Good day today :)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  sandraking1 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hello,
    I started the 5:2 last week but didnt do too well on my 2nd day, however today has been good. I am waiting for my book to arrive from Amazon, fingers crossed for tomorrow. 🙂
    Does it recommend that you exercise on this diet? I am thinking of joining a gym too.
    Sandra. x

    Exercise is good. Do whatever you normally would do. Most people unaffected by exercising while fasting. I’m not, but I’m not doing extreme workouts either.

    Hi,I started last Thursday did Thursday n Friday and I’ve done today. I am desperate to loose some weight got a nasty RA so knees are absolute grief! What I noticed though is today I only ate 1 light meal at dinner save for half a grapefruit at 11 and 2 cups of tea at 11 and 3. To me a light breakfast just makes me ‘peckish’. However, I note that even on anon fast day I am getting ‘careful’. Exercising is advisable according to the book. Apparently it makes you ‘burn fat’ not carbs, so go for it if you can. Just keep yourself well hydrated.

    Thanks, defo gonna join the gym. Got my book today. 🙂 Had stomach pains this afternoon i have noticed a few people have posted about pains. Hopefully they will go away!

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