Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,177 replies, has 834 voices, and was last updated by  thinatlast 2 days, 13 hours ago.

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  • Yes, best of luck, Pete. It’s wonderful that the doc is not only on your side but a member of the 5:2 brigade, too. As you will find if you google, a lot of the medical profession dismiss the Fast Diet as just another fad. Also some of our friends on this forum have given told us of some very negative reports in the UK press.

    Take no notice. You’re on to a winner.

    Hi jools47, I do the eat dinner normally Wednesday, have only 500 cals on Thursday & eat normally. on Friday. I fast on Sunday or Monday and Thursday

    Hello everyone!
    I haven’t posted in ages, firstly because I was away, and then because I ideally wanted to read through the very large number of posts that had occurred during my absence – fantastic to see so much activity!

    However, I just haven’t found time to read thru the literally hundreds of posts that have occurred in the last month, so thought I should post a hello anyway. I have quickly looked thru the last 100 posts or so – great to see so many new starters, as well as lots of familiar names. 🙂

    Some of you may have seen my post in the LOACA topic, and some of you know me of old. I have been following this WOL for almost 10 months, and have reached my goal weight – maintenance is now my challenge! So for those of you in your early days – stick with it, it works. 😀

    There was a recent question about 24 vs 36 hour fasting. This issue has been discussed before and is complicated by what is meant by fasting – in some discussions, it means not eating at all; for others, it includes the 25% TDEE allowance.

    I think the basic 5:2 premise is that the fast covers the period from when you last eat on the day before a fast day, and goes until the day after the fast day (so if your last meal is 7pm on the day before and your first meal on the day after is 7am, then that is a 36 hour period between those meals), but during the day in the middle – the day that is called the fast day – you can consume up to 25% of your TDEE, at whatever time suits you.

    However, lots of people try to also have a long period of not eating anything, so may go close to 24 hours without any food – eg finish eating on the day before a fast at 7pm, then not eat on the fast day til around 7pm, when they will have up to 25% TDEE during what remains of the day.

    If you choose to go from 2pm to 2pm without eating, then it would depend how much you eat before 2pm on the first day, and how much after 2pm on the second day, as to whether it fits the 5:2 model, which does seem to be built around calendar days, (where a fast day is a calendar day with only 25% TDEE consumed).

    To fit the ‘traditional’ 5:2 model, on one of those days you would need to only eat 25% TDEE, on the other day close to your TDEE. If, on the other hand, you ate about 1000cal on each day, then that seems to me it is more like a traditional low cal diet. But others have argued that this pattern should work as there is a considerable fasting period, and as long as overall you are eating less than you are expending, energy wise, the weight loss should still happen.

    That all sounds as clear as mud, doesn’t it??!!! I am sure someone else may be able to explain it better.

    In the end, this WOE is about being flexible, so give other patterns of eating/fasting a go, and if they work for you, then that’s wonderful!

    Happy fasting everyone 🙂

    PS attention Melbournites!

    If anyone is interested in getting together in person, a few of us from the other forum are planning to meet for coffee in the city on Thurs 30 Jan at 2.30pm.

    We are also planning a weekend walk at some stage.

    Let me know if you are interested in either. 🙂 🙂

    Hi all, great news on the scales this morning, the fluid has disappeared with the extra weight, so I’m 2.1 kg lighter than yesterday morning ….just from fasting sensibly and keeping up the water.

    I stick to mon and thurs doing breakfast then dinner, just like doc Mosley described originally. I’m one of those poeple who have to eat in the morning but also need a little something in the evening. So my fast period is in the middle of the day and when I’m sleeping. Is that a 24 hour pattern or a 36? or something else entirely? Don’t know what to call it , but it works for me…(except for when salty food is involved, and I gain lots of extra fluid)

    I had a wonderful breakthrough, when talking to my mother on the phone and told her I’d lost 12 kg. she was surprised and then a little dismissive. She wanted a photo of me to prove it. The last time she saw me 18 months ago, she had made a cruel and hurtful remark about my size and started comparing me to my sister, and how my sister is always so thin….why wasn’t I like her, blah blah blah. Back then I was so upset and it estranged our relationship even further.

