Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,459 replies, has 835 voices, and was last updated by  thinatlast 17 hours, 8 minutes ago.

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  • Good Morning all

    Another successful FD yesterday and I’m really happy with it. Today is a NFD but I have all my food prepared and so it should be a nice CD. I have a big salad for lunch with boiled eggs. I also have popcorn and a mandarine as snacks and I’m having some more veggie soup for dinner. As it is a NFD I think I will fry up some tofu to have as added protein. OH had fresh bread with butter with his curry last night and it took a lot of willpower to not have some myself. I had plenty enough calories to have one slice of bread but I knew that I wouldn’t stop at just one, so none it was.

    Penguin, I laughed about “The Great Oz”. Very funny

    Hi Betsy. I am sending good wishes for successful FD’s for you! You can do this!!
    You too, Anzac 🙂 🙂

    Cinque, I forgot to say thanks for all the tips about keeping warm. Yesterday, I put two singlets on under my long sleeve top and then wore my jacket all day inside and I managed to stay warm enough. Everyone was complaining that it was cold but I was not feeling it for a change!

    Ok I have to get back to work. Will try and post some more later as I feel like I am missing some of you x

    Hi again
    I just went back to the previous page and saw there were three more posts while I was writing my first one.

    Thanks for the good wishes, Cinque and Klondi. I am finding FD’s a bit easier (hope I don’t jinx myself here) because I am using some of thin and Cali’s no nonsense approach. If it’s a FD, it’s a FD no matter what. I’m also learning that being hungry is not all that scary. It’s ok even if sometimes it feels like I am not going to make it, just soldier on.

    How lovely that Klondi and Anzac will be catching up. Hope you have a lovely time 🙂

    Neil, I really understand your frustration. Tradies are notoriously unreliable over here too so you can never make plans in getting a job done. Hope it all works out for you.

    Ok boss just walked in. Off I go again 🙂

    Good morning

    NFD and I have already broken my fast with a banana spread with peanut butter. It has become my most common mid-morning meal on NFDs.

    Quacka, good planing for a controlled NFD.
    I think Cinque is also right on the layers – it’s probably why there was a time when eyeryone wore a singlet under their clothes. I think the theory is that it traps the body warmth next to the skin and stops it being drawn away by air circulation.

    Klondi & Anzac, how lovely that you get to catch up. Can we please have photos of Maxx and Bobby’s play date?

    Penguin, your shed & garage sounds like it’s full of the useful stuff that my dad always hung onto. He had a pitched roof on the garage and decided not to install a ceiling so that he could use the roofing joists as a support for storing things like planks of wood up out of the way – until needed of course.

    Neil, it may be worth getting any tile that will fit and patching the roof with that for now – you can replace them with the right colour later. That would enable you to still get the renovations done now and keep the house dry.

    Cinque, It’s birthday time for me this week too. My 5 yo great niece turns 6 tomorrow. I have hunted down some jeans with embroidery on them for her – she loves them and they are getting harder to find. I hope your grand daughter’s birthday celebration is a lot of fun (and not too tiring for you).

    Anzac, could you leave some of your winter clothes shopping for Europe? It could be form part of your souvenir shopping – every time you wear it back in Oz you’ll be reminded of the trip. I bought some clothing during a European trip and they were a lovely reminder of the trip when I returned. Although I went in to Europe in autumn and wore that clothing in autumn-winter here.

    Lindsay, retirement is a big decision. I think you know when the time is right – the idea of retiring sticks in your thoughts and resists attempts to dislodge it.
    For me it came down to two things: health and finances. I knew my health was suffering and would probably be better away from work – that turned out to be a serious understatement. My health is exceptionally better since retirement. Financially I’m ok. I don’t have the same salary, but then I don’t have the same mortgage either. So despite having a lower income, less debt means my real standard of living is probably a little higher. The big compromise was that I knew retiring early would mean I needed to sell the house in the Adelaide Hills and buy something cheaper – and more suitable for aging. I do miss things that work gave me like intellectual challenge and working in a team.

    Cali, I’m hoping the fire situation has improved and there are none near you now.

    I have a bridge lesson this afternoon. I’m hoping to squeeze in a walk but it is quite a wet morning.

    Quacka, great news on your NNFDs and a new acronym! (no-nonsense fast days).

    Hi LJoyce, The problem is that our house is a 1950s bungalow and they don’t make the concrete tiles that our roof is made of anymore. The only place you can get them is from roofing guys who rip them off old houses that are being re-roofed.

    Neil, sorry to hear that the roofing guy doesn’t have the tiles as promised. It sounds like incompetent tradies know no boundaries or borders. We have the same thing here. I hope he comes up with the tiles before the roof work is scheduled to be done.

    Bon Voyage PerthGirl! Can’t wait to hear all the details of your trip and maybe see some pictures.

    LJ, it seems like moving from Adelaide Hills was a really good move for you. Being able to walk to so many great places without having to deal with all the hills is nice. And having so many places to shop nearby is a positive thing. It seems like you get out a lot more these days.

    Anzac and Klondi, what great news about meeting up on Saturday. It will be fun to meet someone that you feel like you know so well already. I wish I lived closer and had the opportunity to meet some of you in person. I keep in touch with most of you here more often than I do with people who live nearby.

    Cinque, I’m sorry to hear that you’re having to deal with health related problems. I hope they are resolved soon. I know you’re looking forward to Miss 5’s birthday, so hope the celebration isn’t too tiring.

    FD today and I guess I feel a little hungry now and all 500 calories have been used. But tomorrow is a NFD and I know from past experience that I probably won’t feel hungry in the morning.

