Hello from Australia

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  • Hi fellow Aussies, I too had watched Dr Michael on TV and was so intruiged, about fasting and WHAT did you say i can eat whatever i wanted on non fast days….Well i did just that started out at 73.8kg fasted on Monday and Thursday last week, and yesterday as well, jumped on the scales today and I am up 75.kg.. I did watch what i ate on my non fast days, but…if i wanted that cake or just a little bit of chocolate i ate it.. So my question is to anyone, why didnt i loose the weight like the rest of you did…. Am i missing something here? Feeling really low atm.. Please help.

    Hi pammy:

    You can eat what you want, but not as much as you want.

    Having said that, your body weight can vary by 2 or more pounds each day, so going up in weight is not unusual. This could help: http://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Good Luck!

    Hi Pammy. I’m so sorry to hear your first week didn’t show a drop. Don’t be discouraged. I weigh myself HEAPS (5 or more times a day) and my weight can fluctuate by 2 or more kilograms on a non-fast day. My favourite time to weigh myself is first thing in the morning after a fast day & after going to the loo (every little loss helps – wink).

    It could also be related to what time of the month it is for you. On a personal note my experience has bern that when I consumed a lot of artificial sweetener (in the form of diet cordial) I plateaued and then put on weight despite fasting 4 days a week!!!! Check out my more detailed post on page 55 of the Southern Hemispherites thread.

    Don’t give up. Hang in there x

    Jazzalee, well done another fast day you have nailed! I have heard it gets easier, & I guess over time the tummy shrinks (well here’s hoping for that!)
    Next fast day for me is Thursday, and I say bring it on haha!

    Good Morning!

    Today is my first day…..sitting here nervous yet excited at the same time. I have made my fast days now every Tuesdays and Thursdays. Question for you all….do you prefer to eat most of your meals earlier on in the day and limit later? Cause so far….all I had for Brekky was one hard boiled egg and lots of water. But I did start the day with a cup of warm water with lemon infused in it and looking to eat some strawberries for my mid morning snack. I am over thinking food atm and this is so unlike me as I an not a big eater (so I think) and can often go without food for most of the day which is why I think I have stuffed up my metabolism. The only times I have ever lost weight was when I was pregnant with both my children and I wonder if this was because I grazed all day to keep my morning sickness at bay. I lost 15kg and 10kg with both pregnancies then put on 20kg afterwards LOL.

    Looking forward to all your inspiration and ways to combat weight-loss.

    I too tend to think about the food a great deal more of fast days. It’s fine to have the meals any time you like on the fast day. I tend to eat mine later in the day only because if I have breakfast I seem to be more hungry as the day goes on, so I eat about about midday and eat 250 calls, then another 250 at dinner which is about 7pm.

    Hi Rykiki.

    There are many ways of breaking up your 500C in a fast day. Many, as you say, don’t eat breakfast as it apparently makes them feel hungrier.

    I eat breakfast with my OH about 6.30am before leaving for work (I fast Mon-Tu back to back) and then don’t eat anything else until dinner about 7pm.

    There are health benefits in having a long fasting window but that has only been scientifically demonstrated in mice. It may well apply to humans but no evidence yet.

    Have you read the Fast Diet book? Dr M eats breakfast and dinner but Mimi nibbles throughout the day, up to her allocated FD total.

    There are lots of experienced contributors on the Southern Hemisphere thread and you will also find that there are almost as many ways of living this intermittent fasting (IF) life.

    Well done for taking the plunge. You will find that once today is past, you will wonder what you were nervous about. Every FD gets easier. The key to success is to plan what you’ll eat beforehand so you don’t get to the point where you grab anything nearby. Also drink at least 2L of water each day (see Dr M’s featured topic on drinking water top right on this page). Much of the food we consume in normal life is quite wet so when fasting there is a risk of dehydration, particularly now we’re coming into warmer weather in the SH.

    Also, remember the ‘Ds’ of self-discipline when the hunger pangs hit: distract yourself, delay eating, deep breathing, drink water and dance. The last is practised by several on the SH thread. I would too except it would draw too much attention at work 🙂 Instead, I run down and up the stairs in my building. Nicky

    Hi Jazzalee and Chooky – two more from Adelaide!

    Well done for choosing this way of living (WOL). I have been following it since the end of January this year and fasting gets easier all the time.

    Keep up the good work. Nicky

    Hi to all doing the 5:2! I’m starting tomorrow and not sure what to expect. I’m from Sydney too. At a BMI of 30 at the age of 30 isn’t good at all! I have a 10 month bub and need more energy to run after her! Good on al, of you for doing the diet. I’m determined to make this work!

