Quick post – missing Klondikekween, GDayfromSA, Intesha, Merryme, and others – are you all okay?
This topic contains 28,459 replies, has 835 voices, and was last updated by thinatlast 19 hours, 47 minutes ago.
Wow, a lot of science goes into getting us addicted to foods. I’m guessing a similar investigation has gone into developing Pringle’s because their motto is right, “once you pop you can’t stop”
It reminds me of “that sugar movie” where a USA scientist had trialled over 60 different formulas for a new soft drink to find the “bliss point” of the soft drink. I.e. the amount of sugar they can cram into the drink before people stop enjoying it as much.
Good morning with added sun (shining through the cold breeze).
Lovely day after fast day for me.
Miso soup was delicious last night, hope yours was too Quacka.
Breakfast will be sublime this morning 🙂
Yes indeed, a lot of science does go into getting us addicted to foods.
Ooh yum the cauliflower pickle. I’ve always hated vinegar and only liked pickles if the pickling liquid was very sweet, but my tastes have changed and then fermenting has wowed me. I do love the spark they give to a salad and the balance they give to meat and carbs.
Interesting LJoyce that they are useful when craving sugar!
Congratulations on your big walk, hope you are feeling fine. The park you linked to reminds me of the lovely Darebin Creek parklands near me.
I laughed at Diagonal Rd!
Perthgirl, I found the local Good Karma Network on facebook best for finding new homes for electrical items. Very happy recipients of my little deep fryer and a microwave.
Lindsay my 4yo is turning 5 this weekend! Kudos to DIL making that cake!
Goodness you are busy. Haha re a trip to China at the end of the day.
Much sympathy re the fridge cleaning, I bet you felt great once it was done.
Betsy I do hope it is a really enjoyable conference (and that they have sensible food there).
Hooray for getting to the point where you felt like binning crisps and crackers. Best possible way to get off a plateau, I imagine.
I woke up with a slightly tickly throat, but it seems to have disappeared. I am going back into the infectious home this afternoon as they have requested my pasta bake to make dinner easy. I’m very keen to give cuddles.
Best wishes to everyone
Good Morning everyone
Day after (much easier) FD for me today and the scales are showing me back into the 65’s range. I’m going to try for a light NFD today and try and keep it in the 65’s. I have all my food planned out for today except that I am having a bit of an issue planning dinner. I have chicken drumsticks to cook and I also have some cheesey cauliflower puree leftover from Tuesday night’s dinner. A little carb hungry voice in my head is saying to make that into a “macaroni cheese’ bake, using it as the white sauce. I am fighting with this little voice in my head, telling it that the pasta carbs will not help me stay in the 65’s…….I’m not sure who will win here. By the way, I’m not (too) crazy!!!
I tried the fermented cauliflower last night. Well, it was a little salty still and not much turmeric flavour coming through yet. The crunch of the cauliflower was nice though and I will definitely be making it again, maybe with a few alterations (like always)
Betsy, I am so cold on FD’s and despite many layers of clothing and air con on at 30 degrees at work, I really struggle to warm up. I drink tea and herbal teas, Bovril and lots of water as well but the only time I feel warm on a FD is at night if I am having Miso soup for dinner and the fire is roaring. Even then I still feel the cold more that night as I am trying to sleep. It’s great in Summer though and helps to keep my Rosacea in check a bit.
Well done on stopping yourself from eating all the crackers. That’s great progress!
Cinque, that is very informative what you relayed about the Doritos. Thank you. I think it does apply to all those types of snack foods with flavourings on them (yes, Pringles, Neil) and I especially notice it with crisps. I love the plain salt ones the best but I know if I have the flavoured ones I just want to keep eating them all until the whole pack is gone. The plain ones are much easier to stop eating and I think the satiety comes from the combination of salt and fat rather than a nasty chemical concoction. I don’t buy them though as it is the type of food that ‘calls’ to me from the cupboard. Thankfully the girls at work have not had them or if they have they have been kind enough to hide them from me 🙂
LJ, well done on getting your walking done. Those parkland/wetland areas look amazing and I can imagine it is lovely to be walking with all that nature surrounding you. I have been doing a lot of thinking (and no doing) about starting my walking again. It is getting lighter in the morning now so I have no excuse, guess it’s just sheer laziness!
I hope everyone is going well. We are missing your posts lovely people, so please just pop on and say hi if you are still here.
Take care x
Celebrating five years of 5:2!
For those interested, I lost 23 kgs on 5:2 over a year, I’ve maintained that now for four years, losing a few more kgs along the way. Currently practicing 6:1 as I don’t want to lose more weight but I do want to stay in the fasting rhythm. I will revert to 5:2 when required.
Worst weight: 87kg
Average loss during first year: 2kg per mos
Current weight: 56.5kg
Like you PerthGirl, my FDs are non-negotiable, nothing and no-one gets in the way. I continue fasting when on holiday but in a modified, pre-planned way (i.e. 6:1). I have NEVER blown or skipped a FD in five years. You’re either practicing this as a way of life – or you’re not.
Neil, that’s an inspirational loss – huge congrats to you. You have changed your life.
LJ, I saw the catalyst programme the other night and loved it. OH managed to leave the room (to get something to snack on) just as the fasting info was explained. I am envious of PG with a like-minded husband. Mine is accepting of my WOL, mildly supportive, but has no interest in changing his. Still adds sugar to hot drinks and he drinks OJ – which Dr M. calls a sugar delivery system.
LJ, yes I saw that you have a regular bridge partner. That’s great. Guess what? My partner and I came SIXTH out of 12 pairs in the big kids’ group on Tuesday. We even got green points for our effort. I doubled another pair netting us 500 points.
I’ve read a lot of posts but, as usual, can’t remember what was written on the previous page although I meant to comment. Have a great day everyone.
Hello everyone
I’m drowning, utterly drowning in work so unable to post for a day or two. I am WFH today so that is lovely and we had a super walk this morning with Maxx. We even did some jogging (well more like waddling for me but baby steps). I am so close to the 83’s – 84.2 – so am having a FD800 today and a proper FD tomorrow. I switched to tomorrow as I have a crazy busy day with meetings so it will be much easier to fast.
I miss you all and will be back soon. I hope everyone is ok
Oh poor Anzac! But hey, you are almost in the 83s, and before you know it, it will be the 70s, and away you go! I see a slim you cruising around Europe in not too many months.
Thin, congratulations on your 5 years and all that goes with good health, and being thin at last (and being a clever bridge player, of course). How is it going, watching the new folk in your house? Are they experiencing the wretched neighbours yet?
Cinque, if only food scientists could put as much thought into healthy food instead of processed garbage, we’d all be so much better off. As I read your report I had visions of mad people in white coats hovering over bubbling vats of fat and sugar. Not a good image. Hope your Miss 5’s celebrations are fun, and you are all feeling well and over the bugs.
I have been cleaning out cupboards and found some lovely things I wore last winter, so popped a nice red jacket over my customary black today, and feel quite motivated to get back into the swing. There is nothing like looking smart in things that I bought when I was slimmer, to inspire me. I am also quite inspired not to buy another thing, until I can actually remember what I have in the cupboards. I must have 30 pairs of black trousers, all perfectly wearable. That really is shameful.
So, I’ve just had my first meal of the day, 18 hours after a very early dinner at DD’s last night. Frozen leftovers of a light chicken curry I made a couple of nights ago . I also have a little container of chopped capsicum to see me home … my danger time is between leaving work and having dinner.
Back to work – I am supposed to be off but am filling in for a colleague. A relatively easy day, with only five consultations and then I’m home to clean up for the new cleaner tomorrow. My OH never understands why I do that, and he’s probably right.
Penguin have you gone on holiday again?