    So after telling mum about the 5/2 diet and her saying she could never do it and how brilliant her health is, ( which is a lie) I smiled to myself and switched off from hearing any more and decided it doesn’t matter what she says or doesn’t say, I believe in myself and my journey to better health and weight. This WOE has given me mastery over my body, and I’m beginning to like the outcomes so far!

    good on you Ihaveawaist you also have wisdom and courage to see that your mother doesnt define you. I can feel your strength. More power to you. Hope you have at least another 18 months before you see your mother–then she will tell you that you are too scrawny!!!!
    More power to you

    Thanks double happy, you are right. I realized quite a while ago that when it comes to my mum, there’s never any pleasing her. I’m planning on pleasing myself from now on, and into the future. It’s great to be able to talk about these things, instead of stewing and fretting about other poeple’s actions.

    I am forever grateful that this forum exists! Thanks!

    Thanks ihaveawaist you are inspiring to me in many ways. My mum upset me yesterday in a phone call and all I wanted was to eat afterwards – it was a fast day. I didn’t eat. Even though I am new to this diet it is opening my eyes to my behaviour. I couldn’t sleep last night so came to this forum reading so many posts. I too am thankful for it. My great news is that I have lost 1.5 kg after just 2 days of fasting. Starting weight 89kg. My first day was Saturday 2pm to 2pm and I was quite busy sat night at the movies and Sunday morning at the markets and visiting my sister that I didn’t have any food in that time at all and found it surprising easy. Second fast day was yesterday where i had 500 calories. I don’t have anyone else i can tell. I can’t believe this.

    That’s great Mimi! It’s great to share and get feedback. in the past I would have given up and felt I was all alone, but with this forum, I really get that we are in this all together, and we can make a big difference, to ourselves and others!

    Ihaveawaist, I totally agree with doublehappy; kudos to you for sticking to your guns, AND for the super weight loss!

    I’m loving the support and camaraderie this forum offers and may we all benefit in one way or another 🙂

    Congratulations Mimi M! I think being able to share our highs and our lows with people who understand is so important in our 5:2 journey. No matter how big or small a loss is it is still an achievement we should all be proud of.

    Ihaveawaist, well done! I admire your attitude towards your mother’s behavior…there’s no pleasing some people. You just have to get on with it and do things for yourself not others. Congratulations on losing the excess gain.

    Congratulations Ihaveawaist and Mimi, I can totally understand where you are both coming from. I have a mother that I can never please, yet she is totally reliant on me as her carer. It is always her way and things have to be done right when she says so. In our local town they used to think that I was mean to her until some of them did not do as she wanted when she wanted and then they saw the real side of her. Now days I have their sympathy, and if I get up the street without her many will ask how she is. My answer “still breathing”. Have a great week everyone, as I too have lost some of my fluid after yesterday’s fast but I am still heavier than last Saturday. Charlie

    Sassy says: I think the basic 5:2 premise is that the fast covers the period from when you last eat on the day before a fast day, and goes until the day after the fast day (so if your last meal is 7pm on the day before and your first meal on the day after is 7am, then that is a 36 hour period between those meals), but during the day in the middle – the day that is called the fast day – you can consume up to 25% of your TDEE, at whatever time suits you.

    And that is the best explanation I have read so far!!
    Well said Sassy!

    since Dec 1st and 51 days of dieting I have lost 6.1kg…BUT my wife has at last taught me via Michael’s program to eat “wisely”…I have only had one 16:8 day and minimal 5:2 days on Mondays and Thursdays….somewhere between 800 and 1300 calls on those days. I find exercise is a great forgiver !!…not mad stuff just a good 30-40 min walk a few times per week and it all helps. I must add “my fitness pal” App has been a godsend with the accuracy of weight prediction, calorie calcs and calorie credits for exercise spot on !!

    The diet now or WOE is firmly settled and my goal weight at 178cm is 90 kg or a little less…BMI of 27 or so would be fine….from 103 now 94.9 this morning…like Sassy says it does work !!!
    p.s. My Mum has passed so no problems there !!!

