Going from 5:2 to Maintenance to Pregnancy?

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Going from 5:2 to Maintenance to Pregnancy?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  LJoyce 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • I’m still just starting my 5:2 journey and WOL, but I know that eventually I will get to my goal weight and will move into maintenance – and yes I’ve read a lot of the threads on Weight Maintenance so I feel rather well prepared for it – but my question is more about moving from a 5:2 WOL to not fasting at all due to a pregnancy?

    A little back story to help – my goal is to lose weight and be securely in my BMI “normal” zone before attempting to get pregnant with baby #2. With baby #1 I was right on the normal/overweight line, enough so that it really made my pregnancy diet (and allowed weight gain) to be very strict and I ended up developing gestational diabetes. This time I want to get well into the normal zone so that I won’t have to be a strict and I can hopefully have a healthier pregnancy (and no GD). However I know that getting pregnant may take some time so I also know that once I reach my goal weight I will be in maintenance mode until I do eventually get that Big Fat Positive.

    I guess my question is have any of you gone from using 5:2 to being pregnant (or having to stop fasting for any other reason) and how did that go for you? I am about 2 weeks in and I am really loving this WOL and this fits so much better with my lifestyle. I’m just wondering about the adjustment to go from fasting (which I was able to fall into really easily) to not fasting after your body has adjusted to a 5:2 lifestyle after several months?

    Hi jessyoursize,

    I haven’t done the transition into no fasting and pregnancy, but there is a tool that I use every day that can give you some of the fasting benefits without actually fasting.

    It is commonly called an eating window. It involves a limit on the hours per day that you eat but not a restriction in the calories or foods that you eat. I’m in maintenance now and although I still do 1-2 FDs per week I also impose an eating window every day. I don’t eat after dinner – so no evening snacking at all and I don’t eat early in the morning – preferably not before 11am. Most days this gives me an unbroken 16 hour period of fasting. This is long enough to give your body some of the benefits of fasting. Most days I eat a normal amount of calories from approx 11am to 7pm. I don’t know how this would impact pregnancy or breastfeeding and would require more research. I just thought I’d provide it as an option to consider.

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