give up Les Mills?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  rockyromero 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi, I was wondering if I do the Fast Strength circuit for the recommended times I could, in theory, give up my 45 min to 55 min workout at Home DVD Les Mills pump which gradually it is becoming more of a chore. I guess I am asking, I will get the same health and strength benefits? Anyone else swapped their usual workout for Fast Strength?

    “Anyone else swapped their usual workout for Fast Strength?”

    I’m considering reversing the order of my workout. I have been doing my cardio first, followed by my strength training, then my HIIT sprints.

    By reversing this approach, I’m hoping to still complete all of it, but doing my most important components first.

    Let me know how your routine works for you?

    Thanks for replying. I guess I am going through a slump at the momment I have slowed down on all exercise hopefully after Easter I will have got back some enthusiasim for exercise. I will post if I do. 🙂

    @ fast52
    ” I guess I am going through a slump at the momment I have slowed down on all exercise ”

    There are no slumps, only inferior approaches.

    Find yours.

    I’m still discovering mine.

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