Headache on fast days from a lifelong migraine sufferer

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Headache on fast days from a lifelong migraine sufferer

This topic contains 44 replies, has 27 voices, and was last updated by  jojo58 11 years ago.

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  • I had thought that I was drinking enough water on fast days, but I have noticed that if I eat a bowl of meusli with natural yoghurt(my usual breakfast) on the evening before I fast the next day, I don’t get a headache when I fast. Mimi’s recipe book has just arrived and she says that headaches may be helped by eating foods rich in fibre. I make my own meusli (so that i can put in everything I like and leave out those bits that i don’t) I make mine with jumbo porridge oats, chopped nuts, raisins, chopped dates and apricots and eat it with yoghurt.

    My first fast day this week was Sunday and I had a headache all day and woke up the next day with it too. Last night I had a large bowl of meusli with yoghurt at 8pm, because i was hungry and fancied it. Fasting today, no headache. Coincidence? Well I am going to do this next week and see if the headache returns.

    I have been doing this for 17 weeks and seem to get a headache on fast days if i don’t eat meusli the evening before. I thought that it was cutting out tea(I have 1 tsp sugar). I have reinstated tea in an effort to rid the headache, but to no avail. So I am coming to the conclusion that the porridge oats might be responsible for the improvement.




    Just want to contribute that when I started this plan, I was getting quite severe headaches the day after fast, until I significantly increased water intake. Found I had to drink at least double my usual intake to eliminate headaches – but it worked. No headaches at all since then. Had no idea I was dehydrated. Good to know.

    Hi guys,

    I’m also a migraine sufferer and have been since I was about 14 years old. I’ve found the opposite when fasting to you Annette. The day after a fast I wake up with a headache and have to eat breakfast straight away along with a couple of painkillers. Any ideas as to why this would be the case?

    For me, one of the best buffers to prevent migraines are freshly made vegetable and fruit juices, which I make in a juicer. Ever since I started to make these on a (ideally) daily basis I have experienced a noticeable reduction in the frequency and severity of my migraines. I have even been able to stop mild migraine attacks by simply making a glass of veggie juice. It takes about 3 hours for my head to get clear again, and the best part of it is, no pain killers needed! This is quite phenomenal considering I’ve had migraines all my life. Of course, as we all know, some days nothing will stop the oncoming freight train.
    I haven’t been on the fast diet long, and so far I’ve had only one severe migraine attack on a fast day. The day before we were celebrating a birthday in the family, and I was dehydrated from a combination of coffee and alcohol and hadn’t offset with sufficient water.
    As a rule I do have a light migraine after the second fast day.
    Unfortunately there are so many migraine triggers and how these play out is highly individual. I do keep a migraine log just to keep tabs on my triggers, and I have recently restructured it to include the variable of fast days. Hopefully I’ll be able to discern a pattern and then work towards preventive measures.

    I also suffer headaches regular as clockwork on the day after a fast. It’s become such a problem for me I’m wondering whether to discontinue the 5:2 diet after 2 months. Brad Pillon gives a passing mention to this in his book with a glib comment that the headaches “may” just be during the adjustment phase while the body gets used to the new regime. I’m not finding it to be so.

    I think it would be good if anyone who is getting headaches as a side effect chips into this thread so we can see how common this is.

    I had a pretty bad headache the first month but since I almost doubled my water intake, take some bouillon at lunch time and have some low GI fruit in the afternoon, I’ve been fine.

    I had a bad headache on my first fast day that continued for the next 2 days. I read a post that mentioned that low sodium could be a problem and recommended trying drinking natural mineral water. Now I have a natural mineral water for “lunch” on my fast days and haven’t had a headache since. Also, as I don’t usually drink mineral water, the different taste and texture allow me to convince myself that I have actually had lunch! I am into my fourth week of 5:2. Hope this helps.

    One thought for some – do you normally have caffeine on non-fast days, that you are not having on fast days? Some headaches could be caused by caffeine withdrawal if so. That, and dehydration.

    Headaches! what a pain 🙁 I have cluster headaches and migraines ever since I had a botched myelogram in the mid eighties. over the last year, I have discovered one more food that sets it off it and what has made the biggest difference is not getting dehydrated. I was surprised how much extra water, coffee (decaf and normal black with no sugar) I had to drink. the other thing that’s happened is now my pee is straw coloured instead of a bit on the dark side. I was dehydrated before the fast diet and didn’t realise it, I think this fasting is teaching me so much about what my body needs. I hope this will finally leave me free of bad head days and Sumatriptans.(Imigran injections)
    I will let you know how it goes. Mmm, I need another drink. 🙂

    Thanks all, I’ll try to drink more water on fast days (my caffeine intake is the same on every day as I only drink a couple of black coffees a day 7 days a week).

