I had this for lunch. The chicken is also frozen, but luckily I chopped it into pieces before I froze it so I can add it frozen to the soup. I think I need to set a reminder on my phone to alert me at 10:30 to get organised for lunch! This is the one part of the new routine that I’m still struggling with.

    Hope you are all having a good day.

    I really enjoyed waking up to all those positive, upbeat posts above. Thank you. Everyone seems to be doing well, maybe it’s the end of winter giving you all a boost. And a pop-up from Merry.

    Anzac, so good to hear from you. Don’t worry, I don’t hold you responsible, it was just a funny coincidence. The store bought pizzas always look horrid to me but what a huge section of the supermarket they have for them so they must be very popular. Not that I eat any pizza nowadays. Last night we had haloumi in bake-at-home rolls and my weight shot up 500g this morning as always. I still keep doing it. D’oh.

    Lindsay, I understand all you say about not quitting the final 4kgs. Was the original total weight loss number arrived at by a BMI calculation or just a nice, round number? If the latter, I’d be the same, a bit like not stepping on the cracks. I’ve just converted your height in feet and inches and now my mental image of you is completely blown. Wouldn’t it be funny if we had all our mug shots and had to try to match the pseudonyms. Even though I know what LJ looks like, I still don’t picture her that way when I read her posts.

    LJ, glad you liked the recipe so much. I’m sure that eating the main meal at lunch time is the best eating plan but it would take some organising. One of my FD foods for not being hungry at bedtime is a spoonful of cottage cheese with a scattering of frozen blueberries. It all fits in one of those teeny cube tupperware things. With the nuts, I actually count them. It’s incredible how few you need. I’ve added your snack foods to our list. I’m going to try harder to join Lindsay’s rule which has worked well for her. It will have to be at the evening end that I make the changes as I can’t deal with black coffee.

    celery/carrot sticks with home-made hummus
    apple with 2-3tsp almond butter
    pear with a small wedge of firm fresh ricotta

    CharlieG, discarding the larger clothes sizes is a strategy many of us used on the way down. It takes some confidence doesn’t it because we’ve all yoyo’d in the past and are conditioned to believing that we’ll grow back into those larger dress sizes. At one time I had four dress sizes in my cupboard, always believing I’d one day fit into the smaller sizes. Now it’s size 10 only. You’re right not to buy too many new clothes, they’ll soon be too big at the rate you’re going.

    Turn, good to hear from you. How far to go until 67kg?

    Evening all

    More work on the garden done today. Hopefully within a couple of weeks I’ll have all the winter wilderness cleared away and have everything ready for spring planting

    I find that ironically, I don’t overeat on the days that I am more active. It’s when I’m sitting around the house that I tend to overindulge. Now that the weather is getting better I’ve decided to set myself a weekly activity goal. I’ll set a goal for 1 week, then reassess at the end of the week before setting that weeks goals. My goal for the coming week is 42,000 steps (6,000 per day) and 60km of cycling (4 rides of 15km)

    I’ll let you know how I get on. I’m not expecting much on this week’s weigh in because I had a bit of a binge yesterday after the announcement that we were going to have longer in level 4 lockdown. But that will be my starting point for my new activity tracking.

    Have a good one everyone

    Hi all

    I can’t believe the difference a day makes! Yesterday we were in short sleeves and it was summery and 26 degrees. Today: freezing, arctic wind and rain that has not stopped pouring all day. It is currently 5.33pm and my computer tells me it is 9 degrees. Even Maxx stuck his snout out the back door this morning, looked at and felt the weather and turned tail and sat next to his food bowl as if to say “Hey, lets skip the walk today and just jump to brekkie if that is ok with you guys”

    I did venture out and sadly I have done something terrible to my back. I just needed something at the chemist but as I was driving I felt a terrible pain in my lower back and by the time I got there I could barely walk. I managed to get what I needed, get back into the car and get home but I am in a lot of pain now. I must have twisted it getting into my little car and I know for sure it is all weight related and I’m so annoyed at myself. Anyway, ibuprofen is helping

    Charlie G, so happy that your jeans fit! It really is a wonderful feeling isn’t it?

    LJ, I too would prefer my main meal at lunch but Mr Anzac really does not enjoy this. We do it sometimes on weekends

    I just finished a big bowl of salad and it was yum (even on a wintery night). We are having Mr Anzac’s superb steak and chips and as I have a small serve of both I always start with a big filling salad to stop myself from stealing more chips from his ENORMOUS pile.

