Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • Hi all

    Neil. Well done on getting the hard work out of the way and giving yourself and Mrs N revitalising leisure time. How is the preparation for the big bike ride. I haven’t kept up my weekly challenge but I did jog 9k the other day so I am well in sight of my 10k goal.

    Cinque. We are getting more acclimatisation weather now. Woke to rain and grey skies. Not too cold but coats etc are now in use. Good news about leafy green vegetables, your Warragul greens are doing you lots of good. Glad you are feeling better, you will need your energy for study.

    Anzac. I forgot to say that I would never have guessed your age, you have lovely skin and no wrinkles. How did dog training go, was it clicker class again?

    LJ Aren’t there a lot of traps with food allergies. I had a friend to dinner who couldn’t eat onions among other things and I thought I did perfectly but forgot that spring onions count. Thank goodness there is more alternatives now. Bobby does seem to smile a lot, it makes him very popular. You certainly need to plan ahead, you are so in demand these days. It’s nice to be needed though, isn’t it. Your scones tasted lovely, I was lucky enough to be able to pick fresh herbs here at the van park but I did cremate the first batch. One way to limit indulgence.

    Thin. I agree with LJ. A road trip ( or sailing trip) would be a great way to celebrate your fancy-free life. Sounds like your body is using less stress hormones and allowing you to get more out of your food. I’m glad you liked the photo, I enjoyed the chance to take it. Thanks for the congrats, I’ll be using your advice to stay in the zone.

    Calif. I agree with you about Anzac, I would never have guessed her to be 83k, she has such a nice face and hair that you don’t notice anything else.

    Quakka. Still positive, still on the wagon. Well done

    Penguin. There was a bi-plane, not sure if it was original as there was no info, and also a replica tri-plane. It was a copy of one used by a German ace, but not the Red Baron. Glad our grandchildren are still at primary school and not going through exams which can have such a great effect on their future. Playground dramas and getting the right support is our current level.

    LG. Its hard to be controlled all the time and you just have to put it behind you, see if you can work out the trigger and reset. You have shown great discipline up to now, I’m sure you will get it back.

    As I said, grey skies and showers today, we will have to find indoor activities, sounds like op shopping to me. We will stay here until Thursday and then our last stop will be Eden. While it is wonderful to be able to have this trip, I always enjoy coming home to family and friends.

    Hi Klondike

    Biking is going really well, I did an hour and a half on the exercise bike the other day without too much trouble and managed over 40 kilometres so that is about what I will be biking per day on the ride. My plan is day 1: Lawrence to Miller’s flat (44 kilometres) Day 2: Millers Flat to the Roxburgh dam and back (58 kilometres) Day 3: Millers Flat back to Lawrence (44 kilometres)

    Of course I won’t be going at the pace that I do at the gym when I ride, so it will take longer than 1.5 hours, but on the other hand I won’t be working as hard so I should be able to ride longer. Their estimate is 3-4 hours for Lawrence to Millers Flat and 5-6 hours for the return trip from Millers flat to the dam and back.

    Babysitting was messy today – for the kids anyway. My nephew had an area of lawn removed and replace with sandy loam as they want to fill the area with fruit & nut trees. The kids decided to treat it like a giant sandpit and started making sandcastles. https://imgur.com/a/9ZmxXsQ They got so muddy I literally had to hose them off and get them out of most of their clothes before they came into the house to change into clean dry clothes. Then we walked to the bakery for lunch and I managed to limit myself to a chicken salad roll and a cup of tea. There were so many leftover cakes and biscuits from Saturday’s party in their house but I resisted temptation (for a change) today.

    Yesterday I fully explored the wetlands area near me on my walk and found this: https://imgur.com/a/StfEP5G stepping stone to get you across the pond. I did walk across them safely, despite being someone who would be clumsy enough to fall in.

    Very tired tonight and will be to bet very early as I have 3 busy days ahead.

    OMG, LJ, what a mess those kids made! Looks like you needed a fire hose to get all that sand and dirt removed! At least you were able to salvage the kids. 😁😆😂
    Glad you resisted all the leftover cakes and biscuits. FD here that is really needed after this last weekend. Also need to get back to the no added sugars and high fiber on NFDs. I don’t know why I abandoned that when it was working so well.

    Neil, those are ambitious bike rides that you have planned. It sounds like maybe there are some hills involved too?

    It’s supposed to get up to about 38 today, so I’ll be doing in house walking.

    Hope you are all having a good day.

    Good morning everyone

    Sorry I’ve been MIA for a couple of days. Yesterday was busy at work and also had some other stuff going on. All good now.

    Phew, yesterday’s FD is over! So I woke up in the morning with my positive hat on for a good FD ahead, like most FD’s. I went and put on a cuppa and then I opened the fridge to get the milk and saw the mini sausage rolls (I made them for OH’s lunches for a couple days….”uh huh”) and also the Labneh I made on the weekend, rolled in home made Dukkah, nonetheless. So I spent the next hour deciding if I should move my FD to another day and just hoe into the sausage rolls and the Labne, or just go ahead and do it as planned. I decided to just do the FD and then I could have my lovely treats tomorrow, which is now today.
    The FD was going well until about 4pm and I bet you can guess what happened next…..yep, in walks the MIL with another loaf of homemade sourdough bread, again on a FD!!! This one was made with some hazelnut flour added so I hoped it didn’t have the hard teeth breakers in it. Well, I had to try some didn’t I and it was sooooo good. I ended up nibbling a few pieces off it and then I made myself stop. I thought I had destroyed my FD and was a bit upset at myself because I have been doing so well lately. When I got home I sliced up the remainder and put most of it in the freezer and then worked out how much I had eaten – approximately but that’s good enough. It was about 200 calories worth and so I just made a plain veggie stir fry for my dinner and all in all the day came in at about 550 calories, including an almond milk coffee my bosses bought for me in the morning. Disaster averted, despite all these saboteurs!

    OK so today is NFD, or shall I just be honest and call it EFS day? I’ve had my mini sausage rolls, I’ve had some of MIL’s bread and I ate that with Labneh and it’s only 9am and I feel really sick! Serves me right. I’m going to eat lightly for the rest of the day, if at all, and then am looking forward to my FD tomorrow.

    Thanks Klondi for posting the lovely photo of your meeting with Anzac. It’s nice to be able to put faces to the names.

    LJ, the stepping stones look like fun! I am glad you made it across without falling in! Kids really know how to have fun, don’t they! It’s great that you let them get out there and get dirty as so many parents don’t let their kids have that kind of fun anymore.
    I’m going to sign off on this post and go back to previous page

    So much to post on the previous page that I don’t know where to start, so instead I’m just going to say a big hi to everyone.

    Congratulations Klondi on reaching your goal and best wishes for maintaining.

    I hope you all have a nice happy day x

    Good morning….finally some rain in Sydney! It has been steadily coming down all morning and a bit yesterday too.

    My jacket just arrived and….it is very very snug. Uncomfortably so but only just. Powerful motivation now to really get stuck in and lose weight quickly. 14 weeks and my goal is to lose 7 kilos at least

    I haven’t been able to catch up, so busy and doing crazy hours. Hope everyone is ok

    Hi all

    Neil. That’s a lot of riding and not on the flat, I am guessing but splitting it up into three makes it more achievable. Do you go home in between or do you stay in the area?

    LJ. what a great auntie you are to let the little tykes have so much fun. I’m glad you took pictures. I imagine their play clothes might never be the same again. Well done on avoiding that sugar fix. What a pretty spot you have found, I am the sort to stumble around too and would be likely to get my feet wet.

