Having a hard time just getting started

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Having a hard time just getting started

This topic contains 8 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  dlroseberry 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hello I don’t know if this subject has been addressed or not? I could not find a post on it . Is anyone ever had difficulty just getting started. I have tried twice and by mid afternoon felt so overwhelmed. I never before thought I was a food addict. But I really am starting to wonder. Any and all suggestions are really appreciated. I’m 52 and exercise 4-5 days a week. Currently I am increasing my exercise started running, I need to lose at least 35 to 40 Lbs. HELP PLEASE

    Sorry to hear you are struggling to get started, jbaletka. I find it MUCH easier to fast on a busy day and out of the house. Conversely, I really struggle to fast when I know I’ll be spending the day at home, as I think of little else but food! Have your attempts at fasting so far been on relaxing or hectic days?

    It’s possible that one of the reasons for your weight gain is that you exercise so much. This may sound paradoxical but studies have shown that some people who exercise overcompensate for the calories burnt afterwards by taking in more food than needed just to replace the lost energy. See http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19419671

    If that’s the case it might be a good idea to avoid exercise on fast days. You should also count the calories on non-fast days and do not exceed your TDEE. You can work out what your TDEE is at http://thefastdiet.co.uk/how-many-calories-on-a-non-fast-day/

    Good luck!


    How about trying 2pm to 2pm and see how you go with that for 2 days?

    Wishing you well x

    My first 2 fasts I didn’t think I would make it through the day so I brought an “emergency baggie” to work – cut up cucumber and red pepper. You didn’t write how you plan to divide your calories, it may work for you to skip breakfast, eat a light lunch to help with the afternoon hunger and the rest of your calories in the evening. Since there are no rules you may eat whenever it suits you best. The above posts offer good advice. Don’t give up, find out what works for you. It does get easier, it’s always just the one day and best of all – it works! Good luck to you and keep us posted.


    don’t think about it @ all 🙂

    just don’t eat when ur not hungry & keep delaying it by increments

    or do the mimi the author’s way all through the day but 500

    if u get 2 7pm great if not
    no problem

    keep doing it intermittently
    u will adjust 2 what u want 2 do

    this is not a chore

    this is fun

    we r here

    keep us posted

    here r some helpful links

    the replies of dr michael & other valuable insight on this forum
    michael’s replies or topics or 2 c if they discussed it


    his dr wife clare




    “Eat, Fast and Live Longer” 6 August 2012
    Michael J. Mosley has set himself a truly ambitious goal: he wants to live longer, stay younger and lose weight in the bargain. And he wants to make as few changes to his life as possible along the way. He discovers the powerful new science behind the ancient idea of fasting, and he thinks he’s found a way of doing it with the 5:2 diet that still allows him to enjoy his food. Michael tests out the science of fasting on himself – with life-changing results.



    “The Truth About Exercise” 28 February 2012
    Michael Mosley investigates recent scientific research that could change the way people exercise, including a study that suggests many could benefit from just three minutes of high-intensity activity a week. He also discovers the health benefits of seemingly innocuous actions, such as walking and fidgeting, and learns why some people do not respond to exercise at all.



    “The Truth About Personality” 10 July 2013
    Michael Mosley explores the latest research in genetics and neuroscience to find out what factors shape people’s personalities and whether they can be changed. Michael tries two techniques in an attempt to make him worry less and become more of an optimist – with surprising results.


    Diet and Disease FIRST BROADCAST: 11 Sep 2008 BBC Four
    The lengths doctors go to to uncover connections between what we eat and what we die from.


    How many calories on a non-fast day?
    (A TDEE / BMR / BMI calculator)


    hope this helps u 2 gradually get in2 this lifestyle

    wish u success in this lifestyle♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪

    I think the main thing if you’re having trouble making it past midday is to not restrict yourself so much that you actually feel like you’re ‘failing’.

    Work out your own personal TDEE and make sure you stick at or under (slightly) that on non-fast days and rather than 25% of it, if you’re finding it difficult to do that, then maybe do 30% or even 40% on fast days for the first couple of weeks.

    You do, very very quickly, learn to deal with the ‘hunger’ pangs which are really honestly NOT actual hunger and wont kill you.

    When I first started I was probably over eating by at least 100 calories on every fast day, as I took a bag of chopped up veg to work to ‘get me through’ the late morning. I split my 500 calories between a 200 calorie poridge lunch and a 300 calorie ‘meal’ of one sort or another in the evening – but I know damn well I went slightly over my calorie counts on at least a few occasions. It still counts. You’re just getting accustomed to the new routine. Give yourself a break to start with and get tougher as you go.

    I now fast every day for at least 16-20 hours and just change the number of meals and the quantity of calories depending on if it’s a 500 calorie day or not. You’ll have that kind of control in no time, just let yourself get used to it first.

    Hi there – I agree with StephB about being busy. I either work from home (albeit in a very busy job) or travel to customer premises for meetings. In my first week I was at home and really obsessed about every tummy rumble. I was in and out of the kitchen all day trying to eke out small snacks that were unsatisfying and left hardly any calories for an evening meal.

    However, in my second and subsequent weeks (I have had 3 proper ones, then holidays for 2 weeks)when I was travelling and really busy I just had nothing at all until the evening apart from one cup of tea with milk first thing, and then lots of fruit teas and water throughout the day. Yes my tummy rumbled, but I held on to the thought of a decent 500 calorie meal later!

    It might help for you to plan something delicious for the evening (as 500 calories actually gives you a lot of scope)and then you just have to count the hours until you can have it. As I eat at about the same time each evening, I look on it as having a 24 hour fast (between one dinner and the next) but in reality it is nearer 10-12 hours in total from the time you get up to dinner time.

    But if you feel ill or can’t make do, then juggle around with the meals – vegetable soups are great, filling and low calorie, and there are other suggestions on the forum. I’m also sure that exercising will make you feel hungrier (although you’ll probably find you lose weight a lot faster once you get used to the diet).

    Don’t be disheartened – just find what works for you and take it one day at a time. And the deprivation is only ever for one day at a time!

    Good luck – let us know how you are getting on.


    You may need more than 5 or 600 calories. That’s just a short hand formula, and if you’re large and high metabolism, you may need more, especially to start out. Try eating huge quantities of broccoli with salt and pepper. It’s pretty darn filling and there are very few calories. I’ve always hated the stuff myself, but it works good so I use it and it’s not too bad when I’m starving. There are quite a few steamed vegies like that actually.

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