    Re what mothers say, my Nana told one of my cousins, when she was about 12, that she couldn’t possibly be one of her grandchildren because she was far too ugly. She died at 101 fit as a fiddle ,having a cup of tea after playing bowls—There is no justice ! The amazing thing is they say these things and I don’t think they have an ‘ooops’ moment when they think that was extremely unkind of me.
    I am so appreciating this forum –for 2 weeks have hit a plateau and you all give me fortitude.
    onwards and downwards we go

    Hi everyone, have been away for a while and wonderful to see so many new people on here – not that I had the chance to read all the posts either, like Sassy (so many!) but flicked thru the pages to the end, looking at the familiar and new names. I had only been on the 5:2 for about 4 weeks late last year and then we went off on a 4 wk holiday to Europe so that all went out the window while we were travelling. I had lost 3 kgs before we left and was just hoping to maybe maintain that or not put too much on – was very relieved when we got home to find I’m the same weight! Luckily the eating seems to have been balanced by all the walking! Phew. Ugh – now to get back on the wagon! Got home late saturday night and have been trying to talk myself into starting up again – haven’t been able to get myself back into the right headspace yet, so thought reading everyone’s positive comments and successes would inspire me and it has, so thank you to everyone, I will be fasting again on Thursday and trying not to dread it too much!

    Hi all! It’s fasting day today. I usually spread my 500 colories over the day, having a low fat yoghurt in the morning and often something very light like a Subway salad at lunch, before a vegie-based dinner, but today I’m experimenting to see how long I can go eating nothing at all. I think I will make it to dinner fine, I’m not actually feeling too hungry so far. If I can last without dinner too, I will. Just felt like switching it up a bit to figure out what seems to work best for me.

    To those who have family members who like to criticise or sabotage, I’m glad to hear you’re staying strong! It’s been shown time and time again that shaming is the least effective way of encouraging change (in fact it usually has the opposite result) but some people persist in the thinking that they are taking a “tough love” approach. I will always remember being about 12 or 13, going through the body changes that happen at that time, after being a skinny little thing pre-puberty, and my Dad remarking (not unkindly, but still) that I was getting a big arse. I was crushed.

    And then of course, some people are just jerks who like to belittle others because it gives them twisted pleasure. Whichever it is, it’s not helpful.

    In many cases, weight and body image issues lead all the way back to the example set (often unknowingly) by our parents. I’m sure many of you have read the excellent piece When Your Mother Says She’s Fat (http://www.dailylife.com.au/life-and-love/parenting-and-families/when-your-mother-says-shes-fat-20130604-2nnxq.html)? I remember my mother frequently being on a ‘diet’ while I was growing up (even though she was never any bigger than a size 14 to my memory) and that her diets usually consisted of just avoiding eating as much as she possibly could – mostly skipping every meal except dinner. I remember trying diets as a young teen myself, including one where I’d only eat half of anything put on my plate (claiming I wasn’t hungry enough to finish it). Mind you, the whole way through high school I was never heavier than a perfectly healthy size 12.

    Now I have a young daughter myself, and I keep reading about children developing an awareness (and hatred for) their bodies earlier and earlier, I’m so determined to be positive about my body and health. And most importantly, never to make comments about anybody else’s, whether positive or negative. Life is just too short to spend time hating ourselves and being cruel to others. We should be rejoicing in the bodies we have and all the amazing things they are capable of.

    @freefalling that is my understanding too and is how my husband and I approach Mondays and Thursdays.

    Was interested to read that others do a 24hr period (not sure if they eat anything at all in that period?) and still seem to get the weight loss result.

    Hi all,
    Just joining in for the first time. Live in Mallacoota and started 5:2 on Boxing Day. Have been on every diet all my life (now 49). When my kids were young they thought there were 2 kinds of supermarkets – the big supermarket and the blue supermarket ( Jenny Craig haha). Been WW life member and even WW leader but still the battle continued.

    Went to doctor for annual check up in Dec and had bloods done. Clocked in at 82.5 and of course some of my numbers like cholesterol are too high. So, made an appointment to go back in 2 months.

    Then… Headed off to my Dads for Xmas. He.s in his 70s and had his first heart attack at 40. He’s done everything to improve his heart disease for years with no imp til now. He has lost heaps of weight and now has perfect blood tests!!! Amazing!

