Happy Xmas December 2023 Challenge

This topic contains 235 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  Maui 1 year, 2 months ago.

Viewing 36 posts - 201 through 236 (of 236 total)

  • Day 25 to 27- Ireland – NFD 🚫🚶‍♂️✅ 🌾

    Hi all, we have had a lovely Christmas here – quiet but busy darting between a few houses and keeping it low stress for mum 💕
    I’ve managed to swim both days and entice visiting relatives in to the balmy Irish waters 😂😂😂

    @merryapple good for you getting out and without 🐶 ⭐️ @funshipfreddie it’s pouring here now.. and not expected to let up for a while.
    @stitchincarol enjoy your time in California ♥️.
    @northgeorgia you have had a very tough year but you’re still here…. New year is just around the bend.
    @maui lovely to hear about your son – he sounds really lovely 💕
    Your walk to the beach sounds divine and after the cold and damp of the Irish beach I can only imagine the feeling of bliss with your toes in the sand over there. ☀️ 🏝️

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 27 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 225 lbs. Very good WFD yesterday. Will probably fast again either tomorrow or Friday.

    Day 27 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    I’m home! 🚗 I got home to a sunny Summerstrand, but it’s very windy & the sea looks like pea soup. I toyed with the idea of going to pick up Boo Boo earlier, but I’ve decided she must suffer until tomorrow 😈

    @northgeorgia – look at you?! a Boxing Day FD?! Show-off 😂 💪 I’m in awe 😲

    and @jaifaim – swimming in the sea in the middle of winter?! I’d die 🥶️

    I’ll assess the damage tomorrow morning, & then most likely do Friday & Sunday FDs. It would be nice – miraculous even! – if I can end the month at the weight I started 🎯

    Day 27 Monterey, CA NFD

    The spread of goodies is extensive, but I’m doing a decent job of limiting and even entirely avoiding them. The wine, however, is not being limited! 😂😂😂

    Today we’re walking along Cannery Row and going to the Monterey Aquarium, then having our Christmas Dinner– including my Christmas puddings!–and opening presents.

    I wish I could weigh in and know if the scales think I’m being as well behaved as I’m saying. 😂🤣😂🤣

    Day 27 USA/Hawaii FD800

    @jaifaim Thanks for your kind words and the mention of swimming as it’s something I want to add to my life. Living a short 3 minute walk to the beach, I really have no excuse! But all things in time… at least I am putting my feet in the sand and toes in the water twice a day. Lol

    Today is a big cleaning day… getting ready to host a single mom and young daughter for this coming weekend. They’ve had a rough time and this will provide a little R&R. Not accustomed to a young child in the house but I’ve dug out a teddy bear collection my DH and I had from years ago. Will clean and put in the sun so they are fresh and bright. Sprinkle some around the house so she will have the fun of discovering them. We’ve booked a tour of my friend’s Animal Farm where the kids can pet the animals. So we are off to a good start I think.
    Best wishes to all fasting today or just trying to maintain.
    Going for a FD 800 … still hoping for the scales to give me a smile or at least as wink before Jan 1.

    Day 28 NZ FD 79kg

    Last FD of the year (I hope!). I do have a friend coming over for dinner so hopefully will be able to keep a lid on excesses😄

    @funshipfreddie If Boo Boo hears about this you’ll be in the dog house…
    @northgeorgia Hats off to you!
    @maui What fun for the wee one to discover Christmas Teddies in your house! And a lovely thing to do for someone.
    @jaifaim Are you swimming in the North Sea? Kudos and Brrrr! Do you take a run at the water and just keep going. It’s always the getting in that’s the problem until you go comfortably numb!!!
    @stitchincarol I know exactly where you are! What fun! I read Jack London’s Cannery Row book after visiting. And the jazz festival. It sounds like you’re having a fabulous time!

    Steely Resolve to the FDers

    Pocket List

    Day 28 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    It’s so nice to wake up at home. I had a lovely time, but I never feel fully relaxed or sleep that well when I’m away.

    Damage assessment accomplished, & I’m only about a kilo over my maintenance goal! Two strict FDs could see me back at my goal weight by Jan 1st 😃 It seems too good to be true; I think I ate more meat & cookies in the last few days than I did in the entire year 🐷 But I can’t face a FD today. I need to do a few errands & pick up the moggie, so it looks like it’ll have to be Fri/Sunday.