    Weigh-in and it was as I predicted, noticeable change in body shape, minimal change on the scale. I was down 200g but at least I’m into the 95s now. My weight was flicking between 95.7 and 95.8 kg before settling onto 95.8 kg.

    Non fast day for me today so I’ve got a nice big roast lamb lined up for tonight. I hope everyone has a great day.

    Hi all

    Cinque. Can you do something about the weather. We will be back soon and I was hoping for a little bit of warmth. The cold snap you are having is hanging around much too long. Happy birthday to miss 5, a lovely age.

    Neil. Bad luck about your renos. Sounds like you might be living in a building site a lot longer than you would like. Never fun. I hope you are taking progress photos so that you can appreciate how great the new work is once it is finished. Surely you can count physical labour as exercise. I bet you found it much easier than you would have 6 months ago. Congrats on your new low, and the new body shape.

    Quakka. You own two singlets, I don’t think I have owned a singlet since I left home. My mother wasn’t dressed, summer or winter without her singlet on. But I do own thermals including long johns as I hate the cold but somehow I am feeling it less now and OH is the one who reaches for the heavy clothing. Great that your resolve is covering FD and NFD as that really is the trick to this WOL while your still trying to lose weight.

    LJ. Happy birthday to your Miss 6, are you making the birthday cake for her? Well done on the jeans. You are certainly embracing bridge, your brain must be in very good shape with all the stimulation it’s getting.

    Lindsay. I was extremely happy to retire but OH took some convincing. He was retrenched at 62 and hated not working. He fought his way back into the workforce and loved his work. His eyesight finally forced him out, he has macular degeneration, and fortunately we had a few things planned. When they were complete he had adjusted very well to the new pace of his life and has no regrets. Of course, finances have to be worked out but your garden, the girls in the hive and family activities will just expand to fill your time. Best of luck with your decision.

    Cali. We will have to set up a Skype session so we can be virtual study buddies. Not good to hear about fires, hope that they are over soon. You seem to have had a milder summer than last year. Enjoy your NFD now it’s here.

    Penguin. Near to where we are staying is a RAF base, Williamtown. it has a museum there called Flight World and we are visiting it today. Then we are going on a bush walk near our caravan park. I will be thinking of you but we will be on the lookout for koalas not wild boar.

    Good Morning everyone

    NNFD for me today (thanks thin, for the acronym and the support). As predicted, I woke up this morning after a terrible night’s sleep of about three broken up hours, and just didn’t feel like doing a FD. So I had a good talking to myself and asked whyyyyyyyy? Eating isn’t going to make me feel any less tired so I’m just going to do it. Lots of water, tea, a miso soup and that will get me through until dinner.

    Klondi, I own lots of singlets but they are all for wearing under my clothes. Now that I have lost so much weight I think I should be able to wear some of them as an outer singlet as I don’t have all the rolls for them to stick to! Bring on summer. I am so sick of this cold weather and the wind had been driving me crazy lately. I really feel for outdoor workers like OH who is working on a dry and very dusty job site. Needless to say, he is also well over the wind!

    Neil, You are probably getting close to your ideal weight now so you may find the weight loss slows up a bit (on the scales anyway). You are also building muscle so just enjoy your new shape and don’t worry too much about those pesky scales.

    Hope everyone has a lovely day. I will be checking in lots during the day so post up people!!

    Good morning everyone.

    Quacka, a poor night’s sleep has me craving more food – especially grain based foods the next day. I think sticking to a FD is an excellent idea because it can be really difficult to stick to moderate eating on a NFD when you are tired and hungry.

    Neil, I’m running out of ideas for the roof patch. The only other thing I can think of is the waterproof patching (it’s a type of tarpaulin) that is done after storm damage while awaiting the real repair. http://diyinahour.com/diy/install-a-blue-tarp-on-a-roof/
    If you were going to do this I would suggest you consider moving tiles from an area over the eaves up to the spot where the chimney hole is, then using the patch on the area of roof that is over the eaves. This should reduce the risk of water damage to a ceiling if the patch moves. It will also put the hole in a spot that’s easier to get to when you do get replacement tiles.
    (Did I ever mention that my dad was a builder!)

    Klondi, no I’m not making the birthday cake, her mother is also a very good baker and is particularly talented with the decoration. She is making a cake with a red panda theme – that is miss 6’s favourite animal. I making the cupcakes for the party. They will be eggless banana cake – there is one child with an egg allergy.
    I don’t have any traditional singlets either but I do have coloured camisoles and singlets made from stretchy cotton that are meant to be summer tops. In winter I wear them as the inner layer under jumpers.

    Cali, you aren’t alone in talking to friends on this forum more than those who love closer. I do the same. It’s rare for me to miss a day chatting here but there is nobody that I call every day.
    I am getting out more. I’m enjoying the walking when the weather is ok. It will be more challenging in the summer heat. I have found out that there is a walking group that uses the local shopping centre at 7am and I might join that in the hot weather. They walk all year round but a 7am walk in cold weather does not appeal to me at all.

    Confession time. I broke my no added sugar rule last night. After a responsible NFD and a very modestly sized dinner, I had 3 slices of toasted fruit loaf for dessert. (It started with 2 slices but then there was only one slice left in the freezer and it looked lonely and tempting, so I toasted that as well.) Not the end of the world I know, but I still don’t know why I felt I had to have it. It’s another NFD for me and I’m aiming to make it as controlled as possible. Given that I feel contrite today it should be ok.

    I have a rare day at home and am planning to make a big casserole with gravy beef and lots of veg. Some for a couple of NFDs this week and some to be frozen for later. I usually put some dumplings in it – I’m still deciding whether I will this time.

