Hello from the Midwest!

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  • I am starting this program today and I am very excited and optimistic. I will be sixty later this year and I need to have more energy. I have been a life long dieter and I am a strong emotional eater. I know almost every calorie to everything I eat. I have decided to make my fast days Monday and Thursday. I had a question about what day of the week would be a good weigh-in day. I like having the option to move the fast day, but I like to have a schedule of things. Must be the old teacher in me.😜
    The forums are so interesting to read and I look forward to learning from everyone.

    Hi vic and welcome:

    It depends on how sensitive you are to the scale weight. If you don’t mind gaining or losing a pound each week, just pick a day you like, or pick one out of a hat. If you are scale sensitive, I suggest you not weigh in for a month or so.

    Here are some tips: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Good Luck!

    Welcome, vic — you sound ready to do this thing! Keep reading the forum for masses of experience and support, and all the best to you. πŸ™‚

    Hi viczwick. i just read the book and will also have my fast days on Mondays and Thursdays. I am 68 and have been battling my weight (190) for years. So I hope we can be comment pals.

    I think that is a great idea! Power in numbersπŸ˜„ Good Luck.

    Same wish for you. Just had my first breakfast on my first 500 calorie day–a smoothie I created.

    Brand new to IF — first day today — struggling with meal ideas. Did well today (520 calories) and heading to bed ….hoping to be as successful on Thursday! I have 65 pounds to lose and have lost 50 in the past 18 months but for the past 5-6 months my weight has not moved πŸ™ ….I workout everyday and am very aware of what I eat but the scale goes up or down a pound or two πŸ™ so frustrating — !!! So glad I found this forum πŸ™‚

    Best of luck to you all πŸ˜‰

    Congrats on today’s success. I, too had my first day of 500–actually had 517 calories. Tomorrow I’ll try to figure out the meal plan for Thursday. Let’s share ideas.

    Laprankster — Congrats to you as well!! I’d love to share ideas. I’m curious how today (eating day) will go πŸ™‚ and I’m hoping to spend sometime later today and/or tomorrow planning for Thursday and the following Tuesday just to make the most of the protein on those days. πŸ™‚

    Finished 2nd fast day yesterday. It was harder than Monday. I was hungrier and I also felt cold. But I succeeded!

    Finally a plan I can do and succeed with, the only way I’ve ever lost weight in my adult life is P90x and fasting. At 280lbs p90x seems like a painful, sweaty option. So here I am, thanks for having me!

    Just a quick question, do most of you plan your fasting days separate? If so why? Is there any benefit to doing that? I do the most damage on the weekend, Monday and Tuesday seems like the best choice for me. Any thoughts

    Great job on your second day! How did it go? What did you eat? 600 calories add up fast!

    Hi Only:

    It is usually best for newbies to have separate diet days. First, it is harder to do two in a row. Second, you get 72 hours of dieting with separate days, and only 60 hours of dieting with consecutive days.

    Having said that, it is up to you.

    Good Luck!

    Thanks, Onlyhope and good luck to you. As a woman I can only do 500 calories. I’ve been pretty close–between 510 and 517.

    I do have a question. How do I keep the sugar and fat content down in nonfast day meals? Even eggs for breakfast jolts the fat content up. Oatmeal helps, as does lean chicken and turkey. I also makes smoothies with non-fat Greek yogurt. which has 22 grams protein. But I get tired of chicken and turkey. Any suggestions?

    Hi lap and welcome:

    There is no need to keep the fat content down. As you look around the site you will find that the research shows natural fats are very healthy (not vegetable oils or transfats, which are man made). Even the government in its latest ‘dietary guidelines’ no longer suggests limiting fat intake. You may even find research cited that says the higher your total cholesterol the longer you live, and vice versa. If you are really interested, this lecture is a good start: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QetsIU-3k7Y. If not, just enjoy eating natural, even saturated fats. They are good for you!

    la, I don’t worry about fat. I avoid sugar and other white carbs, but I enjoy olive oil, eggs, butter, whole milk yogurt, and steak (it’s really hard to binge on steak). Fat keeps you satisfied longer, and your body needs it.

    Thank you both. I’ll look at the lecture tomorrow. I am curbing my sugar and white carbs.

    Finished first week. Fasting days were a breeze, and I stayed just under 500 calories each day. The biggest problem I had was company arriving in between my fasting days. I cooked more and ate more than I should have. I was very surprised that the day after my second fasting day I felt full about halfway into my lunchtime and dinner meals. So… Company is gone, and I will have a less hectic week. I definitely feel better after fasting. I think in the long run this program is going to be successful. I am not even going to weigh in until May 1st. I don’t want to become obsessed with numbers. Feeling good and having energy are my first two goals. Love the forums! Have a good week everyone.

    Laprankster – congrats on the getting through the first two! I did as well (on Thursday) …I too think I was hungrier and know my head kept telling that I was hungry but I made it through at about 525 calories. I do like how I feel on those days. I feel more “alert” and have more energy, and so far have been able to keep up my regular exercise routine πŸ™‚

    Only – I fast two days a week (500 calories Monday and Thursday) last week was my first week. I weigh myself every Friday and I try to eat “sensible” on my eating days. I’m VERY CURIOUS to see how the next 3 weeks will go πŸ™‚ Best of luck!

    Viczwik- I feel the same way! This seems very doable long term! I also come here daily to read and get inspiration and motivation πŸ™‚

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