Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,459 replies, has 835 voices, and was last updated by  thinatlast 11 hours, 7 minutes ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 22,001 through 22,050 (of 28,562 total)

  • Anzac, I’m very pleased to hear that you have a FD where things aren’t being derailed by work.

    Lilymartin, I have an exercise program I do twice a week to gently build and tone muscle. I don’t think I have any specifically for the back, so thankyou for those ideas.

    Neil, very pleased to hear that your builders made good progress despite their late start.

    Cinque, I hope your mechanic has given you the thumbs up on your car purchase by now. It will be a relief to have something reliable for the years ahead. You can console your friend, who can no longer drive, by visiting her and taking her for scenic drives in her old car. I did that with my dad when he went into aged care – he just loved going out in his old car.

    I had the nurse here this afternoon to do my infusion, but managed to squeeze in a 75 minute walk before she arrived. Although the morning and late afternoon have been chilly, the middle of the day was real spring weather. I went out in a skivvy and light jack and had to take the jacket off 10 minutes in. It was glorious weather for walking along quiet paths with all the trees coming into their new spring leaves.

    I hope you are all getting s taste of spring too. Except for Penguin & Cali, I expect a break from the heat and into gentler weather would be welcome.

    Hi everyone, I joined up with the monthly challenge this month to give myself some accountability and motivation to lose weight, so forgive me if you’re also in it and see a double up of posts over that thread.

    My fast day is complete, I had a handful of nuts and a cup of tea and coffee during the day and a home made lamb Rogan Josh for dinner (plus a nibble of the salmon and veggies I was making tomorrow’s sushi with tonight. Day 1 of Steptember went well, I got close to 18,000 steps today and am about to do my sit-ups now. My regular weekly weigh-in tomorrow so I’m hoping for a bit of movement in the scales.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Hi everyone, good to read all your news. What a beautiful spring day we had today in Melbourne!

    lgbran, don’t beat yourself up over Sunday’s EFS (epic face stuffing) day – just pick yourself up and keep going. You’re allowed an occasional breakout, especially for something like Father’s Day, and provided it doesn’t become a habit, you’ll be fine.

    neilithicman, glad there’s been progress on the renovations. Frustrating when tradies don’t come on time. Incidentally, I think the only ones also on the September monthly forum are you,lilymartin and me, unless there are others lurking but not posting. I enjoy this forum for the ongoing encouragement and social aspects of the 5:2 WOL; lots of folk on the other forum just use it for accountability, and don’t chat much.

    By the way, re 500 – many moons ago, my brother and I used to play 4-handed a lot with my parents, he and my mother, me and my father. When he got a girlfriend, we played 5-handed, so no-one had a set partner. My father chronically overbid his hand, and it was always so funny when his partner ended up being my brother’s girlfriend – she almost groaned whenever it happened. But, they still won more hands than they lost. These are memories of around 50 years ago! I then took up bridge, and played that for a few years thereafter.

    thinatlast, travelling to the U.K., wow! – have a great trip. Seems like a lot of people are planning trips over the next little while. Congrats on the 3rd place in bridge. If over 50%, take it as a win.

    LJoyce, sorry you missed out on the bridge. Hope your partner is better by next week.

    Anzac65 and Cinque, yes, looking forward to the warmer weather, when I tend to drink more and eat less. Hoping my cat starts doing that, too. It seemed a fairly cold winter this year, and he has gained a noticeable amount of weight. Oh, and good that Maxx has been showing positive results from his doggy-training school.

    Yesterday was very satisfactory, meeting with someone to look together at my research data. It seems like there are some results showing up which are statistically significant, which makes me very happy.

    Hi to everyone else hovering in the background, and catch you all next time.

    Neil, you have certainly racked up some steps today – nearly double mine.

    Betsy, glad to hear that you are also enjoying the spring weather over in the east. My family also played 500 and euchre, but never in pairs. I think it was because my parents didn’t want the arguments that would arise if we played in pairs and one partner played badly. My overriding memory of those card games was dad always saying “Ooo, she’s bring out the big guns now”, every time one of us played an Ace.
    Trying to work out how to best play to my partner’s hand is something I’m not good at in bridge, because I have so little experience at that.

    Yet another NFD has gone well. I’m perplexed at the difference my new more mindful approach has made. I even managed to have the 2 crumpets mid-morning, because I really felt like them, without it derailing my eating during the day. The only complication was the last minute change of plans with the nurse which meant she came at 1:30 instead of 3pm so I didn’t have time for lunch until 3:30. Delaying a meal can often result in overeating because I get too hungry, but it was ok. I ate the planned lunch – ham salad open sandwiches on w’m sourdough. I did feel hungry a couple of hours later, when dinner still needed an hour in the oven. I slowly ate 3 dried nectarines and a few almonds and it was enough, I was able to stop eating then until dinner was ready.

    I have yet another free day tomorrow and I’m enjoying taking my days at a slower pace while I can. I am certainly feeling more rested now that I’ve had a break from the busy weeks that I had for most of August. It has shown me that a really need to manage my time better so that I have enough rest/slow days each week.

    Hi all

    Neil. Well done on the steps. I managed 12000+ today, it was easy as it was a sparkling spring day so plenty of incentive to get out. Glad your builder finally arrived. I hope that the work he did was correct, no power points in the wrong place etc. I’m surprised that you feel that you need extra motivation, you seem to be powering along quite well. I understand about moving your ultimate goal, I expected to be happy with 65k but now feel 63k is better and I am even thinking of 60k but that might take me into the scrawny but saggy area. I don’t need that.

    Penguin. We name our public holidays like Queens Birthday etc., we even have one for a horse race and now we have one the day before our AFL grand final. We used to have Show Day when the Agricultural show is on but it now falls on school holidays so it is redundant. Some regional areas still have Show Day but it is only a half-day. I had always wondered if your Bank Holidays had any significance. Yes, that is Mr K leaning on the wing.

    Anzac. You certainly didn’t appear stand-offish. I thought you were very warm and pleasant. I hope that the pressure eases up soon, surely once the program is launched everything will get easier. Sounds like you have plenty of time in lieu to take once it goes live. Maxx would have been very endearing with his high5 and sit stay-come is quite hard for dogs to master so he deserves some high 5’s for that. Hope that FD worked as you planned.

    LJ. You should encourage your niece to get out and make some sandcastles too, the kids would love to see their mum all nice and dirty. Sounds like you have a very workable plan for September, nothing off limits just eaten with care. The sugar gliders are very endearing. Do they come out of there cage much and what do they do when they are active?

    Betsy. You have a very good excuse for not popping in. You must be glad that you have completed that part of the work and you are showing evidence of a trend. Isn’t Melbourne weather delightful when it wants to be.

    Quakka. I did enjoy the seafood offerings from Eden, I will miss the beautiful quality of fish and seafood we have been enjoying. Are you maintaining or are you still losing, whatever it is you certainly seem to be in a great place.

    Cinque. Thanks for all your hard work with the weather, it was really pleasant yesterday but today was even better and Bobby and I really enjoyed a walk to our local leash-free park in between traipsing in and out of the caravan, unloading everything. What is the news on your car, hope it is all positive. I like the suggestion that you can take your friend on outings so that she can still enjoy it. There is some pretty country where she lives. I have started the FutureLearn course today, the one I accidentally enrolled in, it seems to be a bit of reading only at the moment and that is right up my alley. Our course starts tomorrow and I’m looking forward to it. I think you have plenty of time to do each module so you won’t have to push yourself too hard.

    LG. I’m glad you are tackling your health issues so vigorously. I completely understand about riding your bike on the road. We have a fairly good network of bike tracks near us and I’m pleased OH mostly uses them. Funny how we fancy a treat and then when we eat it, it’s not as good as we remembered. Just have to bear that in mind next time temptation calls. How did you cook your eggs, I haven’t tried using it for that yet. I did try haloumi but not happy with result. Needs more work. I am inspired to try veggie gardening again. I have a few herbs and one healthy plant of rainbow chard which has flourished over winter. Shows I can do it.

