Goal: 62kg

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  • Hi Team πŸ™‚
    I thought I would follow in other’s footsteps and create my own topic to help keep me on track. I haven’t had a very successful last few days to say the least, so am doing something to help me tomorrow (which is going to be a gluten free fast day – no excuses, no ‘oopsies’!!)!

    My goal is 62kg. I think. That’s the number I am aiming for for now anyway, and while the idea of actually weighing that much and staying there is hard to imagine, I now know that I have a way to get there. Even if it is slow and steady and up and down and I hit the odd pothole along the way.

    I started at 69.6kg, I was 67 after 4 weeks, and am about 66 now. 66.6 is the number that has shown most consistently on the scales over the years, so it’s nice to be back there, and under even, especially once I move a bit further away from it!

    So, I am committing to Fast days tomorrow and either Saturday or Sunday. Next week I will do three days, aiming for Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Ideally I can fast this coming Saturday as I don’t super fancy two days in a row! I then go on holiday and will try and fit the odd fast day in where it doesn’t impact on life too much. It will be good when I’m in Iceland where everything is so expensive – I can just not eat a few days! hehe.

    On Saturday I see my boyfriend for the first time in 6 months! EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!


    Hi there!
    Sounds like a realistic plan and well done and congratulations on having lost already nearly 3 kgs!

    I think if you stick to 5:2 and occasionally 4:3 you will loose the pounds as long as you don’t go overboard on non-fasting days.

    Iceland is high on my to do list and I envy you! You must be looking forward to see your boyfriend again after such a long time.

    Enjoy your holiday and keep us posted. Good luck with fasting!

    Thanks Stef!
    Realistic is definitely what I’m going for! I’m having a bit of trouble at the moment of binging on fast days, which I am NOT enjoying and will be very pleased not to do it on my next normal day! So yes, the weight will keep coming off as long as I don’t eat as much as I did today on my normal days.

    Yeah I’m pretty excited about Iceland (not as excited about seeing my bf though πŸ˜€ :D)! It’s another country I am visiting this year where I hadn’t imagined myself going (India, Singapore, Morrocco and Greece being the others). Somehow they just seemed a bit ‘exotic’! haha. Funny how preconceptions change when somewhere is just a few hours flying away. I also thought that it didn’t get cold in Spain. HA is what I will say to that one!!!

    Onwards and downwards!

    Hehe… So not so excited to see your boyfriend… Well…I hope it goes well nevertheless…

    I have started to read Michael’s book and was very surprised when he stated that treats are allowed as long as you do not go overboard with your calorie intake. I loved to read this as I am dying for a bowl of ice cream here and there! I am very careful though not to take more calories in as my TDE allows me to.

    Anyhow best of luck with your trip and I hope it’s not going to be too difficult to see your boyfriend again πŸ˜‰


    Bahahaha, I completely miss-typed. I should have written ‘not as excited as I am about seeing my bf’. Promise that wasn’t a freudian slip!!! I am much, much, much more excited about seeing him than I am about seeing some ice and coloured lights in the sky ;p

    Icecream isnΒ΄t really my thing (luckily!! It’s nice there are some things I can easily ignore!!). Just everything that has flour in it. Bread, pasta, cookies cakes. LOL!! Anyway, lots of veges for me tomorrow so I better get excited about those too. Luckily I love aubergine, Yum!

    Hehe…good to know it was the other way around, the boyfriend came BEFORE Iceland!

    My problem is I LOVE pasta as well!

    Anyhow I have been a good girl…as off today I have now lost 5kg in four weeks! That is 11.023 lbs! I have to admit though that despite ice cream here and there, I do watch the calories. I have on my ipad the app “LoseIt!” and I log everything I eat and if in doubt on the more generous side, more disadvantagerous for me.

    Also beginning this week I do the 4:3 version, fasting Monday, Thursday and Saturday as I have just 3kg more to loose (goal 58kg) before going on maintenance 6:1

    Anyhow, apologies for distracting, I am just soo proud! Now back to you, have a safe and superb trip and tell us all about it upon your return!

