Gone off CHOCOLATE!!! And SALT

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Gone off CHOCOLATE!!! And SALT

This topic contains 17 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  wiltldnrUSA 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi
    Have now completed 2nd week of 5:2 and 2 things which have always been my mainstay in eating , chocolate and salt, finding after first fast no longer craved chocolate and adding salt stopped after 2 nd fast. It’s my husband who noticed before me! I just didn’t give either a thought, has anyone else notice that the very foods they once craved , they no longer do? Is this as a result of the fasts? Or is it down to feeling in control for 2 days and not having to think too much about the 5 feast days , that both my demons have lost their charm? Shopping trips means chocolate and salty nibbles no longer jump into my trolley.
    Great forum, Thanks to Dr M &team to enlighting so many of us to this way of life, never thought I would get through day1, and never, never thought I would enjoy it so much.

    Absolutely! i used to binge on crisps, i could easily munch my way through 5 packets an evening, now i have maybe 3 packets a week, the same goes for other foods, i just seem to be making healthier choices without even thinking about it. this plan seems to have changed my relationship and attitude towards food, i still have a little of what i fancy including take away once a week and i never ever feel guilty any more.

    I totally agrees with you, its my attitude towards food ,the very first time in my 42yrs of dieting which has changed. I no longer snack, graze in fact I no longer eat in a daze looking for that high to kick in, especially chocolate, which I found myself eating , but not really enjoying it, to then sit and feel guilty, because it didn’t satisfy and then look for comfort carbs! ! I started this believing it wasn’t what I ate, even convinced myself I didn’t eat that much, selective snacks amnesia! Definitely a change in how I am looking at what I eat and wether I want it and more so I am enjoying cooking again , especially the wonderful satisfying recipes from the 5:2 recipe book. Don’t get me wrong I know there will be days when I will overeat , but now I know I can return to a fast day and if nothing else I have stop feeling guilty over food, hurrah.

    Goodness, it is happening to me too.I am no longer craving the chocolate.How did that happen?

    Hmm, would love to lose choc craving. I don’t have a LOT, but have tiny nibbles with hot coffee, dark choc. mmmm really could do with dumping the habit, as it is extra unnecessary calories, with every hot coffee.. . Hasn’t happened yet but your post is inspiring and maybe I need a more active approach! I.e not buy anymore! Also, had done 6 weeks of 5:2 then had to miss 4 weeks due to a combination of temp illness and intensive course away from home. Two weeks home again now and finding it VERY DIFFICULT to get back into it. Part of the problem is that hubbie was doing it with me before and doesn’t want to do it anymore. I had got to a point where it was feeling easier and now it feels almost impossible! Even choosing which days to do now more complicated.

    I hadn’t even realized that I had lost the craving until I read the post and thought about it. Not buying it certainly helps!I find that when I look at the calorie content and think of the exercise that I would have to do, just to stay the same….it isn’t worth a large bar…so I would have a small one.

    Maybe now isn’t the time. Perhaps take the pressure off yourself.

    Have you got Mimi’s recipe book? There are lots of yummy things to try. For me it is all about treating myself to something lovely on a fast day. I like fish, my boys don’t so I cook something that they like and I don’t much(like chilli/rice)on a fast day and I will have salmon with chilli flakes and salad with dressing.
    I fast on a Monday, purely because it’s after a Sunday roast and that seemed easier at the start and a Thursday.

    Have you got an item of clothing that you would like to get into?I need incentives.

    Thanks Annette, I am encouraged. Fasting today and watched the documentary online yesterday for extra motivation! Will try to kick the choc soon! Not much “stock” left and will resist buying any. Right now enjoying fizzy water with sliced lemon… haha.

    Hi Eyup,
    Don’t put any pressure on yourself….just see what happens.

    Plus I ran for 7 miles(a new runner)at the weekend which meant I had burned 800 calories, but 200g bar of chocolate is 1000 calories!Bit of a no brainer to choose a small bar when i do want one.

    You’re right! Thinking back I can’t remember when I last ate chocolate or crisps. Used to eat them everyday! Don’t eat cheese or French fries anymore either. Having left over veg in the fridge is so tempting! I had baked vine tomatoes with a veggie breakfast on a fast day and was dreaming all the next day about having same tomatoes on a slice of toast for breakfast the following day! Today I’ll be making an alternative to Waldorf salad from leftovers in the fridge too where I would’ve had a sandwich and crisps. I’ve bought some backlava and I honestly don’t know when I’m going to fit them in. Hope someone else in the house wants some. How fab!

    Hi Eyup,

    I really would like to watch the programme, where did you find it on line? I thought it went out last year
    On the TV.

    Hi Eyup,
    It’s that first piece of chocolate that you really need to avoid in my opinion, because if I have understood correctly, you get a sugar rush from that which is followed by insulin pouring into your system, which depletes your blood sugar and you then start craving more sugary carbs. It’s like a vicious cycle.
    Good luck!

    symba7 or anyone

    here is the full eat-fast-and-live-longer


    Just about my bed time. Have chocolate to eat in bed. Sorry folks but it is one of my weaknesses.
    My next fast day is Monday.
    Good luck out there.


    what chocolate do u eat on fastday?

    Hi” wiltldnr, basically I do not eat chocolate on my fast day but I am sorely tempted at times. Having been fasting since the end of Jan 13 I have got myself in a phsycological state of mind on a Monday and Wednesday so it is easier for me to stay focused. Not easy at times but is a way of life at the moment.
    By the way my I had giant chocolate buttons in bed last night, they were on a discounted offer in my local supermarket and I succumbed.
    By the way, for all you crisp and chocolate fans out there have you tried dipping your ridged salted crisps in melted chocolate?. Weird but it works for some.
    Good luck.


    didn’t know what buttons were. looked it up on google.
    they look delish.

    i’m a type2diab. have not had any sweets since.
    if i could, i would have HERSHEY’S Symphony Milk Chocolate Bar Almond Toffee

    i read recently that u can have sweets. will have 2 research that. that will be nice to incorporate on nonfastdays

    Hi wiltldnrUSA, sorry about your type2, that is one of the reasons I am on the 5:2., to prevent myself getting it.
    Your comments have reminded me that over here we can get diabetic friendly sweets and chocolate. I have never tasted them but it may be a way for “fasters” to have a little bit of a treat.
    Last night I enjoyed a Chunky KitKat bar of chocolate in bed. Sad isnt it?.
    Good luck

    it is not sad if you can enjoy it
    that is the purpose of life

    i was a very healthy eater b4 being type2diab. whole grain veg fish chicken etc, stevia, not in whole family, sweets once and a while.

    gained weight anyway.

    it is mainly caused by not enough sleep and stress so far is the conclusion on type2 as i have been informed by reading.

    as long as u r stress free & sleep well, enjoy ur kitkat (that was 1 of my faves and twix bars) yummmmmmmmmmm

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