Hashimotos (low-thyroid) and 5:@

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  • Hi, I have just started IF. Today is my second fasting day 🙂 So far it’s all be easy. Was a little head-achy back on my first fasting day but feel fine today. I’m so curious to see if this approach will work for me. It suits my emotional eating history perfectly as well as my tenancy to get board with regular diets. However I suffer from a low-thyroid, which lowers your bodies need for calories, and can make it hard to lose weight. But as I’m also very interested in the health benefits of IF and happy to lose slowly I’m keen to give it a go. I’m hopeful this will lead to an improved lifestyle. I’d like to lose 10kgs eventually and improve my health. Would love to hear how any other people with thyroid issues have gone on IF.

    I had thyroid cancer 20 years ago and because of that I’ve been kept on a low dose of oroxine. I’ve been on the 5:2 way of eating for 17 weeks and lost 20 lbs. it’s the first time in 20 years I’ve done so well. Surprisingly too my blood tests show my body is using my thyroxine(oroxine) more efficently and I now take less and my cholesterol has dropped from 5.9 to 4. The dr reduced my oroxine level and the weight loss has slowed but I’m really pleased with the results.

    Hi Cazza 10,

    I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s in 2005. I never managed to lose any weight (lucky for me I ‘only’ gained 10 kg up till 2012)until now. I started 5:2 in November 2012 and have already lost 6,5 kg !

    And what’s more, my cholesterol is down as well ! From 205 mg/dl last year (over 190 is too high) to 162 mg/dl a few weeks ago.

    The process is slower for us hypos but at least for me it’s the only thing that has worked in a long time !

    good luck and keep us posted on your progress !


    I have an under-active thyroid (treated since 2005) and have always had energy issues and found it very difficult to shift any weight at all – I’ve been doing The Fast Diet for 7 weeks, and although I lost about 6 pounds in the first 4 weeks (woo!), since then I haven’t dropped a single pound 🙁 Has anyone else experienced this kind of plateau and then seen progress?

    I know that thyroid issues makes losing weight harder and a longer process, but I’m hoping someone can give me some encouragement to carry on, in the hope that the weight starts to fall off again soon!

    I’m thinking of going up to 4:3, but I find that difficult to fit in!


    I’ have thyroid issues and have been on 5:2 for 17 weeks and have lost 21 lbs. the last 3 lbs have been really slow taken 3 weeks but my husband encourages me that the overall trend is down even though the dr decreased my oroxine 4 weeks ago.

    Thanks everyone. So happy to hear some good results. I’ve done 5 fasting days now and I am feeling great for it. I’m not planning on weighing myself – just waiting for my clothes to fit better. I really don’t care if it takes me a year to lose 10kgs!! (I should confess I took an entire week off when we were on holidays. 🙂 So far I’m just really happy with how I’m feeling. I really think I have more energy and a clearer head 🙂 Cannot complain one bit about that. I

    Sophia, I’ve had similar issues with slow loss as you…
    I’ve been on 5:2 since Feb, first 6 weeks lost 8lbs, then nothing for weeks, stopped 5:2 in disgust, went on holiday ate like pigs but lots of exercise every day walking on the beach, came home and with renewed energy started 5:2 again and have lost another 4lbs – for me the key seems to be plenty of exercise, I have a very sedentary job sat at a keyboard all day, by going for walks at lunch time and evenings this seems to have kick started the weight loss again. However, couple of downsides, I’ve had big chunks of hair breaking off and memory issues. Not at all sure if this is down to hypo as have been on levothyroxine since 2005 (cause post childbirth). Still, being positive feel much better with the weight coming off, haven’t been able to lose weight for years, first diet that has worked, and even though slow its working…other forums suggest changing time of day to eat and health nurse suggested waiting 6 hours before eating anything on a fast day…have tried this on busy days but harder on boring ones! It is a diet to drop in and out of, if I manage another 2lbs to make it to 1 whole stone I will be delighted..:)

    Stick with it for your 2 more lbs Jenny. As someone on thyroxine I do need to eat something in the morning but I find 1 scrambled egg and mushrooms lasts fine till lunch, when I have some filling homemade vegetable soup that comes in at 28 calories for a whole big bowl. My health professional suggested I also have some protein so I have some lite chive and onion Philly with thin rice cakes and then for dinner baked salmon and baked carrot and pumpkin with asparagus or broccoli. I can post the soup recipe if you wish?