    Cali Stay cool and hope you have a good FD.

    Quakka. So you are pushing the boundaries a little bit, at least you are aware of it and reining yourself in. Keep at it.

    Anzac. You now have that extra incentive every time you go to eat or drink. Have a photo of it on your fridge and maybe on your desk, wallpaper on your computer, anywhere you think it will help. You can do this, you will be so thankful when you are wearing it on those winter days in Europe.

    Penguin. We went to another plane museum and OH sat in the cockpit of an F111. He nearly didn’t fit. We also saw a lovely little Tiger Moth that I thought you would like. We did get a tour this time with a very informative, enthusiastic gent and thoroughly enjoyed our time there https://imgur.com/a/gyyUUPP

    Less than a week left of our trip, knitting the last garment and only one op shop and parkrun to go. It will be nice to wake up in the morning and remember where the bathroom is. And then comes the big clean out of the van, of course and the complete clean out of the wardrobe. That’s going to be fun.

    Morena everyone

    Weigh in day today, and despite not being overtly strict with eating because of being really busy with work and renovations, I managed to drop half a kilo. I’m so close to my wedding weight at 95.3 kilos now with my wedding weight at 95.0 kilos.

    Klondi. We have a Gnat – the type the Red Arrows used to fly. I cannot get into it. I can only just get into the pilot’s seat of the Vulcan and even standing behind it giving the chat doubles me up. The Moth is a lovely little thing. I will be there tomorrow putting kids in to the cockpits of fighters and letting them play – we still have a week of school summer holidays this side of the planet.

    Our weather is still being weird, we have just had the hottest August Bank Holiday on record. Bank Holiday is what we call our public holidays.

    Neil, that sounds like hard work. Because I live 500 feet above the valley bottom and there is more above us my bike tends to stay in the shed.

    I posted that, then looked at the picture. Yellow, the traditional colour for a trainer, changed a few times over the years and now high gloss black, which apparently stands out more against the sky. That OH in front of it?

    I’m having a nice big catch up and will post soon. Meanwhile here is another lovely pic from Saturday with Mr and Mrs Klondi and Mr Anzac. Also present is Maxx and the ever smiling, adorable Bobby

    The sun is back but not for long as they are predicting deluge rain tomorrow, Friday and part of Saturday. Shame because my niece is having a bbq/cricket day in lieu of a baby shower so hopefully the rain will hold off or not make it to the Blue Mountains

    Klondi and Cali, thanks for your lovely words. I have always been heavy; I have a friend who is more than 10 kilos lighter than me but we don’t look that much different size-wise. Klondi, either you need new glasses or I am more skilled than I thought at make -up application if you couldn’t see the wrinkles 🙂 It was such a lovely day and extra special because you hit goal that very same day. Yay!

    The tight jacket certainly is a massive motivation to lose weight. Every time I think about eating something I think about having to wear it day-in-day-out for 6 weeks (the 7th weeks is in the Seychelles so no jacket required) and it makes me feel physically ill. The under jacket is ok; it’s when I zip on the waterproof outer jacket that it gets really tight. And as it is likely to rain a fair bit I will need it. So onwards and downwards for sure!

    Neil, you are a weight-loss legend my friend. Almost at your wedding weight already! Congratulations

    Quacka, well done avoiding those temptations on your FD.

    Cinque, how is your throat and that nasty cold today? I hope you are feeling better.

    LJ, I had to laugh at the picture of the little ones all sandy. And I loved the stepping stones. I hope you don’t overdo things and end up with a sore back and joints. Take care of you too ok?

    Penguin, I didn’t realise you called all public holidays ‘Bank Holiday’. I thought recently that the UK must have a LOT of Bank Holidays (i.e. when the banks are shut but it’s not actually a public holiday – like here) as most of the people on the Labrador friends forum are from the UK and often use the term throughout the year. Thanks for enlightening me

    Cali, it was funny that you mentioned me with dark hair. My entire family have dark brown curly hair and then along I came with blonde straight hair! Hmmmm. It isn’t so straight (or so blonde) any more as age has frizzed it and greyed it. I have to straighten it when I wash it these days which is a chore but necessary else I look like a hippy. Ha ha

    Thin, if you don’t come to Sydney on your road trip I will cry! I would love to meet you – in fact after enjoying meeting Klondi so much I would love to meet everyone. By the way Klondi, I hope I didn’t come across as standoffish as I am quite shy and stumble on my words when I first meet people. I laughed at your description of Maxx as ‘engaging’. Is that a polite way of saying pain-in-the-neck super dribbler and chewer of one’s sleeve? I hope you didn’t arrive back covered in dog dribble and hair. I’m so used to it I forget other people may not wish to be out in public that way!

    Ok, best get to work. I plan on developing a mystery illness today as there is a half day ‘event’ tomorrow (bowling) that is mandatory attendance. There is also a 2 hour ‘retrospective’ this afternoon which is where we all sit around and congratulate each other or dwell on ‘things we could have done better’. For goodness sake, I am too old for that rubbish! As I am currently doing masses of unpaid overtime I refuse to spend two hours at that today and four hours tomorrow at an event pretending to enjoy myself when in fact I could have a big catch up on work instead. I also can’t bowl as my right shoulder is very dodgy. I also can’t play tennis anymore which is so sad as I used to love it. Oh well, no complaints as there are millions of people so so so so much worse off

    Have a great day all

    Big hi to everyone who may be lurking and not posting. Are you out there BetsyLee? Are you ok?

    Good morning lovely people.

    I’m heading into the city to catch up with ex-work colleagues for lunch. I have already decided I’m going to order the squid with thai basil and veg as it’s the least damaging thing on the menu – as long as I leave the rice.

    As a follow up to the photos I posted of my very grubby great niece and nephew having fun building mud castles. My nephew has memories of having similar fun as a kid and is happy for them to be doing things like that rather than sitting inside. His wife says she wishes she was allowed to do more things like that growing up, so she wants her kids to have fun – despite the extra washing.

    Thanks for posting extra photos Anzac & Klondi so we can see what you are up to.

    Congrats on the loss Neil.

    I must rush now.

    Enjoying the post weigh-in NFD. I’m not going crazy (roast chicken and coleslaw for lunch and dahl and chicken livers for dinner) but I’ve allowed myself to indulge in a sausage roll for morning tea.

    Klondike – There is one big hill on the trail (imaginatively named “big hill”) The rest is pretty flat as is follows the river up the Teviot valley. I’m going to stay at the camping ground at Millers Flat on the two nights.

    Good morning everyone

    Yay, it’s FD for me and I’m just enjoying a big black coffee. I’m always keeping the cafe next door on their toes as they never know what I’m having from one day to the next, even though the same cup is sent in (someone else usually orders them).

    So I have come prepared with a big container of shredded cabbage, fennel and carrot, and another smaller container of veggie sticks – cucumber, carrot and celery. you should see how much food there is and all for 125 calories! That will leave me plenty to have some miso soup for dinner or a veggie stir fry,depending on what I feel like. Or maybe, I could have some of the osso buco I have made for OH but just have some of the sauce spooned over a big plate of veggies…. OK time to stop thinking about food for another few hours.

    Great new on the weight loss, Neil and loving the fact that you are having a sausage roll today on your NFD. I think it is important to have these things sometimes (or whatever else you feel like eating) as that is what makes this WOL so sustainable – We are “allowed” to eat those so called forbidden foods, sometimes. Enjoy.