    How many days, weeks will you be gone? Back for xmas, should you celebrate it?

    All the very best!

    Congratulations Stef!! What a fantastic loss – so you should be proud!!! And only 3kg more to go won’t take you long!!
    I’m pretty proud that I have just inspired my first person to give it a go. Losing 3-4kg while getting much fitter and stronger means it looks like more, so people are telling me (I can never really see it, so I’ll lap up the compliments, thanks!!).
    I was watching my calories on eating days too, but I just ended up thinking about food all the time. It was exhausting and so boring!! So, my weight loss will be slower but I’m ok with that πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Although, I wouldn’t complain if I managed to keep myself inline on my next normal days to give myself a headstart heading into the holiday!!
    My problem recently has been turron, an amazingly delicious Christmas tread in Spain. Made with almonds, honey and sugar, all ground up into a fantastic bar of the most wonderful texture,it is absolutely devine, and way too easy for me to eat!! At least it is gluten free…?!
    Christmas will be in London – I have cousins and a friend there, and my bf’s patents will come to see us too, and then he goes home (sad face!!!) and I go to Iceland. I leave Madrid on the 14th Dec and get back on the 10 Jan πŸ˜€

    Bring on the next 3kg (I’ll be pretty happy by then too :D)!!

    5/12/2013: success. Phew. Looking forward to waking up tomorrow and feeling great.
    250 cal today, 1:05 run including up and down my favourite flight of 80 stairs a few times. Thumbs up.

    Hehe, yes the Spaniards have very nice treats! Half of my family is Spanish and they live in Madrid. I will be seeing them in January and usually that means a lot of paellas! Not exactly fasting!

    Xmas in London? I used to live in London for 18 years until I finally moved to Vancouver in 2008. I still go there every two months because I still have business to do there.

    London at Christmas is beautiful! I love the way they decorate the streets. The only bummer is that most of the houses in London a very badly insulated and it can get freezing cold.

    Congratulations on convincing other people to follow this new way of life! I find the 5:2 diet very easy to explain as it makes so much sense even for people who do not need or want to lose much weight. It just makes sense that if you give your body a rest that it can repair itself. Even my husband who does not need to lose weight is interested in the 16:8 approach.

    Have fun in London! And in Iceland! What is home for your boyfriend? And where do you live? Seems to be hard to have a long distance relationship, but then… I have been there, done it…and it ended in a happy marriage that lasted now 22 years.

    Best of luck,

    Wow, what an interesting life you have! Travel wise at least! ΒΏHablas espaΓ±ol? Mmmm paella. Love!! Haha. Unfortunately the family I’m with at the moment doesn’t seem to do a lot of the geteveryonetogetherforfood thing often, so I’ve only had one here. And I’m too scared to get it from restaurants cos so far they’ve all been bland!
    Home for my bf and I is New Zealand, but I’m in Spain for around a year – I spent two months in La CoruΓ±a, then travelled for five weeks before coming to Madrid (Alcobendas) where I will be coming back to for at least some time after Iceland. He had already done his OE and has been super supportive of me doing mine. Even though things aren’t as fun without him!!
    Lovely to hear your long distance ended successfully! Hopefully our long distance will also end up long term πŸ˜€

    Well that sounds fantastic to spend a year in Europe! While I was still in London I met a fair amount of people from Australia and New Zealand who wanted to spend a year or couple of years abroad. Most of them though couldn’t wait to go home after a certain time. Funnily enough quite a few of them were my kids’ teachers.

    Anyhow I assume that you will use your time to see quite a few countries in Europe before you go back? Let us know how Iceland went!

    All the best

    Yes, it’s very common for kiwis and ozzies to do an OE! I’ve been to Singapore, Germany, Italy, Greece, Morrocco, the Netherlands, and Belgium so far this trip (as well as living in Spain of course), England and Iceland soon to be added, and might add France next year. Woohoo! Haha. It was hard leaving a full time job, my friends, family and boyfriend, but all for an amazing experience.

