Gingernutbizkit Needs To Lose 8 Stone!!!!

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Gingernutbizkit Needs To Lose 8 Stone!!!!

This topic contains 24 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  Canada 1 year, 10 months ago.

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  • Hi all,

    Well, as the title says I need to lose around 8 stone. I’m not exactly sure of my final goal as I have been overweight since I was 9 yrs old. I guess I will know when I get there and it feels right. I have no desire to be ‘thin’ only slimmer and healthy.

    Over the years I have tried every diet under the sun. I was even a consultant for a leading slimming club (green or red anyone?. I had lost over 3 stone with them but in time it all went back on.

    In January this year I became interested in the concept of clean living or the real food diet. This was not about losing weight but instead about eating food that our bodies were designed to eat – natural instead of processed. This has significantly helped my IBS symptoms and food intolerances and for the first time in my life I am enjoying wholegrain instead of white. However it is not great for losing weight – butter, cream, homemade cakes, biscuits etc. I want to combine 5:2 with this principle so the plan is:

    Monday & Thursdays – fasting
    Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday – Real food days
    Saturday – Free Day (real food is great but I’m no saint!)

    First fasting day tomorrow. I’ve planned it out already with my wife (also joining me but unlikely to pop on here!) and I think we will be ok. The hardest part will be the fact that I am on a training course – I’m a bit nervous about the embarrassment of a rumbling tummy 🙂

    To motivate me I plan to use this forum to record how things are going and it would be lovely to have some advice/thoughts/general chat along the way.

    Onwards and downwards…..

    Ging x

    Just wanted to say good luck for your first fast. I have only been following the 5:2 for 6 weeks, but I’m already seeing results. Not only have I lost weight, I have so much more control around food…..amazing for me! I no longer feel ‘panicky’ if I have a rumbly tummy! In fact I quite like that empty feeling now.

    The fasts seem to get easier as the weeks go by. I really feel like my body has adapted well to this way of eating now.

    My Hubby and I started this together. I have lost 13lbs, and he has lost 1.5 stone! (he has a very physical job too though). We are loving it, and can’t believe how easy it is to follow.

    Lots of positive thoughts coming your way for tomorrow. Let us know how you get on.

    Thanks cupcake. I will update properly later but the first fast day has been ok but still quite hard. Stinking headache now and kids all due home in the next hour. Also, our new and fabulous chickens have decided that today is the day they are going to start laying eggs! Two lovely brown eggs greeted me first thing this morning and, no doubt, will be gobbled by the kids later. Oh well, at least I know what tomorrow’s breakfast will be!

    Ging x

    Good luck Ginger! It’s really hard to get yourself started so congrats on making a start! I have suffered from migraines and not eating is one of my triggers, so you have to let your body get used to the fasting- hope your headache goes away soon! I was kind of on the fence about the whole fasting thing and I came across this blog which helped me understand the benefits of it and it was really helpful for me! Check it out I’m sure you will learn from it! All the best!

    Day 1 (Monday – Fasting)

    8am: Cuppa
    11.15am: Banana
    2pm: Chicken salad, carrot sticks, melon and raspberries
    4pm: cuppa
    7.15pm: monkfish, potatoes and hm tomato sauce (chopped toms, celery, onion, herbs)

    I think I have drunk the equivalent of the River Thames in water today! Okay, maybe not quite but certainly a lot more than I would usually.

    I noticed that I started to get hungry at about 9.30am (my wife said the same) so tomorrow I’m going to experiment with having a big breakfast and then see how long I can last on it before the hunger pang start again. That might then tempt me to do a breakfast and dinner on my next fasting day (thurs).

    I also started to really flag at 4pm so I had a cuppa. This put me 10 cals over my 500 limit but I felt was worth it given that it was tea or biscuits!

    Overall though not too bad a day. Better than I have expected 🙂

    Ging x

    p.s thanks for the link Sam. A bit too tired and hungry to read it today but did have a glance over – some interesting stuff.

    Dear Gingernutt,

    Well done on starting today and wishing you good luck to keep going. I started a couple of weeks ago and have just done my fifth fasting day, it was the easiest so far, I definitely think it gets easier and the body gets used to it. I find it much easier not to eat anything til the evening as it seems the body does not seem to expect food so much and I did not get really burning hunger pangs. I did have a cup of tea at 4pm and that kept me going til 7.30. I found herbal tea is good as well as water when not eating as it seems to stave off the hunger better.

