Hello Newbies…

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  • I just completeled one year of intermittent fasting and am so happy with the results. My weight was not out of control so, I have not restricted my eating very much on non-fasting days. Even so, I eventually found myself gravitating to more healthful choices on those days also. As a result, I have lost 3 or 4 pounds and am pleased with that.

    I was initially drawn to the concept because of two health issues: my cholesterol has always been borderline high and 5 years ago I had colon cancer.

    I was intrigued with the improvement people reported in their blood numbers and wondered if it was because of the diet itself or the resulting weight loss.

    I am thrilled to say that, even though my weight loss has been modest, recent blood work showed that my total cholesterol dropped 26 points. (My bad cholesterol dropped 20 points, while my good cholesterol only dropped 1 point.) I was astounded. Even my blood pressure, which has always been good, dropped.

    The best of luck to everyone just started the 5:2. I hope my experience is motivating. I will also say that I now find, interestingly enough, that I really look forward to fast days. At first, I was I was “afraid” I’d feel weak or deprived. After the first 2 or 3 weeks I didn’t feel that way at all, and actually feel especailly calm and centered on those days.

    By the way, I love the new website! Thanks to Michael and Mimi for the plan and the continuing support!

    Starting the 5.2 tomorrow and looking forward to it, I feel my eating has got completely out of control, and i, m hoping this will bring some control back to my life, my daughter has lost 3 stone in 18 months so here goes, what have I got to lose but lbs

    Completed my first week on Sunday. Fasted Tuesday and Thursday with great results, have lost 5lbs! Am so happy as ate out Friday night with a few Tia Marias and was out with the girls Saturday night. Have fasted again today and am amazed it’s not as difficult as I thought it would be. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Welcome neetie,
    as you say what have you got to lose but lbs and this one will not cost you a penny. Good luck happy fasting, can I suggest you have a look at JoJo thread and ladies of a certain age. See you there. JIP

    Wonderful coppertel 5 lb, onwards and downwards, these boards/threads are great to keep u out of the kitchen, only thing is I forget my husbands needs to eat. LOL. JIP

    I’ve had a week on the plan, and have lost a few pounds already. However, I’ve had a lot of diarrhea ( sorry about the American spell check! )
    I’m starting to feel better in myself though, after having yo yo’ed with Weightwatchers.
    I feel I’m more in control, rather than having to count points every day.
    I’ve a lot of weight to lose, and I’m hopeful that it’ll be a success.
    I’ve a question though: I’m told that as a larger man at 20 stone, that I need more calories to keep my metabolism up and going. The regular 2500 for a man of a average size and shape surely can’t be right for larger or smaller men ?

    I am just thinking of starting this eating plan. However, I am a bit scared of the 600cal. Fast days. Knowing me, I think it would be easier for me if I fasted completely, as once I start eating very restricted meals, that seems to be when I go berserk and find it hard to stop eating! Is it ok to just drink tea, and water fast days, and not bother with the 600 calories?

    Hi /specialk I am sure you can drink your 600 cals, there are a few who do this on here if you have time to read back. I did 200 yesterday bandana, WW yoghurt one biscuit . The rest was coffee/cappuccino, tea, water, and choc flavoured whey.
    Good luck which ever way you find best. JIP

    Thank you. That is a good idea! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Specialk, it is OK to skip the 600 calories if you think that would work better for you, a few people do. Many of us go about 24 hours without eating, just drinking no-calorie liquids, and have one meal with all our calories in the evening. But if a 600-calorie meal would set off more eating for you, then better perhaps to go without it, at least in the beginning, and see how you feel.

    Thank you franfit. I think it would be easier for me to either go without calories, or just have a shake of some sort to begin with as you say. Once I start, it’s very hard, especially when I am ‘dieting’. It’s a psychological issue of course, but one that I find it incredibly hard to beat. The other option would be to buy a pre-counted meal for the evening. I am keen to try this diet but there are practicalities to address, like who will cook for the family on my fasting days etc. as cooking the main meal is an important part of what I do at home (I don’t work outside of the home). I think I can organise that side of it, but really don’t want to be cooking for my self on fasting days. Thanks for the advice, it’s good to know I’m not the only one!

    Specialk, pre-counted meals can work, too. Whatever makes it work for you. Most of our eating and weight issues come down to the psychology of it, I think!