    Anzac, it’s great to have something to work towards being able to wear comfortably and I know you will make it. Last year I bought a pair of very stretchy, expensive jeans in a size 10. I could do them up (just) but they weren’t really comfy enough to wear all day. I fit into them well now and I really love wearing them. I will be using them as my indicator – if they get uncomfortable again I know I am putting on weight. I still weigh every day but I take those figures with a grain of salt, knowing how much they fluctuate, lie and generally annoy the heck out of me!

    Enjoy your lunch, LJ. The dish you have chosen sounds yummy.

    Klondi, hope you enjoy the last little stage of your trip. Don’t forget to have some Eden seafood while you are there! Mmmmm, my mouth is watering at the thought of some smoked mussels. Might be time for a drive down there soon….

    Penguin, I hope you are coping with the heat wave over there! How does your garden cope with that kind of heat? I am begging for Spring to arrive and some warmer weather. We have finally had some rain so the soil won’t be quite so aquaphobic now, so time to get some seedlings up as Spring is just around the corner.

    Feeling a bit hungry now after my coffee but just remembered I haven’t had any water. I really find that drinking lots of water helps me so much on FDs and even NFDs so it’s important I keep that in mind.

    I’m off to drink some water. Have a great day all xx

    Good morning from a very grey day in Sydney. They are predicting up to 45mm of rain so that will be a nice drenching and greatly needed

    FD for me today. Yesterday was a totally cr@ppy day with blame for stuff coming my way (it always happens on programs like this one) and while I expected it I was still very downcast. But I didn’t take it out on food or wine, not even one iota. I ate what I brought into the office and we had Thai takeaway for dinner as I was so late home but I didn’t eat any of the fried stuff hubby ordered. I wasn’t able to head home early yesterday as planned, nor WFH today.

    Hope your FD went well yesterday Quacka. That Osso Bucco sounds yum as do the home made sausage rolls (which are one of my favourite things).

    Hope you had a lovely lunch and catch-up yesterday LJ

    I also hope your horrible cold is better today Cinque

    Have a super day, will check in often as I will need it to get through what is brewing as another politically stormy day. Sigh

    Quiet here at the moment.

    I’m back on a fast day today and I made things difficult for myself. We ran out of milk and youghurt so my boys couldn’t have their normal weetbix for breakfast this morning so I cooked them up some bacon and eggs. Nothing gets your appetite raging like the smell of cooking bacon. I managed to resist and I’ve only had a small handful of nuts so far today.

    I was hoping to hit 95.0 kilograms by the end of August and since my next weigh day is not until the 4th September I might do a special weigh-in on Sunday morning to see if I managed to drop the last 300 grams. September should be a good month. I’m doing the Steptember challenge and tennis starts up again. It will be good to see how much more easily I can move around the court now than I did when the last season finished 6 months ago

    Have a great day everyone.

    Hello everyone,
    How has it got to Thursday? I went and visited my friend in the country on Tuesday and drove back her car as her bad health means they have decided to sell it. I will by it, presuming all goes well when my mechanic checks it on Monday. It is bittersweet as it is so sad that my friend has had to accept she won’t drive again, but so wonderful as they are selling me such a good car at a generous price. My own health is still pretty bad so I am still recovering from the big day.

    Fast day today. Too long since my last one. Next job is to make my dashi.

    Klondi you have planned your return perfectly with 19’s and 20’s coming up.

    I can’t imagine how I will do that study, but I have a few more days to improve I think?

    Cali, damp dark dungeons are rather exciting, but I am very glad not to be in one.
    I hope you get some clear skies today so you can get out and about.

    LJoyce, what a lovely piece of babysitting. I read a great piece, when I was doing my teacher training, about children needing to play with the four elements: earth, air, fire and water. Nice bit of earth play… followed by water!

    Anzac, isn’t it nice to think of how comfortable and perfect that coat will be by the time you have your trip. Yay 5:2.
    Congratulations for coping so well with your cr@ppy day. New habits settling in as we keep practicing them.

    Quacka, good reminder about remembering to drink plenty on fast days.

    Morena, and Snap Neil, I have run out of milk too. Luckily no-one is cooking bacon here.
    I’ll be very sensible and make dashi and then enjoy a coffee at the corner cafe.

    Best wishes to you all.

    Good afternoon.

    The lunch went well yesterday and I did stick to my plan. However I got wet getting home from the railway station and then consoled myself with a snacking frenzy.

    I’ve been thinking about how I’m doing with the August challenge. The activity goals I set are going very well. I’m keeping up with the exercise plan goals (just) and beating the steps goals easily. However I’m not doing so well on my food goals. I’ve been thinking about where the main problem is. It’s mostly afternoon snacking. I can have an hour or two where I just seem to keep nibbling and can’t stop – usually the latter part of the afternoon. Because the house is almost devoid of processed/sweet foods, most of the snacks are healthy items – I’m just eating too much of them. I’m also eating too much bread – just because it a wholegrain sourdough doesn’t reduce the calories.
    Yesterday when I arrived home from the city I ate some of the sourdough that I’d bought at the market. I wolfed down 3 small end pieces then made a pot of tea and ate a further 3 pieces with that. I think because I don’t have sweet treats in the house I’m using bread as a replacement.

    While I was walking earlier today I though about how to tackle this issue. I could set a daily gram limit – although I already have one of those (100g bread max per day) that I’m failing to stick to. So I decided that I need to start practicing mindfulness more deliberately and regularly.

    So I’m setting myself some new challenges for September. My rule is: I can eat snacks whenever I want on NFDs but every snack must be consumed mindfully. I’m also applying that to all bread whether it’s a snack or with a meal. This encourages me to focus on enjoying every mouthful – it usually mean I take fewer mouthfuls. I feel good about choosing this approach as it’s retraining my behaviour in a positive way and I think it’s what I need now more than setting quantity limits. I want to be able to self regulate based on hunger rather than eating for sundry other reasons. I know from past experience that mindfulness helps me do this quite efficiently. It just isn’t a process that comes naturally to me, so if I don’t do it deliberately I easily fall into old habits.
    I will continue with the exercise challenge in some form too, but I’ll figure that out over the weekend.

    Cinque, good news on possibly getting another car. I hope your mechanic gives it the all clear.
    Take care, I know it doesn’t take much for a few busy days to leave me feeling shattered. So I can only imagine how much worse it is for you when dealing with CFS.
    The weather here is lovely today, so I’ll try to send some of it your way for the weekend. Even if you don’t want to move much, I think a bit of sunshine lifts the spirits.

    Anzac, well done for not letting the situation at work ruin your eating plan. That’s a huge step forward.

    Neil, good luck for that Sunday weigh-in.

    Quacka, that was a very well planned FD. It always amazes me how far the calories go when we focus on veg.

    FD for me and an afternoon-evening of babysitting ahead. I made minestrone from the veg I bought at the central produce market yesterday, so I’ll take a container of that with me tonight for dinner. I have already done a 60min walk and just need to fit in my exercise program this afternoon before I head out.
    So far just one pot of tea consumed but I will make another shortly and have a small banana.

    Hope you are all having a good day.

    Hi Ljoyce, snacking is my weakness too, the especially bad time is when I get home from work. I have found that it is not as bad on days that I delay having my lunch. I’ll eat some nuts/biltong around midday, then eat my lunch around 2:30. Perhaps if you try delaying your lunch an hour or two and it may help with your snacking too?

