Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,177 replies, has 834 voices, and was last updated by  thinatlast 2 days, 15 hours ago.

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  • Thanks, you can’t take debt with ya πŸ˜‰

    Hi everyone, I have had an easy fast today, keeping busy really, really helps. I also found that my tightest clothes hiding in the wardrobe are much easier to do up!! ( even nearly fitting into a lovely dress I bought in 2000, when I was a size 12 and couldn’t bear to part with)

    I also scored the best pair of lovely almost-new, lime green, size 14 shorts this morning at the op shop, they look great, and make me feel like I’m achieving something special…I haven’t worn any shorts since I was 18, and started to feel so self-conscious about my ugly knees….that’s 32 years of missing out. I can’t believe I like wearing them so much! And my knees actually look great!

    I hope everyone fasting today went well.

    I agree, ihaveawaist, fast days are much easier when you can keep busy. (Oh to be a size 14 like you!) I found a good distraction for a few hours today by going shopping and to the movies with my daughter. We saw “Saving Mr Banks”, which is an excellent film. Ah Aussienow, I see that you are a former Kiwi. Here was I thinking you were a Pom!

    Shes one of us…..hairy feet and all

    Gomarg, it’s been a hard day for me, as I have not been feeling the best and I DID try to keep busy!
    I did not relent, but we had an early dinner -chicken and salad.

    Lol, Kiwi by birth, Aussie by choice… gee, is my accent that bad after 25 years!!!

    Ihaveawaist,I want to see your lime green shorts!
    Goodonya!I have wrinkly knees, but who cares πŸ™‚

    Hey there, sorry to hear it was a hard day for you Aussienow, but I’m glad you got through it ok. I think that’s why I love this WOE, if you have a strange/crappy day, the next one is always a lot better ’cause you can eat all the things you love (within reason) and not beat yourself up about it…because you are the boss, not someone else!

    The flicks are a great idea to go to in this heat, watching a great movie in the lovely, cool, air conditioned theatre sounds perfect Gomarg!

    I weighed in this morning and yay! I lost a whole kilo! I’m beginning to love my knees a little more each week and my upper arms too.

    Great job ihaveawaist! Those green shorts will be too big before you know it!
    You did well to go to the movies on a fast day Gomarg, popcorn smells delicious.
    Glad you are back on track dumpling, the weight will begin to shift before you know it!

    I kept busy on my fast day yesterday by cooking, of all the things to do on a fast day! I want to share with you one of my fave sweet treats. Ginger raw balls. 1 cup medjool dates, 1 cup raw macadamia nuts, 1tbs ground ginger. Put all ingredients in the food processor and process till all comes together. Roll into balls and store in the fridge. I keep mine in the freezer cause it takes me longer to eat a frozen 1!!! You can add any flavour you like if you aren’t a ginger fan, I have made choc mint with cacao and peppermint essence, or choc orange with cacao and orange zest. Have a play!

    Enjoy the wkend all, I am looking forward to visitors and a few drinks!

    Sounds delish Dayna, I might just give those yummy little wonders a try!

    Good morning all, hope everyone is doing well and surviving the wretched heat, those of you who are in the way of it!!

    Fast day for me and looking forward to it after hosting an extended family BBQ last night for a grandson who has been living in Melbourne for 2 years and hasn’t been home since last Christmas. He brought his new girlfriend home to meet everyone. She is really nice and we had a lovely evening. I have no idea how many calories were consumed, not too many though. I was too busy hosting to be nibbling. Today, relaxed, and with leftovers around COULD be a different story. I AM finding that I am not looking to eat on non fast days…my appetite seems to be triggered by temptation rather than hunger :(.

    @ihaveawaist: Those lime green shorts sound great! What a terrific fun colour for hot summer months! My shorts days are long gone…have not donned a pair of shorts in 30 years. Threequarter pants are my choice these days.

    @aussienow: Sorry you have had a hard day and are not feeling well.That makes it very tough. Goodonya for making it through your Fast day.

    @dayna: YOu were very brave cooking on a Fast day!! I always (still) have to scrape the bowl!!! Luckily yesterday (not that it was a fast day but…) whilst preparing for our BBQ last night and making pavlova, trifle and choc mousse, I had my 3 granddaughters helping me so no bowls left for me to lick πŸ˜€

    @gomarg: I SO want to see Saving Mr Banks!!! It is running at our theatre now but my movie going friend is away. I might just have to go alone….I wonder if my granddaughters would like it? They are 16 and 13 year old twins. I also wanted to see Railway Man but I think I might have missed it.

