HealthyOut App / Body Detoxing??

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HealthyOut App / Body Detoxing??

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  smitty2276 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • I started my 5:2 plan this week. Yesterday was my first fast day and it went rather well. I did a light workout so it was fine just having broths, teas and liquids yesterday. Since I’ll be out with friends this week, my 2nd planned fast day was going to be over the weekend but now I need to switch it to Friday and feel like I need a bit more substance than broth since I take a high intensity workout class Fridays after work. I’ve found a great app (for those in the USA) called Healthy Out. It lets you search meals with specified criteria (e.g, paleo, low cal, vegan etc.) I punched in low calorie dishes and the next step is filling out how many calories for the dish you are looking for then they send you selections close to your area with the dishes you eat at which restaurant with the calorie count! I’m going to be using this app quite frequently during the work week to take the guess work out of my meals!

    Side question: today is my regular eating day and I just took a 30min H.I.I.T (Tabata training) class and now I feel my right gland by neck/ear is a bit swollen. Could this just been b/c my body is detoxing from yesterday’s fast?

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