    @merryapple – I know?! She’d never forgive me 😾 Have a good FD, & I hope you get some pocket list company 🎯

    “You will never always be motivated, you have to learn to be disciplined” ~ Unknown

    Day 28- No. VA USA-FD

    I am doing a fast day today because the scales were unkind–or perhaps just honest, one has to face the # when the onslaught of carbs and fizzy wine finally adds up! I have also cleaned the fridge of remnants of holiday temptations.
    @merryapple, I will join you on the pocket list!
    @funshipfreddie, glad to hear you had a good trip and I admit to doing the same “extra day” thing with our dogs at the boarding kennel when we returned from trips…Not sure they noticed, though.
    @northgeorgia, a pretty decent month for you, particularly considering all the challenges you have faced this year
    @maui, you too have had such a difficult year; it is so kind to be able to give a gift of time and energy to a little family that needs it
    @stitchincarol, I Hope you enjoyed beautiful Monterey
    Off to work now. All the flu sufferers come in to validate their diagnoses, and none has a good reason why they didn’t just try the flu shot this year. I have limited sympathy, it seems!

    Day 28. Pocket list

    Day 28, London, UK, NFD,

    I hope everyone had a lovely Xmas, I myself, did not!!……………. I came down with what appeared to be a stinker of a cold on day 23…………. Tested myself on day 24, only to find I had COVID!!😱😭😭

    So Xmas dinner was in jeopardy, but my family all said this was the one Xmas day we should be together.🤗 So I masked up kept my distance, ate what seemed to be a cardboard dinner and have been recovering from the headache from hell & the runny nose since then!! I think my brother was the only casualty!

    I’ll catch-up on posts later, I’ll need to get on the fasting wagon tomorrow as my efforts have been a bit half hearted for a week or so.😡😡

    Stay strong folks!!

    Day 28 Monterey, CA NFD

    Today, we’re going down to Big Sur and having a picnic of sorts; tonight we’re going to Spanish Bay to enjoy the bagpiper at sunset. https://www.pebblebeach.com/dining/the-lobby-lounge/bagpiper/

    We’re so active each day that I’ve hit 10K steps every day, so that’s helping to burn some of the calories I’m eating, but, also, I haven’t had a cookie since the first day, so I’m not doing horribly in the self control department.

    I’m sorry I’m not managing to reply to anyone– except, @flourbaby, I’m incredibly sad for you that you’re suffering so with covid; what a lovely family you have that they insisted you join them for Christmas Day. 🥰💞❣️❤️

    Day 28 – USA/GA – FD(?)

    Weigh-in: ugly 229 lbs, but I did do a WFD and broke it with “Olive Garden” breadsticks and soft drinks with my mom and my brothers’ kids, so… I shouldn’t be surprised. Hoping to pull off a FD today, but if it falls apart, I’ll push it to tomorrow. Likely do the FD500 to stop the bouncing around. Honestly thinking of returning to all FD500s next year and throwing in some TRE days to supplement.

    I’m thinking of keeping a “naughty food journal,” not detailing everything I eat, but listing the things I know better that go straight to my waistline and add little nutritional value: soft drinks, candy, processed food, junk, etc. I think a pattern will emerge of all the nasty stuff that crept back in over the last couple of years that I think I’m enjoying “occasionally,” but have really become major daily habits again. It should make it easier to spot those things and help me reduce their intake. I already know the soft drinks are at the top of the list. Why I plunged back in face first is beyond me, but there you have it. I’ll be curious what else is popping up three or four times a day!

    Second post

    A dream written down with a date becomes a goal.

    A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan.

    A plan backed by action becomes reality.

    Day 29 NZ NFD 79kg

    No change despite a FD. Hope yours went better @excelsior12309
    That’s a good summary @stitchincarol
    @northgeorgia Do what works for you!
    @flourbaby Oh I’m so sorry to hear this. That was lovely your family stayed together. I hope you feel brighter soon.
    @funshipfreddie Only a kilo over! Not too bad.
    Raining and muggy here in Auckland. I’m watching women’s cricket on TV.

