HEADLINE: … OMG ! Old Man in Toronto loses 3.2 lbs. in ONE WEEK! Amazing!

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HEADLINE: … OMG ! Old Man in Toronto loses 3.2 lbs. in ONE WEEK! Amazing!

This topic contains 19 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  JimmyJca 11 years ago.

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  • Happy and Healthy New Year 2014 from Toronto Canada.

    Single Male, 69 (short pause)… sorry, every time I mention that number it causes my heart to stop a minute as I don’t know where the time went but then I realize that’s just a number on my driver’s license and not my “mental” age which is considerably younger.

    I’ve been on a “diet” since birth (10.2 lbs) – and believe me, my mother (rest her soul) NEVER let me forget it and what she went through to bring me into this world.
    “Don’t forget – I brought you in and I can take you out!” hmmm, oh the guilt !

    Growing up I got clothes in the “stout” section for boys; the “BIG” section for young men; the “Executive” section for men. Amazing how the adjectives all meant the same – you’re overweight or fat. And when I was called “fat-ass” I took it in stride because I couldn’t see it anyway – but what the heck, sitting on it all day long just made it spread out a bit.

    Today (well, a week ago) I was just a bit heavier than what I graduated in high school way back in 1962 .. (Then 200 lbs (90.7kg) – a week ago, 222 lbs (100.7).

    I’ve been on every conceivable diet you can imagine – from the “Grapefruit Diet” thru the “Cabbage Diet” (that made the house smell .. well, different), the “Drinking Diet” (that was wonderful to say the least, but a little expensive), “South Beach Diet” (I didn’t want to follow the “rules”, I just wanted to go to South Beach! I’ve been on Weight Watchers so many times, the company has me on their list as one of their favourites – I think I get a gold key the next time I join; however I concede that this should never again happen since I was introduced to 5:2.

    While on a cruise in December, I met this wonderful couple from Wales. As we chatted the woman mentioned that she was on a “diet” and that day was a fast day. I laughed saying that “You are taking a cruise and fasting ??” – That, to me, was just wrong. She said that there was this new diet from the UK and that she fasted 2 days out of 7 and that not only did she lose weight (to me she didn’t need to), but she mentioned that she had more energy. She also said it was easy in that she could eat whatever she wanted on the 5 days and it wasn’t a total fast for 2 days, but that she could eat about 400 calories for the day – and have breakfast, lunch and dinner. Hmmmmm, something’s not right here. I asked her if she wouldn’t mind giving me the link to the information which she emailed me when she got home to Wales.

    As an anal-rentative person, I check out the link, the references, the sub-links, their references (I didn’t want to get into another “diet” which could .. nay – WOULD – be another failure).

    Dr. Michael’s story and theory seemed totally logical.

    So, as a Christmas present to myself, I downloaded the Kindle book from Amazon – and ordered the book and cookbook from Amazon as well. I read the book in one day and said = “I can do this!”

    I got online and into the forums and viola – I’m chatting with a couple of people who have struggled and have found this new lifetyle simple and rewarding. (Just what I wanted to hear). Great support from people all over the world who can understand… that’s a point… they understand.

    People here on the forums, don’t judge. They don’t criticize. They don’t punish.
    They understand! They offer support! They mother! They offer advice.

    So, it’s been one week and I’ve logged everything I’ve eaten daily – and watched the sugars, carbs and fat – but have NOT SACRIFICED anything (I think). I feel full and yet those feast days, I’ve looked and are well below the target required for the day – even my cookie and chocolate. On my fast days – I don’t feel deprived of anything and still at the end of the day – just about meet the 600 calories allowed.

    I’m very pleased with losing 3.2 lbs in week one. Very pleased. My sugar level has dropped, my blood pressure has dropped, and I’ve dropped (somewhere) 3.2 lbs.
    I am not exhaustively tired in the afternoons and have not had to have a power-nap.

    I know, from personal experience, that for men the first few weeks there is a usual drop of weight more than woman experience; however, I know that this will ultimately be reduced to a more reasonable level. I am of the opinion though that this time I’ll lose the weight I want to achieve – which is 185 lbs (84kg) and my timeline is December 31, 2014 (one year away).

    I thank all of you (particularly those who have written and given me support and advice) for being here to help those who struggle with weight and health related problems due to weight – as you are the “guardian angels” who become the mentors.

    I, too, hope to dwell among your ranks.