    Good luck with your ‘all or nothing’ Turn and 67kg will be yours before you know it

    I am exactly the same as you Neil. Mon-Fri, sitting for hours at my work laptop sends me constantly into the kitchen seeking comfort food. It is boredom, stress and lack of activity. On weekends when I’m humming around doing housework or have more time to exercise I often realise I’ve gone from breakfast to mid afternoon without thinking about food. It’s all in the mind which is really quite scary

    Thin, we even can’t face home delivered fresh pizza let alone frozen from the supermarket. It tastes disgusting and they are inevitably oily, cheesy and taste like plastic. Mr Anzac makes a truly delicious one with a home-made thin base, chorizo salami, various veges (whatever is in the fridge) such as onion, capsicum, mushroom and very limited cheese. We put fresh prosciutto and rocket on after it is cooked and while still holding a good amount of calories, compared to supermarket or home delivery – well there is no comparison

    Cinque, I love it when my food is a rainbow. The salad I had just now had three type of capsicum, various leaves, red onion and mushrooms. I had a drizzle of balsamic and olive oil dressing. Superb

    I must run, this has taken 30 mins and I need to finish up work. Take care all

    Great plan, Charlie, to get rid of clothes that are now too big. It’s a line in the sand, sending big clothes off. I’m clearing out my wardrobe and taking things I love to the tailor. It’s expensive, but it means I don’t throw away clothes I love, but they are now two or three (or 4) sizes smaller.

    Thin, I set my weight as a number I wanted to get too….higher than when I was younger, but all the other markers are now great. But I do want to lose this 4 kilos, and that will be my trigger weight. But my pal and I had coffee today and reached the conclusion that we had pretty much achieved our goals, and we needed to stop being so down on ourselves if the scales varied by a few hundred grams on a day by day basis.

    If it takes til Christmas to get rid of these 4 kilos, so be it. OH and I haven’t been out much at all since I started on 31 Jan, and OH needs to get back to some sort of normal social life too. We used to go out for lunch or coffee a few times a week, and with Covid and dieting, it’s gone by the board. So….mindful eating, and losing the obsessive calorie counting from here on, but with an eye on being 4 kilos lighter at some point.

    Anzac the temps here in the north have dropped too. It’s been blowing a gale and we got soaked walking the children to school. Nice to hear from you … your OH’s pizza sounds delish. I’m so sorry about your back – you haven’t herniated a disc, have you? So painful.

    Neil, sorry NZ is in lockdown again. You guys were so great for such a long time, so I hope it’s just a blip for you.

    LJ thanks for the tip about the new program – sounds interesting. I’ll i-view the first episode, but record it from now on.

    Oh, and Thin, I did read that a splash of milk in coffee won’t do too much damage if that’s what it takes to get the intermittent fasting times right.

    Night all.

    (where are you Jony?)

    I’ve had trouble getting to write the last couple of days (busy busy!) so I will just do one thing now.

    Thankyou LJoyce for the heads up on that program! I completely missed it, but chased it up after reading your post.
    (Lindsay it is under ‘Catalyst’ on iview, so don’t make my mistake of looking through the D’s :D)

    It was a really good program. I loved the brave family and I thought all the strategies they were given were just excellent.
    I am buying veggies to play games with when I have the kids on Friday.

    I’m hoping to write in the morning, it will be my fast day, but also home help and I’ll need to prepare.

    In the meantime, cheers to you all.

    Hi everyone, Good Morning 🙂

    Welcome back to 5:2 Ayame! You’ve done this before so you know you can lose those kgs you put back on. Re – eating the smallest thing early on a FD sets off lots of hunger. Sounds like you’re a candidate for the The Hunger Dragon Clan!

    There seem to be 3 types of 5:2-ers:
    * Those who eat 2 or 3 small meals to make up their Fast Day (FD). Often it’s 2 – a small breakfast and a small dinner. Some of these people can feel a bit nauseous if they don’t eat anything in the morning.

    * Those who eat nothing on a FD. Sometimes this is just a choice to make the weight come off quicker, or they just can’t be bothered with working out what and when to eat or it’s just easier to eat nothing on FD’s.