    Pocket List

    Day 29 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @flourbaby – oh no?!! How infuriating? 😤 I hope you’re feeling better by New Year’s Eve & that you’ll feel like partying up a storm! 🥳️ I’m planning on being asleep by 11 pm though 😅

    @stitchincarol – I hope you enjoyed the bagpipes? I think I’ve eaten enough cookies for both of us 🐽

    @excelsior12309 – Boo Boo’s being so clingy, she was asleep on my lap half an hour after we got home. Then she whined all night because I wouldn’t let her in the bedroom. She’s actually asleep on my lap right now – I’m thinking of taking her back for the weekend 😂

    @merryapple – you’ve done brilliantly too! You really didn’t gain anything over Christmas! 🎯

    @northgeorgia – sounds like a plan. It certainly couldn’t hurt! Whatever gets you closer to your goal. I just need to stay away from those Lindt chocolates. I ate a whole box-full in two days. So I bought 6 yesterday (they sell them loose in the Lindt store) thinking I was being frugal, & that they’d last me a couple of days. Who was I kidding? Gone. 🥴️ At least I’m still tee-total 😇

    Happy Fri-yay y’all! 🍹

    Pocket List – Day 29 🥚

    Day 29 – Ireland – NFD 🚫🚶‍♂️✅ 🌾

    Oh no @flourbaby what a shame for you to have Covid! But what a fabulous family you have 💕💕 it would have been awful for you to be on your own but I’m sure they also wanted your company 💕🎄💕
    @excelsior12309 good plan clearing the remnants! I hope work was not too manic and can understand your frustration ⭐️
    @stitchincarol I’m enjoying your account of your trip. One of my favourite trips was driving the PCH from SF to LA a good few years ago now 20+ 😱. Stopping off in Monterey, San Luis Obispo (Madonna inn – fun!) and hiking in Big Sur – Buzzards Roost stands out as a memory.. 🥵 🧗‍♀️

    I’m hoping to get back stateside in 2024… we shall see. Long trips are trickier now with responsibilities here 💕💕. You enjoy every minute ⭐️ bravo to you on the self control 💪
    Great words on your second post 🥰

    @northgeorgia I don’t have a naughty list per se but this year I did keep track of foods to see what was triggering headaches, aches and skin problems and it’s quite illuminating actually.. If you could see it as a positive rather than a negative list that might help the mindset going onto this next habit? We all plunge back into our bad habits from time to time but so long as you don’t consistently take in the food which makes you feel bad you will be winning ⭐️⭐️⭐️ you are already.. you are here 💪

    @funshipfreddie 😂 poor Boo Boo! She’s making you pay now 😂😂 🐱. I was given a box of yummy GF handmade chocs which I demolished because they were gluten free… 😂🙃 they still have all the sugar. Cals , etc… but seemed like a fab treat at the time 😇

    @merryapple Bravo to you on no gain ⭐️ and maybe a delayed FD effect 🙏. Our weather is rubbish too!! I’m working today as no point taking the day off.. I’ve got wet every single day since Christmas on walks or swims… so a dry day today 😂

    Oh to answer.. it’s the Irish Sea so not quite as cold as the North Sea – I’ve always swum as was a lifeguard when I was young so it’s not so bizarre for me but it’s incredible how many people have taken to “sea swimming” here… to me it’s just swimming 😂😂 as you enter the water at any time in Ireland your body is ever so slightly shocked but it’s a fabulous feeling and often helps to jolt me out of inertia 🤣🤣
    @maui I envy you the beautiful waters of the Pacific! Keep putting those toes in and walk a little further each day and you’ll be in 💕💕

    I’m surprised on weigh in today that after a week of good food, non alcoholic bevvies and lots of sugar etc I’m at 157lbs.. 😄
    I expected to be more and there may be a delay but I won’t know til next Friday which will give me at least 2 FDs to rectify any damage.. 🤣. Method to my madness.

    I’ll have some bubbly on NYE 🍾 as we will all be together that night…a big party for all the generations of our lovely family at our family home and it may not happen again as the young ones aren’t so young anymore and live all over the world… and mum is failing more each day but… still knows us all and is at home. It’s a big house so she won’t really be aware of the party but it means she will be with us 💕💕

    Ok back to work before I take off again.. hello to all who are there but not posting. Missing some of our regulars… you know who you are💕💕 hopefully we will see everyone in 2024 🌅

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 29 – Monterey CA -NFD

    Yesterday was NOT a day of stellar behavior. Because of all the driving, I only got 3K steps and in the evening baked our family favorite (date nut swirls, which I brought frozen and ready to slice and bake) and ate too many and then went nuts with some white cheddar popcorn. Oh well, I can make a point of behaving well today.