    I look forward to making more headlines in the weeks/months to come.



    Hey JimmyJca

    What an amusing and entertaining post and good for you to lose 3 1/2 lbs in one week!

    A Happy and Healthy New Year to you too!

    JimmyJca, congratulations on losing 3 1/2 pounds in one week. I loved your story! Keep on going and I’m sure the pounds will come of your body!
    Happy new year!

    Fantastic post. Welcome.

    If there was one thing that I would recommend that you do, it would be to measure with a tape your upper arms, chest, waist, hips, thighs and calves-all at their widest part and write them all down. At the same time(just once a week)weigh yourself and try on your clothes.

    I have found that over the past year that there have been weeks when I haven’t lost any weight, but that my body continues to shrink. Sometimes the scales seem to be broken and there is no change on the tape measure….but when I try on the same clothes, I have noticed how they hang differently.

    I do hope that you keep posting so that we know how you are getting on.

    I have found that this way of life….has changed mine.Brace yourself!

    Good luck Jimmy ! Hope you continue to have lots of success on this plan. My first way in is on Saturday and would love to see the same results .. fingers crossed !

    whoohoo Jimmy!!!!! I knew you could do it!!! looking forward to further Jimmy headlines! Phyllis

    Brilliant work.. keep at it… the 5:2 or in my case sometimes 4:3 and even occassionally 3:4 is working magic… I am now 13lb off my target weight after shedding 28lb since the end of Jul.. it is sooo worthwhile feeling fit and healthy, energetic, sparky.. and about 15 years younger.

    Happy New Year and all the very best for your new IF lifestyle

    I will be continuing to do a 1 day fast each week for the rest of my life .. tho’ am now considering doing a monthly 5 day fast as per this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-25498743

    Hey JimmyJ – delighted to read your post & congratulations on your brilliant 1st week! Keep up the good work – it will be sooo worth it & everyone is here to share your news & support whenever needed

    What an entertaining post! Keep up the good work.

    You’re right that it does seem like us men have extra big losses in the first few weeks. I found it slowed down after the first month or so, and in the first few weeks I think some of it is water loss, but it is a brilliant motivator seeing the numbers go down, isn’t it?!

    THANK YOU EVERYONE for your support and motivation.
    I’m feelin’ pretty good about everything – and even on the Feast Days, I’m watching what I eat without sacrificing anything. I found a software program where I can log all my food items and it shows me the nutrition values – and even though I feel full, I love it when it shows me that I still can eat more to meet the daily target. It’s a free program. Being Scotish/Irish the words “cheap” and “free” are my favourite vocabulary words. 🙂

    Hmmm, cookie and milk one day – Scotch on another.. I’m lovin’ it.

    I have been doing some exercise lately… shoveling snow and ice! (Bummer)
    And Toronto broke the all time record of cold yesterday at -24C (-11F) with wind chill making it -30C (-22F) – brisk I tell you. I think the man/woman upstairs is truly changing the weather pattern and I don’t like it.. not one bit!

    The only thing WHITE I like under my feet is nice warm sand next to a crystal blue ocean and a single-malt scotch in my hand. (such a dream!)

    I bought the Fast Diet cookbook and find it wonderful. The simplicity of the recipes and the eye-appeal make it worthwhile to follow – particularly on the Fast Days. I’ve ordered the Exercise Book, but Amazon didn’t have it in stock, so I ordered it from the Book Depository in the UK and it should be here shortly.

    I did join the “Mall-Walkers” group at the local mall and this way in the cold and inclement weather, I can go to the mall and do long walks to get more exercise.

    So, lifestyle is changing and hopefully 2014 will bring me (and all of you) good health. Thanks for the inspiration. I look on this site daily to get this inspiration of everyone who is following this plan… applause, applause.

    If you ever get to Toronto, I’ll buy you a drink (well, one – and a small one) LOL
    There’s my cheapness again!

    Cheers !


    Where is everyone from ???
    I’m originally from Boston but been in Toronto since ’73

    Jimmy, I love that your headline is like one of those annoying false advertisements (allegedly from Elle or Oprah!) that Facebook insists on putting on our newsfeeds but it’s actually true! Congrats and keep up the amazing work

    Just read your posts. I am starting this program tomorrow and am a little nervous that i will not have the self control to stick to it. I am going to try though. My family will have to fend for themselves two nights a week. The hardest part i think will be being in the kitchen when they are eating a regular dinner and i am not. Any tips to get me through?

