Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • Hi All
    Weigh in this morning was the best since when I first started. 1.9 kg for the week, and now I can really feel the difference and at long last I am beginning to see the difference, and finally so are other people. 🙂
    Looking forward to my next goal which is BMI under 40, at 500g a week I have four more weeks to get there, then I will know I have achieved something new and wonderful.
    Finally we have rain and the heat has reduced for a while. 🙂
    Good luck to everyone this coming week. Charlie

    Well done Charlie!
    Sometimes it takes longer than others, but it DOES pay off!
    Keep up the good work 🙂

    Wonderful! Great job Charlie!

    Great results everyone!! Good luck with operations and husbands and weight loss and blood work people
    Good to hear!!

    Hello everyone, I have just joined a few minutes ago. I love reading your stories, still a lot more to go. I actually found this site from reading a comment on The 5:2 Diet, FB page. They sent me here to do the TDEE calculations. I actually found the article on the lady who started the 5:2 diet on news.com, they had a very interesting article on the subject. So here I am, so happy to be here & start this new life change. I live in Adelaide, S.Aus.

    Welcome!! We hope you enjoy the forum.

    I lost a paltry 0.1 kg at my weigh-in yesterday, but at least it wasn’t a gain. I’m trying a 16:8 fast day today (having the 500 calories as only lunch and dinner in the 8-hour window between midday and 8.00 p.m.), since we are going to the Tweed Coast in northern NSW for 4 days this week and I don’t want to fast on our holiday. My second fast day will be Friday, so I will be interested (and a little fearful) to see if I can avoid gaining weight, while wining and dining more than usual. Good work, @charlie G – you’re still beating me in our weight-loss marathon! Welcome @junels – I hope we hear more from you soon. Do you know about our “Southern Hemispherites” Facebook page? Here’s the link: https://www.facebook.com/groupinvite/ATUp-6qC6M8_B3hAg9WMKoKiMVcuH8BObgaP3LuQwTY5kLhhu2WlHR2GfuJmYF2FJvj03YGgr2GeiVFg8gQoJqzj0N_iJ2bDXytFl5gH37DI0Qdo1V1DgcPB04jfLEialRUzGVCP227aAAPgbReApkaqmKWKwAmj4CBA1j_y28PGfjTdJxBuEcI-zfc7T4LXgjE

    Hello fellow coffee lovers and Australian / Kiwis in this forum. I’m from the Sth Island originally, then Auck for 14 yrs and now Melbourne for 2 yrs.

    I’ve been doing 5:2 since the Melbourne Cup, when I realized that I looked terrible even in a new dress. 🙁 Too fat!!

    Redemption has occurred over the last 14 weeks … lost 9kgs and 20cm off my waist. Best yet, my BMI has gone down from 41% to 33% and cholesterol from 6.9 to 5.1.

    I’m so glad it’s summer with all these lovely vegies – and I LOVE the heat. Not looking forward to winter. Will need lots of moral support and food ideas from y’all then.

    Again, it’s great reading all of your encouraging posts – took me months to see they go past page 2 and the original date. Duh me!!

    Hi Jackie, it’s really wonderful that you’ve had such success and I’m sure that this will continue! Isn’t it great that cholesterol and blood pressure can come down to healthy levels when we eat this way? Its sure beats having to take medication for the rest of your life!

    And it sure is fantastic fitting into clothes more easily? I’m really happy about the things I can wear now, and I’ve still got ten kilos to lose. I can’t wait till then, although it may take a while I’m prepared to 5:2 over the long haul.

    Have you looked up the Facebook site with the recipes? There’s also the paddington foodie site which is packed full of great ideas. See if they can give you any extra ideas for meals.

    It’s my fast day today and I’m not hungry for breakfast yet, it must be the high humidity. I’ll wait till later before I have my vegie omlette. Or maybe I’ll just have a carrot, my appetite’s gone on holiday.

    Good luck to all of you who are fasting today, keep us up to date on your progress, it’s always so great to hear from you!