    For Klondi

    Outside we see a leaden sky
    As clouds go zipping swiftly by
    Showers come & go in town
    Moreso once the sun goes down

    By Friday though a high will come
    And with it comes late Winter sun
    Temperatures again will rise
    17 under #Melbourne skies

    (from the dear Bureau of Meteorology!)

    I’ll chat more soon.

    Quacka, I will unexpectedly be joining you in a FD today.

    I just had a call from my nephew who won’t get away from work tomorrow until at least 8pm tomorrow, so my planned FD won’t work. By the time I get home it will be after 9pm – that’s way too late for my only meal on a FD. As I have only eaten a small banana so far I’ve decided I’ll just fast today. The soup I was about to have for lunch is now waiting for dinner time.
    It was either do this or fast on Friday when I have a busy morning and then have to concentrate during bridge in the afternoon – that doesn’t appeal. Saturday is the birthday party for miss 6, so that’s out too.

    lovely poem Cinque

    LJ, Happy Birthday to Miss 6. Several of you here have grandies around the same age. It’s a great age because they’re getting so smart, but unlike in their teens, they don’t yet know everything! Klondi already asked you, but are you making her birthday cake?

    Quacka, good on you for going ahead with your FD, even though you didn’t feel like it. Fasting seems to make me feel more alert even when I’m tired. The past 2 nights I haven’t slept well, but on my FD yesterday I felt wide awake all day. I feel “off” when I have to switch a FD. I’m so in the habit of Monday and Thursday.

    Klondi, it would be fun to try Skype. I’ve never used it but I have used Facetime a couple times with family in Wisconsin. I used to use video conferencing with IRC but that was about 20 years ago.

    Good job going with the FD today LJ. I agree 9pm is way too late for a meal on a FD!

    Usually on a FD I wait until about 3pm to have something to eat but today I was struggling a bit so I have eaten my tin of Tuno already (it’s almost 2:30pm). I was still feeling like more so I also had a small tin of real tuna as well. I’m sitting at 157 calories now. I have entered it into “calorie king” and I’m up to 29 grams of protein which should hopefully stave off the afternoon munchies.
    I do think it’s going to be one of those FD’s where I use up every single one of the 500 cals though.
    I was unsure what to have for dinner but I think I will just have a portion of my soup and that will leave me 160 calories for something else if I need it, like some vita wheats.

    Cali, I also feel a bit out of sorts when I have to change my FD’s and that always happens after a long weekend. Mine are Monday/Wednesday and after long weekends I try to do B2B Tues/Wed. It sometimes works lol

    Cali, the birthday girl’s mum will do the cake and I’m doing the cup cakes. I went hunting for cute decorations for them today. I’ll try to remember to take a photo before they all have bites taken out of them. Actually usually kids eat the icing off and leave the cake.

    Quacka, I hope you got through your FD and enjoyed that veggie soup. I had cauliflower cheese soup for dinner. I think I’m probably sitting around 450-500 cals today because I had to corn thins with ricotta mid-afternoon.
    Hope you get a better night’s sleep tonight.

    On the plus side, despite feeling like having a lazy day at home I forced myself out for a circuitous walk to the shopping centre. Because I followed one my the newly discovered park routes it took a bit longer than I expected and ended up being 90 minutes. Good for my step count but my knees and back are making their displeasure known tonight.

    I finished making the beef and veg casserole. It was challenging to just have the soup for dinner and leave the casserole – I did have a mouthful to check the seasoning – yum. I’ll take some with me for dinner tomorrow night as otherwise it will be macaroni cheese with the kids. I might take a serve for my nephew too as he’ll be hungry and tired when he gets home.

    Have a good night all.

    Good morning everyone

    NFD for me today but it will still be controlled. Yesterday’s FD turned into about a 600 calorie one as I didn’t eat the soup for dinner, but instead made a different dinner both OH and I could enjoy. I’m ok with that because the scales are still being kind to me today.

    LJ, I think I will be making a beef and veggie casserole on the weekend as well as I have some osso buco that needs to be cooked up.

    I hope you all have a lovely day and also a lovely weekend ahead. Enjoy the grand kiddies birthday parties, LJ and Cinque. Take care all xx

    Hello everyone,

    Klondi I haven’t got much done on the weather yet. Brrr.
    Quacka, I am so glad you kept yourself warm.

    A welcome FAST DAY for me today. I need to make my dashi next 🙂

    Anzac, that coat you bought sounds wonderful.

    Neil, fingers crossed things fall in place to sort out your building dilemma.

    LJoyce, was it a lovely birthday party?
    My granddaughter’s was fun, just me and my sister there as they are all still coldy, but my jelly ring full of berries made a wonderful birthday cake. They will do the birthday Puffing Billy trip next week.

    Ha yes Thin a NNFD is a great acronym. That is what I am having today too.

    Off to get things done. Best wishes all.

    Hooray! I took the day off work today so I could organise everything and I spent the morning running around salvage yards. I managed to find a place that had a stash of the roof tiles I needed, they were even the right colour, and only NZ$5 each. I took the chimney down to the flashing yesterday so I could cover it up if I didn’t find the tiles, and if I did find the tiles I wouldn’t have much to go before I was below the roof level. Now I’ve got the tiles I can take off the last 2 courses of bricks to get below the roof level, patch the hole, then I can take the rest down at my leisure during the weekend. The bricks came off pretty easy, too easy in fact. When I was lifting the flue out it ripped off the top two courses of bricks which slid down the roof as a giant brick ring.

    Good morning

    Quick hi to everyone as work just gets more and more fun every day. Not

    83’s are so close….tomorrow for sure after a FD today

    Take care, hope to have a nice long chat soon

    Good morning.