    So I got the book and my husband and I got stuck into it. We are going really well having 3 small meals on Monday and Thurs and pretty normal in between. He’s really committed unlike all the diets I’ve tried to put him on before. Ha ha. I’m not sure whatnive lost cause my starting point was on doctors scales but I don’t care cause we feel fantastic. Back to doctor on Valentines Day for blood and scales test. Good to hear chatter from others in Oz!! Cheers. C

    PS. We are doing two consecutive days yesterday and today because we are traveling so we thought we may as well fast while we are driving. I don’t intend to make a habit of it but it’s an interesting experiment. So far not too hard and hunger seems different in second day. More like something that you could call a “hunger pain” but only a little one and not as compelling as when you’re hungry on normal fast day… C

    gosh – i want to reply to you all, but i’ve created a behmoth here (in a good way – i’m loving that you’re all contributing to this!!!) so it’s not possible.

    redmac – as a recent fellow returnee I couldn’t get my head around fasting again for the first week (admittedly I was jet lagged and sick) and was a bit nervous about starting yesterday. I had a coffee for breakfast and then just thought i would monitor myself and eat when i felt hungry. That didn’t happen at all during work (not unusual for a fast day) so I went home, prepared kids meals, drank lots of soda water and waited to be hungry. At 10 o’clock i went to bed. I know my body was relieved to have a rest after 5 weeks of fairly heavy consumption. So don’t be nervous – it actually felt like a comfy chair to slip back into yesterday.

    My dear old nan used to say that so & so was ‘putting on the condition’ which meant they were stacking on the pounds. She never said that about me, but I always remember when I was about 12 and running around the kitchen helping prepare a meal she said “your head will never save your legs my girl”. a throw away remark I’ve never forgotten!

    hey Sassy, welcome back old buddy – i’m so glad you melbournites are getting a meet-up organised. let the rest of us know how it goes.

    cheers, all – Ali x

    “your head will never save your legs my girl”. a throw away remark I’ve never forgotten!”

    Maybe I’ll get the meaning later on, however would you explain what it meant?

    mindless running around in circles = girl most likely to step on grenade.

    So great to read all the posts after a few days away, What a great motivator! Been going since Jan 2nd and 1.8 kgs down so far (biiiiig birthday week in the middle). I’m loving the feeling of control the fast days give me, it’s made me realise how much I eat ‘just because’.

    Have a great week everyone and thanks for the stories

    Happy Cass!

    I hear ya cass!

    Hello fellow fasters! It’s 8pm Queensland time and I’m almost finished with my first fast day. What a revelation! I achieved so much today … how wonderful not to have to think about food or to spend time preparing and eating it 🙂 I usually think about food quite a bit! I eat a very healthy diet but some digestive issues and sporting injuries saw me gain 8kg in the past two years. Having just hit 47, I’ve found it very difficult to lose weight. Anyhow, I’m exercising about 5 days a week – either walking for an hour or 30 – 45 minutes of cardio plus floor exercises. I did Michelle Bridges’ 12 week body transformation last year and only lost 3.5kg and ended up with a permanent injury. I’m hoping the 5:2 program will help my body achieve a new status quo. I think I’m 62 – 64 kg and would like to get to 57/58 (I’m 167cm). However, I’m too scared to weight myself in case I develop a case of self loathing … maybe tomorrow morning. I did really well today and I will approach my 5 regular days knowing that feeling hungry can feel good and powerful.

    Congrats! Being in control for those 2 days is very empowering.
    The other 5 are a work in progress for me

    You might find you lose a bit more the 2 nd day AFTER a fast, I do.
    Usually another 300 grams so maybe weigh today, but then again tomorrow and see if it is less.

    I am the same age as you, but can’t be doing all that fitness stuff! Jumping on the trampoline and the odd tabata on the bike, or maybe a weight work out with dumb bells is about me done 😉

    Can’t risk an injury!!