Good morning all,
Thin, congratulations on your fifth 5:2 WOL anniversary – to use modern speak “you got this!”. Yes, I am very appreciative that my OH joined me in the 5:2 WOL, especially as he has never been overweight in his life (at 56-58kg, it was a family joke that if he stood sideways over a drain he might slip through). He read the science and decided on it as a WOL of life because of the apparent benefits of regular fasting.
When I first lost lots of weight my (then) OH and four teenage sons didn’t even notice the difference, probably because they saw me everyday.
Quacka, Barilla Casarecce pasta (100% chickpea flour) + your cauliflower puree = healthy macaroni cheese with a good dose of protein too.
Thank all for the suggestions re contacts for surplus electrical (and other) goods, I will follow-up when we return home.
Although I naturally ‘run cold’ I don’t notice any difference on fast days. A little trawling of the internet shows that it is not uncommon, but no solid science to indicate why. The body shivers either as a response to cold or to a perceived shortage of energy. So, I’ll do a little meandering thinking here:
1) If, prior, to starting with IF, your diet included quite a lot of sugars in the form of added sugars in your regular diet, ie your body it was habituated to plenty of sugars being available, a fasting day may drop the levels enough to concern your various life/hormone cycles causing them to respond; my diabetic friend goes cold just before a ‘hypo’. Prior to starting IF my sample of 2 (OH and I) were eating a mediterranean-style diet with very, very little added sugars. Neither of us have ever experienced shivering whilst fasting. Perhaps, others on the forum can tell us of their experience.
2) If, on NFDs where 5:2 tells us we can eat ‘normally’ and your ‘normal’ includes added sugar/processed foods and/or between meal snacks, it could be a similar habituation. Your body feels ‘hard done by’ without the additional sugars in your system.
NOTE – this are just my random thoughts, I have no expertise in this area, or the science related to the body’s chemical pathways.
Anzac, if those meetings tomorrow, on your FD, are likely to induce stress – make sure you have some good food on hand to help you cope – as you have said in previous posts that you are inclined to stress-eat 🙂
Lindsay, I understand perfectly why you need to clean up before the cleaner comes.
LJ, very pleasant walks indeed for a built-up area, lucky you – and you didn’t even realise it when you chose the location. Hope bridge went well, again. Totally in awe of you and Thin.
I can’t remember who mentioned the hazelnut and cacao smoosh balls, but can you really stop at a couple, the pack states that it contains 1 serving! I think the price alone would steer me towards some really good dark chocolate instead. However, I did find this, try it at your peril 🙂
Cinque, sorry you were at the doctor’s rather than the dungeon. Hope the kiddie cuddles haven’t resulted in a cold for you.
I also watched Tuesday’s Catalyst program, and there were two things that caught my attention. (1) The first researcher’s suggestion that we eat only low carb veges on fast days, to enhance the switch to repair mode. (2) The researcher (female) in the concluding segment who appeared to say that a high-carb, low protein diet is good for us. She did go on to elaborate that the carbs should be good-food carbs not from processed foods. But, if people stop listening to the message after the first sentence, it is surely the same message that has led to the syndrome X (obesity/diabetes/cardiac problems) epidemic that we see now.
The only way to encourage food companies to invest in healthy foods is when a groundswell of people push back and hurt the companies shareholder profits. Unfortunately, you only have to look at the ‘healthy food’ aisles in the supermarket to see how the food scientists respond to current health concerns. When we were in the UK recently we were in a supermarket which labelled that particular aisle, in their signage, as the ‘Free from …’ aisle.
Where is Penguin, did things get too hot in the UK for penguins? Also missing Klondike’s travel posts.
“If you keep good food in your fridge, you will eat good food.” – Errick McAdams
Good evening everyone.
Busy day for me – only just got home after bridge until 2:30 then babysitting until 7pm. I managed to squeeze in a 30min walk after bridge, but that’s it for exercise today.
Didn’t do so well at bridge today. We came 6th out of 8 pairs (46%) and I made some silly errors that I realised as soon as I’d played the card..
You’ve been a busy lot with todays posts and I feel too tired to do them all justice tonight. I’ll attempt to catch up tomorrow.
FD for me tomorrow.
Happy anniversary Thin. So from your worst to now you’ve dropped 35% of your body weight. That’s awesome, it’s also around what I would have lost when I eventually reach my goal weight.
Anzac, I hear you on the work, I had a crap day yesterday where my scanner started going really slower and slower to the point it took an hour to scan a 500 page RMA. I spent an hour on the phone with the help desk and all they managed to do was to get it to stop working altogether, because they kept me in the phone so long and I had training all afternoon I didn’t get to eat at all so I was hungry, grumpy and stressed. Of course the work kept piling in and I couldn’t do any of it, So today I’m going to be swamped trying to do yesterday and today’s work on someone else’s scanner.
Betsy just noticed your post from over a week ago about finding rubble in your garden. Doesn’t it drive you insane. My SIL is a tradie – an electrician – and he is meticulous in removing even the smallest piece of tape when he finishes a job. Also thanks for the tip on bracken leaves for bee stings. I have to tackle the girls again this weekend, and already I’m gearing up for the challenge.
And Thin I laughed at your travel story…I can just imagine it.
Gosh, how many more interesting posts did I miss when I checked out for a few days?
We have little Miss 3 today ….also new cleaners. The ‘new’ one who was scheduled decided at ten to five last night that she didn’t want to be a cleaner any more. OH will take madam down to the library and I’ll join them a bit later for lunch, once the cleaners are done.
A good result from my FD yesterday – down .7 this morning. Not before time too. I thought I was in for quite a gentle day yesterday, but work was complex and demanding. But a good day too where I actually felt I’d done some good, and we can’t ask for more than that from work.
And Neil, poor Neil. Hope you get through today ok, and a nice weekend looms.
Hello everyone,
Our nice looking Friday cancelled like Lindsay’s cleaner, and we have to wait until tomorrow for sun and 17C.
I’ve got a nice snuggly day where I don’t have to do anything (touch wood and whistle) so I am going slow and doing just what I want to, including my gentle ‘3 rule’ where I put three little things away every time I get up.
Quacka, yay, have a lovely settle into the 65’s.
It will be lovely to have your fermented cauliflower settling its salty edges and becoming more complex in flavour… and making an even better batch next time.
COLDNESS, I have suffered with this badly since I got my chronic illness, and it took me a long time to come to terms with it. I’ve mentioned my hints a couple of times, but that made me think that I have a whole host of things I do routinely now to keep warm. FD’s or any days you feel cold.
The biggest problem is getting cold to the core. So the best trick is to never get that cold. Layers of light woollen clothes, silk and those manufactured textiles they use for thermals are the way to go. They are really good making merino thermals now that aren’t itchy, and they are a good price in Target. (Also avoid itchiness by keeping your skin hydrated: drink water and use body moisturisers).
Wear layers, warm air builds up between the layers to keep you snug, and you can remove a layer of two if you get too warm.
Hot drinks, keep them up! Herbal teas are good if you don’t want a tea or coffee.
If you do get cold right through, the best way of dealing with it is a hot bath. Easy if you are working from home (presuming you have a bath). A shower is good, but you have to give it long enough to warm your core.
Exercise is wonderful, if you can do it.
If you can’t do exercise or have a hot shower, put on layers AND have hot drinks until you are warm.
Final note, have a mind for your extremities: two pairs of socks if you haven’t got thick ones, Ug boots or just a sheepskin insert, fingerless gloves and beanies can make you so much more comfortable. Just have a big enough bag to fit in beanie, scarf, gloves, top layers…
Thin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5w3u1kvxQvI
Poster Girl for Non Negotiation!
I also caught up with the Catalyst program and really enjoyed it. I will take to heart the low carb fast days. Mine usually are but sometimes if I need something in the early afternoon and I don’t have soup I might grab a ryvita or two or something even carbier.
Isn’t it interesting that when they say ‘carbs’ people only think of pasta, bread and potatoes… often they don’t think of sugar and fruit as carbs, and never the wonderful whole grains, legumes, root vegetables, nuts and seeds.