    Cheers I have a waist,I think overall healthiness is the plan..I still need to get to the doctors to get my bloods re-done, hopefully that’ll happen in the next month or so.I guess part of the reason for my post was to re-interate the fact that any changes you make must be lifestyle changes and for me trying to brealk plateuing by going 4:3 , while it worked , i realised that if this is going to be a lifestyle change , then whats the rush ? If i’m another 8-10 kgs lighter at the end of the year , then thats all well and good..i dont under stand why people would treat this as a temporary diet, maybe those that have little to lose and have just come back from a month of holidaying and eating , then maybe in that case, for the rest of us though..enjoy the ride !

    Hello again all! Start of week two for me, I over-indulged far too much over the weekend but I’ve only put a smidge back on from my Friday weigh-in so I’m going to treat that as a warning and be extra good this week! Sticking to my plan to reserve most of my 500 cals for my evening meal, will be running round after the kids all afternoon and evening so have just bought myself a weight watchers meal for tonight. Good luck with the coming week everyone, some great stories on here today!

    Is anyone else ‘starving’ today?
    Why is it some days the rats are gnawing worse than others!

    I’ve had a frightful headache all day and have been drinking plenty of fluids, as it’s been 35C since 11am, but am still battling the rats 🙂

    Do you call it quits and choose another day to fast, or just miss the day altogether?

    Hi Aussie, the gnawing hunger varies due to many things, like stress, if you’ve had a good night’s sleep, the weather and so on.

    If I’ve had a crap hungry day, I give myself a bit of a break and eat a little something extra and filling- like a whole raw carrot (takes ages of chewing, but is full of fibre and low in cals)

    Take it easy on yourself, cut yourself a little slack and relax. One day won’t make or break you, if you see it for what it is….just something that happens to us all, not the end of your 5/2 journey!

    You have been doing really well, so acknowledge everything that you have accomplished so far! It’s easy to be critical of yourself over the small stuff, instead of seeing how far you’ve come!

    You can always have a bit of fun and change the mood by turning up the disco music and dancing like crazy around your lounge room!

    Aussienow, I struggled a bit today as well although I was feeling very
    gung-ho about it earlier. I’m afraid I ate half a piece of my son’s toast at about 4.00 and even though I felt guilty I still felt better at the same time if that makes sense? If it’s really THAT bad, have something filling but sensible to eat and try again another day. One day won’t make any difference, congratulate yourself on what you’ve achieved, don’t put yourself down for having a bad day.

    Thanks IHAW and Lizinoz 🙂
    I did treat myself to a cup of strawberries and an earlier than normal dinner.
    Normally I don’t have a problem, but the Universe must have been conspiring against me today!

    Roll on Thursday!

    How’s everyone doing this week? I must admit to secretly enjoying fasting tomorrow….it gives me a strange sense of calm and inner peace, not to mention a great feeling of self-mastery.

    Have a wonderful fast day tomorrow, if that’s your day too!

    Hi all! Ive been AWOL for a while…life and too hot weather has undone me somewhat. Did a weigh in today and I am now 4kg lighter than I was when I started this plan…admittedly that was at the very end of November but within that 2.5 months, there have been roller coaster results on the scales and lots of challenges…the wonderful thing is that I just get right back on the wagon and carry on….so different to other diets I have been on where I give up in disgust if I fall off the wagon…yay 5:2!!!! Still struggling to increase my exercise but I have added another linedance class to the mix and am hoping that will help! Applauding all your succeseses, commiserating with you if you have been disappointed in your results, and spurring you all onwards and downwards!! Have a great day!

    Well done Jaybee!
    Funny that it works so well, even when we do slip up, but it’s also so flexible.

    I am meeting friends for a catchup on Thursday, but have decided to move fast day to Friday, rather than be odd one out!

    Hi All,

    I am from Queensland. I am buying the book today so ready to start. I have been reading these posts, there are some encouraging stories. I am looking at doing 4:3 as I have to have an op in just over a month and would like to lose as much as possible by then. I am a type 2 diabetic so on fast days I will be eating small meals though out the day as I can’t have long periods of total fasting.

    I will come here regularly to give and hopefully receive encouragement.