    Old Man of Toronto. Indeed. Us Ladies Of a Certain Age have our own thread but I have room in my heart for a man who can write his experience as you do.

    There is another thread about ‘where are you from’ and a southern hemisphere thread for those of us facing bushfire season and blistering temps rather than wind chill and shovelling snow.

    Q: Was MountainMyst aka Phyllis the woman you met on the cruise?

    I like hearing how people caught on to the 5:2 message and I’ve got a theory that we could add up how many kilos every forum writer has lost and create a virtual mountain of sadness with it. Onwards and downwards.

    Here’s my update – January 13, 2014
    I’ve now been on this new lifestyle since Boxing Day (December 26, 2013)
    As of this morning, I’ve lost 9.1 lbs (4.1kg) and my blood sugar has dropped from 5 points down to 7.1 mmol (127.8 mg/dl). Needles to say, I am VERY pleased.

    What surprises me is the things I’ve been eating and I’m not hungry at all !
    In fact, when I look at what I’ve eaten and logged – and look on Weight Watchers site, I’m suppose to eat MORE ! I can’t.

    On the “Feast Days”, I’m watching what I eat – even though I could eat just pie and cake all day long, I’m becoming more aware of what I’m eating – and cutting out the sweets and fast foods – replacing it with smaller regular meals (not fried). I’ve been eating more veggies and fruits and drinking lots of water. I’m getting more restful sleep. On my “Feast Days”, I still have a small glass of milk and a couple of cookies at bedtime – and that’s my reward for being good that day.

    On my “Fast Days”, I have a Protein Shake in the morning, loaded with fruits (1/4 Banana, Blueberries, Blackberries, Cantelope, Apple – one slice of toast with peanut butter and sugarfree jam. Have some type of light salad for lunch with celery, cherry tomatoes and the like – and at supper, I’ve been finding some wonderful recipes in the Fast Diet 5:2 cookbook. On my “Fast Days” – no cookies and milk – but I will have a cup of herbal tea (non-caffine) before going to bed.

    I found out that the shopping mall near me has people that do “Mall Walk” so I’ve been going 3x per week since it’s a wee-bit chilly here in Toronto – and walk the mall 3x around and it takes me 45 minutes. Trouble is, I’m looking in the windows and I’m finding lots of things I want to buy – particularly the summer clothing that is being shown in the windows. Ahhhh, someday I’ll get into one of those men speedos or thong. (Sorry, no pictures!)

    RoBa – sorry, I don’t know the handle of the lady from Wales but I promised I’d write her to keep her informed of my progress so I’ll ask – and see the number of pounds/kilos she’s dropped. I was very pleased she informed me about the 5:2.

    Dtbickett – I can relate to your feelings. The first couple of days can be challenging (as it was for me). I decided that I’m doing this for ME and that I can have a choice – to eat or not to eat. I now say that every time I go to eat. And when I think of the choice, I start changing my thought process to be positive.
    To me, it’s purely psychological. I’m NOT hungry but I eat because either it’s there or it’s become such a habit that I don’t even know what I was doing. A taste here and there adds up to a whole plateful over time.

    I think of those people who try to quit smoking. I don’t envy them one bit. It’s tough for a bit – and many quit trying and go back smoking. I’ve done that on the eating – tried for a bit, then gave up.

    Again, to me – what makes this different is that I’m believing that this 5:2 diet works – and will become the new norm for me. The “Fast Days” are not totally fasting so that I don’t gorge when the “Feast Day” comes. I’m fasting on Mondays and Thursdays so that it spreads itself out.

    Alas, today (Monday – Fast Day) I’m down with a head cold (sniffle, sniffle) and really don’t feel like eating anything – but I’ll have some soup and tea – and will drink lots of water to flush the virus out quickly. So this will help me on my loss goal.

    At weight watchers they say to write everything down. I never did that. I do now and I realize where I can cut out some calories or replace them with something less. I found a great software program that helps me do that – and that is my “diary”.

    The last thing that helps is being on a forum like here. The support is wonderful. No one judges as everyone has “been there, done that” –

    So, there’s my update folks. Wishing you all the best on your new lifestyle change. More updates to follow.

    I can’t wait to fit into some of the clothes hanging in my closet. Of course, they are totally outdated (bell-bottom jeans and the like), but what the heck!