    5/12/2013: success. Phew. Looking forward to waking up tomorrow and feeling great.
    250 cal today, 1:05 run including up and down my favourite flight of 80 stairs a few times. Thumbs up.
    7/12/2013: success. I estimated my 500 cal today in the interests of being part of the family. A few pistachios, a persimmon, some wee GF cookies and a piece of homemade GF pizza. My first successful ‘I will do my best’ day – when I have tried before I have ended up ‘just having another’ until I’m too full. Yay this time! I didn’t eat until we got back from the movies at around 7 or 8. No exercise today. Doing a 17km hike in the mountains tomorrow.

    Hehe…looks like you are getting the hang of it re the new way of life! Little unasked advice though πŸ˜‰ be careful with estimations of calories…I was shell shocked to learn that my favourite cookies contain 50 calories EACH! I used to gooble them down like a handful of peanuts (not good either) and this way I accumulated tons of calories without even realising it.

    Great that you have seen so much in Europe already! I do a lot of travelling myself due to business and have seen a lot of this world, with the exception of NZ. One day I will make it down there- looks so close on the world map πŸ˜‰

    Talk soon

    50 calories each… the worst I’ve seen were cookies of 150 calories each, and I had like 20 of those on one of my binges last week. No wonder I gained a kg πŸ˜‰

    It’s interesting reading your back and forth banter! I’m also doing a year abroad, sadly the first half isn’t at all what I hoped – China sucks – but I really hope my second half year in New Zealand will save the year so to say.
    Jealous of you visiting the Netherlands 2B! I wanna be there as well!

    Nika, the worst is that one does not expect them to have so many calories. One munches along, or at least I do, without realizing that one puts more calories into the body than a whole dinner would be worth, which in my case usually follows right after πŸ˜‰

    Just had a huge feast (planned) with super bowl of ice cream (unplanned). So tomorrow is another fast day. (Unplanned)

    I have decided that if I go overboard with food I will just add another fast day that week and not beat myself up over it. As Michael writes in his book (or at least I believe he does), with alternate days fasting you do not have to stick to your TDE. Not that I want to do this long time though, but I have to say that the fasting days do not bother me the slightest.

    Anyhow, I am sorry to hear that China sucks. I have been there a couple of times in the past and I rather enjoyed my stays. The biggest issue for me was the air pollution, particularly in Shanghai.

    When are you leaving for NZ?

    Haha yeah I had a bag of mini Snicker bars Thursday, don’t even want to know what I munched up.

    You’re doing ADF? I was thinking about that for a while. May still give it a go at some point. Do you still eat on the fasting days? Or completely skip it?
    Problem for me is that I only eat one meal a day every day, which makes it almost impossible to eat my total TDEE (unless I eat a lot of bacon). I am eating carb free mostly (trying to, at least x) ) and there’s only so much veggies and meat you can stuff in your stomach (still not amounting to 2000 calories). So I tend to do 5:2, where I eat around 1300 on normal days and 0-500 on fast days.

    Anyway. Yeah I’m in Hangzhou. The air here is cleaner (although I’m going to buy a mask today, it’s really bad lately), but practically no-one speaks English. That’s the biggest issue, I can’t go out to eat, take a taxi without printing out the address beforehand and, most importantly, have almost no social contact (besides the internet).
    I was in Hong Kong recently (check out my Nudgin’ Nika topic by the way) and I loved it, could just go to a restaurant and THEY’D KNOW WHAT I WAS TRYING TO SAY. I’m a bit terrified of when my parents come to visit, they’re staying 9 nights and I have no idea how I’m going to feed them. x) Would love to take them out to dinner, there are tons of restaurants around, but… I frigging can’t.