    Gday. Great to hear from you with such positive news. Hope that you can continue to have success. I’m not familiar with the requirements of a Keto diet but you obviously know how to make it work for you. Enjoy your holiday and time with your DD.

    Cali. I’m just about to watch Glitch. It looks intriguing, you are getting into all things Oz, even being an Aussie Uni student.

    Thin. I heard of a seminar which required executives to sit in the middle of a room and be a ‘humming mushroom’. I’d prefer to listen to chocolate. How exciting that you are heading to England. Will you be staying long, visiting your old haunts etc. more travel tales.

    Well, we are home and it’s great to be here although we did have a hiccup on the way. 8000km travelled and we waited until we were about 200k from home and blew out a caravan tyre. On a busy road and on the road side. I do have to mention that I have a guardian angel, he/she doesn’t stop me from having car troubles but always makes sure it happens where I can get help There was a small farm gate shop near where we stopped and the farmer who owns it happened to be there even though it was supposed to be his day off. He had all the stuff we needed, an extra jack and blocks of wood etc as we had finished in a bit of a ditch. Needless to say, I bought generously from his shop which actually had some great items. Arrived 2 hours after we expected and unfortunately, there was one last sting in the tail. The electric connection between the car and the caravan had overheated and fused together. Poor OH spent an hour lying on the road (out of range of passing traffic) trying to pry it apart. He was a little frazzled at the end of the day. We are both now relaxing after emptying the caravan and starting the marathon clothes washing event. Wardrobe audit next.

    Hooray, down a whole kilo this week. I’m sitting on 94.3 kilos, the lightest I’ve been since I was 20 years old. I’ve blown my goal of 95 kilos out of the water and I’ve lost a total of 37.2 kilograms lost now. My next goal is 40 kilos total lost only 2.8 kilos away, after that it will be my final goal weight of 89.9 kilos!

    Looks like a few more 500 fiends in the group. We play boys onto girls with my wife and my friend teaming up against me and my friend’s husband. It’s always a blast and I look forward to our sessions.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Good morning, such lovely posts to catch up on this morning

    My FD went very well and I tried a handful of the carbless fatless noodles that my friend gave me for the first time. They were awesome and added some bulk to the turkey bolognaise I had in cos lettuce. Unfortunately the scales only dipped 100g this morning (sigh) but perhaps it will catch up tomorrow

    I was quite hungry later after dinner so had 10 raw almonds and that did the trick. I was ravenous this morning and had my usual mid-week NFD brekkie of a piece of rye mountain bread with a slice of lean ham. It didn’t even touch the sides and my brain was telling me to get some toast. Instead I took a mandarin from the fruit box (we got one twice a week) and also had a big glass of Metamucil and am now enjoying a black coffee. I’m not hungry anymore. Yay!

    Glad you finally made it home Klondie and sorry about the tyre. That must have been very frightening given you were on a busy road. So glad you were able to get it fixed quickly. Phew! Enjoy the wardrobe audit. I’m so looking forward to having a big clean out when I get to goal.

    LJ, I love reading your musings about appetite, temptation and all the human things we go through on a day to day basis on this journey. It really helps to know all of us go through this and we are not alone

    How exciting that your research data is showing signification results Betsy! That must make all of that hard work seem worth it. Fingers crossed it just gets better and better.

    You are still providing massive motivation Neil, thank you. 18,000 steps – wow. And massive congratulations on your 37.2 kilos. It feels like it has only taken you a few weeks but that is because time is simply flying past.

    I am so determined to see that rare and elusive 83 this week. 84.2 today so it certainly isn’t far off. I have fruit and a handful of almonds for snacks today and Wednesday is my day off from salad at lunch so I have a ham and salad sandwich on low carb bread. Not sure what hubby has in mind for dinner but whatever it is I will have a small portion and tomorrow see that #$#@@ number on the scales.

    Have an awesome day all

    Good morning everyone, fast day for me.

    Klondi welcome home! I manged the weather pretty well for now, but it all goes downhill over the weekend sorry!

    I’ve had a tricky week. Took the little car into my trusted mechanics and got a call as soon as I got home with Johnny saying “Do you really want this car?” It is only three cylinders, has a transmission system they don’t like, and my car, for all its peeled paint and being ten years older, is a more reliable engine.
    I am very grateful for their advice and am taking it, but now I’ve got very disappointed friends who can’t agree with my mechanics, a very disappointed extended family member that I was going to give my car to, and I have to make another trip up to the country to exchange cars, which is bad for my health.

    I was able to escape to Wizard 101 and got to a whole new world, but that meant too much sitting at my computer and my upper back pain is back. Sigh. Ah well, I know what to do. Sitting backwards on my chair as I write for starters.

    Lots of things happening on the plus side. Including that when my daughter asked the little one who she wanted to come on her birthday this month, she only wanted one person. Grandma! Best compliment ever.

    One thing I have been meaning to write. Penguin, I watch the world’s daggiest show on our community TV channel called ‘Walks Around Britain’. I love it. It starts with a topographical map of Britain and I could see so clearly how the geography changes just as you explained. Cool.

    Cinque, my boys used to play Wizard 101, now one plays Roblox and the other plays minecraft. When I play games (a lot less these days than I used to since my weekends seem to involve a lot of work now) I play old school games. I found an Aussie site that has all the old games I used to play in the 1990s-early 2000s really cheap, as well as more recent ones, so I play Heroes of Might and Magic III and Unreal.


    Post 2

    I’ve been concentrating on being mindful too and noticing the difference, LJoyce. And also concentrating on special drinks in the afternoon 3ish time. I remember you sometimes make tea in beautiful crockery. I tend to make lovely licorice root tea in my beautiful pot, or brew up dandelion coffee with cardamom, or maybe masala chai.

    I am so glad your munchies ave settled down.

    I remembered to measure my waist and it is an inch bigger so I am hoping to get rid of that by the end of the month.

    Klondi, just wonderful to read your travel stories. I hope you are getting to washing dry and getting all those lovely hugs.
    The email about the course starting arrived, so I will have a proper read and work out how to set myself up to make the most of it.

    Betsy, such a pity the possums stop you from growing edibles, but how wonderful to be making a garden that is a haven for our native birds, and hopefully some lizards and other good creatures too.

    Lgbran, after that feasting fathers day you should be all set to eat leanly for the next month and be in fine shape for Bali. What a lovely holiday to look forward to!

    Anzac, I am not sure if this is helpful or not, but your body loses fat in its own way, so upper back exercises are unlikely to remove the fat from that area, but fast days will! On the other hand the exercises with give you lovely strong muscles there and help your general health. 🙂

    Thin, a couple of weeks and you will be off! (And in the opposite direction to the one I thought). It will be wonderful.

    Ha Neil, nice to know someone else plays computer games. Minecraft is my daughter’s favourite. I started off hating how violent they all were, but when my daughter got Diablo 2 (a couple of decades ago) I was soon killing monsters with the best of them. Wizard 101 is the only one I have kept enjoying. Not the only oldie there!

    Post 3b

    Big congratulations Neil, what a powerhouse you are! You must feel just great. https://admin.mashable.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Jeremy-Renner.gif

    And hooray that the builders got started (eventually).

    Good work with Steptember! I made a little donation.

    Hello lilymartin!

    Ljoyce are your infusion days getting easier or are you just quiet about the after effects? Fingers crossed it is the former. And that you can have a quiet day if it is the latter.

    Betsy big congratulations to you and what a relief your findings show statistical significance, after all that work. Yes, I know that it is good science even if they don’t, but you can’t help but be invested in it.

    My cat gets fatter over winter too (even with me trying to ensure that she doesn’t). And it is a sign of warmer weather coming that she is starting to lose her winter coat, which leads inevitably to…. furballs. Sigh. And so much fur in the place she curls up on my doona.
    Are you sure you don’t want her LJoyce?

    Quacka, Lindsay, Hi!
    And hello to everyone lurking.