    Extra line dancing could be the answer for us all jaybee! Congrats on your progress so far, even if you don’t get huge results quickly, there are often positive changes in you size, clothes and blood measurements. Yes that’s what I truly love about 5:2 too, you just keep going, even when the scales aren’t cooperating!

    The other thing is being flexible like Aussie, it is your journey so you can say when and how you fast, hope you have a lovely catch up with your friends tomorrow and feel great fasting on Friday instead!

    Welcome to the southerners Lainey! Nice you have joined us and I’m really looking forward to seeing how you’re going with this journey, especially dealing with an upcoming operation and diabetes type 2. A few words of advice… Keep hydrated, stay with your plan and keep a good eye on your blood glucose. Also measure yourself with all over to see where you shrink, its sometimes surprising where you lose weight from on this 5:2 WOE. I wish you all the best, please please keep posting! Do you think you will be continuing with this after your operation, or is it just until you have it in a month’s time?

    Another tip is to use the calculator here to work out your daily requirements more accurately, it’s really helpful. I use it to re-calculate as I lose weight, as my calorie needs change as I go along.

    Cheers for now!

    Afternoon everyone! Have brought my fasting one day forward this week as I’m off out to dinner with a friend tomorrow – and isn’t THAT the beauty of 5:2?? Tracking ok so far, starting to feel a little hunger pang so I’ve poured myself a big cold glass of water to see if that helps. If the rain stops I might treat the dog to an extra walk as well.

    Welcome Lainey, I wish you every success! Jaybee, good luck with the extra line dancing!

    Hi everyone,
    Have been offline for a week or so as work and life have been super busy! Great to hear everyone’s updates – congratulations and commiserations where they should go 🙂
    I’ve brought my fast day forward a day too this week as its big birthday celebrations in the office tomorrow and I’m not missing out on treats or drinks! Yay for the flexibility of 5:2!
    Have to say that I’m loving my miso soup at lunch time – only 27 cals and it really keeps me going. Tried some of that ‘slimmers’ pasta on Mon night and it’s weird. Only 8 cals per 100gms and I wish I’d had two packets (portion sizes are really small) but its a good standby for the nights when I absolutely HAVE to eat. The last few weeks I’ve found that I don’t really need dinner so a fast day consists of a large skim flat white, a miso soup, several herbal teas and gallons of water. If I eat dinner, I get hungrier – weird.
    Keep on keeping on peoples – we’re all gonna be gorgeous in a minute! 🙂

    Hi All,
    Fasting today, as I have decided to maintain 4:3 WOE until 30th wedding anniversary in early September. Want to try and fit back into my beautiful dress that my mother made for me. I think it is a size 16-18, oh well if not this year then maybe next. Had only water until 3-30 this afternoon then gave in to headache and had 100 grams of watermelon. I think this is all a mental thing, for headache beginning to feel better within a few minutes. Kept my mind off food by repairing the clothes that needed mending and ironing hubby’s shirts for work. Now off to mow the lawns. Welcome to the newbies and keep up the good work everyone.

    Hey, hang in there Charlie!
    You can do it and will wear that dress 🙂

    I empathize with the headaches so don’t let it get you down.
    Fresh air and exercise is bound to help!

    Hi Charlie, I wish you well in your endeavour! It’s a great goal to achieve. With upping your fast days, headaches may result and remember its ok to eat something to take the edge off.

    Take care and let us know how it pans out!

    I love that there is a thread for us upside down people!! 🙂 My name is Trista and I’m in Canberra Australia, 26 years old, married, working as a barista and studying (well…at the moment procrastinating)Primary school teaching at Uni. I lost 20kg from my heaviest weight last year, but had not been able to shift any weight in this new year on a calorie restricted diet. Hubby and I watch all the Michael Moseley doco’s and when i heard about this and then read the book i decided to give it a go. i am in my 3rd week of fasting on Mon, Wed, and Fri’s…4:3 works better for me as i still wanted to lose another 20kg. since beginning this diet i have gone from 89.8kg to 86.1kg…and i am so happy and excited that i am finally seeing some progress again! i am 2kg off no longer having the dreaded “obese BMI”.

