Got through first day!

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Nika 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Hi I managed the first day ok and pleased with myself on getting started.
    Good luck to all the new starters and thanks everyone for all the support, it definitely helps.

    Hi mitches66 welcome and well done. It is not as difficult as some think is it?.
    Keep us posted on your progress and support the rest of us.
    Good luck.

    Thanks Couscous, how are you getting on?

    Hi Glad to hear you’ve had a good start, let us know how you’re getting on. All the best!

    Hi mitches66. I am doing well with my fast days, it has taken a long time to work out some issues that sometimes arise but because of so many good comments made by many posters I am able to more or less stick to my fast days.
    What I do find on some fast days is that even into the evening, having not eaten anything during the day I feel that I could possibly go calorie free until the next day. I think this is also a reflection as to how easy these fasts are. Having said that, I nearly came of the wagon just a couple of days ago but went to bed and avoided the temptation of an evening fast breaking glass of wine.
    Good luck.

    Mitches, congrats! What did you eat during the day ?

    Hey Mitch, happy to give the support where needed! You sound like you’re doing well though. Mind sharing a little more? Do you need to lose a lot, or are you already near your goal weight?

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