    Very good advice it is too stef!I normally weigh everything (only on fast days now, 6 or so weeks was enough of weighing every day!) – zero estimating! But it was a situation where I preferred estimating over eating something different to everyone else. I had some chocolate sitting for ages because each piece was 70 cal and I didn’t want to enter it in myfitnesspal :p
    I’m doing 4:3 this week to get a headstart on the holiday. Although thinking about it, it will probably be easier for me to eat well while travelling as I can just buy good things and not have all the cookies that are so tempting here!!
    What works on fast days is being really clear on what I can eat if I am really not enjoying not eating – so today I have 500cal of veges and pork ready, but with the aim of not eating if I can mange not to. If I don’t have the food prepared I find myself ‘just having a little bit’ of something, and then carrying on over my 500.

    I had a nightmare night last night. After 6 hours of tramping, some uphill through knee deep snow, instead of coming home and going to bed, I ate, and ate, and ate. And then finished off with 1000cal at midnight. I have never done that before! So stupid. Feeling like such an idiot today. Why didn’t I just go to bed so I could have woken up this morning feeling really fantastic?!

    Eurgh, I know I just need to let it go, it’s a fast day today so will feel better tomorrow. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. I don’t have much I want to lose. I’m already into my Chistmas goal jeans, and I’ll keep getting slowly smaller until the muffin top is gone. Slow and steady it goes. *sigh*

    Nika (that autocorrected to Nike – Just Do It sounds like a good slogan for you!) could you try sign language when your parents are there? Mime chicken / cow / pig and see what you get? Fun way to try new things without ending up with something you are averse to eating?

    @nika: Hangzhou… I have been there once and I nearly did not make it out of there. I got the time for the last train wrong and would have nearly missed it. That would’ve been fun…

    I am not strictly on the alternate day fasting but I play it by ear. If I have overindulged then the next day is a fast day. I do a mix of 5:2, 4:3, alternate fasting and 16:8 and so far it works very well for me.

    @Iwant: Hee hee… You did not want to enter it into your myfitnesspal… Why does this sound so familiar… I am guilty and I admit it! I have a whole bar of chocolate sitting on my desk waiting for me to open it… Well… It is Christmas isn’t it… Should I… Should I not…hmm… Today is a fasting day, but there is always tomorrow πŸ˜‰

    Soooo, have you been to Iceland? Are you there right now? How is it going?


    5/12/2013: success. Phew.
    250 cal today, 1:05 run.
    7/12/2013: success. I estimated my 500 cal today, eaten at around 7 or 8pm. No exercise today.
    9/12/2013: success. 400 cal. 50min exercise bike. Still feeling pretty blobby after overindulging yesterday πŸ™

    No I’m still in Spain Stef! I go to Iceland on the 31st. Still have the Canary Islands and London in between. Currently my friend and I are trying to find how to get around in Iceland. What a mission!!! Winter is not a good time to go it seems!!

    Congrats on keeping it up so nicely! What about the weight? Did you check on it? And…what did te boyfriend say about the “new you”?

    So you are going to iceland around New Year’s? That is going to be b….. cold! I hate cold! I wear long underwear from October ’til March and that is in Vancouver where we usually do not have snow!

    Say hello to Spain from me! Will be there in January- just for four days but that’s O.K.

    Talk soon

    The ‘new me’ is about the same size as I was before so, while I’m not sure he will notice anything physically, I’m pretty sure he will notice that I am less concerned about where my next meal is comIng from! Weight wise I have just been regaining lost ground unfortunately but feeling much better for having done so!

    Haven’t weighed as have had a few shocker days between my fast days so don’t want to know if I’ve put on weight :p

    Yes. Iceland will be cold, although not as cold as I expected. I’m taking lots of layers and am crossing my fingers that the lights come out!! Madrid is pretty cold these days :p I went to the wee gym where I live tonight and ended up not doing weights because the metal bars were too cold!! Haha.