I did notice that they gave Ian Henderson the old people’s balance of protein to carbs however it shouldn’t clock in until we are older, over 70 or, the first place I read about it, over 80.
Anzac and Neil, sending you good wishes getting through these mad busy days!
Lindsay, that red jacket does sound smart! 30 pairs of black trousers, wow!
PerthGirl, you write interesting posts!
LJoyce, I hope you are having an easy, quiet fast day.
Off to put away three little things…. Best wishes everyone.
Having wins today, I commandeered another scanner and computer from another department and I managed to clear the backlog from the last 2 days and am actually starting on today’s work. Everything seems broken around this place at the moment, my scanner, our work database is broken, we’ve got an electrician crawling through our ceiling doing some wiring work, but the worst by far is our coffee machine is out of order!!!
I think there is a disconnect between viewing some things as carbs because not all carbs are created equal. The Mediterranean diet recommended by Dr Mosley suggests cutting out starchy carbs like Bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, etc, sugars, and processed carbs, but allows less starchy carbs like those found most fruits/vegetables and legumes. That was the main reason I decided to follow that diet rather than the Keto diet my brother was on which is way more restrictive in terms of what fruit and vegetables you can eat. Any diet that tells you not to eat fruit and veggies is not going to be sustainable for me. I just polished off half a cucumber and the last carrot from our garden today along with the eggs I’m eating for the protein.
No rest for me this weekend. Our builder called up to say that he’s had an opening and can squeeze our building job in from the 26th August, like just over a week from now. So my weekend is going to involve running around picking up the new log burner, hearth, and roof tiles to patch the hole where our chimney is now, and then ripping out the chimney, old log burner, and the wall in between our living room and kitchen ready for the builders to do their thing on the 26th.
Good afternoon all.
I’ve finally caught up on all the posts.
I hope those of you struggling with work find it gets a little easier soon.
Well done to those of you doing light NFDs to speed your weight loss. I have good intentions but don’t seem to manage it, the cold weather has me want just a little more of everything. I am sticking to my home cooked ingredients and steering clear of processed foods and added sugars, but I should be less generous with my serves than I have been.
I’m another that feels the cold on any day when I eat significantly under my TDEE. It was a daily occurrence for me when I did the many months of 800cal on the VLCD. It also happens on FD now – nice in summer, but not so good this time of year. I find the reverse is also true, if I have a day where I greatly overeat, my torso feels really warm – I notice this at night when trying to get to sleep and feeling too hot to be comfortable. Like Cinque, I too find a hot bath is the best way to get warm to the core. I am more likely to do this at the end of a FD as feeling so warm helps me get to sleep.
FD is going well and I have managed to do a 40min walk despite a few raindrops trying to deter me.
Hope anyone else fasting is having an easy time.
Wow, lots of posts to catch up on today. We’re in another hot spell here with temps around 38 or 39 today and probably tomorrow too. I feel so slow, like walking through molasses. I’m just not getting much accomplished. It’s comfortable in the house with the new air conditioning, so it’s not that I’m too warm. Just feeling lazy I guess. And a little stressed since there have been a couple fires in the past few days that weren’t real far from here. They managed to get them out or under control fairly quickly, but I can’t stop checking on the local websites to see how they are going.
Thin, congrats on your 5:2 5 year anniversary! It’s surely a big part of your life now. Imagine how different your life might be if you hadn’t started it. So much better for your health and your self esteem. And you are an inspiration to everyone here with your determination and no nonsense approach.
How are the new homeowners dealing with the noisy neighbors? Or are they just as noisy with their kids?
LJ, that parkland/wetland reserve looks like a beautiful place to walk. How nice to have it so close by. It’s like being out in the country (or I guess you would say outback) without having to get in the car. Hmm, that’s a good question: How do you define outback? I always thought it was the hot dry interior region of the country. But would that include the unpopulated areas that aren’t necessarily that hot most of the year?
Neil, glad you are managing to catch up at work. Having problems with computers and peripherals can be maddening. We’re so dependent on them because of their speed on tedious sorting or computing tasks. Although most of us didn’t grow up with them, it sure doesn’t take long for them to become an integral part of our lives.
Anzac, hang in there. Sorry to hear your job is still so hectic. Your holidays will be well deserved once they arrive. I’ve been hearing on the news that in our southwestern states there is a problem with a toxic blue/green algae that blooms in freshwater lakes and ponds. It’s apparently something that occurs in California and Australia too. People have lost dogs who swam in the water or drank it. One family lost 3 dogs within a matter of hours to liver and neurological disorders. Something to be aware of, although you probably go to the ocean for all your beach activities with Maxx.
Cinque, I always wondered what made chips like Doritos so appealing. I wish food chemists put as much effort into producing healthy foods that were appealing as they do producing unhealthy, addictive ones. I guess some of them do, but those foods are often high in fiber or otherwise satisfying enough that we don’t eat big quantities of them. Miss 4 is becoming Miss 5! Kids become so much more interesting when they get to be that age. And they come up with some of the funniest things. I can remember when the daughter of a friend told her kindergarten teacher that she missed school the previous day because she was pregnant. (They also repeat everything. 😁)
I’m always cold in the winter, especially on FD’s. I agree with all of your advice on getting warm. I usually sit in the shower though. Our bathtub is too bag and deep and takes forever to fill. We rarely use it. We really need to replace it with something smaller or eliminate it altogether.
Quacka, thank you for posting the turmeric cauliflower recipe. It looks really good and I’ll definitely try it in the future. I love fermented vegetables. Cauliflower is one of the easier ones to ferment without worrying about spoilage. Carrots and cucumbers often give me trouble. Sometimes adding a little cabbage helps to get it going since cabbage seems to want to ferment quickly and easily.
We just subscribed to a trial of a streaming TV channel called BritBox. A few of the shows are familiar, but most aren’t. I know you get a lot of British shows there. Are any of these familiar that you can recommend? (What happened to Penguin?) https://www.britbox.com/us/programmes
Hi to everyone I didn’t mention, Betsy, PG, Lindsay. Where’s Klondi?
Cali, I hope that heat settles down soon. I also have everything crossed that this will not be a bad fire season for you.
As to the outback, I’d describe it with another Aussie saying “Out in the middle of nowhere”, with red dirt as far as the eye can see and very very few people. I’ve never actually been to somewhere I’d consider to be “the outback”. Although I’ve been to Leigh Creek in northern SA and I guess that’s getting close.
We also have rural areas that we’d call “the bush”, which unlike the outback does often contain lots of native plants. The reserve near me reminds me of a combination of a very large public park (mostly because of the grass and the asphalt bike paths) with areas that feel much more like native national parks.
Cali, I can’t see much of the britbox site – probably because it’s not available in Australia. I did see a picture of Michael Kitchen on the internet page. We saw him in the Foyle’s War series which I enjoyed, although the series is aging – it was made from 2002-2015. (Detective series set during WW2) Not sure if you’ve seen The Bletchley Circle – I enjoyed that also and I think it’s still being made – the last series was actually set in the U.S. (This is set just after WW2 and is about a group of women who worked at Bletchley Park during the war and begin to use their intellect to solve crimes/mysteries.)
I like most of the harder edge british detective series too.
A few days ago I mentioned the ABC docco on aging well and mentioned that it discussed 5:2. I’ve found an article about it online. I know those of you outside Australia probably can access the tv program, but hopefully you can access the article: https://www.abc.net.au/news/health/2019-08-16/how-do-you-stay-younger-for-longer/11418630
Hi all
Hi all
I have been very slack, checking in spasmodically but always seemed to have something else to do when it came to posting.