    Family meals are important to my (underweight) son and I, and we have continued them while I’m fasting. I cook on my fasting days, he cooks on most of the other days. I have two basic strategies for making meals that both of us can eat on my fasting days. One strategy is, I make a fasting-day type meal of something like fish or a vegetable frittata with steamed or roasted veg or a salad on the side, and serve him a larger portion of the fish and make him a side of potatoes or rice, and I have a small piece of fruit for dessert while he has a banana and ice cream. The other strategy is, I’ll make a project of figuring out how many calories per gram are in a family favorite recipe, and serve myself the number of grams that corresponds to the number of calories I can eat at my fasting day dinner (this usually works out to a somewhat, but not dramatically, smaller portion than usual). So last night we had the leek and lemon shrimp from the FastDiet cook book, and a large salad of Romaine, raddichio, mushrooms, cucumber, radish, and red onion with a little olive oil and a lot of white wine vinegar, I had 30 grams of rice and he had a lot more, I had 1/2 a broiled grapefruit for dessert and he had chocolate ice cream. Friday I will have 175 grams of my Vegetarian Spanish rice (cooked earlier this week, waiting for us in the fridge) that comes in at 1.6 calories/gram along with a similar salad and maybe a half a small mango for dessert. He will have a larger portion of the Spanish rice, the salad, and whatever he wants for dessert. So it is possible for fasting day dinners to be modifications of family dinners, especially if you have at least 400 calories to work with. But if eating a smaller amount than usual for dinner would set off the urge to eat (a whole lot) more, you might want to wait until you get comfortable with fasting to try it.

    Thanks Franfit! Sounds like you have it sorted there! ๐Ÿ™‚

    In my first week of the 5:2 diet, having completed my 2 fast days. Lots happening next week, so it’s great that I can be flexible about which days to fast on, though I would like to get into some sort of routine.
    My fast days, whilst not been easy, weren’t too difficult, though there were pangs of hunger, particularly around late evening. Strangely, I wasn’t hungry on waking the following mornings. I enjoy experimenting with different foods, so I’m liking some of the various recipes in the FD books. It’s also good that I’ve been able to enjoy a steak with a salad …and a FEW chips and a glass of wine tonight. Not something you could normally do on a diet. That will help on Wednesday, my next fast day…that and the fact that I’ve already lost 3 pounds. Brilliant. Even thinking of rejoining the gym!

    Six weeks into fasting… I’m so happy this is really working for me ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve lost 11lbs and now my summer wardrobe fits! That’s what made me start, nothing fitted and I didn’t want to go buy all new.
    I usually fast Tuesday and Thursday and seem to stay under the 500 recommended calorie intake having around 430-450. Hope that’s OK? I am very focused during the week (Monday and Wednesday) On weekends I often eat out or am out socially and really enjoy my food/drink. It’s great to kick back, eat what I fancy and enjoy a glass or two of wine with my meal… And still lose weight!
    It’s great to read everyone’s comments, they really do help. Another 6lbs off for me and I’ll have reached my goal weight. Not too sure what I need to do then, any ideas would gratefully received.

    coppertel, congratulations on your success with 5:2 ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s perfectly OK to stay under the 500 calories — a few people even eat 0 calories.

    There is a thread of people who are working on maintenance, look under ‘Active Threads’ for ‘Thank you Dr M for my success!’

    Joss52, congratulations on beginning 5:2 ๐Ÿ™‚ Weight loss might slow a little after the first week or two, the average amount lost is about a pound a week; some people lose more, others less, quickly. I have found it *so* much more do-able than daily calorie restriction, too.

    Every one’s comments are so helpfull
    I wonder what people eat on no fasting days
    Do they maintain caloric intake to like 1500 to 1700?
    I finished my 1 day of fast and will do another soon.
    I am watching every thing I eat though.
    Does one has to eat 1700 calories on non fast day?
    Is it like wt watchers example you don’t lose wt if you don’t eat enough?


    You can eat any food you want on non diet days. If you want to lose weight, though, it is best if you eat to or under your TDEE: http://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/tdee-for-the-curious-or-why-dont-i-lose-weight-faster/

    The way 5:2 works is you go to bed, get up, eat 500 calories or less during your waking hours, go to bed, get up and eat ‘normally’ – twice a week. ‘Normally’ means eat to your TDEE or less.

    The basic rule is the less you eat, the more you lose. But unless you are in a real hurry, it is easier to keep going with 5:2 if you enjoy your food five days a week and only worry about being on a diet for two.

    Here are some tips for those just starting 5:2: http://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/warnings-to-newbies/

    Good Luck!

