Half way there!

This topic contains 73 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Lindanaf 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hi Linda!

    Glad to hear all is going well and you were able to work the flexibility of 5:2 to your advantage, as I did also this week. Thursday was my Mum’s birth and what started out as a Fast Day changed when she invited me out to lunch! It’s the first time I’ve ever reneged on a fast day and I didn’t feel guilty in the slightest.

    My absence over the last few weeks can be explained that I’m totally plateuing with only 3kg left to go and this – I’m sure – can be explained by eating normally for me… i.e. Quite a lot of G&T, normal portions, bread, hot cross buns…!! I think if I probably made the decision to clean up my act the other 5 days I could shed those last 3kg but I’m happy enough with myself at the Moment its not such a big deal!

    50 days left til I get married and I suppose sometime less to finish making my wedding dress so if I decide I’d like to lose a little more for that I could step it up to 4:3 or just be a good girl during the week!

    Happy Easter everyone! πŸ™‚

    Hi LittleWing.

    It’s a good feeling isn’t it, to not feel guilty when life is after all, for living! Mums are precious, too πŸ™‚
    I weighed again this morning and was the same as Saturday…up .6 this week.
    Sooo next week will have to go back to being diligent on the fast days, and sensible on NFDs. Sounds easy…

    Wow! So close to your goal, and your wedding! You must be getting excited, now! Yeh, I think I’ve been a bit complacent with what I’ve been eating on the other five days. Staying the same isn’t too bad, but gaining just isn’t right!

    I ended up making my own Easter buns, as they had run out in Woolies!
    They turned out beautiful! Just might have to give some away, so I’m not tempted to eat them all!

    Hears to being good girls,
    Happy Easter πŸ™‚

    Wed 8th April.
    I’ve decided to do 4:3 this week to see if I can get rid of that naughty .6 I managed to put on. Mon went well, considering it was a holiday here. Today is going well, too, so far. Had a plum and a coffee. It’s getting cooler, so might have a cup a soup. Chicken noodle (home brand) is only 34 cals! Dinner will be lots of sliced mushrooms, a grated carrot and grated zucchini, a roma tomato and some onion. All stir fried with a little coconut oil and a few herbs and spices. Yumm!
    Of course, lots of water and a few herbal teas.
    Next week I’m off on holiday. Three weeks in a caravan. Hope to try and get a couple of fast days in, but not stressing too much.
    Happy Wednesday πŸ™‚

    Thurs 9th April.
    Not a fast day today, this week, as doing 4:3.
    Still, I’ve only had two coffees and a plum. I know I can have whatever, but for some reason, I seem to be resisting, even though I feel a little squeamish / hungry….weird!!!
    I think I just want to make sure that .6 goes!
    Going out for Chinese tonight. So looking forward to that πŸ™‚
    Well, better go eat some salad or something,
    Have an awesome Thursday, whatever you’re doing or wherever you may be πŸ™‚

    Fri 10th April.
    Fast day again. Had a couple of coffees, and a little bit of paw paw.
    Tuna and salad for lunch and the good old veg stir fry for dinner.
    Keep forgetting to drink my water! On here too long I think πŸ˜‰
    Off on the road trip tomorrow. So probably won’t be eating much. BUT…we always have KFC as a treat when doing a road trip, so, looking forward to that!
    Have a good day, it’s just beautiful here! πŸ™‚

    Hi Guy’s
    My weight is 95 Kg.

    I feel uncomfortable mentioning my weight as most people see my low weight and think that I don’t have any problems.But as I am short and petite frame anything over 60kg doesn’t carry well on me. It good to find similar size people to relate to.
    Thanks for listening!