Neil. I checked out that castle, WOW. Surprised that hasn’t been on Grand Designs. You are certainly showing us all the way with your exercise achievements. And weight goals. It sounds like your family never sit still for 5 minutes, what a great way to bring up kids. I’ve managed to stick with my exercise challenge of 18k per week but I haven’t increased it yet so 25k might not eventuate unless sitting on a horse for 90 minutes while it walks counts as cross training. I’ve also signed up for steptember and I’ll complete it this year, only managed three weeks last year. If you really feel you need to accelerate your last few kilos, have you looked at doing an egg fast, it’s not for me but some people seem to have amazing results.
LG Your description of how you beat your food demons is really enlightening. I used to think I had problems with food but I am extremely grateful that I didn’t have the struggle you had as I am not good at discipline. Your achievements must give you great satisfaction. A trip to Antarctica would be wonderful but as you say, you could have a lot of other experiences for that money. I am a turtle enthusiast and I went to all the continents that have turtles so I can tick that off. I made your scones in the air fryer but didn’t have any baking powder so they didn’t rise much but the flavour was great and half a recipe only made four. Bobby helped himself to one when I wasn’t looking so no damage done. I was surprised how buttery they were with such a small amount of butter. I also tried kale chips. They mostly went quite crisp but still ended up quite chewy, I think I have to remove all the spines of the leaves. You are certainly lucky to have such a lovely green area to explore, so much nicer than just walking in the suburbs. You will be able to watch the seasons change so never get bored and the step count will just keep adding up. It’s funny but I seem to feel the cold less now than I ever did, go figure
Betsy. Thanks for the call out. It’s funny that you still think of yourself in the 80’s when you are in the 70’s, just shows our mind doesn’t always keep up with our new reality. I had a day recently when I questioned whether I had really achieved as much as I have and I don’t quite understand why but it passed and I am enjoying my new look, you will soon too and those smaller clothes are just waiting to be worn.
Anzac. We hear you, you will keep your promise to yourself and get off that mini plateau. You have had to cope with inhuman working conditions and still managed not to wreck your eating so you have all the tools. Maxx is certainly a good looking dog and it’s great that you have found something which works. Sounds like bath time will not be a very frequent occurrence.
Cinque. Your family must be so glad that you are around to help when needed, funny about Miss 2 wanting the medicine, pity she ended up needing it. Glad that you seemed to have avoided the sniffles yourself. That party sounds very festive, with proper party dresses. The info re Doritos is scary, fortunately they have never tempted me or I would definitely have binged. I saw the Catalyst program today, felt quite smug that at least I am doing 5-2 and some exercise. OH was happy to hear that it was good for him too. I sympathise with you feeling the cold, I have not been good in the past, basically just curling up somewhere and not functioning but I seem to be feeling cold less now except around my neck, I can see scarves being used more when I get home.
Lindsay. Sorry to hear about your bee sting, sounds like a very uncomfortable place to be stung. You might need to put a sign on your desk so that your clients know what has happened. Your walled garden sounds lovely but lazy tradies are a curse. We had renovations done years ago and they did all their sawing on the carpet not on the bare boards. Your Miss 3 know her stuff, she must keep you on your toes.
Calif. Very interesting how reducing added sugar has changed your eating habits. I noticed that happened when I first started 5-2 and wondered why but I guess it was eating less sugar generally which took away the ‘munchies’. I also used to wander the kitchen after dinner looking for something to eat even though I was quite full. It is a habit I don’t miss. Nice that it has also positively affected your mood.
Thin. Congrats on your move but sympathy re the fate of your garden. I hope you are well gone by the time the new owner starts wrecking it. I still think you are going to be a pirate. DD must feel very welcome with everyone knowing who she is already. She will be the exotic newcomer. Also congrats on your anniversary, you have been a guiding light for me since I started.
PG. I like your sayings, especially about not being easy and fast. Enjoy Japan, a fascinating place. Sounds like PerthBoy needs to consider donating his precious records, they sound like a real treasure trove.
Quakka. Your fishing sounds very successful, eating your own catch must be wonderful. Bad luck about the tick, can’t they be quite dangerous. Bobby has a tick collar, maybe you need one too. I put my recipes into MFP too and adjust the calories according to how big a serve I eat. Thanks for the link on the fermented cauliflower and PG’s tip on Moccona jars. I’ve been wondering what to do with mine but couldn’t quite throw them out. You should be able to have some on a FD, there can’t be many calories in cauliflower. Well done on saggy jeans, better guide than scales any day.
Lgbran. I’m enjoying my air fryer too. Tried LG scones but need to get baking powder. Kale chips need working on but sweet potato and potato chips are a winner. I am going to do zucchini chips next. I cannot imagine how you survive on one meal a day but you are clearly thriving on the challenge. Everything must taste amazing when you finally get to eat.
Crazy. Woohoo, measurements proving that your hard work is achieving great results. Funny how our clothes get longer, we don’t realise how much roundness reduces length. Bad luck about the van, hope you get something suitable soon. I imagine you would need some special modification which would take time to organise. Glad the photo idea worked.
Well, we spent a week in Sapphire Beach, a pretty park about 8 k from Coffs Harbour, the beach is just over a sand dune and Bobby loves it. No little birds to lead him astray there. I did another cheese making course and I now know how to make cheddar, haloumi, havarti, two sorts of blue and mozzarella. I can’t wait to get home to try out my new skills. We also went on a beach horse ride. OH did a river ride last year and loved it. I am not a horse person but the chap who runs the rides also runs a horse riding school so took great pains to show me how to ride correctly and gave me lots of confidence. Even so I was happy to sit on the horse and let him walk, occasionally correcting his direction. I did get him to trot at the very end but not for long. Very enjoyable, would consider doing more. We did a parkrun there and I got a little lost so ran more than 5k but still did a good time. We are now in Lemon Tree Passage, near Nelson Bay on Port Stephens about 50k north of Newcastle. Another pretty, leafy park right on the edge of a river. A van comes every day with oysters $12 dozen and prawns $25 kilo, we have enjoyed both since we came here. Lots of nice walks, cafes, and places to visit. OH might do a quad bike trip on sand dunes, he is much more adventurous on wheels than I am. Still lovely and sunny here but we notice that it gets chilly once the sun goes down and we are glad of extra clothes and rugs.
A while ago I mentioned that Newcastle University had a course that some of you might find interesting. It just came on line. It is called the Science of weight loss: Dispelling the myths. It’s a free online course, 2-3 hours a week for 6 weeks. I have enrolled and I am looking forward to learning lots and applying what I learn. I am very close to my goal but I do have a small dilemma. I weakened and bought some digital scales (thanks, Aldi) and they appear to be about 1.5k above my old analog scales. It goes to show you shouldn’t stress over a particular figure, Cinque, you did it the right way. I am just taking off 1.5k when I weigh and when I get home I’m using Thin’s trick and trying on my wedding dress. I’m sure it will fit and that will be my guide.
Hoping everyone’s FD are easy and NFD are enjoyable and we all take up less room on the planet
Saturday morning, not the sunny warm day I hoped, but I will rug up. Glad not to be struggling with the high 30’s.
Neil, so glad work got under control, and good luck getting everything ready for the building project.
Yes all the stuff about carbs started when I was vegetarian and the basis of my diet was whole grains and legumes and very much based around traditional Indian vegetarian cuisine. Hooray for the Mediterranean diet, it is the one science keeps recommending.
LJoyce, I do hope you had a lovely walk yesterday. I used to like walking in the rain (so long as I had an umbrella or hood).
Cali, I do hope you get a cool spell soon to freshen everything up. Keep drinking water, and taking it slow.
Such a funny kindergarten story.
Have fun with Britbox. No idea what we’ve seen from the UK that you haven’t, and which ones will be on Britbox, but I bet you find some enjoyable viewing.
A good explanation of the outback LJoyce, Cali, growing up in Melbourne, the picture in my head was the city, surrounded by bush and farms and beyond that the Outback, the wide open, almost unpopulated part of the country… actually with a rich and stable population for tens of thousands of years of course.
I’ve got a feeling that large blue green algae blooms were first described in Australia, such a worry.