    You are kidding? They gym is so cold that the metal bars are too cold to hold? I would ask for my money back!!!
    I would love to see the lights in Iceland!!! Yes, Madird can be very cold at this time of the year and even have snow. Unfortunately though as you might know by now the traffic tends to break down once this happens, but then…the same happens in London all the time. Don’t remember how many flights were cancelled over the years when I tried to make my way to Europe in December, but there were quite a few.
    Anyhow, perhaps best to let the scale “sleep” until you feel there might be a difference.
    I have now decided to just plot down the weight when I loose some πŸ˜‰ Look so much better πŸ™‚
    Talk soon

    “Nika (that autocorrected to Nike – Just Do It sounds like a good slogan for you!) could you try sign language when your parents are there? Mime chicken / cow / pig and see what you get? Fun way to try new things without ending up with something you are averse to eating?”

    Just Do It! Tomorrow.

    That’s a hilarious idea xD I’d probably not do it on my own, I’d feel ridiculous – but if there’s three of you it may just be funny! I know the words for rice and noodles, so I’ll just be saying “noodle noodle noodle” whilst flapping my arms like a chicken. See what happens.

    It’s quite cold here now as well, a few degrees above freezing. Thankfully the air cleared up a bit last night, it’s been really smoggy… was wearing one of those masks, but then I ripped it. x)

    I decided to weigh myself last Sunday even though I knew I had probably gained some weight. It was to me more to have a new starting point for the coming week… and to know what my 6 week goal was going to be. 9 kg in 6 weeks. Doable, right?

    5/12/2013: success. Phew.
    250 cal today, 1:05 run.
    7/12/2013: success. I estimated my 500 cal today, eaten at around 7 or 8pm. No exercise today.
    9/12/2013: success. 400 cal. 50min exercise bike.
    11/12/2013: hmmm, not a fail. I went over my 500 – was around 7-800, but I did all the damage at once, it was all gluten free, and I didn’t just carry on like I did the day before. And I went for an hour run, including 4x stairs double, hopping and high knees. So, not a fast day but certainly not a binge day at least.

    Stef the gym is just a room with some free weights, some broken weight machines and some cardio machines, in the complex where I am living – it’s free so I won’t make a fuss!! I went the next morning and the bars were still just as cold but I was a bit more motivated. On my run tonight I had to be careful of slippery frost and ice.

    The scales are indeed ‘sleeping’!- probably until I get back from holiday. Normally I do as you did nika and weigh just as a measuring point, but I just don’t want to this time!! I will be insanely jealous of your commitment when you have lost 9kg in 6 weeks! I don’t think I have ever even lost 1kg in a week… So as I don’t have proof I can do it, I keep proving that I can’t :p maybe I should set a goal one week to be really committed to losing an entire kg. committing for one week is much more achievable then when I have previously freaked air and decided I need to lose 5kg in 3 weeks, or even 5kg in 5 weeks. Something to think about in the new year πŸ™‚

    I lost 1kg this morning since Sunday ^^ So I hope to lose at least another .5kg before coming Sunday, so I keep on track towards my mini goal.
    Weekly goals are nice, it’s a lot easier to stay motivated one week at a time than for months in a row…

    I think 11/12 was not a fail at all! 7-800 calories is a bit over your allowance, but if they’re healthy foods, it’s fine for once.

    Iwant2Bincon, I have decided that each time when I weigh myself I will only note down when my weight has gone down, so the newest low. I leave out the spikes in between… It is perhaps a bit cheating but it’s good for my psyche πŸ˜‰

    Nika, wow, congrats on being so persistent!

    I agree on the weekly goals. They are much less big than big goals :p I even go down to daily goals – I will not eat gluten tomorrow! One day at a time can get me on a roll.

    I have heard of others doing that too Stef. It’s nice to focus on the positive! Not that there can be much negative with how successful you have been!

    I’m going back to calorie counting my eating days. While I still have weight to lose I need to stick with what works. Calorie counting means I more often only have one or a few of something if it is worth it. More thinking yes, but it will equal more success too.

