Hair loss and other complaints

This topic contains 11 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  Septikulum 9 months, 4 weeks ago.

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  • Hi,
    Have been on 5:2 intermittently for 6 months. Lost around 10kg and drop a size and a half or thereabouts.
    Any idea on the incidence of ‘shock to the body’ side effects?
    I have had some higher than usual hair loss, my periods have stopped since Feb ( 4 months), Have seen the doc and am now Vit D deficient.
    Don’t worry am seeing the doc for tests ect, although I am yet to admit to my dieting( why is it we think people will judge it to be a bad way to lose weight?)
    Anyone with similar issues?
    I am 39 and don’t have any obvious symptoms of early menopause.


    BarossaChick, I haven’t seen others complain of anything similar other than one person who had increased hair loss. I’m assuming your BMI is not below 18, that might stop someone’s periods. Vitamin D deficiency is apparently quite common these days. I’ve done 5:2 for more than 40 weeks now with only good effects. My own hair loss actually seems to have stopped. Hope you get everything sorted.

    Does anyone else find this diet makes you very black around the eyes? I’ve been doing it for 4-5 months now and noticed very dark circles round my eyes and in the corner of my eyes. Is this a known side effect of fasting? Or could it be a sign of something not right? I’ve got high cholesterol and I’m on Vitamin D tablets as my levels were low. Not had dark circles like that before..

    Hi angie1, I also suffer from dark circles but had not connected it with the diet (blamed my age) Certainly something to think about and watch. I know I don’t get enough calcium and Bitamin D so I have started to make my own yoghurt. Hope this will supply me with what I need.

    Hair loss — YES! This was a side affect for me. According to several Doctors and nutritionists I’ve consulted, my body responded to the fast (2/wk done by the book) as if I was in real trouble. It automatically shut down unnecessary functions — it denied my follicles what they needed and I suddenly saw (about 2 months into the diet) bald sections in the front of my head. The hair loss continued until I lost about 30-40% of my already thin hair. I stopped the diet and my hair is coming back (assisted by male Rogaine, biosil & biotin).

    I went on the diet to reduce my sugar level which was borderline high. I lost 6 lbs bringing me to 101 (I wasn’t heavy to begin with). My sugar level did drop so in that regards the diet worked. But losing hair was unacceptable. Now I’m trying to keep my weight at 101 w just improved eating habits.

    Also, this kind of diet can negatively affect muscle mass.

    “Also, this kind of diet can negatively affect muscle mass.”


    I am also experiencing hair loss and it started one week or so after starting the 5:2. Stop the fasting during vacations but still lossing hair. Will start on 6:1 in a week time for the health benefits only and will increase calory intake on the other days. Hope the hair starts growing back again. Did lose 3 kg on the 5:2 in a short period of time so I guess that was the reason.

    I think my whiskers might grow more slowly but I’m not sure as I never really thought about it before I started so I don’t really have a solid baseline. But it seems to me I can shave every other day and it’s ok whereas before I never thought of doing that (lazy though I am). I’ve had hair falling out for many years and I suppose that if my hair is growing more slowly, the result would be more thinning (I don’t have bald spots). It was thinning before I started, I’m sure of that, and it may have accelerated.

    Im Hypothyroid and suffered hairloss due to the thyroid condition. Ive noticed less hair in my hair brush since starting 5:2 3 weeks ago. as for losing muscle mass..not for me, I do an hours aerobics or treadmill everyday which keeps my muscles in shape. I think the people that are sufferering from hair loss must have another underlying condition or maybe they just don’t need to lose anymore weight..just a thought.

    I know it has been a long time since you posted this but I needed to respond that I have had identical symptoms. The front of my hair is thinning out and I can pick up several hairs every time I run my fingers through it. I am leaving hair all around the house. I have been doing 5:2 for six months now (have lost 20kgs) and my period also stopped within the first month. I am going to have some tests done to find out why my body has reacted this way.