    Hi folks,
    Another fasting day. Averaging 20 hours over the month. Last night went out to an all you can eat Japanese restaurant. A very rare night out with my wife and a late coffee and cake which I didn’t need resulted in having nightmares and a fitfully nights sleep. No excercise today at all. It’s getting out there on the road and feeling quite vulnerable on a push bike at my age. I might have to ride on the bike path close to home to feel safe. I plan to have a nice Father’s Day with my wife and one son and my other son is in the UK. My older sons excercises after having a heart scare and the other doesn’t. I just want them to be happy regardless of what they do. I’ve struggled over the years and mentally and physically have payed a price. Now working on rebooting myself once again. I’m going to weigh myself once a week. Every second day does my head in and I hate the setbacks. I had some timtams and quality dark chocolate the other night , but didn’t enjoy it. Hope to do a walk tomorow and give Winter the big flick. Hope all the dads have a great Father’s Day as well as all the mothers as well:)

    Hi all, sorry to be MIA over the past several days. I had to enter all my study survey data into the computer program and it took time and concentration. Didn’t feel like doing other things on the computer. Plus, it’s been COLD again. What’s happening to spring? I’m on the computer late tonight as I have NO INTENTION of getting up before about 10 a.m. tomorrow. Supposedly around 1-2 degrees in the morning, probably between 6-7 a.m. No thank you.

    Okay, enough of a rant. My eating has not been great, but at least I’m not gaining, either, just staying around the 73-74 kg range. I’m thinking I might go back to the basics, 5:2 (maybe 4:3 occasionally) and have TDEE days on the other days of the week. I’ve been trying for CDs 2-3 days a week as well, and then I’ve just been feeling deprived and my eating goes out of control. The stress related to the study hasn’t helped, nor the cold weather and feeling tired as I’ve also been working on tidying up the garden. Pleased with what I’ve done there, though.

    Well, I’ve read (scanned?) all the posts – too much to comment on everyone’s. Great that Anzac65 & Klondikekween were able to meet up with their OHs and respective fur babies. Loved the photos, and neither of you look in any need to lose weight. I know Klondi is around her goal weight, but you don’t look much above yours either, Anzac65. So, while you work down to your goal weight, be assured that you look good anyway.

    Penguin, well done to England to win the 3rd Ashes Test so amazingly (sniff, sniff, boo-hoo!). Well, there’s always the decider, and Steve Smith will be back batting. One of the scary things about his concussion, which you may not know, is that it was one of his close friends, Philip Hughes, who was killed in a freak accident when he was batting in a State (Shield) match in Adelaide some years ago – he was struck on the neck like Steve Smith, but died. A really tragic event.

    Neilithicman, great that you’re near your goal weight, and hope the renovations get completed to your satisfaction.

    Cinque, hope you’ve recovered from the grandchildren-shared sniffles.

    And LJoyce, did you enjoy looking after your grandchild (or grandchildren?)

    Quacka, let’s inspire each other for the spring!!!

    LindsayL, I missed it in your post, but from others, I think you’re considering retirement?? I retired last year at 68, after a long battle of wanting to keep working. In the end, I just couldn’t keep working plus do my studies, and was really sick all the time. Then redundancy packages were offered and it was just the right timing. I’m sure it will all come together for you, and you’ll know the right time to make a move.

    Who have I missed? Sorry, will try to keep up better.

    Okay, it really is late, so must close. September is coming, early spring, warmer weather, and new goals for losing more and moving DOWN off this plateau.

    Catch you all again next time!

    Good morning from cold old Melbourne.
    It is still below 4c here and I am in the concrete sink part of Melbourne! Stay in bed Betsy!

    I’m feeling a lot better (so far 😉 ) and had a super fast day yesterday. I have English muffins on the rise, so I am excited about breakfast.

    LJoyce, I have the same problem with that 3pm snacking. Good luck with your solution, it is a very thoughtful one, it should work well.

    I generally plan a good snack, and eating it mindfully might mean I don’t then add in another one. I made soup yesterday and that seems to work best for me. (Not the most usual afternoon tea, I know!) Maybe I am doing Neil’s trick of eating lunch late, and my actual lunch is a savoury late morning tea!

    Lgbran, lovely to see your post. What are you averaging 20 hours over the month? Is it complete fasts?
    It sounds as if it has been a hard month fr you, and some hard years too. Best wishes for a really lovely Father’s day.

    Is it weighing you are no longer doing every second day? The setbacks can be really depressing (hence I don’t have scales in the house, and use my clothes to check how I am going). The people who have looked into it suggest once a week weighing, and keeping a graph of it so you can see it change over a few months. It is hard work to switch your brain into thinking longterm, but that will show your successes best, and help you to keep 5:2 sustainable.

    I know what you mean about the dangers of riding. Keep safe!

    Isn’t it awful when you eat a whole lot of treats and don’t even enjoy them! Well, it must gradually sink into our brain so next time we say no thanks.

    Happy fathers day to all the dads on and related to our forum.

    Betsy so glad you got time to catch up here. Congratulations on getting all the data entered! Is it all dome now? Interpreting the data was always my favourite part.

    Hooray for a chance to get back to basic 5:2 and within your TDEE on other days. That sounds the perfect equation for getting off the plateau.

    It is great that you are working out the things that don’t work. I am the same, and I love how LJoyce talks about it. Any sense of deprivation and I start to eat. It feels like long fought for justice.

    Ooh the muffins have risen nicely and I am cooking them in batches. They freeze well so it will be lovely to have them on hand to pull out and reheat.

    Best wishes to everyone. Good luck in the rain (Perth and Sydney) and hooray for the sky clearing here to a sunny day.

    Woohoo for day-after-fast-day!

    Good morning friends

    Cinque, glad you are feeling better but stay warm. 4 degrees! Yikes. How exciting to be getting a new car.

    You stay warm too Betsy and good luck with getting your study related computer work done. Thank you for the lovely words about the photo, I think the black outfit and the angle must have helped as I am really quite overweight.

    LJ, I’m with you re bread. It is my kryptonite (sp?). I don’t have any biscuits or other snacks in the house (apart from S&V chips which the boys enjoy but I can resist if they aren’t open). I have to fight hard not to snack on bread instead and too often find myself in front of the microwave defrosting a piece.

    Yesterday was a complete disaster. I found out mid-morning that we had to prepare for a big test today and I knew straight away that meant a very late night. It wasn’t work I could do from home so I ended up working from 7.00am until 9.30pm. We were also guilted into going to the bowling for an hour just to show our faces and of course there were hot snacks on offer. So it was 3.30 by then and all I’d had was my small beef salad. I abandoned the FD and limited myself to one mini hamburger then back to work. I had some fruit but then around 6.30 out came the chips, lollies, crackers and chocolate. I had a few crackers and drank lots of water and then the big boss came into the meeting room and said ‘how about I order some thai food for you all?’ Hooray I thought, I can have a thai chicken salad. Oh no, everyone else said they were fine thanks and carried on working and munching. GAH! Of course I ended up with a minor EFS episode at around 8.00pm that involved grain waves and more crackers. I arrived home around 10.30pm and darling hubby offered to make the stir fry he had planned for my dinner but I couldn’t stomach it and asked for a cheese toastie instead which I ate on the couch with a large glass of red wine and a 40 kilo Labrador sitting on my foot drooling on my legs. He got the corners 🙂 

    I didn’t have time to prepare anything today so I went to Woollies on the way to work and bought salad ingredients, fruit and some lean ham and turkey from the deli. Am now prepared for anything that comes out of left field today

    Hi Lgbran, nice to hear from you and I’m with you to give winter a big flick. We are having deluge style rain and arctic winds at the moment and it isn’t pleasant. The walk to the bowling yesterday involved getting across the Pyrmont bridge which is completely open and the wind was such that umbrellas were useless. We all got soaked and then had to sit half the night in wet clothes and of course I’ve woken up with a tickle of a sore throat. Hopefully it won’t develop

    Have a great day everyone and cheers for Friday

    Hi folks,
    It’s nice to see the sun out here.Managed a walk and washed the car.Cinque thankyou for your kind words.its been a rough trot at times but as someone said these things were meant to test us. I’ve averaged 19.7 hour fasts over the past 6 weeks.Not manageable in the long run but will cross that bridge. I’m going to have eggs in the Airfryer cos you can. I’m hoping to make a cake as a surprise for my wife. That will be tomorrow’s job. Anything regrading cooking takes forever as this is new territory for me.

