Has anyone started at 11stone 10lbs and gotten to 10stones?

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Has anyone started at 11stone 10lbs and gotten to 10stones?

This topic contains 15 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  moll73 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hi, I started here a couple of weeks ago, weighing as above title. After my first fast I dropped 2lbs. However the following week after 2 fasts, no result! I have somehow talked myself into believing that I will NEVER be able to get to my target weight of 10 stones! That for whatever reason, I will be the one to fail with this fast diet. Sounds strange I know but im actually afraid to really embark on this journey for fear of failing. I have spent the last week reading literally hundreds of posts on this site and I soo much want to do this. Has anybody lost the amount of weight fhat I’m looking to lose?
    I would be grateful for any inspiration, support and suggestions. Thanks in advance.

    There are scores of folk on here who have lost 50lbs or more, and just as many in the process of doing so.

    I lost 3 stones (42lbs) last year, and then stopped at the beginning of December and since then have put some weight back on. I started again on 11th August and have lost 11lbs in six weeks.
    The average loss per week on this diet is 1lb. It is not a quick fix, and if you’ve looked at a lot of posts you’ll see that many of us have gone through a plateau where we’ve not lost an ounce for several weeks and then the weight has started to shift again.

    Be patient and keep going. It will work if you are ensuring that you don’t exceed your TDEE on non fast days and stick to 500 calories on two days per week.

    Hi miss:

    It sounds like you have lost two pounds in two weeks. As the average loss over time for a woman is a little less than a pound a week, you are right on track. I would suggest you focus on doing your diet days correctly and only reassess if you are not losing any weight a month from now. If you have time, reading #s 1,2 and 4 may help you understand: http://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Good Luck!

    Thanks so much for your reply Amazon. That is a fantastic amount of weight that you have lost. Congrats!
    I hope I can some day have such an amazing success story as yours. I have no doubt that it takes hard work and perserverence. I am going to start afresh Mon, with a different mindset. Yes I have read that everybody plateaus at some point. I guess thats when the test really starts!
    Thanks again for your feedback and I wish you continued success.
    Sue 🙂

    Thanks Simon- I never thought of it that way! I will look through the link. Feel alot more positive now and just had a light-bulb moment after reading your post. Happy! 🙂


    Hi Sue,

    I started at 11st5 in January, reached 10st (goal) in mid April, but continued dropping until early June when I figured out maintenance. Since then I’ve been maintaining at 9st4 – 9st6.

    I didn’t tell anyone, not even my OH, I was doing 5:2 until I was a month in and several pounds lighter (i.e. when I knew it was working!). So I sympathize with your rhinking!

    But this does work, slow and steady for most, so be brave and commit to it. You have nothing to lose (except excess weight!) and everything to gain.

    It does take some time, but 5:2 works. I had to break out a calculator to figure out that 11 stone 10 is, we don’t think in stone on this side of the Atlantic. By my calculations, I’ve gone from 14 stone 6 lb, down to 10 stone 10 lbs. So yes, your goal is very achievable, just stick with it. 🙂

    Oh wow! Happynow, that is so fantastic! Well done. U must be so delighted. Maybe at some point u could tell me what ur food choices are on fast days?
    Hope you dont mind but im gonna copy ya! 🙂

    Kilda, im in awe! That is unbelievable!
    Can u give me any tips? Oh I hope im not coming across as selfish- only yourself and happynow are a true inspiration to me. I want to learn from you. 🙂

    Sue x x

    I changed my weight from 168lbs to 108lbs. I started out as ADF and then shifted to 4:3 for my fasting pattern because it is a better fit to my sports and social commitments.

    I ate 20-25% of my TDEE on fast days and all of my TDEE on non-fast days during my weight loss mode and I still eat similarly albeit I’ll sometimes go up to 40% of my TDEE on a fast day if it’s an active day (e.g., >2hrs kayak kayaking; swimming several miles in sheltered water).

    Although it’s useful to look for ideas in other people’s food choices, if they’re a different age, have different activity levels, and are trying to address other health goals through their WOE, it doesn’t necessarily follow that their choices will suit you. I think that’s why newcomers sometimes think that there isn’t a lot of personal detail available but it’s very much something where people need to tailor both a pattern of eating and food choices that suit them and their needs.

    Hi Sue,

    SSure is right of course to point out that we are all different, and we each have to find what works.

    In my case, I was reasonably active but didn’t start ‘exercising’ properly until I’d lost a fair bit of my excess.

    I got a rough idea of what 500 calories looked like from the meal ideas in the book, and then stuck with a few things. I never ate before 11am (not hungry first thing anyway) and then had a full fat natural yoghurt and fruit, or porridge, or a lunch of cottage cheese/tuna and salad. I then went through to evening (maybe with a few almonds mid afternoon) and had fish and vegetables, or roasted vegetables, or omelette. Unadventurous, but simple and filling!

    I didn’t count calories on non-fast days but pretty much cut out bread, pasta, rice, sugary stuff (biscuits, cakes, chocolate) for the first 4 months every day. I found quite quickly that I stopped craving these things. And I think it really helped manage hunger (no insulin spikes).

    I think I have been fortunate that fasting suited me so well, maybe it’s my age! Anyway. I hope you find what works for you!

    Originally, I started at about 12 stone. I’m about 7 stone now (yes I am very short and small built). It took a year, and then afterwards I put on about a stone, maybe 1.5 stone, but I have just lost that again in about 2-3 months. You can do it, the only thing you need to do is keep going. x

    Hi 2fast, we met on another thread where we were perhaps both a bit feisty…. Apologies.

    I’m in awe of what you achieved. You’ve lost maybe 40% of your former self? That’s amazing. I hope you wake up feeling fantastic every day!

    Thank you HappyNow – no worries, sorry! I do, I’m really proud and really happy. xx

    Please listen to this….I was on many diets in the past and I always gave up because there was no or little change in the scales. This time on the 5;2 I used the measuring tape, and I didnt weigh myself for at least the first 2 months. But the measurements were moving in the right direction so I kept with it. The scales always lagged a bit behind. However, now after 8 months, I have gone from around 12 stone to 10 stone 3!!! PLEASE FORGET ABOUT THE SCALES in the beginning, and you will have success. GOOD LUCK!!!!

    I have just done the first month and have lost 5 lbs. Have a long way to go (i am 5’4″ and 13st 3lbs). I have a friend who did this diet and she lost a lot of weight and looks amazing, not sure how much she lost never asked. She is proof that it works.

    Just entering into the first week myself . Fast day Tue and Thurs and I do feel,a little like yourself in that I’m planning to fail and feel a little bit scared I suppose but on the other hand reading all the positive feedback hopefully this is the one that’s going to work

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