Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,470 replies, has 835 voices, and was last updated by  Anzac65 3 days, 17 hours ago.

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  • Good evening everyone.

    I’m still keeping in lower eating mode. About 1160 calories today, and when I weighed this morning, I was already 0.1 kg below where I was before my indulgent week. Can’t get too excited, though. I’ll have to lose my 2.6 kg of “winter weight gain” before I’ll be back to my autumn “plateau” weight. I don’t think it will take too long, though, to get back down there now it’s finally getting warmer. Not that I enjoy the heat, let me hasten to say, just that I drink more fluids and have less appetite when it’s warmer.

    The plan for the weekend is to have two slightly more normal eating days – a bit closer to my current TDEE, but not above it, then some more days below what my projected TDEE will be when I reach the final goal weight. If possible, I’ll throw in one or two FD800s, but I’m not pushing it.

    Good luck with the bicycle trip, Neilithicman, and do post a photo or two next week.

    Cinque, good that you got your hair henna-ed. You must feel much better now. Did you get the NBN connected?

    LJoyce, sorry to read of the gastro. Not surprised you feel washed out. You were sensible in not pushing your body too hard today.

    Any further developments a work, Anzac65? Did you manage to rectify the error, or are you still working on it, which is why we’re missing you here?

    GDayfromSA, it’s been very silent from you for a while – is everything okay?

    Hi to everyone else, Intesha, Penguin, CalifDreamer – oh, are the fires in California well away from you; is everyone you know safe? , Merryme, sandcastle, thin (if you’re around), and anyone who hasn’t immediately come to mind. Oh, and Klondikekween, where are you???

    Hi all

    Been very busy with party prep and a few other distractions but couldn’t not pop in and wish Neil a happy birthday and good luck for the ride. I’ll try and catch up next week when everything should be more normal. Also Intesha, another October birthday, hope you had a good day. I haven’t even been lurking so I hope all is well with all of you. Did see a peep from Thin, glad she hasn’t forgotten us.

    Good morning all.

    LJoyce, so sorry to hear of that awful bout of gastro, a relief that it was short lived, and I hope you have your bounce back today.
    Nice accountability.

    Betsy you are on a great roll. Summer will make everything easier and you have six months to think about how you will manage next Autumn and Winter. You might like to just ride them out on a plateau, or come up with some great strategies to counteract the cold. But whichever way you will be in good shape to decide. Yay summer.

    My insight yesterday was that too much bread is not a good thing! (yes, I know you all know already). It was beautiful home made bread with lots of fibre in it, but I ate lots for breakfast and lunch and had a day when I was exhausted and didn’t sleep well (compared to lately). I am sure they are connected. I have been eating less carbs lately and I can tell I feel better for it. Only a small serve of bread a day for me from now on! And none today.

    Isn’t it just wonderful to have a useful insight. The future looks good.

    Sending good wishes to Neil on his trip, and shouting out to everyone to have a lovely weekend.

    ‘Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.’

    Ooh Klondi, so pleased to see your post, and thanks for the reminder of Inteshas birthday! The week has flashed by.
    Was your party prep for the family party catering to a diverstiy of eating needs?

    I meant to say re the warrigal greens, you can keep them in the pot and let it flower and seed in summer, they are meant to be very easy to grow from seed. Or if you decide to get it out of the pot and plant it in the garden, I do hope it growns well. They do grown big when they are happy. One plant is plenty for me. If it dies and you would like to try again, let me know and I will gather seeds or try a cutting.

    Intesha I had it in my mind to ask after your stomach pains when I was commenting on LJoyce’s stomach pains (Oh my deficient brain!). Is the pain gone? I hope you are feeling beautifully ready for your birthday.

    Happy birthday to everyone celebrating this weekend – Intesha, Neil, Klondi – have I forgotten anyone? I hope you are all well and enjoy your chosen celebrations.

    Cinque, the lesson on moderation is always learned the hard way isn’t it. Hard to resist freshly baked bread though.

    Neil, hope you have a wonderful and safe trip.

    Betsy, you are doing so well with your controlled days. I think once you start setting a pattern it gets easier.

    Anzac, I know this is the delayed weekend from hell where you all work to getting the new system live by Monday – I hope all goes much better than you expect. Take care.

    We’ll change of plans. I burst a tyre 38 kilometres into my ride and I had to walk the last 6 kilometres with my bike to the camping ground that I’m staying at. The place that used to do repairs has closed down and I don’t have the gear to fix it, so tomorrow I’m going to literally walk a marathon to get back to my car, I’ll drive back to the camping ground, stay tomorrow night and then on Monday I’ll head back home as planned. I can’t believe how fit I am though. It only took me an hour and a half to bike the 38 kms before I got my puncture and then another hour to walk the last 6 kms with my bike and I’ve still got plenty of energy left.

    It’ll likely be an 8 hour+ walk tomorrow to cover the 43-44 kilometres back to Lawrence

    Neil, you do know how to make a biking holiday interesting don’t you! I hope the long walk tomorrow is better than you hoped.

    My eating was again a bit more than I hoped today, but not excessive. I think part of the excess is a reaction to the cold day and also the increase in grain based foods over the last 2 days. At least the cold day meant that I got a solid 1 hour walk done, plus some gardening.

    Today’s food:
    – 2 pots of tea
    – small banana with peanut butter
    – 1/2 toasted sourdough roll topped with grilled haloumi and about 3 cups of chunky salsa salad (tomatoes, cucumber, capsicum, parsley, lemon juice and EVO)
    – 3 corn thins with a smear of cream cheese x 2 (I had some, then went back for more later)
    – 20g red leicester cheese
    – bowl of thai carrot & sweet potato soup, 55g pumpkin-herb sourdough toast with 2 boiled eggs
    – 2 hot almond milk drinks

    I’m not hungry now, so hopefully that’s the end of the eating for today.
    I’m doing a FD tomorrow.

    Good evening everyone!

    Well, as expected, I ate more today, having happily weighed and measured this morning. Unfortunately, the measurements haven’t caught up with the recent decrease in weight yet, but I know they will. Just need patience and to persevere. Slightly over my current TDEE, but will ensure I’m under it tomorrow, and back to CDs on Monday. Around 1960 cals today, which is 300 cals over my current TDEE.

    Great, LJoyce, to see you maintaining your accountability – you’ll note that I’m just writing down my calorie intake here, but it’s still a form of accountability.

    Klondikekween, hope the party goes off well, and everyone finds something they can not only eat, but enjoy.

    Cinque, yes I agree with you re bread. My local Coles store has stopped stocking rye/sourdough lunch rolls and instead are promoting the Yves(?) Laurent ones instead – decided to weigh the one I got out of the freezer to eat – 150 gms, which is about 360 calories. Eek! The normal ones I’d been buying were only about 100 gms. So, I’ve 2 more to eat, and any time I eat one, that and filling will have to be about nearly all that I eat in a day. If I buy them again, I’ll cut them in half and freeze the halves. I have to buy the rye/sourdough ones; with the plain sourdough ones, I get a dizzy “off” reaction about 2 hours after eating one, which doesn’t happen if there’s rye as well.

    Happy birthday to all the birthday gals and guys celebrating around this time.