Klondi, lovely to read your wonderful catch up. What an amazing time you are having, cheese making course included! Fascinating to learn how to make cheeses with different attributes.
That course https://www.newcastle.edu.au/online-learning/the-science-of-weight-loss looks like one I should do if I want to start running the classes I have been thinking of. I am struggling with my health at the moment, but I will aim to do it. It will be fun if you are doing it too.
I had a garbage guts day yesterday, I am afraid, good food but I was in binge mode. I am having a fast day today and will plan carefully for the next few days.
Hooray for 5:2.
Good morning. I plan to make the most of today – the only fine day forecast for the next week. A friend and I will be exploring the park and wetlands this afternoon.
Cinque, enjoy your sunny day too, I suspect more rain is heading over your way.
Klondi, it was lovely to hear all about your recent travels.
I’m envious of your ability to make cheese – something that interest me. The only one I make is paneer.
I’m glad you (and Bobby) enjoyed the scones. I also find that they taste more buttery than they should with such a small amount in the mixture. They are are also nice made with wholemeal. Most often for myself I’ll make wholemeal cheese & herb scones as I really like them to go with soup.
You are right about the kale chips – you need to remove the thick membrane and just use the thin leafy sections I find kale chips a lot of work as I feel the need to scrub each leaf (snails & slugs), then they have to be really dried well, then all membranes removed. Most often I make zucchini chips as they are much less work than kale (and I think they taste better). Just slice into very thin rounds and add a little salt and pepper (lemon pepper is also nice). Once they’ve been in for a few minutes I add 1/2 tsp butter per zucchini and toss it through. You do need to keep give the basket a good shake every 3-5 minutes as those on top will start burning otherwise. Depending on how full the basket is it can take a good 20 minutes to get them all crisp. I have a habit of removing and eating those that are done while I’m shaking the basket – needless to say I’ve already eaten a serve of them when they are all finally ready!
Klondi & Cinque, the course sounds interesting. I didn’t realise any of our universities offered free online courses. I’m tempted, but I think with the extra bridge lessons I’m doing I’m probably at capacity. I’ll be interested to hear what you think though as I might do that in the future.
Have a nice Saturday everyone.
Klondi, thank you for posting the info about the Newcastle course. I signed up and they accepted so I guess international is ok. So now it’s the 3 of us so far, Klondi, Cinque and me. LJ, you should do it too.
We’re having guests for a late lunch, early dinner today. I’m making salmon with rosemary, quinoa with mushrooms, asparagus and apple pie for dessert. Mostly pretty healthy and low cal. I’m putting together one of my appetizer platters. I haven’t done one of those for a while and it’s fun putting them together. Maybe I’ll post a picture. LJ, glad you’re having/had a nice day today. It has cooled down to the low 32’s/33’s here. Definitely better than the high 30’s.
Time to check in. I have been lurking in the background, reading the posts every couple of days but not posting. PerthGirl’s suggestion that I might have melted triggered a guilty conscience. This is the main school summer holiday period on this side of the planet so I have been involved with grandchildren. It has been hot and sunny, when it wasn’t cool and wet. We have new weather records for both.
Unlike Thin I have been lax of late, particularly this weekend. OH and I went out for a pub meal last night. Great pie, best chips/fries on the planet, accompanying veg not boiled to oblivion and only one beer (truly). This afternoon it was a cream tea in the vicarage garden. That probably conjures up images of Miss Marple or Midsomer Murders, if you get those shows, but it was actually uneventful apart from the dangerous number of calories in scones with cream and jam and home made cakes. The Vicar, who is supposed to protect me from temptation, led me astray. Monday and Tuesday are my FDs and they will be rigourous. It will be something green from my garden and some vegetables, also from the garden, which I have pickled.
The posts I have been reading discussed the use of sugar. I gave up sugar in my tea/coffee years ago and my taste has changed so much that I now find it as unpleasant as I would lots of salt in my drink.
Whilst generally people from the SH are welcome here, indeed my neighbour is entertaining his Aussie relatives at the moment, we have one with us you should have kept at home. He may just be the best batsman around. The only way England could remove him today was to hit him on the head with a ball, and even then he came back after treatment.
Just two weeks til a SH Spring – I am counting the days, although we are having a little burst of warmer weather. 28 degrees yesterday – perfect for a lovely long lunch with friends, sitting on the terrace of a Thai restaurant, followed by coffee, also outdoors, in West End. Perfect.
Reading about the online courses – what a wonderful concept they are. MOOCS…Massive open online courses. I have done a few things with FutureLearn…here’s the link if you are interested.
No geographic boundaries, and universities from Europe, Asia Australia, the US all offering short-courses with no fees and no obligations. My OH is doing the Tudors (Elizabeth 1 is his dream woman) and I’m still thinking about Fairy Tales: Meaning, Messages and Morals. I love the notion of being able to dip into something of interest like this.
Cinque I just adore your ‘three’ rule. It actually works…although it’s a ‘5’ rule for me until I am a little more organised. Reflecting on all those black trousers, I packed up 10 pairs and have popped them in the charity bag. They were heavier fabric (from living in cold old Beijing) and very well tailored, but actually, not the sort of thing I wear any more. Now I just have to deliver them before I have second thoughts. Funny (not) how one can get attached to stuff.
I am going to pop outdoors soon to listen to my garden grow. Amazing what a burst of sunshine, coupled with some very old horse manure we bought from a riding school (selling bags to support the local community) can do to a garden. Truly, I swear my silverbeet has grown 5 centimetres over the weekend.
Cali hope you enjoy BritBox. Not available here, unfortunately. I looked at the screen and recognised Luther …excellent, but dark, as so many British series are now. If you see Unforgotten, watch it. It’s with the wonderful Nicola Walker (whom you may remember as Ruth from that old spy drama Spooks, and from Last Tango in Halifax). We’ve watched the first three series and have just noticed there’s a fourth.
LJ I loved that first series of Bletchley Circle, but thought the second series was contrived and improbable and was sorry the producers didn’t just leave it at an excellent one off
Penguin I’m with you re sugar ….strong black tea and coffee….although I didn’t always have it that way. I think we tried some whacky diet years ago that banned dairy and sugar, and after the few weeks we persevered with it, found we liked drinks without additions. But….I can stop at one square of Lindt, easy peasey, but if there’s dairy chocolate in the house, it won’t be there for long. That magic mix of sugar and fat I guess.
Klondi how wonderful you can make cheese! Where did you learn to do that? Nice to hear from you on your travels.
Cinque hope you are having a gentle, warm day.
Morning all, I got stuck in to the demolition for our renovations yesterday and I managed to get the wall coverings and linings removed, took off the old concrete and tile fireplace surround, pound the concrete and tile hearth into oblivion with a sledgehammer, pull out the old cast iron log burner, then board up the fireplace and floor to dissuade inquisitive cats and children. Everything hurts this morning, and I still have to take out the chimney, but I have to wait until I have the replacement roof tiles before I start that. I also neglected my 75 sit-ups on Friday so I made it up by doing 150 last night.
I was switching between joy and despair last night as I was flicking between watching the All Blacks winning the rugby and the Black Caps getting thrashed by Sri Lanka in the cricket.
I hope everyone has a nice relaxing Sunday and I’ll catch up with all of you later
Sunday morning Melbourne, sunny and breezy outside. Yesterday was beautiful, tomorrow will be appalling.
I am finally starting to catch up with things. So glad the rule of 3, I mean 5, works for you Lindsay. Isn’t it a life saver.
I’ve booked in to that course, just have to work out how to verify myself on the ipad since I don’t have a webcam on this computer. Yes, I paid to be official. I looked up the dieticians who run the course and I am impressed. So cool that you are doing it too, Cali.
LJoyce, I bet you had a wonderful walk.
Cali, what a special meal for your guests. Such a lovely summer meal!
Penguin, what wonderful treats. Hooray for time with the grandchildren. And hooray for rigorous fast days this week.