    Anzac, enjoy that FD knowing that 83s await.

    Cinque, The birthday party is this Saturday at a “plaster fun house” https://www.plasterfunhouse.com.au/ With a large you get your own room and need to take your own party food for the group. They provide the plaster models and paints (at a cost of course) for the kids to have some messy crafty fun.
    I’m glad you got to have a little celebration despite the kids still being ill.

    Neil, very glad to hear that you solved the tile problem and won’t have to delay the renovations.

    Quacka, there is something very appealing about a hearty casserole in cold weather.
    I added a novel ingredient to my stew just to see what it would be like. I bought young firm eggplant that had minimal seed development and peeled them then cubed the flesh. I added this at the beginning of the cooking time and it cooked right down and mostly dissolved into the liquid and thickened the sauce for me. I think it could be added later too and would retain it’s shape. I thought it might work as eggplant is like a little sponge that absorbs the liquid and flavours around it. I’ll have to remember that for future reference as it reduces the amount of higher cal root veg I normally need to add.

    Have a good day all.

    A quick post from me too Anzac – it’s my crazy day at work. Rushing from one thing to another.

    Thanks for the thoughts on retirement good people – will answer you directly, in a longer post.

    Neil, that sounds like a huge job. And more than a little dangerous too. Good you were able to find the tiles at a good price too.

    Nice, Cinque, a small birthday party. Sometimes small is best, even though I am sorry they are still coldy. How are you getting on? Any improvements? I do wish the weather would warm up for you – I saw on last night’s news that Melbourne is in for another cold day.

    Here in Brisbane is will be 24 today, but an awful wind that makes my skin feel like leather and hair look like I just popped off a broom. Never mind, the magpies are singing their hearts out here , and it’s enough to make us feel good (I stopped for a coffee after my last consultations, and heard some folk at the next table say they wanted to sing too).

    LH hope your knees and back are recovering from your marathon walk.

    Snake season has begun early – my DS sent me a pic of a 4 metre carpet wound around his fence last night, only spotted because his dog got terribly whiney and upset. They’ve just put in new windows but no screens. I’m sending my screen man out to fix that, because a toddler and a 4 metre carpet snake just shouldn’t co-exist.

    On the upside, he also sent me a pic of an echidna in the park opposite his house, so I guess that’s the good and the bad of the wildlife (he lives on a very leafy block, opposite the park, separated by a creek, so it can be a bit snakey.

    OK time to get back to work. Enjoy your day. I’ll read, and post again tomorrow.

    You would hardly know there was a chimney there yesterday evening


    Lindsay, It seems awfully early for snake season. I agree, window screens are a must.

    Neil, what a wonderful job.

    The kids are fed and it’s bath time now, then readers and bedtime. The only drama tonight was me opening the front door when my nephew’s dogs started barking. Both dogs nearly knocked me down and ran out into the street. I then had to try and get them back into the house. I used my sternest voice and it worked. Failing that I would have found some bacon in the fridge – they’ll follow anyone for bacon!
    I’ll eat my dinner once the kids are in bed and have stopped asking for drinks, toys etc

    Hi all

    Quakka. Yes, I understand about the wind, we are in the middle of it now. You really are in a positive place right now, it’s wonderful to read the cheery tone of your posts.

    LJ. You are right, we should just ice some cardboard boxes and the kids would be just as happy. A good way to thicken your casserole and add to your veggies count, I imagine the younger eggplant doesn’t have that strong flavour which can sometimes be overpowering. Oops, glad those dogs behaved ok, at least you had a plan B.

    Cinque. Lovely poem, thank you. We are actually getting a blast of cold wind here and have had to break out our fleecy tops so we will be acclimatised by the time we hit Victoria. That jelly ring would have looked very festive, I’m sure Miss 5 would have been pleased.

    Calif. Skype or it’s equivalent is magic, it’s just like being together in the same room and it is free. We used it a lot when my DS was in USA.

    Neil. What a marvel, right tiles, right colour, right price. Is there anything you can’t do? We are in awe of all your achievements. But do be careful, crashing bricks are to be avoided. Yep, very good match, well done

    Anzac. We will celebrate those 83’s on Saturday. Looking forward to a mad Maxx picnic.

    Lindsay. Not a very nice visitor, how did he get rid of it or do you just have to wait for it to go away. Yes, screens are a must and an eagle eye, as well.

    Penguin. I got it wrong in my last post. It is a RAAF base and the museum is called FighterWorld. OH has always had an interest in WW2 planes and loved it. There was a very mean looking F111 and a really interesting display on ejector seats. I didn’t know how much was put into post-ejection survival. I thought you just got shot out and then you were on your own. A really amazing part of the display was 300 hand made models planes made over 40years by one man. No plastic hobby kits for him. No lanky septuagenarian to give us a tour, though.

    My FD crashed and burned today. We set off this morning and just as we got to the Pacific Highway we were diverted because there was a bushfire and the road was closed. This led to much meandering around hilly country roads until we could get back on track. By this time I needed food. We then proceeded south through Sydney outskirts, getting into the wrong lanes, onto wrong freeways until finally we arrived at Shellharbour, south of Wollongong. Even when we decided to go out and get fish and chips, we took a wrong turn and doubled the length of our journey. At least I had grilled fish and only 10 chips so quite a controlled NFD. We are right on the beach, protected by trees and the surf is pounding. Our first time here and it looks like a great spot, once the wind dies down. I’ll have my FD tomorrow.

    Good evening all.

    My nephew was delayed at work so I’ve only just arrived home.
    I had to share this photo with you – https://imgur.com/a/DvtSTdb It’s actually a wheat bag which each of the children have and needs to be warmed up for them at bedtime. It felt extremely bad putting this little fellow into the microwave!

