Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,177 replies, has 834 voices, and was last updated by  thinatlast 2 days, 11 hours ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 651 through 700 (of 28,281 total)

  • Hi all, new to the site and 5:2. I decided to try 5:2 because firstly I have about 10 kg to lose between now and my daughter’s wedding in April and secondly, Whilst I have lost a heap of weight following Michelle Bridge’s Crunchtime diet I have to say I end up becoming consumed by calorie counting and being so strict ALL the time just makes me miserable. Hopefully this will be the best of both worlds.

    It’s a fast day for me today so I’m going to have a green smoothie soon and then probably a boiled egg with some salad tonight.

    Cheers everyone

    PS I’m in Perth.

    Penny, nothing feels better than having to donate clothes which are too big for you. Good for you!

    8Chelsea8, I’m sure you’ll reach your goal by April. 5:2 really is a good eating plan and the results are happening for all of us. Good luck.

    I discovered something interesting today, I have digital scales that gives you more info than just weight. First thing in the morning I weighed myself and I was curious 2 hours later to see if it changed. After a cup of tea I was 200g lighter. My husband had just weighed himself and had moved the scales. That got me thinking so moved them back to where I had them (12 inches away) and got him to re weigh himself. He was 200g heavier! Guess where I will be placing the scales from now on πŸ™‚ maybe it’s worth seeing if this happens to you too.

    Today is a fast day and have decided to try one meal a day at night, for me it seems to be so much easier. Will see how I feel by 7pm tonight!

    Hello DES and you did make me laff! Also try weighing when it’s a cold start as opposed to a warm morning, huge difference! Most important for me is a general, overact weeks reduction in numbers, never become sucked in by the tyranny of the scales. They are a tool only πŸ™‚

    Hello everyone, and a happy new year.

    Thank you rmp for the welcome, I am encouraged to see so many people being so supportive of each other – raises my hopes that finally something may actually keep the weight off for good.

    I am going out on a limb – I’m pretty private but I thought I’d motivate myself by posting in with progress, weekly.

    Soooo…my start weight 20/1/14: 68.5kg. I’m 160cm. My waist: 84cm. My BMI: 26.8. It’s been my first week, and tonight is the end of the second day of fasting. Like a lot of people, I’ve chosen Mon/Thurs as my fast days.

    Going to weigh in tomorrow and see what the scales say. I know things take their time..but fingers crossed! I’ve decided to do this first stretch over 12 weeks – I hope to be at a goal weight of 62kg at the end of it..ambitious, but wish me luck. Just wish I could get motivated to do the exercise part, lol..! πŸ™‚

    Good luck to everyone embarking on this journey πŸ™‚

    G’day all, started my 5:2 plan last Monday after reading an article about it in The Australian newspaper last weekend, and found it made a lot of sense, and thought this might be for me. I have decided to make Mondays and Thursdays my fasting days as I feel clean eating on a Monday will be a good idea after the weekend and I work work Mon-Thurs so figure it will be easier to keep busy and be less distracted by food on a workday. I am looking to lose 8-10 kg’s and get the BMI down to a healthy number, it is currently 28.1, I am only very short (149cm) so there is not a lot room for extra weight. I’m 46 and live in Brisbane

    Hi Jess,

    I also find it easier to do the fasting days at work. You just have to not eat at lunchtime, whereas when you’re home you have to not eat all day! Okay, there are temptations at work – in my workplace there are constant morning teas to celebrate birthdays, etc, but I find if I sip a cup of black tea at such times, it’s easy.
    Next week there’s a public holiday on the Monday when I won’t fast as we’ll be with friends, then I was secretly annoyed to be told we’d be going out for lunch at work on Tuesday to celebrate someone’s birthday – my first thought was ‘but I don’t want to eat a big meal on Tuesday, I want to fast!’
    Good luck.

