Half way there!

This topic contains 73 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Lindanaf 9 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 74 total)

  • 6.30 am Friday 30th Jan.
    Good morning, I’ve been doing 5:2 for 4 months now. At first had an initial big loss, then steady weekly losses, till Christmas time. Then it kind of went up a bit then down a bit ,back up a bit more and down a little more. I have enjoyed being in control of it all, though. If I gain it’s because of something I’ve done, not a “how did this happen! I’m doomed to get heavier!”
    This week I’ve been doing it pretty well right, so did have a loss of 500g which is great ๐Ÿ™‚
    I started off in September 2014 at 69kg.
    My goal is to be around the 56-58kg, which for my height, is ok.
    I’m 153cm or 5foot “tall”
    I have been as heavy as 83 quite a few years ago, and that was very uncomfortable!
    Bmi was 26. 9 (I think) this morning, so still quite a way to go to get in the healthy range.
    Off to have a nice cup of coffee now.
    Cheers ๐Ÿ™‚

    Well done lindanaf! We have similar starting weights and goals, but I am 5′ 2″ ‘tall’ (that made me smile!)

    Its still Thursday 29th where I am, just taking some sofa time at the end of a loooong fast day – looking forward to my nice big cup of milky coffee tomorrow morning now too!

    Hi there, well done!

    I am 5’6″ and started with 66kg. I have reached my goal weight off 56 kg some months ago. I am now fluctuating between 56 and 58 kg which is fine for me.

    Maintenance is frankly hard work. I can not allow myself to ease off but I have to constantly keep track of my intake. Myfitnesspal (a free app) helps a lot in keeping track of my daily calorie intake.

    I am now paying attention to my weekly calorie goal instead of my daily one. If I go over my limit one day I will pay attention the next.

    Anyhow, best of luck on your journey!

    Hi Little Wing, nice name ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s funny when you see other people who are a lot heavier, kinda saying “wow! I’d love to be 60 something kg”….but when you’re short, it does feel a lot, still.
    Hi Stef, oh to be 5’6”! Well done to reach your goal weight. It’s about the same as mine. Are you doing 6:1 for that? I’m just using a calorie counting book to look up things I usually eat, then write them in a book. I kept getting in a mess with mfp, not techy enough, I guess lol!
    Lovely sunny day here tody, (Sat) , might wander down to the local market. Have a good one, too. guys ๐Ÿ™‚

    Sunday 1st Feb. Pinch and punch !
    Beautiful morning here after the bad thunder storm yesterday arvo.
    A young man was struck by lightening not far from where I live. He died later in hospital, leaving a wife and two young babies. So sad.. you never know when your time is up.
    Not sure what to say today, 5:2 wise, fast day tomorrow, so I’ll go make some diet jelly, in case a sweet tooth arises! Maybe a large jug of iced tea, too. A good staple for fast days, in hot weather, that is.
    Cuppa soup (or home made) is nice on cold days. Woolies Home brand chicken noodle is only 34 cals a serve!
    Have a good day, Linda.

    Mon 2nd Feb.
    Fast day for me today. No breakie, just a late lunch of salad and fish. Dinner will be fish again ( had to use it up) and veg. Love zucchini at the moment. I’m getting a mandolin(slicer) to make the “spaghetti” with the zucchini. Lovely with mushroom strog.
    Lot’s of cool tea today. A bit warm for hot drinks here.

    Sad story about the guy dying! Seems like you are on a roll re your fasting! Keep up the good work.

    Tue 3rd Feb.
    Hi Stef, yes so tragic. It makes me think twice now about stepping outside during a storm. Hubby and I are real storm gazers!
    Yeah, the fasting is so easy, now. Second nature ๐Ÿ™‚
    I still get a bit hungry some days, but mostly just cruise through. It’s being organised, I suppose. Having everything ready, including cooking a bit more for hubby the day before, so he can just heat up leftovers.
    Having a few pieces of fruit today, love stone fruit! I find I get a bit more hungry after eating it, though, so I tend to avoid it on FDs.