    Klondi, it sounds like a challenging travel days. I’m sure you’ll make up for the fish and chips tomorrow. Much easier to plans meals once you’ve parked the van for a few days.

    Time for a cup of cocoa and bed – I have an early starts and a busy days tomorrow and Saturday.

    Gah! stupid tradies.

    I got a call from the builder this morning to say they’ve been delayed and won’t start work until the following Monday, so I didn’t need to run around like a headless chook yesterday to get everything organised and the work completed. Oh well, at least it’s done now and I might start to get my weekends back.

    I ate stuff that I was trying to cut out of my diet yesterday, I had a bowl of ice-cream and some lolly cake, but I’m not beating myself up about it because I sure burned off some calories yesterday. I skipped the gym and my sit-ups but I was completely exhausted by the end of the day. Back to normality today, back to work, lentils in a light tomato/yoghurt curry sauce for lunch and some boiled eggs in home-made marinara sauce for dinner. I’ll try to get my gym session in because I really enjoy them now.

    I hope everyone has a great day

    Good morning,
    Klondi, I am managing the weather very well for today and tomorrow, but it slips again after that. Take your time getting home!

    Anzac you are definitely on the trajectory to be in the 83’s. Lovely.

    LJoyce, ah yes, I have done my time at Plaster Playhouse birthday parties! Enjoy.

    I love hearing about your eggplant addition, what a wonderful vegetable it is.

    Lindsay, what a snake story! Crikey! And hello echidna 🙂 , I do love them.

    The kids are a lot better, Miss 5 is back at kinder, but I have a sore throat and croaky voice. Come on auto-immune system, kick in!

    Neil, wow, you did it! And oh, how typical that the builder is now delayed. But your part is done, so enjoy the weekend.

    Sympathy to everyone suffering with hot and cold winds. Lovely and still outside here at the moment, as well as sunny, so I am feeling a wee bit smug.

    Klondi, what a run around. I hope today falls nicely into place.

    I went to the Asian grocery yesterday because I had used up all my dried shiitake mushrooms. I bought a new packet of beautiful looking shiitake and some fresh king oyster mushrooms. I SO enjoyed one in my miso soup last night, and I am having more this morning panfried, on flatbreads made with fine cornmeal and topped with rocket. I love them so much! Thanks for introducing them to me LJoyce 🙂

    Lovely day. Cheers everyone,

    I had an amusing conversation with my boy’s piano teacher. She was commenting on how much weight I had lost and then asked me if it was hard to keep it off, I replied “I don’t know, I haven’t stopped losing it yet” 😀

    Good morning all, still horrible and windy today but it is supposed to move on around lunch time. Tomorrow is forecast to be sunny and 25! Perfect for our forum catch up Klondi

    I had a TFFD yesterday (Total Fail FD) so I’m back into the mid 84’s. Enough said and I’m just moving on with a CD today and not getting stressed about it

    Loved the conversation with the piano teacher Neil and I feel your frustration with the delayed tradies. We have been renovating for over 10 years and whilst hubby does 95% of the work himself, we do rely on tradies every now and then and they are almost always unreliable

    So sorry to hear you are getting sick Cinque; am sending positive vibes to your immune system

    Glad your Nephew’s dogs were well behaved enough to come back to you LJ.

    Hi everyone else, I am out of time and must run to a meeting. Take care and happy Friday

    Good morning all

    I have a break between appointments and have just had a lovely walk around Hyde Park (one of our most expensive suburbs- lots of Victorian era elegant stone villas). I have stopped for a pot of tea before walking back to the car and heading to the next appointment.

    Cinque, get well soon.
    I find minced eggplant is also an excellent addition to bolognese as it takes on the colour, texture and flavour of the beef.

    Neil, at least this weekend you get to do what you want rather than demolishing chimneys.

    It’s a lovely sunny day here so it should be heading east for the weekend.

    Klondike. There is a community of those who are nuts about old aeroplanes, in which the SH museums are known. My service never had the F111. We did have it on order at one time when our government was cancelling projects, ordering new types, cancelling them and buying something else. I have never actually seen a F111, although I did serve on a base which was substantially altered to receive them before we got Phantoms instead. I work in “The Jet Age Museum” but my real interest is in the very old aircraft. Amongst our jets we have a replica biplane fighter with one side complete and one side minus the fabric covering to show the internal construction. I have drawn and painted it several times but have yet to produce anything I am satisfied with. I could cheerfully go on a world holiday visiting the museums and flying sites, probably starting in Neil’s part of the world – there is an organisation in NZ building flying replicas of WW1 aircraft.

    Our season is changing. The weather forecast used the word “Autumnal” last week, although they are now saying it will get hot again. The one thing they have yet to offer is a snake season. It is a strange year. My tomato crop is very poor but in the same greenhouse I have so many aubergines and capsicum that I am looking for new things to do with them. The plum tree is having the best year ever but there are almost no apples.

    The main events of the last couple of weeks have been the school examination results for 16 and 18 year olds, with the usual claim and counter claim that they have become too easy or too difficult. I have two 16 year old grand children so it was a tense week until the results came out yesterday. Some surprises for both of them but both good enough to let them study what they want for the next two years. We will then we go through it all again, with the addition of grandchild three who will then be 16. Number four will follow along in due time. If they are parents as young as I was and I live to be 100, I could go through this again with great-grandchildren.