    Good Morning everyone

    I’m still here and still fasting, just been crazy busy at work as all the summer stock rolls in. I walked in on Monday morning to a full receiving dock and then had just made a dent in that and another 30 boxes arrived. The day finished looking like I hadn’t even touched the stock on the dock even though I had been working solidly all day! Then yesterday I had just finished all the stock and cleaned up the work area and the bell rang and I received another delivery, this time only 5 boxes though. Oh well, I love being busy 🙂

    Monday FD went well and today is my Wednesday FD. I woke up feeling hungry and am still feeling quite hungry. I have an egg salad to have for 3pm if I make it that far and some pumpkin soup for dinner. I need some of your positive vibes friends 🙂

    Klondi, your story of the caravan tyre blowing out reminds me of a time when we were going to Victoria for a holiday whilst towing our boat. We had taken a 30km dirt road detour off the highway out to a beach area and pulled up to have a look around. As soon as we got out of the ute my OH walked towards the boat and then started swearing, alot! We had done a bearing in one of the trailer wheels and he could smell it which alerted him to the fact. We were lucky to make it out to the beach as it was, so there was no way we were going to make it to the next town or even back out to the highway. Also there was no phone reception so we were basically up ship creek without a paddle. On the way out there we noticed a small sign saying something about a bush camp with an arrow pointing down another dirt road. We limped back out to where the sign was and turned in, not knowing how far this “bush camp” was. The whole time we were stressing and I was waiting for the wheel to fall off! A long story cut short, we ended up getting to this camp and they had some sites available (ridiculously expensive, for just a sandy, “big ant’ infested site with no hot water showers and one eco toilet!) Of course it was the weekend so the next morning we had to drive into Bairnsdale (a 1.5 hour drive) as nothing else was open at the tiny little town nearby. You talked about guardian angels, Klondi. The camp manager allocated us a site next to a couple that were staying there with their friends both in their respective vans and had family coming later in the week to join them. They lived nearby and so the man had his work ute with him as he was still working for a couple of days. The amazing thing is that he had every tool in his ute that OH needed to get this bearing off and the new one put in and was happy to lend them to us. We bought him a box of beer before we went on our way. We were so grateful to him.
    Needless to say, it was a good lesson learned for us and we are now prepared for bearing issues on road trips.

    Klondi, you asked if I am maintaining or still losing. At the moment I am mostly maintaining and I’m just happy to let my body do what it wants as long as it is not increasing in weight. I’m still doing two FD’s per week although I had a failure last Wednesday. It’s my first failure in a long, long time so I have put it behind me and am just looking forward.

    Heroes of Might and Magic! OH and I played the original version of that game about 20 years ago. We played it on the oldest PC and it was so slow! You could set your horse off to move and go make a cuppa and be back in time to see him just arriving at the destination! lol
    Thanks for the site, Neil. I’ll have to look it up.

    Well I best go and do some work in case I get another big lot of stock in.
    I hope you all have a lovely day x

    I forgot to say, my fermented cauliflower has mellowed a lot now just as you said it would Cinque 🙂 It’s also lost most of it’s saltiness which is good. One question for the fermenters out there. The liquid has gone a little bit cloudy. Does anyone know the reason why? The cauliflower still tastes yummy. Oh, and it stinks when you open the jar. I get a few comments from OH lol 😉

    Hi again,
    just about to go shopping, but saw your post Quacka. It is beyond my knowledge but I searched ‘cloudy fermentation’ here https://www.reddit.com/r/fermentation and I gather cloudiness is normal for a lacto fermentation (which is what most of them are) and a sign your cauliflower is still fermenting. If you think it has fermented enough, I understand that adding some salt or vinegar will stop further fermentation, also keep it in the coldest part of your fridge.
    Isn’t it fascinating.

    Good afternoon everyone.

    I awoke feeling a bit seedy – a common side effect of the infusion drug. I assume it’s putting a burden on my liver and it’s letting me know it doesn’t appreciate being overworked. I try to help it out by drinking more water and keeping my food choices low fat so that I’m not adding to my liver’s workload.

    Quacka, are you about to develop a new list of the shoes you want to buy from the new summer stock? I think the temptations in your job would be hard to bear – especially for Lindsay who we know has a thing for shoes. I can only wear wider fitting or orthopaedic shoes these days so it controls my purchases quite a bit. Most of the lovely fashion shoes I can only admire but not wear.

    Klondi, I’m glad the drama on that final leg home wasn’t any more serious and that you made it home safe. Also glad your guardian angel is helping you out. I have one too that I imagine sits on my right shoulder.

    Cinque, how disappointing that the car purchase didn’t work out. I believe in karma so I’m sure there’s another better option out there for you that will arise at the right time. You unfailingly put gentle kindness out into the world so you deserve to have some of it returned. You might ask your mechanic to keep an eye out for you. When I wanted to sell my first car my mechanic found me a buyer (the chap who owned the local fish & chip shop), who was prepared to pay what I wanted.
    No I still don’t want to adopt Miso. I think my nephew’s cat would go home with me if it could. As soon as I sit down in their house it’s on my lap, but when I’m not there it hides in one of the built-in wardrobes. I suspect the combination of big dogs and young children is the main cause for the hiding. My great niece gets quite disappointed that their cat prefers my lap to hers – I suspect she doesn’t sit still long enough – unlike me!
    I’m glad you are enjoying the special afternoon teas. I regularly do them – especially on a FD.

    Anzac, I have everything crossed for you with tomorrow’s weigh-in.

    Neil, congratulations on the weight loss. You never stop kicking goals do you?

    The spring weather was fleeting. It has been raining on and off all day. I’m hoping for a long enough break to go for a walk, but I think I’ll have to keep close to home just in case.

    Good morning everyone

    It’s just before 6am and I thought to post before I go to work early and try to catch up on this work (another two pallets delivered yesterday lunch time). I’ve been awake since 3:30am, it seems to be the story of this week although one morning it was 2:30am.

    I’m a bit down as I failed another FD yesterday, second one in only two weeks. I’m not sure where the duck that was quacking about non-negotiable no nonsense FDs just a couple of weeks ago has gone? I was so hungry all day yesterday and my pumpkin soup just didn’t do the job last night. I had egg salad at lunchtime so that was protein and it should have been plenty but the hunger demon was just at me. ALL DAY. So I overate last night. Probably a 900 cal day but still it is NOT a FD.
    I’ve actually been hungry all week and it got me thinking, why? I’ve also been craving sugar which is a very rare occurrence for me, like cake seems so inviting even though I don’t really like it and it always makes me sick in the tummy when I do have some. So, Monday morning I opened a new brand of almond milk that is “great for frothing”. Unusually, I didn’t read the ingredients when I bought it, probably because I knew it would have some gums or something in it to make it able to be frothed. I didn’t want it for frothing, mind you, I just thought it might be good for putting in coffee as it wouldn’t split, which it didn’t. A bell went off in my head and I thought “maybe the new almond milk has sugar in it”. Yep, sure enough, 2nd and 3rd ingredients are sugar and maltodextrin. 🙁
    It’s not an excuse but just me trying to understand why this uncontrollable hunger all week. So there you go. I need to avoid sugar, which I usually do but it’s those sneaky ones you have to watch out for.
    So next week is another week. I’m putting it behind me (again) and looking forward. I’m keeping my positivity strong and next week I WILL be completing two NNFDs (no nonsense FDs) without having two or three cups of sugar laden tea in the morning!

    Klondi, I’ve been meaning to ask, how did you cook the mussels?
    Cinque, thanks for the link to the fermenting info. It has inspired me to try some more! A very interesting site.
    LJ, hope you are feeling better today. Yes, I always find plenty of shoes that I would like to buy each season but then I remember exactly how many I already have (and how many actually get worn from that cupboard full). I did try on a beautiful wedge yesterday that I absolutely love. It’s only $129.95 and I get a staff discount off that so I may splurge on that one. If I get time I will take a photo and post it later.

    Hi to everyone else. Sorry this post was all about me. Don’t worry, I’m not giving up!