    Update: I didn’t end up having tests but online research suggested that my hormones might be a bit skew-wiff. To test that theory I stopped fasting for a month, regained my period and stopped the hair loss. I returned to 5:2 mid-July but I’ve now started taking DHEA (25mg once a day)to try to balance the hormones. So far my hair loss is stable and the strange ‘allergic to my own hair’ feelings that I used to get while fasting, have subside, and I’ve lost 2.5kgs in the fortnight since returning to 5:2. It will be interesting to see if I get my August period and if everything stays settled. Fingers crossed I’ve found a solution for myself.

    I know how traumatizing it is to lose a lot of hair. I also had a receding hair line the sides and lost a lot of hair when I had anorexia. My doctor recommended to take the hair loss surgery ( ) from a clinic in Toronto as my condition was that worse. I just took the treatment along with six months of improved eating and nutritional status to improve the strength and volume of my hair. Hope you get everything sorted soon.

    I started 16:8 last year. I felt great to start out with. After about 6 month I started losing a lot of hair but thought it was normal hair loss and that it would pass. After a couple of months there was still no change and I was constantly tired. I didnt think it was the diet and went to the doctor. I was sure it was my thyroid. Tests came back and there was nothing wrong with me. I kept doing 16:8 for another 4 months and continued losing hair, had no energy and kept putting on more and more make up to try to cover up darkness around the eyes. Why I didnt realize earlier that it was the diet that caused the symptoms I dont know. Finally after being on the diet for a year I stopped and after a month I started to look and feel like the old me. So IF is not for everyone! By the way my husband had no side effects at all during this year.

    Been on 5 2 for almost 5 or 6 yrs. my wife says that my hair has started regrowing on top. Doctor says. Not likely. Usually my wife’s observations are bang on. I think hair has recovered a little.

    Today everyone is worrying about the hair fall and looking for a best solution. Here we have mentioned some common causes for hair loss early.

    Aging: Its common that after age of 30, people start losing hair.

    Lack of healthy diet: if you don’t take healthy diet that incorporates protein, zinc, iron etc then you will loss your hair.

    Hair styling: It is main factor of hair losing as for stylish and looking funky, you use shampoo, blow drying and brushing etc, In result, you may loss your hair.

    Hormonal Changes: Hormonal changes and imbalances can cause temporary hair loss.

    Scalp infection: Infections such as ringworm, can invade the hair and skin of your scalp, leading to hair loss. Once infections are treated, hair generally grows back.

    Congratulations on your weight loss; that’s quite an achievement! It sounds like you’ve experienced some significant changes, which can indeed sometimes lead to side effects like those you’re experiencing. Changes in diet and rapid weight loss can definitely shock the body in various ways, including hormonal imbalances that might affect your menstrual cycle and contribute to vitamin deficiencies. It’s great to hear that you are consulting with your doctor, as they can provide personalized advice and treatment.

    Regarding your hair loss, this can indeed be a consequence of dietary changes, especially if your diet might be lacking in certain nutrients essential for hair health. In addition to your medical consultations, you might consider assessing your overall nutrient intake. Sometimes, hair loss is also exacerbated by external factors like the hair care products you use. Harsh shampoos can strip moisture from your hair, making it dry and brittle, which can lead to increased breakage and loss.

    If you’re feeling self-conscious about your hair loss, using wigs could be a temporary solution to boost your confidence. Wigs can be styled and colored as you like, providing versatility and a fun way to experiment with different looks.

    For improving the health of your hair, I’d recommend reading up on effective ways to nourish and strengthen your hair. You might find the article How to Repair Damaged Hair Fast particularly helpful. It offers practical advice on restoring hair health using proper care techniques and products that can help mitigate damage and promote recovery. Here’s the link to check out more detailed suggestions: How to Repair Damaged Hair Fast.

    Make sure to discuss all aspects of your health and lifestyle, including your dieting strategy, with your doctor to ensure that your weight loss journey remains safe and healthy. Best of luck with your ongoing health and wellness journey!

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