    Hi Mitch, on fast days try giving up the caffeine, I just drink lots of water, never had a headache in 20 weeks (lost 14kg and swim 4km 5 days a week). I really think food or caffeine just stimulates you to want more.

    I have my usual cuppa first thing, no breakfast and then drink water regularly until a light lunch followed by another cuppa.Then water all afternoon until a light evening meal followed by a cuppa then bed. I tried giving up tea on fast days, but was miserable and had a splitting headache. I have become much more aware of exactly how much tea (strong/white/1 sugar) I normally consume.So, now i drink more water on all of the other days, my tsp of sugar is no-longer heaped and I don’t have headaches when I fast. Result!

    I am on my 3rd week, I seem to also get a headache on my fast days, seem to start late morning and even if I eat a light lunch it continues on. Today i had some whole grain toast fir breakfast which made no difference. I have also found tinnitus that I suffer in my left ear gets worse too, and that together the two things are truly annoying. I figure that maybe My body will get used to this but I’m defo continuing on regardless.

    I have been doing the diet for 5 weeks and seem to suffer from headaches on the day after the fast. I still have caffeine on my fast day and try to keep the water intake up. I do have a sweet tooth and wonder if it could be sugar withdrawal.

    I was doing well on a fast day yesterday until the evening when a migraine hit. So went to bed with muesli and felt much better.Probably pushed the calories up too 700 cals.Ho hum.

    I have been on the fast diet since the beginning of the year and used to get headaches on my fast days, normally by the afternoon/evening time. Mine couldn’t have been caused by lack of water as I was drinking so much to get me through hungry times, but I read somewhere that you can get headaches by drinking too much as you are diluting the sugars and salts your body needs and that this can cause headaches (am no medical expert so am happy to be corrected about this). I used to take a couple of paracetamol which would sort them out (lucky for me have never had a migraine) but I no longer get these headaches so perhaps by persevering your body adapts? Have gone from an overweight BMI to a healthy (lost a total of 22lbs!) am feeling great, looking well and enjoying all the positive comments I receive 🙂 am happy to continue with this lifestyle, may drop a couple of fast days a month once I reached my target weight but can’t see me not keeping fasting as part of my lifestyle from now on.

    I suffered migraines during my first 3 weeks, but don’t any more (week 5)I also only drink decaf coffee on my fast days now which does help.

    I’ve tried something new the past couple of weeks and it seems to be helping. Just simply adding salt on my fast day. I don’t know enough about sodium deficiency to know whether it can cause headaches after just one day of low salt intake, but I realised that on my fast days I was consuming little to no salt. I’ve just made a conscious effort to add salt to the little food I eat on a fast day and so far no bad headaches. But it’s a little early to proclaim a miracle cure.

    Like most of us I’ve come to regard salt as an unhealthy food which must be eliminated as far as possible but it’s possible that on fast days we need to make sure we get some of the white stuff. I’ll carry on with my one man experiment and if my headaches stay away I’ll let you know.

    I don’t typically get headaches but I did have one today and it happens to be a fasting day. Coincidence? I’m not sure but do believe there may be a connection. I drink plenty of liquids and I only have a small amount of caffeine in my chai tea but that is something I drink once daily, fasting or not. The headaches fore are noticeable but thankfully I don’t get migraines. Ouch!

    2nd day of fasting for the week. My headache is dulled but still there. I went to bed a bit early, without taking anything and this morning it was better (but still there). I am eating my first meal of the day (oatmeal and chai tea) and seem to be doing a bit better.

    I have completed two fast days and I have had a slight headache but it borders more on feeling dizzy. It is hard to tell if this is related to the fast or seasonal allergies. I will try uping my water intake and eating more fiber for my morning meal on my fast days and see if that helps. Any other suggestions? The dizziness makes me wonder if it is a blood sugar thing. But today is a non-fast day after my fast day and I still feel the slight dizziness.

    I have only just started the 5:2 diet and yes the headaches came along. The morning after the first day and then lunchtime of the second day right through ’til the evening. I am going to double my water intake next week and hope to eliminate the dreaded headache. Will keep you posted. Fingers crossed.

    I haven’t had a headache in ages on a fast day.I do drink loads on a fast day though and make sure that I have carbohydrates the evening before a fast day.I am sure that this helps.