    Take care xx

    Morning all, Yes Quacka, those hidden sugars are the real killer, and you find them in all sorts of weird things that you wouldn’t expect, like pasta sauce. If you don’t want regular milk in your tea then I think there are some unsweetened varieties of the soy/almond/coconut/oat milks. I’ve also read that although artificial sugars don’t have the calories of regular sugars, they have the same effect on your insulin levels, so if you’re drinking sugar free drinks that have artificial sweeteners in them then they could also be triggering your hunger.

    I slept in and didn’t get my morning walk in yesterday to get my steps up, so last night I went and delivered the pamphlets my wife volunteered to deliver for the local MP and I ended up with 18,100 steps for the day. I got my morning walk in today, and along with the walk from where I park my car in to work and wandering around at work I’m sitting on about 5,000 this morning.

    Fast day for me, leftover rogan josh for lunch and a bit of quiche for dinner tonight. I’m going to miss my drinkies this weekend but I’m determined to get this weight as low as I can before my holiday because I doubt I’ll be losing any in the 2 weeks we’re over in Fiji.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Good morning

    Hey Quacka, I’m sorry about yesterday; we all have our ups and downs, especially me! After such a good FD on Tuesday I had a shocker yesterday afternoon. There was an afternoon tea that I avoided but then the brutes brought all the leftovers out and put them on the snack table that happens to sit directly behind me. Normally it just has chocolates on it which I can easily avoid, but they had chips and biscuits. I had a very very stressful day and ended up in an EFS frenzy. The tight jacket image left me – briefly – and when it came back I was SO angry at myself.

    We just have to move on, just like you said.

    Today is a FD and I just unpacked my lunch and found hubby forgot to pack the thai dressing I always make. It is so important as the salad tastes pretty awful without it so I will have to start checking my lunch pack myself. Yesterday he forgot my carrots which make my smallish NFD lunch stretch so that may have been a contributing factor to the EFS. I have some balsamic dressing here so that will have to do.

    Sorry you weren’t feeling well yesterday morning LJ. Hope you are feeling better today.

    Cinque, Maxx is shedding his winter coat at the moment and the amount of fur that builds up every day is incredible. I had to miss dog training on Sunday to cope with it. It’s driving me nuts! It is bad enough when he isn’t doing an official moult. Good luck dealing with Miso fur balls

    OK I have to prepare for two icky meetings without thinking about food. Will go now and make coffee. Have a great day

    It just occurred to me that I sound like a whiny spoilt cow moaning about hubby forgetting to pack my lunch properly! When you have a stay-at-home partner to organise the household it is easy to become way too reliant on them I now realise. Note to self…he’s human!

    Klondi, welcome home! And what is a homecoming without at least a little excitement on the final leg of your trip? Glad your guardian angel had your back and sent that farmer with all the tools needed to change that tyre. I think by the time we get to be our age we have quite a few guardian angels to look out for us. Too bad they can’t help with unpacking the caravan and washing all those clothes! I’ll be anxious to hear how you like “Glitch”. We finished the 2 seasons a couple days ago. It seems less strange once you get into the second episode. The first just seemed bizarre.

    Cinque, I’m sorry that car didn’t turn out to be better. I asked OH about 3 cylinder cars and he said they don’t usually run well. Like LJ said, maybe your mechanic can keep an eye out for a replacement.

    Quacka, cow’s milk has lactose which is a type of natural sugar and gives milk it’s sweet-ish taste. I usually look for non-dairy creamers with some type of sugar because they taste closer to milk or cream than the unsweetened variety. I use about a tbs of creamer in my coffee or tea which isn’t a lot of sugar, usually about 20 calories per tbs. (On FD I often drink it black.) If I were making a latte or other fancy drink I would look at unsweetened ones but for a cuppa or two, I don’t worry about that small amount of sugar. I consider it the lactose replacement. I have had a couple of failed FD’s in the last week too, something that is very rare for me. It wasn’t due to hunger, but more to do with my mood or boredom I guess. My weight has reflected this. I simply must do my two FD’s per week if I am to maintain and lose the couple kg’s that have now crept up. More walking would certainly help. The binge watching the TV shows and neglecting exercise certainly doesn’t help.

    LJ, sorry your spring weather disappeared again. Our temps have been up and down, but at least around 30 during the day. It’s too bad we can’t combine California’s weather with your southern state’s weather and have moderate temperatures all year round and some rain interspersed with the good weather. It would be great for our gardens and the fear of fires would be greatly diminished. I guess that type of weather would be more like Anzac’s.

    Neil, as usual you are knocking those weight loss goals out of the park. Your 89.9 goal isn’t very far away anymore!

    Anzac and Cinque, pet hair is just a natural thing around here. Cooper doesn’t shed, but the two cats do. They stay upstairs these days because Cooper is jealous and likes to chase them.

    Hope everyone else is going well and losing or maintaining.

    Anzac, we must have been posting at the same time. Failed FD’s seem to be contagious around here this last week. We all need to stay on track from now on. FD’s are non-negotiable!

    Hey Cali, good morning! Or rather good evening!

    My fail yesterday was an NFD but in order to get into this coat my NFD’s have to be under TDEE and I went way over yesterday

    I just had the idea to try the coat on every night to remind myself how uncomfortable it is.
    I too have to get back into walking more – not just for weight loss but also to get fit for walking everywhere on our trip.

    Yes FD’s must be non-negotiable. Here is a new acronym for us all: NNNNFD (non-negotiable, no nonsense fast day). I stole that from Quacka actually :)

    Good morning.

    The weather can’t seem to make up it’s mind, but at least there’s enough blue sky to give me confidence I’ll be able to walk today. I’ve been a bit erratic, but am managing to average over 8,000 steps per day. I’m not doing so well keeping up with my exercise program. At the core of the problem is that I enjoy walking but I don’t enjoy doing the exercises.

    Anzac, you gave me a good giggle with your NNNNFD. It’s not fair when an array of goodies is parked on the table behind you – that would test everyone’s willpower, especially when stressed.

    Cali & Quacka, I use an almond-coconut milk with no added sugar. https://imgur.com/a/UXqXa02 Even though it only has 17 calories per 100ml (about 1/4 of the calories of full cream milk), I find it the most palatable of the NAS options, and I have tried them all. I find it a useful alternative for making milky drinks without it turning into a high calorie event. I tried every brand of almond milk before realising that the one with a little coconut cream in it was so much better. The other thing that’s important to me is that they add calcium to this one. This is the same brand that Thin uses – and we know from her that it does not make frothy coffee. As I’m not a coffee drinker I’m not bothered by this. I add cocoa or vanilla to mine.

    Neil, when you mentioned rogan josh the other day it made me crave it – now you’ve done it again. It’s one of my favourite curry styles, especially with lamb. I think it’s that combination of cardamon and cinnamon/cassia – 2 of my favourite spices.

    Unfortunately I have a lung infection starting. I was suspicious last night, but hoping it was just asthma, morning there’s no doubt. Good thing I have the appropriate anti-biotic on hand which I have started this morning. It’s going to be tricky with babysitting as I’m needed until 9pm tonight and they don’t have an alternative so I’ll just have to try not to get too close to the kids – difficult to achieve.

    Have a good day all. I’m doing a 3rd NFD today as I don’t have bridge tomorrow, so I can do a Friday FD.

    Good morning,

    Quacka, as well as sneaky added sugar you have been coping with NOT ENOUGH SLEEP. This is huge in making you feel hungry, hungry for the wrong things, and hard to make good decisions for yourself. (I know this from sad experience, but the science shows it too.)

    So while you are doing your best to get better sleep, I think the best tip is to do what you are doing: try to avoid added sugars and simple carbs. Try to eat as many veggies as you can rather than other foods. Be kind to yourself.
    Maybe organise 800 calorie fast days if you have a day that begins before 5am?

    Anzac, oops. Hooray that yesterday is over and gone. Good luck today. Yes we do have to remember our minions are human 😉 I hope dear hubby manages the lunches well for the next few weeks though.
    Good luck finding times to walk, it is an excellent idea. Trying the jacket on might work best at the end of fast days? That will give you a few days each time and might be more encouraging.