    Hello everyone! I am from Sydney Australia and started the 5:2 challenge this week. Today is my second day, so far, so good. I’m not really joining for losing weight reasons, though I put on 8KG while having my baby so losing those 8 would be a bonus. I guess it is more of a spiritual experience for me. I am interested in being mindful of what I eat, taking a time out from my normally greedy lifestyle of too much feasting, letting my body heal for my two fasting days (living longer!), having a break from alcohol, and just experiencing feeling a little bit uncomfortable & working through that. I also think about those less fortunate than myself who live on far less than what I do. My mum and dad both are overweight and have severe health problems and I am trying to avoid that myself, maybe by being a positive influence! Anyway, hi to everyone & looking forward to sharing my journey with you all, I will continuing this as a new way of life in the long term.

    That’s a great attitude sarahjb, this WOE let’s you slow down and appreciate the great things in life and work towards longer term health and well being.

    This is my ninth month, and I’ve continued to get a wonderful sense of ease and accomplishment, as well as health benefits. Good luck to all the new participants! Keep us posted as you move along this journey.

    Morning everyone πŸ™‚

    As some of you know I have been away for the last 5 weeks and only got back to fasting this week. Had a easy time on Monday and likewise yesterday only had a coffee for breakfast. At 5.15 my husband came home from work (2 hours early!) brandishing a bottle of champage. A case he had been working off and on for the past 4 years had finally settled and he was celebrating. I firmly resolved to enjoy his success but not partake in the bubbles. He went outside to do some “watering” and at 6pm came in and asked if I was ready for the champs. Sorry, I replied, as you know it’s a fast day. Hmmm, he said – once you see the mess one of the dogs has made in the lounge room you’re going to need a glass.
    So I marched into the room and found my brother (who lives in Darwin and I haven’t seen for over a year) – a belated birthday surprise.:) Then I heard the cork pop in the kitchen. So my fast day ended up with bubbles and a 2 course dinner out.
    I was philosophical – thie eating plan is meant to be flexible, so I’d just do it another day. This morning when I stepped on the scales I expected to have maintained as I had managed a fast on Monday. Instead I was 0.8kg lighter!
    Win & Win!!

    I hope you all have wonderful long week-ends and enjoy Australia Day with your loved ones πŸ™‚
    Cheers, Ali x

    What a lovely surprise for you Ali. I’m hereby starting a rumour that there are absolutely no calories in wine that is drunk in a celebratory fashion with a group of friends. This theory is based on the endorphins released by good company gobbling up the calories.

    I love that theory and am very happy to do further research in the name of science. Perhaps we can have our cake and eat it too (metaphorically)!!

    Hi everyone, I’ve just spent the last 4hours reading through your posts.. Im from Central Victoria and yesterday was my 6th fast day. i really like this way of doing things!
    I am another Aussie hobbit..Im 156cm tall and currently weigh 67.5kg so my BMI hasn’t quite caught up with my height challenged frame.
    I have heard quite a lot about the 5:2, not only from the documentary, but also on ABC National programs such as the Health Report. I’ve done a little research as I love to lift weights and find there are a few power lifters and bodybuilders who use intermittent fasting as a tool to get the best from their performances. I have to say that I feel that I have trained much better in the last 6 weeks than in the last few months over Christmas, so that’s a good thing a far as I can see…
    I track calories via Calorie King – I use this every day, and find this the best way to plan and be accountable. I also plan a couple of weeks in advance meals and cooking and freezing so I know that I’m basically on track. I don’t beat myself up though if I go over my planned intake or if unexpected things pop up I’m flexible enough about my planning to just go with the flow. I set my calorie intake at my TDEE ( light exercise option to be on the safe side)on non fasting days and this works for me right now. Over the past 3 weeks Ive lost around 500g per week.I find that I am happier if I don’t eat until the evening meal and only then If I want it – I usually do because Ive planed something really yummy as a “treat” for “being good”…
    I love to cook and I love to eat.. this is evident by my height versus weight issue, so fasting works well for me to assist in the management of my weight, but its not the primary reason for me taking this up.. The research I did suggests to me that this is much more about managing my overall health, and this is way more important to me at this stage. I hope to get my OH interested too as he has the potential to develop major hereditary health issues and the research suggests that fasting could assist in the management of these issues as well as a tool for prevention too.. Looking forward to hearing about your journeys – its a very individualised process, and your stories have all been really inspirational, thanks for sharing!
    Ps Sassy, I think a get together would be nice! I would put my hand up if i was available..