    @dumpling: I am having a chuckle over your hairy feet comment πŸ˜€

    Have a great day everyone. I am staying inside all day with air con going!! We may venture out for the free Festival Opening Concert in the park tonight though…if I can talk my hubby into it….maybe I should get the granddaughters over again πŸ˜€

    Get those grandkids over again to stay the night so you can go to the festival and then the movies tomorrow.
    I am sure the kids will be happy to see anything if they ain’t payin!

    Hi Everyone,

    I’m new to this and quite excited by this new plan. I’m one of those yo yo dieters after loosing 20kgs back in 2011 ive slowly over the last few years piled on 10 kgs again and i’m hoping the 5:2 will help me shred those and more. My first fast day will be on Monday so i’m really looking forward it. any tips or pointers will be welcomed!!

    The most important thing is to remember that this way of eating is that it’s a slow marathon, not a sprint. Measure yourself in as many places as you can, ( waist, bum, boobs, hips, neck, thighs, arms ) as well as your weight and write it all down in a notebook or use an app, which will help you keep track of the changes your body makes over time.

    Some ladies love using excel spreadsheets or calorie king and I just use graph paper and pens. Keep a food diary for the first few weeks until you are used to what you can consume, and the sorts of food you like… and don’t panic if it’s not perfect straight away, you’ll get the hang of things easily. Good luck and keep us posted!

    Hi Everyone,
    The heat here is horrendous again, 45 yesterday and no real respite until next week, we are meant to be 42 even tomorrow. Ihaveawaist those shorts sound wonderful. Online boxing day sale saw me buy two pars of shorts, something I haven’t had in years, and boy am I glad, nice to get a bit of sun on the legs again and much cooler on these hot days. Sarji87 as well as the measurements suggested by ihaveawaist measure below your boobs around your torso. That is where I have lost the greatest as in ten weeks I have 12 cm off there. Hope everyone else has had a good week, looking forward to weighing in in the morning. Cheers everyone. Charlie.

    Hi everyone. Im Mandurah WA. I just finished my second fast, and last night made it to 7.15pm before I ate, and then only really because I felt I should not because I really wanted to. Which really surprised me. I found that the earlier part of the day the hardest, but after about 4pm I was all good.

    The first day I found as soon as I ate I was even hungrier which is what inspired me to see how long I can go.

    I tried this diet probably about 6 months ago, but ditched it as I found it too hard, and as I ate way too much in between fasts. And not good stuff either, biscuits, cakes loads of bread and peanut butter (YUMMMMMM Still my favourite breakfast)

    My history is I have always struggled with my weight as I was a fat kid. I went on extreme diet at 16 and have struggled to keep my weight down ever since. I have 2 kids aged 6 and 8. After my pregnancies I lost 18 kg, again on an extreme diet with COhen’s lifestyle, which was very strict.

    I have fluctuated between 55 and 59 ever since but always seem to be looking for that magic formulae that works.

    Low carb good, but messes with my moods and I like to have bread and cake from time to time, so didnt want to do that. Besides I want to do something that lets me eat the same as everyone else, so I dont have to cook 2 meals everynight.
    Recently been on Weight Watchers, but that only drove me nuts tracking all the time.

    I dont have much too lose, and I lost 1 kg over the last 2 fasts. So now only have another 3 kg to go (although I would love 5kg of course but have to be realistic.

    Phew!! What a novel!

    Anyway, here’s to hoping this works for me long term. I want to have 5 days of normal eating, and feeling free of the constant worry of putting the weight back on. I am off on 3 day holiday with my kids, and best friend, so when I weigh in next friday I hope that the scales at least remain the same if not gone done a bit

    After hardly any change in my weight for the first week I decided to try ADF. I’ve only done 2 days, Tuesday and yesterday but I feel great and snuck a look at the scales and tape measure this morning.
    My first week I lost 0.5 kg, today that was down 3 kg. I am impressed but not convinced. I have been drinking loads of water and going 36 hours with only 1x450cal meal in the evening.
    My waist measurement has gone down 1cm, my hips 2cm ( can’t really afford that as I don’t have a bum to start with).
    I will continue ADF until next Friday as I’m finding it really easy to stick with at the moment. When it gets harder I will drop to 3:4 and have the weekends free.
    Anyway, I just thought I would let you all know. These entries have helped a lot with motivation, keep it up.

