Headaches anyone?

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  • Hello, I just completed my 17th fast. Have been doing 5:2 for almost 2 months and have lost (a rather disappointing) 7.5 lbs., but I intend to stick with it because at least I’ve LOST 7.5 and not GAINED it, as I seem to have a talent for.

    I find the fasts difficult, but I do them. I drink a lot of water during the day, a zero calorie “sports drink” around 10AM and one cup of hot chicken broth (10 calories) at lunchtime. Then I have my 490 calorie meal around 6 or 7.

    It doesn’t happen EVERY fast day, but on many of those days, I develop a headache around 2pm. I chalk it up to low blood sugar (?), and it’s generally mild enough to get on with my day. Maybe I’ll take a Tylenol if it gets bad, but otherwise it’s all right.

    Last night, however, my mid-afternoon headache continued to grow until bedtime, and it was EXCRUCIATING. It felt like someone was jabbing me with an ice pick over my right eye, and the only way I could get some relief was finally breaking down and taking 2 Tylenol PM (which I was trying to avoid doing). And this morning — weigh-in day — I was “rewarded” with just a .1 lb loss. That’s a lot to put the body through for not much.

    Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else gets headaches on fast days, what you think causes them, and how you handle them. Thanks!

    Lots of people get headaches on fast days, and often it is due to cutting out something they usually start the day with, and that is caffeine.

    I get them too, and I find drinking more water throughout the day works for me. You get a lot of water from food, if you’re restricting calories then you are by default, restricting water.

    I sometimes find drinking an Oxo/Bovril helps, think its the salt my brain is craving. That’s usually enough to help me.

    Oh, and I sometimes dunk a dry water biscuit/cracker & have it with the Bovril. Certainly helps the headache & gets rid of the “sick” feeling I sometimes get.

    Hi jennybean:

    Please don’t be disappointed with your weight loss because it is right on average. The average weight loss for women doing 5:2 is a little less than one pound a week and you are right there. Some report losing more initially (not all) but then they hit a ‘plateau’ and, without serious effort (like going to 4:3 or ADF and eating below their TDEEs on non diet days, by the end of the plateau they are right around the pound a week loss level.

    Here are some tips that cover headaches among other things – if you are drinking enough fluid, it is usually the salt: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Good Luck!

    I’d forgotten about salt. I don’t eat much in the way of processed food and probably eat less salt than the majority so didn’t give it a thought.
    I rarely get headaches.

    I am in my fifth week of the 5:2 fasting and I find the headaches very debilitating. I fasted last Friday . I had a headache from mid morning so I took two paracetamol which didn’t help very much. The headache continued all night and all of the next day. I fasted today having had two eggs for breakfast and I’ve had the headache again. I don’t feel hungry but I’m not sure if I can continue the diet. I drink a lot of water and today I used salt on my eggs, but this didn’t make any different. I lost 2lbs in the first week but none since which doesn’t bother me too much as I want the health benefits more than the weight loss. Help anyone ?

    Hi Sissy65, I’m only in my second week so not much experience yet but during my first fast I got cold and headachy so started drinking my water hot, lots of it. Since then, 6 fasts later I’ve had no headaches. I’m in UK where its cold so hot drinks lovely, where are you? If you’re in Australia you probably won’t fancy hot drinks at the moment.

    so sorry you are having such awful headaches, I hope you can work them out.
    Some yoga stretches can be very helpful with headaches. I know it isn’t logical that fasting would cause tension in your neck and shoulder muscles, but maybe it is worth a try.
    Talk to your chemist too, if you have one near by.

    Hi JB20,

    I wouldn’t be drinking a zero calorie sport drink!! It will have artificial sweeteners in it. Your brain will register the sweetness and anticipate a glucose hit. When the glucose doesn’t come the brain will be going WTF?? It will be craving the glucose hit it thought it was going to get. This is going to make life difficult for you. Go for plain water or carbonated water with a bit of lemon juice.

    The headaches are a lack of glucose getting to the brain because your glucose levels will have dropped on the fast days. The headaches tend to go away or at least become less severe the longer you do the 5:2 diet. Your body becomes more efficient at converting stored fat to glucose. Initially I couldn’t go for my bike rides when fasting but now find it easy. Body is really cranking the handle converting fat to glucose when it knows its not getting any food intake.

    I am having a little problem on following the fast diet.
    In fact it plays havoc with my head and I always get an headache the day after I fasted.
    This happens both I fasting with two meals a day and both fractioning meals on 3 part adding a vegetables lunch in the middle day. I also always drink 2 litres of water.
    This headaches happens also when I follow other diets. It follows the dat after I cut carbo from my diet and skip sugar,bread, etc etc. Perhaps is it some kind of carbo addiction related to the deplation that fast diet do?
    What can I do to fix this?
    Thank you!