    I’m with you, @roba! I just had two days and nights of entertaining visiting relatives from North Queensland (watch out @aussienow, they’re moving to Bribie in July!). I enjoyed several glasses of wine and bubbly, as well as cheesecake. My husband doesn’t drink and I only imbibe on social occasions, so that was the first alcohol for me since Christmas Day. However, I found that I wasn’t eating as large a helping of dinner or dessert as I usually would, after the first glass of wine(it filled me up). My portion sizes have definitely reduced significantly since I started the 5:2 plan. I love how you can be flexible with fast days as well. I’m doing my second fast day today instead of my usual Thursday fast. I’ve also missed out on 3 of my usual 5 walks this week but have had much more incidental exercise. The scales tomorrow will be the judge.

    P:s I use Runkeeper to track my cardio – its a free app and works really well for what I want. Also for those who are interested in a High Intensity Interval Training program app try 12 minute athlete.. again its a free app..

    Welcome teenywe

    And my, aren’t you Aussies teeny!!

    Hi all,
    Good to read what everyone has been doing. My husband and I have been fasting for a month today. I think we have done ten fasting days as we did three last week because we had some long drives to do so we thought we might as well be fasting since all the food available on the road is awful. Our two consecutive days were interestingly empowering even though I’m not going to make a habit of it. I thought it would be awful but on day two I really didn’t care about food much. I had an empty feeling but it didn’t really bother me… Day three when we could have had a feast we didn’t bother. Just shows how conditioned we are to being full all the time.
    Thought I’d list my weigh ins in case anyone gets the go too slow blues like I did in the middle of the month.
    20/12/13. 82.5
    3/1/14. 79.1
    10/1/14. 78.3
    17/1/14. 78.4. πŸ™‚ feeling ripped off at this point
    20/1/14. 77.8
    24/1/14. 77.3

    So. One month 5.2 kilos. Not feeling ripped off any more. Glad I kept going now as I am starting to get into feel good about myself territory now and it’s a good feeling – well worth it.

    For those who are worrying about skin. I was a WW leader for a long time and in my exp those who lost a lot of weight tended to lose a lot of that skin over about two years. So don’t feel to worried about it in the early days. Just wear good clothes and know you look fabulous anyway!! A lot of the skin will gradually firm back up but it does take some time.

    Thanks for your chat evryone.
    PS I’m making a lot of recipes as I go along wondering what’s a good and not too hard way to make them available for sharing. Thoughts anyone?

    Well done Carolina, great results for such a short time. It was a great idea using the long car trips as a way to assist you to fast. You are completely correct about the crap food choices you find along the highways of our expansive nation, it’s better to pack something healthy instead, or to make it a fast like you did!

    Thanks for the feedback about saggy-baggy skin, it’s good to know that it will eventually shrink back to fit. Mine is doing ok for the moment, and seems to be behaving itself so far. I’ve been doing this since last April, so slow and steady is working for me quite effectively. How are you finding this way of eating compared to weight watchers? There are quite a few ex- w.w. members on this forum.

    Another couple of pleasant surprises that I’ve noticed about my body lately-
    ~ my enormous boobs have started to deflate and feel so much more comfortable….thank heavens! No more struggling with uncomfortable ill-fitting bras! One lady on another thread said she would be able to use her old bras as parachutes, I had to laugh, as I know the feeling all too well.
    ~ I can also now fully and comfortably, cross my legs, so that my feet are touching, like a true lady should! Ha ha finally!

    Cheers for everyone on this long weekend, please stay safe and enjoy your friends and families!