Lindsay, Farewell to 10 pairs of black trousers, the op shoppers will appreciate them. That online-course link is fascinating.
Your garden sounds wonderful. Mine is going gangbusters too, even though the weather has been bitter. I am going to have to pull out 2 of my 3 warrigal greens as I can’t keep up with them. I keep cooking saucepans full (luckily they shrink down as greens do) but if I want to eat greens the garden is full of fresh ones. I have so much chard getting huge because I am not using it. (I’ve frozen the warrigal greens I cook).
I’m also going to ditch my stevia plant (I’ll offer it on the Good Karma Network) as I have stopped needing a leaf in my tea. It has taken me years to get used to tea without added sweetness!
I agree with you about the Bletchley Circle. I only really loved the first series, but I did keep watching, even when they went to the U.S.
Excited to hear there is another series of Unforgotten!
Neil, what a powerhouse you are! Hope you can soak in a nice hot bath to cure those aches.
Haha everyone re the sport, which I hear vaguely on the news.
Off for another big drink of water and to make this a good day.
Best wishes everyone.
Good afternoon all.
After a beautiful day yesterday we had driving rain all morning. It’s just clearing now, so I need to ready to head out for a walk very soon.
Glad to hear we’ll have our own little study group here. I will be happy to hear about it, but won’t be joining you. I am at capacity at the moment and struggling with fatigue so I need to take that as a message to manage my commitments better.
Lindsay, wow what a lot of courses on offer. I saw so many things that look interesting.
There are a couple that might be of interest to others here:
https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/mindfulness-wellbeing-performance – if I feel less fatigued by October I will sign up for this one.
Penguin, I hope you are having some fun activities with the grandkids.
I think half of Australia stopped breathing when Steve Smith fell to the ground after being hit on the neck. It’s not long ago that we lost a state cricketer here who was hit on the neck and killed during a match. I realise that bowling bouncers at the body has been part of cricket for decades, but it’s not pleasant to watch.
Cinque & Lindsay, I’m sorry to hear that the latter series of Bletchley Circle aren’t good. I loved the first series and have the second and third recorded and waiting to be watched – along with hundreds of hours of other series that looked good! I agree about Luther – very dark but I loved it.
Cali, that lunch menu sounds lovely. How do you make a low cal apple pie?
Neil, I’m not sure if your abs actually needed the pushups after all that effort. I find house renovations make you realise just how fit people in manual labour jobs have to be. The only time my weight kept falling despite eating lots was during several months of home renos and heavy gardening work.
Klondi & LGbran and anyone else with an airfryer. I found I was using the aerosol oil spray often when using the airfryer. I decided to try an alternative. I bought a small spray bottle and filled it with an oil that has a high smoking point (I use peanut oil). Then I set the spray to a mist, so I can apply a very light coating of oil to the food – much cheaper and better for the environment.
I met my exercise targets again this week – I wasn’t sure I was going to get there on the steps but the beautiful weather yesterday helped my step count. My goals were:
At least 40,000 steps – I did 50,600
Exercise program x 2 add 1 more exercise each time – I’m now up to 5 exercises.
Time for a walk while the rain has stopped. Have a good day.
Gosh, just when I thought there was hope of catching up here …..
Klond, good luck with the wedding dress. Mine went to Vinnies a few weeks ago so I won’t be able to brag about zipping it up with me in it again. I can’t believe I could be anyone’s guiding light but thank you for the compliment.
Quacka, yes, I’m definitely a B&W person with no grey! It’s an addictive style of personality and I think I replaced a food addiction with a fast addiction. 15 minutes until my cauliflower soup. I made a massive batch many weeks ago which has seen me through all this upheaval. Unfortunately, I got the cumin ratio wrong and it’s not all that nice but it just keeps on coming. Anyway, rigidity is just how I’ve made it work for me. If other methods work for others, I’m not knocking it.
Penguin, my DD was nervous about moving to the village where she’s just started her first job. She felt it had all the makings of a Midsomer Murder and was doomed to either cark it or execute one. No idea what you’re talking about regarding the cricket. I only know two things about cricket: 1. Ashley Giles used to be my dad’s next door neighbour. 2. Dennis Lilly lives close to us here and we always exchange pleasantries when we pass each other out walking at the river. It was years before I knew who he was – someone walking with me was ‘bowled over’ when HE spoke to me. That may not even be the correct spelling of his name, so little do I know.
Cinque, it appears that Saturday is your new Sunday FD.
PerthGirl, I read many days ago about your impeccable organisation of all that academic work. We just visited a former neighbour (from a house we lived in 25 years ago) who has moved out 80 km of the city and built a massive barn to house a huge quantity of plastic tubs containing files, all neatly labelled. Can’t imagine what’s contained.
LJ, I missed the programme you mentioned some time ago about the couple moving to the Perth Hills to escape the city – we have many friends in the hills. If and when we return to Perth, I think that’s where we’ll live. There is the worry of bush fires, of course.
Lindsay, OH and I were on our way to one of many recent Vinnies dumping trips when we came across one of those big bins but where you have to ‘post’ items individually because the opening can’t be large enough to allow for theft. All the black bags (which had been sealed to prevent second thoughts) had to be opened and, of course, OH had second thoughts about many of his clothes. He started piling things back into the car. But I was fast, while he was walking back to the front door, I quickly shoved it all into the hole and he doesn’t seem to have noticed.
I’m nowhere near responding to everything. I hope everyone’s weekend has been stellar.
LJ, Klondi, Cinque and others… Another online course that looks interesting: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/food-for-thought
I wonder if some of these are very introductory, covering things many of us have already discussed here or read about on links shared here?
Hi all
Cinque/Cali It looks like we will have a little study group. I’m looking forward to starting the course and I know it will be easier now I have fellow students. It will be interesting to see how much depth these courses have, I’m sure that it will deepen my knowledge even if it just confirms what I believe.
Lindsay. Thanks for the link to FutureLearners. I signed up to it and downloaded their study tip booklet, then I clicked on a course I was interested in and lo and behold, I had enrolled in that one too. It is Food and Wellbeing course and only 3 weeks so I think I can manage both. The first course is 6 weeks and I have taken the certificate option so that will be my first priority. My brain will be very stimulated for a while. Once all this is over I will explore that site more as it seems to have a larger variety of short courses compared to EdX which is the other site I’m on.
LG. I tried the zucchini slices last night and I didn’t get them very crisp but they did taste nice. One way to get rid of a glut of zucchini’s, but the time I had finished cooking there wasn’t much volume. I could have easily eaten the whole batch which was one zucchini. I also use an oil pump, available in supermarkets. It is very economical although I can’t adjust it to a mist but a light spray gives very little oil. I am going to cook turkey wings tomorrow, I think they will do well.
Thin. I can just see you sneaking all those clothes back into the bin, you have to be on your toes in some situations. DD will probably feel she has met most the villagers just from watching TV. Better to be James Herriot than Doc Martin.
Penguin. Listening to a program on prehistoric times, I found out that coral reefs first appeared in the New Forest , isn’t that your area. Any time is a good time to declutter, but I bet you have some nice disreputable looking gardening clobber which you will keep until it disintegrates.
We were having lunch yesterday and a couple joined us. She was from Sydney, had a very stressful job and owned a Lab. I thought I had met Anzac but no, her Lab was 14 and a girl. It was a lovely lunch but it did make me realise that I don’t get value any more as I leave so much on my plate. I heard another Dr Karl program with Professor Claire Collins and this was explaining that studies have proved that there is a link between diet and depression. Those 30 different plant foods etc some of us are aiming for have more than just physical benefits apparently. Explains a lot.
Good morning all
Super busy weekend and I haven’t been able to find the time to read your posts. I hope to do so at lunch time
We decided Maxx was getting bored at the obedience classes so we took him to the clicker class because they also do agility. Wow. He took to both clicker training and agility like a duck to water.