    I’m in early retirement after burnout and 20+ years working in justice department. Anzac I’m salivating at the salad. I’ve a small vegie patch and its amaysing what comes out of it.into growing heirloom varieties( the old fashioned type) , try and save seed and worm farming. I’m all or nothing hence some of the drastic measures re: diet. Long term 5:2 will be the way to go, but once I reach my goal weight. Hopefully I can throw my fat clothes out for good. This forum is a wealth of inspiring stories. Hope everyone had a great day
    Cheers 🙂

    Good evening all. Home from a nice but busy day and looking forward to a quiet weekend where I try to catch up on all the housework I haven’t done this week.

    I think I’ve mentioned before that my nephew has 2 sugar gliders as pets. As they are nocturnal they are usually tucked into their pouches asleep when I’m there. However as babysitting didn’t end until 9:30 last night they woke up while I was there and I took photos. https://imgur.com/a/6GL79rg To give you an idea of how small these little guys are – curled up they fit in the palm of your hand. I didn’t take them out of their cage because the dogs were inside. They are seriously cute.

    Betsy and LGbran, if you are struggling with doing more restriction than normal 5:2 then my advice would be to go back to basics for a while – Betsy I think you already reached this conclusion by yourself. I tried to push harder frequently when I was first losing weight (or plateauing) on 5:2 and the more restriction I imposed the more deprived I felt. For me that deprivation triggers overeating – often with poor food choices. I think there’s only so often our subconscious can hear “no” before it rebels. If you can do basic 5:2 – 2 FDs and 5 days at your TDEE and feel successful at it, that helps build your belief that you can keep going with this long term.

    Hello to everyone else. I’ll find time to chat more on the weekend.

    Hi all. Ive been lurking and trying to keep up with posts as best I can. Feels like months since I last posted. Life has been so busy with study, work (and work hassles – story for another time), MissD changing schools and backyard landscaping. Each day just whizzes by with little time for relaxation. My “to do” list keeps growing quicker than I cross things off.

    In 2 weeks time we will be heading to Adelaide to catch our flight to Bali for 2 weeks. Then I have 2 further weeks off over the school holidays so looking forward to not being at work although I will still have to put in some serious study time over the school holiday period.

    Pleased to announce that I have been steadily losing weight over the last few months. The scales show a 4 kg drop to date and my clothes are definitely getting baggy and I can see a difference in the mirror. Even had a ‘gee you’ve lost weight’ comment today. Not losing as much and as quickly as I would like but still happy it’s heading downwards for a change.

    I cant credit it to 5.2 though as most of you know that stopped working for me once I hit menopause. For the last few months I’ve been eating Keto. So I bought myself a blood sugar/keto monitor so I can accurately calculate my levels rather than using guesswork and although I haven’t hit full on ketosis I am able to maintain mild ketosis. It’s not easy keeping daily net carbs below 24g as so many yummy veggies contain carbs and I just love my vegies. So I do go over my carb limit a few times a week but that’s ok as this WOL has to be manageable and I’m not prepared to sacrifice eating healthy whole food just to be in full on ketosis. Also fasting for 48 hours once a fortnight and keeping my daily eating window between 2 to 6pm.

    It’s late so time for bed. Hope everyone is travelling well x

    Good morning. A bit of a cold breeze, but otherwise a beautiful sunny day. Melbourne, Saturday 11am

    Anzac, I hope that throat tickle has gone away.

    I must say that the day you called a complete disaster did not sound like that to me.
    1. You knew it was a shocker of a day and you prepared as well as possible for it. WIN
    2. You found out midmorning about the big test and did your utmost to make sure that wouldn’t derail you. WIN
    3. When you had to go bowling and prepare for a late night you changed your plans accordingly, and sensibly chose a mini hamburger as the best option. WIN
    4. You ate fruit. WIN
    5. When the chips, lollies, crackers and chocolate came out you chose crackers and lots of water. WIN
    6. When the option came up for a nutritious meal you tried to have it. WIN.
    7. When that failed you were exhausted stressed and disappointed, so you ate what was there. UNNDERSTANDABLE
    8. When you got home you listened to your body. WIN.

    Magnificent day. So many wins. https://www.armyshop.com.au/uploads/product_images/decProduct44482.jpg

    Lgbran, all power to you rebooting yourself. I am so glad you have the chance.
    Isn’t it good how 5:2, or whatever kind of intermittent fasting we do, allows us to try things and then adjust, until we work out what suits us for our longterm health.
    Lovely to have so many gardeners here. I love the heirloom veggies too. I haven’t got worm farms, but two lovely compost bins called Bernard and Fran. I think of them as very easy and productive pets.

    LJoyce those little sugar gliders are just the cutest. Best wishes for a lovely and productive weekend. You will enjoy getting your beautiful home shipshape. I have finally got a bit of oomph to do something to mine too.

    Gday, SO GLAD to hear from you, and to hear things are going well and your Bali trip is so soon. Hooray for keto, getting you off your plateau, and hooray for you, keeping keto sustainable.

    Best wishes to everyone for a lovely weekend. Reminded by LJoyce, I am concentrating on eating mindfully. What a waste of my beautiful food not to!

    Cheers all.

    LJ, those little sugar gliders are sooo cute! Are they native to Australia? They seem like the kind of animal that would be. A friend in Southern Cal had one. They love to jump and glide apparently. I’m with you on feeling deprived if I make too many rules about eating. My no added sugar has kind of gone by the wayside, but I really need to bring it back. It worked so well for a couple of weeks.

    We had someone here for several hours yesterday, replacing some of the MDF baseboard that had gotten wet and damaged with pine baseboard. I had purchased the materials and was going to do it but then had trouble getting the old stuff off without damaging the wall. OH has never done that and wasn’t interested so we hired someone. It’s so nice to have it done.

    Neil, congrats on the weight loss and being almost at your wedding weight. What is your final, long term goal?

    I’ve been binging on a Netflix series called, “Glitch” today and have seen all 6 episodes of Season 1. Have any of you seen it? It’s well done and I hear a lot of the same slang expressions that I often hear here. It takes place in a fictional bush town called Yoorana, Victoria. (I keep watching for birds!)

    Cinque, it’s great that you bought a good car at a reasonable price, but I can understand you feeling sad that your friend had to give up driving. I’m sure that she’s glad that it’s you who is getting it.

    Betsy, lgbran and Gday, good to see you again.

    Anzac, your job just doesn’t seem to calm down. It sounds like they’re an office that loves to eat. Not so good for someone who is trying to lose weight. Remember that jacket!

    Quacka, big containers of veggies aren’t only low calorie for all their bulk, they take a long time to eat because of all that chewing.

    Hi all, and a happy start to spring!!!!