    Well done Lindanaf! Being half way there is fantastic! I think that a person’s start weight and their goals is all relative to them and no matter if others think they’d love to be your starting weight, it’s what you feel comfortable at that counts.

    I’m 5’2″….158 cam and my goal weight is 60 kgs….when I say that people think it’s a bit low, but I’ve been 55 kg before and loved how I looked and felt then,but my goal is still 60.

    I too started in September and have lost 10 kg…..5:2 start weight 83.6 current 73.6…so I have a bit to go yet, but I’m finding the 5:2 just so much easier than anything else I’ve tried. And considering I was 90 kg in January last year, I’m pretty happy.

    Keep up the good work! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Congratulations Lindanaf! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’m the same height as Foxy and aiming for 60kg.I am currently 64.kg . I need to lose 2kg to be in healthy BMI.

    I started in September (as well) at 72.7kg. Lost 8kg.

    Two years ago my weight was 89kg .

    I feel uncomfortable mentioning my weight as most people see my low weight and think that I don’t have any problems.But as I am short and petite frame anything over 60kg doesn’t carry well on me. It good to find similar size people to relate to.
    Thanks for listening!

    What you have shared gives me encouragement Vegie because I am currently just 1 kilo above your starting weight. You have lost 8kg in the same time as I’ve lost my first 10, which means I can do it too even though I now have less to lose….hope that makes sense! I worry sometimes that the lower I get the harder it might be.

    You make total sense Foxy! You can definitely do it!

    I get inspired by so many people on 5:2.

    I am starting to wonder what maintaining will be like on 5:2(something I thought would never be possible 2 years ago!)

    Hi (again!) Foxy and Vegie ๐Ÿ™‚ You guys are really going well. 8 and 10 kg is awesome! I slowed at Christmas and took a bit to get back to pre Christmas weight. Lost a bit and this week sts. There’s always next week!
    I was around 50kg for years in my late teens and early thirties. That was a size 8! (oh to be….) I’m in my mid fifties now (years, that is) and would love to be around 56/58 kg. It’s very exciting to see people reaching goals. I think I can do it, too!
    Good luck guys ๐Ÿ™‚ We can do it!

    Food for thought Lindanaf….I think I read in 5:2 book that your body remembers the weight that you were in your 20s/30s. I was also around 50kg size 8 as well. But I wonder sometimes would I look too gaunt at that weight now.I remember wearing skirts with oversize pockets to counteract my lack of hips.After 5 children I dont have a lack of hips now.I like the curves!So I am aiming for 60kg and toned muscles…something to hold me together in my later years.Investing in my future!:)

    Friday 13th Feb.
    Unlucky for some, maybe, But we here have discovered 5:2!
    We, I reckon, are the luckiest peeps in the world!
    Today is weigh in … ho hum, I seem to be on the damned dreaded disgusting Plateau! ๐Ÿ™ Didn’t lose again this week, just stayed the same. Stuck on 63.
    But this little black duck ain’t giving up, no sir! I’ve been on here long enough to know that a plateau is just a hiccup. Annoying as it is.
    I am feeling smaller, though. I squeezed into a little size 10 skirt (in the local op shop) and hopefully will slip into it in a few more weeks, that’s how confident I’m feeling now, because of 5:2.
    No fast today, enjoying some lovely fresh rock melon and home made yoghurt.
    I use Hansells natural Greek style, It’s soo creamy and yum! I alternate between the lite one and normal one, but much prefer the smooth texture of the full fat one.
    Hope to see the scales go down soon.
    Have a great weekend. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Sat 14th Feb.
    So today is Valentines Day!
    Happy St Valentines everyone ๐Ÿ™‚
    I might buy myself a bunch of flowers from Aldi, and a nice little box of yummy chocs (low cal, of course lol ) and have my own little celebration, because I’m loving the new me! Ha ha! Still a fair way to go, but it does feel good, and a little celebration here or there is good for the soul. Not necessarily chocolate every time, but it could be little things we like. A new lippy (if you are female!) or a new after shave for you men out there.
    Reaching goals is fun! Enjoy your journey!
    Have a Lovely day ๐Ÿ™‚