    13/12/013: success. Had my game face on today. ‘You you are NOT going to eat now. Oooo, tummy rumbling. That’s a good thing, not a ‘my brain is about to pour out my ears’ sign (thanks to whoever contributed that!). DON’T EAT YET!’ Haha. I almost only had 50cal of chicken broth today, but felt nauseas after my 75min run, so ate some cheese and membrillo. So 300 for the day, 75 min of running. And seeing the boyfriend tomorrow!!! Boy am I excited!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    Hehe…I can feel it over the internet how excited you are about seeing your boyfriend! But then…I thought you two had met already last weekend? I seem to get all the dates wrong lately…side effect of my third fast day this week…

    I agree with calorie counting. When I started about 5 1/2 weeks ago I did not embark on the 5:2 woe right away. I started with calorie counting. I got the LoseIt! app for my ipad and there you put your start weight in, your goal weight and in how many weeks you would like to achieve this. It will then give you a daily calorie allowance but including the workout you have done. So more calories per day if you work out more. This worked actually very well, but then it is not something that I would like to continue for the rest of my days.

    I also stuck very much to 16:8 and I lost nicely weight. Now I am doing 4:3 and not so much calorie counting and I fear that at some occassions I actually went over my TDE. I have reached a little bit of a plateau right now and I am not sure whether it is of me touching on my TDE on non-fast days or whether it is just naturally, hence the 4:3 this week.

    Anyhow, small goals work! I just want to get under the 60kg mark this week and I am 400gr shy of it.

    Best of luck and have fun with your bf!

    “success. Had my game face on today. β€˜You you are NOT going to eat now. Oooo, tummy rumbling. That’s a good thing, ”

    Great way to focus and have your game face on!


    “Nika, wow, congrats on being so persistent!”

    Thanks Stef!! I want above and beyond that by the way, finding out I lost 2.6kg total last week… Not even sure how it happened, but it did!

    Happy holidays / fastdays everyone! ^^

    Hi team!
    Checking in having got back from holiday on Friday. Four weeks of traveling including Christmas so pretty happy to be about the same weight as when I left.

    66.7 yesterday, aiming to have a few successfull weeks to get moving again. Will check in once a week until I get to goal. It would be nice to be 63.something by then end of January! Possibly optimistic given my track record, but I’m good with challenges in every other area of my life!

    How are folks doing? Nika I remember you had a pretty exciting goal set – did you get there? And how are you Stef? Have you had your Madrid visit yet? You were on a roll too – reached your goal yet?

    My holiday was amazing – Iceland is now my favorite country outside of NZ. So, so beautiful, with fascinating landscapes and the sky always looking like it is sunrise or sunset (when there is light!). Saw the northern lights twice which was pretty fantastic. Can’t wait to go back for another visit!! The Canary Islands was also fantastic, as was Christmas in London with cousins and eatasmanyasyoulike Lindor chocolates. Oh, and the bf? Yay!! Bliss πŸ˜€

    Happy New Year to everyone!!

    Eurgh. Blurgh. Very much not in control for the past few days, completely undoing any gains (plus some) from the previous really successful days (focussing on what I was eating not so much how much, to try and ease back in after 5 weeks off!) . the win from the week was a really good amount of fairly high intensity exercise which I am trying to keep in mind so I’m not too hard on myself. At least I am doing the 50% I am good at doing! Although people do say that the exercise component is much less important πŸ™
    Anyway, so I’m committing to a two week gluten cleanse – avoiding it wherever possible. That, sugar and high carbohydrate foods. Along with fasting a couple of days (well, four days) hopefully that should get my insulin back in line and my weight going back in the direction I want it to!

    All the best everyone!!

    Oh, and I’m committing to a proper <500 cal fast day tomorrow. Happy Fasting Mondayites πŸ™‚ xx

    62 is my goal too.
    I started at 79.
    I am 74 now

    Same goal here, only my first day today but I’m motivated!

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