I’m still in the 84’s as I would have eaten around my TDEE both days on the weekend. I will have a very mindful week and two good FD’s and I hope to be in the 83’s by Friday
Must run….have a great day
Good morning,
Monday, Melbourne, surprisingly clear and sunny through my window, but very cold if I put my nose outside.
LJoyce, good work with your energy targets.
Mine haven’t been a feature of the month so far but I am skipping every third day and doing lots of back stretches. Maybe I will plank today!
Thin, a lovely catch up. Haha re the opshop donations.
Well, I have watched enough of Midsummer Murders to know your daughter wakes up to see someone riding past on a big old bicycle, church bells and shenanigans at the pub. I hope DD enjoys every minute.
I have been a bit chaotic lately with unstable health, so I have been popping fast days in where they will work best and it does keep being Saturday! But I think I will get back to Sundays soon.
I’ve found a picture of your upcoming venture! https://process.images.nathab.com/A6dTpd53SmIg0pBfJJhgAz/cache=expiry:31536000/https://www.nathab.com/uploaded-files/Ben-WallisDSC_0303.jpg
Penguin, what a lovely way to lose weight, you will have to do it every weekend. And then you will be dumping even more clothes. 😉
Cali, aaagh too many courses. It is a whole exciting world though, isn’t it.
I am so looking forward to discussing the course with you and Klondi here, as we go through. If we overtake the thread let us know, folks!
Klondi, I must have heard that Dr Karl program too, but didn’t remember Dr Claire Collins’ name.
Today I need to sit and plan food for the week. I go have the freezer full of food I have cooked, and the garden full of greens, but if I don’t sit down and get organised I will be a mess.
Coffee first.
Cheers all
PS Saw your post Anzac, hooray for clicker class!
Good morning all, I hope everyone had a great weekend.
Hi Klondike, I always get my money’s worth when I eat out, It may be the Scottish blood in me, but If I don’t finish a meal I will always get a doggy bag and take the leftovers home for later, in saying that, my wife is Indian and does the same thing so perhaps not just the Scottish blood.
It will be an interesting weigh-in this week, I seem to have one week where I will have a decent weight loss and then the next week where I don’t lose much weight but I notice my body getting smaller and tighter. Last week was a big weight drop of 1.2 kilos, this week I have really noticed my love handles getting smaller so perhaps I shouldn’t be expecting big things on the scales this week. If I go in with low expectations then I won’t be disappointed.
Have a great day everyone and I’ll catch up with you later.
Good morning all,
Just looking in before we leave for the airport. I would love to have joined your study group, but the course almost exactly spans the time we are in Spain and Portugual. So, I shall look forward to your discussions on the thread.
Take care all, stay focussed and I look forward to reading all your end of month successes when I return.
Good morning.
Talk about weird weather. Sandwiched between sunny days on Saturday and today we had rain, hail and even snow here yesterday. (The snow was in the Adelaide Hills, not on my doorstep.) I’ve taken advantage of the sun and been for a long walk and stopped for groceries on the way home. My new backpack is doing a good job of helping me carry home produce without aggravating my back.
Perth Girl, I hope you and PB have a fabulous and safe trip and that you return with lots of stories to share with us.
Neil, how wonderful to be seeing real changes to your body shape. They are as important as the weeks of high weight loss.
Cinque, very funny. I will not be going to Antarctica on something that flimsy – I’m thinking icebreaker!
I hope your health improves soon.
Thin, I enjoyed your story of putting OHs clothes in the charity bin.
Penguin, when the clothing looks more like a nostalgia fancy dress item it’s time to get rid of it.
Cali, another good course to consider. It looks like they are all run at least once a year so I’m sure there will be other opportunities – unless you are up for doing 2 at once.
Anzac, sounds like Maxx likes a new challenge.
Well done getting through the weekend without gaining and sticking to TDEE. It weekend have usually been a time when you allow the indulgences it can be difficult to rein in eating. It is necessary though, otherwise it just cancels out the FDs.
Klondi, I did zucchini slices in the airfryer last night too. They do shrink a lot. I did 2 zucchini so that I’d have some left over for tomorrow. When I have zucchini growing I find it a good way to use some. Also an excellent way of grilling eggplant slices and charring whole capsicum.
Turkey wings should perform really well in the airfryer. I find that any meats that have some internal fat cooks beautifully in the airfryer, even though a lot of the fat ends up in the the bottom container and not on your cooked food.
I made a large batch of rissole mixture on the weekend. I divided it in half and flavoured one with italian herbs and made 2 dozen meatballs in the airfryer. The other half I added harissa spice blend to and turned into kofta. As the mince had previously been frozen, I couldn’t refreeze them raw. So I cooked them until they were barely cooked through, but not very brown and then cooled and froze them. When I want to use them they can go straight into the airfryer to heat up and finish browning. I actually find the airfryer is really good with foods that have been previously cooked until just set but not brown and crisp. (I got the idea from processed frozen foods, as they are often partially cooked to set the crumbs/batter etc.)
Monday FD for me. I have drunk my way through a pot of tea and have a small banana and bowl of cauliflower cheese soup for mid-afternoon & dinner.
Have a good day.
Caught up at last but now no time to post individually. I would love to do that course but right now I don’t have time to brush my hair, let alone study.
But exciting upon exciting news; Klondi and I are meeting up on Saturday! We are bringing our respective OH’s and pups and going for a walk around some lovely grounds near my house, then having a picnic.
Can’t wait…..
How lovely, Anzac and Klondi, that you will meet. Have a great day (and don’t forget….we want news).
LCD for me today and I’ve had brunch at noon, and made dinner for tonight, and am feeling pretty happy with it. I had some shin beef (actually bought for the cat) but after cleaning out the fridge I had heaps of odd bits of vegetable … all perfectly usable, but one of this, one of that. So I cooked the floured beef in my huge cuisinart deep electric frypan with it all – shallots, cauliflower, zucchini, carrot, onion, pumpkin, a tin of tomatoes and some tomato paste and lentils, for about 7 hours on the gentlest of heats and it was so tasty, and more than enough for two meals. But….I still had leftovers, so I’ve just added some butter beans and more veges from the garden, to stuff some capsicums, just ready to pop in the oven. Economical and healthy, and such a good way for OH to have pulses and veges while he thinks he’s having meat.
Thin, good for you for circumventing the ‘second thoughts’ at the charity bin. Sometimes it’s hard to let go of certain things. Maybe it’s a man thing. (sorry Penguin and Neil). My OH will happily give away nice shirts, jumpers, you name it. He even took his Beijing super warm long johns and vest down to the local park, for a man who sleeps rough under the bridge. But touch his gardening shorts (splattered with chlorine spots and heaven knows what else), and there’s hell to pay.
My 10 pairs of trousers went into the charity shop, along with some boots with too high heels that I just don’t wear. I’m not Marie Klondied yet – but understand how seductive it could be.
It may be my day off, but I’m spending it preparing for the week.
I’m having serious thoughts about retirement. We had some news about a friend who’s my age during the week, who isn’t in the best of health, and it was enough for my daughter to point out (again) that I should be retired and spending what should be the best years of our lives with OH, doing things we haven’t been able to do in the past. She says it with kindness and love, and on one hand I think she is right – but on the other, it’s hard to let go. Such a dilemma. But on days like this, with the sun shining and the garden calling, but needing to be at the computer, I feel I’m falling on the ‘retirement’ side of the ledger.
Hi everyone
Monday FD for me and it’s 2pm, so far so good. I’ve had two cups of tea and a strong black coffee and lots of water, been hungry a few times but it’s passed for now.
Yesterday I cooked a curry for OH’s dinner tonight and a pot of veggie soup for me. There is lots of our homemade chilli sauce in my soup so it should be nice and warming for my dinner.
Last week I didn’t end up making the pasta bake with the leftover cauliflower puree but instead made a cauliflower and broccoli cheese bake so we had a double dose of cauliflower that night. Yummy.