    Mon 16th Feb.
    Another fast day is upon us. Just munching on some freshly sprouted mung beans. I haven’t done them in years! so much nicer and fresher than store bought.7g = 1 calorie. So I’m not even going to bother weighing them! I rarely reach 500 cals on fast days, anyway.
    Discovered a lovely herbal tea a few days ago, Blooms Digestion. It has ginger, lemongrass, lemon myrtle and liquorice. Absolutely delish! Much better than plain old green tea.
    Lunch will be salad. Lettuce tomato, cucumber, onion and a 95g tin of Aldi tuna with tomato and onion (107cal for the tin). 138cal all up.
    Dinner is stir fry veg, zucchini, mushrooms, onion, carrot, and 140g piece of salmon, (salmon 280 cals) All good!
    Have a great day ๐Ÿ™‚

    Tue 17th Feb.
    Struggled a bit yesterday , for some reason. Just felt so tired, and wanted more food. But, didn’t give in, thank goodness! So today I’ll have some fruit, rockmelon and a mango. One mango left on the tree, thanks to the blooming possum! I don’t mind sharing …but he goes a bit too far!
    Had a sneaky look at the scales this morning, and 200g down. I do hope I have a little loss this week…it’s been a while! Wait till Friday to weigh again.
    Have a beaut day ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Wed 18th Feb.
    Well, went shopping straight from work today ( I work 5am till 9am) and felt really hungry! Not a good idea on an empty stomach. I bought a lovely cob of crusty bread, and had a slice with butter and a little cheese. It was yum! Not a fast day today, so we can enjoy the little pleasures of life like fresh bread and butter… what a wonderful wol/woe this 5:2 is!
    Bonza day all :}

    Fri 20th Feb.
    Well, yesterday was supposed to be a fast day… but hubby had a day off, and took me to lunch! (how could I refuse a lunch out ๐Ÿ™‚ )
    So weighed this morning , expecting a gain, and was surprised to see… same as last week and the week before, mind. Been stuck on 63 for weeks! though this week, after lunch out, was expected. Maybe I’ll fast today instead, and weigh again tomorrow.
    Hope everyone stays safe during the cyclone. Just very wet here on the Goldy.
    Keep dry ๐Ÿ™‚

    Going strong Linda – I love your positive outlook!

    I swing between feeling really glum by bed time on a fast night to content when I weigh myself in the morning and see I’ve lost another pound. I should really count myself lucky that I am able to lose consistently. I’ve averaged 2lb a week and haven’t yet reached the dreaded plateau but I hope when/if I do I’ll be able to carry it with the positivity you do!

    I am now over half way too… in 5 weeks that ain’t bad I guess. Like you I am small but that means there is nowhere to hide the extra weight!

    I’m still breastfeeding my 6 month old and now that I’m slimming down can see that some of my extra weight is probably boobs – happy to hang on to those!

    Start weight = 68kg
    Current weight = 61kg
    Goal weight = 56kg

    Yes great positive attitude Linda, I’m sure you will break through that 63 barrier soon. And when hubby asks you out for lunch it’s mandatory that you go!

    You are going so well littlewing, consistently losing 2lb a week is wonderful. Maybe the breastfeeding is helping? After my last child (25 years ago) I easily lost my excess weight from breastfeeding and eating healthily. Well done ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’ve lost a little more since my last post, sitting on 72.3 and am actually half way there too since I started 5:2.