    Keep up the great work…channel your inner tortoise….slow and steady ….slow and steady…..slow and steady

    I was wondering if this slow and steady re-shaping assists the skin to shrink back too? Remember seeing those poor folks who lose a ton of weight very quickly and have sagging tummy, arm, neck and thigh skin? Which then turns into a major problem, needing surgery to remove. I’m hoping slow is better, in regards to saggy skin. Does anyone know anything about this?
    So far my skin is retaining its elasticity, and not looking any more saggy than before this WOE.

    Good morning all, I have read all the new posts since I last looked in. Lots of success and support ongoing I see. that is terrific!

    I have picked up on a point by redmac which resonates with me ie “havent been able to get myself back into the right headspace yet”

    It is so much a mind over matter isnt it? For me, there is no point in setting out unless you are in the right frame of mind.

    Yesterday’s fast day safely under my belt..probably not the most apt of terms though :D. I did make a last minute change of plans from what I programmed in…got a surprise invitation on Monday which was my planned fast day, so swapped it for yesterday. Love that you can do that!! I really like hearing about your successes on this plan…my weight loss is very slow, probably because I am rather sedentary apart from my 2 or 3 linedance classes, but hey! I feel in control!! and that is a great feeling!!

    No time to individually comment today. Hope everyone has a great day. Hope everyone stays cool in this horrible heat.

    My wife and I are rural doctors in Northern New South Wales.
    We are the sole doctors for three towns, a small hospital and two aged care facilities and all the surrounding farms and hamlets.
    We are on duty almost 24/7 between us, far from supermarkets and far away specialist services have very long waiting lists so our own health and well-being ends up totally neglected despite awareness of necessities.
    We are just now trying to negotiate which day or days we can work and fast.

    Hey Jaybee68, I agree with you wholeheartedly on that – I have failed so many times in my attempts to lose weight over the years and developed such a degree of self-loathing and lack of trust in myself and my ability to achieve goals that I really don’t want to try and start this up again before I’m really able to do it, and then fail and hate myself for it. Still wondering if tomorrow is the day for me or I should just wait until next week…

    Redmac and pacdoc….be your own best friends and seize the day! There is really no time like now, and if you spend too long thinking about all the reasons why you can’t do it, soon you will end up thinking its all too hard and give up before you’ve even tried.
    So just try it and see! What have you got to lose?

    Tomorrow is the day, even if it is a 700 cal day to ease yourself into it. I came back from Europe a week ago today ( via England and America and Fiji) and the next day started as I had put on 6 kgs, no point delaying!! You know this will work, and it only won’t if you eat like 5000 cals on the other 5 days like I have been doing for 7 days a week for 6 weeks!!

    Pacdoc and Redmac, I saw the documentary and started the next day, no preparation, no trying to get my head around it and since mid November I have shed nearly eleven kg. Seize the day, there is no time like the present. Cheers, Charlie

    I agree with ihaveawaist, dumpling and Charlie G – DO IT NOW!! Carpe diem and all that stuff. Prevarication often results in things never happening.

    You have nothing to lose but the extra weight!


    @ihaveawaist, I have lost 30kg over almost 5yrs, since the birth of my daughter. My skin on my stomach and back of my arms (bingo wings) has not gone back. I think it has more to do with genetics, than the rate of weight loss.

    I really enjoy waking in the morning and reading this forum while I sip my coffee. Everyone is an inspiration and so supportive. You all make the ups and downs totally normal.
    Keep up the good effort everyone and keep posting, I’m cheering you all on.


    Hi everyone, I snuck a look at the scales this morning and found I’d lost another 1kg. That takes me to 3kg in 3 weeks. I’m doing 4:3 this week just because I didn’t change on the first week. Seems to be working.
    ihaveawaist – in regards to the skin thing, I’m 48 and 8 years ago I had triplets. I’m quite small framed and was rather large, as you could imagine. Although I have no stretch marks (brag, brag) my skin has not gone back to normal. I have a pocket at the bottom that just gets saggier when I lose weight but miraculously fills when I put on weight. I don’t have much to lose and I have decided not to let it get me down. I’m never going to wear bikinis (never have) or belly revealing outfits.
    Fast day today, feeling very confident……. Made 2 batches of triple choc muffins for the girls before 9.30. Did not bother me at all.
    Another stinking hot day today in Perth. 38 for the 3rd day in a row. I’m just glad school hasn’t gone back yet.