    Beautiful life, and all newbies.
    I am still a WW if I had kept to their rules to the letter I would not be at goal. I take steroids and thyroxine taking these I still lost 56lbs in 17 months, it’s was just that I found it difficult to keep to goal going over by 5, 6, or 7 lbs. I am so glad I found DR M’s 5-2. I can do this for life. On my non fast days I watch what type of food but I still have a little of what I fancy just not the amount I used to in my unhealthy days. If we have to count calories on the non fast days that is not what 5-2 is about.
    I am have been on a diet since I was16 years. It’s a standing joke with everyone of my bowler friends and a few others (are we on our diet today) I can take it, but I have the last laugh I am at goal and it 3 years next month. I intend to start enjoying my life, I will go on holidays, enjoy Christmas and do 5-2 when it is over. Happy fasting and non fasting . JIP

    88years old been on the diet since april 10th lost 10lbs feel great go walking every single day. I’m a great believer in standing up sitting down all the time is a killer

    Hello to all, tomorrow is my third fast day and after two know I can do it, I plan and record my fast days in advance. Am surprised at how well I feel the day after my fast day . On my non-fast days I eat sensible and allow my self one day a week for a blow out. Have been gymming six days a week and don’t seem to have a problem on my fasting days. Decided to record my stats on line after a month so will be interested to see any change. Hope to have lost both weight and inches and all the other benefits that come along with this diet

    hello all. I am finishing my second week on 5/2. I have lost 6 lbs . My goal is to lose 45 total. At 62 and under 5′ I have been on every diet known to man and just don’t want to go that route any more. I am fnding this quite easy, so far. I am hoping that the weight loss will take the stress off my knees which are really bad. On my non fast days I do not eat Pasta, potatoes or bread. So far so good. I. usually read the forum while doig 30 minutes on my recumbant bike (stationary). I could use a glossary…lol. Hope to make this a way of life.

    I am just starting my 3rd week and not only am I down 6.5 lbs, I lost 2″ off my waist and 1.25″ off my bust. I am finding this to be a really good fit to my lifestyleand hope to continue to goal for the first time in 35 years.

    Hello everyone!

    Today is my first fast day and so far, so good. i did try this a couple of weeks ago, with my husband, but a bit of life got in the way, but I did lose 3lb in one week. I’m inspired by everyone on here to make a proper go of it this time. My weight started to creep up early last year – again due to ‘life issues’ with another family member and then after that in this year, March, I gave up smoking – urghhh. Anyway, I’m here now and my husband is on the ‘diet’ with me as well, which helps. I need to lose about 1.5 stone and my husbandโ€ฆwell, he needs to lose about 4 stone. I’ve got everything crossed that we’ll have success like so many others on here and am looking forward to feeling all of the wonderful benefits of this diet – I was starting to get a bit foggy headed as well, lacking concentration etc. My excercise regime will be to walk my lovely dog for an hour and a half every day instead of just the hour. She could do with losing a couple of pounds as well, so I’m hoping we’ve got a win/win situation.

    Thanks for amazing stories and best of luck to you all with this way of life.

    hi ruthie and welcome:

    Here is a converter: http://www.ninjaunits.com/convert-joules-kilocalories/

    Fasting days are a mindset. Many people after a couple of months donโ€™t eat anything on their diet days. Many more find one meal in the evening works best. Efforts to eat 500 exactly are unnecessary, and you may lose faster if you eat fewer kJs.

    Here are some tips for those just starting โ€“ you donโ€™t have to wait for the book: http://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/warnings-to-newbies/

    Focus for the first month or two on getting your diet days right, and the rest usually falls into place.

    Good Luck!

    Hi, I’m also a newbie and I enjoy reading your weight loss journey. I hope that I can too. Getting there as well. I’m just sticking to my routine and program that I follow to hopefully I can see amazing results in a few month, years or so. (which I would love to share with you all.

    Thank you and nice meeting you all.

    Good morning everyone, I too am a newbie,I have 4 mins to get to the end of my first 36 hr fast and have used inly 53 calories in this time! I had spells of rumblings but felt if i ate 500 calories it might make me feel more hungry. The only I found uncomfortable was alertness during sleeptime! Every little sound disturbed me and my brain just bounced into life! Today I am going to try to be sensible and track my food with fitness pal, if anyone wishes to friend me on there i am Lemanjelly, hope u all have a great day x

    Hi, I want to know about the 36 hour fast. It seems a long time without food. I understand that on fasting days I do 500 calories. If I eat at 10pm on my FD and then have breakfast the next morning (I have to eat in the morning, due to having to take medication). I am confused. Pat

    I don’t really knpw anything about it, I just did it…it felt pretty good too..not sure how you can do it with meds to take, maybe someone with more experience will answer ๐Ÿ™‚

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