    * The Hunger Dragon Clan. These people have an invisible Hunger Dragon in their belly that comes roaring out of it’s cave at the slightest bite of food making it’s way into their stomach. The Hunger Dragon is a ferocious beast that will fight being denied with the strength of a thousand tigers! The Hunger Dragon can, on occasion, be a Shape Changer and turn into an all consuming jealous Hoovering Monster. Nothing elegant about this Nastie! The members of the Hunger Dragon Clan tackle this beast in 2 ways:
    – eat all FD calories 1 meal in the evening
    – join the FD Non-Eaters and have nothing.

    The Hunger Dragon and I are very familiar, and I’m grateful to another Clan member on the forum who put me out of my misery when I was wailing and carrying on about how eating 1 solitary almond could set me off , and suggested I eat 1 meal at night on a FD. That worked for me. Others find the ‘no food at all on a FD’ approach better.

    I’ll be cheering you on as you go Onwards and Downwards,

    Struggling a bit here with how much happens in a day with 2 hyperactive young children, 1 high functioning Autistic who also has ARFID ( Avoident Restrictive Food Intake Disorder) and the other who decided to be vegetarian this year after watching a live lobster get boiled on a cooking show, but who doesn’t like just about every vego protein food. Also doing lockdown home schooling while Mum works. I’ll catch up with the food suggestions and info in a bit.

    This is my first time of doing 5:2 while living with young children in the house. So… we’ve had the ‘Grandma has to do this for medical reasons, doing it under a Drs supervision, and it’s only adults who can do it, it’s dangerous for kids’ talk. They know I have a chronic medical condition, so have accepted it easily. They now know I can only eat dinner on Mon and Thurs and I cook that separately for myself.

    Must go,
    If you fall off the horse get back on the horse,
    Onwards and Downwards,

    Anzac, I do hope your back is a lot better this morning!

    Snacking: not for the list, but sometimes I find it works well to make my meal, if I am really hungry for a snack. I have started preparing my meal at 3pm, eaten it by four and then been fine for the evening!

    Cali, big cheers for keeping on inspite of all the covid and wildfire stress. I hope the fire danger has eased a bit now?

    Lindsay, that rainbow chard will be great for red veggies and I read that red skin on radishes are really good too!

    And hooray for another member of the tiny ‘beetroot lovers club’ 😀 😀

    Oh no the car panel. So easily done.

    I had imagined you as tall too. (Well you are taller than me)

    Turn, the scales should be sweet this week!

    LJoyce, what gorgeous cooking you are doing!

    Charlie, woot! Jeans!

    Off to clear the surfaces in time for my problematic home help. Have a good day everyone. I’m fasting!

    Morning all

    Well I was right not to expect big things on the scale this week. I gained over 2 kilos to sit on 101.3kg. I’m guessing most is water weight because I certainly didn’t eat that much on my binge day. It has strengthened my resolve to track everything and try to hit my activity goals.

    I went for a walk this morning for 40 minutes and hit 4500 steps so it’s a good start on my goal. For the next couple of weeks I’m going to try to weigh myself every day do I can see what’s going on with my weight. Because I seem to drop slowly when I’m losing weight and then skyrocket when I have a bad week.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Greetings everyone,
    Wow, what a collection of posts, thanks everyone for the praise and agreement with me that the bigger clothes leave. Lindsay, I agree with sizing down items you love, as one who sews I have done that to a few items, especially with expensive jackets and pretty embroidered jeans that I had only just bought.
    As the cows don’t care I can be less careful taking in work clothes.
    LJ I have enjoyed both episodes of Doctor to the Door, it has made OH realise that things are not straight forward and that at times things need to be done in very small steps. (PCOS is something I suffered with until post menapause).
    Merry, yes young children are very impressionable, it is good that they understand that Grandma has medical problems that she needs to deal with in her own way under doctors supervision.
    Merry, thank you also for explaining the Hunger Dragon. This time around I have chosen to eat only in the evening, and it is making it much easier. OH could go all day and not eat on a FD, yet on other days he snacks all day, then won’t eat his evening meal.
    Thin, if we are heading into Summer, then you are heading into winter, will you still be on your boat at that stage, or do you have a cosy house to retreat to?
    Anzac, so sorry to hear about your back, I do hope that it is better today, I have a rice bag that I heat in the microwave when that happens to mine, it has pockets in it so the rice doesn’t all go to one place.
    The warmth from it helps no end, as I cannot stand cold on mine, I have bone grinding on bone from another life, so I also do Pilates for muscle strength, and one does have to be more careful to take care of it.
    FD today, hoping for a good one, stay safe if like us you are in lockdown.
    Cheers everyone!