    Hi smarte and dayna, thanks for your ideas about the skin sag thing. My tummy was never the same after 2 cesarians ( over 24 years ago), and it has formed somewhat of a pouch over the years. I’m hoping that it won’t get dramatically worse, as my middle starts to get smaller. Luckily I have no illusions about wearing a bikini any time soon! Ha ha!

    Wow smarte, being a mum of triplets is really special, you deserve a medal! My two kids are adults now and don’t seem to be anywhere near starting their own families yet, so I guess I’ll need to get in shape and have stamina for being a granny sometime in the long-distant future…I plan on making the most of being a doting Nanna, who gives heaps of hugs and funtimes with any grandbabies who come my way.

    Great work everybody! Its so nice to see how well you are all doing!

    Wow what inspiring and aspiring stories–I agree with those wise old words carp diem–and the great thing about this programme is that it only takes 2 days to plan for–especially in the first phase–I found after I had a handle around what suited me best re sustaining energy levels and fasting then I tackled the other 5 days.
    What a busy life you lead pacdoc–how i started was deciding I wanted to eat 3x a day to see how it panned out ,so same breakfast lunch and dinner on fast days–omelette and spinach to start the day/or yoghurt berry and spinach smoothie, soup for lunch and chicken or steak and salad for dinner.. all recipes from Mimi’s book. after a few weeks I branched out into other manageable options. Determined that this time my diet was not going to run my life unlike all my other attempts–and it doesnt it’s great, i think the break even is this is only for 2 or 3 days.All the very best. and I can see that Michael’s fast exercise would be something that would fit in with your life style.
    So impressed to have some medicos on board since many of our docs tell us it is dangerous!!

    My doctor is supportive and even suggested it in passing some months before I heard it mentioned again and bought the book. I saw her just a couple of days after I started in November – haven’t been back yet but will soon. and I’m sure she’ll be happy to see the scales!

    Wow, you and your wife probably don’t have much time to eat, given that workload! On the plus side, I do find it easier to fast when I’m busy; if I’m doing boring computer-based work my brain strays to food too often. I hope you work out ways to fit it in to your days.

    @ihaveawaist, I’m reading all the comments about skin-sag with interest, too. My belly seems to be drooping!

    Hi everyone, good to see you are all doing well :)I had my 3rd fast day yesterday and managed to stay around 500 cals for the first time, which was great. I had a loss of 300g and 3 cms off the belly, I was reading another thread about not focusing too much on the scales but more on the tape measure, because the scales might not drop but the cms are still vanishing. It was quite motivating. Almost looking forward to the next fast day! Keep up the good work all 🙂


    Hi again everyone 🙂

    Everyone is sounding so positive, that’s great! It’s interesting to hear all your different situations and stories. Keep up the good work. 🙂

    I haven’t heard from any Melbournites yet re meeting up… I may start a new topic…

    I am in Adelaide at the moment staying with my parents, and am having a lot of trouble keeping to my TDEE… Too many goodies in the house… I am supposed to be fasting tomorrow, and need to, to make up for my indulgences, but not in the mood for it – but will try.

    I expect a lot of us fast on Thursdays – best wishes to all, fasting or otherwise.

    Sassy 😀

    Hi All
    I’ve just completed my second fast day, and seemed to manage OK, with a late breakfast, piece of fruit mid afternoon, and salmon and salad (no weighing) for dinner. Can’t wait to weigh. Start weight 78.1 aiming for 64kgs. I’m 160cm tall.
    Going overseas late March for 6 weeks including 22 day Mediterranean cruise. What’s the consensus of group? Should I try to continue fast days while overseas, or just enjoy and walk all day?

    Good Morning all!
    A few things resonated with me this morning:
    Jaybee – I have also been struggling with getting back into the right headspace! I keep starting and then changing my mind half way through the day. Which isn’t leaving me feeling in control at all! Today seems to be better: I have logged all my calories for the day so I have properly committed to something. Regarding starting or not – I agree with the others: today is the day ( I’ve had a few todays, and I’m hoping today is the real one :p).