    Newbie suffering headaches. I started fasting last week; I did Wed and Friday and although I can already see a difference in my clothes, I have had a headache since Friday and a horrible bloated feeling in my abdomen and chest. I’ve read the comments above and am slightly reassured that the headaches will pass as I get used to this way of eating. I will be fasting tomorrow therefore I’ve eaten my last meal today (7pm) and will not eat again until 7pm tomorrow (500 cals) and then next meal on my non fast day Tuesday at around 10/11am. I never suffer from headaches and was interested in the comment about too much water consumption. I am wondering if maybe I’m overdoing the water dose as I never normally drink water but usually drink lots of coffee? in addition I’m not sleeping at all! anyone else feel like this? Will it pass?

    I have gone back to having my usual cup of tea with skimmed milk and one sugar in the morning.The rest of the day I drink water.

    If you drink loads of coffee then you are probably getting caffeine withdrawal headaches.I gave up coffee 5 years ago and had a stonking headache for a week.

    How about trying half your usual coffee consumption and see how the headache is?

    I have reduced my tea consumption over the months and now drink rather more water.

    I used to get bloated, but not anymore. Always sleep very well on a fast day and get to bed early.

    Thanks Annette. I have started my second week, fasted yesterday. I still have a headache and although I’ve cut down coffee consumption most days have decided to go back to having my morning coffee with milk, everyday. I’m hoping the headaches will subside! Any advice would be great.

    I think that sounds very sensible. Just drink plenty of water and take some painkillers, it does get better as the weeks go by.

    I have made a conscious effort to reduce my tea consumption on non fast days by half and that certainly helped a lot.

    My view is that water is much better for the body and calorie free. So trying to reduce my tea addiction and see it as a positive thing. I now have tea on rising every day, but combined with halving my tea intake and increasing water on all days…..headaches have gone.

    As a migraine sufferer I usually have good results with Magnesium.
    In the middle of a migraine I take 3 times a daily dose in one (overdose magnesium can cause diarea, thats about it).
    For maintenance just normal dose daily.

    I had forgotten to take the tabs. for a while.

    When starting 5:2, I got headaches on fastdays, despite drinking lots and I also became constipated.
    Starting the daily Magnesium seemed to have solved both problems for me.

    I will bear tat in mind Jannine. I’m glad to say that today, I woke with a slight dull headache which for the first time since starting the diet, has subsided. Fingers crossed it was my body’s initial reaction.

    I am a regular migraine sufferer and sometimes I get headaches on or after fast days but then I get up to 3 migraines a week anyway… I know that any change to your lifestyle can trigger migraines (in those susceptible) due to stress hormones. So this may be caused be difference in sugar levels, sleep patterns, exercising more or less, whether your more or less stressed during these days etc.

    I was suffering pretty severe headaches on fast days when someone mentioned to me that adding a pinch of natural sea salt to a water and lemon drink might help. It does. So thank you to whoever brought this to my attention. Maybe it can help someone else too.

    I’m now into week three and the headaches have finally gone, just as many have advised. I’m guessing it was my bodies response to the diet. Thanks for the tips everyone, I’ve made a note just in case they reoccur.

    Good to know the headache/migraine after fast day is ‘common’. Just completed my 5th fast day and on day after 4th and 5th fasts have experienced a mild migraine, really want to avoid taking Imigran. I fast on the days I work and probably don’t drink nearly enough, going by other posts, so must make an effort to drink alot more herbal tea/water. Will also try the magnesium, have some magnesium citrate spray, and some salt, have recently starting using pink himalayan salt as so pure and actually good for you. Coconut water is supposed to be more hydrating than water so will try some of that aswell. Don’t feel so depressed about migraines now, would hate to stop the diet as really hoping for improved body chemistry.

    Just popped out to buy some fresh coconut water from Waitrose as need to hydrate fast today, have trouble drinking lots of water, and after a small glass am already starting to feel abit better from mild migraine. Am drinking Vita Coco natural coconut water with orange. Says it’s “bursting with electrolytes, more potassium than a banana – potassium helps keep body properly hydrated. No fat or cholesterol” Also gluten and dairy free.

    This thread is what I needed today…fasted yesterday, by late afternoon I had a headache which progessed to the point that it woke me up several times during the night. I do not normally get headaches whether fasting or not…but this was miserable…I have noticed that the lately on FD I do get a small headache, nothing like this… I was honestly considering quitting 5-2, it was that brutal (still suffering a bit as I write)…will try the salt/electrolytes on Thursday….hoping it ends…I do drink plenty on FD already…. bummer.

    Since I have changed my diet and the type of foods I was consuming I have dropped my weight by 25 pounds. I taken up long walks daily for exercise drink lots more water and my headaches have gone away.