    Today we’re going down to the wharf to wander and also for a lunch of clam chowder, then to the butterfly sanctuary (https://www.cityofpacificgrove.org/our_city/departments/public_works/city_owned_infrastructure/buildings___grounds/monarch_sanctuary.php), and then home for the rest of day both because we all want a down day and also because it is going to rain all day. For supper, I’m making salmon and a veggie and DS27 is making risotto. There will be much pinochle, LOL.

    DH saw the quote and showed me and said it would be good for the forum and I agreed so that’s where it came from.

    And the waves yesterday were MASSIVE… some of the largest I’ve ever seen, and I grew up on the coast!

    Okay, it’s time to take a shower and start the day. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 29 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 226 lbs. It’s fondue time! LOL… got a fondue pot from Aldi and decided to try it out while my niece and nephew are young. Going for a traditional cheese fondue here at lunch time. I’ll be sure to write down anything awful in my naughty journal, like the bread 😉 haha

    Day 30 NZ NFD 78.5kg 🏃🏼‍♀️

    It’s so muggy here – 98% humidity that you just don’t feel motivated to do anything including eat… but I went for my third 30 minute walk! Sun block plus humidity is making sweat run into my eyes (not because of excessive speed, I can assure you!) and my glasses are completely fogged up. But I did it! I am going to take on your idea @jaifaim of using the wee icons to keep tabs on my activity, thank you! That’s so great you’re back in maintenance. The adrenaline shock of that cold water must use up a fair bit of glucose!!
    @funshipfreddie Aw Boo Boo. Stay sitting in his lap and don’t let him get up for another Lindt chocolate!!
    @maui Enjoy the sun surf and sea. It’s never too late to learn to swim. The sea water keeps you nice and buoyant compared to lake water!
    @northgeorgia Haha! Enjoy it while you can!
    @stitchincarol We’re big fans of the pipes here. And Mr Mac can hear them still! I saw your weather forecast… It’s looking pretty spectacular over the next couple of days.
    @flourbaby I hope you’re perking up now. Cardboard tasting food at Christmas is super annoying…
    @excelsior12309 I’m with you. If you have the flu and no flu shot, don’t expect sympathy and stay home!! I hope you have avoided catching it…
    Yes as @jaifaim says, anyone lurking out there, please get ready to join us in two days!!

    Hope you have got your ducks in a row and sorted out your resolutions for Hogmanay!!

    Day 30 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 71.2 kg! 🎉

    A hassle-free FD. No surprise there, after all the junk I’ve eaten this week. I’m just a whisker away from December’s starting weight of 70.9 kg. One more FD tomorrow. Rain is on the way later, & it’s going to continue until late Monday/early Tuesday. Hopefully it will deter the New Year revellers from letting off fireworks & freaking out the birds & domestic pets.

    @merryapple – My chocoholic friend in Snells Beach also mentioned the heat & humidity yesterday. But, look at you?! Another half a kilo down! 🏅 That’s 2 kg you’ve lost, during the most difficult month of the year! Like you didn’t know that? 😂 You’re invincible 💪

    @jaifaim – I thought chocolate was naturally gluten-free? Do some types contain gluten?I guess the KitKat types would; but plain milk or dark chocolate? Or is it the same as with oatmeal + wheat products, i.e. chocolate is manufactured in factories where wheat-containing confectionery is made? I think I learn something new almost every day on this site 😅

    Michael Mosley’s weekly column from the UK Mail:-

    Have a good weekend everyone 🌤 🌈

    Day 30 – Ireland – NFD 🚫🚶‍♂️✅ 🌾

    @funshipfreddie yep that’s exactly it… generally chocolate itself is GF but if it’s mixed with anything you need to check the pack or in a box of chocolates there may be some with gluten and if the chocolates aren’t individually packaged they may be contaminated. So a Bounty is gf but a double decker isn’t as an example.…gluten protein is used as a binder also so some people react to shampoos, straws … isn’t it so strange but like you I’ve learned so much this year…
    Super well done on a Yuletide FD ⭐️🎄⭐️

