Health benefits

This topic contains 12 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  kmck157 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Feeling much better having lost 15kg since July 5th and HBA1C down from 11.6 in March to 6.5 in September. Now off insulin. Enjoying resurrecting old clothes (now back in fashion!) and getting rid of the baggies.

    Well done on your great weight loss and getting off insulin – presumably you had type 2 diabetes? I’m only in my first week so no results as yet – but the possibility of type 2 was one of the things that motivated me to try to lose weight (again). It’s great that you’re managing to get back in old clothes – sure enough if you wait long enough they all come back into fashion!

    Thank you for reading my post Leafi.

    How are you finding your first week so far and have you managed a fasting day yet?

    I’m so pleased with the results so far and it’s really very easy. Yes, I am Type 2 and had been on insulin since March so it was great to come off it again last month. Taking insulin makes it hard to lose weight so my GP was really pleased with the weight loss. I’m also doing some walking now as well as aquacise.

    Best of luck and do stay in touch if you would like to

    Hi Bluecat
    Yes, I’m nearly through my first week and have done 2 fasts – on Monday and Thursday. It was quite hard (esp Thursday) but I will stick with it and hopefully see results. Medical conditions can interfere with your weight loss attempts can’t they? I have an underactive thyroid and find it difficult to lose weight, although with the correct medication it shouldn’t apparently. Coupled with late middle age (I refuse to be classed as old at 58) it’s much harder than when I was younger!

    Hi Leafi

    You’re quite right, it does get harder as you get older and having a medical condition doesn’t help at all. So with your under active thyroid, have you been prescribed the right meds? Anyway, 58 is nothing these days!!

    20 years ago I lost 6stone 7lbs… Then went and put 8stone back on!

    Glad you’ve managed your first two fasts but sorry to hear that Thursday was a struggle for you; any particular reason?

    Being diabetic, it’s not good to have 12 hours between meals (no more than 5 is the recommended) so I have a lunch on fasting day which is normally my fasting day green salad. Doing this means I don’t do 500 calories but keep to about 800 or 900 if my blood sugars go too low.

    You mentioned the possibility of Type 2 spurred you on to try this régime so have you been told that you are borderline or is there a family history?

    Where are you in the UK? We used to live near Colchester.

    Hope you’re having a good weekend


    I have finally found a post similar to what I’m looking for!

    Bluecat – you were type 2 diabetic and on insulin! What did you do on fast days in terms of your insulin levels?

    I look forward to hearing from you!

    Hi Gill

    Just picked up your message and thanks for responding.

    On fasting day, I cut out the processed carbs so no bread, pastas or sugars including fruits. For carbs, I use tomatoes and veg (with kind on)

    As an example –

    Breakfast: one tin of tomatoes flavoured up with various herbs and a dry-fried egg

    Evening meal: usually a vegetable chilli made with lentils or a ratatouille. I bulk up the chilli with Slim Rice which is only 7 calories for 100 or Zero Noodles only 4 calories for 100g. Neither of these products have any carbs

    If I’m hungry at lunchtime, I will have a large green salad

    I started in July and stopped the insulin in September. I have now lost 18.5kg and have just reduced 2 of my oral meds. My sugars are exactly where they would be and I hope that after my next HBA1C, my GP might suggest cutting the remaining meds which could mean I will be in diabetic remission

    How are you getting on?

    Sorry, I should not have included fruits in processed carbs but I do cut them out because of the sugar and the calorific load – 20g of blueberries = 66 calories, too many on a fasting day

    Hi bluecat,

    Thank you for your reply. It is so promising to know that you have been able to completely come off your insulin altogether!! You are doing fantastically well – you must be so pleased!

    When you started, did you take insulin on fast days along with cutting processed carbs?

    Thanks again!!

    Hello again

    I did take insulin on fasting days but it was obvious that I needed to reduce the number of units and then eventually, I was on units a day at which point my GP advised me to stop taking it. I had only been. On it since March so it was easy to stop taking it with no effect – my sugars remained low and have now stable

    Hi, It will become evident that I am new to forum comment.
    My wife and I, both ex-teachers (retired 68,72) started 5:2 just over twelve months ago. Fasting worked for us – Tuesday & Thursday so allowing Friday & Saturday treats. We’ve both lost lots of weight & bought new clothes, I am particularly down from 11:8 on 3rd Jan ’13 to 9:7 1/2 now! My GP has taken me off my blood pressure tablets and we are both taking nothing!
    We intend to continue and manage weight by eating out, takeaways, chocolate, lager & wine! What’s not to like?! Thanks to MM programme.

    @dalgy …well done both of you x

    I’m on thyroxine as I’ve had my thyroid removed and you are right it is hard to lose weight BUT on 5:2 since feb 2013 I,ve lost 36 lbs and feel great. Hope that encourages you

    Leafi – when do you take your thyroxine? What most doctors don’t tell you is that you should take it an hour (first thing in the morning) before eating or drinking anything except water: and not with any other meds. Apologies if I am preaching to the converted! I am on it and lost 14 lbs within months of starting the medication and a further 25 lbs since being on FD. Still got about 7 lbs to go …

    Hi Leafi
    I’m exactly the same age as you, and on thyroxine for a couple of years now after having Graves then Hashimotos. I too have been on the FD for a year and am 40lbs down, with my thyroxine reduced by 50%. I found that it did not interfere with any weight loss. I agree with you that normally it is very difficult to lose any, but I haven’t found it this year. I feel so much better in general, but more especially because I’m not relying so much on medication to keep my system working.
    I do take my thyroxine first thing in the morning at least an hour before I take anything else, as directed in the “blurb” that comes with the tablets, and found this does make a difference too.
    All I can say is….embrace the weight loss, don’t let your mind play tricks…you can do this. Lots of us have!
    Good luck…happy fasting……here’s to shrinking bodies!

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