Giving Blood

This topic contains 11 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Iwillbe12st 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi

    Interesting experience last week. I plucked up courage (am needle phobic) and gave blood for the first time ever last Thursday.. I had done a fast on Tuesday but eaten well on Wednesday.. anyway I was fine immediately after giving my pint.. but a couple of hours later I crashed.. started yawning and feeling extremely tired and sleepy… and ended up going to bed early and then sleeping thro until about 1pm on Friday!!!

    I would have thought that a good day between fasting and giving blood would be enough.. has anyone else any experience of combinging IF and giving blood?

    I been a donor since I turned 18 (some 30 years ago) and currently donates every three months.

    After starting fasting I’ve done as you describe – giving blood on the morning after a normal day. I don’t think fasting have affected how I feel after the donation.

    However, in recent years I have started to feel less energetic on the day of giving blood e.g. after my last donation I went to a work out class in the evening which was tougher than normal. My Hg is slightly lower since starting the fast diet – I don’t know if it is related.

    Maybe your reaction was due to the stress of going through the procedure for the first time (?).


    I have done blood donation for more than 2 years regularly. Never had any problem like that. But I did not do 5:2 or any other form of fasting at that time.

    As a general rule one could assume that blood volume loss is replenished in the course of 24 hours. But I know people who crashed after blood donation hours later without fasting involved. So maybe giving blood is not meant for you.


    @drll: as you donate since many years. I would be interested if you replenish iron with tablets from time to time. May I ask if your systolic BP is on the lower end of normal like 110 or lower ?

    Thanks both… I failed to mention I managed to eat 2 quarter prime quarter pounders after donating blood too.. had a it of meat head on.. obviously a sign I needed red meat..

    I was wondering if you can over do the compensation too much red meat .. and whether that might have caused the crash too?

    I don’t think it was blood sugars as didn’t feel light headed or anything..and would imagine that would be an immediate effect after giving bloold.

    To be honest I don’t really understand what the effects of giving blood are in terms of nutrition and metabolism.


    @iwillbe12st: if you crash after blood donation its usually something about circulatory issues/low blood pressure caused by blood volume loss.

    So getting enough liquid (no booze !) on that day and avoid to much/heavy physical activity is recommended.

    I find that I have to drink a lot of water to compensate for the donated blood. Other than that, I eat normally.

    I don’t have enough hemoglobin to donate the day after a fast day, so I make sure I eat normally, donate and continue to eat normally.

    I have been donating for many years.

    Hi yes I am very cognisant of hydration.. and usually manage to swig several litres of strait water during a day so I don’t think it was a result of dyhdration / fluid loss.. (as well as being mindful not to drink too much caffeine!).

    They (NHS) tested my hemoglobin levels beforehand so I guess I was ok..

    I managed to get shot of my pint in about 5 mins so I don’t think I have low blood pressure either.. last time I had my blood pressure it was quite normal so unless .. is there any significance in how quickly or not you can get shot of the required pint?

    Neither did I do anythink particularly physically demanding.. sedentary office bod.. I didn’t do any of my fitness stuff that day either.

    I have never taken iron supplements. My Hb is between 9.6 (before fasting) and 8.8 (when fasting/excercise programme was most intense last year).

    BP is not measured routinely in the donation clinic. I had my blood pressure and ECG taking one month after the donation with the 8.8 Hg last year. I don’t remember the details (sorry) other than my GP saying that ‘all looks fine’

    Hi guys,

    I gave blood the other day which was due to be my ‘500 day’. I had to have extra biscuits and crisps (300cals) before they would let me give blood, because I was hungry.However, afterwards, I just had a little 200 cal meal. I did sleep in the afernoon!

    i don’t think htis is recommended. I think next time I will fix it to be a non-500 day!

    Hi team,

    When you give blood its roughly 10% of your bodies totally bloody supply. Dizziness is usually the result of less blood getting to the brain (that’s why they suggest lying back if you suddenly feel dizzy, to allow more blood to the brain.

    The guidance suggests you should eat plenty and drink lots on the 24hrs prior to you giving blood, no strenuous activity etc. So it seems if you can organise it that your fast days so that you’re not fasting on a blood day or after that would be ideal.

    Check out this guidance from the red cross on the subject

    Hi JC.. thanks for the link.. I thought I had drunk enough and eaten well.. but maybe I under estimated the nutritional requirements I needed..

    Luckily I never felt dizzy .. But I’ve pretty much concluded that the tiredness I felt (extreme yawning and having to use matchsticks to keep my eyes open) was something else .. possibly not sleeping as well as I might have up to donor session.

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