    LJoyce, so sorry to hear of another damn lung infection. How frustrating they are, and unfair when you are looking after your health so well.
    Maybe play dress ups with the kids! Play ‘Contagion’ and dress them up like this: https://c8.alamy.com/comp/BC167M/portrait-of-two-kids-wearing-masks-holding-a-small-puppy-in-the-street-BC167M.jpg (Such a great idea, I must try it with mine!)

    And goodness me, you could have two cats to keep you company (except Miso has NO time for other cats, so you would need to be a bit like Cali and have one upstairs and one downstairs, never to meet, and take turns sitting very still on both levels to keep them happy). I wonder why you say no?

    I was feeling very good karmaish on Monday morning when I dropped the little car off, and everything seemed to fall in place beautifully. Sigh. But reality is my friend, even though it felt so disappointing at the time. Glad that Mr Cali agrees re 3 cylinders, and apparently the transmission system is a bit dodgy on those cars. A reliable car is what I need most. But I will save up for a new one, my dear mechanics will check it before I buy, and I have a much better idea of what I want. My karma will roll back in. And I am feeling quite fondly towards my little red echo.

    Cali much sympathy with your shedding cats. Are they longhaired? At least Miso is only really bad at this time of year. I feed her the ‘hairball control’ cat food, so she would probably be worse without it.

    Neil, another excellent day. Can you pass your sleeping in-ness over to Quacka just for a couple of days? And then I’d like a turn!

    Klondi I was so busy writing reams yesterday that I didn’t mention how glad I am that you have a guardian angel. It was good work. She must have been exhausted after that, so didn’t manage to be around for the electrical problem. Hooray for OH.

    Eep I haven’t started the course. Must do it next.

    I feel a bit ashamed of groaning about our cold weather over the next week, when I see the fire warnings up north. Hot and windy. Scary. Fingers crossed we get through without dreadful fires.
    And I will enjoy a last go wearing layers of woollies before the heat comes here.

    Cheers everyone. I’m having a great day after fast day, hope your day is good too.

    I can hear crickets and see tumbleweed rolling through this thread, it’s pretty quiet here at the moment.

    Quieter day on the step count for me yesterday. The weather was atrocious so I didn’t go for my evening walk so I ended up at 11,101 steps. I’m planning on pushing the steps on days that the weather is nice so I’ve got some leeway on days where it’s not quite so nice. Those two 18,000+ step days on Tuesday and Wednesday mean I’m still over my average of 15,000 that I’m aiming for. Still keeping up my sit-ups, 50 a day seems to be a good manageable number.

    I had a bit of a nightmare fast day yesterday. The day was fine, I had biltong as a snack around midday and Rogan Josh for my late lunch (300-400 calories total), when I got home I was fine and I made a big vegetable quiche for the family dinner, but then I suddenly became ravenous. I had a slice of cheese and a tablespoon of peanut butter to try and kill the cravings but that didn’t work, I was craving sweet food. I tried a couple of squares of 90% dark chocolate but that didn’t work, I tried a teaspoon of honey but that didn’t work either. I ended up having a row of milk chocolate that my wife had stashed in the cupboard and a couple of tablespoons of goody gumdrop icecream. It wasn’t a real binge, but it still put me well over the 800 calories I normally eat on fast days and threw out my goal of no added sugar for the month.

    I’m planning on a semi-fast day today. I’ll aim for halfway between the calories I normally eat on fast days and what I normally eat on non fast days, so somewhere from 1200-1500 calories. I have some leftover chilli beans and salad for lunch and I’m planning on making some pork burgers for dinner, I’ll have mine sans bun of course.

    I hope everyone is ok and I hope to hear from you all soon.

    Good morning and what a morning it is. Forecast is for 29 degrees today! Crazy. Back to high teens tomorrow though

    Neil, you are human after all! Good to see that you can bounce back from a (not very) bad FD. I got home last night ready to have my FD stir fry to find hubby planning to order Thai. Suddenly the stir fry didn’t sound so appetising so I ditched the idea and had four steamed dim-sims instead. Not healthy and higher in calories but I didn’t have the deep fried wings nor any satay and I only had a small salad at lunch time plus a mandarin. So about a 700 calorie FD which is ok for me and only slightly above my normal.

    The scales dropped a whole 200g but now I am achingly close to those 83’s! 84.1….I am so determined to get there tomorrow.

    Working from home today and so happy about that! We had a super walk this morning and I plan on another solo walk at lunch time. The football oval was deserted so we were able to let Maxx off the leash and he ran and ran in great joy. It’s a shame we can’t let him off more often but his recall around distractions (especially dogs) is zero.

    LJ, I am so sorry to hear about your lung infection. I hope you were able to stay away from the littlies whilst baby sitting last night. How are you today? Are you still having a Friday FD today? If so I hope it is going well.

    I hope you are ok too Cinque and sorry about the car not being what you needed. Think about how exciting it will be when you do finally get a new one.

    Klondi, have you started the big wardrobe evacuation? Have you settled back in after the big trip?

    We have a blissfully social event free weekend so lots of time with my boys and some spring cleaning and long walks. Awesome

    I hope everyone is having a lovely Friday and hi to Quacka, Cali, Thin, Betsy, Penguin, G’day, Lgbran, Intesha (where are you?), PerthGirl (how is your trip going?)and anyone else who may be lurking and not posting.

    Good afternoon.

    Thankyou for your concern over the lung infection. The antibiotics have already kicked in and I’m not coughing. I did not manage to avoid the kids very well last night – especially miss6 as she always wants to cuddle close. As I wasn’t coughing I’m hoping that means she’ll be ok.

    I am still doing today’s FD but it’s a challenging one. Babysitting ended really late and I didn’t get home until 10:30 and felt quite exhausted. For some reason nightmares woke me up at 4:30 and I couldn’t get back to sleep so I am very tired today. I also have a stiff joints and back pain today which mean I need anti-inflammatories and also pain killers – both of which have to be taken with food. I have figured out how to stay around 500cals and still manage these complications. I had a small banana at 9am so I could take some meds. I have 2 boiled eggs and 1/2 punnet of strawberries in the fridge which I can use as needed for further meds. Dinner is pumpkin-lemon soup, which I chose because it’s my lowest calorie dinner option and I knew I needed room for more snacks today. That all leaves me just enough room for milk in my cups of tea. The key thing that makes this work for me is that today I didn’t go to bridge and can stay home all day. If I’d had bridge or if I was still in the workforce I would probably have reschedule the FD.

    Anzac, the scales are just teasing you aren’t they. Remember to keep trying that jacket on once a week s I suspect there will be some weeks when the scales don’t move but the jacket feels better – often those things don’t align.

    Neil, given how rarely you have a bad FD I think you can wear this little setback.

    Cinque, I hope your weather has improved – it’s taken a turn for the worst here.

    There will be no walking today as I am too tired and sore and the weather is very unforgiving. It’s been raining most of the day and the wind is blowing a gale.
    I’m going to have to turn the ducted heating back on again. The combination of low calories, not moving much and a cold day has me feeling really chilled today. I might have to resort to a soak in a hot bath later – although I risk falling asleep in it!

    Hi everyone, thought I’d check in before the weekend (at 11:30 p.m. on Friday night, VERY near the weekend! 🙂 )

    So sorry LJoyce, to read of your infection and also the need for anti-inflammatories and pain killers. I hope they have hit the pain quickly on the head for you.

    Anzac65, so close to the 83s – maybe this week! Now winter is over, I’m taking this WOL seriously again instead of just maintaining, so I am hoping I’ll also move off my plateau by the end of September. How long do you still have before the big trip?

    Klondikekween, so glad you were able to safely get your tyre changed and van tail-lights fixed, and isn’t it nice that it was only a little blip at the end of the trip, rather than a regular event throughout?

    Cinque, what a pity the car didn’t turn out to be suitable, but it’s better to wait and have one which works best for you. So what if others say they’re disappointed; you’re the one who has to live with a new car for however many years into the future, and you need one which is right for YOU.

    Neilithicman, your “unsuccessful” FD sounds like a small blip – onward and downwards! You’re doing really well.

    CalifDreamer, I’ve the first 2 seasons of Glitch on DVD, but haven’t watched any of it yet. Seems that the third season is the final one.