    Califdreamer- the goal I set at the beginning of my weight loss journey was 90 kilos so I’m only 5 kilos away. But when I get there (I’m actually saying “when” now rather than “if”) I’ll reassess, looking at the way I look now and only 5 kilos to go I’ll probably end up aiming for something in the mid 80s

    I’m going to make a big push to get my weight as close to that 90 kilos as I can by the end of September before we leave for our Fiji holiday. I’ll continue on my gym sessions at lunch time and I’m also doing Steptember this month. I’ve been wearing my pedometer around work for the last few days to see what I normally do, and my normal day is 10,000-12,000 steps (including the gym session) so I definitely won’t have any issues with the 10,000 per day goal. 2 years ago I averaged 12,500 per day and last year I averaged almost 14,000 per day during Steptember so this year I’ll set a goal of 15,000 per day. Tennis season is starting again this month (next week in fact) so that will help my step count as well. I’ll continue with my sit-ups as they seem to be helping to tighten my waist up, but 100 per day is too many to maintain so I’ll drop it back to 50 per day.

    That’s the exercise taken care of, now the hard part…. the eating. I’m going to try to commit to a no added sugar month and lay off alcohol forr the month, other than that my eating has been pretty good, but I really need to be strict on the sugar. My first test on eating is tonight as we’re taking my father out to dinner for Father’s Day.

    I hope everyone has a great day/week/month and enjoy the fact that winter is now officially behind us!

    A quick hi on my Sunday Fast Day.
    Happy Father’s Day to all the lovely dads.

    Glitch is my daughter’s favourite program, Cali, series three (final series) is just about to air here.

    Do you think your no added sugar rule was making you feel deprived? Or is it just the hassle because added sugar things are EVERYWHERE.

    Heading over to see my daughter and family. Best wishes everyone, for a good day.

    Good morning,

    Happy fathers day to all the dads, especially LGbran, Neil and Penguin (Penguin I know you celebrate father’s day on a different date, but you can have a second one with us).

    I’m heading up to the Mount Lofty Summit cafe shortly for a family brunch with my cousins.

    Cali, I also managed to do 2 weeks sugar free too and then things things got a bit wobbly. I’m hoping a different approach this month will be more sustainable.
    Yes the sugar gliders are native – they are one of the smallest of our marsupial possums.

    Neil, good luck on having a sugar free September, I hope you do better with that goal than those of us who tried that in August managed. I also have no doubt that you will get to your goal of 90kg. Enjoy your day out with your dad.

    GDSA, I’m really pleased to hear that you have finally got your weight loss moving again after all the frustration you’ve had. I hope your new kitchen continues to be a joy to prepare food in.

    Cinque, I hope your energy has lasted. I have made a start on the cleaning and still have more to do this afternoon and tomorrow.

    I went to an art exhibition with a friend yesterday afternoon. It was mixed media art made by a local community group in the western suburbs. I saw quite a lot that I liked and was intrigued by – especially those pieces that included textiles and threads.

    I think we’ve gotten lucky with the weather here. It was beautiful sunny day yesterday, but rain was forecast for today. However it rained all night and now looks like the rain has cleared and the sun’s out. There will will be a few father’s day BBQ organisers who are breathing a sigh of relief!
    I’m also glad I’ll be able to enjoy a walk this afternoon.

    I got to the end of August with my best step count ever – over 64000 for the final week. My target for the week was 50000. Moving forward in September I am setting a minimum target rather than an increasing one. I don’t like having target I don’t think I can meet, but I love the challenge of beating targets I think are achievable – so I think setting an achievable minimum will encourage me to do as much as I can. So I’m setting 50,000 steps per week as a minimum for September. I have proved to myself over the last month that even when it’s wet and I’m very busy I can still easily exceed this target, so no excuses for not continuing to do so. I am now at 8 exercises in my strength/toning program. I’ve decided to keep it at this level with 2 weekly sessions and I’m going to focus on rotating exercises as the exercise physiologist suggested and also building up the reps as I’m able to.

    I have already mentioned that instead of trying to eliminate processed foods and sugars I’m using a mindful approach this month. My goal is to learn to recognise when I really want something rather than eating for other reasons. I also need to retrain my tendency to eat too quickly, as it usually leads to eating more than I should. I’ve already started the mindful approach a couple of days ago I feel much calmer and more in control of food temptations already.
    For example, yesterday I bought a lovely batard loaf of wholemeal sourdough. Normally what would happen is I’d slice it as soon as I got home. I’d eat both of the small end crusts while slicing, then I’d butter 2 more slices to eat with a cup of tea after I’d finished the slicing. On a bad day I’d go back for even more after that.
    Yesterday I sliced the loaf without eating any bread. Then I buttered the 2 little end pieces and drizzled a teaspoon of honey over them. I put the rest of the bread into the freezer. I made a cup of tea and sat down and slowly enjoyed every mouthful. While it didn’t stop me from remembering that the rest of the bread was only a few steps away in the freezer, I was content to stop at what I’d just eaten. Taking the time to enjoy the flavours really does help me be satisfied with a small portion.

    Now I have to see if I can make that mindfulness work at a cafe brunch.

    Enjoy your day everyone.

    Hi all

    Having trouble with the internet so haven’t been able to catch up everybody’s news so this will be all about me.

    Set off from Shellharbour at 8.30am Thursday and after a very hilly, windy road with intermittent rain and negotiating the main streets of many small towns arrived in Eden 7 hours later. Conditions certainly kept my co-pilot awake. Oh, and no podcasts as Bluetooth froze. Very glad to arrive. We have the beach at our front window and a tidal creek on our door. Very pretty and wonderful to be lulled asleep by the surf. Dog friendly too.

    Friday was a slow walk down Eden’s Main Street, a good burger and a quick shop at the op shop. Last one. As Anzac said, mussels and oysters are big here so bought some of each. Cooked mussels for the first time ever and will definitely be doing it again, best I have ever eaten.

    Yesterday, we went to Merimbula for our last Parkrun, nice and flat. Then reward breakfast and off to Tathra. Another place of golden beach and a bit of local interest with an historic wharf. Back to Merimbula to watch some of the local AFL Grand Final because we could. Local team was in my team colours of red, white and blue so naturally we barracked for them. Highlight of the day was guessing what score the young man manning the scoreboard would put up. For non AFL people, a goal scores 6 points and a behind scores a point. If his maths teacher was there, he will be getting some extra homework. Home to oysters mornay, early Fathers Day treat. We have enjoyed having fish and seafood all along the way and while we will be eating more fish when we get home, I doubt it will be as nice.

    Today, a relatively easy drive to Bairnsdale. So close to home, I can almost see my house from here. A slow cooked casserole is waiting, so no cooking. Maybe a walk into town to see a church with an interesting roof to fill in time until bedtime and then a nice quick start for the final leg.

    It’s has been a wonderful trip, I have enjoyed sharing it with all of you and meeting Anzac and Mr A plus Maxx was definitely a highlight. It is lovely to be so self indulgent but it is not the way I like to live all the time. Nothing like being needed by family and being part of my ‘village’. I’m definitely in a ‘hug’ deficit. I’ll catch up with everybody’s news when I’m home and have some time. Our course starts this week so that is going to be fun.