    I have told everyone i know about how amazing this diet is, and i love how good i feel on fast days now that i am used to them. I actually need to have them, i feel kind of fresh after a fast. Anyway i just wanted to introduce myself, should probs do some studying!


    Have started the 5:2 this week being my first fast day and it was not so bad. Looking forward to see my results in a couple of weeks time. Found out my sister has also started on the same day so I have a family buddy for this change in my life.

    Hi Aussienow and ihaveawaist,
    Thanks for the encouragement, I had to give in, have something substantial to eat and take some pain killers. Tonight the headache is gone and I only went over by about 50 cals. I have learnt my lesson, even though I drink decaf coffee I now know that I need to have one in the mornings on my fast days. To everyone fasting for the rest of the week, good luck.
    Trista wishing you well with the next few kgs and welcome. Charlie

    Oh Charlie, why are we so hard on ourselves…lol
    It’s not like there is someone with a big stick standing behind us and we do know our own limitations.

    I don’t see it as giving in, more as listening to our body and being sensible.
    That’s the beauty of 5:2, that you can deviate and no harm done 🙂

    As others have said, if there’s a trip up, ok, back on your feet next day.
    I always have a cup of tea first thing on my fast day (today, girly day next week) and if desperate in late afternoon, I may have a fruit or Ryvita to see me till dinnertime.
    Today is another step forward 🙂

    Morning everyone! Well since enjoying this WOE since November last year, I had a fast day yesterday and failed! My first fast day where I have caved…. I had a really bad day (at work and in general) and I gave in to that chocolate bar haha. I still ended up having a low calorie day (maybe around 1000 calories instead of my TDEE of 1700) so that’s ok. I had a fast day on Monday, and am fasting again today.

    On a positive note though – I put on a pair of pants this morning that I haven’t worn in a few months and VOILA they fit nicely! So that was a great incentive to have another go at the fast day today. Its all swings and roundabouts I find.

    I have a few small figs to have for lunch today if I am hungry and will sip on my herbal tea and water and then have my homemade minestrone for dinner. At only 200 calories per serve for the soup – I added a few tablespoons of cooked risoni to go in it. So I will balance out my 500 calories fine today, maybe even a little under 🙂

    Stay strong everyone – and positive

    Hi all, hope you’re having a easier fast day.

    Msxjsds…don’t beat yourself up too much for being human, having a crappy day and seeking solice in some choclately yumminess…I completely get it! Work can be difficult, it’s true…but a fact of life. I hope it gets better for you. On the bright side, your nicely fitting trousers are a great bonus, and showing you that what you are doing is making a big difference! Well done!

    Aussienow I’d right, we are the only ones to set our limits, it’s important to listen to yourself and your body! This is your journey after all!

    Trista and MCRK, welcome to the southerners forum! It’s always great to hear about other poeple’s stories, their triumphs and results. Keep posting! It really makes a difference to us all!

    Good luck for the rest of the day, cheers for now.

    Had an early weigh in this morning and am down to 77kg, so only lost 1kg this week. Was initially a bit disappointed but a loss is a loss and if I’m honest I think I knew I’d gone a little bit over 500 cals yesterday. Cottage pie is my downfall!! Good luck to everyone fasting today and hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

    Hello to all, welcome to people just starting out and well done to those showing progress…I’m trying to use that to convince myself to keep going, because another weekly weigh in this morning – my weight is up 2kgs from last week..!! I’m now almost back to where I was when I started, 5 weeks ago! I do not cheat at all on my fast days… feeling very discouraged. 🙁

    I hear ya, lost 1.8 kilos in 3 weeks, went away for 3 days, 2.7 kilo on!???????

    So over it.

    Am trying to now eat for 2 hrs each day and have a 22 hr fast.
    This is what I am trying, cos every time I go away I ain’t putting on…full stop.
    There has to be a way where you can eat out and not put 12 kilos on.

    I don’t have a huge bmi, if I did, then I would stick at it, but I am only 28 or summin anyway, if I was 30 plus like a lot are, I would stick at it.

    So my plan is breakfast 30 mins.