    Hi all, I have just started and am on my second fast day. I am turning 50 in November and with a BMI of 29.8 I need to lose some weight and although I have no health issues yet I need to plan and work on avoiding them for the long term. I work at night so have decided to eat my meal in the evenings on fast days, did this on my first fast day and it went really well. I successfully gave up smoking 2 1/2 years ago now for the next stage of getting and staying healthy. Keep up the good work everyone.

    Hi everyone, Aussie lady 45 from the Gold Coast. I started my weight loss off with a 30 day Isagenix plan and found it to be boring and unsustainable. The shake days were not bad but the double cleanse (fast) days were horrendous with nothing at all to eat except these chalky chocolate things and their ‘cleanse for life’ drinks which are a bit hard to swallow. By the end of day 2 I was very tired, moody and low in energy … to the point where I actually passed out during my last cleanse and enough became enough. Needless to say; I’m hoping the 5:2 will work much better for the long term and my well being. I’m on my first fast day today and compared Isagenix I’m doing very well … had a nice healthy tuna salad for lunch and feel great … not hungry at all. If it works as well as I have been reading, I’m looking forward to the journey and a much healthier lifestyle.

    Well done you sexybak. I’ve heard that isagenix is rubbish and contains far too much sugar when you read the fine print. Have just completed my first day and apart from feeling a bit tired I also feel well. I even got through a 1 hour step class! I had hunger pangs about 3pm but I cut an apple into small pieces and ate it slowly which helped. Next fast day will be Thursday. Good luck to one and all who are doing a fast tomorrow. Stick with it.

    Hi I’m from Victoria and started 2 days ago. I have high hopes 🙂 Last year my brother in law lost a lot of weight on this diet and got down to his goal weight. At the end of the year he had a heart attack, he recovered fully and quickly and the doctors said the reason why he recovered was he had become fitter and healthier with the diet. He had a family history of heart disease. I have had a lifelong battle with my weight, I was stable for a long time but over the past 5 years it’s crept up 15 kilos which makes me feel really tired and unhappy. Hopefully the scales will creep down now !

    Hi all im new to all this im planning on starting monday, i have no books yet so any advice will be very much appreciated what can i have on the fast days

    Hi Mazzy
    If you haven’t read the book I suggest you go to the FAQ and HOW at the top of the page and read “How to do the fast diet”

    A good thread is: “Hello Southern Hemispherites!!” which has been going since last October and there you will find lots of support

    Thanks heaps Vicki

    I am from Adelaide and am turning 50 in November. My first fast day was last Sunday (1 week ago) and I decided to fast every 2nd day. I weighed myself this morning and have lost 3kg already, I can hardly believe it. I feel really good and have more energy. On my fast days I eat an evening meal of chicken salad and although my stomach rumbles I drink water and never feel as though I am starving and have to eat. I have looked at 500 calorie meals and have decided for now to just stick to what I am doing as I know this is satisfying my hunger. Good on us all for giving it a go, our health will be much better for it.

    Hi all

    Have bought the book and will be starting my 5/2 new way of life (refuse to call it a diet) properly this week. And the most wonderful thing is that over the weekend and within 24 hours I had spoken with 2 friends who were also giving the 5/2 way of life a go and with wonderful results. My friend had lost 6kg since May and her sister 14kg since the start of the year. Another gym friend of mine has lost 5kg since May. So everyone, stick with it! It is the way to go and far more sensible than a lot of the fad diets that are out there. Many of those diets are totally unrealistic for the real people who have to work full time and have all sorts of responsibilities when we get home. SO STICK WITH IT AND GOOD LUCK!

    Hi everyone,
    I’m starting fast diet today. Hope you are all going well.

    Aussie guy just joined and started today!!! omg!
    Im 49 with BMI of 32…obviously wanting to lose some weight…10kgs would be awesome and just to feel better too.
    so far..well half way through 1st day doing ok.

    Hi from Perth :-). This is my hubby’s and my 4th week and its going well… I still have to properly weigh myself as we have a dodgy scale at the mo but I tried a nice dress yesterday and from a size 16 I am now size 14 and its comfy fit yay! I vary my fast days, last week I didnt feel like eating at all all day bit had herbal teas and matcha all day and a cup of miso soup mid arvo. I cooked the goulash recipe from the book and its surprising that we couldnt even eat up to the allowed portion even with my 12 year old son having it too (is suppose to be for 4). I kept the left overs and that’s our dinner tonight. I must say its convenient, practical and nutritious too. Headaches is my problem I wish they go away! Aside from that I like that its easy to follow specially for a shift worker like me :-).