    Hi All, I have been busy enjoying the Festival and have not been on here for a few days. I see there are some newbies…welcome!! I see there have been successes..yay you!! I am plodding along, with many distractions diverting me from my chosen path, but all should settle back again next week hopefully. I am looking forward to a Fast day today, providing the day goes as planned…my Fast days have been all over the place because of spontaneous decisions to go see this event or that event, invitations out, family visiting. Weight loss at a standstill right now but hoping to get it started once I am back in my normal routine. In the meantime, I am thoroughly enjoying the party atmosphere in our town this week!! Have a wonderful weekend everyone, stay safe on the roads this long weekend and Happy Australia Day tomorrow!

    Good morning my fellow 5:2ers on what is a drizzly, grey morning in Brisbane, wonderful to read all your posts from South of the equator, the main forums are great but some things get a little lost in translation with the differences in weather and such.
    Peggy, work morning teas and birthdays are definitely a challenge but I am gaining the willpower to opt out of the treats most times, and have also finally kicked the sugar in my tea & coffee but need my bit of milk to soften the blow.
    What a fantastic belated birthday pressie for you Ali πŸ™‚
    HaHa Dumpling πŸ™‚ we do have our share of big people in Aus also, my husband is 6ft 3, so we are definitely the long and the short of it.
    Funny you mention you’re glad to be relieved of some of your boobs ihaveawaist, my boobs are the (two) things I love about carrying this extra weight, I joke that I only hit puberty at 40 and finally grew boobs.
    Carolina, I would love to see your recipes but not sure the best way for you to share, maybe set up a separate Facebook page/ group?
    Wishing you all a happy Australia Day from me

    I know….I saw one once! πŸ˜‰

    My 17 yr old is 6 FT 2

    But we don’t see much sun ( land of the long white cloud and all) I think we try and grow so we can see it!!!
    It’s nice to have some little people here though, makes me feel like a giant.
    ( ie super model)

    Hey, a Facebook page with recipes…can we?
    That would rock. Are we allowed?

    Me again,
    just wanted to say to sarahjb,
    ‘thank you’, for reminding me of how lucky we are to live where we do and not know the struggle it is to just be able to get enough to eat, as those in some lands do on a daily basis, (although, sadly for some in the lucky country and other ‘well off’ nations it is a problem), and appreciate all that we are fortunate to enjoy and doing better by our environment is an inspiration to not only do the best we can for ourselves and our fellowman and all other living creatures (except maybe cane toads) πŸ™‚
    Also a great thing that you have decided to pro-actively tackle head on health issues that you might encounter in your future.

    Dumpling, good question, I have no idea if it would be breaking the rules, don’t wish to do the wrong thing here.

    I think that’s a great idea & I can’t see why we couldn’t do it. I think it would have to be a closed group (via invitation) and someone would have to set it up and be the administrator. Someone more tech savvy than me. I think there are other 5:2 groups on facebook – so why not us?

    For some reason the emails have not been coming through, so I’ve ticked the subscribe box again!

    Welcome to all the new members and good to hear from the ‘oldies’ who are doing well.

    I must have hit a wall, as I’m the same weight as last Saturday, but did have a sneak weigh on Wed morning and was 72.8 and now I’m back to the 73.5 from last week.

    Oh well, as someone said, the scales are just another tool and my looks and wrinkles prove I’m losing!
    Also, I’m looking at much smaller meals on other days, hoping that will help too.

    It’s extremely humid here today, with passing showers and we’ve been drinking heaps of water and iced tea, not wanting to eat…good grief, did I really say that!

    Alimax, Why not indeed.

    I can email…and copy and paste and that’s about it!

    Who can do more than that?