    Thanks ladies for the empathy, and although I still feel a bit seedy, am much better this morning.

    I had a sneak weigh and have lost another 400gms, not that it was a pleasant way to do it!

    Today will be light meals I think, and I haven’t even felt like food so far.
    Official weigh day tomorrow….

    Week 1. Started with my wife. A fantastic start and I am so hopeful for the first time ever that I may have come across a sustainable diet. I have lost 2.9kgs (now 115.2kg) and 4cm from waight (now (115cm). I know I can keep the 5:2 up so I just hope the progress continues, even if at a slower pace. I would be so proud of myself if I could get to a healthier 99kg.

    My hubby was 99 last summer…then he went to France.
    110 kilos later!

    I am sure you will get there, even if it takes a few months, you will get there.
    Congrats on the loss

    And well done everyone else, pats on the backs!

    Hello fasting friends new and old – I’m back!!

    A big congratulations to everyone who continued with their fasting over xmas and new year and it’s wonderful to see the forum thriving so actively πŸ™‚

    The holiday was great although in some ways hard work. New York was FREEZING! and we all got sick (i’m still trying to lift a very sticky chest bug)and the xmas/new year crowds made it all a bit of an effort to see and do. We were lucky enough to get one of the last flights out before the snowstorm hit (first time I’ve ever been on a plane that they had to spray anti-freeze on!) and then spent a glorious 5 days in Barcelona which was much warmer, not crowded and fabulously beautiful. Highly recommended!

    I knew that I had put on weight as my nice flatish tummy was now back in it’s old plump possie. So I bravely stepped on the scales a couple of days ago fully expecting a 4kg increase. My weight was the same as when I left. I got off, moved the scales, checked they were at 0 and stepped on again. Same. My jet lagged brain just couldn’t compute it. I wasn’t happy; I had a fat tummy – I was just confused. Then it hit me. My shape had changed. Sure enough I had lost inches down my legs (walking 6 hours a day will do that), but had plonked it back onto my bread basket. And I can really feel it.

    Anyway, like dumpling (sounds like a similarly fabulous holiday!) I’m back on the wagon on Monday, so expect to be hearing a bit from the old nag. Till then, again, lots of good lucks, best wishes and well dones for all your hard work:)

    cheers, Ali x

    Ali, we did Barcelona too…well, a day, but a good day!!
    BFC!! We took the metro to it.


    We were in California when the east were being dumped on. 23 deg days, for us, nice!!
    Anyway, I hear ya re the belly…5 inches went on mine.

    I blame Mickey Mouse

    Glad to see Alimax back – how many months has this thread been going since you started it?

    Weather report from Tassie is that a cool change has arrived with a splash of rain overnight. I’ve been watching lots of tennis and cricket but not getting much exercise (remember Norm?) so today seems like a good time to start, with a walk on Mt Wellington and a swim at Bellerive Beach. Can I fast today? Not sure. I’ll see how late in the day I can go before I feel like eating.

    BTW: a tree full of ripe apricots in the garden has solved the problem of the ‘slow’ bowels. I have to eat them all before the birds do.

    Good morning downunders!

    Hot again here, but the South Aussies and Melbournites are getting a reprieve at last. Horrible bushfires though πŸ™

    @dumpling: Hubby agreed to take me to the opening concert last night and it was fabulous!! Even HE enjoyed it! We are going over town to do a street walk and check out the buskers today.

    @sarji: welcome to the forum. It is an exciting way of approaching weight loss isnt it. I feel relaxed about it which I never have done in all my previous attempts!! I am slowly losing…only 500g a week average, but the feeling of being in control makes me feel wonderful. Good luck on your journey, keep us posted.

    @charlieg: Oh dear, the weather man told me that things were going to be considerably cooler for Vic today …must have been only Melbourne. Stay cool if you can

    Welcome thunderthighs, having a chuckle over your choice of username….what will we call you when those thunderthighs have dispersed?? πŸ˜€ You must only be a tiny little thing at 55 to 59 anyway. I agree with the eating making you WANT to eat comment. It works best for me to go without until dinner time on fast days. Good luck on this plan and keep posting!

    Welcome cantona. Congrats on your loss. Keep us posted on your progress.