    Happy spring everyone! So glad we have moved into this time of year here (sorry Penguin and CalifDreamer; I know you’re moving into the cooler weather). I am really anticipating an improvement in my weight loss from this month onwards. In August, I gained 0.1 kg for the month, so basically stable. As Cinque and LJoyce have said, being on the basic 5:2 (or 4:3) but allowing normal eating on the other days is less likely to induce any bingeing, though my TDEE days will be around 1500-1600 calories, my final TDEE, not my current one. Still, it’s good to get used to that amount of food. I consider no food to be off limits, in moderation, and I stress, “in moderation”. I’ve 2 open packets of Tim-Tams in the fridge, open 2 weeks, and I’ve only eaten 4 biscuits from each packet. Not bad! I still have to make mainly sensible choices, though, or my cholesterol is likely to go up and my doctor will be unhappy 🙂 .

    Neilithicman, you’re a star with your weight loss and sensible approach to eating and exercise as you lose. Good luck during your holiday.

    Klondikekween, (almost) welcome home! It will be easier to control everything when you’re in your home environment, rather than having to hunt for the foodstuffs you prefer.

    Anzac65, well done for surviving your horror day so successfully. I echo Cinque’s comments. You really did well, with the amount of stress, and I do hope you’ve stayed well despite your drenching en route to the bowling.

    lgbran, you’re doing well, good for you. When to weigh is a personal choice. If it stresses you to weigh so often and see no changes, or temporary increases, weekly weighing, or no weighing and basing your loss on how your clothing feels are both fine alternatives. The dieticians used to recommend weekly weighing, but more recent studies have shown that it doesn’t matter which you do. You just need some way to monitor what’s happening, to prevent you from being in denial if the weight starts creeping up again.

    GDayfromSA, so lovely to hear from you, and glad you’re still around. Sounds like the keto diet is working well for you, which is great. Whatever works and is sustainable.

    Re my study data, I meet tomorrow with an expert in that area from my College, so let’s hope some useful information will emerge. I still have to arrange and do about another 17-20 interviews and transcribe them, but…. that’s still to come, and will happen over the next 2 months.

    For the gardeners among us – I’ve given up on having a vegetable garden, as I refuse to feed the possums instead of me, so in the past week I bought and have planted several bird-attracting shrubs in the area instead, plus have put another bird bath there. That’s a good use of the space in my view, and will bring me pleasure. Sad about not being able to grow vegies, but oh, well.

    Okay, catch you all next time!

    Good morning all

    Cinque, can I just say that you cheer me up endlessly. Thanks so much for your positive post about my ‘disaster’ day that actually turned out to be a winning day!

    What an incredible start to spring yesterday. Sunny and 22 and it felt really warm in the sun. Maxx loves the sun, especially in Winter, but he moved inside and lay on the cool tiles for the first time since last summer.

    We had a lovely day on Saturday. We headed out to Penrith in the Western suburbs which is where my baby niece lives. I say baby because she is the youngest, not because she is a baby. In fact, she’s having a baby! This was her baby ‘shower’ but instead she wanted a barbeque and cricket day with all her friends and family. We took Maxx and he was an absolute star. He did jump up on people but I asked them to immediately turn their back and that seemed to work. Some idiots didn’t listen to me and encouraged him to jump. Why I ask? But what can you do. Anyway he was gentle with the kids and enjoyed lots of pats. He did ‘sit’ and ‘down’ and ‘high five’ over and over, delighting onlookers. I ate pretty badly but ignored the wine and we did have a big walk in the morning. Weight this morning the same as Friday so I’m happy with that.

    Glad you are almost home Klondi and I know you will enjoy the reunion with friends and family

    LJ, I hope you had a lovely brunch yesterday. Those sugar gliders are so cute. I’m so impressed with your step count! I am also trying to be more mindful as I tend to eat too fast and, as you said, that can lead to eating more than you should or need.

    Betsy, the two of us will have a big improvement in weight loss this month. It is much easier when it is a bit warmer.

    Hi G’day, so nice to hear from you and so glad to hear about your steady weight loss. But sorry to hear about work hassles; I can definitely sympathise on that front.

    Cali, I’ve not heard of ‘Glitch’ but then we don’t have Netflix or any of the streaming services. We have limited Foxtel only but that’s enough for us. Hubby loves the sport and I enjoy some of the older shows on Foxtel. Is the weather still really warm there? That hurricane looks horrendous that is currently doing terrible damage to The Bahamas.

    Ok work is calling, or rather screaming. Onwards and downwards to quote a friend :)

    Morning all, I had a nice dinner out with my dad, I got the chicken and bacon salad with cashews, avoided the chips and dessert so that was a win. I finally managed to get out for a couple of rounds of frisbee golf yesterday too after a month of losing my weekends to work, so that was a nice change. It was a brilliant day yesterday too, nice and sunny and mid teens temperatures. I’ll be fasting today and tomorrow as I had our monthly card evening at our friend’s place as a last gasp before a strict September. Lots of salty and starchy snacks so I’m likely to be retaining a bit of water. I’ll hopefully be able to sweat it out at the gym over the next couple of days.

    Have a great day all.

    Good morning all.

    Hope everyone had a nice weekend. The family brunch yesterday was nice and I chose the corn-capsicum fritters with mushrooms, poached eggs and bush tomato chutney. It was very nice and definitely felt more like a lunch meal. Often eating something substantial mid-morning will trigger my desire to eat all day. However I just had a banana with a little nut butter spread on it at lunch time – and I ate it slowly. Then for afternoon tea I had 2 slices of toasted seed sourdough topped with ham, tomato and lettuce – again enjoyed slowly. I even managed to delay diner until after 7pm, which is unusual for me. I find that after I’ve eaten something through the afternoon I still think about food when I’ve finished but I turn my thoughts to remembering the flavours in the food I’ve just eaten and that seems to be enough to encourage me not to eat any more. I’m only a few days in, but this approach is working well for me so far. The combination of a walk and a lot of housework meant I did just over 10,000 steps yesterday.

    Neil, is it today that the house renovations start?

    Anzac, it sounds like you had a lovely weekend. Well needed I think after your insanely busy week.
    Glitch is actually an ABC drama – one of the few they still have the funding to make.

    Betsy, it sounds like you have a more manageable approach now. I agree that the milder weather should help – I’m always looking for a little extra comfort food when it’s cold.

    Klondi, nearly home. I hope this trip has been everything you hoped it would be and that it has given you lots of lovely memories.

    FD for me. For once I’m starting it not regretting several days of NFD overeating – that makes a nice change. Does anyone else get that little voice in their hear the night before a FD prompting them to eat something more because they are fasting tomorrow. I’ve been noticing it a bit lately. Last night I was thankfully able to ignore it, although I did promise myself a skim milk cocoa later in the evening – which I have most winter NFD evenings anyway.

    Have a nice day.

    Morning everyone. FD came and went uneventfully. I have popped in a couple of times to try and catch up with posts but had no time to post myself. Can’t remember much except LJ was using getting wet as an excuse for snacking; Cinque acquired a new car; Klond’s heading home; Penguin’s volunteering in the aviation museum during what’s left of the UK school holidays; CalifD is binge-watching shows on Netflix.

    Anzac, yes I would def. love to meet you too. You really made me laugh about your work place requirements of team building, etc. My DD used to get so fed up at uni when they had mandatory ‘mindfulness’ meetings in which she would be required to listen to a square of chocolate. She always said she’d be a lot less stressed if she could just use the time to get on with what she actually needed to study instead of wasting time in sessions conducted by psychology students.

    LJ, to answer your earlier question, the young couple that own this property haven’t arrived with the bulldozer yet so I assume we could stay a few more weeks. However, we have now booked our flights and will be heading over to Penguin territory in a couple of weeks. Can’t wait to see my DD. Although she has been so busy with work and setting up her townhouse, she still has a chat with me every morning so I get my ‘James Herriot’ fix. One benefit of waking at 4.30am.