    Thanks for your replies guys, nice to know there are other people out there experiencing similar things!

    I’m still on the ‘plateaux’ of not having lost anything for a good few weeks now, but am sticking with 5:2 because I do think it makes me feel quite good, and despite the scales not shifting much (grr) I think I’m slimmer round my middle. I’m going to up my exercise – I have a very sedentary job/lifestyle – so hopefully that might kickstart a few more pounds loss!

    Fingers crossed 🙂

    thanks for encouraging replies, its really helpful to know other people with thyroid problems are experiencing the same kinds of weight loss issues, you know its then not just you…beavergong, I like your menu suggestions and I’d love to see your soup recipe, it sounds fab at 28 cals.

    I’ll stick with it too, I agree it does make you feel better..I also think if you have a little break its not difficult to get back into it again….much easier than with weight watchers or slimming world diets.

    Hello again thyroid friends 🙂 I’m still going and feeling good. Still not weighing myself but my clothes are starting to feel looser 🙂 I’m finding my mind is sharper and my body feels more energetic. It feels amazing. I am however being very kind to myself and taking things slowly. My last fast day I ended early – because of a head cold. It’s great that you can do that and not feel guilty 🙂 I also love the way it teaches you to notice how food feels in your body and enjoy it more. Good luck everyone – hope it’s going well for you.

    Hi everyone, I’m new here. I was operated on in November. Most of my thyroid was removed because of a goiter. After the operation Hashimoto’s disease was diagnosed. I am in balance with my meds now and saw the documentary about the 5:2 diet. My husband, daughter and I have started today, because we look forward to a good health with this diet ; )
    Have a great day.

    Hi everyone, I started this diet today and was really pleased to find posts from people with an under-active thyroid. I was diagnosed in 1999 and have struggled with lots of diets over the years. I am 10st 12lbs and 5ft 2in so I am hoping to lose at least a stone. I quite enjoy cooking but usually make the same old meals week in and week out. Tonight I really enjoyed making the vegetarian chilli and it tasted really good too. I’m looking forward to my day 2 already …

    Hi Zebedee, I hope all goes well and you will enjoy cooking for this diet ; )

    Hi, I have had Hashimoto’s for 4 years in August. I have gained just over a stone in weight & being 5ft 2ins I’m too heavy. I have tried slimming world & Rosemary Conley diets but gained weight! In desperation I thought I’d give 5:2 a go, I’ve completed three weeks & can honestly say that I don’t feel I’ve lost an ounce. Today should have been a fast day but I feel like giving up & admitting to myself that I’m never going to lose a stone. Some of you on this forum have had success, am I too impatient or is there a few of us that can’t lose the weight regardless?
    Thanks Dawn

    Dawnjenn, I’m with you that it seems that other diets don’t really work too well for those with thyroid problems…3 weeks isn’t really that long to get into a diet and it is tougher at the start, most people seem to lose although with thyroid issues it tends to take longer..I’ve been doing a lot more exercise alongside the fasting and that has really started to make a difference…one suggestion to try is changing the days you fast on and changing the meals you eat on fast days…I was told your body gets used to eating the same things and compensates accordingly. You could always give yourself a break and start again next week, the beauty of this is that its so flexible, if you have a bad day or week, try again the next…:)

    I was diagonised with an under active thyroid about 6 years ago. I take thyroid extract/ armpit thyroid. For the last 6 months I’ve been on a calorie restricted diet of 1200-1300 calories and only lost 2-3 kilos. I also exercise regularly and have a fairly active day job.
    My doctor recommended this diet. I don’t find it too difficult to stick too and have actually seen results! I have lost kilos and inches – about 4 kilos in 6 weeks. On non-fast days I still count calories and try and stick to 1200. I’m hoping to lose another 10 -15 kilos.