    Fri 1st May.
    Hello peeps, Been away in Victoria for three weeks. Had a lovely time. Walking the river, riding and walking the Gippsland Rail Trail. Eating , drinking, and generally loving life πŸ™‚ Victoria is an amazing place, love it so much!!
    Now, back to reality and hopefully (well, not really…) normality. I didn’t weigh once while away, which is quite confronting, as I’ve been doing it regularly now since Sept.
    I was really quite surprised this morning when I finally did get on the scales. Only .3 kl (300g) up in three weeks! I just love the way this woe/wol has such an influence on how you see food.
    I didn’t go crazy and binge on stupid fatty things, but also didn’t hold back when the odd pizza and glass (or bottle! ) of wine presented itself.
    On the whole, I’m wrapped with 5:2 I hope everyone else is enjoying this as much as me πŸ™‚
    Hi there andrewjohn, seems no one has been here for a while. Welcome and best of luck, this truly is the BEST diet EVER!!!

    Mon 11th May.
    Still trying to get back to normal, regarding fasting and losing weight.
    Weighed 62 on Friday, up 100g πŸ™ Seems I’m stuck in this weight range.
    This week I’m going to try a 4:3 to see if it helps.
    Lots of wine and nibbles on the weekend didn’t help either! But Mothers Day only comes around once a year, and we all had a great day πŸ™‚
    Todays fast has been one of the easiest for ages! Only had one apple, one carrot a few grapes and mushroom and veg stir fry for dinner. Lots of tea and coffee and water in between. Working and being distracted with reading and house work also helps. Good luck πŸ™‚

    Sat 16th May.
    Did 4:3 this week. Mon, Wed and Friday. I knew Friday was going to be “different”…
    Nearly made it! Then 3 o’clock came around… caved in with a medicinal brandy. Have had a sore throat on and off for two weeks now. Ever since coming home from Vic. Then… hubby came home early and decided to have a little fire outside under the stars…well you can’t have a fire without a nice glass of red or three…
    But this morning I was 300g lighter than last week, so I’m pretty happy with that. My bmi is 26.4 so still want to lose a bit more. I checked what weight I should ne to have a bmi of 24, and it was 57 kg, so still a few to go.
    I started reading the 5:2 diet book again from front to back. I’m only a little way in, but already feel it waking me up again.
    Hope everyone out there in 5:2 land is enjoying the benefits and rewards of this wol/woe as much as I am πŸ™‚
    Have a wonderful weekend peeps πŸ˜‰

    Sat 23rd May.
    Morning πŸ™‚
    Woke to a cool breezy day today. Winter is on it’s way, even to the Sunny Gold Coast, brrr!
    Did two good fasts last week and cut out wine altogether. I lost 300g. A little closer to goal, so I’m a happy chappy again. Funny how the numbers on a scale can make or break your day and mood.
    Actually looking forward to some cooler weather so I can try out my new slow cooker. Love spicy curries and the good old apricot chicken, with basmati rice on NFD’s and just on it’s own on FD’s.
    I made a lemon and cucumber drink last week, (recipe from the 5:2 facebook page) and drank that throughout the day. It was nice at first but the cucumber started to get very overpowering! Next time will use a lot less, and add more of the ginger, which I hardly tasted.
    I also made some lovely veg soup with lots of garlic, celery, onion, carrots, cabbage, zucchini and a couple of stock cubes. Nice and low cal to eat on FD’s.
    Looking forward to a new week,
    Happy days πŸ™‚

    Fri 29th May.
    Well winter is almost upon us ( here in oz, anyway) Love all the winter foods… roasts and stews and casseroles…
    Any way, had two good fast days this week, seem to have fallen back into a routine, thank goodness! I bought a 1 litre bottle of soup from Aldi for fast days this week. It was a Spanish Gazpacho, made to have cold… but I put it in the micro for a couple of minutes, and it was delish! 86 cals for 250ml serve. Also dinner time had the now usual mushroom, zucchini, carrot, onion ,tomato stir fry. So simple but yum and low in cals.
    Weighed in this morning at 100g down from last week. Talk about slow and steady!!!! :\
    Keep up the 5:2 ing and have a great weekend πŸ™‚

    Sat6th June.

