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Haven't posted for a while…

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Nika 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Good Morning Fasters 🙂

    This is seriously the most amazing “lifestyle changes” ever. I have lost 20 pounds of my 30 pound goal, already. And I’ve managed it while enjoying whatever I desire on the non-fast days. I have dropped 2 sizes and several inches and my jeans are loose again. The black leather pants (for those who knew me when I started) are hanging there waiting…almost fitting again. Hopefully by NYE!

    Best of all my labs (taken in November) were perfect. I was frankly surprised…especially my cholesterol level…given that I am an old fashion cook and still season with bacon grease…make pie crusts with lard…and enjoy real butter instead of those imitation oil concoctions.

    For those who have just started…this will change your life.

    For those who have been doing the 5:2 or (as I am) the Alternating Day Fast…isn’t it WONDERFUL!

    Wishing Everyone Happy Holidays & Success!

    Superb news Carla! Congrats on your success! Are you going to stick to the alternating day fast or are you going to change to 4:3 or 5:2 at some point? How long have you been on it? Your results all really impressive and I’m glad to hear that your cholesterol is now perfect.
    Talk soon

    hi carla its lovely to hear from you, i did wonder where you had got to, congrats on all your fantastic news and results,
    ive some good health news to report as well my BP was normal on the last two visits to my GP,
    Yes this way of life is great!
    don’t be a stranger and keep us posted on those leather trousers! have a great Christmas and a wonderful new year xx

    Stef…I am hoping to lose an additional 10 pounds (puts me at my IBW) and then maybe go for 10 more after the first of the year (where I would like to be). When I get where I want I intend to drop to 5:2 or possibly even 6:1 if that will maintain it.

    fast 4 life…Tried to zip into them the other day…almost there. Would probably work with pantyhose…lol! Haven’t been in them since 2009 or 2010 though…so feel pretty good about it! Of course now I have to get a fabulous black top to go with them…hello Ebay…

    Carla- that is not a too distant goal if you continue the way you are! Let us know when the trousers fit!

    Congrats Carla! And yes, we demand a picture of you in those leather trousers!!


    Nika…as soon as I can zip them and breathe, dear

    That’s soon enough 😉

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