    Neilithicman, what a disaster of a bike ride. Hope you make it back to your car okay tomorrow. More to the point, will you be able to watch the rugby?? 🙂

    Enjoy the weekend!

    Sunday morning, cool here but a lovely day.
    Oh Neil, what bad luck with the puncture and the bike shop closed. So glad you are feeling fit enough for the long walk. I envy that and hope you enjoy it.
    Happy Birthday wishes https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7d/1f/8e/7d1f8e879ae27ae6efc1733c47e6c162.jpg

    Happy Birthday Intesha https://theluxuryspot.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/bloomthat-big-bouquet-product-1500×2100-e1517519485112.jpg Ooh what a big bunch I am giving you. 😉

    LJoyce, yes, I am not Ms Moderation by nature. I have to learn that lesson again and again, haha.

    Ooh yes Anzac, best wishes from me too. Fingers crossed it is all going more smoothly than expected.

    And I wonder if Cali is stuck with no electricity again. Scary stuff in California again.

    Klondi I am so enjoying lovely limes and particularly delicious fets. Tankyou.

    Betsy great solution to eat half a bun at a time. I hoe you have a great day today at nicely under your TDEE.

    I will be going well under my TDEE today. Yay, Yes! I’m doing a proper fast day. I am about to make my dashi for miso soup tonight, and I have nettle soup if I need something in the early afternoon (which I am pretty sure I will). So nice to be back to lovely basic 5:2.

    Best wishes to everyone.

    Good morning all, a quick post to say hi and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Neil and Intesha. How are you feeling now Intesha? I hope the tummy pains have gone away

    Working today (from home) but it is all going well. The Blunder Of The Century is long behind me and I received so much support from all kinds of places I decided to just let it go. Did I mention that in having to do a retest we found two other issues (from other teams) that we wouldn’t have found otherwise that would have caused a lot of disruption? Silver lining indeed

    I was very thankful to be able to WFH on Friday as it was so hot. Also, Mr Anzac had a big cricket lunch with his old club in town and so I was able to keep Maxx indoors with the air-con. He (Mr Anzac) hardly ever goes out so I was glad he could have a nice day with his old friends.

    Not eating badly but also not that well so am still maintaining around the low 83’s. Next week we go into full business support which involves my team sitting in a meeting room waiting for cries of help from the users. This is a good thing when trying to stay low calorie as you have more accountability when sitting with others. If that makes sense? They all know I’m trying to lose weight

    Bad luck about the puncture Neil. I’m sure you are as upset as Mr Anzac about the Rugby results

    Sorry to hear about your horrible gastro LJ, glad it was short lived.

    Besty, you sound like you are doing really well and I will take lots of inspiration from you. 5 weeks today until F day (flying day) and I still want to be in the 70’s.

    Good luck with your FD today Cinque, not that you need it. I’m with you about bread; if I overdo it I really feel BLERGH and bloated.

    Quacka, whoo hoo for your B2B2B and losses. I too sleep better after a wine or two and I don’t know that it is such a bad thing. So long as it isn’t a wine or twenty of course.

    Hi Klondi, lovely to hear from you

    Ok back to work. Hubby is cleaning the pool so I am looking forward to a swim later. It’s only going to be 23 today after being 32 yesterday and 36 on Friday.

    Hi everyone

    Well I got saved. I set off walking this morning at 6:30 am and I got about 5 kilometres in and realised I didn’t have my sun screen with me. My skin is too pale to walk 8 hours without protection so I turned around and came back. I was pondering hitch-hiking ack to my car because I didn’t relish the idea of walking another 8 hours on top of the 1 1/2-2 hours I’d already done. Then the guy who owned the cafe in town offered to lend me his bike, so 2 hours later I had biked the 44 kilometres back to my car. I drove back to Millers flat and dropped his bike back, headed to the next major town to get a new inner tube (and a box of beer for the guy who lent me his bike) and I’ll have mine fixed up and on the road this afternoon. Now I have my car here I might even be able to conquer the last 30 km of the track this afternoon and tomorrow.

    Anzac, there always silver linings I find. I’m glad this phase of the project is over for you in a way that has resolved itself rather well. If you are shut into a room next week, just make sure you take your bag of suitable foods with you to get you through.

    Betsy, I occasionally buy those Laurent sourdough rolls – mine usually weight 140g, which is why I try to eat only half. Yesterday I invited a friend for lunch so it easy to limit myself to half. Best to cut them before freezing I find.

    Cinque, I’m joining you in a FD today.

    Neil thinking of your long trek today. Please let us know that you safely made it back to your car after that all day walk.

    As to the rugby, commiserations Neil and Mr Anzac and congratulations Penguin.

    Near the end of the week I struggled a bit with the 1000cal target, although it was ok while the days were hot. This week has the same roller coaster weather forecast, with a 19-20C weekend, steadily rising to very high 30s by Thursday before sharply dropping to 19-20C again. So this week I’m setting a NFD target range of 1200-1400cals (just under my TDEE) and I expect that to be easier on the hot days. The next couple of weekends present social food challenges with a supper, a concert-picnic and a birthday meal, so I’m going to have to be particularly careful through the week.

    Have a nice Sunday all.

    Neil – Our posts crossed. Glad to hear you are safe and found a good samaritan. Enjoy the rest of the cycling.

    This is going to be a short one because we’re one of the hundreds of thousands of people without power because of the fire danger. There is no wind here yet but it is dry and we’re probably on the same grid with people far away that are experiencing wind. There’s a huge fire up northeast of where we are, near Geyserville and over 50,000 people have been evacuated. We are far enough away that we don’t have any smoke here. From what we hear we may be without electricity for 2 or 3 days. Luckily we bought a generator last week which is big enough to power a few things, mainly a space heater in the bird’s room.

    Happy Birthday to Neil and Intesha! Hope you had a happy day.

    We’re having the two upstairs bathrooms remodeled next month and we’re getting down to the wire for selecting tile and a tub. That’s one of the reasons I have been absent from here for a few days. I’ll have catch up soon.

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

    Cali, take care. I hope the fires are controlled soon and that your power blackout is not as long as you fear.

    Cali, that sounds completely terrifying for the poor people who have been evacuated and may lose their homes.

    I hope you are safe and the electricity comes on again soon

    Neil – glad you were rescued!

    Thanks LJ yes, there can always be a silver lining found if you look hard enough. This weather is crazy isn’t it? A friend in Melbourne said they woke up on Friday and it was already 28 degrees but then yesterday when they woke up it was only 8. Madness. Let’s both have really mindful days during the week as I also have some social events coming up so I need to put some low calorie days ‘in the bank’.

    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday all

    Anzac, I’m hoping that you found time to post this evening means your day has not been too horrendous.

    My FD has been ok. Feeling cold made it challenging at times. Food today:
    – 2 pots of tea
    – banana & 2 tsp peanut butter
    – one hard boiled egg
    – bowl of lemon-pumpkin soup
    – hot almond milk drink (for this evening when I need it)

    My estimate is that today is roughly 1800kj/400cals
    I’m happy with that as a good FD usually means a trouble free infusion, which is tomorrow.

    Have a good evening everyone.