    Just a quick reply re WW. I thinks that the meetings were a really great thing. We had lots of good times and the combination of support, accountability and encouragement were terrific. The diet itself I always found pretty hard. There’s heaps of food compared to a 500 calorie day but you have to be good all the time to have good weight loss and I’m SO good at being naughty…
    Also I think WW allows too much sugar. The other good thing I’ve done re weight loss is to ditch the sugar. I read Sweet Poison by Gillespie months ago and got rid of the sugar and found everything so much easier after that. It doesn’t just convert straight into fat it also causes insulin response and makes you so much hungrier. This diet is so much better as I can pursue my love affair with food and wine for five days of the week. This is also the only thing I’ve been able to get my husband into. He took to it like a duck and is really committed which is great. We haven’t even considered quitting and so far haven’t even mucked up on a fast day.
    Loving losing weight off the boobs! I’ve always been 12-14 E. Painful. Might fly the big bras up the flagpole one day soon! Though if it’s too windy they might pull it over! Haha.
    Will give more thought to a recipe spot for us to share. Also maybe a Sunday lunch in Melbourne for those that can make it??

    Hi all, I’m pretty tech savvy. Happy to set up an FB group….maybe of the same name?

    Your Thinks?


    Thank you, Cass. Your tech talents will be appreciated. I’m on Facebook so I’ll “like” your page, whatever you call it. @carolina, you have had an impressive first month for weight loss, especially as you started at a relatively low weight. I’m still not down to your starting weight yet (now 85.7 kg, as of this morning’s weigh-in), but I’m pleased I had a loss of 0.6 kg, after gaining 0.3 last week. That makes a total loss of 7.3 kg for me after 3 months on the 5:2 plan (as of this coming Monday).

    Hi all, FB group set up called Southern Hemispherites….hope you don’t mind I paid tribute to your name Alimax! It’s a closed group which means you can request to join – you can search Facebook.com/groups/. People who are not members can see that you belong to a group but cannot see posts.

    The alternative is to set it up as a secret group where no one except members can even see that you belong to the group but this would mean everyone would have to send me email addresses. Anyway, set up as closed right now but can be easily enough changed.

    Looking forward to seeing some of these recipes!


    Hi all
    I started 5:2 about 3 weeks ago and am finding it not too bad. I did do a fast before Christmas and one during, but the presence of interstate rellies and friends for a few weeks, a wedding a funeral and lots of Christmas catch ups meant that it wasn’t really feasible. So hence the new year start.
    I don’t own scales but my last weigh in with the doc in early Dec saw me at 89kgs. Not good for my 165cm frame. Throw in some health signs that things may be starting go a little pear shaped (my diet of excess catching up with me) and one of those birthdays ending with 0 on the horizon, thought I’d better do something. That and I want to look good for the pics! Am off to Paris with some friends πŸ™‚ Never under-estimate the power of vanity πŸ˜‰
    So here I am.
    I still don’t own scales and I’m debating with myself whether to buy some but I have noticed that pants that have been uncomfortable or near impossible to wear are looking good on.
    I also feel less bloated. I am simultaneously trying to give up gluten, as I’ve noticed a correlation between gluten consumption and bloat. It is harder than it seems. Especially when one of my favourite weekend pastimes is sharing a BLT with my sister at our local beach front cafe.
    Like most, I’m relishing the challenge that the fast days provide. I’ve found I can’t eat breakfast or the hunger monster kicks in. Usually have a lunch and dinner. I find it easier to fast on work days, Monday and Thursday, my usual nominated days. This Thursday was a bust as my bosses took me out for lunch so am doing my fast today. Almost 6pm and wondering if I should just go through the rest of the evening without food (complete fast). I guess I will see how things pan out later.
    Having read all the posts on this thread today, may I say how wonderfully warm and encouraging you all are.
    P.s. I’m from Perth

    Hi everyone, Happy Australia Day to all, DiV like you I am trying to give up gluten as well, as the weeks that I do not loose as much I can track back to intake of flour products. This week I experimented using rice noodles for my fast salad and for the week I managed just over 600grams which I am wrapped in.
    This week also yielded some very much needed rain although much less than other areas in the NE of Vic, also brought some cooler weather. Stay safe everyone I look forward to everyone’s posts, and the funny bits I even read aloud to my husband. He is very proud that I have now lost 11 kg, just another 51 to get to BMI less than 25. Slow and steady just like the tortoise. Charlie.