    I have made a start on my surfeit of aubergines. In the oven is an approximation of a moussaka. Approximation because the alternate layers are not all meat sauce – one is a spicy lentil dal. The cheese is the only true Cheddar – from Somerset in the west of England. A prejudice I inherited from my Father who was a Somerset man born near Cheddar. Tomorrow it may have to be a stuffed marrow. I haven’t looked at my courgettes/zucchinis for a few days and one is now 50cm/2 ft long and thick in proportion.

    It is a hot, sunny late afternoon and the work is finished for the day. We will now go and sit in the sun whilst supper cooks. OH will have a gin and tonic and in deference to the sun I shall have a pastis.

    Good morning.

    I did very badly yesterday. I found lunch at a bakery while walking. I had a cornish pasty AND a jelly cake. Seriously how does that fit in with a low processed food and no added sugar month? I got in plenty of walking, but nowhere nearly enough to deal with all those calories.

    Penguin, there is nothing wrong with moussaka with lentils, very yummy. Also, the Greeks use a lot of the brown lentils in their cooking, so it’s not too far from being authentic.
    If you’d like to use the aubergine/eggplant in salads or sandwiches, you can bake oiled slices on oven trays until they are golden and soft. They keep in a container for 4-5 days in the fridge.
    Also, a combination of minced aubergine,mushrooms and onions combined with brown lentils makes a good alternative to beef mince for cottage pie. I add some beef stock and worchestershire sauce when cooking it.

    I’m taking a break in the baking process.
    I was up early to make eggless cupcakes for today’s birthday party – one little girl has an egg allergy. They rose up nicely, so the absence of egg didn’t seem to cause any issues. I’m just waiting for them to cool before I decorate. I had a moment of panic because I’d bought some cute decorations made from royal icing and last night I got to wondering if they’d used eggwhite in them. Sure enough they contain egg so I had to rummage around in my box of baking supplies to see what my options were. I found mini smarties and a packet of wafer flowers that contain no egg so I’m going with the wafer flowers.

    Good morning everyone,
    I am enjoying the sun while it lasts, and the brisk breeze isn’t too chilly, so it has been a good morning. I have pulled out one warrigal plant (and cooked up another big saucepan full of greens).

    Haha, Neil a challenge to come… keeping the weight off. I am sure you will do it beautifully.

    I am thinking of Anzac and Klondi meeting! 🙂 🙂
    And LJoyce at the Plaster Fun House. Those eggless cupcakes with water flowers sound just gorgeous! I bet they go down a treat.

    I do hope you enjoyed every bite of your food deviations yesterday and can spend the rest of the month with low processed and added-sugar free food.

    Penguin, eep, I’d keep that big zuke for seeds. Your moussaka sounds delicious. I haven’t made it since I started eating meat again, so only know my lentil version 🙂

    LJoyce, I do the grilled slices too (and usually red capsicum at the same time).

    As well as beautiful eggplant dip, I mostly use them in eggplant parmigiana (grilled not fried, layered with arrabbiata sauce and topped with breadcrumbs and parmesan), a yummy Middle Eastern roasted eggplant and rice dish, baingan bharta, roasted ratatouille… haha too many recipes to name!

    Thanks for the good wishes, my throat is still sore today, but I am actually feeling better than I have for a couple of weeks. Phew. Fingers crossed it continues. I was sure I would do a Sunday Fast Day this week, but no, I am doing it today! Noon already. yay.

    best wishes to you all.

    Intesha are you still lurking?

    Hi everyone

    We had a lovely few hours with Klondi and Mr Klondi. Klondi is as lovely in person as she is in writing and Mr Klondi is friendly and funny too. We had a scrummy lunch – OH and I were time poor so just bought a bbq chicken and Klondi made an awesome Greek salad, bread and tzatziki. And the pièce de résistance……LJ scones! They were mouth watering…herb and cheese.

    Maxx and Bobby got along nicely although Maxx was a bit jumpy and mouthy as usual.

    We went for a nice walk after lunch and were so lucky with the weather. Sunny, no wind and about 24 degrees.

    I couldn’t think of a nicer way to spend a Saturday afternoon 🙂 Thanks again Klondi for driving an hour each way to see us and for the superb lunch.

    Now to catch up with posts…..

    Hi folks,
    A bad week overall. Been eating all the wrong things, biscuits, lollies and today was first day I’ve shown restraint. A change in medication for other issues has resulted in an increase in appetite. Battling a bit but have to preservere. Nice walk and bike ride today. It’s got to be one day at a time. Went to the pictures, resulting in buying snakes, party pack and then a burger and milkshake for dinner. Felt a tad full. Anyway today’s a better day and have to beat the head games,

    Cinque, glad to hear that you’re starting to feel better. That sore throat and all must have been from spending too much time in the dark, damp dungeon. 😁
    All of this talk about aubergine/eggplant made me hungry. I diced 2 big eggplants, an onion and sliced some green capsicum. I had some chickpeas that I’d soaked and cooked a couple days ago, so I added some of those too. The sauce was a light curry with tomato sauce and a little coconut milk. I made the whole thing in the Instapot and it turned out well in the end. The eggplant cooked down but I ended up with a lot of liquid, so I added some quinoa to use up some of that.

    Penguin, that moussaka sounds good. That zucchini is huge! But I agree with Cinque that it might be better to use it for seeds. But you could try tasting it first. Who knows, it might be good

    LJ, good thing you caught those royal icing decorations containing the eggs. That could have been disastrous.

    Lindsay, that huge carpet snake on your DS’s fence would have had me walking around paranoid for weeks. Yikes! (Or should I say crickey? 😆) I probably would have dreamed about it.

    Anzac, I had a TFAFD today. (Total failure after FD) I probably undid my loss from yesterday. I’ve been feeling irritable all day about different things.