    Hi everyone, hope you’re doing well. My CD today was around 1200 cals, and pleasingly, the scales were the same today as yesterday despite the over TDEE day I had then. Plus, the measurements have dropped slightly by today, as well, All positive news. The other good news is that I finally bit the bullet and contacted a lot of the folk who had volunteered to be interviewed, and now have 12 folk lined up for interviews in the next 15 days. That, plus the 8 done already will bring me to 20, which is the minimum number I wanted. An extra 5 would be nice, but not essential.

    Neilithicman, so glad the biking/walking problem got sorted out in a way that meant you still had an opportunity to do some good riding, even if not on your own bike. My commiserations on the rugby result.

    Anzac65, isn’t it great how sometimes good can come out of what seems to be disaster. Being able to find those other 2 problems before start-up is going to save such a lot of hassle. Hope the next couple of days go relatively smoothly, and with good food control.

    LJoyce, yeah, I’d not realised how much the Laurent rolls weighted until I had to weight one for my calorie counting and was shocked. The ones currently int he freezer will have to be thawed as they are, but hereafter, I’ll cut them in two before freezing. Glad you had a good FD today, and hope the infusion goes well for you tomorrow.

    CalifDreamer, pleased to hear from you and to know that you’re all right, though sorry that you’ll have a couple more days without electricity. Hope the fires continue to stay away from you. Glad you didn’t have to face evacuation. Do you have a “fire ready” plan anyway, and all your important documents, etc., ready to be grabbed if you do have to move out? That’s something that gets emphasised here late spring each year.

    Cinque, yay for a good FD.

    Sleep well.

    Beautiful morning here in my part of Melbourne,
    And a delicious morning-after-fast-day breakfast. The best breakfast you can get.

    Yes I had a good fast day, and had an enjoyable time getting some summery clothes out of the clothes chest and putting away most of the woollies. That means a cold snap will arrive soon, but it is not showing up on the weather forecast yet.

    Anzac, good news about your work recovery, it will make a good story! I do hope the weekend went well and this week won’t be too rough.

    Neil, hooray for the cafe owner, I am so glad it all resolved with no sunburn and some excellent bike riding.

    LJoyce, excellent fasty fast day, I hope the infusion is particularly easy today.

    Cali thinking of you and all the poor Californians who must be so exhausted from fires and electricity cuts. Do many houses have solar panels? Hope it is back to normal very soon.

    Betsy that is great to have all your interviewees lined up. I hope the interviews all go well.

    Cheers all, best wishes for mindful eating and non-eating today!

    Good morning, quick post from the ‘war room’ here at work. It is eerily quiet but I guess still early.

    Thanks LJ, yesterday went remarkably well for the project. I only had a small part to play and my part went splendidly. We are now on full time support for the business users.

    I have all my wintery clothes ready for the trip but yesterday turned my attention to the final week where we will be in the Seychelles and therefore needing summer clothes. Well. I live in 3/4 pants in the summer but every pair is too big! Not even a little bit big but waaaaaaay too big! I do have some shorts that fit as I bought some smaller sizes at the end of last summer when Target had a big sale. But, dear me, I now need to go shopping for some pants. I hope I can find some cheap ones because I intend for those to be too big a few months

    Glad you are enjoying your DAFD brekkie Cinque, I agree there is nothing better. My next FD is tomorrow

    Oops, I hear someone asking some questions. Must go

    Well I conquered the Clutha gold cycle trail! I fixed up my bike yesterday afternoon and I did the 20 kilometre section from Roxburgh to the dam and back and I was still feeling pretty good so I did the 11 kilometres section from Roxburgh to Pinders Pond and back, so I ended up cycling 75 kilometres and walking 10. This morning I did the last 30 kilometre section from Millers Flat to Pinders Pond and back. I really pushed it on the way back and did the 15 kilometres from the pond back to the car in 35 minutes, an average of around 26 kilometres per hour. I’m so proud of myself. I’ll put a couple of pictures up later. Tomorrow is my birthday, so I’ll weigh myself to see how my cycle trip affected my weight. I burned a lot of calories but I ate a lot of calories so I’ll probably end up about the same weight. Yesterday alone I ate about 3500-4000 calories 😁

    Good afternoon everyone

    Anzac, but clothing is a good issue. You could try to find some second hand clothing – if you only need this size for one season it’s the most economical option.

    Neil, I’m all admiration for your efforts. It shows you just how fit your months of dieting and exercise have made you. Well done, I hope you really enjoyed it.

    Betsy, you really are on a roll with your CDs. I hope we can both manage that this week too.
    I hope those interviews go well. You may find that people you interview may be able to recommend someone else who would be a good interview subject if you want to increase your numbers. This is a very flawed sampling method, but if you are using the interviews just as qualitative data, it would not matter. From the work you have described previously, it sounds like you have already done the quantitative data collection and analysis. I always think of the qualitative data as adding personality, personal experience and heart to a research project. It reminds that that the quantitative data we analysed is about real people and their personal experience matters.

    I just turned a 1kg tub of plain Jalna greek yoghurt (my favourite) into raspberry yoghurt. I thawed and mashed 3/4 packet of frozen raspberries with a few fresh strawberries, added stevia, a little maple syrup and vanilla essence and then mixed it well into the yoghurt. The result is far nicer than any fruit yoghurt I can buy and contains real fruit and a fraction of the sugar. I also do the same thing with frozen blueberries or fresh/frozen passionfruit. I might give peaches a go in the summer – perhaps mixed with passionfruit. I find with commercially flavoured yoghurts they either have low fat and loads of sugar, or full fat and loads of sugar or artificial sweetener and low fat. I can’t get a full fat yoghurt with stevia, so I realised I’d just have to make my own. As it blows the flavour of the commercial ones out of the water, I’ve kept doing it.

    The nurse was meant to come at 1pm, but she switched that to 5pm so I’m changing my afternoon plans. I’ll do some cooking.

    FD went well, but I’m feeling rather hungry today and I’m trying to talk myself out of snacks.

    Hi all and thank you for the birthday wishes. Had a lovely lunch with my son and family at a Japanese themed restaurant so didn’t overly eat. It was the salted caramel chocolate mousse that did the damage.

    My weight has been steadily going down and I am hoping after my two FD’s this week I will be back in the 60’s. My weight this time last year was only 900grms less but still way above my lowest of 64.5 way back in March 2017. Still I’ve come a long way from the 87.1 when I started this way of life in February 2015 and it is a way of life.

    Neil well done on your bike ride and all the issues that went with it.

    Anzac you are a star and you have proved yourself in more ways than one. You have hung in there and you will win this. It’s a marathon not a sprint and I think a few of us are a testament to that.

    I have not had anymore tummy issues so hopefully that will be it.

    Cali hope all is well in your part of the world. We all seem to be battling fires.

    Best wishes to Quacka , LJoyce, Betsy, Cinque, Klondi and anyone else I have missed.

    The nurse has just left, so a chance to post while my dinner is baking.

    Nice photos Neil. I especially like the lake photo at the end with the tree line reflected in the water. I’m glad your bike ride allowed you time to enjoy and photograph the scenery.

    Intesha, I’m very pleased to hear you had a nice family lunch for your birthday.
    Good also that your weight is declining now that you are back on 5:2.