    @merryapple well done to you on stepping it up! 🚶🏽‍♀️ I’m going to go for an early walk here if I can’t get back to sleep… I’m driving again later to friends so would be nice to have had my exercise. And thank you! I’m not back in maintenance but i am back to where I was just before Christmas so happy with that. 2 lbs to go….
    Maintenance for January 🙏 although I do have a ski trip soon 🙃
    You know what maybe the cold water did the trick… ❄️ shocked it off me 😂

    @stitchincarol oooh the waves sound amazing! I hope you enjoyed the butterfly 🦋 sanctuary – I’m sure it was magical, and the rest day. 💕

    @northgeorgia enjoy the fondue set! They are great fun and particularly with children… yummm bread & cheese 😋

    Ok I’m up and at it… 🚶🏽‍♀️🌅 ☔️

    Is someone lined up to host January I wonder?

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    2nd post


    Here’s the January 2024 sheet ready and rearing to go!
    Cheers everyone!

    2nd Post – Day 30

    @merryapple – thank you! Loving the purple 💜

    Thank you @merryapple 🍎💕

    Day 30 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 228 lbs. The fondue went well! Only slightly over a pound gain, but the journal is working. I still overindulged on some things I rather wouldn’t have yesterday (my niece didn’t finish nearly a whole cup of soft drink — what a waste, won’t you share a cookie with me, etc.) But now I’m giving it a second thought before I take a sip or a bite — good things will come of it.

    It has been a pleasure hosting this month. Although on a personal level I didn’t experience weight loss, I think I did rediscover my motivation and direction for the coming months.

    I’ll fast again on the 2nd.

    Day 29 & 30 USA/Hawai’i NFD
    Just noticed I did not post yesterday! Busy day of moving stuff around and getting everything in place for our visiting mom and young daughter. Teddy Bears cleaned up and ready to play. Boy, were those bears happy to see a little fun after being hidden for so many years! And they got a big welcome from our little visitor!
    Today I will control calories as the final December weigh in will be tomorrow. I would say FD but with company it’s not likely.
    @merryapple thank you so much for stepping up to host for January! Count me in.
    I’m posting on my phone while sitting at the beach this morning. It’s a beautiful day and I am thankful to be here sending out my little post to be read by my fellow travelers on the 5/2 journey sprinkled around planet earth.

    Day 31 NZ NFD 78.2kg 🏃🏼‍♀️

    Wow! I’m not sure why the sudden drop but I’ll take it! I have been more active doing some heavy duty gardening, cleaning etc and adding a walk in. Angostura Bitters, ice and soda water is a fav drink at the moment rather than just tea and coffee.

    Thank you @maui for volunteering me to host!! I was thinking about it as a back up in case someone else desperately wanted to do it but I’ve started the new topic now!! And thank you @northgeorgia for hosting last month. I had a giggle when I reread your Xmas intro. I’m so pleased for you that you have your mojo back.
    @jaifaim Take another dip in the frigid waters or maybe a snow angel in your bathers and you’ll be back to your magic number in no time!!
    @stitchincarol I think you forgot to write down the quote! Wow the butterflies look amazing. I remember seeing them in ???Costa Rica on one of David Attenborough’s Planet Earth series but didn’t know they gathered on the US West Coast also.
    @funshipfreddie Thanks for the compliment…😌 I think it’s the weather… I still have a ways to go but every little bit helps. I know a couple of people from Snell’s Beach but no-one who can eat chocolate with impunity! It’s a nice beach. Have you visited?

    Have a fabulous Hogmanay celebration wherever you are and see you in 2024!!

    Day 30

    Oops, forgot to post this morning, because 7 of our 18 were leaving. Too much food, but perhaps less than than yesterday?

    No, @merryapple, the quote was my second post of day 28.

    I’ll try to post in the morning.

    2nd post
    @stitchincarol Gottit!

    Day 31 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    I had a very controlled day yesterday, & somehow I’ve dropped another 0.2 kg. December FD # 11 today, so I’ll definitely be ending the month a bit lighter than I started it. It’s a miracle! ✨ Although I suspect 11 FDs had something to do with it 😅

    @merryapple – I realised you were only intending to set up the spreadsheet, & I would’ve got the ball rolling if you hadn’t, but – thanks for setting up ‘Jaunty January’. I’ve been to New Zealand a few times. My parents are laid to rest at Tara cemetery, near where they lived in Mangawhai. My chocoholic friend in Snells Beach established the Baldrock Kennels & Cattery in Kaiwaka about 20 years ago. She no longer owns it, but it’s still going strong.