    Sat 21st Feb.
    LittlWing, our goals are almost identical! You are doing really well, too.
    Had a reasonable fast day, didn’t eat much till dinner, as a meeting I went to at 11am went a lot longer, so no lunch.(growl, growl!)
    Had fish and stir fried veg for dinner, and being Friday ended up having a few reds. I weighed this morning ,and surprise! 62.9! I knew it would happen one day ๐Ÿ™‚
    Yes Foxy, you can’t knock back lunch out! Keep up the good work, you are doing well, too!
    Here’s to being a bit more than half way there, soon.
    Happy days ๐Ÿ™‚

    Foxy – it hadn’t occured to me that breastfeeding might be helping with the weight loss, there is lots of propaganda suggesting breastfeeding = weight loss but as it didn’t happen with my first child I was inclined to think it a myth… that being said I didn’t really attempt a healthy diet back then and didn’t this time either until starting 5:2 this time. I attributed my 2013 5:2 weight loss spectaculaaaaar to running a lot. Foxy and Little Wing – Jimi Hendrix fans?

    Linda – gotta make time for those reds…! My poison is g&t and can make that fairly low cal with diet tonic! Keep me updated on your progress, glad you finally beat that plateau. I think a relaxed attitude certainly helps.

    Happy weekend everyone! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thursday 26th,
    Wow, Feb is nearly over! I had it in my head ,when I first started 5:2 that losing half a kilo a week …I’d reach my goal around Feb or March. But it is pretty hard to lose consistently, so I’m not putting any time on it now. Having said that, though, I would like to reach my goal around Sep! That will be one year on 5:2 and my birthday. Fingers crossed.
    Fast day today, having veg soup which I made yesterday. I just love soup!! Summer or winter, it doesn’t matter.
    LittleWing…love g&t! I haven’t tried diet tonic yet though.
    Well, weigh in tomorrow…been pretty good this week, so hopefully…a little loss.
    Cheers all ๐Ÿ™‚

    Fri 27th Feb.
    G’day ๐Ÿ™‚ Well the diligence paid off. If only in a very small way, 200g down this week. I was actually quite pleased though when I focussed on those numbers in the semi darkness this morning. Getting a bit tired of seeing the same numbers!
    Really enjoyed the veg soup yesterday, still have some left , so maybe will have it for lunch. It’s such a great feeling knowing you can eat so many things and not stress about it!
    Enjoyed a couple of fruits this morning, too. Just Love fruit ๐Ÿ™‚
    Happy days ahead, and have a great weekend ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Sat 28th Feb.
    Last day of Feb!
    Went out for dinner last night, had a lovely curry and rice, and I thought I’d weigh again this morning , just to see the damage. What a surprise I got! I was .5 less than on Friday! I won’t count it though, I’ll keep it (hopefully) for next Friday weigh in. That seems to happen a lot, maybe the body is catching up to itself after a fast day…who knows.
    My friend is coming for the weekend, so we’ll probably ( definitely!) have a couple of vinos. Barby for dinner under the stars. All good. Fast day again on Monday, so no dramas. So nice to enjoy time with friends.
    Have a great weekend ๐Ÿ™‚

    Sipping on a g&t – still Friday night here! Down to 59kg so now two thirds of the way. Some fast days definitely easier than others but its all working so can’t complain! Wonder how much breastfeeding is helping the weight loss, baby boy on 3 meals a day now so beginning to wean him off ๐Ÿ™ will definitely miss the comfort I can provide him when he’s fully weaned. But also good to see my body becoming more ‘woman’ less ‘blob’. Wonder of childbirth is greeeeat but what it does for self-esteem and the old bod… not so great!

    Here’s to the weekend and 3 days til next fast whoop!

    Re baby… that said… I’d do it all again ๐Ÿ˜‰

    And Linda, a barby under the stars sounds so good, still waiting for the British Spring here, let alone Summer!!!