    Hi from Western Australia!!
    I haven’t started the “program” as yet, as I’m still trying to get my head around it all as I want to make sure I get it right!!! I’m aiming to start on the coming Monday! I’m just wondering though, has anyone bought the Fast Exercise and Fast Recipe books? And if so, are they handy to have? I have a HEAP of Weight Watchers and the “Symply” Recipe Books which I thought I might be useful for this as that’s pretty much how we eat anyway! Not to mention recipes off the net for the Thermomix which I’d have to work out the calories for!?!? 🙂

    HI Asha78

    Congratulations and good luck. A friend of mine bought the recipe book and said it wasn’t worth it. If you have a calorie counter book that should help keep you on track on your fast days and then eat sensibly on your non fast, ie, keep of the KFC, Maccas and coke cola and opt for more organic and natural food and water or coconut water – that is really yummy when mixed with mineral water. I go to the gym as I prefer an hour’s work out which suits my metabolism so you’d need to work out what is best for you exercise wise.

    @teena thank you for that!! On my non fasting days, is it really crucial to still count calories? I’m just going through my Weight Watcher Recipe books and choosing meals from them for my non fasting days, and they don’t give the calorie count! I couldn’t imagine them being too high.

    HI Asha. You are more than welcome. I don’t know what anyone else thinks but I don’t believe it’s really crucial to count calories on your non fast days. Just eat sensibly and healthily and stay off the crap food like mainstream takeaways which are just loaded with the wrong types of fat and too much salt. Good luck!

    Hi Asha,
    I got the ebooks Fast cook and fast diet from amazon to the kindle app which both have recipes on them (between $5.00-7.00 each I think). I haven’t really counted calories on diets before so the ebooks just makes life easier for me. I made dinners out of it on all of our fasting days and so far, all are yummy and unbelievably satiating. I also have a thermomix but I am finding it hard to convert calories and such on fasting days that I just dont bother on those days with it. Hubby and I are on our fourth week and just done our second day fast yesterday. Off to Bunbury Soccer Festival, will try not to indulge on bbq and too much snacking.. X fingers! Lol

    Hi everyone. I am from SA and have commenced today although have been aware of it since the documentary was aired. I am almost 52 and 114kg at 170 cm. I am wondering whether there are any others of a similar age / weight who are succeeding. It seems that there are many people whose BMI’s are in the overweight zone and not the obese + zone. Notwithstanding I think this is right for me.

    Hi emel1962

    I am on end of week 4 did weigh 122 now 115kg. Am 46 years.

    Bmi was 46 now 36
    Measurements lost 2cm boobs
    Lost 18cm abdomen
    9cm waist
    15cm hips

    Down a dress size.

    I am doing some serious circuit training 3 – 4 times a week
    Fast days are Monday and Thursday weigh in day Friday morning.

    Found this program to be the best. I do count my calories on fitness pal every day and stay within my TDE.
    Fast days I have boiled egg breakfast cup of soup lunch (I find this helps with salt cravings)and beef or chicken with salad for dinner usually about 530 very hungry then.

    Hope this helps. I think it will probably take me about a year to get to 75kg. But it took me 15 years to get to here.

    Good luck.

    THanks Bali- I just returned from that location and that was part of my motivation- could not bear photos of myself with my sons so did not and a couple that were taken were rather confronting. mmm I think the issue is to accept that it has taken me twenty years to get to this weight so I cannot expect it off tomorrow!! My first fast day and it was ok up until 4 pm. I have had an early dinner so will keep myself occupied for the rest of the evening. !!
    Congratulations re your progress. Keep me posted!!! emel

    I’m from Australia and started this diet last week. I have been surprised by how easy it has been. Kept expecting to have no energy and be starving. but I seem to be getting through it okay.

    Hi Fasterer. I am starting this diet tomorrow. I am going to start with a fast day!! Hope I can get through it ok. I am a kiwi living in Qld and need to lose 10kg. My doctor recommended this for me.

    Hi all from Brisbane,also XKiwi., 67 years old, done 1st fast day Tues next tomorrow Fri, also surprised how easy 1st day was, when tummy started rumbling had a glass of water or tea. Had egg and spinach for breakey and salmon, spinach for dinner. Wasn’t hungry at all next morning so didn’t eat till about 11am. Seems a lot of people don’t eat at all during fast day so going to try that tomorrow, if I get to hungry then have something. Like to lose 7kg to improve cholesterol etc. Good luck everyone.

    Hi Brissynan, welcome.
    This forum thread hasn’t been active since 2016. If you come over to https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/hello-southern-hemispherites/page/316/ there is an active group of mostly Aussies and Kiwis who’ll be glad to welcome you.

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