    All the best, Cressy Pardoe

    Sounds like you have done really well today. The first one is the hardest, and you’ve got through it.

    I don’t tend to have more than one meal when I fast. I just have a dinner at 5pm, as I find that if I have breakfast/lunch then it wakes up my ‘hunger monster’ and I want to eat more!

    I do tend to flag at about 3pm usually, and I’ll have a teaspoon of marmite in hot water, which helps alot. I also get through on herbal teas (lemon is nice) and that helps to keep me from feeling too hungry.

    Keeping busy is good too, as the day passes much more quickly, and you don’t have so much time to think about food!

    Good luck for your next fast.

    Thanks all.

    Day 2 – Tuesday (Real Food Day)

    Weight loss – 2lbs

    B: hm raisin loaf and butter
    L: hm burger and salad. Banana.
    S: hm raisin loaf
    D: egg and chips

    I woke up at 3am last night for the loo (must be all that water!) and felt really dizzy. I wasn’t particularly hungry though at breakfast time but ate as I was on my course all day. I wasn’t hungry until I ate my lunch at 2pm which is much later than usual. I thought my first feeding day would see me eating everything in sight but I honestly have not eaten that much really. Also not had any real sweet cravings which is unusual.
    Thursday will be my second fasting day but I will also be at home this time and close to the temptations of the kitchen. Hmm. Need to put some thought into how I manage that one!

    Ging x

    I usually find I am not hungry for breakfast the day after a fast. It’s really strange, as I go to bed planning what I will have to eat in the morning!

    I find it too hard to be at home on a fasting day, so I plan something to keep me really busy. I like to take my toddler out somewhere, and aim to be home just before my older two get back from school. Then it’s not too long until dinner!

    Keep busy and drink lots, it’s the only way 🙂

    Hi Ginge, well this is my first fast day and I’m hungry for my dinner in about 2hrs! Overall it hasn’t been as hard as I expected and reading people’s stories helps to motivate me a lot. I am looking forwards to keeping up with your healthier (and lighter) story. Good luck!

    Thanks Cupcake and Janie. Janie – hope your first day goes ok and you make it to dinner.

    Day 2 – Wednesday (Real Food Day)

    Weight loss – 4lbs

    B: Toast and Pate
    L: Pasta with pesto sauce
    D: hm chilli and salad.
    Dr: milk, fruit juice, water, tea

    I really haven’t felt much like eating today. I didn’t eat breakie until 11am or lunch until 2pm. I do however need to get a shop in as the past couple of days have been a bit devoid of fruit and veg!

    second fast tomorrow and I’ve planned a larger breakfast and smaller dinner. Not sure if this will work, but hopefully it will. Also allowed for 3 cups of tea and this was part of the problem on day 1!

    Hope you are all big losers!

    Ging x

    Day four today and so my second day of fasting. Soooo much easier than Monday 🙂

    I thought I would have a large breakfast and then no food until dinner but my lovely chickens scuppered this plan by not laying any eggs first thing! When they had laid at 10.30am I wasn’t really feeling the need for food despite having hunger pangs an hour earlier.

    So far I have had 2 cups of tea and lots of water. NO FOOD! and generally feeling fine. I even went and did my monthly food shop, stuck to the list and didn’t feel tempted at all. I have bought a packet soup to have when I di need something and then a ww meal and some veg for dinner. Also made sf jelly as it is only 16cals each and will be nice treat this evening.

    Also, I had last weighed the day after fasting (tues) so I weighed again this morning expecting to have put a bit back on and found I’d lost more – 6lbs off now in four days 🙂 🙂 🙂

    If it keeps going like this (yes, I know fluid loss in first week but I mean generally down hill) then this is by far the easiest thing I have every done.

    Ging x

    Hey I get really thirsty on fast days and I tear up mint leaves and pour hot water over it. Drink either hot (once its cooled a bit) or cold and its refreshing and calorie free!

    I was also surprised not to feel manically hungry at breakfast following fast day, but was happy experience this – think this might be the first diet I can stick to ever!

    Well done for your 6lbs (i’m not getting on the scales just yet) and good luck

    Good luck

    Hi Ging, Fast day 1 went ok and I was thrilled with my evening meal at 7pm and didn’t feel hungry again all evening! Had 1 cup of tea and went to bed at 11.30. Woke up and didn’t eat until 12 as I was not hungry. Haven’t got on scales at all yet but think I should as I know how good it feels to see the weight going down! Keep up the good work and congrats on your 6ib so far!

