Getting used to being hungry – the benfits

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Getting used to being hungry – the benfits

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Lynette J 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • So I am becoming obsessed with the fast diet… mostly because I am struggling with it and don’t find it easy (even remotely) to be hungry… so I was talking to the podiatrist today (insert conversation about fibromyalgia and weight and chronic pain and blood sugar) and she was saying she thinks “fast diet is way to go because diets don’t work…and people don’t know how to be hungry… and once you get used to it your body will accept this is the way things are…” and she also talked about how she works with an endocrinologist at a foot clinic for people with diabetes…and how being overweight having evaluated blood sugar is so bad for you….it was very interesting and just what I needed to persist with this. I haven’t lost a tonn of weight (6 weeks in and we are looking at 4kgs down) but my blood sugar is now normal and I have REALLY adjusted my waist measurement…(down from 95cm to 87cm…which is like from ‘frightening to normal’) and I am hungry all the time (even on non fast days) but it is becoming normal and not something to fear – unlike getting diabetes etc which frankly scares me silly…I think this is just what I needed in terms of motivation …to hear a professional say “its a good thing’ She had quite a bit to say about ‘morbidly obese people’ and how they ‘fear’ being hungry and how unmanageable loosing weight sounds sometimes…it was all very very interesting… so I am going to persist.. the initial euphoria and happy mood has worn off but to hear someone talk about how devastating diabetes is etc… well why not try some more?… now if I can just figure out how to manage the constipation….

    Lucy I promise it keeps getting easier. Of course there are harder days but you do learn tricks that really help. Personally if I am out of the house, even just as far as the garden, I don’t have any problems. Hunger pangs pass quickly if busy and distracted. And maybe you need to pre prepare more low cal stuff like soups so that you don’t actually feel as hungry. I get by on coffee and water all day then enjoy most of my cals in the evening with the family. A small serve of whatever protein they are having and a massive pile of veggies or salad.

    I hear you, but it’s very early days if this is an ongoing lifestyle. I have been following 5:2 for 12 weeks now and every week gets easier. And if it’s just fear of diabetes that motivates you, then use that. If you have already normalised your blood sugar then that’s a huge step forward. If your blood sugar is raised, the sugar molecule does enormous damage to the tiny blood vessels in your eyes, your kidneys and your feet… Much better to keep it in a healthy range!. I have always believed fear is a great motivator! Good luck.
    Ps constipation is unpleasant but it’s not life threatening and you will eventually find your solution to that.

    I’m sure the podiatrist was VERY convincing about the risks of diabetes as losing your toes and/or feet is one of the worst side effects of badly managed diabetes and it’s not at all rare!!! If you’re seriously diabetic and you’re not really keeping an eye on and looking after your feet then your next visit to the hospital is likely to involve an amputation or two and the rest of your days in a wheelchair. There you go – if that doesn’t motivate you through the next hunger pang I don’t know what will 😉

    On the subject of hunger pangs. If you are finding them very bad, it might be worth looking at what you’re eating. Any carbs at any point in the day will make you crave more food (not really hunger but it feels like that until you get used to it), so if you’re going to eat something carby, make sure you do it just before you’re going to busy doing something far away from the biscuit tin. Try not too eat too many carbs late in the day either. If I have a big carb-heavy meal the night before I find hunger is FAR more present the next day (be it a fastday or not).

    Also, if you find that you wake up in the morning and aren’t DESPERATELY hungry for breakfast – skip it. This is by far the easiest way to deal with fastdays AND non-fastdays for me. I find that as long as I keep myself busy I’m no more hungry at lunchtime than I would have been had I had a bowl of cereal at 8am (as long as I’ve drunk plenty of water obviously). It also leaves you with far less of the day to fit in your fastday or non-fastday calorie allowance, making that one or two meals far more satisfying.

    As this is my first day on fasting .What I am doing is looking at the end goal .For myself it is getting into a size 12 again. As I have done the Weight Watchers diet before I am hoping I can stick to this one. As this one seems to be a lot easier.
    For myself I have started a weekly menu. Plus included the cals I should be taking.
    I have held back starting this due to getting fit. As I know I cannot cope with diet and exercise at the same time.
    Stick to it.

    Good luck

    Lynette j

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