    Morning all, well that was interesting. I got out for a morning walk yesterday and went for a quick lunch time ride, ate around 1900 calories, but my weight dropped a whopping 1.1 kilos so I’m sitting at 100.2 this morning. Aren’t our bodies weird things.

    I got another walk in this morning and I’m hoping to be able to get the lawns mowed this afternoon. So we’ll see what I weigh tomorrow.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Good morning everyone

    I had my 3rd FD yesterday which was deeply unpleasant…… please tell me these get easier!! I decided on a 350 cal meal in the evening so that I could have tea with milk in the morning and another one later in if things got desperate! Which they did. I am sure a lot of this is in my mind because I have time to think about it – being in lockdown rather than rushing around all day.

    I’ve lost 2kg since last week but I’m taking your advice and focusing on clothes not weight. Planning to weigh once per week – after my second FD, naturally!!!

    Merryme your hunger dragon is absolutely right – thank you – it is so encouraging to hear that other people feel the same. Also I feel for you with young children around – my 4 are much older but I do worry about fasting setting bad example (especially to the girls) so we talk about it a lot!! I think that having a small meal in the evening is probably better role modelling – does that make sense?

    Great news my oldest daughter managed to get her first Pfizer vaccine yesterday along with all her school friends!

    Has anyone tried 4:3? I was thinking that I could try 4:3 for a few weeks, say to end of September, to kick start my weight loss.

    Also do you find that writing on forum helps with resolve?

    Thank you all for your advice – SO helpful! Have a wonderful day everyone.


    Morning Ayame

    Yes I started on fast800 (800 calories every day) then went to 4:3, 5:2, 6:1. You alter you number of fast days depending how quick you want to lose weight and how close to goal weight you are. I lost 24kg in the 12 weeks I was on fast 800 then slowed down once I moved to 4:3, 5:2, 6:1. Ended up losing around 45 kilos in 11 months.

    I found the forums extremely helpful because there are members that are all stages of the journey. Some just starting, some halfway there, some that have hit their goal, and some that have been at maintenance for years. No matter what you come across during your journey you’ll find someone that has experienced it before and can offer support and advice.

    Good luck with your coming fast days.


    It get’s easier:)

    It get’s easier (( ))

    It get’s easier, promise!

    Once you get past the initial adjustment you may even find yourself looking forward to FDs.

    You’ve lost 2kgs since last week -super good!
    You’ve already kick started your weight loss:)

    I’d suggest you not go under 500 cals at this stage while you’re getting established. I’d also suggest you stay with 5:2 for a while longer and not go to 4:3. Making sure you’re well established on 5:2 for a while will give you a good foundation to understand how your body works with food and with which foods. It’s the “different courses for different horses” cliche that comes in with the decision to do variations of calories and number of days etc. depending on your goals, lifestyle, foodstyle, work and home situations, stress and how you adjust as you go along. You will learn a lot about yourself and food along the way. It’s a different process to ‘dieting’.

    Many of us have a background of many goes at ‘dieting’ that we’ve been conditioned to see as ‘deprivation’. 5:2 isn’t about deprivation. When we start 5:2 we can still be in ‘dieting’ mode and think we need to hurry it along a bit too soon. We all have our own journeys and it’s a bit different for each of us, but as Neil said, there is always someone here who has been where you are. We tailor 5:2 to our needs as we go along.

    It took me 2 years to the day to lose 22.5kgs, but, I have ME/CFS, so no exercise, and a low total daily energy expenditure. I have childhood history of significant trauma that made me susceptible to stress-eating. When Life with a capital L rears it’s head, as it does from time to time, I find it difficult to sustain 5:2, so I go into a holding pattern of keeping my weight stable till I can get back to doing 5:2. I feel healthier on 5:2 than off it. I no longer take blood pressure medication, and no longer need yearly cardiac checkups. My Drs are very happy with me achieving normal weight, and using 5:2 to do it.

    For me, the forum is essential. I was here daily for a long time. I’ve also had to drop out, but I keep getting back on that horse too:). I much prefer to check in daily or most days. I’ve learnt so much from so many people, and the Southern Hemisphere thread is my forum ‘home’ with wonderful people.

    I rabbit on a lot! Got on to write “It gets easier!” and I’m still here…..ha ha.

    So, must go now!!!!!

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