    Hi all,

    Went to a friend’s 50th last night and it was lovely to be able to eat and drink what I wanted. I was thinking this morning that on any other diet I would feel like all my food and drink last night had blown the diet and would probably give up. I’m enjoying my feeding day instead and using it to nurse a huge hangover.

    Next fast tomorrow and I will follow the pattern of not eating until late in the day as this seemed to work best for me. Tomorrow morning will also be my weekly weigh in day so I can see what my first week loss has really been.

    Ging x

    Let us know how you get on. Good luck.

    Yes, do let us know how you’re progressing 🙂

    Hi Ginge, hope you are still at it. Please let us know you first weigh-in. Expect to lose lots for a few weeks then probably plateau for a bit, but don’t give up. I started at 91kg aiming for 65kg (4 stone roughly) and after 20 weeks have lost 14kg by fasting (water only) 2 days a week, eating and drinking normally (wine every non-fast day) and not counting calories, and swimming 5 days a week. I have found, rather to my surprise, that I am actually eating less than before. I find that not eating during the fast is easier than all the small snacks, I think because your body stops expecting food and isn’t tantalised by caffeine or other triggers. For me, the food and alcohol free days give me energy and I believe this will be for life in some form (6:1 whatever). So keep at it! It’s getting colder here in Hobart (12c today and for the next week with wind and rain) but this winter will be the real test of keeping at it, at least in UK you are getting warmer (I think)


    Just read the whole thread and wishing you all the best luck in the world. You are doing great !

    Hi Gingernut

    I have about the same as you to lose – between 8 & 9 stone. I’m vicki from Hobart’s sister. I started on 01 June and have lost 3.5 kgs or 7.7lbs so far. I fast from after lunch Mondays and Thursdays to dinner the next day. In reality I usually have a big brunch about 11am and go to the next night, with a mid afternoon snack on the second day to see me through.

    Love to hear how you are going after the same period of time.

    Odille – 170cm – start 01 June 2013-115kg – current 111.5 – aim 65-70.

    Hi Ging! Great to hear you started so well 🙂 hope it’s still going ad well?

    I’ve been going 3 weeks now and lost 7lb… On two of the weeks I fell off the wagon though, I found temptation too much at home on a week off… I only did one fast day, and even then on one of them I had much more than 500 calories! But everyone will have a wobble, I’ve admitted that and I’m back to it now rather than being defeated 🙂 I have 6 stone to lose, and like you, nothing else has worked long term. I just have to keep reminding myself that the next day, I can have what I want.

    I’ve actually gone back to that slimming club you mentioned, I don’t really follow the plan, just the general idea (cook from scratch, lots of veg, lean meats etc) but the pressure of being weighed at group every week will keep me on track with my fast days… And they’re nice people! I still have everything I want on non fast
    Days… Red wine, pork belly, crisps. I just don’t tend to want as much.

    I’ve got a similar amount to lose, so I know it seems like an endless battle, it can be really depressing. But I really think this lifestyle is the best shot I’ve got, hope it works for you too.

    Well done so far, and if you do have a wobble, sweep it aside and plough on!!

    All the best x

    Hi all, this is my third day in, f/day again tomorrow which i’m strangely looking forward to 🙂 Yesterday started so well, by the end of dinner I still hadn’t had an urge to binge on sweet things…but then the dreaded boredom set in…. :-(…yep you’ve guessed it… 6 biscuits and half a pack of caramel nibbles later and I didn’t even enjoy them!!! What is the matter with me????………. I think i’m beyond help :-(…x

    Arbed01, you’re definitely not beyond help. Just get back on the wagon and don’t beat yourself up over a mistake. Maybe just don’t let yourself buy the products at the store. I haven’t let myself buy Pop-tarts(toaster pastries) since I started the 5:2 plan. They’re too tempting. Let yourself have a guilt-free treat on the non-fast days. You can do it! 🙂

    Gingernutbizkit – where are you? Can the admin of this site send an email of encouragement? Pat

    Hi Pat – this is what happens I think. I was so encouraged by Gingernutbizkit – on 13/7 (nearly a month ago) I hoped his first weigh-in would be encouraging. BUT the problem is so many people post once as they start and clog up the system (I sent a despairing email to JJ at system admin on 16 June saying now 312 ACTIVE TOPICS (149 with only 1 or 2 posts) Now (less than 1 month later) there are 578 ACTIVE TOPICS – it has become feral, people seem to post the first time they hear of the plan then go away and leave the system clogged up.

    Hello from Canada ..Day one today so we will see what happens

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