Going on vacation soon

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Going on vacation soon

This topic contains 23 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  dimples0523 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi, I started the Fast Diet on August 28th and at the end of this month I’m going on a cruise. I’m not going to fast while on the cruise, but of course will pick it back up again the next week I’m back. Anyone else out there been on vacations like this and didn’t fast? Did you gain back your weight lost? Any suggestions?

    Hi dimples, I recently had a fortnight in Spain where I did nothing but lie on my backside, read, dip in the pool, eat and drink. I certainly did not fast. On my return I had put on two pounds, which was less than I’d feared. I fasted the day after I got back and have stuck to the 5:2 routine ever since. Those two pounds have gone again, thankfully! So, I’ve learnt that holidays aren’t to be feared, yes you will put weight on but it will come back off again once you’re back in the saddle. Where are you going on your cruise, by the way?

    Thanks StephB. I am going on a cruise to Bermuda for a week. I can’t wait! I know with Labor Day I gained back about 4 pounds and don’t know that I lose them all, so I was a little concerned. Spain sounds wonderful!! Glad you enjoyed it!! Thanks for responding!

    Ooooh, Bermuda, how lovely! Enjoy!

    Thank You!! I hope I don’t get caught in the triangle

    Hi dimples, I spent 3 weeks in the US visiting family and didn’t fast at all. When we got back I couldn’t believe it but my weight was the same as when we left. I really don’t understand it because a couple of times since starting 5:2 (in April) I managed to put on 2 lbs just over a weekend…. There are several posts on this topic here, seems that most people are surprised that their gain was minimal and gone quickly.
    Enjoy your cruise and don’t step on the scale the minute you get back home :)! If you gain a little you know how to get rid of it. Have a great time and let us know how it went!

    fastinginberlin – thanks. That would be my first thought, to get right on the scale the moment I got home, or at least the next day. Thanks. I didn’t see any other posts on vacations, maybe I didn’t look far enough on here. Thanks!!

    bermuda the color of the water is dazzling

    what cruise boat?

    i think mine holland or norwegian it was great

    wish u a safe journey hassle-free w/ fun & relaxation

    & allot of no fasting 🙂

    Hi dimples, I found it for you – Lindyw “survived” 2 cruises since starting 5:2.
    Thought you may be interested in her experiences.


    Thanks!! Royal carribean ship I’m going on.

    that’s the one i did 2

    it eas greaaaaaaaaaaaate


    We went to France but we did fast and enjoyed our food much more as no guilt.

    ljc1011 Where were you in France? Did you enjoy it?

    How did you eat on the fastdays on your vacation? If you eat out I guess it is harder than if you fix the meals yourself. It would be nice to return from the vacation without a lot of extra pounds.

    We went to the Dordogne. Beautiful. We were new to the diet but we ate fish and salad on those days. Cut out breads, croissants and wine on those days too. The hardest day was walking around Sarlat and not eating all that place had to offer but we did. We bought fresh peaches and ate those they were amazing.

    hi everyone, ive had a total of 7 weeks off from fasting due to holidays, the beauty of this plan is you can just pick up from where you left off, leaving you to enjoy lifes little pleasures. xx

    Hi dimples
    I started 5:2 in May, had a 12 day cruise in July with a 6lb gain and another Sept 1st for 8 days with a 2lb gain.
    Yes I weighed myself on the first morning home (*rolls eyes)which was also going to be my fast day. Fortunately both times the added weight came off fairly quickly, and I was back in the zone.
    You will probably find, as I did, you will eat sensibly and not stuff yourself silly. Believe me I went through the menu – cheesecake, creme brulee, cocktails wine with each meal – just as a good cruiser does, just smaller portions and more walking etc.
    Bermuda sounds like heaven so remember to enjoy your cruise not worry about gaining weight. If you have room in your suitcase please can I jump in?

    Wow – Thanks everyone for your help!!

    I’m going to Hawaii next week for 2 weeks. I’m not fasting, but intend to fast the day I get back and get right back into 5:2 again. The forums have been very helpful to keep me from stressing about a break from the diet.

    Hi all, I just got back from Bermuda and only gained 2 pounds on my cruise. I didn’t diet, and I ate all I wanted to eat and drink, and sometimes I also ate and drank late at night. I was surprised to see that I only gained 2 pounds on the scale this morning. I started today off with fasting to get right back on track with it! Thanks everyone for your comments.

    Hi all – I fasted yesterday and today lost the 2 pounds I had gained in vacation!! Very happy here!!!

    Welcome back dimples! That’s great news, you just got back and your weight is the same as when you left. Cruise ships are known for “masting” their passangers round the clock. I wish someone could explain how this works, fasting must bring on some profound changes in our metabolism. Anyhow, very happy for you, hope you had a great vacation 🙂

    Thanks fastinginberlin – had an awesome time!!!

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