Have to get back to work. I hope you are all having a lovely day and a nice easy one if fasting.
Hi all, just checking in after the conference and weekend. Lots to comment on, but I’m sure some will be forgotten.
Thin, well done on your bridge result and even getting some green points. Never mind LJoyce, 6th out of 8 is NOT last, and you learned from it as well.
Penguin, yes, he who shall not be named has been starring lately, but may be out of the third test if the Archer-induced concussion doesn’t clear quickly enough.
Klondikekween, glad you’re still with us. You’ve been experiencing wonderful foods and activities in your travels.
LindsayL, hope your bee sting has calmed down by now. Aloe vera gel is another soothing remedy for skin inflammations.
Cinque, hope you didn’t get sick from visiting the sick rellies, and looking after miss 4. Thanks for all the useful info re staying warm. One thing I’ve been doing in the cold is not only wearing layers, but also tucking clothes in. It makes a difference.
Neilithicman, you had a terrible time at work. So glad that you were able to get some technology that worked and cleared away the backlog. But, you and Anzac65 have been SO busy. Hang in there. And, Anzac65, so pleased to read that you’re approaching the 82s. Great news.
CalifDreamer, I hope the fires keep away from you. It’s always a concerning time in late summer. We get the blue-green algae in a couple of rivers when there isn’t enough water flowing; i.e., warm, little water flow, and stagnant areas.
Quakka, please send your successful FDs in my direction. It’s been cold again and with being tired and stressed after the conference, my eating was out of control. But, actually, much better today, so there is hope.
And now it’s nearly midnight, so time to head to bed. Sorry for anyone I’ve missed – tried to comment on what I remember, but didn’t make notes.
It is mid afternoon here and I am sitting down. I was up early moving planks out of my garage. These particular planks are a migratory species I rescued from a skip about 17 years ago. Every autumn they move from the garage to the shed and come back again in the spring. I keep them in case they should ever prove to be useful. Which I guess tends to support Lindsay L’s theory. I also have working shorts that are splattered with things and started as longs. I was moving the planks to make space for a tonne of firewood which arrived just as I finished. OH and I have since moved it into the garage and stacked it neatly under the canoe rack. I hope not to need it soon. It is a seasonal buy. In the average winter we will burn three tonnes – saves a lot of oil.
Klondike there a a few areas in UK called “Forest of…” or ” ….. Forest”. We are the Forest of Dean and our geology is very different from that of the New Forest (which is only about 1000 years old). If you draw a line across the main island of GB from north east to south west the two sides are very different. The north and west are old hard rocks and the south and east are soft sedimentary. The New Forest is in the sedimentary area and coral there makes sense. Last night I thought I was going to learn something similar about Australia. There was a TV programme called “The Great Oz”. Unfortunately it was a prequel to “The Wizard of Oz”.
Betsy, I wouldn’t wish concussion on anyone, even if that gives us a chance of winning.
Good morning all
Quick post to say hi. Another sunny day here, we really do need some rain
FD today and I need it. Scales were up this morning, I think my weekend caught up with me. I am determined to push through it today even though my stress levels are pretty high. The mountain of critical work grows daily but all I can do is my best to get through it. They have already told me I am being extended for 6 months past October which is a miracle to get it so early. Normally contractors are still negotiating up to the last day of their contract here. I must be doing something right if they are that keen!
Penguin, that blow to Steve Smith still makes my skin crawl. I hope he is ok but it seems he might have to miss the next test. Interesting about the difference in the forests there.
Betsy, I wish I was approaching the 82’s but sadly no. I’m still in the 84’s – mid 84’s – and trying to get to 83 by the end of this week.
I bought a coat online because they were on sale and I need one for our European trip. It is a 3-in-one, completely waterproof which we need. I got an 18 so hopefully it will fit. It should arrive in the next day or two. I never ever buy clothes online as the sizes vary alarmingly but fingers crossed. Hubby bought his from the same place and the size was generous
Must run, have a great day.
Hi all
Anzac. You beat me to it, I was going to say we were going to meet up with our favourite boys and our OH’s would be there too. You will have to explain what a clicker class is, great that Maxx responded so well. Great news re your contract, hopefully after the big launch, your workload will be more manageable and enjoyable.
Cinque. Sounds like you won’t need to put much time into cooking this week so that might help with your energy levels. Great to have a stockpile and an audit opens up all sorts of possibilities.
LJ. Another good tip about the fryer. I can see where it will be very useful for reheating, giving a nice crisp finish which a microwave can’t achieve.
Quakka. Well done on your FD. you seem to be doing it easier at the moment. Apparently hot spicy food actually raises the body temperature for a short while so your veggie soup should definitely be warming.
Betsy. Your right about tucking clothes in. My tops are quite a bit a bit longer these days and I can tuck them under my jeans etc and that just adds that extra bit of warmth. The weather we are having is getting a bit chillier at night so we need to rug up more. Days are still sunny and clear.
Penguin. Do you still have the same number of planks as when you started. You really need a project to use some of them. They will be well seasoned at least. You won’t need to do any gym sessions this week, with all that heavy lifting. We also have an open fire and it makes much more sense to use it and heat the room we are using rather than the gas ducted heating which covers the whole house. Of course, being away in winter is the best way to keep warm.
Lgbran. Non AFL supporters feel free to skip. Go Doggies. Might have to come home a bit early if we are in the finals. OH follows Essendon so he is a happy chappie too.
OH had a lovely day yesterday. He went on a quad bike safari, lots of hooning over sand dunes etc. As an epileptic, he can’t drive so this was a great chance to let loose the inner boy. I tried to op shop but the directions took me to an empty paddock. I’ll try again today, I saw one in Nelson Bay which looked inviting.
Good morning, another cold day in a 9c feels like 3c kind of way. That chill breeze! So grateful for my safe little home.
Bon Voyage PerthGirl, have a wonderful time!
Anzac and Klondi, exciting news indeed! You will have a wonderful catch up! I do hope the dogs have fun too, not to mention the OHs.
Haha eep re the imperative to eat all of a meal we have paid for, it just piles on top of our concern about wasting food and, as a friend and I discussed yesterday, the difficulty in pulling out excess plants in the garden! Oh dear, sometimes we are our own worst friends.
Lindsay, that is exactly the sort of meal I just love. Very YamDaisy 😉
I hope you can enjoy the end of work times as you come to a decision about retirement. The pro retirement stuff is wonderful, but you do have to let go of a lot of precious things that include status and employing skills and experience that were hard won, the team work maybe and the lovely feeling of being in the centre of things. It makes sense that you take your time and get a feeling for when the time is right.
Quacka, happy day after fast day.
Betsy, welcome home, I hope the conference was a good one. They are always exhausting though!
So true about tucking clothes in! (Doesn’t it make going to the loo fun, it is like undoing books that have been interleaved 😉 )
Best wishes for an excellent fast day.
So far so good in avoiding the colds. Birthday lunch with little Miss now 5!
Penguin, I hope those planks come in useful before you have to move them back to the garage!
Must go. Concentrating on no snacks, I pulled my last container of the mung bean soup out of the freezer which will be good after a pizza lunch (a good home made pizza…. but still).
Best wishes to you all.
Have a great catch-up you two. The quad bikes sound really fun!
I’m having a frustrating time at the moment, I want to get our chimney taken out because the builders are supposed to be starting our renovations next Monday, but the guy who was supposed to get me the replacement tiles has said that he’s run out. He’s trying to call around to try and find some, but if he doesn’t get them within the next few days I may have to call the builders and get them to postpone our job. I don’t really want to do that because then we’re likely to get shoved down the list and it could be ages before we actually get our job finished.
Well have a great day everyone and I hope everyone fasting has an easy time of it today. I’ll check in with you all tomorrow after my next weigh-in.
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1:37 pm
14 Aug 19