    Sassy: goodies in the house is my constant challenge! Working as an Au pair for two children, there are always cookies, nutella, white bread in the cupboard, and fries, rice, pasta, nuggets etc to be cooked at dinner time, as well as nuts, ice creams etc etc etc etc. And the mum isn’t worried at all about making things last so I could probably eat a whole packet of something without it being noticed :p I’m trying to ban myself from the pantry for a bit as that is where all the snacky foods are. *sigh*

    flange: hello and welcome! Regarding fasting while on holiday: maybe just make your goals given the situation. You don’t want to spend your holiday trying to plan in your fast days! Also though also it’s nice to get back and not see too much added to the scales. Walking lots is a good thing to balance out the tasty treats 😀
    I was away for a month traveling recently, and came back a kg or so lighter (then ate heaps to end up back where i was when i left *sigh*) I had some days (like Christmas!!) when I ate all afternoon (ran in the morning), and other days when it was fine to have a kinda fast day (estimated as I didn’t want to and didn’t have access to scales) like on the days I was changing countries etc, and when I wasn’t eating with friends / family. I also didn’t have breakfast the whole time as it was an easy way for me to cut down calories, and I skipped the occasional meal where it wasn’t a big deal.
    The skipping breakfast and the odd meal would be my two suggestions – and have a fast day if you wake up on the morning and think its a good idea. When on the cruise you could alternate anything days with just salad buffet days? Everyone will have different suggestions so I will be interested to read others!!

    Happy fasting (or not!) everyone 🙂

    We just did an MSC cruise around the med…for 7 nights ( unreal!!) I was going to do 2 days no sugar or wheat.

    So good luck!

    By the end of 6 weeks away my body was crying for a salad.
    I was over fried things.

    Been back a week….so sad. Miss doing new things every day, miss eating pizza in Rome, miss Mickey Mouse!!
    But that’s a whole nother thread

    Thanks for the suggestions and support. Weighed in this morning at 77.4!! 700gms!! Will weigh again tomorrow morning as have noticed quite a few posters saying more weight lost shown one full day after fast. But very satisfied with that loss. Maybe if I start the cruise with sensible aspirations, walking, gym and salad option over fried stuff (if I’m strong). I’d be happy (ecstatic) if I could lose a couple of kilos before the trip and keep them off. Dreaming?

    Not at all..dreams are good,
    But if you come back a beached whale..who cares!
    You now know how to get rid of said beachieness upon your return.

    I have lost 800 grams this last week and if friends weren’t with us I too would weigh again tomorrow as I find I lose more 2 days after a fast…but not this week, I fear

    Mmm cheesecake tonight…

    Hi everyone, completed my fast day yesterday. It went ok except I have been having cracking headaches which caused me to eat earlier than I normally do. This caused me to nibble more than I would. I went about 100 cals over my normal fast day eating. I am also finding it hard to get to sleep at night, not only on fast days. I’m certainly not hungry at all and I’ve never been one to get up and snack during the night so I just lie there wishing my hubby would stop snoring!!!!
    I read somewhere magnesium supplements may help with both headaches and the insomnia. I got some yesterday as well as had some Berroca in the morning. I give it a bit to see if it works.
    Any suggestions great fully appreciated.

    Hi, after posting about my plateau over the festive season, I lost 1.7kg last week and am properly back into it. I’m now at a lower weight than for the past 10+ years which feels fantastic. My BMI has dropped from 26 when I started in November to 24. Today I’m wearing some trousers that I bought five years ago (must have been on the lowest side of my weight range at the time I bought them) but which I’d never once been able to wear as they were way too tight. Now they’re loose!
    The same with a lovely shirt I bought at around the same time, which I’ve never once been able to wear (must have bought it in a bout of wishful thinking)- it’s now roomy on me. I can’t wait to wear it when the weather cools down. (I hope it still fits me then – I have every intention of getting down to BMI 20-21 so unfortunately most of my clothes will have to go – I’ve already given a pile to Vinnies.)
    Just wanted to share how easy and good this fasting diet makes me feel.

    Ah, doesn’t it feel good, Peggy!

    Great to hear 🙂

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