    Well I think the diligence paid off this week. I had a good loss of 600g! which is just amazing for a slow loser like me! So I’m finally out of the 61’s
    60.7 now.
    I also took measurements this week. I only do it like every three months or so. Lots of cm’s gone, woo hoo!
    I’ve been reading other posts in different forums ( I’m a bit of a quiet stalker) and have also noticed my new slimmer skin is a bit wrinklier than when it was puffed up with extra fat…sound positively grose… but I’ve started using moisturiser a lot more. It does make a difference.
    Very windy here on the Goldy today, so must put on a little extra cream.
    Today is bacon and egg and mushrooms for breaky. I have that around 10 ish. It’s funny how this wol/woe has changed the way I eat. Before 5:2 I couldn’t go an hour after rising , with out having to eat , now I can go hours!
    Also, hunger doesn’t frighten me any more.
    Must go and do some house work now, and later, the slow cooker is coming out.
    Spicy beef stew with dumplings…
    Avagoodweekend πŸ™‚

    Mon 8th June.

    Fast day today, and a public holiday ( thank you Queenie πŸ™‚ )
    Had a thought to clean out the fridge and found lots of bits of veg, so I now have a large veg soup in the pressure cooker. MMmm , smells good!
    Plus my veg crisper section is a lot tidier!
    I’ve been reading about the benefits of coconut oil, and one suggestion was to put a tbsp in your morning coffee….I tried a ts and didn’t like it much. I do have the odd spoonful when I remember, as it really is good for you. The article also said it was good for your thyroid and weight loss. Wonderful oil all the same, and often mistaken as being fattening and bad for you!
    Enjoy your Monday people, fasting or not.

    great ! keep doing it .i am at the beginning .hope it will be smooth

    Sat 13th June.

    Well after last weeks great loss of 600g, I seem to have put some back. Up 700g ! Not very happy about that… but when I look at my progress graph, it is all ups and downs like a big lightening bolt! BUT the trend is downward, so although I’m a bit put out (to put it mildly) I know it will come off again. Just another frustration to get over in the weight loss journey.
    I tried to go back,over what I might have done “wrong ” but I just don’t know.
    “This week will be better” I’m telling myself… “drink more water, maybe”
    Yes, more water this week, even if I have to heat it a bit in the microwave!

    Have a nice weekend losers,…I mean that in a positive way, of course!

    Hello to you, clairlv. I hope you enjoy this 5:2 way of life. It is very rewarding! Do use all the tools provided, like the tracker and the forums. I keep reading the book over and over…I seem to pick up on different things all the time. Good luck to you, and enjoy yourself πŸ™‚

    Your posts are a great inspiration. Keep up the good work and enjoy your new wol.

    Mon 15th June.

    Another fast day nearly over. I think I did quite well today, took my own advice, and have been drinking more water. All up, so far, 1 apple (87cal)two chicken noodle cup a soups (34cal each) 1 gazpacho soup (Aldi, 86cal) and about 10 strawberries, (less than 30cals.) I decided to keep it very low cal and simple today to try and shock the system a bit. One day when I’m very brave , I’d like to try a water only day… but not brave enough as yet!
    I still don’t particularly like the empty, sickly feeling of hunger. I feel quite nauseous sometimes when I haven’t eaten for a while, which is probably one of the reasons I’m overweight!

    Thank you MichellMB for your kind words πŸ™‚ I wish you well, also.

    Off to drink some more water now, nighty night πŸ˜‰

    Sat27th June.

    Having a bit of a “what on earth!” moment right now…
    I had another gain last week, only 800g, but I hate coming on here with a gain πŸ™ it just feels so wrong!
    So, I didn’t put my stats in the tracker…hoping “it” would just go away.
    Nooo… it didn’t go away…it just got bigger!!
    This week another gain of 400g.
    I hate it when that happens! I feel like a whole month has been wasted πŸ™
    Then I was reading on another thread how a ladies weight went up and down and stayed the same for weeks on end, but has still lost x amount in x time and was happy about that, and I got thinking, “I should post my gains as well as my losses, because there might be some one out there reading my post thinking …it’s not fair! …she always loses!”
    I don’t know why this happens, but I’m still going to keep on going.
    Maybe I was getting a wee bit complacent on NFDs and having too many treats , just because I can…even if I don’t necessarily need them…
    So, it’s off to my tracker now and it’s time to enter the gains. and hopefully next week will be a different, happy, lighter, post πŸ™‚
    By the way, my clothes still fit, so I can still look in the (once) dreaded mirror and feel quite good about who and what I now see!
    So, on a happy note,
    avagoodweekend πŸ˜‰

    Sat 4th July.