    Accountability for today (aimed for 1200-1400cals)
    – 2 pots of tea
    – banana
    – spinach-kale-ricotta-feta in filo pastry
    – raspberry yoghurt
    – 50g low fat cheddar
    – a handful potato crisps (homemade in airfryer)
    – mushroom yoghurt pie with a grated vegetable crust
    – cocoa

    I grated a pile of carrot, zucchini and potato and lined a large and small pie dish with it. It took aged to crisp, but I now have two pastryless pie shells to use. I’ve made a pie filling with yoghurt, onion, mushrooms, zucchini & fresh thyme. That’s in the little pie shell and I’m now baking that for dinner. I’ve refrigerated the larger pie shell and will make that into an asparagus, cherry tomato, sorrel and feta quiche tomorrow.
    When I was putting the veg through the grater on my kitchenaid, I had to cut some of the potatoes to fit. As I don’t like waste I decided to shave those bits and sprinkle them with herbs and sumac and airfry them. They were essentially salt free potato crisps, but they were surprisingly good. I’ll have to remember that when I’m craving potato chips.

    I do with I hadn’t eaten so much cheese this afternoon. Unfortunately the nurse was due at 5pm and I was getting hungry but didn’t have time for dinner before she arrives. Which is why I kept returning to the fridge for another slice of cheese!

    I’m going out for a pub lunch tomorrow so I’ll have to navigate an unfamiliar menu.

    Good morning SHs from the NH,

    Yes I DID read your reply thank you Cinque, as well as Anzac’s lovely message, Neil’s, LJ’s, Lindsay’s. Hi Betsy, Quacka, Klond, PerthGirl, and who have I missed?

    Cinque, too much of anything isn’t good for you, otherwise it wouldn’t be ‘too much’. I continue to keep my bread consumption to nil unless I’m only having soup and then I allow myself a small portion if it’s very good bread. I read before that you were feeling tired, I hope that was a one-off from baby-sitting and not an on-going product of your illness.

    My FDs seem to have moved to Mondays for the first time ever. Mondays always seemed a droll enough day as they were without adding a FD. But, now that I’ve lost track of the days of the week, it doesn’t really matter. OH has discovered pub Sunday lunches so Sundays are no longer an option. Total blowout yesterday, or should I say ‘feast day’ before today’s famine.

    I weigh 58kg on my veretta travel scales which equals 57kg on my scales left in Perth. Happy with that but can’t let my guard down. There were two ‘Hairy Dieters’ books left on the boat and I found some suitable recipes that we can both eat on my FDs. I’ve trained myself to go all day without eating on FDs (I miss my cauliflower soup) but I have also added two frothy coffees. It seems to be going fine but I am concerned by the number of pub meals! Surely not sustainable.

    Anzac, well done with your pants being too big. Trip to the op shop to drop them off? There are so many charity shops in all the towns here, some have beautifully presented items. Not long until your trip now.

    Intesha, thank you for your email before I left Perth. I’m sorry that I don’t have a good enough connection to reply individually. I am writing all this elsewhere and then waiting for a connection to post. Happy belated Birthday to those celebrating.

    CalifD, sorry about the power outage, OH was telling me about it. Now that we are living in a marina near a village with one Co-op (like an IGA 30 years ago), 3 pubs and a PO, I am seeing the value of Amazon! Often think of you as I browse. Having expended all that effort in downsizing though, OH and I decided that we require two signatures for any future purchases, ha ha! I love my minimalist life owning only what I actually need.

    The weather is cold by Oz standards but it’s surprising how warm a 12C sunny day can feel here. We manage a good walk every day through soggy fields, over stiles and between hedge rows. We pass healthy, content looking cows and herds of skittish deer. Our boat is toasty warm and we are very comfortable. Prism windows in the roof make it very light even on an overcast day; I am often trying to turn off lights that aren’t actually on. We have now ventured out into the canal all by ourselves, OH managed to turn the 57′ beast around and I steered through a narrow tunnel without hitting anything – so we are learning. It’s like steering a log. We have to pinch ourselves to remember that, when we get too cold, Spain is now £25 and 2 hours away, not $1500 and 23 hours!

    That’s it from me, there’s so much to do so I am trying to spend mimimal time on the internet. Thank you for letting me post in the wrong hemisphere. And all the very best to all of you.

    Hi everyone, hope you’ve had a good day.

    Calorie count for today about 1420 cals, so a not too bad CD. Weigh-in this morning was 200 gm below the start of October, so things are now moving in the right direction. Yay for calorie counting!

    Cinque, getting out the warmer clothes and putting away the woollies is dangerous in Melbourne – forecast is for warm mid-to-late week, then cooler again.

    Anzac65, I hear you re summer clothes being too big now. With Melbourne’s recent mid-thirties temp, I was looking for one of my favourite pairs of shorts, then realised I’d probably sent them off to the op shop. Maybe not, I’ll have another hunt, but I think that’s where they’ve gone. Which is a good thing, even if I miss them. Anyway, as LJoyce said, maybe look for some things in the op shop, to reduce costs, because as you wrote, you won’t need them after this summer; they’ll also be too big.

    Neilithicman, what a huge amount of cycling you did, and thanks for posting the photos. I was expecting one of you with the bike, but… Hope your weigh-in tomorrow goes all right.

    LJoyce, re the interviews, I’m focussing on interviewing some of the folk who did my survey, to ask for expansion of some of their answers, plus add a few additional ones. You have echoed one of my professor’s comments, about adding personal comments to the drier data. I actually couldn’t ask anyone to recommend someone else, because the Aust. Govt Ethics requirements don’t allow that any more. I have had to find my own people, even for my surveys.
    By the way, I love the way you converted full-fat yoghurt to fruit yoghurt. That’s been one of my frustrations – being unable to find full-fat yoghurt that is low sugar.

    Intesha, glad you had a lovely birthday celebration, and great that the weight is now going down. It’s such a good feeling, isn’t it?

    Keep on keeping on, everyone.

    Hi all,

    Nice to hear from you Thin. My OH managed to hit the canal wall and take out a tyre bumper the first time he turned our 57′ rental boat around, and I fell into the canal trying “pole off” a muddy bank, so well done on your first outing.

    Neil, congratulations on achieving your goal (albeit the hard way) on the weekend! If I can offer two words of advice for cycle ‘touring’ it would be Schwalbe Marathons. In about 8000 km of cycle touring in Europe we have never punctured an inner tube. We have them on 6 of our bikes and Schwalbe Marathon Plus on our two mountain bikes.

    Best wishes all


    Hi PerthGirl, I laughed out loud – but only because I know it can (and probably will) happen to us just as easily. I have just been for a practice turn in the winding hole and something fell off the front end, hopefully it wasn’t terribly important.

    Neil, I read some time back that you had reached a teeny 91kg. I can’t remember if I commented but I meant to. Well done. Your life must be so different now from when you joined this forum. I wonder if the goal PG is referring to is your fasting goal? 90kgs? Or a cycling goal. PG is an expert in both endeavours.

    Oh, and speaking of endeavours, Cinque, I forgot to say that the previous owners of our boat left a nice DVD collection including series three of Endeavour and a box set of Lewis. I know you’ll remember him.