    Sun 1st March.
    Pinch and punch! What a beautiful morning! Blue sky and not a breeze. Magpies and wattle birds going off.
    LittleWing, I can’t get over your weight loss! You are going great guns!
    Could well be the breastfeeding, I know when I had my two babies, many ,many moons ago, I breastfed them till around 9 months (until the little teeth popped through) and I got my old body back pretty quick. It is a big stepping stone when you stop feeding them, I would say “one more, then I’ll stop…”
    Night time feeds are nice too, hard to let go of.
    Hopefully your Spring will soon be on it’s way ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi Lindanaf,
    As a newbie to this forum, I enjoyed reading your blog. It is very motivating, I’ll be a regular reader!

    Mon 2nd March.
    Today is fast day again. Veg soup on the menu, too easy ๐Ÿ™‚ I usually make a huge pot, then freeze small containers for later. Had a lovely weekend, my friend came to stay over and we went out shopping and had coffee. I would usually have a skinny cappuccino, but don’t worry any more, since being on 5:2. And we had a few white wines with cheese and bickies! So nice to be normal! Knowing you don’t have to feel guilty or stressed about a few odd calories. Just love 5:2 ๐Ÿ™‚
    Hello to you walkerlori, I hope you do well on this 5:2 way of life. It is a pretty simple way of losing weight! There is a lot of info on this site, and the tracker up the top is a very good tool. I like to see the little line zig zagging it’s way downwards.
    Have a great day, now ๐Ÿ™‚

    Fri 6th March.
    Food choices where pretty good this week. I still don’t count calories on non FD’s. Struggled a bit yesterday, as I hadn’t planned my day properly!!! Nearly caved in towards the end. But just soldiered on, with my cranky pants on.
    Today is weigh day, Yay! Had a small loss, 300g. Better down than up, and after having a few weeks with little movement, it feels good to be going down.
    I feel like I’m still fasting tody, only had a nectarine this morning. Have to remedy that soon. A piece of toast with cheese and tomato maybe…mmm…sounds good ๐Ÿ™‚
    Hope everyone did well this week, if not, don’t worry, there is always next week. This is a way of life now, so don’t be worried if things go a bit slow sometimes.
    Out for dinner tonight with a couple of sav blancs.
    Happy days ๐Ÿ™‚

    Just wondering…
    I checked my TDEE this morning, while doing my tracker. It said BMR was just under 1400 (1367) I’m thinking 500cals might be too much for fast day!
    So, this week, I’m going to try doing 350 cals on FD’s.
    Better have some diet jelly and veg soup organised this week. Didn’t enjoy Thursday’s un organised feeling at all!
    Shake it up a bit ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Hi Lindanaf:

    There certainly is no problem with eating fewer calories on your diet days. Many don’t eat any calories (water fast).

    But to clarify, the general rule is to eat 25% of your TDEE, not BMR. From a weight loss point of view, your BMR is irrelevant.

    Just checked. I wrote BMR by mistake. TDEE is 1367. BMR is 1139. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Monday 9th.
    Had a lovely weekend with bacon and egg for breaky both days. Barby under the stars, a few sav blancs. Now back to normality.
    Fast day has been pretty easy today. Went to see a movie after work, so was distracted from hunger. Had water and two sugar free sweeties ๐Ÿ™‚ They help!
    I made a nice soup with 1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 zucchini, some celery,4 mushrooms, 1 400g can tomatoes, 1 stock cube and a cup of water and a teaspoon of paprika. The whole thing came to 216 cals. So that is lunch and dinner. Trying out eating closer to 350 cals on FD to see if it makes a difference with weight loss.
    Having some nice herbal tea, too. A bit of a mixture of Hawthorn, green and oolong. I try to drink green tea as it’s supposed to be good for you , but don’t like it very much! So I disguise it.
    Hope everyone is having a good day,
    Cheers all, ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thurs 12th.
    Fast day today. So far so good. Had two coffees and lots of water. I “feel” I’ve lost a bit this week, I get a light feeling, hard to explain. Tomorrow the scales will be the judge. A pair of smaller shorts I picked up at the op shop, will be going back! They are now too big! So even if the scales don’t move, I know something else has ๐Ÿ™‚
    Today I’m having salad, and some left over roast chock. No skin of coarse.
    And the herbal teas will be flowing shortly, as soon as I’m of this “time” machine.( I spend way too much time on here!)
    Just think, this time next year we’ll all be a lot smaller! Better than procrastinating and being bigger this time next year. Sometimes it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you don’t start walking in the right direction…you just won’t see it!
    Have a wonderful day peeps, and keep on keeping on ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hey Linda! Hope your fast day has gone well and you’re looking forward to another bbq under the stars this weekend!