    That’s all I have time for today…we re off to enjoy more of the Festival! Have a good one, everyone!

    In Perth we are getting another burst of hot weather. I so fear more bush fires, it only needs another power pole to blow over and it all starts again.
    My husband and I had a good fast day, he is losing weight, I have decided to wait until the end of the month to step on the scales.
    Please look after yourself where ever you are today.

    Yeeha! @jaybee68, I can just imagine you bootscooting through Tamworth this weekend. It must be great to be there right now. @aussienow, I hope you have fully recovered by now. As compensation, I’m sure you had a good weight-loss result today – unlike me, with a gain of 0.3 kg. Hopefully, I’ll do better next week, although – with family coming down from the far north (Cairns) and my plan to bake a Bailey’s and white chocolate cheesecake – it won’t be easy!

    Hi everyone πŸ™‚ Well, just completed week one with a loss of 1.1 kg and 2.5 cms off the ole belly, so very pleased. Second fast day went well until a salt craving resulted in some crisps down the gullet, but managed to keep the amount small. Roll on week 2 πŸ˜€ How is everyone else going this weekend?


    It’s midnight, can’t sleep and instead of raiding the fridge, I’ve been thinking of all the ways I can distract myself from eating and do something that won’t cost any money, is fun, creative or good for me.

    Maybe you can add to the list of ideas?

    Sing a song to the radio
    Dance around the lounge room
    Do sit ups / push ups when the ads are on
    Skip rope / hop scotch / play marbles like you did at primary school
    Try stretching slowly and getting more flexibility in those creaky joints
    Do those simple Yoga / Pilates moves you learnt, but stopped using
    Paint or draw in a sketch book
    Cook something to share with a friend, neighbour or the local homeless shelter
    Crotchet, knit, quilt something for the neighbour’s baby
    Learn a new craft from that book you got ages ago, that’s been sitting on the bookshelf unread
    Clean out the bookshelf/garage/spare room/wardrobe
    Have a garage sale or sell the stuff on eBay, and donate the remainder to charity
    Mend those worn or torn clothes, or turn them into rags for cleaning
    Use those new rags for cleaning the car or the tarnished silverware your Nanna gave you
    Take some plant cuttings and grow them in a shady spot
    Prune those overgrown or half dead plants in the garden
    Start a compost heap, or turn the old one over and add new material to it
    Go through those old photos and put them in a lovely fresh album, with all their relevant names and dates
    Soak your feet and buff off the rough skin on your heels
    Give your hands, elbows, legs and feet a nice massage with a little lotion you got for Christmas and haven’t used yet
    Paint your toenails something wild and exciting, rather than your usual safe colour
    Make some oragami cranes and hang them up as a mobile
    Practice meditation
    Practice the piano
    Make up a little ditty or silly poem
    Think of funny alternative names for famous people
    Make something fun in the sand, turn that sandcastle into the Sydney opera house
    Volunteer to read or be a tutor at your local school
    Volunteer at the local animal shelter/ food bank/ op shop/ land care group
    Read some new author’s works from the free books available on iTunes
    Catch up on the programs you missed with ABC’s iview or SBS on demand
    Pick some flowers and foliage and make a little floral arrangement, using that vase that’s been sitting in the back of the cupboard
    Get out that nice table cloth and use the dining table for a nice, sit down family meal, with candles and a floral centre piece
    Throw out those stained, ancient tea towels and get some fresh ones
    Clear out the draw in the kitchen that holds all the rubber bands and junk, and organise the useful, handy things you really want to keep

    Have a lovely Sunday everyone!

    Wow ihaveawaist, you did keep yourself busy just writing that list! Hope you got some sleep in the end.
    My focus today is to be sensible about what I put in my mouth. Had friends over yesterday, my food intake was pretty healthy, my alcohol intake not so healthy. But such is life, got to enjoy it while we can.
    Enjoy what’s left of the wkend everyone!

    Hi everyone, finally a day below forty degrees only just. Probably due to the smoke as we have fires to the east and south of us but the closest one to the east is finally under control and the ones to the south are more than 250km away we just get their smoke. Just 400grams off for the week. Most likely all the water I have drunk has something to do with it. Mikayla, not pleased to hear hot in Perth again as it seems to track straight for us on the Vic/NSW border. Hope everyone has a good cool week, So far since Thursday when they arrived I have read from cover to cover “the fast diet” and I am halfway through “fast exercise”. Have learnt heaps from both, and have started to change the way I exercise on my bike. Blood tests booked for two weeks after my next blood donation. Good luck fasting this week. Cheers, Charlie.