    Seem to be just slowly plodding along at the moment. Did lose 100g this week, didn’t go up, so that’s good.
    BMI is 26.4, so I would like to be in a healthier range than that.
    Lovely winter weather here on the Goldy at the moment. Cool nights and clear warm sunny days. Great for a bit of gardening and later a nice hot pot of pea and ham soup…mmm, life’s pretty damn good πŸ™‚
    Short and sweet today (just like me, HA!)
    Have a great Saturday πŸ˜‰

    Sat 11th July.

    This week started great with a good fast on Monday, with fairly good choices till Thursday. Then something happened on Thursday fast day. I seemed to just “get over it” and had to eat πŸ™
    I think it was the grainy bread rolls I’d bought the day before…
    I just wanted to eat…
    I did make a huge pot of veg soup with a lot of “bottom of the fridge” stuff, and had two big bowls to try and stave off the cravings… but just couldn’t do it . Bugger!
    Funny thing is, I did manage to lose 200g this week. I was totally dreading stepping on those scales, with those horrible, nasty little numbers, just looking back up at me…
    But, the scale God was smiling this week πŸ™‚
    Happy days…
    till next week…
    We shall soldier on.

    Wow! Been MIA for a while. I think I needed a bit of a break from the 5:2 weekly thing. Been doing it for quite a while, and felt like my weight was stable. Sought of did 6:1, but also strayed a bit from healthy choices , with the thoughts of, “I’ve lost all this weight, so now I can eat a few naughty things!” But, although my weight didn’t increase that much, my cholesterol has gone right up! So it’s back to being sensible, no more scones with jam and cream, “just because I can”. It’s not all about the weight, it’s also the blood pressure and cholesterol etc, that I started this , so as of last Monday, it’s back to 5:2, properly πŸ™‚
    Salads, here I come πŸ™‚

    Friday 18th Sep

    Well it paid off!
    I did my old two fast, stuck with lovely big salad at lunch time, and steamed veg at dinner. I’m trying a new (for me) marg from Aldi that’s supposed to lower cholesterol. I’ve been very anti marg, and only used butter for ages, so it was a little strange, but we’ll see how that goes, too.
    Í actually gave up all alchohol this week also, as the med for chol says it can harm your liver while taking it, bugger. But it all payed off, as I lost 1.1kg this week!!!! BMI back to 26.
    Still have a few more ks to go, but feeling very positive again.
    I can do this! And so can you!
    Go Go Go weight, OFF OFF OFF!

    Hey Linda, how have you been getting on? Long time since I picked up on this thread! I put on 6lb after my wedding in May as I just let it all slide over the summer (beer and bbqs!) but have since got back on the wagon, and as I brushed out my dreadlocks over the summer I set myself a new, lower target weight of 119lb which I’ve been aiming towards since September and am now only 2lb away from!

    Hope you are still as ever positive as you were and always creeping closer towards your goal weight πŸ™‚

    Sat 17th Oct.

    Gosh, time flies! October already. Hi there LittleWing πŸ™‚ I’m glad you’re getting closer to your target,! You are doing well, but it’s all from being firm with yourself and having a strong will. Well done! I got a little complacent as I got closer to goal, but the weight seems to be stable at the moment. Last time I weighed I was 61.6 Still need to get to around 57.It’s a great diet to on this non diet! You can have your little breaks from it and not feel terribly guilty and the “I’ve failed” attitude just doesn’t come into it! And what’s summer without beer and barbys!
    Monday I’m getting back to a routine yet again. So much has been happening at home for the last couple of months, so it will be nice to get back to normal again.
    Till next time, have great week πŸ™‚

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