Has anybody tried Feijoa?

This topic contains 9 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  mygirl 11 years ago.

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  • Hi,
    I have one question whether anybody ever tried feijoa? And where it can be bought?
    Found some recipes using this fruit. http://eat-tobehealthy.blogspot.com/

    Sounds tasty and healthy
    Thank you for your comments

    Feijoa is sooo tasty! I’m a kiwi and this was a favourite fruit growing up, I now live in the UK and have not been able to find it anywhere! Very surprised Marks don’t import it to be honest…perhaps quite an acquired taste!

    I shouldnt be telling you this massive !–got two trees just bursting with fejoas–my beauties are the size of avocados. mmmm just 3 weeks to go before they start dropping to the ground. And how timely with our winter coming on because they are brimming with vitamin C. A scoop of heaven on a spoon.
    This was a very unkind post wasn’t it massive–I can see your mouth watering

    It is my all time favourite fruit … and you’ve reminded me I need to email the grower here in Australia that I order from. It’s getting close to fruiting season!

    wish i could share my crop with you!!!

    So do I! Grew up with a tree that had prolific crops, and was so disappointed to find they weren’t grown here (until recently). I about 15 years ago I paid $85 for an imported small box cos my local greengrocer had found them at the market. Thankfully they’re a lot cheaper than that from the grower down the coast.

    Double happy! You have a tree here in the UK?! Wow. What’s your address please, owing to raid it! Joking haha. Well it musnt be due to the climate they don’t grow them here…we have a good sized garden so going to look into planting one.

    Oh sorry massive if I have led you up the wrong garden path–I’m in NZ. Hopefully you can get a tree growing up your way. There is some debate about if you need two trees for cross fertilizing, but not sure about that–I just happen to have two. there are about 10 different varieties. As I recall it took mine about 3 years to bear fruit (now they are 27 years old) We even grow them as hedges down here.
    I can’t see why they wouldn’t grow for you—the only thing we don’t have here in Hamilton is snow,
    keep me posted. and since they are so good for health and keeping one regular we are not too off the WOE topic.

    Yum I love Feijoa. I got them at a fruit shop here in Australia. Just ask your local fruit shop not a big one like Coles or Woolworths. Good luck.

    Arla can you give me the details for the supplier in Australia please.

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