    Have a wonderful day all, I’m off to bridge to knock ’em dead. Or not.

    Hi Ljoyce, yes it’s SUPPOSED to be the day that the renovations start and I took the morning off so I could go over some things with them, I rang them up at 9am to see when they were starting and the receptionist said that someone would be up within an hour or two. When 12:30 had come and gone and the useless @#$%&* still hadn’t shown up I gave up and went to work. What a waste of my time in lieu, oh well, at least I managed to get the weed-whacking done, the dishes done and my tools cleaned away.

    Neil, I hope you get a pleasant surprise when you get home from work, to find they have made a good start to the reno.

    Thin, good luck at bridge. I’m playing at a club nearby tomorrow morning, rather than the one I usually travel to.
    I’m sure you’ll have a lovely time catching up with your daughter. I’m looking forward to hearing about the rest of your planned travels.

    Hi folks,
    Hope everyone had a great weekend. Given that is was Father’s Day I ate and ate. Pancakes, strawberries and ice cream for breakfast. Salmon, green beans and sweet potato for dinner and then more ice cream. Logged it all on my fitness pal and needless to say daily KJ limit was exceeded by breakfast. Suffering from a food coma as my som would say today. Lethargic as thanks to intake of food. Taking it easy, just a short walk today and planned to do a bike ride but feeling flat. Back on track food wise and small baby steps.

    A month away heading off to Bali. Looking forward to the right dietary choices over there , welcome heat and quality time with my wife.

    LJ, hope you do a little better at bridge than we – 3rd and not a great %.
    Neil, tradespeople are the same the world over it seems. Unreliable and very little pride in their work.
    What a quiet day on here today! Where are all the Monday fasters?

    LGbran, I suspect you aren’t the only Dad that overindulged yesterday. I unfortunately have first hand experience with those food comas. Good to hear you are already back on track with your food choices.

    Thin, I was a Monday faster and it was quite uneventful. I spent the day finishing the thorough house cleaning and it certainly kept me from thinking about food. I heard from my bridge partner this afternoon – she’s ill and can’t make it to bridge tomorrow. It looks like I’ll be having a week off.
    Thin there’s nothing wrong with coming third – I came third for the last 2 weeks. Percentage was just above 51% both times. I’m actually happy with anything over 50% regardless of ranking. That feels to me like a sensible target for someone of my inexperience.
    When I check the pianola results I always find there is a fair amount of difference between my score as declarer – which is usually quite good and my score as defender – not so good. I clearly need to learn how to make the best of a bad hand. Playing a good hand is much easier.
    I actually got a good compliment on my playing on the Friday before last, from a couple of chaps who normally play in the graded pairs rather than supervised. It was very encouraging.

    I’ve never learned to play bridge, but my friends and I play 500 once a month alternating at each others houses. We normally get through 2 or 3 games an evening but last weekend we had a mammoth 16-hand game that lasted around 3 hours.

    Well apparently the builders finally turned up around 1:45pm but they managed to rip out the wall framing, move all the power-points and light switches and get everything tidied up in the 3-4 hours they were there.

    Second of my B2B fast days today, I got by with a couple of handfuls of nuts, a cheese omelette and a broccoli/cranberry salad yesterday. I’ve got some lamb Rogan Josh today.

    First day of Steptember today and I’ve put 4500 on my pedometer already by 8am.

    Have a great day everyone, and I hope everyone joining me in fasting today has an easy run of it.

    Good morning friends

    Neil, I have to ask, does NZ have a different calendar to the rest of the world? Today is the 3rd day of September over the ditch here. I’m guessing it was a typo LOL. I’m joining you in a FD today. I absolutely love playing cards and 500 is my all-time favourite. Sadly the friends we used to play with have split up and none of the other couples we know are card players. The only way I can stay awake any longer than about 10.00pm is if I’m playing cards; then I could stay awake all night (but I wouldn’t – not anymore). Glad the tradie(s) got some work done, if rather late. I can’t believe they all think it is their right to show up whenever they feel like it

    LJ I had a massive house clean on Sunday and it is a good way to forget about food. I elected to not go to dog school because after my 60 hour week and the all-day family event on Saturday I needed those two hours to get stuck into the housework. The house was a hair-infested cesspit but by the time the boys got home it was hair-free (briefly) and the floors were mopped and the two bathrooms scrubbed. I realised it was 10.00am and I hadn’t even thought about breakfast. Hubby said Maxx did the best sit-stay-come in the agility class for the second week in a row. Very proud. He also said yesterday when he gave me the walk report that he let Maxx off the lead briefly in the park where we met up with Klondi and Mr Klondi and he ambled along beside him rather than running off to explore. This is a massive improvement and it seems we have turned a corner with him (apart from jumping up on people).

    How exciting that you are going to the land of Penguin to see your daughter Thin. I look forward to hearing all about it and your other plans, when you are able to divulge. I laughed hard at your analogy about listening to a square of chocolate; that sums up the ridiculousness perfectly.

    It’s good to get straight back on track after an EFS Lgbran. It was Father’s day after all so understandable that you over-indulged. You must be so looking forward to your trip to Bali. I just checked my ‘Time Until’ app and it tells me I have 89 days and 20 minutes until our big trip. I put the time in that we will need to leave for the airport

    I am very prepared for my FD and feeling strong and motivated. I have a question – the tightest part of the jacket is around my back and shoulders. I do have a broad back for a female but there is also plenty of fat there that needs to be removed. Does anyone know of good exercises to target the back please?

    Have an awesome day, will check in regularly.

    Ha, no Anzac we don’t have a different calendar, I’m doing the Steptember fundraiser to raise money for a Cerebral Palsy charity. I’ve done it every year for the past 3 years. It doesn’t run for all of September, just 4 full weeks. So the first day is today and the last day is 30th September. If anyone feels like throwing a couple of dollars towards the cause then my fundraising page is here


    And if you want to find out more about it then the home page is here


    I usually do the challenges on the other forum eg currently doing September challenge but do occasionally lurk here and read what people are doing. It is a very interesting and busy place!
    Good exercises for the upper back ( assuming no shoulder issues and health fine):
    1. Sitting/standing with a weight in both hands ( dependent on how much you can cope with for 8 – 10 reps), hinge forward at HIPS not waist , maintain good posture and alignment, squeeze shoulder blades back together, hold for count of 10, relax. Do x 8 – 10 reps. Do 3 sets.
    2. Wall press ups : stand about 30 – 40 cms away from a wall, hands on wall at shoulder height, keep a straight line from ankles to shoulders. Bend elbows and lean in towards wall and then slowly push away from wall. Squeeze shoulder blades together as leaning in to wall.
    3. Laying on stomach , hands down by sides palms up, feet together, keeping a good alignment of spine and neck bring bellybutton in towards spine ( activate abdominals) lift head and shoulders /chest off floor several cms keeping everything below waist in contact with the floor., hold count of 5, lower down to start position.
    Do x 10 reps ( if able). Do 1 set and work up to 2 or 3 sets.
    These are quite good and effective exercises but as I said previously all contingent on NO shoulder issues and also NO lower back issues.
    There are several more but these are pretty good to start with and can give quit good definition over time.
    Good luck!

    Thanks very much lilymartin 🙂

    Goodness it is a veritable empty cavern in here today

    FD going well, the best I’ve had in a long time. If all goes to plan will end up about 650 calories which is what I aim for.

    Hope everyone is having a nice day

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