    I fasted yesterday (Wednesday) instead of today as I had a kiddies party to go to this morning and knew it’d be nice to be able to nibble and socialise with food.

    I didn’t lose any weight the last 3 fasts despite staying closer to 350cals on the fast days but got on the scales this morning and have lost another 2lb! Down to 58.5 kg so getting so close to the 56kg goal! 11.5kg down whoop!

    Kept busy during yesterday’s fast with wedding dress making and an attention thirsty 7 month old!

    The sun is shining today, thanks for sending some over ๐Ÿ™‚

    Fri 13th…lucky for some ๐Ÿ™‚ (Again!)
    Thursday’s fast went very well, even if hubby doesn’t stop eating!! Had a nice big plate of stir fried veg, with a little oyster sauce to flavour it a bit. I’m glad I had made some diet jelly, รงos hubby decided to have desert, too!
    Anyway, I got on the scales this morning and could not believe my eyes…800g gone! I haven’t lost that much since the beginning of this woe/wol.
    Usually 100 or 300g here and there.
    Hi LittleWing, (still love your name, it reminds me of an American Indian ๐Ÿ™‚ )
    Its a bit tough when the scales don’t move, boy do I know, but it looks like something is happening for you again! Happy days ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope you enjoyed your day out with little ones. You are so close to your goal!!! You must be over the moon.
    I’m glad your weather is improving, a bit of sunshine is lovely. And yes, more barbies under the stars this weekend. Have to put the Aerogard on though…lots of mozzies.
    Have a great weekend, and enjoy your baby, they grow too quick!!

    13th is my birthday so lucky for me! Although today marks 5 months closer to my 30th – eek! Ah well, I’m ageing like a fine wine!

    The name Little Wing is my favourite Jimi Hendrix song – check it out if you don’t know it, its pretty special. Incidentally, its the song I’ll be walking down the aisle to in a couple of months ๐Ÿ™‚

    These men and their insatiable appetites… have you got one of these that struggles to put on weight as well?

    Congrats on the 800g, it will all add up and you can relax into weight loss whilst still enjoying lifes pleasures (blanket of stars, glass or 2 or 3 of plonk and charred meat, what could be better!)

    LittleWing, not familiar with the song, will have to check it out. Wow! turning thirty and getting married, all in one year! Busy times ahead ๐Ÿ™‚
    The weather here is lovely this time of year, though summer is just way too humid for me. We will be moving to Victoria in a couple of years, which is a lot cooler. It’s very beautiful down there, it reminds me of England. I was born in Egham, Surry.
    And yes, my hubby is skinny….Eats everything, drinks beer and still doesn’t change. He does work hard, though.
    Having lunch out today at a friends place. More food …more wine…back to fasting on Monday to redeem.
    Have a great Sunday ๐Ÿ™‚

    Mon 16th.
    Just got home from seeing a funny movie with my parents. Night at the museum 3. Now I am really hungry! only had a couple of coffees and a sugar free sweet, and some water, of course. Time to have a bit of salad I think.
    I googled the song , LittleWing, I recognised it, but never knew the name. Yes, it is a good song ๐Ÿ™‚
    Have a happy day guys, if you’re fasting, hang in there! If not, enjoy.
    Cheers ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi Linda
    Read you blog with interest and enjoyment! You are going so well! You too Littlewing….not far now to your goal, 11 kgs gone! Woo hoo!
    Yes Linda, it’s so nice to enjoy your non-fast days and feel like a regular person, not always on a diet. I love it, never count cals on those days and sometimes have a bit of the good/bad stuff, but that’s what it’s all about.