    Quakka, to add to Calif’s comments – the type of sugar in cow’s milk, lactose – sure, it’s a type of sugar, but not a fructose-glucose combination like what we normally call “sugar”, and if you’re not lactose-intolerant, it has much fewer negative effects on the liver. I prefer skim milk or low-fat milk to the non-lactose varieties, as I generally can’t bear their tastes. Did try one almond milk which was tolerable, but if you do as Dr M. advises, and provided you don’t have elevated cholesterol, you will have full-fat milk, cheese and yoghurt. The reason I mainly don’t is because of the calorie count, not the fat content.
    By the way – One condiment to really watch out for is tomato sauce – a friend has only found one variety which isn’t loaded with sugar.

    Cinque – yes, I love having bird-attracting plants, but in reality, my back garden area is quite small. It’s just loaded with lots of greenery. I’ve still managed to squeeze in 4 birdbaths, though, two close together, but one deeper than the other, one at the other side of the yard, and the other in the side garden.

    Re 500, we didn’t argue, it was all great fun. Competitive, but with a lot of laughter.

    Computer games? Don’t like the shoot-em-up variety. Apart from bridge, I do the kids’ ones like AlphaBetty, and the various Candy sagas. A good mindless way to waste an hour here and there.

    Okay, enough for now. Sleep well, and have a great weekend. Oh, and I managed a “proper” FD and an FD800 this week; very pleasing.

    Hello friends

    Tada! Drumroll please…..


    It’s exciting!


    It’s no coincidence that I increased my exercise last week – just a little bit – and broke through the plateau

    Whoo hoo

    Hope everyone is having a lovely Saturday, will check in properly later

    Good morning all.

    Anzac, drumroll indeed. Congratulations.

    Betsy, I like having birds in my garden too. I always keep a bowl of water out there for them in the hot weather, but once I have the planting done I am thinking of a bird bath.

    I hope you all have some lovely plans for the weekend. Mine will be quiet, although I will catch up with a friend for a walk and afternoon tea.
    I got a lot more sleep last night so I feel better today. My back is still being an annoyance, but improving.

    My careful FD plan got a few tweaks and ended up closer to 550 calories. I replaced the strawberries with a hot almond milk drink but then late afternoon I started feeling queasy so I had 2 corn thins with vegemite. (Some FDs all the liquids I drink and the minimal food makes me feel queasy.) Given how I felt yesterday I’m still happy with that as a FD. If I had moved it to today it would have bade scheduling next week’s FDs difficult.

    Hell everyone,
    Cold grey Saturday morning here in my part of Melbourne, but ooh a little bit of sun just broke through,

    and now it is gone…

    Neil sympathy for your nightmare fast day, but who knows, your body might have had good reason to demand food fast. Hope today is a good one.

    Anzac, hooray! the 83’s! https://media1.tenor.com/images/fdd5830cc390577b9121adf540d0121b/tenor.gif?itemid=5645542
    Now to consolidate and set!
    Enjoy having this weekend which is just for you!

    LJoyce, I hope you were able to snuggle up and look after yourself. Heater on, hot bath, and I hope you had something lovely to watch and doze through (after your bath 😉 ).
    Heater is on here today. Miso the cat approves.

    Betsy, hi. There is nothing as nice as a green garden with plenty of birdbaths making the birds happy. (I guess that means you wouldn’t take Miso either).
    Good point about my car decision, but I did feel for my friends. They made a careful decision when they bought the car and can’t understand what problems my mechanics would have with it, and feared the mechanics were ripping me off by making me keep a car that would need more work. But I think we have got over that awkwardness, and I now have my little red echo back.

    On Thursday I started that ‘Losing Weight’ course that Klondi and Cali and I are doing on line. Good grief I make hard work of things. The only way I could find to make things work was to print pages out, which I am sure isn’t appropriate for an online course. I will find the app for my ipad and see if that works better.
    In the meantime I am rolling my eyes at the two pieces of info they seemed most keen for us to learn (after going through sensible things like have your scales on carpet). They are 1) your weight loss goal should be 5% of your current weight and b) Buy scales, you can’t lose weight safely without regular weighing.

    I am very annoyed, being a community development worker who avoids ‘shoulds’ and that everyone needs to do it the same way. If they just said a 5% weightloss goal can be a useful starting point, and scales are a useful tool, I’d agree with them, but they seemed to me to be presented as the main things we had to learn and show we understood ie that weight loss can’t be achieved without them.
    Did you read it that way Klondi and Cali?

    Anyway, off to find the app.

    Cheers all.

    Posts crossed LJoyce, so glad you are feeling a lot better today.

    Hooray!!! Well done on the plateau buster Anzac !! Hopefully things pick up for you now you’ve broken through it.

    Unintentional fast day today. We were running around town all morning and by the time we got home I didn’t have chance to have lunch before heading out to help with our junior tennis open day. I lasted until 3:30pm on a handful of cashews, a cup of tea and a cup of coffee. I had a 3-egg bacon and cheese omelette when I got home, and that meant I was too full for dinner, so I’ve had only about 800-900 calories today

    Oh, and my steps are back up to over 18,000 today, I had to feed my parents’ cat today so I took the opportunity to go for a couple of dance walks (I listen to music while I walk and can’t help grooving along as I walk. It must look strange to anyone who sees me)

    Hello all, from a windy and cold Stradbroke Island. We’re having a couple of days’ much-needed break . I am reeling from over-committing at work and as I am getting to the pointy end, feel flogged, to put it impolitely. (Nothing like you are Anzac and Neil, but still reeling).

    I won’t try to catch up with everything – I read, then zoom it’s gone. So just the ones I remember, until I am back in the swing.

    Welcome back Klondi from your wonderful trip. We’ve enjoyed your travels (and lovely photos with Anzac … so fine to put your very fine faces to your names (and OHs and Bobby and Maxx, of course).

    Thin your trip sounds amazing. What fun, and lovely to be with DD and to see where she is working. We had many holidays in that region (near Skeldale once or twice) and I love it.

    Cinque I am sorry about the car – hope things work out for you on that front. Good though that it was resolved early.

    LJ yes, containers of shoes would have me sitting in a state of euphoria …. I do love them so. That said, I have brought 3 pairs over to give to the Island op shop. The upside is that I’ll see them out and about – such a small community that I occasionally see things I’ve donated.

    Our very good news is that we are getting a new pup. Well, if we can get the scheduling right. I had been in touch with a breeder in Melbourne, and we thought our girl wouldn’t be coming from this litter, but there’s been a cancellation so we are next on the list …the tricky bit is we are going on holiday from 5-26 October, and the breeder is a bit reluctant to hold on to the pup for another couple of months. So fingers crossed … she’s another red girl (setter) and we’ll call her Rosy.

    My other good news is that my nasty girl as been replaced, and in another 4 weeks I should have a calmer hive. And we harvested the full first bar of honey, and got 1.25 kilos. It’s quite a lot, but I am reluctant to eat it because it looks so pretty in the glass jar (I’m using one of the preserving jars I got from the op shop.

    I am also in a marmalade making phase ….when we came to the island we had a few big ripe grapefruit on the free, and walking down to the water yesterday noticed some bush lemons on the ground and on the tree in the bush over from the house. So, just waiting now to see if it sets ….so many seeds in both fruits.

    I made a batch last week but no seeds so I had to redo it with pectin. My friend is calling me Little Holly Homemaker, but actually I think I am just reacting to the stress and brain drain of work by doing something domestic.

    Great news on the 83s Anzac – you got there! As Cinque advises, you’ll now stabilise then move to the 82s. How satisfying, after all the hard work.

    OK I need to go now – it’s little insect time so I’d better shut up the house before they descend. Biting midges.

    Take care all, and hello to those I’ve missed.

    Anzac, congratulations on getting into the 83’s! That’s such a positive step forward. It should be good motivation to charge ahead, into the 82’s. If you think it was the exercise that pushed you, that’s a good thing to try to fit into your busy schedule. Did you try on your jacket? I always notice my jeans gradually feeling looser over the course of a FD. It’s probably water weight from consuming less salt, but it always makes me feel good.