    Lunch 30 mins ( I time from the time I start a mouth full and if cake comes out 35 mins later..too bad, take it for later)

    Dinner was 30 mins but I ran out of time and was guzzling, trying to gorge.
    So I now have one hour. After that..no snacks, no midnight feast, no nothing,

    No morning teas, afternoon teas…nothing,
    So far had 2 days like this!! Ha ha
    I can see I just eat cos it is there, so I have enlisted a friends help and she is trying it with me. She failed yesterday..ice cream ‘ cos no room in freezer’ so finished old tub. To make way for food, then chips, then continued eating!

    I think she and I are programmed the same, but she is over 110kgs ( I’m 87) and the same height, so she has more to shift.

    Anyway, just letting you know where I am at.
    And also for those who know Nika, and are in Auckland…we are doing lunch 26 th feb if you want to join us.

    Oh and I am in nz, but the nz thread is dead…so I hate crashed yours

    Hi poppylocks and dumpling,

    Sorry to hear about your weight gains, I faced a similar problem and couldn’t work out why, until I had a serious think about what it was I was eating, rather than just the calorie value of the food.

    I had two scary gains after my fast days on which I ate out. They both turned out to be salt-laden. And although salt is free of calories, it stays in the kidneys and blood stream and absorbs water, like osmosis…..so once I did some online research and had a day free of salty foods,( lots of water and salads) my weight returned to its previous state, quickly shedding the fluid I retained.

    So give it a try and look up info about fluid retention, it’s fascinating! Also look up all of your fave foods to see how much salt or sodium levels they contain. You might be able to make a big difference to your weight by simply adjusting the level of salt in the food you eat.

    I realized that some of my fave foods like cheese and soya sauce are very high in salt. So now I eat them in moderation and increase other flavours like lemon, chilli, pepper, garlic, lime and basil.

    Good luck! Don’t give up on yourself!

    Morning! After a failure on Wednesday – I had a successful fast day yesterday, even managing to go under my 500 calories for the day.

    Non fast day for me today, however I am still conscious of those damned sneaky calories. So I have limited myself to a small coffee for breakfast (48 cals) and will have a light lunch. Seeing as how it is a lovely cool day in good ol’ Adelaide today – I have a silverside in the slow cooker now. It will be yummy when I get home and will just have to make the veges and sauce to go with it.

    Bouncing weight – this happens to me too, however I TRY not to weigh myself much anymore and instead go on measurements and how my clothes feel. I was getting discouraged by the ‘bouncing weight’ even though I know I didn’t binge eat or eat over my TDEE. Hormones, water retention etc – they all play havoc with your scales.

    SO CHIN UP EVERYONE. Stay strong and positive 🙂 and stay away from those darned scales hahaha

    Well, my scales are going to be mothballed I think, after this morning’s weigh-in.
    I’ve been using digital ones, which I thought would be accurate, but my Dr’s were showing 1.9kg lighter.
    I bought some cheapy ‘ordinary’ ones, but the divisions are too close to read.

    Like others this week, I have not lost any for 2 weeks and only gained 400gms.
    Perhaps I’ll weigh one last time tomorrow 🙂
    Nevertheless, I have been watching my off days food closely and drinking plenty, as it’s hot and steamy here again.

    Regarding the salt issue, I don’t have salt at all and the only salt added is a light sprinkle on fish n chips every so often.
    I’m not aware of fluid retention, but will certainly keep an eye out.

    We had a 10km beach walk this morning and according to the digiwalker, I lost 115 cals..lol..well done me!

    Hi Everyone!
    Haven’t posted on here in a while, been frequenting the Facebook page.

    I subscribe to a newsletter from a page called ancestral body and the guy who writes it posted something really good this time. He said why are we so hard on ourselves when it come to eating? If we aim to do the right thing 80-90% of the time then we are going to see benefits and reach our goals. Perfection is not a realistic goal. We probably don’t ever expect to be perfect in any other area of our life so don’t beat yourself up when what you eat isn’t perfect. Enjoy it instead.

    Anyway, this made me stop and think. No more guilt trips about the occasional treat!

    Have a good weekend everyone!