    Betsy, reading your post reminded me also that I enjoyed seeing your photo with Cinque and Klond. Nice that we can match up so many people with their mug shots now.

    Wow! Weighed in this morning and I am now under goal weight!!!! I weighed myself before I left for my trip and I was 90.8 kilos, this morning I tipped the scales at just 88.8 kilos! That’s the best birthday present I could give myself.

    Great to see Thin back on the thread again, looks like you’re having plenty of adventures on your barge life.

    Perth girl, It was more than a puncture, I managed to hit the top of a rusty Waratah that was sticking out of the ground for some reason, I’m not sure any inner tube would have coped with it 😉

    Betsy, yay for moving in the right direction!

    LJoyce – yes that is Pinders Pond, I used to spend many hours swimming in there when I was picking fruit in central in my teens. It’s actually an old gold mining pit that filled in when they abandoned it in the late 1800s. It’s probably a bit chilly for swimming at this time of year though.

    Have a great day everyone, and I’m definitely going to be enjoying my celebration sausage roll today. 😁

    Quick post from a lurker who is about to start travelling and so will continue to lurk.

    Neil. Well done, very well done.

    Cali we need to average out our climates. The road along the river valley is under four feet of water. We live 500 feet above it, so this morning we had a hard frost.

    Good morning – another sunny day 26 degrees in Sydney

    Thin! Hello!!! (some welcoming exclamation marks tee hee). So lovely to hear from you and what an adventure you are having. I do wish we had more time in the UK so I could track you down and meet you; but sadly we only have a few days in London to catch up with my nephew and also some of the lovely people on the little Labrador forum I am on. I am very excited about that because, just like here, they have become like family

    Neil, yikes – you will have caught up to me soon! That is an incredible result. I suddenly have a hankering for a sausage roll, but not today as it is a FD. I couldn’t open your photos as my work laptop blocks it but I’ll have a look either on my phone later or at home

    Yesterday’s first day of live production went really well. A few glitches but considering it has been a 3 year lead up we were all amazed. We had very senior management wandering round the floor as this project has a very high visibility both at board level and with the regulators. I was home by 6.45pm last night whereas the last big implementation in 2014 I didn’t make it home for 3 days. Hubby had to bring clothes into work and we all slept under desks. I did 16-17 hour days for 6 weeks and it nearly did us all in. It was the most stressful thing I’ve ever experienced. Never. Ever. Again. At the end of it we did a trip to Sri Lanka and hubby said he put a pale, trembling wife on the plane and came home with a normal one (ha ha). Our first 3 days were at a tiny place where you live in your own hut (open sided) next to a lake and the only people you see are the owners who bring you food and water. We had Christmas Day there, just the two of us and a few curious dogs and it was the most healing thing ever.

    Intesha, thank you for your lovely words and I’m glad you are back in the swing of things and heading back in the 60’s. You are inspiring me to forge ahead and get into the 70’s for the trip. You also sound a bit more positive and I’m so happy to ‘hear’ this.

    Enjoy your pub lunch today LJ, I’m sure you will find something healthy. There is a large Op shop not far from me so I am going to have a look on Saturday for some summer pants to take away. I figure two pairs will be enough as I will live in shorts during the day. I also need a new cozzie but I will buy that one new of course.

    I bought a Huawei health band and it arrived last night. I managed to get it going and synced to my phone. I’ve wanted one for ages. It is the FitBit that you have when you don’t want to pay a lot of money for the same thing. It measures steps, heart rate, sleep and lots of other things. I mainly want to measure my steps and aim for 10,000 per day. I know it will inspire me to move more plus I want to see how many steps we do when we are away.

    Hey Betsy, you are also really getting back into the swing of things. Whoo Hoo!

    NNNNFD today. I’m just having my second black coffee and have had 600ml of water already. I have the usual small thai beef salad for lunch, an apple, a kiwifruit and will have chicken and vege stir fry for dinner. The scales crept up this morning but they will be smashing back down by the end of the week. I. Will. Be. In. The. 82’s.

    Take care all, will check in regularly and post if I can

    Oooh it is like old times!

    Hi Thin, so good to read your catch up!
    Thanks for that message, sigh, I do eventually learn things 😉
    And aren’t you Ms Flexible with those Monday fast days! We might never get back in sync.

    Your canal boat’s previous owner sounds very kindred spirit with those Hairy Dieter books and Endeavour and Lewis dvd’s. It must have a lovely atmosphere. It sounds so beautiful and I am glad you have so much enjoyable stuff to do.
    Catching up with DD must one, best wishes to her as well as you and Mr T.
    Ooh I think you will love minimalist living, Mr Thin doesn’t stand a chance.

    Intesha, that sounds like a really lovely birthday meal, and what a special treat that mousse would have been. It must feel so much better to be getting back to the wieght you like to be, and I am so glad the pain was transient (touch wood and whistle). Have you started working out how you will give yourself travels and nurturing times in this new year of your life?

    Neil, I get to give you another Birthday bunch of flowers https://res.cloudinary.com/bloomnation/c_pad,d_vendor:global:catalog:product:image.png,f_auto,fl_preserve_transparency,q_auto/v1565400227/vendor/4740/catalog/product/2/0/20180929045936_file_5bafaf78c8144.jpg
    and they also celebrate your bursting the 90kg goal! Just wonderful. Not to mention having such a successful trip. Beautiful photos, so good for the soul.

    LJoyce, what a long wait for your infusion. I hope today is easy. Oh yum, you make me want to make those veggie crusts again, and your chips sound wonderful.
    I do hope there is at least one lovely choice for your pub lunch today.

    Betsy, you will be relieved that I didn’t pack away all my jumpers, so I won’t be causing a Melbourne freeze, there will be someone else to blame if that happens.
    I do hope those interviews are able to give some lovely anecdotes and life to enrich your data.

    Penguin, bon voyage. Have a lovely travel. I have an anecdote for you, but I will put it on the science-y thread where it belongs. Nice to know you are lurking and glad you are getting away from such a freeze!

    Anzac, big congratulations to you and everyone working on the project. Wow, I am SO glad it wasn’t like last time! What a tale, I am very glad you had that time in Sri Lanka to recover.
    Good luck op shopping, I do hope they have some lovely choices for you. (I am well enough to get back to op shopping, I am so excited!). And what fun you will have with that clever band telling you all about yourself.

    Hello Perthgirl, it is always a treat when you post.

    Cheers to everyone

    Good Morning everyone

    Monday’s FD went well yesterday even though I was still very tired after a big weekend. It was probably around 400 calories for the day with eggs and salad for dinner. Have I mentioned how much I am liking eggs for FD’s? They really are amazing food, and tasty as well! I am having a NFD today but it is going to be very controlled. I have lunch of some more boiled eggs and salad and dinner will be steak, asparagus, mushrooms and maybe a little salad as well. I’m making the most of the Australian Asparagus season for sure.

