Heard from someone that overheard..

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Heard from someone that overheard..

This topic contains 25 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  DJ757575 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • In the supermarket, I hear a woman talking to her friend on the other side of a fruit display.

    WOMAN #1: “I heard about this new health thing that’s supposed to be great but it doesn’t make sense to me.”

    WOMAN #2: “What’s it called?”

    WOMAN #1: “Intermittent farting, I think…”

    ME: “Oh… I’m sorry, but for the sake of your family and work life, I need to stop you right there.”

    I think im already on that plan as well!

    Sounds like the plan my husband’s been following for the last 20 years… 🙂

    Couldnt agree more Stephb….

    Pleased to hear that there’s someone else in the same boat, anniemac! 🙂

    Clearly I’m not the only one

    Welcome Diane! Now that there’s three of us we could maybe start our own support group for wives of followers of the ‘other’ IF lifestyle! Thanks, rockyromero, for giving me something to chuckle about tonight!

    When I’m doing IF correctly, the other IF stops.

    Lmao that’s priceless

    Ever wonder where the term fasting originated?

    Once there was a Tribe That Had Much (TTHM) and wanted more. They thought they could just take it from the Tribe That Had Little (TTHL), who were protected by the Tribe That Had Very Much (TTHVM).

    TTHVM became busy and could not protect the TTHL anymore. TTHM saw it’s chance and went to war with TTHL.

    On the eve of battle, the TTHM ate more and drank themselves into a stupor, while the TTHL had little or nothing to eat and drank their water frequently.

    As the two tribes fought in the morning, initially the battle was evenly matched, but eventually the TTHL could maneuver easier and eventually won because they were just faster.

    The TTHL became known as the fast people and fasting was what they did to survive and protect themselves.

    Okay, a good story based on my true experience.

    My friend, Terry, and I would meet for happy hour after work frequently to discuss our businesses. One evening, I decided to just drink coffee and water, while Terry would have his usual alcoholic drinks. We both exchange ideas & thoughts steadily as we both progressed in drinking our respective drinks.

    Eventually, my conversation picked up speed and clarity, I thought, while my friend’s speaking slowed and slurred and became incoherent. I forget how long we were there, however, I did need to drive him home that night.

    That moment and visual has stayed with me for most of my adult life.

    I became a faster in that moment.


    Very good! love this post – has made me smile 🙂

    Oh Rocky that’s a great story…thanks for that!!

    made me laugh.

    @rocky – “When I’m doing IF correctly, the other IF stops.”

    it is the other way for me

    IF means more IF.

    “IF means more IF.”

    I think that’s more than I need to know.


    Here’s another way to get a turkey reprieve by friending someone.

    In this case, it’s the turkey Hunger Games. Out of 80 turkeys in a competition, the top 2 get to live another day.


    Life imitating art.


    How ironic that we evolved as primates to where we are at because our ancestors learned to cook.


    How even more ironic that our solution to our current health issues may be to revert to raw foods.


    “Psychologists also claimed that a Yorkshire accent has overtaken the Queen’s English as the pronunciation most strongly associated with wisdom and intellect..”


    Can this be true?

    There’s a current discussion on LinkedIn on this.

    It must be important since only business is usually discussed.

    Is there a correlation of accent to intelligence to fasting?


    I thought I was getting hungry and I started to imagine of what I could eat.

    It turns out that my feet were just cold.

    I put on socks on my feet, and my hunger went away.

    I’ll have to remember to do that the next time that I get hungry or start to imagine hunger.


    On the subject of unusual foods and happenings, olive oil authentication is taking headlines.


    I had no idea of the underside nature of the olive oil industry and the need to stamp out diluted olive oil.

    When each food item could have its own DNA strip for validating the purity content, it might also contain information about nutrition.

    If so, would that help us to be healthier?


    Rocky I just stumbled on this. Seems it could work for avocado farmers been extorted in Mexico too.
    As the cartels take over the farmers , because avocado are more profitable than drugs and legal. The problem is they don’t switch to becoming legal business , they keep on with both legal and illegal crops.

    Genetic markers could help help to ensure were also thinking global, buying local, but also from whom?
    If I want a fartless avocado which I’m willing to pay more for . I want it to go to a farmer , not a drug lord!


    “Genetic markers could help help to ensure were also thinking global, buying local, but also from whom?
    If I want a fartless avocado which I’m willing to pay more for . I want it to go to a farmer ..”

    I had no idea of the underside of this market.

    Your comment let me smile about this.


    At a presentation of surrealist art, the presenter mentioned that the artists would search for different ways to obtain an altered state of consciousness or to tap into their subconscious.

    One of those altered states would be fasting for many days.

    Not much more was said about that and I could understand the possibility of fasting allowing a creative mood to happen. Fasting was better than the alternatives that was mentioned.

    Taping into that creativity would be interesting and fun.

    Now, I have to figure out what shape or form that art would be?


    Getting smarter, better looking, and increased longevity with a great fasting strategy.

    Everything that I could want..or almost everything.

    It complements other areas in life.


    I may start doing the PAGAN diet.

    Apparently, it’s a combination of the PAleo & veGAN diets.


    Has anyone experienced light colored stools? I’ve been on 5:2 for about three weeks and for almost a week my stool has changed to this tanish color… I did some online research and it says that is a symptom of a fatty liver. Rapid weight loss can cause it apparently… I don’t want to damage my liver! Has this happened to anyone and if so did it go away for you?

    RR, I just stumbled across this thread and I am grinning ear to ear. So fun. Hope you keep up the occasional post and the added food for thought in humorous form.

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