    Hi everyone! πŸ™‚
    Have just read quickly through all the posts since my last one – it is hard to keep up with all the “conversations” but wonderful to see so much activity. Both newbies and old hands seem to be doing well – keep up the great work!

    Teenywe – hi! – we will organise a get together for a weekend sometime which may mean more people can attend. The meeting next week (assuming it does happen…) is just taking advantage of some spare time I will have after a dentist’s appt. (Now that I am no longer in paid work, I don’t go to the city much.)

    Have managed one successful fast day while at my parents, but the other days, hmm, well… Yesterday I ate very little all day because I was taking a dear friend out to dinner. She chose Fasta Pasta as the venue. I avoided the pasta, but not sure what I chose was a much better option – but it was very nice. πŸ™‚ and I couldn’t let her have dessert on her own…

    Today, I again was careful all morning because I was catering a “high tea” for my parents and family friend – lots of sandwiches and cream cakes, plus a glass or two of Buck’s Fizz (more bubbly than OJ tho). I don’t even want to think about the total cals.

    And tomorrow is a beach trip with fish and chips for lunch… Oh well. I will fast on Monday and get back into more normal eating patterns (I hope!) once I am home.

    NB Carolina, long car trips have the opposite effect on me – I find I just “have” to eat. I really tried on our recent holiday to not eat while travelling, but just couldn’t. Probably just boredom…

    And Di – whether or not to weigh is a dilemma faced by many, and there is a lot of discussion about this in various topics. I have found a weekly weigh-in necessary, as I am not good at telling whether I have gained or lost weight otherwise, and I need the numbers to reinforce appropriate behaviour!! I think most people do weigh, but there is a significant minority who rely on how clothes fit and/or the tape measure. I find the %body fat and water readings particularly useful even tho I understand these aren’t totally reliable.

    Hope all you Aussies are able to enjoy this long weekend! πŸ˜€ best wishes to all. πŸ™‚

    Happy Straya day everyone! Looking forward to the street party we have every year….mmmmm meat on the spit, pavlova…..Mac and cheese (ok, that last ones not Australian but it’s yummy!). I’ve done a couple of alternate day fasts this week to prepare for the sins I plan to commit! Have a great day tomorrow whatever funky adventure you have planned!

    Hey Cass, well done in getting that done (& so quickly!). I’m chuffed & hope everyone gets on board!
    Love the idea of your street party – have a great fun & non-fast day!

    Welcome DiV – great to have you on-board. Wasn’t it a stinker here today?? P.s. – get the scales, you’ll grow to love them!

    Hi Di
    We started pretty much the same, I was 90.8kg & 163cm in January 2013. Now, still 163cm but 70.1kg. You cannot believe how it feels (but you will).
    I have not been this weight since about 1972 (when I was 22).
    I do a total, water only fast from after dinner Sunday until lunch Tuesday and it’s not hard (I even cook my husband’s dinner Monday night and have water while he eats and has wine). Then Tuesday & Wednesday go from after dinner to dinner the next night. I don’t eat breakfast during the week as I go to the gym & do an hour cardio (crosstrainer & bike) for an hour Monday to Friday. When I started the gym in June I could manage 10 minutes!
    I weigh every week, and measure (often you will lose weight and not any cms, or the other way round) lost a lot at the beginning then stabilised, so now sometimes stay the same, sometimes drop. Aiming for 65.

    At the NY sales I bought slacks in size 14 WITH A SIDE ZIP! (no stretchy waist), and they are now getting loose! Bra down from 20DD to 16C.
    The weight loss is great, but the really good result is the
    Cholesterol from 7.2 (January), 5.9 (April), 5.4 (December)
    Tryglicerides from 3.2 (January), 0.8 (April), 0.6 (December)
    I did keep a very detailed food diary for the first 2 months but then stopped, I really don’t see the point of getting into the calorie counting treadmill, that’s why we all started fasting!
    BMI from 34.8 to 30.1 to 26.61.
    I feel great and will fast forever, AND did not to put on ANY weight over Christmas.

