
This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Angie090465 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    I’ve been a fan of Michael’s for quite a while and was vaguely aware that I’d seen 5:2 books popping up, but hadn’t really realised that there was this big an interest in it.

    I got the Fast Diet book a few days ago and decided that the weight of evidence is enough for me to give this a go, so fasting here I come!

    My prime concern is health. I saw a doctor recently and he was asking some general questions. He asked if I had diabetes and I replied, “No, not yet.”

    The “Not Yet” in my answer crystallized a thought that had been forming for some time – my health is on a downward spiral because of my lifestyle.

    I have my meal plans and my days set and my first fast day is due to begin in about an hour after dinner – I’m always busy and active all day Saturday, so it feels like the right day to do it on. I figure my other day will be Wednesday, but I’ll see how that goes and adjust accordingly.

    See you around the forum,


    Hi Steve and welcome to the forum!!

    There is a lot of support,info, and advice on here.. So good luck and happy fasting tomorrow 🙂

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