Good Morning all
Another successful FD yesterday and I’m really happy with it. Today is a NFD but I have all my food prepared and so it should be a nice CD. I have a big salad for lunch with boiled eggs. I also have popcorn and a mandarine as snacks and I’m having some more veggie soup for dinner. As it is a NFD I think I will fry up some tofu to have as added protein. OH had fresh bread with butter with his curry last night and it took a lot of willpower to not have some myself. I had plenty enough calories to have one slice of bread but I knew that I wouldn’t stop at just one, so none it was.
Penguin, I laughed about “The Great Oz”. Very funny
Hi Betsy. I am sending good wishes for successful FD’s for you! You can do this!!
You too, Anzac 🙂 🙂
Cinque, I forgot to say thanks for all the tips about keeping warm. Yesterday, I put two singlets on under my long sleeve top and then wore my jacket all day inside and I managed to stay warm enough. Everyone was complaining that it was cold but I was not feeling it for a change!
Ok I have to get back to work. Will try and post some more later as I feel like I am missing some of you x
12:53 am
20 Aug 19