    Did a reduction in my blood pressure relieve the headaches as a result of daily walks with increased water consumption as I take a bottle of water with me each day. Dehydration brings on headaches. Did taking out a large portion of sugar out of my diet help?. Did the introduction of more fresh fruit and raw vegetables reduce the headaches. Did taking out the processed foods and their additives especially peanut butter help? I am eating real food now. I do eat rolled oats regularly and pasta as well as bread a couple times a week so I know it is not the new fad scare of gluten in the diet.

    I have suffered migraines on and off in the past but it has been a while since I have had one. I have only had one headache in the last few months and it was relieved by drinking more water.

    I was on the diet for about 6 months. I came off for various reasons but have decided to have another go. I’d forgotten about the headaches on every fast day. Today is my first day back on the plan. Part of the problem might be psychological because I had a headache at around 12:30 which is only the time that I would be eating anyway. I have the same breakfast pretty much every day as it is. I only drink black coffee (no sugar) and I drink about the same on fast days as no fast days.

    Some people have mentioned migraines and I do suffer from them. I also get red wine headaches (which I have just learn about amines and how they may be the cause). I think that the headaches on nearly every fast day were one of the main reasons I gave up last time.

    Anyway, I am now trying to load up with some water in the hope that will help.

    I sympathize. I found that giving up tea on a fast day was what gave me headaches, so I reinstated them and have usually been fine…..although after a month off from the 5:2 I had stonking headaches for the first 2 fasts.

    Drink plenty of water and take painkillers. Let us know how you get on.

    This is really interesting. I do get frequent sinus headaches, which are pretty awful.

    I have just restarted 5:2 with 1pm to 1pm as my fast, which fits well around my work. I had a sinus headache building, which by 12pm, 1hr before breaking my fast, was diabolical. I had soup for lunch, which is quite usual, but after an hour the pain was immense, I was hot and cold, shaky, and struggling not to throw up. Paracetamol didn’t work, and ibuprofen later just barely took the edge off.

    I wondered whether it was the fast. I only drink 1 or 2 cups of caffeinated tea a day. I drank 1 cup of tea, then herbal tea and lots of water. I don’t believe I was dehydrated, but maybe my salt levels or sugar were low. My diet has been pretty terrible for a while, depression leading to eating badly.

    I’m very interested in how my next fast day will turn out. I just had to take a day off work because I couldn’t keep my eyes open properly the pain was so bad. I will fast over the weekend this time and see how it goes.

    I’m a newbie at the end of my second fast day. I don’t normally get headaches but have one that came on this evening after my light omelette dinner and is still bothering me now. I reckon I’m hydrated enough but it’s been good to read through this as see some of the suggestions. Thinking it would be good to have a list of these somewhere…in the meantime here’s a list of suggestions for the next reader:

    -eat a bowl of muesli in the evening before a Fast Day
    -increase water intake
    -drink a glass fruit/vegetable juice
    -Bouillon for lunch and low GI fruit in the afternoon on Fast Day
    -drink mineral water on FDs
    -add salt to food on FDs
    -Include carbohydrates in dinner before FD
    -Take magnesium supplement on FD
    -Drink coconut water on FD for extra hydration
    -Tea drinkers have your tea on FDs

    I hope this list is useful for someone. I’ll certainly try some of these suggestions

    Coffee drinkers may well be suffering from caffeine withdrawal if they miss their coffee on a fast day. I have reduced my tea drinking but still drink it on a fast day.

    I have been having daily pressure headaches since I started the diet in January. I have good hydration but have reduced tea drinking in preference to herbal/fruit teas which I now prefer.
    I will try the muesli idea for the next two weeks to test results. I am happy to make my way through the list as an experiment. I will switch my weight watchers low cal soup to chicken noodle which is very salty. I will report back. Good luck to other guinea pigs who are trying to help solve this problem.

    Headache may be down to needing a new prescription. It seems that as you get older your short sightedness lessens and long sightedness increases, mine changed by 2 which apparently is significant, specs were too strong. Therefore I need new specs at an astronomical cost, because I want, anti glare, varifocal, photo sensitised lenses. Ouch £170 but I am hoping this will get rid of daily headaches that I was blaming on fasting.
    Let’s hope they work, I won’t find out for a couple of weeks.
    In the meantime, carbohydrate at bedtime did help me sleep better and seemed to delay onset of headache.

    It is a lot of money, but not if it stops the daily headaches. That is priceless.

    So true.
    Already looking forward to new specs but just hope it works.

    Off to badminton now, it’s a very busy day on Monday.
    Dog walk, dancing, yoga and badminton.
    Sadly no housework yet, it will be a late night.
    Ho hum

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