    I’ve lost a little more since last post down to 70.9 this morning. 70 is my next mini goal so looking forward to that. I’m hoping to be at goal, 60 kg, by September 16th as that is when I started. I then weighed 83.6….NEVER AGAIN!

    Fri 20th March.
    Another week gone. Making good food choices, still. It seems to come second nature these days. Still like to partake in “happy hour”, though, not as much as before!
    Yesterdays fast went ok. I seemed to be feeling a bit sick sometimes, after I had some herbal tea. I mixed up peppermint with oolong. Maybe a bit strong. Felt better after having some cold mineral water.
    Also, I didn’t eat anything till tea time, then had grilled chicken and salad. Boy did that go down a treat! I ate the skin, too ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
    Today I weighed and have lost 200g this week.
    I feel lighter every week! I even squeezed into a pair of size 10 jeans! ( I have been keeping them all for “one day” )
    Keep going, guys. Follow the yellow brick road Ha Ha!

    Hi Foxy ๐Ÿ™‚
    You certainly are going well!
    Quite a few years ago, I weighed 83 kg, also! I went to WW and took over a year to get to my then goal of 58. So it is doable. Only trouble was, not being able to maintain that loss, and WW was getting too expensive every week. 5:2 is soo much easier and a hell of a lot cheaper! And I agree…never again!!
    I started 5:2 in September also. 69kg. Today I’m 61.4 Happy happy!
    Cheers ๐Ÿ™‚

    Mon 23rd March.
    Fasting going well so far. Had a couple of coffees and a carrot. Went to see a movie today called Still Alice. Very sad movie about a lady just turned 50 with the onset of early Alzheimer’s disease. I know this fasting is supposed to great for your body and your mind, but I’m hoping it’s also good for keeping these diseases at bay. Wishful thinking…
    On a brighter note, I went to put on some slip on shoes I hadn’t worn in ages, and they where too biG! My feet were swimming in them! Looks like my little footsies are losing weight, too! Ha!
    So I think I’d better have a little tuna and salad, as I’m starting to feel a bit squeamish. Don’t want to get too hungry, as that’s when bad choices can take over.
    Take care of yourself on this wonderful Monday ๐Ÿ™‚

    Sat 28th March.
    Thursday ‘s fast went ok too. Though I feel I’m starting to struggle a bit. Especially when hubby comes home early and has his happy hour beer, and I’m drinking water and tea! Never mind, it’s just one day and tomorrow I can have…..whatever!
    Weighed in this week at bang on 61. That’s another 400g off.
    BMI is 26.1 .It was 29.1 when I started in Sep. I would like to see 24. It seems to just come down one point a week, very slow.
    My clothes are getting loose, and my uniform for work is very loose! Had to buy smaller shorts a few months ago, and now they are looking baggy!
    Gotta love 5:2 ๐Ÿ™‚
    Have a great weekend ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I didn’t fast on Thursday this week, as my grand kids had grandparents day at their school. Last year they had lovely scones with jam and cream! This year they had tiny little mini cakes, which was probably better…
    So Friday was fast day this week. Feels a bit strange doing it on Friday, but being a holiday, we didn’t go out to dinner, so all in all had a good fast.
    Was up a bit this week on the scales. Maybe weigh again tomorrow. I haven’t bought any Easter eggs…yet! But I do love Easter buns! I will definitely buy some today.(refuse to buy till Easter)
    Hopefully my little weight “blip” will go next week.
    Will be having a bit of indulgence over the next few days, and won’t be feeling at all guilty or sorry! ‘cos 5:2 is very forgiving ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Happy Easter to all ๐Ÿ™‚

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 74 total)

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