    On the weekend we drove four hours up to the Blue Mountains to spend a couple of days with my parents. We found out the week before last, that my father is not well and I have been very worried about him and Mum also. We couldn’t get up to see him until Friday because my OH’s work has been crazy busy and he is under a lot of stress with it all. So that is why I wasn’t sleeping last week. I just needed to see my parents! I actually managed to sleep on the two nights that we stayed with them (not perfect sleep but way better than none) and the last two nights at home I have also slept.
    We got to spend some quality time with them on Friday before the onslaught of visitors arrived on Saturday. Mum and I spent the morning cooking which is always nice and I was glad to be there to help her with it all.

    I started doing my walking early in the morning again last week as I thought it may help deal with the stress and maybe help me to sleep. I’ve been for a lovely long walk again this morning. I always feel so much better when I can get out for a walk. It’s very soothing to the soul to be up watching the mist rise over the water and the sun peeping over the top of the headland. Just beautiful.

    OK enough about me.

    Neil, your bike ride was definitely an adventure! I’m glad it managed to work out in the end and that you had a great time. Thanks for the photos and congratulations on your new low weight! You are proof that exercise AND diet are the key to dropping the weight. Well done.

    Thin, it’s so lovely to hear from you. It sounds like you are having a great adventure too. yes, I hope the thing that fell off the front wasn’t important too! lol 😉

    Anzac, yay! So good to hear the project has gone live, without too many glitches and that you didn’t have to spend 3 days at work….wth??? Good luck with your FD today, not that you will need it because I think you sound like you are in the right frame of mind. It’s great to hear that.

    Intesha, lovely to hear that you had a nice birthday. I love Japanese food and I always feel full but still light after a meal at a Japanese restaurant. I’m a big fan of sashimi but I also love the Octopus balls they make, oh and the seaweed salad and, and…….I best divert my thoughts I think!

    LJ, your veggie pie crust sounds really yummy. DO you put egg in the mixture or does it just manage to stick together without it? I hope you enjoy your pub meal today 🙂

    Hi Penguin and PG. Good to hear from you both. Hi Betsy, Cali, Cinque and Klondi too. Also to anyone just lurking, hello!

    I best go and do a bit of work. Black coffee has just been ordered so I’m looking forward to that in a few minutes. Have a really happy day everyone xx

    Hi all

    Anzac. Just reading back on your posts, well done on navigating that rocky stretch. So good that your colleagues and bosses respected your honesty and supported you. That must make you feel better and some good has come out of it, not just finding those other potential problems. It’s nice that all that work has paid off and the little gremlins which sneak into computer systems seemed to have been thwarted. Not long for that trip now and it looks like you will have less reason to stress eat. Op shops are the best, once you start looking you will find all sorts of gems

    Neil. Well done on all fronts. That bike ride sounds awesome and although the walk would have been tough, the fact that you felt you could do it shows how far you have come. It must have been so satisfying to complete all that riding and your scenery looks magnificent but would have loved to have seen one of you and your bike as well. Don’t be shy. I hope you were thoroughly pampered for your birthday and I’m sure you will be looking forward to the next year in a very different way to your last birthday.

    Thin. I thought you were the decluttering queen. What’s this about discovering Amazon. What a delightful challenge, learning how to manage your ‘log’, is there a large network of canals that you can explore or are you limited to one area. I’m sure you will survive pub lunches. Just think of your new WOL as 1-5-1, one FD, 5 NFD, 1 PL, you will be fine.

    Intesha. Glad you are feeling better, both with stomach pains and eating, it seems your little reset in NZ and a nice birthday have helped you feel much brighter.

    Cinque. The Warrigul greens are doing nicely in the pot so I think I will leave them there, they are where they can get all the rain and full sun. You sound as if you have finally thrown that bug. How did that NBN connection go, any hiccups afterwards. Yes, my prep was for the joint birthday party I had with DD who turned 40. Of course, we over-catered and now have to deal with yummy left overs. Do we have to blame you for our cold snap on the weekend, don’t put away your winter woollies yet, Melbourne still has a few surprises for us.

    Betsy. You are sounding like a warrior woman, all that control and progress with your research. Do you think hosting this months challenge has been a help in focussing your mind. I’m sure you will have reached your goal. I found calorie counting and recording the best way to keep on track.

    LJ. Your yoghurt sounds scrumptious, I have thought of doing something similar but wondered if the fruit went off. I make my own yoghurt which means it has no added sugar and a kilo lasts us about a week. If I added fruit, would it stay fresh for that long. Have you considered making your own yoghurt, super easy once you have the equipment and a litre costs about $1. Those potato crisps sound good, I’m still trying to get better potato and sweet potato fries. They cook ok but I would like to get them crisper.

    Cali. I’ve been thinking of you with all the terrible weather reports coming from your end of town. It’s a relief to know you aren’t affected by the fires but doing without electricity is not fun. I thought you might be over the worst since you are well into autumn but these dangerous conditions seem to extend much longer. Parts of Queensland had fires in September and there will still be a risk right until March. Hope your bathroom renovations go well, I did mine last year and was surprised at how many decisions had to be made for such a small area.

    Hi, Penguin, nice to know you are still around, hope the travel is fun.

    Well, it was a busy few weeks but all the events are over now and the party on Sunday was lovely. My DD is turning 40 on Wednesday so we shared the day and as her friends have been around for ever, they have become my friends too so it was a very sociable occasion. I was looking forward to an uneventful week when I got a call from DS to say DIL had fallen and broken her arm. She has a shopping list of medical, emotional and psychological issues and didn’t need this. She is allergic to opioids and other pain medications react with her current meds so no pain relief available. Fortunately, it was a simple fracture of the radius near the elbow and should heal well and fairly quickly however she can’t drive for 6 weeks and her two children are both on the spectrum and have multiple therapy appointments. Guess who will be giving the Red Baron a work out not to mention other support. They only live about 30 minutes away so it is very easy for me to pop up there often.
    I find myself in a funny place at the moment, after religiously recording my food on MFP, reading the forum daily and conscientiously eating smaller meals for the last 10 months, reaching goal has derailed me a bit. I have put on a couple of kilos but that is fine as I think 60k was too low. Having all the temptation around me hasn’t helped but I have started grazing again and eating for eating sake. So I am now challenging myself to resume all my good habits and not self sabotage. I really like where I am so it would be really silly to lose that motivation, being here on the forum is a big part of staying on track. As everyone says, reading about your efforts helps me with mine.

    Quakka. Our posts crossed. How nice you could get to see your parents and have that quality time together. Hope that they stay well. You are sounding as if you are very grounded and making good decisions around your health and well being. Keep it up.

    Hi again, thanks for the messages of congratulations, I didn’t have any pics of me on my bike because I was travelling alone and I didn’t have anyone to take a shot of me. I’m never one for taking selfies either, but I promise that now that I’ve reached my goal weight I’ll put up before and after photos.

    Now that I’ve hit my goal, I’m going to focus the first couple of weeks on staying under 90 kilograms, because I never want to see a 9 in front of my weight again. After that I’ll reassess where I am, The doctor mentioned that my ideal weight is likely in the mid 80s, and before I saw him I was thinking I’d probably try to go a few more kilos, so I’ll probably end up setting a new weight goal somewhere around 84-85 kilos, but I’m not in any hurry to get there, I’m happy with my body now and any more kilos will be a bonus just to fine-tune it.

    p.s. I had so much fun on my bike that I’m already planning my next trip 😉

    Neil. That’s a great album of pics. I love that your son and wife can now fit into your old clothes with you. That must have been fun setting up. You still need some better fitting pants, those look baggy too. Hang onto those old trousers, a great reminder of where you have come from. No wonder people don’t recognise you. The health benefits that come from this must be immeasurable. Your wall looks good too.