    Cinque, I agree with all of your comments about the diet myths course. I hope it won’t be too simplistic in the weeks to follow.
    I think it was LJ or Lindsay who originally posted a link to some FutureLearn courses a couple weeks ago. They had several interesting looking titles and I couldn’t resist this one: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/food-for-thought I decided to join because it looked like it touched on some of the things we’ve discussed on this forum, about the gut biome. It’s another free course and goes for 5 weeks. It started on Sept 2 so still time to join. The first week’s lectures and lessons concentrated on the connection of our brains to our gut and the blood-brain barrier. Super interesting. I stayed up late listening to it the first night and clicked on a couple of linked YouTube videos that the professor suggested in response to questions in the discussion. I’ve always been interested in why some things can cross the blood-brain barrier and others can’t. And why the brain’s preferred food is glucose (like corn or tapioca syrup) and how it converts other foods to glucose.

    Cinque, your red Echo is a Toyota, right? I think it’s marketed as a Toyota Yaris here. It’s a nice looking car. I drive a Toyota and have had others in the past. They seem to be very dependable cars. It’s nice that you have a mechanic there that you can trust. I think you made the right decision about not getting that other car. Even though it’s an uncomfortable situation with your friends now, it might have been more uncomfortable if you bought the car and had lots of problems with it.

    LJ, glad your lung infection is getting better. I also find that I need a little more added salt on FD’s. Vegemite on sourdough toast or on crackers is one of my favorite sources. I try not to eat it too late in the day though so I don’t retain a lot of water for the next day’s weigh-in.

    Lindsay, good to hear that you’re getting away for a few days break. I hope everything works out re getting the new pup. Rosy is a great name for her. Good to hear that nasty girl has been replaced by a calmer queen. What happened to Ms Nasty Pants?

    Neil, I think unintended FD’s are the best kind! Staying busy always helps. I can imagine your neighbors wondering who that skinny guy is who’s out dancing down the street. 😁 (Makes me think of the song, “Dancing in the Street” by Martha and the Vandellas.)

    Betsy, good to hear from you again.

    Just catching up with some news prior to my FD tomorrow.

    LJ, at our club, we don’t need a partner for supervised so, if our regular partner is away, we can just show up and be assigned one, otherwise one of the helpers will partner us to make up the numbers. So play is guaranteed. Did you learn signalling in your classes? That might help you and your partner play the best defence you can. And, of course, that elusive perfect lead card.

    Neil, Betsy, I’ve never played 500.

    Anzac, how long until your holiday? it seemed ages away when you were talking of buying that jacket earlier in the year. I’m thinking you said October.

    Klond, so you’re safely back home with a small hiccup a short distance out. And Cinque, good news that you got some advice on the car before committing. But I hope the drive back doesn’t wear you out.

    Lindsay, a new puppy! What fun.

    CalifD, love my Toyota! We tend to hang on to our cars. I’ve had mine for 13 years. When it was severely damaged in a hail storm in 2010, we bought it back from the insurance company for salvage and had all the panels repaired ourselves. It will be a sad day when I have to hand it over to another owner next weekend. But I know they will look after it well.

    I’m all out of cauliflower soup supplies and so tomorrow I will break with tradition. It will be the first time, at least since I settled into my FD routine years ago, that it won’t be my 2pm staple. I’ll have root and barley soup for dinner and one of those instant packets of konjac noodles for lunch. Not quite so appealing.

    It’s getting late (for me anyway) so I shall sign off now. Enjoy the rest of your weekend all.

    Good morning everyone, Sunday fast day for me.

    A change is as good as a holiday Thin! At least I hope it is, as you enjoy your barley soup and konjac noodles today.

    I’ve got dashi already made so I just need to soak yuba for my soup (hooray I have my favourite brand again) and some brothy celery and kimchi soup with a boiled egg for my early afternoon meal.

    Lindsay, so glad the evil queen is gone, and hoping the new one is a darling.
    More puppy tales to come 🙂 , and photos I hope.
    Won’t you enjoy seeing your shoes walk around the island. And won’t all those seeds make the marmalade set! Good marmalade is the spread I miss most.
    But then your jar of honey sounds just gorgeous, and I miss that spread on home made bread too.
    Enjoy that weekend!

    Cali, I was so glad to read your post and know it wasn’t just me getting frustrated with that course. When I got the app downloaded I reread and realised the log book stuff isn’t assessed and the only job for this session is to discuss the pros and cons of weighing on the forum. Luckily I have had some practice in discussing things on forums!

    I’m wondering if they were so prescriptive about weighing in the hope it would make a good discussion. Anyway I have discussed away, so we will see what happens next.

    Yes my car is a Toyota (my mechanics favourite) aka Yaris, and I feel confident I made the right decision. I had a good rest day yesterday.

    While resting I had my second go at Jamie Oliver’s recipe for chili con carne which I am converting to pressure cooker (which needs a LOT less liquid). I had to do quite a lots of ‘oops I haven’t got that, I’ll use this instead’ and still made a huge pot of deliciousness, but I think next time I’ll have it perfected. I’ve made it extra red kidney beanish but I am loving the brisket.

    Best wishes all

    Good morning.

    It seems Toyotas are popular – I have a toyota carolla that I bought new in 2010. Kilometers are still low so I’ll probably keep it for a while yet. As others have said, reliability is the most important thing for me when it comes to cars.

    I had a mixed week with my September commitments. I made my 50,000 step target – but only just. I did not do my 2 exercise sessions and need to improve on that this week. The mindful approach to snacks has been really effective at controlling snacking on NFDs – that’s been a success.

    Thin, when do you head over to the UK? Must be soon if the car is going and you aren’t making any cauliflower soup.
    We learned limited signalling. We learned standard openings and have both agreed to open 4th down on our longest suit when the opponents make a NT contract. We also learned about playing low or high to signal to your partner whether you want them to continue with the suit they just played. That’s all I know. My partner and I really need to have a long talk to agree on our bidding conventions and play. We had planned to do that last Tuesday but she was sick so it didn’t eventuate.
    I always have the option of going to the Friday session by myself and either teaming up with someone else who doesn’t have a partner or playing with a tutor, but I wasn’t feeling up to it, so took the opportunity for a day off.

    Lindsay, a new puppy sounds like fun. Was it you you told us stories about how naughty young red setters are? Are you ready for that again?

    Cali, last time I bought vegemite I got the low salt version and it tastes like normal vegemite to me. I was finding the normal one unpalatable and wondered if they’d changed the recipe – or maybe my taste buds have changed.

    Neil, your dance walks sound like fun. I usually say hello to everyone I pass when I’m out for a walk and there are a few with their ear buds in who don’t hear me.

    Cinque, finding the app sounds like a good idea. I also doubt that printing was part of the plan for an online program. You should be able to just watch and download content without paper being involved. Things have changed. The last time I did study as an external student (back in 2000), we had several printed folders with all the content for the subject and had monthly phone conferences.

    Cali, are you doing both courses, or did you decide on the Food for Thought course instead of the one that Cinque & Klondi are doing?

    Anzac, I hope you’ve had a good weekend with NFDs that help you stay in the hard fought for 83 range.

    NFD for me today and this week the plan is for FDs on Monday & Thursday.

    I plan to bake muffins this morning. I promised my friend their would be afternoon tea after we walk this afternoon. I have bought a suitable container so that I can freeze quite a few and I’ll send the rest home with her. It will also be a time to practice mindful eating as I intend to have just one – even though I’m making the mini size.

    Have a lovely Sunday all.

    Good afternoon

    We have been holed up most of this weekend to avoid an arctic wind that has been blowing. We headed to dog school this morning in light jackets because it seemed the wind had gone but it had only temporarily abated. I could only last 5 minutes before I headed back to the warm car as it was absolutely freezing and we only had one emergency warm jacket in the car so I left it with hubby. I’m so disappointed because that is now two weeks in a row I’ve missed watching and hubby said Maxx was a total star again and even did the agility course off leash. Next week it is closed but the following week I don’t care if it’s snowing.

