Gonna try this diet for 4 month

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Gonna try this diet for 4 month

This topic contains -2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Glass_Of_Wine 3 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi all, I’m glass of wine from France 30-year-old
    I am super Skeptic about this diet but I’m going to give it a try and do things exactly by the book
    so ill update one time every end of month (because I know weight might fluctuate from time to time)- all in all – 4 updates (4 months)
    good luck to me and who ever on this diet

    starting weight: 90KG

    Best of luck Glass of Wine. I’ve been doing it for over 8 years so hopefully your scepticism will be unfounded.

    Starting Weight – 94.3kg
    Weight 6 months later – 77.6kg
    Present Weight – 81.0kg

    I’m a couple of kg heavier than I’d like to be (78.6kg is target) but I always seem to gain a few kilo’s from Christmas to Easter then lose it through spring and summer.

    Update: finishing tomorrow morning week #3, but I decided that ill check my weight only after 6 weeks or 8 weeks instead of 4 weeks, so that it will be the most accurate that it can be and also ill write exactly what I did…
    So update is on May 28 or June 11 so that who ever want to do this diet will know how much weight loss he can lose on 6/8 weeks of 4:3… see ya

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