Good morning, shocking weather here. Cold and rain. Miso the cat kept asking to go out, and then taking a look and deciding not to. A bit of sun is breaking through now and she finally went out.
This is preferable to the scary Queensland fire weather. 100s of fires, many intense, unprecedented at this time of year. I so hope it might rain. Good soaking rain.
LJoyce, congratulations on reaching your step target. And mindfulness. (Two out of three ain’t bad).
The mini muffins worked wonderfully too.
Anzac, so sorry you missed out on the puppy training, but it is lovely to realise how times have changes since you were having to convince Mr Anzac to do it at all. You will really love the session in a fortnight.
Yes, I love Jamie Oliver’s recipes and attitude to food, and the wonderful projects he does. I have several of his recipes as staples, and this one will join them!
Glad you survived the konjac noodles Thin. Yes I seem to be back on Sunday fasts. 🙂
But Oh dear, sorry. Haven’t you noticed we never let anyone post here unless they are actually in the Southern Hemisphere? You will have to send a quick message just before you fly over the equator, and then start up a Northern Hemispherites thread to post on. 😉
What a lovely car sale you made with timing and a trip to the airport!
Neil, what a fab story. I bet you keep thinking of it and smiling. And as Thin said, telling the reverse story, aren’t we glad to be bucking the sad trend.
I’m having my lovely day after fast day with mindful eating!
Cheers all.
12:46 am
9 Sep 19