    I still forced myself to do a long walk today and I felt so much better for doing it.

    Thin, we fly out on the 1st December and time is simply flying past. It sounds like you are heading over there soon too

    LInsday, a puppy!! Oh how cute! I can’t wait to see pics. I do love setters and hubby said he had one once and it was smart and lovely.’

    LJ is that awful lung infection a bit better? I hope you had a lovely walk and afternoon tea. What a good idea baking mini versions to control your portion. I did the same with Coles ice creams; I allow myself two per week but I buy the 6 pack mini version for me and the 4 pack larger one for hubby.

    Cinque, my mouth is watering at your ‘big pot of deliciousness’ chilli con carne. I do love Jamie Oliver and I think he always has the best of intentions and his recipes are simple enough even for fairly novice cooks to follow.

    Cali, I suffer from foot and leg cramps and I find they increase on FD’s, presumably because we have less salt. I add a bit of salt to whatever I have for dinner just on FD’s. Banana’s are good for cramps too so I will sometimes have a small one on FD’s

    Neil I laughed at your dance walks. I find myself unintentionally doing the same when I walk with music. Who cares? We both obviously love music and dancing is one of the joys of life.

    OK, the kitchen is calling as I haven’t got around to cleaning it yet. I am not a great house keeper but I do keep the kitchen spotless. With Maxx having his winter moult the floors look like it’s been snowing dog hair and I only vacuumed yesterday. Hubby said he will do it again tomorrow before Dad comes for dinner.

    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday friends, chat soon 🙂

    PS: Thank you for the well wishes for me reaching the 83’s 🙂

    Cinque, hurray, back on Sunday fasts! I can’t say I enjoyed those konjac noodles ready made in the packet but they served a purpose in that they were handy. I imagine tinned dog food would have a similar texture as the bits of tofu (I think that’s what it was).

    It is definitely harder to get through a FD when you only practice one per week. But one is better than none and I’m still under 57kg so I will continue with this regime for a while.

    Anzac, you are experiencing quite different weather from us. It’s 25C today and 30C forecast tomorrow! Oh no, I might have to unpack summer clothes before we leave. And they’re vacuum packed. How’s Maxx’s training working out? 83kg, yay!

    LJ, my partner and I could never quite come to grips with signalling because there was so much else to think about at the time. But I am more in tune with when my partner might be void in a suit and can sometimes work out when to lead that suit to her. Mine’s a Corolla too. We have the Levin version. The buyer has been seeking a Levin for some time and couldn’t believe his luck when he stumbled across ours (which wasn’t for sale at the time) while attending our garage sale. I can’t believe our luck because he is letting us keep it until the day we leave. He’s even taking us on to the airport. All done on a handshake. There are some lovely people around.

    We have another week or so to go, LJ. When I finally get some time to relax and start posting properly again, I will have to find out whether I am still accepted here or whether I’ll need to join the Fat Busting Brits!

    Good afternoon/evening

    At the last minute the afternoon walk turned into a mid-morning one. Bad decision – the heavens opened a long way from home and we got back to my place absolutely drenched and very cold. After a change of clothing and towelling dry our hair we had a well deserved mini muffin and hot cuppa. Both of us stopped at one muffin, although my friend took some home and intended to have another for afternoon tea. I put my spares into the freezer – something to take to bridge perhaps.

    Thin, of course you’ll be welcome, although if you have the time I’m sure you could post on both forum threads. Do you fast when overseas or just rely on being more active?
    I’ve seem those ready to go konjac noodles but never bought them – you are not tempting e to change my mind on that. I haven’t used konjac noodles through the winter as I tend to use soup or omelettes as my FD meals in the cold weather. The knojac noddles I add to summer veggie stirfry.

    Anzac, my neighbour said she tried to control her icecream habit by buying the mini packs. She said it didn’t work – she ate 3 in one sitting! You are doing well if you always stick to just one. I dare not risk buying icecream unless visitors are expected and I know I’ll need it.

    I’ve taken cottage pie out of the freezer for my NFD dinner. I freeze single serves unbaked so that I can put the little casserole dish into the airfryer and bake my single portion – much nicer than the microwaved option.

    FD tomorrow and I plan on making another batch of pumpkin-lemon soup as pumpkin was really cheap at the supermarket yesterday. Also, because it’s a lighter fresher flavour I find it more appealing as the weather warms than the hearty soups that I like in winter.

    Hi all, I got out for a walk this afternoon and played a couple of rounds of frisbee golf, managed to amass 15600 steps. It definitely wasn’t a fast day today, unintentional or otherwise. I didn’t go crazy, I was somewhere in between my BMR and my TDEE so it has been a successful weekend

    I had fun at the tennis open day, I turned up and told the club president that I was rostered on to do the bbq, she stared at me for a minute and then said “oh my god I didn’t recognise you! How are you Neil?” I had several other members ask me what I had been doing to get in shape. I realised that none of them had seen me since the season finished last summer 6 months and about 30 kilos ago 😁😁😁

    Morning LJ, I always keep up my fasting on holiday, usually on a 6:1 regime. Yes, we tend to be more active. Spain and Portugal was the first overseas trip we made after I’d started 5:2 in 2014. We walked up to 15km a day in very hilly terrain and I started losing a lot of weight so asked for advice on the MC thread and they suggested 6:1. As you know, I have a rigid personality so I can’t allow anything to get in the way of my FDs as I know it would be a slippery slope if I did. However, this isn’t so much of a holiday as a move overseas for an undetermined time frame. I hope to slot into a fasting regime by the first Sunday.

    Neil, how fabulous not to be recognised at all by people who haven’t seen you for a while. 30kgs is amazing. Congratulations, you must be feeling on top of the world physically and mentally.

    While out walking yesterday, OH and I came up behind a slow walking pair, one of whom was my walking buddy. I didn’t recognise the lady she was with until we caught up with them. She has gained so much weight since our children were in school that I wouldn’t have known her if she hadn’t spoken. So, pats on the back to all of us – we’re bucking a very distressing trend.

    Good morning all

    Quick post as I am preparing for a huge demonstration of all the work I’ve done here and this time there are business people in the room. And other people who love nothing more than finding fault. GAH! My team will be there though, and they are so supportive so it hopefully won’t be too bad. Could I have forum positive thinking power for 9.30am to 11.30am (Sydney time) today please?

    Still 83.9 but I’m ok with that as weekends are for maintaining, not losing. I would dearly like to lose a whole kilo this week….let’s see how we go

    Positive thoughts winging your way Anzac! You tell it to them!

    And then give yourself a big non food reward!

    Good morning everyone

    Sending positive thoughts your way Anzac and congratulations on breaking into the 83’s. It’s a great feeling when that second number goes down.

    Thank you all for your support re my failed FD’s. They are behind me now and I am on a NNNNFD today. I have bought some tins of Tuno so I have one to eat for 3pm and that will get me through to a veggie and very small steak dinner. My weight is still maintaining around the 66kg mark but last week I didn’t see the 65’s because of my failed FD. Very close but no 5 in that number. This week I will see it for sure.

    We are planning on going camping in a couple of weeks so I think I will be doing B2B FDs as we will arriving at the campground on Wednesday afternoon which is my usual second FD.

    Last Friday I made a really yummy low calorie snack that I thought some of you might like to try. It’s Nori sheets (the seaweed that sushi is made with) with flavourings brushed on and then baked until they go crispy. I made two different batches one with Wasabi and soy and the other with Frank’s hot sauce. They are made with three layers and oil is sprayed in between before brushing on the flavouring. I’m going to try it next time without the oil as I think it will work just fine. The recipe stated that the oil is to stop the flavourings soaking into the Nori but I don’t think it did that anyway. Very low calorie snack and really yummy. I think it would work with Miso too and also powdered flavourings like spices etc. I’ll post a photo up.

    Work will slow down a lot this week so I will be able to read more of your lovely posts. Take care everyone x


    They don’t look very appealing in this photo but that is a testimony to my poor photography skills! They are actually very very yummy!!

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