    @northgeorgia – thanks for hosting ‘Happy Xmas December’ 🙏 Congrats to everyone who’s lost, maintained or just clung on for the ride. Well done @merry🍎 for the 2.3 kg/5 lb ⬇️ 🥳️ 👏

    See you all next year! 🍾

    Pocket List – Day 31 🍌

    Day 31 – Ireland – NFD 🚫🚶‍♂️✅ 🌾

    Hi all, happy last day of this year. I’ve learned lots more about “me” this year and I am looking forward to continued connection with you all next year. Thanks for being there everyone and especially @northgeorgia for hosting this month ⭐️🎄⭐️.

    Thanks so much @merryapple 🍎⭐️ for setting up the Jaunty January challenge!! You are a star ⭐️.

    Enjoy whatever way you celebrate this last day – for me a walk first thing in blustery country air, a nice lunch in a country pub and a big celebration with all the family tonight – aka “the travelling wilburys” 😂😂. Everyone disperses from tomorrow back across the globe 🌎

    Much love and gratitude to all you wonderful challengers.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    day 31-No. VA USA-NFD
    Thank you, @northgeorgia for hosting December, and thanks to @merryapple for handling January 2024. Best wishes and Happy New Year to all the Fasters!

    Day 31 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 230 lbs. I try not to let it bother me that I went backwards. I gained 11 lbs since Jan 1 this year. I tell myself to give myself grace because it was such a difficult year. I tell myself the holiday period is a hard time. I tell myself I fell back into bad habits and I’m trying to correct them. But it still feels horrible to continue an effort and see the opposite results. Still, that’s life, especially with being off work and everyone wanting to celebrate 🙂

    I know I need to really watch out and change the habits that have crept in over the past couple of years on NFDs. I know I need to spend less time on a screen and more time in activity. It’s time to act — my body has had plenty of time in the last two years to adjust to the new weight level, then started storing up pounds again. Since it enjoyed storing that body fat so much this year, it can burn it up next year. Marie Antoinette has a New Year’s message to those hungry little cells: “Forget the cake. Let them eat body fat!”

    Hopefully, the 230s will subside over the next couple of NFDs. I’ll start the next FD on Jan. 2, upon returning to work. I’m looking forward to a lean winter! It has been my pleasure to host this month. I hope most of you maintained your weight, lost, or like me, gained a couple but will see things through the holiday period. Let’s resolve to making 2024 our year. I’m in the planning stages of a nice trip away with a friend this spring for a needed break; that will help motivate me this winter to get my waistline under control 🙂

    See you in 2024!

    Day 31 – Monterey, CA – NFD

    Just heard from my sis and her dh that they lost weight while they were here. I’m not thinking I’ll have the same story to tell, but that’s lovely for them!

    Today is a down day of football on the tv,a jigsaw puzzle, pinochle, and some knitting when I have a chance. We’ll have appetizers for tonight, but won’t stay up late. At church this morning, I sang two duets with my eldest sister (it’s her church), and that was fun. Tomorrow will be a long walk in the morning.

    Thanks, @northgeorgia, for hosting December. See you all in January!

    Day 31 – USA/TN

    Hello, all! It’s been a roller-coaster ride this month, and have been going up and down in weight, but bottomed out today at 142.8, about 2.8 lbs. over my goal for December. I’m hoping 2024 will be a year of healthy weight loss and maintenance. A friend made me some sugar-laden pastries that I am rationing until they’re gone. It’s tough to wake the sugar monster again, but EOEO with healthy LCHF foods come January. I’ve been keeping up daily with all of your posts. Unfortunately, I’ve also been working double duty, so not much to report from one week to the next. See you on the other side!

    Day 31 USA/HI NFD
    Well I ran out the door with DS and guests this morning without weighing in! At this point I will just start anew tomorrow on Jan 1. We had a lovely morning at the Ocean Center and our little guest was thrilled. Now DS has everyone off for fishing and a beach afternoon. I am relaxing at home.
    Thanks again to @northgeorgia for hosting December! @merryapple I really appreciate that you are stepping up to the plate for January after I volunteered you. Misread the text about you posting the spread sheet for January. Lol
    Tomorrow is another year and we’ll see what it brings!

Viewing 36 posts - 201 through 236 (of 236 total)

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