    Hi everyone, I am on week three now and have lost 8lbs. I even had a week away, staying in hotels and pubs where I was not in control of the food I ate. Fortunately I chose my food very carefully and didn’t put on an ounce … phew. I did try and limit my calories on my 2 chosen days and ate sensibly on the others, although my downfall is puddings so I had ice cream. Now that I am back at home I am keeping an advanced food diary which is really helpful with my shopping list and, Monique, I am really enjoying my cooking as this diet has changed the things I am buying at the supermarket too. I hope that, Dawnjenn, can stick with the diet as I am sure that you are losing inches which may not show on the scales. I have a dog so I am fortunate that I have to go on long walks every day which I am sure is helping. Keep losing everyone and enjoy your food.

    Forgive me if this is a repeat posting for anyone BUT JENNIEWREN ASKED FOR MY FAST SOUPS

    I have 3 fast soups I make.
    Place 2 teaspoons of garlic in a pan add .5 onion chopped and sauté. Add 500g pumpkin or butternut squash add 4 cups of water and cook 20 minutes. blend.. Makes 6- 8 cups at 56 cals a serve.

    Place a leek and 2 teas of grated ginger in a pan and sauté. Add 6 large carrots peeled and chopped. Add 4 cups of water and cook 25 minutes . Blend. Makes 6 cups at 45 cal per serve.

    Sauté 2 teaspoons of garlic add chopped finely( i do all this in a food processor)8 mushrooms , 2 carrots, leaves(add great flavour)and 2 sticks of celery, parsnip, swede, .5 cup pumpkin or squash and a few pieces of broccoli. Add 6 cups of water and cook 20 minutes. Blend. Makes 8 cups and each cup serve come in at 28 calories.

    Thanks, Beavergong, I’ll be trying these for sure. Brilliant when someone takes the time to work out the calories for us, well done.

    Hi guys, I am new to all of this but have been on an alternate day diet for quite a few weeks now. Having lost six stones on the low gl diet, I reached a plateau three years ago and thought the 5:2 might kick start me again. Clothes are fitting better now but with low thyroid function it is a slow process. Very worried about the comment earlier about Jenniewren losing her hair. It has taken me 48 years to grow mine and I do not want to lose it. Has anybody else experienced hair loss on the 5:2 diet??? Wendy

    Hello fellow low-thyroid people! 🙂 I’m hoping the 5-2 diet helps me reduce body fat I gained while getting my thyroid meds straight. My BMI is good but my body fat is actually considered high, and the fat won’t budge on just watching calories. Plus the concept of 5-2 seems very healthy to me, unlike other lifestyles (Paleo? bleh!). I am also taking COQ10 which is helping with my low energy and difficulty recovering from exercise, plus it seems to have given my metabolism a boost. Anyway, did my first fast day today and it went great, so much easier than I thought. The key was not freaking out, and hunger really wasn’t a problem. I really hope fasting helps with my raging hunger. Hang in there if you are figuring out your thyroid strategy — it took my doctor and I a year and it was a miserable year. I feel very lucky that we were able to find a med and dose that work for me, even though I’m still carrying an extra 10 pounds from before. I hope the 5-2 diet can chip away at that, but even if it doesn’t I really like the concept and will stick with it unless it causes problems.

    Hi everyone. I’ve been on the 5:2 for 13 weeks now. I’ve lost stone and 3lbs and 6 inches off my waist now which I’m so pleased with. I’ve struggled to lose weight for years now. I’ve also got type 2. I got my results back for my blood test hba1c has gone down. I’m a bit confused with the tsh 0.01 and t4 24.6 results. I feel a whole lot better not so confused and brain fog but I’ve started to get cold again I’m not sure if I’m going hyper any suggestions welcome. This is the best weight lost programme I’ve done. Not for the weight lost but for the way I feel now. This is my way of life now.

    Just for ref I use fitness pal app track all my meals and exercise down. I have 1500 on my feed days. Also I use the Hairy Dieters book they calorie count and have some yummy meals for all the family.

    Marie xxx

    I too have Hashimotos disease but am doing my best ever with IF. What I will say is that I also go to the gymx2 per week and this really helps. I reckon that I am easily loosing a pound per week and this includes drinking wine at the week end. I am now a slinky 60 kilos. Haven’t been this weight since I was about 14!