    Neil, great job on that roof! Your talents know no end. Typical of the tradies to be delayed again. But at least you’ll have your weekend free. How nice of that piano teacher to notice your weight loss. You’re almost there! Maintenance is more boring than losing. But it’s not too difficult with 5:2. I bet you won’t miss a beat.

    Klondi, how did your meetup with Anzac go? It’s Saturday, right?

    Hi all, I’m tired but happy. This morning I loaded up all the old log burner parts and the rest of the metal I had lying around home and took it to the scrap yard, then I spent 5 hours demolishing all the rest of the chimney. I might actually get my weekends back now. I made good food choices too, I had the rest of my lentils for lunch then some lamb with mint yoghurt for dinner. I am going to indulge in a couple of rum and cokes this evening though, and a nice long soak in the bath. I can’t wait for a couple of weeks time now when the builders will hopefully be finished with their part of the renovations.

    Sounds like your catch-up was fun Anzac, it must be nice to meet in person and put a face to a username.

    So excited (and a little envious) to read that Klond and Anzac have met! What fun.

    Penguin, stuffed marrow is one of my favourite childhood food memories. It’s not done here, at least not in the west. I’ve never even seen a proper marrow since leaving England.

    I promised photos. https://imgur.com/a/EaAyZoN This shows the banana-passionfruit cupcakes, the birthday cake and the panda biscuits. My nephew’s wife made the birthday cake and the panda biscuits. When it comes to cake decorating she does faces really well, even on pandas. It was a good day, though tiring.

    I also went for a one hour walk with a friend a short while ago. Not that it will account for the party food I ate for lunch. It’s been a bad couple of days for food choices.

    Neil, I think you’ve earned the rum and coke, and the bath.

    Cali, it’s funny how hearing discussion of a food make us want it. I think I was just hankering after some summer veg as I’m getting tired of the winter ones.

    LGbran glad to hear you have turned the corner in making poor food choices. I find I go through stages where it’s either very easy to choose well, or every meal is a battle. Being hungrier than usual doesn’t help.

    Anzac, glad to hear that you and your family had a nice lunch with Klondi and her family.

    Cinque, yes I always do red capsicum along with the eggplant slices too. Such a versatile option for salads and sandwiches and so much more flavour than lettuce, cucumber etc.

    I now have two whole days where I don’t have appointments and don’t need to set the alarm clock – looking forward to that.

    Hi Thin, our posts crossed.
    Now that you aren’t tied to house perhaps you could head east and visit us all along the way.

    LJ, what a lovely thought! Wouldn’t that be a fun road trip!

    Hi all

    What a lovely day we had today. Anzac chose a lovely little park for our lunch and it was so nice to meet someone I already feel I know well. We had no trouble filling in a couple of hours and the two boys and the two OH’s all seemed to get on as well. Maxx is as engaging as I expected and Bobby coped with his enthusiasm. We capped it off by following a suggestion by Mr Anzac and went to Bundeena which is a small town with a beach in the middle of a national park. It was a lovely setting for a coffee and a beach stroll. Met a number of dogs and their people and it was a really pleasant end of the day. Thank you so much for organising it, Anzac and I can assure you that she is as lovely as her posts. https://i.imgur.com/ox433al.jpg I hope this link works. Mr Anzac has Maxx and I have Bobby. And I reached my goal today 63k. A lovely way to celebrate

    Lovely pic! Thankyou 🙂
    So glad you had a lovely day, Klondi and Anzac. Look at the smiles on the dogs!

    Lgbran, so good to hear from you and commiserations on your difficult time when you didn’t manage to eat the way you want to eat. I hope you can give yourself a rest and reset on your fast day, and get your day planned with good meals full of veggies. Recover from a bad week and move on.
    Don’t we all have times of doing this.

    Ha Cali, I am pretty sure the sore throat came from having sick 2yo coughing in my face. The dungeons I spend time with are beautiful and virtual and much less germy. 🙂
    Your coconut milk stew sounds great. Don’t eggplant and chickpeas go well together!

    Neil, great work. And what delicious and nurturing rewards you are giving yourself!

    LJoyce, lovely pics, what a special party! I hope you are having a luxurious time with your two appt free days.

    Klondi, don’t come home on Thursday! (forecast top 12c)
    Big congratulations on reaching your goal! 63kg! Brilliant. http://bestanimations.com/Holidays/Fireworks/fireworks/blue-erd-green-fireworks-gif.gif

    I had a good fast day yesterday and started feeling better too. I am going to enjoy today!

    Best wishes for good days for everyone.

    Loved that photo Klond! What a treat to see what Anzac looks like (we’ve already seen you Klond with Cinque). You both look great (as does Mr A). Klond, huge congratulations for getting to 63kg. Now the hard part – maintenance!

    FD for me. Earlier in the week, I crept up to 57kg where I’ve stayed for 5 days. Exactly. I’ve modified my weekly FD to include 2 frothy coffees but I have to say, having the milk definitely makes the period until 2pm harder in terms of feeling hungry. I’m still so busy that I don’t really notice it though and being a little hungry is a good reminder of the discipline required to maintain this WOL. Cauliflower soup at 2pm, hearty root and barley soup at 5pm. Man, I’m boring!

    Have a great day all. Remember, nothing tastes as good being slim feels.

    Good morning. It’s a nice looking day here but I’m still feeling too shattered to venture out yet. I will force myself out the door for a walk this afternoon. My busy weeks and sugar overload have caught up with me. I feel utterly exhausted this morning. I seem to get a sugar hangover that makes any underlying fatigue feel worse. As I’ve been avoiding sugar most of the month I think my body’s reaction is even more dramatic than usual.