    Hi everyone, just checking in.

    So many posts to read. Thin, I missed your last 2 posts, especially the first one, as I think you and I must have been writing at the same time. You sound like you’re having a ball on the boat and it must be such a relief after the neighbour stress you had over the past year or so (or longer?). And to think that you and OH can buzz over to Spain for a measly 25 pounds and a 2 hour flight! Almost sounds like a day trip coming up to suss out the winter retreat. But, where will you moor your boat when away?

    Good to hear from the lurking penguin. Made me think of how Albert Hitchcock always made a cameo appearance in all his films. Blink and you’d miss him. 🙂

    Klondi, like you I am impressed with the LJoyce yoghurt, but you did bring up a good point – how long would it last if fruit is added? Any feedback, LJoyce? By the way, I think the turn-around has been from the calorie counting, and actually documenting what is going into my mouth.
    Which brings me to a point – I’ve begun reading “The Obesity Code”, just the first couple of chapters so far, and it seems that unlike Michael Mosley with his 800 calorie 12-week start-up eating for quick results, Jason Fung is definitely opposed to it, warning of the slowing of metabolism after only a brief period of consistently reduced calories, and that such a slowdown doesn’t reverse with time. I haven’t read far enough yet, but I imagine that he favours 5:2 or 3:4, some form of intermittent fasting, while warning of low calorie diets. He tells of lots of people giving advice, some the opposite to others, and now I see him doing the same compared with Michael Mosley. I’m sure the IF part will be useful, but now? I’m a bit concerned, as a consistent lower intake is what I’m doing at the moment. Does anyone have any observations about this, please?

    Neilithicman, wow and wow again at the photos. What a transformation! And what a lovely family, too.

    Cinque, good that you’re feeling up to op-shop browsing, a real turn for the better.

    Anzac65, enjoy your Huawei health band. I have a Fitbit, and it really helps keep me on track for my exercise and sleep.

    Quakka, lovely to hear from you, and great that you had a good FD. I’m still bracing myself to get back to proper FDs, but maybe having a few boiled eggs on a FD would help??

    Oh, just an extra note – 915 calories today, so almost a FD800, and the scales this morning had me 1 kg below the start of October, so really good movement in the right direction, which is why the book by Jason Fung has concerned me. Also, some not so good news – cholesterol from Monday was 6.0, so I suspect my doctor on Thursday will be pressuring me to start Lipitor, and I just don’t want to!

    Great to hear from so many, hi Intesha and Perth Girl, but it’s almost pumpkin hour, and I have to be up relatively early tomorrow for another interview. Did two today, but five scheduled tomorrow will be more wearing. So, good night all.

    I’ve run out of time to post properly tonight, so I’ll just address the yoghurt issue.

    I initially though that heating/cooking the fruit first would be a safer option for extending the life of the yoghurt once the fruit was added. When using things like berries, I would heat them to boiling point in the microwave first, before cooling them and then mashing well. I got to this conclusion from the texture of the fruit that I find in commercial yoghurt – it looks like cooked or tinned fruit to me (and tinned fruit has been cooked as part of the canning process).

    For my current batch I did heat the strawberries as I wanted them to break down easily. However I decided to take a risk and not cook the frozen raspberries, just thawed and mashed them. It seems to be keeping just as well as previous batches where I’ve cooked the raspberries. I do find that blueberries however, are better heated before mashing as it seems to improve the flavour.

    I have been reticent to add very wet fruits like kiwifruit or melon to yoghurt in case it didn’t keep well. However I have added fresh passionfruit pulp in the past and that was fine for a week.

    In winter I did cook firm fruits (apples and pears) with cinnamon, vanilla, stevia and a little honey and then I combined that with the greek yoghurt. This was different to what I’m doing now as I left the fruit in much bigger pieces and I used equal parts cooked fruit to yoghurt – I sometimes warmed this up before eating. My current blends are about 20% fruit and definitely designed to be eaten chilled.

    For me this has really just been an experiment and so far everything has kept well for a week – I always eat it all in that time as I usually only make 750-1000ml at a time and it tastes so good I want some every day.

    Morning all

    LJ – On the yoghurt, I think the supermarket yogurts add sugar when they cook their berry fruit to make almost a jam/conserve consistency to help it keep longer, so not ideal for home made yoghurt if you’re trying to cut down on sugar, your method sounds good. It also reminds me that I need to get out and prune my raspberry canes.

    Thanks Betsy, I do have an older boy who is 13 and almost as tall as me, but because he’s a teenager he was too cool to do something lame like pose for photos with Dad.

    I indulged in one slice of cake yesterday and then back on a fast day today. I’ll likely try to trim a few more kilos but I’m definitely not in a hurry. I’m going to be cutting one of my fast days and move from 4:3 to 5:2.

    Have a great day everyone

    Hi all, great pictures Neilthicam and what a wonderful achievement, congratulations.

    Quacka, I am not a seafood person so I was not looking forward to the Japanese restaurant. I do love prawns and can eat crab and lobster but that is as far as I can go.

    Betsy I too resisted having to take Lipitor as I am very anti medication unless it is absolutely necessary. I have been going to the same Dr for over ten years and even when I was going through some pretty tough times a few years ago she would not prescribed anti-depressants as she was aware how quickly people can become dependant on them (I did not ask for them), so when she finally told me if I didn’t take the Liptor how it could affect me down the track I gave in. I have been on it for nearly two years now. Things have stabilised and I may not be on it forever so for the sake of your health please consider it.

    First FD of the week over and I can see the 60’s on the horizon another FD tomorrow and hopefully it will be so.

    Off to Pilates this morning.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Another beautiful morning in Melbourne, Wednesday.

    Quacka, I am so glad you got to visit your precious parents on the weekend. It is so hard when you need to be with someone you love and are restrained. It sounds like a very big family weekend, and I’m sending good wishes to your dad.
    I hope you can sleep now, a bit better every night.

    Klondi, good idea re the warrigal greens. I can see little yellow flowers on mine already, and bees visiting them.
    What a great celebration you had, and I guess it was good that DIL’s accident didn’t happen until after it, but oh dear, what an awful thing to happen. As if she hasn’t got enough on her plate! I am so glad you are able to help and I do hope she heals nice and quickly.

    Maintenance seems a current theme here at the moment, with you and Neil working out how you want to manage it and Thin sorting out maintenance at her new normal after that busy time and all the upheaval.

    I found it confusing and a bit up and down, but 5:2 is right there to get back to if needed and I have a feeling that you and Neil (and Thin, it goes without saying: years of practice) will manage it more neatly than I did, and even I only wobbled around for a bit.

    Okay, I’m still wobbling, but not such wild wobbles any more.

    Hmm I think I will post this and write more when I have my pot of coffee beside me.
    See you soon dear ones!