    @aussienow – so long as you regularly use the same scales it’ll show whether you’ve lost weight or not. Switching from one set to another isn’t helpful … but we all want the ones that have us lighter 😉

    @arla — yes, I know, but it’s not helpful reading them higher than I know they are 🙁
    Guess I’ll stick with the digital and be pleased that when I go back to the Dr at the end of the month, his will show the REAL weight!

    Great thoughts Dayna! I completely agree. If it was someone else we’d be more forgiving and gentle, why can’t we be this way for ourselves?

    Hi everyone,
    I did two and a half fasts this week – did a day on Monday but then had a late social engagement at which I drank wine and ate nibblies – so I then did two more fast days. Still, I only lost 700g this week, following the 100g from the previous week.
    To recap – I lost 5kg in my first month on the 5:2 and 3kg in my second two months. I started at BMI 26 and am now down to 23.4. Which is good – but I want to get lower.
    Why? Because I’m only just approaching the weight I was all through my 30s (I’m in my late 50s now)and my aim is to get into the weight range of my 20s-30s-early 40s and stay there! I don’t want to develop the usual health issues that come with age and weight (which were beginning to show up when I visited my GP). I’m really enjoying being lighter and I want to make it a permanent condition.
    I have a completely sedentary deskbound fulltime job and I think that’s a factor in my loss slowing down. I guess I’ll have to add more exercise and also make a big effort to be more active, which I was in my first month but have slumped a bit lately. This is all a lesson in how hard it is not to put on weight in the kinds of lives we lead these days. No wonder it’s such a social problem.
    Best wishes to all.

    You must have passed your 700 grams on to me, @peggy! Commiserations to @poppylocks and @dumpling on your weight gains. It sounds like @ihaveawaist could be right about fluid retention as a possible cause. Not in my case, though! I’ve been away on a terrific holiday at Cabarita Beach in northern NSW, eating out every night and drinking several glasses of wine daily, so I know how I gained those 700 grams this week. I hope I minimised the gain by re-arranging my fast days to last Sunday and yesterday (instead of Monday and Thursday). I craved a flat white espresso yesterday, though, so added some skim milk and 1/4 teaspoon of sugar to my midday cup (developed a coffee habit while away, too). I also walked 4km along the beach every day, as well as doing a couple of cliff-climbing walks to Norries Headland. Hopefully, I’ll be back on the downward track next week.

    Sounds like you had a brilliant holiday marg! It’s truly a beautiful area, plenty of wine and beach walking, what a great way to relax and get far away from the maddening crowd!

    Thank you ladies for your support and encouragement.
    I just think I am being a sad sap, cos I’m not travelling the world still!

    I miss seeing new things and doing new things……!!!!!
    Ha ha

    My head will catch up one day with my situation and realise I’m home, and a holiday is suppose to come to an end, otherwise that would be called home!

    Thanks everyone and well done to those actually losing 😉

    Hello All! Just weighed in after FD yesterday, now 75.3kg. That’s over 5kg lost since January 19. Hoping to lose a few more kilos before going overseas March 29. Six week trip includes 22 day cruise around the Med. What chance of continuing this while I’m away. Think I’ll just do multiple circuits of the decks, plus haunt the gym between meals. But very heartened with my results and can see this an deliver goal weight 64 over the long haul.

    Those are truly amazing results flange! Especially since you’ve only been doing it for a bit over a month!
    The six week holiday sounds wonderful, lucky duck! You have to watch out for those ‘all you an eat buffets’ when out and about, but it sounds like you’ve worked out a few good strategies to assist you keeping on track, as well as having a fun time.

    Have a lovely fasting week everyone, cheers!

    I’m so jealous!! We cruised with msc in dec, around the med, but only 7 days. Who are you going with?
    We traveled for 6 weeks and I soooo wasn’t ready to come home.
    Can I come with you?

    Re food. There is a heap, but just realise a plateful will do, you can always come back in a few hours. Don’t eat till you are bloated, it’s not fun. Trust me!

    I’m having a good fast day so far!
    Have made sultana cake for craft group smoko tomorrow, put together ingredients for tuna patties for dinner, with a salad.

    Thanks to the ladies on FB, for the lunch suggestions and the weightloss.com.au site for some excellent meals recipes!

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