    Probably like every woman with Hashimotos, I have failed at every previous diet: unbroken self denial is a real PITA. For me it really is a combination of IF and exercises. By the by – although one can, I don’t fast on exercise days – I indulge! Works for me. Good luck

    Hi everyone. As someone with Hashimotos who has only been taking thyroid medication for 3 weeks I’m planning on starting the 5:2 on Monday. I’ve read all of your posts with much interest, wish me luck!

    Cazza10 your story sounds very similar to mine, I’m really happy that the 5:2 is working well for you!

    Hi littlefish welcome! I have been on 5:2 for 5 weeks, the doctor just decreased my thyroxine, I’m a happy camper. good luck and keep us posted on how you are doing.

    Hi I’m thinking of giving this life style ago . I have under active thyroid, ibs and a hormone imbalance so as you can imagine as well as being very tired its such a struggle to lose weight . I hate the way I feel really need to find something that works!! As its hard to exercise due to low energy and achey limbs I’ve just bought a wii and wii fit board to incorporate a bit of fun fitness. I’m 43 but feel so much older any positive feedback so welcome.

    mackertwink, i just posted on your other thread. I am 42, and I know what you mean about the struggle with weight and the tiredness. Some days I was so tired all i could do cook myself something quick & easy which inevitably ended up being a large bowl of pasta. Forget exercise, that was far too much effort ! My weight has steadily been climbing, and 5:2 has provided me (and it would seem many others with underactive thyroids) a chance to change that !

    So go for it, it’s not difficult, and you might find you not only lose weight but gain energy. That has to be worth trying !

    Thank you tomtommum I saw it and replied. I am definitely going to start this on Monday 🙂 is it best to do fast days two days in a row? Some people are saying eat just one meal at tea time some few bits through the day I suppose best to try and see what suits me!! Feeling positive just reading this 🙂

    well done Mackertwink, I am sure you won’t regret it! keep us posted. This forum is full of inspirational people, there have been days when i have struggled, but just logging on here is enough to get me through.

    I fast Monday & Thursday, it works well for me as I do long days in the office so am not tempted by scoffing the leftovers of kids tea etc at home. I find it much easier when I am away from food….

    I have done a couple of weeks of 4:3, ie 3 fast days, so would do Mon & Tues back to back, and then Thurs. It’s not too bad, but you have to be feeling quite strong mentally to do do 2 days in a row.

    I eat 1/2 a grapefruit and a boiled egg for breakfast, then drink lots all day, and then eat supper about 7.30pm.

    But everyone is different, you just have to go with what works for you.

    Well done to you hope you carry on with positive results. Hopefully I will be posting some positive news very soon 🙂

    Hi eyeryone,

    I am so happy reading all of your comments. I am no 28, having been diagnosed with graves disease at 22 and having my thyroid fully removed at 24. I gained about 15 kilos after and nothing would move it, I exercised and ate quite well. My GP did not believe me and told me I wasnt doing enough even though my TSH was around 22. It was only when I saw a specialist and she changed my medication and I took up a weights class did I see a change. That was 2 years ago and I have (very slowly) lost almost 12kgs up until earlier this year. I recently completed my first half marathon and a sprint triathlon, but my weight has not budged. It is so disheartening and is really great hearing that I am not the only one. It has got to the stage where pole think I have body dysmorphia, but I dont think other people can understand how frustrating it is when you eat very healthily and exercise 5 times a week and not see results.
    I am definitely going to try the 5:2 and am hoping it may boost my metablolism and help me loose another few kgs to bring me down to my ideal weight, so fingers, toes and everything in between crossed.

    “I dont think other people can understand how frustrating it is when you eat very healthily and exercise 5 times a week and not see results.”

    Most people here are or have experienced surprise, frustration and maybe anger about little or no shifts in weight management. You have good intentions and strong motivations.

    “I am definitely going to try the 5:2 and am hoping it may boost my metablolism ”

    5:2 fasting is a great longer term process that is a compliment to what you are doing already. I switched from long distance running to intensive sprints, and I’ve continued strength training.

    Set your course & stay consistent and you will continue to obtain results.


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