    I’m getting headaches frequently at about 1-2am during a fast.
    Thinking about it, I probably drink less water in the afternoon (intentional, as I use public transport to get home from work) and evening, so need to up my water intake when I get home.
    Paracetamol doesn’t usually help, but oddly, today after popping some pills at 2am I am fairly buzzing from feeling healthy and possibly a 7 mile walk to work 🙂
    I’ve tried eating at 2am to try and cancel a headache – making it a 30 hour fast, but hardly ever works. Today I am trying to get to lunchtime with a 40 hour fast – was expecting to be really headachy, but feeling very good – still, there’s 3 hour 16 minutes to go, approximately, so anything could happen.

    I used to suffer from headaches too, but I think I’ve pretty much nailed it down as for what’s the cause of this (for me, your experience may differ):

    I always drink my coffee with milk, so when I cut on milk, I cut on fluids too as a result (don’t like black coffee). Make a conscious effort to remind yourself to go drink water even if you don’t feel thirsty. Remember, if you do feel thirsty, you’re already partially dehydrated.

    2) Take vitamins
    3) Exercise
    Headaches pretty much disappeared after I started taking vitamin supplements (I suppose my usual diet is not perfect) and exercising regularly (4 times/week). I just need to remember about water and it’s fine.

    Could be lots of things:
    1. Not enough water. Along with your “normal” water intake of 8 cups a day you have to add an additional 2-4 litres. This depends on your body size. Large body more water.
    2. If you normally have caffeine, this could be caffeine withdrawal
    3. If you eat high carbs and sugars you could be hitting a wall there.
    4. Salt as you’re not taking salts in your food you’re not retaining as much water. Drink more water. DON”T take more salt. You want the water to flush your system. Kidneys, liver, bladder and bowels.
    5. If the above don’t slow it or hopefully stop it. Take magnesium, calcium and vitamin D3.It is the last choice I’d do.

    I think if you double or triple your water intake on fast days and up it as well on NFD your headaches will disappear.

    When I started extended fasting I’d get a headache that would lay me out in a dark room on day 3-4. 4 Litres more of water a day was the answer for me.

    A mild headache while fasting 5:2 is my body warning me to drink water. If I drink a litre at the first sign of a headache and then at least 300ml an hour I can tame them or kill them completely. This usually starts around 2pm. By 10 when I go to bed I will have consumed an addition 3.5 – 5 litres depending on how I’ve been feeling.

    I drink a lot of water but it wrecks my sleep because I am then up several times a night – sometimes as many as five times a night – to go to the loo.

    Has anyone else come across this problem and is there any solution? Like maybe not drinking in the evening?

    Stop 2 hours before bed and/or salty snack before bed. Sleep is important and getting up 3 – 6 times a night isn’t desirable.

    I sleep 8 – 9 hours without having to get up. Of course I have to go BAD when I do wake up. I don’t drink much water after 8pm. But up until then I drink a lot. Both on FD and NFD I consume more water than a “normal” person does. I’ve had kidney stones removed twice. Dr. “It looks like a gravel pit in there!” Lots of water is part of my solution. Kidney stones are so painful!

    Good tip, I’ll try that out

    Think problem is partly that I am a light sleeper, and the fasting days seem to make my sleep even worse. I’ll maybe try stopping all fluids tonight at 8pm and if that doesn’t work bringing it back an hour every day until I can sleep without having to pee every few hours. It is maddening

    Fasting and sleep pattern changes are very common. Some people will suffer from insomnia and only be able to cat nap.

    On normal 5:2 fasting (water fast only) I do tend to wake up an hour earlier. I sleep pretty deeply and well and being is great because I love alone time in the morning. I can go for a walk, read, go for a drive, clean house, do laundry etc. My daily chores can be pretty much done by the time the wife and child get up. I can’t run the vacuum though they put their foot down at that.

    On extended fasts over 3 days I sleep I mean it’s true sleep like I don’t get at any other time deep full and I don’t even move all night. I wake up just totally recharged. It’s a rejuvenation sleep and it’s totally amazing. It’s like the sleep of the innocent as my great grandma used to say. Though she’d look at kids sleeping say that and then add and they’ll be hellions when they wake too.

    I do think that it is a mental thing how you can beat that low level aware sleep pattern I don’t know. I’m sure it’s a vestige hangover from prehistoric times.

    My partner and I did 2 consecutive fast days and we both woke up on Day 3 with what,IF we had been drinking the night before, we would have described as severe hangovers and impaired mental function. I don’t think it was dehydration at all as we were well hydrated – I think it must be somehow more related to detox and the metabilising perhaps of stored fats. We persisted with a 3rd fast day but after planning 5 consecutive days think the repeat headache on the morning of Day 4 (though not as bad as Day3) is a sign we should be having a normal day today. So are going to rest and return to fasting tomorrow but will try to do alternative days rather than consecutive now going forward – perhaps like a lot of things in life less is more??? PS The actual weight loss has been great with at least a kilo each over the 3 days (though there were a couple of gym sessions thrown in too)

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