    Just keep at it however it feels best, but it is worth trying water only, no taste stimulations or temptations, but you know tomorrow is another day (sorry to sound like Scarlett). Other than the fasting I drink wine every day, piece of Lindt after dinner, and no deprivations.

    I hope it keeps working for you
    Vicki (I’m from Hobart)

    Hey there all of you wonderful inspirational fasters!

    Good luck with all of the extra food and drinks around you at the moment, and all of those poeple you are with having a good time. Sometimes the sabotage techniques are not so subtle, especially with families and friends who love you, by pushing food down your throat. It takes a little extra strength to smile and say ‘no thanks’, or to get up from the table leaving food on the plate, without offending these well meaning, but often difficult individuals.

    DiV and Vicki, it seems we are all around the same height and starting weight, and Vicki, it is so wonderful that yourve had such wonderful results doing a strict water only fast, I’m impressed with your blood results. I’ll be going to visit the doc in march for a full checkup to see if my bloods are better too. I feel that they will be.

    I’ve been easing off bread, rice, and potatoes during fast days, as well as avoiding salty foods, and the gain in weight which I always had after Thursday till Monday, hasn’t occurred…the lowest weight has stayed the same. Usually by Sunday and Monday morning I have put on a kilo or so…but not this weekend…go figure?!
    Maybe the carbs and salt were causing me to plateau and regain over and over, in a perverse weekly pattern after great results during the first six months on the 5/2?
    I still eat bread the rest of the time, but have stopped making my favourite sourdough loaves, because it’s always much, much harder to just stop at one small slice of hot fresh crusty moist yumminess.
    I don’t really miss my saly food faves anymore, so I only have them in limited amounts on normal days, and so far so good! I can’t wait to fast tomorrow and see if I drop some more after plateauing.

    I love this rain we have been receiving, and the garden is looking fresher, the tank is filling up too which is a mighty relief. My chooks have had some relief from the heat and aren’t panting in the shade.

    Drive safe and hug your loved ones, even when they want you to gorge yourself and you refuse!

    Wow Vicki, that’s really cool! I’m working my way up to having less on fast days as I think in a weird way it will make it easier rather than harder if I’m not thinking about food at all. Another 800 grams this week…so 2.7 since 2nd Jan, pretty happy with that…the weight loss is nice but the general feeling of wellness is even better!

    Great work Cass, I’m going to look for your/our page right now πŸ™‚ thank you

    Hi Cass, can you post a link to the facebook page please? Im having trouble finding it. Thanks!

    Yes please Cass, I couldn’t find it either πŸ™

    Hi all, depending if you are on a phone or a computer, somewhere in your Facebook page there will be either a white search box or a magnifying glass – if it’s the magnifying glass click that and white search box will come up. Enter southern hemispherites in there and a group called southern hemispherites with an apple logo should come up. Once you have found it click join group or request to join group. Looking forward to having more than one member shortly!

    I’ve done that, but it just says no results πŸ™ a link would be great.

    Bit tricky on a iPhone but I’ll see what I can do

    Perfect thank you!

    Found you/us, thanks for that link Cass

    Happy Australia Day. Hot and humid in Perth. I had to log on to this site today, don’t usually have to, have others found that too. Thank you for a face book page. I can get onto the site but then it won’t let me do anything, sometimes even says cancel request, any ideas?
    I am really struggling at the moment getting through a fast day. I so need some 400-500calorie meals to follow. I am waiting for a hip replacement, have loads of pain, sadly use food to self medicate. I am determined to have a good day tomorrow, have my lovely husband doing it with so am blessed.
    Love reading all the friendly comments and helpful encouragement.

    I just clicked “request to join”, Cass.

    Cass, just looked, on right hand side says cancel request, am I looking in the right place

    @mikayla, I think we have to wait for Cass to accept our “request to join” on the new Facebook page. Have you checked out this link that I have put on here before to the Paddington Foodie, who has lots of Australian recipes for the 5:2 plan, that she has been doing for several months? Here it is again: http://thepaddingtonfoodie.com/the-5-2-challenge/

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