    Gomarg, I downloaded the Lorna Jane app you said your daughter has and used it for the first time today. It’s fabulous! Thanks for bringing it to our attention. I’ve recorded the details and will try and better the results as my fitness levels improve.

    For all of you coping with the heat and fires I hope things improve for you all and you have a great week ahead of you.

    Hi everyone,
    I just finished week two with a loss of 0.6 kg – that gives me a total loss of 2.5 kg. I’m very happy with the results so far. How did everyone go this last week? I’m on a fast day today and am not organized at all! Oh well I’m sure things will work out okay in the end. Have a great week everyone.

    2 fasts down, thurs and Saturday, of week one, week 2 now with fasting Monday ( today) and Wednesday.
    Weigh day is Thursday…so after 4 fasts in a week there better be some loss!!!

    Hi all, hope everyone had a good weekend…me not so much foodwise, had visitors, went out, snacked too much, leftovers etc etc but I did enjoy the weekend activities and today it is back on track again. I am doing 3 fasts this week, today, Wednesday and Friday to make up for my indiscretions at the weekend, and feel in control again. Such a different feeling from all other diets Ive been on where I would have thrown up my hands and felt so guilty for daring to go off the rails for a weekend.

    Still hot here, high 30s, but the weather man has promised us “a chance of showers” this afternoon…..I’ll wait and see πŸ˜€

    Household chores inline for me today, washing, cleaning, vacuuming…you know the drill :(. Hope your day is wonderful wherever you are, stay cool and safe.

    Lol, peas in a pod, you and I!

    I’ll stick to Monday and Thursday and have plenty of activities lined up today, including baking,for a craft meeting tomorrow.
    Funny how that doesn’t bother me.

    It’s fine and warm and going for 34C today, so a swim might be likely in the afternoon.
    Happy fast day!

    Hi my dear fast friends,
    After feeling like I’d come off my plateau last week, it seems I’ve had a sudden reversal in the weight and put on 2.3 kg from fri morning till this morning….it’s quite a big shock!
    The main reasons I’m guessing, is the food I had at two cafe meals, one a Thai prawn salad and the other, half a small veg and lamb souvlaki, although these both seemed to have a low cal, low carb, high veg make up, I think there must have been a lot of added salt in both dishes. They seemed really healthy and delicious, but I’ll have to cut down on salty food and going out to eat, if this is the case.

    After searching on the web, high salt consumption can cause fluid retention, and thus weight gain. Hopefully, I’ll be able to lose the extra weight I’ve put on and not feel like a bloated failure….I have to remind myself that I will use this as a learning exercise and stop fretting about the small stuff.

    I’m easing off cheese, bread, olives, gherkins, anchovies, soy sauce and processed pasta sauce, which are some of my favourite salt laden foods on normal eating days. Hopefully I’ll see a difference by the end of the week.

    Does anyone else find that salt is an issue? Or bloating and sudden weight gain after eating out?

    Good luck everyone with this new week, starting afresh and making a difference.

    I also promise to stand up more and sit down less, it burns more cals and is better for my posture!

    Think i spoke to soon with both the weather and the plateau ! We’ve just been hit with5 X 40c days in a row and i’m actually a little heavier than i was this time last week. I’m guessing that the extra consumption of fluids might account for it. I’ve also been back at work for the last week and a half so back to sittin on my butt for the best part of 8 hours(I do try to get up every half an hour and walk around as suggested in the fast excercise book, but i think thats annoying my supervisor !!)I now skip meals on my non fast days for when we are expecting company for dinners or going out , this is an effort to save calorie consumption for when the event happens. Is this a detrimental thing to do ? I’m also going to start Fast excersise tonight on my cross trainer, hoping to break this plateau’s back and recommence taking off weight.I’m trying not to get too disallusioned as I still feel i’m reaping other benifits from fasting(This is mainly feeling lighter and heathier after the fast days)


    G’day to you all! I’m in Bannockburn, in country Victoria.
    I just joined the site last night, though I’ve been on the diet for two weeks now, at my doctor’s recommendation. He lost 10kg.
    I would absolutely LOVE to be at you guys’ starting weight! There’s 117 kg of me – at one stage I was 126. Problem is I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and can’t exercise much. So I need to pretty much rely on diet to lose weight.
    Long-term I would like to get down to 80kg, but I’ll be happy to get down below 100 as a short-term goal.
    One kg down, 17 to go! How’s 100 by Christmas sound?


