Hello from Canada!!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Bardeann 6 years, 8 months ago.

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  • So at at 55 the dreaded midlife weight crises has arrived 😣
    My Dr. Suggested the 5:2 plan and I am ONBOARD!!

    Books, recipes and food is all ready to start on this journey….yup my hubby is willing to take the plunge as well.

    I looking forward to having the support of this group to keep me on tract.


    Hi Canadian girl,

    You have come to the right place, and yes 5:2 works if you work it.

    I lost 21kgs with a chronic illness on board which no exercise to help use up energy . I’ve been a normal weight now for 18months and I am healthier and happier.

    If you have read the book, done some planning and have you husband on board , together with the forum, you’re set to get your weight under control. You will find as you go along that you may need to tweak things, and you may eeact a bit differently to each other, but that’s OK.

    I suggest you join 1 of the other threads which has many posts and is quite active.

    Good luck and keep posting.

    Onwards and Downwards,

    Hey from Ontario.
    Day one for me.
    Hoping it will help my arthritis too.
    Good luck!

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