    Hey Jimmy, those bellbottoms are bound to be back in fashion, probably for the sixth time since you wore them first. You sent me off on a little tangent researching this mall walkers thing – that really cranked my engine as a concept and I’ve had some fun with that as I sit here waiting for the temp to build to a predicted maximum of 34 deg C. All the mentions I found were in very cold places, not hot ones.

    Every time I tried to lose weight in the past I’d get hung up on the exercise versus dieting thing. It seems like every time I started to shift weight I got ill or injured and gave up. Osteo-arthritis was my reason to get serious this time, and 5:2 was the catalyst. Once you find you have something incurable, and you have to learn to live with it, you get a bit more serious.

    Hi dtbickett, I also got in a bit of a panic over even one day of 500 calories, but 16 months later I am still going, and still enthusiastic. I also had a family to feed, two of them with important exams so could not neglect them. I solved the problem by leaving to eat while I ate my meager rations in another room, and treating myself to an evening trip to the cinema at least one fast day a week. If I had cooked them something really tasty I put aside a portion for myself for the next day.

    And well done Jimmy, best of luck!

    Thank you NickyB. Its inspiring and motivating to know you have kept this up for 16 months. I hope I can say the same someday. I made it through Fast day 1. It was not that bad. I realize how much time I spend planning my next meal. Need to reprogram myself on that. I am sure it will get easier. Thanks for the tips.

    How is it going, Jimmy? You still with us? Is the Old Man of Toronto still fasting twice a week and making headlines?

    Hello everyone from Sydney Australia. I’m loving all of your stories and Jimmy, you sound like you are in the zone. By the way, you have a gift for writing and your anecdotes are very funny. If you are looking for white sand and beautiful blue water, you will have to visit Hyams Beach on the south coast of NSW it is by far the most beautiful place with purportedly the “whitest sand in the world”. I love it there. Okay back to the 5:2. I am on my first fast day today. I am also incorporating Dr Mosleys new High Intensity Training which is virtually three minutes high intensity a week. Yes it sounds ridiculous but it has the science to back it up..I just hope I have the success that others are enjoying. I am super keen. (Was going to write uber but that is like so overused) hehe. 🙂

    Hello fellow lifestyle changers 🙂
    I’ve been down with a “cold” (not the flu).. but cough, sore throat, runny nose, watery eyes. I’d make a good subject on television for “Do you have any of these symptoms?” – (cough, cough). HOWEVER, even taking some of the over-the-counter medications, I still continued my quest for a new “ME”. And as of today, I’m down 12 lbs (5.4 kgs) which makes me smile (well, even more so). As I reached one goal (10 lbs) I indulged myself with having some chocolate and a piece of cake. BUT, after a few fork fulls of cake, I had enough (What??? ME, not eating the cake??) – Yup, didn’t finish the slice. I satisfied my choice (not craving – passed that stage), but I had said on my goal sheet that when I lost 10lbs, I could have a chocolate and cake – and it was good – but I think I could do without it all the time (THAT totally has changed – as usually I’d have slice after slice until the cake was gone).

    I’ve taken up “Mall Walking” and doing that 3x a week at the local shopping mall. There are dozens of others doing it and I’m pleased that the management company allows “walkers” to come into the mall starting at 7am. I walk at a brisk pace for 45 minutes. I’ve never been a shopper, but now I keep looking at the men’s clothes in the windows – and just keep saying to myself – next year this time, I’ll be able to get into those that are in the windows. That’s another end goal – not having to inhale when trying to button a coat. I keep thinking when I do that now, that if I exhale, I could pop a button and “put someone’s eye out”.

    I suppose you all have heard about the Mayor of Toronto and all the dealings that he’s been getting into. I won’t get into politics, but Toronto is a great city – but I live in a suburb and we have our own mayor. In fact, our mayor is 93 years old and she’s been the longest elected mayor in North America (38 years). She still plays hockey (although a lot slower).. she goes Salmon Fishing out on Lake Ontario – and still drives herself around town. I think that when she passes away, she’ll still be elected! Our city (4th largest in Canada) is debt free.

    So, folks, that’s the update. I’m so glad to see so many people making significant changes for the better. For foodies, like myself, it’s challenging. But I’m finding this 5:2 program the best ever and it’s not a diet but my new lifestyle.

    Thanks to you, as always, for your support. Would love to know how all of you are doing.


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