    Ihaveawaist, thanks for sharing this with us. I must admit I’ve given little thought to salt and the possibility of water retention. I find if I eat grapes and stone fruits I get bloated and very uncomfortable, which causes a little weight gain, probably due to wind πŸ™‚

    Good luck this week – I think you’ll lose the gain quickly and be back to losing weight again in no time at all.

    Pete, I’m sure you can achieve that goal…good luck!

    good luck Pete and you might find you have abit more energy as you drop the kgs, it’s fun to go to the supermarket and pick up 7kgs of spuds–wow that’s alot of energy to carry that round all day.
    fabulous that your Doc is not only on your side but also living proof. There seems to still be negative stuff from the medical profession–well done your doc.
    I have lost 7kgs over 3 months and that’s without exercise–for me it’s been a matter of bronchitis and adrenal fatigue. But heh we are on the right track.

    Checking in after my week 8 weigh in and measure….

    I have now lost 3.3kg (just over 7 pounds) so pretty close to the recommended 1 pound loss each week. AND that includes the Christmas/New Year period!

    Also seeing a loss of a couple of centimetres each on my arms, legs, bust and around my hip area. I have lost 4cm off my waist (I measure my waist as my narrowest point and my hips as my widest – not sure if this is correct but at least I am consistent).

    I have found that I handle my fast days a lot better by just having 1 meal at the end of the day rather than splitting up my calories across multiple meals. I will occasionally have a snack if I really need it. Carrots & tzatziki have very little calories so that is a favourite snack. Years of trying to calorie restrict myself means I have quite a few recipes for meals that are under 500 calories per serve so I cook one of those up on a fast day and find I don’t go hungry. I am now working on being a little bit more organised so that I cook my fast day meal the day before. That way when I get home from work and am starving, it takes about 5 mins of reheating and I am good to go.

    I am still working on my non-fast days. I now skip breakfast completely, unless it is the morning after a fast day, I find I need a little something then and usually just stick to a piece of toast and a little peanut butter. I mentally struggle with skipping breakfast after years and years of being told skipping breakfast is the worse thing you can do when trying to lose weight. So it is a little comforting to hear so many people on this forum have been told about the diet by their doctors.

    My next challenge is to get back into exercise. I do walk the dog regularly and have previously done a bit of cardio and weight training. I have downloaded Fast Exercise so will give that a go. I have also joined Parkrun. For those of you in Australia, they are working checking out. Basically, once a week, they organise a 5km measured and timed run. You register with them and are given a barcode. You then just turn up to the run whenever you like and join in. They record your time and even if you have achieved a PB. It is a really supportive environment and there is a wide spread of abilities and times.

    Cant wait for the next 3.3kg to go…

    Thanks for your support DES, I’m not giving this WOE up, just having to eat more thoughtfully, to give myself the best chance possible.
    Great to hear from wanderer and bigpete, good luck guys and remember it’s slow and steady, not fast and furious….even if like me, things occassionally go a little pear-shaped! I’ll be doing this as a long term way of life to improve my blood pressure, blood glucose and snoring, rather than a quick way to lose weight.

    Well I’m into my second week.

    so far I’m sticking to no food fasting, I found that meals make me hungry.

    I’m nor weighing my self, I know I am overweight thanks to my belt so I am taking a different approach. I don’t care about my weight so much, I just know what belt setting I was at when I was healthiest, so when I hit that I’ll be happy.

    Hi Everyone, thanks Aussienow for the inspiration, as I have decided to do some cooking for hubby for his lunches this week and I am finding it much easier, both by doing something and also by knowing that tomorrow I might just have a small piece.
    To everyone one with the sudden weight gain, it may not be the salt alone but the amount of water, over the weekend we were working outside and I know that on each day I consumed five litres of water per day due to the heat, and although I sweat, I didn’t go to the toilet extra, it seems that I can hold fluid, quite a lot of it too. Well done Wander23, nice to feel and see the weight coming off.
    Welcome to Big Pete as a bit on encouragement I shed my first 10kg without any exercise just my normal walking around the farm, which is a bit up hill and done dale, but now that I have achieved that and have “Fast Exercise” I am working on some of the exercises in the book to help. Since I started I could not shift anything off my arms, so I started tricep dips and yes finally three cm off the upper arm. Good luck fasting this week everyone. Cheers, Charlie

    Go Charlie! Tricep dips take some effort, but it will look and feel amazing with nice strong, well toned arms!
    I’ve been weeing all day, and I reckon the fluid I retained is beginning to pour out of me….can’t wait to see the scales tomorrow!

