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This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  PatCourt 7 years, 3 months ago.

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  • My name is Pat and I am really looking forward to participating in these forums. I am beginning to do the 16:8 from today and would be interested in any useful information any other users could offer me. I am doing it to give my system a rest and also to generally have more energy.

    Hello Pat! What is the 16:8? I’m new to this too but looking forward to seeing results

    Hi Sad2Fit

    Basically you eat all of your calories within an 8 hour window and you fast for the remaining 16 hours of the day.

    I did a web search and Women’s Fitness did a pros and cons article – here is the link below


    I have persistent bloating and suspect I may have IBS so I am eager to see what effect this will have

    Good luck on your journey. 🙂

    Ooh okay so this is instead of the 5:2 or on top of? I need to research this more as I’ve stumbled across this website but liked the sound of it. I’ve stayed the same weight for the last 9 days so need to change things up.

    I have not personally done the 5:2 myself but you should choose one or the other and then decide what works best for you. I am going to do 16:8 first and see how I get on.

    There was a forum post about the 16:8 here on this website and I have included the link below


    Good luck

    16:8 and 5:2 are two different things.

    16:8 is a limited eating window of 8 hours every day.

    The original 5:2 involves eating a quarter of average daily intake two days per week 500 calories for women and 600 for men) and eating normally the other five. Michael Mosley has given more recent advice that 800 calories on fast days will still give results but as the average loss for women on 5:2 is 1lb per week the extra calories would slow weight loss.

    It is easy to combine the two and 16:8 is a very useful tool for improving eating habits. Giving breakfast a miss is relatively easy to achieve. I have problems eating first thing in the morning and found it easy to push back my first meal of the day until lunchtime and I follow 16:8 most of the time.
    A limited eating window is also very effective for cutting out snacking ( an unnecessary habit sold to us by the food industry ) which of course cuts down the calories we consume but don’t need.


    I would advise anyone starting 5:2 to buy the book because while there is a wealth of advice on this forum none of us are experts, we are all people following 5:2 for weight loss and or health benefits of IF, and are giving our opinion which is influenced by personal experience and as we are all different what is good for me might not work for someone else.
    The book contains much useful information.

    Good luck to both of you 🙂

    Thanks for the useful information Amazon

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