    Post 2

    Still beautiful here!

    Neil, wow! Those are such wonderful pics and you will always remember this birthday! So funny seeing you share your trousers. You are looking so healthy and handsome. Cheers for your next stage.

    Re the yoghurt discussion, I remember yoghurt arriving in the supermarket while I was still at high school and not liking the sharp sourness. When sweetened yoghurt came in I loved it. But when I travelled to Switzerland with my friend Flavia, a few years later, her aunt flavoured yoghurt by stirring in a tblsp of home made jam. It amazed me because it not only tasted delicious (very nice berry jam), but was SO much less sweet than bought yoghurt. I have only ever bought plain yoghurt (or made my own) since then, and added jam or stewed fruit to it.
    Of course in both those ways the sugar was a preservative, and I ate it straight off anyway, so I didn’t worry abut it going off, but I have also made a lot of Bircher muesli in my time (also taught to me by Flavia’s aunt!) with grated apple as well as oats and nuts and seeds in it, and it lasts really well. I think the lacto-bacillus must start working on the raw fruit to preserve it.

    Betsy, what interesting thoughts re the Obesity Code. I haven’t got into his writing so can’t comment on it, but I do keep an ear out for science regarding metabolism and that idea that our bodies remember our highest weight and try to get back there. This has been debunked I think, although I would need to go and hunt the research. I’ll see if others here who know his work have good answers for you, and I can wait until you have finished the book and get your informed view then 🙂 , but I can also dig up that research if you would like me to.

    Thanks re my op shopping, it is such a pleasure! And I did my first lovely food shop yesterday after a few weeks of just nicking out for essentials. In fact I got a bit carried away so instead of my fast day miso soup, I will make a salad bowl for my meal today. My fridge is full!

    Nice work with a good day eating mindfully. Hope you can work out the right decision with the cholesterol meds, I would hate you to have a heart attack or stroke, but I also understand your resistance to such medication. Can you take it for a while and then reduce it as your weight drops?

    Intesha I am so glad you could have a non fish meal at the Japanese restaurant. I hope it has been a lovely pilates lesson, it is the trainer there who is so lovely isn’t it? I hope you have a really good day.

    Well, I have drunk my coffee and need to get going with my fast day. The water has gone off at the flats, without notice, hoping it is back on soon!

    Best wishes to everyone: fast day or normal healthy eating day, office work or navigating a canal boat or planning a bike trip! I’m going to try some housework!
    Bye now.

    Good Morning everyone

    It’s Wednesday FD for me. My controlled day yesterday ended up being about 1000 calories and that was NOT due to the food I ate! Oops 😉

    Betsy, I think being on a consistent very low calorie diet would probably adversely affect your metabolism but in the short term I think it would be ok. Just look at Neil! I don’t think controlled days of around 1000 calories would be considered too low but I think it’s important for our motivation and mental state to have some days where we can be a bit more free with our eating. I don’t mean gorging ourselves, but just not have to worry about staying under a certain limit. For me, the key is how many of those days I have and even how many in a row. FD’s definitely help me there.

    Eggs, where do I start. I have read quite a lot about them and even considered doing the egg diet for a few days but haven’t worked myself up to that yet, mainly because 5:2 is working fine so why fix something that isn’t broken. On a FD when I start thinking about dinner and I am having eggs, I always say “ok, three eggs and salad” or whatever else we are having and then make sure I am under the calories for the day. I put two on my plate with the salad and then usually I don’t even need the third one. It’s really important to eat slowly and savour what you are eating. I’m not sure if it’s the psychological thing of knowing I can have another one if I want to, or if it’s the filling properties of the eggs, but they really work for me. Give it a go Betsy!

    Neil, amazing body transformation! Loved the pics, keep up the great job you are doing!

    I’m just going to chime in on the fruit in yoghurt idea. Personally, I would be very careful about doing that. Anyone remember the rockmelon problem that was making everyone sick? As Neil, said sugar is usually added to the fruit in commercial fruit yoghurt and then it is cooked to make it safe to keep in the yoghurt for an extended period. Raw fruit has all sorts of nasty stuff on the surface which sometimes even washing can not remove entirely. Then the washing itself poses another problem as there is often water clinging to the fruit even if you think you have dried it properly, and that water can breed bacteria. I would just add the fruit to the yoghurt when I was going to eat it. Not trying to sway anyone, just looking out for you all so you don’t make yourselves sick!

    Cinque, thank you for the good wishes for my Dad. Unfortunately he won’t get better and so it will just be a matter of keeping him comfortable until the end. I just found out this morning that it will probably be a lot sooner than I first thought but having never experienced this before, I had no idea really. I am devastated but at the same time I am keeping myself together for now. I really wish I was closer, just so I could be there with them and also just to be there for my Mum. Anyway, we will be going up to see them again soon.

    So on that sad note, I’m going to go and get some work done. I very almost gave up on my FD today but have decided to stick with it, I don’t know why really. I suppose because I don’t really know why I should give up either.

    Oh, I went out for a walk this morning again and there was the most beautiful pink sky. It was changing so quickly and so many different shades of pink. Just before the sun came up there was even a shade of green in between the pink layers. My boss said there is smoke around from the bushfires in Northern NSW so I’m guessing that’s where the green came from.

    I hope you have a lovely day everyone. Make the most of whatever you are doing and enjoy x

    Frantic today but I just wanted to say I’m so very sorry about your Dad Quacka. Thinking of you and your family….

    Quacka. Sorry about your dad. I hope your family can spend good time together and make some great memories.

    Quacka, my thoughts are with you too. I hope you do manage to get enough time with your parents. It’s never easy when they live far away.

    Neil, congratulations on your dramatic weight loss after the cycling.

    I’ll try to post more in the morning. I have a lot garden watering to do this evening.

    Sorry I haven’t been posting for several days. We are a long distance from the big fires but had a planned safety power shutdown from Sat afternoon until Monday afternoon. DS’s Birthday was Monday so the celebration was simple and we’ll go out for dinner later in the week to celebrate. But she was happy to see the lights back on when she returned home from work.

    I think I mentioned before that we are having 2 bathrooms renovated in a week or two. We’re still selecting tile and just ordered a smaller tub. All of that got pushed back because of the power outage.

    We had to buy a generator to keep the bird room warm as the nights are cold even though the days are warm. They aren’t used to cold temps. So a for a couple nights I ended up being awake most of the night tending to the noisy generator and starting and stopping it when the temp in their room got too cold. It’s noisy, like an electric lawn mower so I try to run it as little as possible during the night so we don’t disturb the neighbors. We used a little space heater in the bird room. We were able to plug in the frig and coffee maker and electric teapot, so that was nice. Just a lot to learn about generators and keeping a couple of spare propane canisters on hand and getting them refilled to run it. We had to do an oil change after the first 5 hour break-in period so that was a challenge. Extension cords all over the place. People are very angry that the shut down something like 941,000 homes, many of which had very low wind, as a preemptive measure.

    I hope everyone is going well with 5:2. I’ve been off of it for about a week with all that is going on and doing some stress eating. I plan to get back on track soon as my jeans are getting tighter!

    I’ll go back and read everyone’s posts and catch up soon. Take care.

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