    Klondi, thank you for the photo. It’s nice to be able to put faces to names here. Seeing the ocean in the background – looks like a lovely place to spend the afternoon. Bobby looks like someone just said smile for camera and he did it perfectly.
    Congratulations on getting to goal, it must feel wonderful. With the continued help of FDs you will hopefully find maintenance is easier that weight loss.

    Thin, It sounds like your weight is settling back near your pre-packing/moving weight of 58. How long do you get to camp out across the road from your old home?
    Interesting that coffees with cows milk stimulates your appetite – the lactose perhaps?

    Cinque, it sounds like you are starting to feel better. I hope you continue to improve. Isn’t it hard to avoid germs where toddlers are involved.

    My nephew’s work schedule has changed so it looks like I may be needed to cover babysitting some Thursdays until 9pm. I’m still trying to decide whether I can make a FD work with the late finish to babysitting. I think I could take my meal with me. This week I have lunch out on Wednesday and bridge Friday afternoon, so neither of those would work well as FDs. I think I’ll just have to do a FD Thursday and take my FD dinner with me. If I make it a soup dinner I can just take a tub from the freezer which would travel well and reheat easily. I ate a different dinner to the kids last week and it was fine.

    I had mixed results on my exercise challenge this week. My total steps were 62,900 which is well above my target of 45,000. (It shows me just what is possible despite having a busy week.) However I only realised this morning that I forgot to do my second exercise session for the week yesterday – I’ll do a catch up on that today. As to avoiding processed foods and added sugar – that would be a great big fail this week. Even my clothes feel a bit tight again after just one week of too many poor choices, despite the extra steps.

    I need to take advantage of today and tomorrow to get meals planned and veggies prepped so there are no easy excuses to make poor choices this week. I have a lunch at an Asian restaurant on Wednesday and I’ve already looked at the menu and decided on a squid, veg & thai basil dish that will be fine as long as I leave the rice on the plate. There’s likely to be sugar in the sauce but as long as that’s the only added sugar for the day it will be ok.

    Have nice day everyone. I hope you are getting your share of good weather.

    Change of plans. My precious quiet day tomorrow has turned into a babysitting day due to a pupil free day at their school. As I have already agreed to the kids request to walk to the bakery for lunch I’m thinking I might just fast today instead. I know I can get a chicken salad sandwich for lunch tomorrow at the bakery which is reasonable as a NFD lunch. I’m not hungry today anyway so it’s going to be an easy to just keep fasting today.

    Good morning everyone,
    LJoyce you will be out, busy being a graunty (as my sister calls herself great aunty). I do hope that sugar hangover is fading.

    Thin, are you feeling good about your current weight. Did that first gauntness settle down into an elegant slenderness? I hope it was a good fast day today and you are getting up to your frothy coffee.

    I’m headachey and cold, hopefully the last kick of the virus.
    Enjoying my morning cuppa though.

    Hoping you have all had a lovely weekend, except Cali and Penguin who are still having theirs.

    Cali I thought of you when I saw a flock of yellow tailed black cockatoos by the river the other day. All the cars slowed to look. It’s a wonderful world.

    Morning all

    A new week starts and back to normality. Sunday was great, the weather was nice and sunny, my wife wasn’t working and I had no work to do around the house having gotten it all done on Saturday. We went for a walk down by the harbour and caught site of a couple of huge dead octopus, apparently this is the time of year that they lay their eggs and then die 🙁 We also went for a walk through the local botanical gardens and then caught up with my wife’s sister. It felt so good to be able to actually relax in the weekend for once.

    I didn’t get my sit-ups done on Friday or Saturday as I was busy, but I did manage to get my 100 in yesterday, much to the bemusement of our cat that just sat on the couch watching me.

    Just a technology rant now. I was coming back to work after my afternoon tea break and there was a mother and small child on the escalator in front of me about 10 steps higher up. When they reached the top, the boy just stopped because he was playing on his phone, the mother didn’t prompt him to move because she was standing 2 steps in front of him tapping away on her phone. I had to actually gently push him forward when I got to the top because he wasn’t listening to me asking him to move and otherwise I would have tripped over him. Mobile devices are one of my pet hates. I think if we continue the way we are that the movie Wall-e might be closer to the mark than they were expecting.

    Klondi, thank you for posting the picture of you, Anzac and Mr. A. You look great at your goal of 63! Congratulations! 🍾🎊 Anzac, you look different than I always imagine you when reading your posts. I had pictured you with shorter brown hair. And you look thin to me. I don’t know where you’re hiding that 83 or 84kg, but I can’t see it in the picture. Good choice of clothing to cover it up while you’re getting rid of it once and for all.

    Thin, glad to hear you’re maintaining your new thin weight. How long before you move on from the house across the street from your old one? I always feel somewhat sad when I happen to drive past our last house, even though it’s been more than 17 years. The one we are in now is much nicer, but we had a lot of happy memories in the old house too and I sometimes miss those times. Of course we have a lot of happy memories here too.

    LJ, your cupcakes turned out beautiful. They go very well with the cake. Your whole family is talented when it comes to cooking. After bringing desserts into the house last weekend, I’ve been on kind of a sugar roll too. It’s amazing how effective avoiding added sugars and increasing fiber can be to not feeling hungry.

    Neil congrats on getting all of your roof work done. It’s nice that you could enjoy a leisurely weekend.

    Cinque, seeing a flock of yellow tailed black cockatoos would be like dying and going to heaven! It’s hard to even imagine. I was born in the wrong country. (And watching the news lately I am even more convinced of that. 🙄
    I think catching a cold and sore throat in a dark damp dungeon sounds a lot more exciting than getting it from germs toddlers. 😁

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