    Try Adding some lemon/ ginger herbal tea
    That helps you shed fluid you are retaining,

    I just tried doing some tricep dips against my desk. I could only manage 9 – I’m such a wimp! I’ve always had weak wrists, but I’ll give them a go every day from now on – anything to get rid of those “Bingo wings”!

    @jaybee, I too ate and drank with visitors at the wkend. I chalk it up to living life. I challenge anyone who says that eat perfectly %100 of the time. As you pointed out you can rectify this little splurge with an extra fast day this week.
    @ihaveawaist, I’m sure if its fluid it will come off quickly. I’m pleased to hear you are not too discouraged by the gain and understand its part of life. Enjoy the result when the fluid is gone.
    @big Pete they say weight loss is 90% diet, so that’s a great place to start. Good luck and remember to have fun, if you aren’t enjoying what you are doing you won’t stick with it.
    @charlie, what a positive start to a change in exercise routine. My arms don’t tend to shift in size much, but I can see I have replaced some of the flab with muscle so that’s ok!
    I had my measurements done at the gym on Friday. It had been 2 months since I last had them done and my big loss was 4cm off my hips! My trainer even measured twice to make sure. Its little things like this that help with the motivation to keep going.
    Hope all those fasting today have kept busy and survived the day. I will fast tomorrow and will take up half my morning playing at the park with my daughter and going to yoga. Can’t wait!

    Gomarg, I started out doing just five a day for a start, but it seems to kick in quite quickly. Don’t call yourself a wimp, I tried doing jumping jacks today and the only thing that enjoyed it was my tummy going madly up and down. I used to be able to do these for five to ten minutes at a time, but this is going to be slow and steady. Charlie


    I am in Brisbane and have just found this forum. I have just heard about this diet on Saturday and after reading the book, started my first fast Saturday afternoon(2pm – 2pm) which I found quite easy. Second fast day today…a lovely lady at work came and offered me a piece of carrot cake (one of my favourites) and i asked for a piece that I then put away for tomorrow. Can’t believe I just did that. So proud of me. I think it will take a bit of experimenting to see what is the best pattern for me but I am encouraged to hear the stories of others. I am 48 yo and almost 89kg and really need to make some changes.

    Welcome MimiM…wow… good for you! I don’t think I could have saved the cake for later πŸ™‚

    We had a friend here for the weekend and she brought a caramel tarts with cream…oh….she said we could finish it off today, but I put it in the freezer after she left and it will most likely be forgotten!

    I know I couldn’t fast on the weekend and I gather others don’t either, choosing Monday and Thursday, but whatever works for you is good.
    I like the flexibility to, that you can swap around to suit life matters.

    BTW, I’m at Bribie πŸ™‚

    CharlieG, I’m sorry, but I laughed out loud at your jumping jack efforts, as I know the same thing would happen to me, but I’m not about to even try.
    Chances are I’d end up with black eyes too!

    Hi all,

    I’m interested to know when people fast do they do a short fast e.g 24hrs or the recommended pattern of 36hrs – eg a Monday fast starting Sunday evening after an early dinner and finishing on Tuesday morning once you have breakfast? Does anyone find there is any benefit or difference between the two? I saw someone did a 2pm to 2pm which I would find quite easy given you get to eat normally for breakfast one day and again at dinner the next plus do I assume you have the 500 cal as well?

    Starting my 7th week today and the 500gm loss I’ve averaged per week has continued with another half kilo gone – 3 1/2kgs now in total. Hubby losing it faster with five kilos gone but that always seems to be the way for men.

    Just enjoyed another salmon fillet dinner with green beans. Our fish intake has certainly improved as we tend to eat the same foods on fast days mixing it up with salad or stir fried veggies.

    We’ve been amazed by how our food choices and quantities on normal days has improved too as we acknowledge we just don’t need as much given we survive quite nicely on 500 cal two days a week – 1500 cal now seems indulgent!

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